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Derived DB Metadata and Modular SQL with CTE |
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Metadata and Reflection |
/meta/db-derived-cte |
Extended parsed and structured metadata is available for table columns (table_xinfo), foreign keys (foreign_key_list), and indices (index_list and index_xinfo) via respective pragma functions. However, none of these PRAGMAs provide database-wide information. index_xinfo returns index-specific metadata. The three other PRAGMAs return a list of columns (all columns or columns participating in foreign keys or indices, respectively) for a particular table. Retrieval of database-wide metadata tables requires a combination of base queries.
Consider the pragma_table_xinfo table-valued function, which takes either the target table name as a string (not an identifier!) or a column identifier. In the latter case, each column value should contain a table name, and this option permits the construction of a query collecting database-wide column information. The first query retrieves the list of database tables (tables), and the second query (columns) uses pragma_table_xinfo with the retrieved table list in its JOIN clause to produce a database-wide column set. A combination of the two via either the subquery construct or common table expressions (CTEs) results in a relatively simple query, but it is instructive to follow the CTEs route. Fig. 1 shows a schematic structure of the CTEs query (left panel), which includes two subqueries discussed above. The right panel shows the corresponding CTEs.
Fig. 1. Structure of the "Table Columns" Query
The combined query below consists of the two CTEs and the following main query (the placement of the columns query inside the WITH clause is intentional, and the first CREATE VIEW line can be disregarded).
<iframe id="TableColumnsHTML" width="100%" height="325" frameBorder="0" src=""> </iframe>table_name | cid | col_name | type | notnull | dflt_value | pk |
classes | 0 | class | TEXT | 1 | 1 | |
classes | 1 | super_class | TEXT | 1 | 0 | |
classes | 2 | class_name | TEXT | 0 | 0 | |
classes | 3 | wikipedia | INTEGER | 0 | 0 | |
classes_groups | 0 | class | TEXT | 1 | 1 | |
classes_groups | 1 | group_name | TEXT | 1 | 2 | |
classes_groups | 2 | super_group | TEXT | 1 | 0 |
Well-structured CTEs queries provide several advantages for designing complex queries, particularly in SQLite. On the one hand, individual WITH members are convenient building blocks, as illustrated later. On the other hand, CTEs enable several debugging options, such as the ability of the main query after the WITH clause to interrogate any WITH clause member. For instance, in the example above, the last line SELECT * FROM tables
verifies the output of the tables query.
The names of the WITH clause member query and its returned columns form the signature of that code block. This signature effectively constitutes an interblock interface, as it abstracts the member's code and is the only detail used by other members. This well-defined interblock coupling permits swapping a code block with another one having the same signature, such as a mock immediate query. The tables CTE above has the signature tables(table_name, sql), and the following mock replacement enables independent development of the two components.
tables(table_name, sql) AS (
VALUES ('sqlite_master', ''),
('sqlite_schema', '')
Additionally, given the output signature of the tables CTE and its semantics, it can now be reused as a code snippet.
Both pragma_foreign_key_list and pragma_index_list return tables containing a row for each unique (column, index/FK) combination. The Foreign Keys query starts with a copy of the table block. The columns block, however, needs adjustments to take into account the signature and semantics of the returned table (fkey_columns). Furthermore, for composite indices/FKs, one row is returned for each participating column. Often, it is more convenient to have one row per index/FK, meaning that an additional WITH block is necessary to collapse rows corresponding to the same composite index/FK, as shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Structure of the "Foreign Keys" Query
Note that the src (source) and dst (destination) prefixes refer to the child and parent sides of the foreign key relation, respectively. Also, the fkey_columns CTE must be ordered by composite component position (seq/fk_seq) within each foreign key (identified by the pair src_table, fk_id) before grouping in the next step. The standard approach to handling grouped column names is concatenation via the group_concat function to yield a CSV-like value. An alternative approach, shown in the foreign_keys CTE of the schematic, is to use the json_group_array function. The final query may look like this:
<iframe id="ForeignKeysHTML" width="100%" height="500" frameBorder="0" src=" Keys.html"> </iframe>src_table | src_cols | dst_table | dst_cols | on_update | on_delete | fk_id |
classes | ["super_class"] | c_sclasses | ["super_class"] | CASCADE | NO ACTION | 0 |
cgroups | ["class"] | classes | ["class"] | CASCADE | NO ACTION | 1 |
cgroups | ["gname","sgroup"] | groups | ["gname","sgroup"] | CASCADE | NO ACTION | 0 |
groups | ["sgroup"] | g_sgroups | ["sgroup"] | CASCADE | NO ACTION | 0 |
While the only structured source of foreign key metadata is pragma_foreign_key_list, index metadata comes from three sources:
- dedicated entries in the sqlite_master table (database-wide source);
- pragma_index_list function (table-wide source; it must be joined with the tables CTE (on table_name) to yield a database-wide source index_list);
- pragma_index_xinfo function (per index column information; it must be joined with index_list on index_name in the index_columns CTE).
After composite component columns in the index_columns CTE are collapsed, yielding the noddl_indices CTE, the latter is joined with sqlite_master (on index_name), appending the sql column and producing the final indices CTE. (A possibly more efficient approach to the last join is using the LEFT JOIN with a subset of index rows from sqlite_master having non-null sql field.)
<iframe id="IndicesHTML" width="100%" height="625" frameBorder="0" src=""> </iframe>table_name | index_name | col_names | unique | origin | partial | sql |
groups | idx_groups | ["sgroup"] | 0 | c | 0 | CREATE IND... |
classes_groups | idx_cgroups | ["gname","sgroup"] | 0 | c | 0 | CREATE IND... |
Although SQLite does not require indices on the child column(s) of foreign key relationships (as opposed to some other RDBMS), having them is a good practice. Therefore, it would be convenient to have a tool for verifying the presence of such indices. A straightforward approach is to take the lists of foreign keys and indices and match table names and indexed columns against foreign key's child columns. This approach does not account for possible explicit collations and ordering (both table and index definitions may include these attributes). A combination of these attributes may invalidate an otherwise suitable index. However, SQLite does not provide structured information on these attributes used in table definitions, making it necessary to parse DDL statements, which is a difficult task for pure SQL.
Criteria determining the suitability of a particular index differ slightly for simple and composite indices. For a single-column index, its column must be the same as the child column of a foreign key relationship (FKC column). For a composite index, its column vector must include the FKC column vector as its prefix (which also works for simple indices). For example, an index on (c.super_class,, c.subclass) is suitable for foreign keys on (c.super_class), (c.super_class,, and (c.super_class,, c.subclass). A query returning index information for FKC columns can be constructed using the CTEs sections from the indices and foreign key CTEs above. One approach uses these queries as view definitions, and their join produces the final result. Alternatively, the new query includes individual CTEs sections directly and the join query at the end, as schematically illustrated in Fig. 3 and the code snippet below.
Fig. 3. Structure of the "FKeys Child Indices" Query
<iframe id="FKeyChildIndicesHTML" width="100%" height="1050" frameBorder="0" src=" Child Indices.html"> </iframe>
Note that the tables CTE is a source for both foreign_keys and indices; the new query includes a single copy only before the rest of the copied code. An additional CTE (foreign_key_child_indices) at the end joins foreign_keys and indices using src_cols and col_names, respectively. The algorithm defining these columns makes it possible to use a simple string-based prefix matching for the join operation. There is one significant detail, however. If the group_concat function was used for src_cols/col_names construction, prefix matching could be applied directly. With json_group_array used, the foreign_key_child_indices code must remove the closing bracket on the src_cols term from the prefix matching pattern.