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chef-nginx Build Status


Installs the Nginx web server.


Supported Platforms

The following platforms are supported by this cookbook, meaning that the recipes should run on these platforms without error:

  • Ubuntu 12.04+
  • Debian 6.0.8+


  • apt Opscode LWRP Cookbook


  • Chef 11+


This cookbook requires Ruby 1.9+ and is tested against:

  • 2.0.0
  • 2.1.2


  • nginx - The default recipe which sets up the repository.
  • nginx::configuration - Internal recipe to setup the configuration files.
  • nginx::service - Internal recipe to setup the service definition.
  • nginx::server - Install and configure the nginx package.
  • nginx::debug - Install and configure the nginx-debug package.
  • nginx::enabledisablesite - Install enable and disable scripts for nginx sites.

Resources and Providers

This cookbook provides one resource with a corresponding provider


Manage virtual hosts - create, delete, enable and disable virtual host configurations


  • create - Create a virtual host configuration file.
  • delete - Delete a virtual host configuration file.
  • enable - Enable a virtual host configuration file.
  • disable - Disable a virtual host configuration file.

Attribute Parameters (only used with the create action):

  • listen - the ip address and/or port to listen to, defaults to '80'
  • host - server_name for the virtualhost, defaults to 'localhost'
  • root - the path to the site root folder, defaults to '/var/www'
  • index - the index files, in order of use, defaults to 'index.html index.htm'
  • location - basic location block configuration, defaults to 'try_files $uri $uri/'
  • phpfpm - inserts a basic php fpm handler for .php files if true, defaults to false
  • access_log - enable or disable the access log, defaults to true
  • custom_data - hash of extra data for any custom things you might throw into your override template, defaults to an empty hash
  • template_cookbook - allows you to override the template used with your own. Set this to your cookbook name and create a template named 'site.erb', defaults to 'nginx'
  • template_source - override for the name of the template from the default 'site.erb'


This cookbook installs the Nginx components if not present, and pulls updates if they are installed on the system. It also installs a nxensite and nxdissite script for enabling and disabling sites and provides a provider for creating and enabling/disabling nginx-sites.


Create a nginx virtual host configuration file in the sites-available folder

nginx_site "" do
  host ""
  root "/var/www/"

This would create a configuration file for and that points to /var/www/

nginx_site "" do
  action :enable

This would enable a previously created site named

nginx_site "" do
  host ""
  root "/var/www/"
  index "index.php index.html index.htm"
  location "try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string"
  phpfpm true
  action [:create, :enable]

This would create a php-fpm enabled virtual host (provided you have php-fpm installed) with a default rewrite to index.php and enable it

my_data = { 'env' => 'production' }

nginx_site "" do
  host ""
  root "/var/www/"
  custom_data my_data
  template_cookbook 'my_cookbook'
  template_source 'my.conf.erb'
  action [:create, :enable]

This would create a virtual host using your own custom template ´my.conf.erb´ in the cookbook ´my_cookbook´. The contents of ´my_data´ will be available in the template, thus writing ´@custom_data['environment']´ in your template will yield ´production´ in this example. And as with the previous examples :enable will make the site enabled.


default["nginx"]["dir"]        = "/etc/nginx"
default["nginx"]["log_dir"]    = "/var/log/nginx"
default["nginx"]["user"]       = "www-data"
default['nginx']["bin_dir"]    = "/usr/sbin"
default["nginx"]["binary"]     = "/usr/sbin/nginx"
default["nginx"]["pid_file"]   = "/var/run/"
default["nginx"]["version"]    = nil
default["nginx"]["package_name"] = "nginx"  # nginx[-light|full|extras]

default["nginx"]["log_format"] = <<-FORMAT
  '$remote_addr $host $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
  '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$gzip_ratio"'

default["nginx"]["daemon_disable"] = false

default["nginx"]["use_poll"] = true

default["nginx"]["gzip"]              = "on"
default["nginx"]["gzip_http_version"] = "1.0"
default["nginx"]["gzip_buffers"]      = "16 8k"
default["nginx"]["gzip_comp_level"]   = "2"
default["nginx"]["gzip_proxied"]      = "any"
default["nginx"]["gzip_vary"]         = "on"
default["nginx"]["gzip_min_length"]   = "0"
default["nginx"]["gzip_disable"]      = %q|"MSIE [1-6].(?!.*SV1)"|
default["nginx"]["gzip_types"]        = %w[
  text/css text/javascript text/xml text/plain text/x-component
  application/x-javascript application/javascript application/json
  application/xml application/rss+xml image/svg+xml
  font/truetype font/opentype application/

