Releases: picqer/exact-php-client
Releases · picqer/exact-php-client
- Added entity for ShopOrder #269
- Added entity for Project #267
- Add ItemExtraField for additional Extra Fields on Items #262
- Added InvoiceTerm, BillOfMaterialVersions and BillOfMaterialMaterials #265
- Added some extra entities (AccountInvolvedAccount, Bank, GLTransactionType, OutstandingInvoicesOverview), updated existing Journal entity. #259
- Correct $item property #253
- Update $BankAccounts property #252
- Fixes a bug in the Downloadable trait, using the wrong URL
- Add Receivable #240 by @curry684
- Update purchase entry classes #242 by @paneidos
- Adding deferred values from deferred attributes when $withDeferred is… #239 by @rvdlee-salesupply
- Replaced SalesEntry with CashEntry #241 by @niekoost
- Fixed Scrutinizer issues #234 by @kvij
- Feature/sales shipping methods #233 by @StefanoGroenland
- Added GoodsReceipt and GoodsReceiptLine #232 by @pdroge84
- Check if $key exists before using it in Model #227 by @niekoost
- Support of ItemWarehousePlanningDetails #231 by @StefanoGroenland
- Add SupplierItem class #225 by @paneidos
- Add PurchaseInvoice and PurchaseInvoiceLine classes #224 by @paneidos
- Added comment regarding overlapping fields #226 by @remkobrenters
- Added shipping method model + test #209 by @daankuijsten
- Description of DirectDebitMandate $Type updated #222 by @niekoost
- Allow to get multiple pages of results in sets #216 by @mbm-peter
- Use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase instead of PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase #210 by @carusogabriel
- Add Budget model #191
- Add invoice layout class. #202
- Update SalesInvoice.php #189
- typo GoodsDeliverie to GoodsDelivery #208
- Add newlines to put namespace on line 3 #207
- bug fix: Handle next pages single result as an element of array #193
- Create Downloadable trait #190
- Add Quotation and QuotationLine classes #194
- added missing DirectDebitMandate properties #205
- Return saved information when creating PrintedSalesInvoice #203
- Added ProfitLossOverview support #182 by @HesselM
- Allow to find on 'Code' ID #170 by @LeonMelis
- Added ReportingBalance #179 by @prik
- Allow adding of custom headers #183 by @JeroenVanOort
- Fixed missing property in docblocks #184 by @hajcu
- Make get() on model work with params #175 by @daankuijsten
- Fixed missing property in dockblocks #185 by @MathijsvVelde
- Code cleanup #186
- Basic entity tests added #187