Rule names should be UpperCamelCase and label names should be lowerCamelCase.
- ⭐️ This rule is included in
preset.- ✒️ This rule will fix many, but not all errors.
Much like the ESlint rule of the same name, this rule is mostly looking for underscores that are not leading or trailing. Rule names should start with a capital, and label names should start with a lowercase. There are fixes available for rule names, but not yet for labels, as the fix would also need to modify action and semantic predicate code bodies.
👎 Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
// eslint @peggyjs/camelCase: "error"
foo = BAR:"bar"
// eslint @peggyjs/camelCase: "error"
Foo = bar_baz:"bar"
👍 Examples of correct code for this rule:
// eslint @peggyjs/camelCase: "error"
Foo = bar:"bar"
// eslint @peggyjs/camelCase: "error"
Foo = _ barBaz_:"bar"
_ = [ \t]