default["nginx"]["ignore_invalid_headers"]      = "on"
default["nginx"]["recursive_error_pages"]       = "on"
default["nginx"]["sendfile"]                    = "on"
default["nginx"]["server_name_in_redirect"]     = "off"
default["nginx"]["server_tokens"]               = "off"

default["nginx"]["buffers_enable"]              = false
default["nginx"]["client_body_temp_path"]       = "/var/spool/nginx-client-body 1 2"
default["nginx"]["client_body_buffer_size"]     = "8k"
default["nginx"]["client_header_buffer_size"]   = "1k"
default["nginx"]["client_max_body_size"]        = "1m"
default["nginx"]["large_client_header_buffers"] = "4 8k"

default["nginx"]["tcp_nopush"]  = "on"
default["nginx"]["tcp_nodelay"] = "off"

default["nginx"]["proxy_set_headers"] = [
  "X-Real-IP $remote_addr",
  "X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for",
  "Host $http_host"
default["nginx"]["proxy_redirect"] = "off"
default["nginx"]["proxy_max_temp_file_size"] = nil
default["nginx"]["proxy_read_timeout"] = nil

default["nginx"]["keepalive"]             = "on"
default["nginx"]["keepalive_timeout"]     = 65
default["nginx"]["send_timeout"]          = 5
default["nginx"]["client_header_timeout"] = 5
default["nginx"]["client_body_timeout"]   = 5

default["nginx"]["worker_processes"]   = node["cpu"]["total"]
default["nginx"]["worker_connections"] = node["cpu"]["total"].to_i * 1024
default["nginx"]["server_names_hash_bucket_size"] = 64

default["nginx"]["conf_files"] = %w[
  general buffers gzip logs performance proxy timeouts ssl_session

default["nginx"]["ssl_session_cache_enable"] = true
default["nginx"]["ssl_session_cache"]        = "shared:SSL:10m"
default["nginx"]["ssl_session_timeout"]      = "10m"

default["nginx"]["passenger_enable"]         = false
default["nginx"]["passenger_max_pool_size"]  = 6
default["nginx"]["passenger_pool_idle_time"] = 300

default["nginx"]["enable_stub_status"] = true
default["nginx"]["status_port"]        = 80

default["nginx"]["skip_default_site"]  = false

default["nginx"]["repository"] = "official"
default["nginx"]["repository_sources"] = {
  "official" => {
    "uri"          => "{node["platform"]}",
    "distribution" => node["lsb"]["codename"],
    "components"   => ["nginx"],
    "keyserver"    => nil,
    "key"          => "",
    "deb_src"      => false

  "ppa" => {
    "uri"          => "",
    "distribution" => node["lsb"]["codename"],
    "components"   => ["main"],
    "keyserver"    => "",
    "key"          => "C300EE8C",
    "deb_src"      => true,

  "phusion" => {
    "uri"          => "",
    "distribution" => node["lsb"]["codename"],
    "components"   => ["main"],
    "keyserver"    => "",
    "key"          => "561F9B9CAC40B2F7",
    "deb_src"      => true


Including, but not limited to ...

  • Fully support all of the standard Chef-supported distributions
  • Support additonal build configurations
  • Support additonal configuration file attributes


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Many thanks go to the following contributors who have helped to make this cookbook even better:

  • @jtimberman
    • add license file
    • set executable bit for directories
  • @dwradcliffe
    • add attribute for nginx status port
    • add attribute for nginx version
    • add option to use PPA repository instead of official nginx repository
    • make sure log directory exists
    • use correct path for mime.types file
  • @0rca
    • add skip_default_site attribute
  • @RichardWigley
    • add initial test-kitchen support
  • @arvidbjorkstrom
    • Provider for creating/deleting hosts configurations, enabling and disabling them
    • add custom_data attribute to the site LWRP
  • @perusio
    • Script for enabling and disabling sites, added and renamed by @arvidbjorkstrom
  • @morr
    • update mime.types to support web fonts correctly

