diff --git a/userscript.js b/userscript.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d1308a0..00000000
--- a/userscript.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-// ==UserScript==
-// @name PHP SDK Entity generator
-// @namespace php
-// @description Generates php class that can be used in SDK
-// @include https://start.exactonline.nl/docs/HlpRestAPIResourcesDetails.aspx?*
-// @version 1
-// @grant none
-// ==/UserScript==
-(function() {
- var instant_download = false;
- /** Add textarea to display php code **/
- // Push current content to the left.
- $('body > form').css('float', 'left');
- $('body > form').css('width', '50%');
- $('body > form').css('overflow', 'auto');
- // Add textarea to body, css might need some work.
- $('', {
- id : 'php_download',
- text: 'Download Code',
- style: 'margin: 10px; padding: 10px; color: white; background-color: red'
- }).appendTo('body');
- $('
- $('', {
- id : 'php',
- style: 'min-height:800px; width: 47%; margin-left:10px;'
- }).appendTo('body');
- /** Initialize variables **/
- var primarykey = 'ID';
- var data = {};
- // Fetch entity URL and strip '/api/v1/{division}/'
- var url = $('#serviceUri').text().replace(/^\/api\/v[0-9]\/[^/]+\//, '');
- var prefix = "";
- if($('#serviceUri').text().includes('/bulk/')){
- prefix = "Bulk";
- }
- // Last part after slash should be the (plural) class name without the query part
- var classname = prefix + url.replace(/.+\/(.+?)s?$/,'$1').replace(/\?.*/,'');
- var mapType = function(type) {
- switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
- case "guid":
- case "datetime":
- return "string";
- case "byte":
- case "int32":
- case "int16":
- return "int";
- case "double":
- return "float";
- case "boolean":
- return "bool";
- default:
- return type.toLowerCase()
- }
- }
- /** Fetch attribute information **/
- $('#referencetable tr input').each(function() {
- data[$(this).attr('name')] = {
- 'type' : $(this).attr('data-type').replace('Edm.', ''),
- 'description' : $(this).parent().siblings('td:last-child').text().trim()
- };
- // Set primarykey when found. Should be first itteration.
- if ($(this).attr('data-key') == "True") {
- primarykey = $(this).attr('name');
- }
- });
- /** Build php code **/
- phptxt = "