Aligns long RNA reads (Pacific Biosciences or Oxford Nanopore) to a reference genome using uLTRA.
I/O | Description |
Input | fastq.gz file for each sample. |
Output | MD-tagged and sorted bam and bam.bai files for each sample. |
nexus run --nf-workflow \
--samples_tsv_file SAMPLES_TSV_FILE \
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR \
--reference_genome_fasta_file REFERENCE_GENOME_FASTA_FILE \
--reference_genome_fasta_fai_file REFERENCE_GENOME_FASTA_FAI_FILE \
--ultra_index ULTRA_INDEX \
--params_ultra '"--isoseq"'
1. Align reads (fastq.gz files) to a reference genome using uLTRA.
2. Generate MD tags.
3. Sort MD-tagged bam file.
usage: nexus run --nf-workflow [required] [optional] [--help]
required arguments:
-c : Nextflow .config file.
-w : Nextflow work directory path.
--samples_tsv_file : TSV file with the following columns:
'sample_id', 'fastq_file'.
--output_dir : Directory to which output files will be copied.
optional arguments:
--reference_genome_fasta_file : Reference genome FASTA file (default: /datastore/lbcfs/collaborations/pirl/seqdata/references/hg38.fa).
--reference_genome_fasta_fai_file : Reference genome FASTA.FAI file (default: /datastore/lbcfs/collaborations/pirl/seqdata/references/hg38.fa.fai).
--ultra_index : uLTRA index path (default: /datastore/lbcfs/collaborations/pirl/seqdata/tool-resources/ultra/hg38_index/).
--params_ultra : uLTRA parameters (default: "--isoseq").
--delete_work_dir : Delete work directory (default: false).
- Nextflow
file can be downloaded here
- A TSV (tab-separated values) file with the following headers:
Header | Description |
sample_id | Sample ID. |
fastq_file | Full path to fastq.gz file |
- Reference genome FASTA files can be found in /datastore/lbcfs/collaborations/pirl/seqdata/references/ on LBG.
- An uLTRA index needs to be generated prior to running this workflow.
- Prebuilt uLTRA indices are available in
on LBG.
- Refer to the uLTRA documentation.
- The following parameters for
are already included innexus
module forminimap2
and should not be specified:--t