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FOCUS: A Compiling Toolchain for Spatial Architectures

Project structure

  • ./compiler: FOCUS's source code.
  • ./simulator: A cycle-accurate simulator for spatial architectures.
  • ./database: Model information dumped by the timeloop-PyTorch tool.
  • ./benchmark: Task specification files.
  • ./libs: Timeloop executable files and their dependent dynamic libraries.
  • ./visualization: Graphics of operator graphs, task mapping results.
  • ./results: Final outputs, including tasks executed cycles.
  • ./buffer: Intermediate files generated by timeloop and focus, these files can be used as a cache to accelerate compiling.


This project depends on Timeloop, an automatic dataflow optimization framework developed by NVIDIA. We pre-compiled Timeloop and store its executable files in ./libs, but to execute them, you need to install its dependent libraries:


FOCUS also relies on some python libraries, install them with

pip install -r requirement.txt

How to use ?

First, initialize submodules.

git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

Then run the following code to compile the simulator.

cd simulator
cd ..

Execute to run the example task, which is specified by benchmark/test.yaml. Run the following command for a detailed description of FOCUS:

python -h

Inputs & Outputs

FOCUS compiles a tensor application, which is formulated as a graph of tensor operators, to instruction streams to drive the spatial architecture simulator. To describe the task, users should provide the following inputs:

  • Task specification file: describes the tensor operator graph, including tensor operators and their data dependencies. Examples include benchmark/**.yaml
  • Tensor operator bank: details of tensor operators, such as operand dimensions, operation type, etc. Examples include database/bert/**.yaml.
  • Dataflow constraints: describes how the processing elements are designed. Default: database/constraints/simba_constraints.yaml.
  • Architecture description: describes the architecture the task running on, including PE array size, inter-PE channel width, etc. Default: database/arch/simba_512gops_256core.yaml and simulator/tasks/**/spatial_spec.

The resulting instruction streams locate in simulator/tasks/'task_name', the task name concatenates all model names within your task specification file, e.g. bert_vgg16. Please check simulator/ for detailed formats.

For developers

To convert a tensor application to instruction streams of processing elements, the FOCUS compiling toolchain works in the following stages:

  • Dataflow Search: FOCUS invokes Timeloop to split the model layers into multiple sub-operators. These sub-operators form a graph where nodes dictate sub-operators and edges are data dependencies between them. Users should manually allocate the number of cores for each layer in task files. Related code locates at compiler/timeloop_agents.
  • Task Mapping: FOCUS maps these sub-operators to physical processing elements. The mapping process assigns each sub-operator with an attribute p_pe . Related code locates at compiler/mapping_algorithms.
  • Path Routing [ Optional ]: You can specify the routing path for each message, by adding intermediate transfer points between the message's source and destination. Related code locates at compiler/routing_algorithms.

Something to mention

We assume a DOJO-like spatial architecture, which is only capable to access off-chip memory by edge processing elements. Therefore, internal PEs rely on messages with edge these PEs to access off-chip memory, see compiler/timeloop_agents/ for details.

We assume a fixed NVDLA-like dataflow within processing elements and flexible dataflows among processing elements. If you want to measure different processing elements, e.g. Eyeriss-like PE or MAERI-like PE that supports flexible dataflows, you need to change the timeloop constraint file: database/constraints/simba_constraints.yaml; If you want to modify architecture setups, e.g. the number of PE and PE performance, you need to change timeloop architecture specification file: database/arch/simba_512gops_256core.yaml, and the timeloop constraint file to match with it.