- Removed restrictions on which directives can be set, any key is allowed.
- Added interest-cohort to the documentation.
- Added support for interest-cohort policy.
- Change compilation target to ES6.
- Prettier configuration to auto format the code
- Usage of Readonly on the user configuration feeded into the PermissionsPolicy function.
- Usage of Record to declare the types of keys and objects when useful.
- Updated dependencies to their latest version.
- Fixed an issue in the unit tests.
- Features support empty arrays to indicate that the specific feature should be disable in every case.
- BREAKING-CHANGE Removed support for Node < 10.
- Fixed the readme typos.
- Initial release containing all the adaptations of the Feature Policy project to support the new
- If you're migrating from the Feature Policy repo make note that for now on the reserved keywords don't need to be quoted but the specific feature values must be.
- Added errors to safeguard the usage with the newest changes.
- Reviewed all the tests.