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export const maintenanceSchedules = [{"months":0,"equipment":"Perfect Binder (Sterling Digibinder)","days":2,"note":"Wipe off linear shaft. Refill glue if necessary. Drain small compressor's tank. Scrape off glue in the outfeed spine clamp area.","weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","event":"Other: See Notes"},{"equipment":"RDC A","months":0,"days":1,"note":"De-glaze the three outfeed rollers with orange cleaner. Wipe down the two interior blue conveyor belts. Clean off main drum with isopropyl alcohol. ","recurrence":"weekly","weeks":0,"event":"Clean and Lubricate"},{"weeks":0,"event":"Change Oil","recurrence":"monthly","note":"Verify that the oil level is okay. Manually drain the automatic drain of debris (open the small black valve on the auto drain for a few seconds).","days":14,"equipment":"Air Compressor (Mattei ERC 507)","months":0},{"days":0,"equipment":"Plotter B (JWEI)","months":0,"weeks":2,"event":"Clean and Lubricate","recurrence":"monthly","note":"Wash Vacuum Generator and it's filter with ISO Alcohol (or Water), blow out, dry, reinstall."},{"equipment":"Laser Cutter Alpha (CAMFive CMA5136T)","months":0,"days":5,"note":"Empty the debris drawer below the cutting surface.","event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly"},{"note":"Clean off metal texture roller and wipe down belts with orange cleaner. Clean any blue wool build-up off anti-curl roller.\t","event":"Cleaning","weeks":0,"recurrence":"monthly","equipment":"Texturizer B (Yiwu Innovo YW650G)","months":0,"days":0},{"weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","event":"Cleaning","note":"Clean off metal texture roller and wipe down belts with orange cleaner. Clean any blue wool build-up off anti-curl roller.\t","days":1,"equipment":"Texturizer A (Yiwu Innovo YW650G)","months":0},{"note":"Clean foggers. Drain them, sanitize and clean them, and put back in place but don't plug them in until fall. ","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly","event":"See Notes","equipment":"Other","months":6,"days":1},{"note":"Drain waste oil from the drip wells on the machine.","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"monthly","months":0,"equipment":"Clamshell Cutter (Crest 2026)","days":1},{"equipment":"Air Compressor (Mattei ERC 507)","months":0,"days":1,"note":"Drain condensation from the corner in Compressor Room, behind lasers. Check Condensate Separators behind Plotter B, near Box Machine. Drain water from air tank under PETE's Die end. ","event":"Drain Lines","weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly"},{"note":"Drain old glue and put new glue pellets in.\t","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly","event":"Clean/Replace Glue","months":7,"equipment":"Perfect Binder (Sterling Digibinder)","days":0},{"event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":1,"recurrence":"yearly","note":"Use small key to access exhaust area in bottom rear of machine. Remove exhaust hose, unscrew exhaust grate/connection piece and clean the grate. Then put it all back together.","days":0,"equipment":"Laser Cutter Alpha (CAMFive CMA5136T)","months":12},{"event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":1,"recurrence":"monthly","note":"Check outside air conditioner units for buildup of debris, especially cottonwood seeds. Spray off with a hose if needed.","days":1,"months":0,"equipment":"Building (2609 Seiferth)"},{"equipment":"Perfect Binder (Sterling Digibinder)","months":1,"days":0,"note":"Drain old glue and put new glue pellets in.","weeks":0,"event":"Clean/Replace Glue","recurrence":"yearly"},{"note":"Check outside air conditioner units for buildup of debris, especially cottonwood seeds. Spray off with a hose if needed.","weeks":3,"recurrence":"monthly","event":"Other: See Notes","months":0,"equipment":"Building (2609 Seiferth)","days":1},{"days":1,"months":0,"equipment":"Printer (Mimaki) A","event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","note":"Clean suction holes and table."},{"note":"Check z-axis bed threaded rod in sides of machine. Add silicone lube if needed.","weeks":1,"event":"Needs Technician","recurrence":"monthly","equipment":"Laser Cutter B (Trotec Speedy 300)","months":0,"days":3},{"recurrence":"weekly","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","note":"Clean suction holes and table.","days":1,"months":0,"equipment":"Printer (Mimaki) B"},{"equipment":"Laser Cutter Alpha (CAMFive CMA5136T)","months":0,"days":1,"note":"Check water level in chiller, filling water level to above metal coil if needed.","event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly"},{"note":"Drain old glue and put new glue pellets in.\t","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly","event":"Clean/Replace Glue","equipment":"Perfect Binder (Sterling Digibinder)","months":3,"days":0},{"weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","event":"Other: See Notes","note":"Clean suction holes and table.","days":1,"equipment":"Printer (Mimaki) C","months":0},{"note":"Drain old glue and put new glue pellets in.\t","weeks":0,"event":"Clean/Replace Glue","recurrence":"yearly","months":5,"equipment":"Perfect Binder (Sterling Digibinder)","days":0},{"days":1,"equipment":"Printer (Mimaki) D","months":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","note":"Clean suction holes and table."},{"days":1,"months":0,"equipment":"Coil Binder (Tamerica Officepro-46ei)","recurrence":"monthly","weeks":0,"event":"Empty Debris Tray","note":null},{"days":15,"months":0,"equipment":"Clamshell Cutter (Crest 2026)","event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":0,"recurrence":"monthly","note":"Check oil levels, both the clean oil resevoir and the waste oil areas. Refill/drain as needed."},{"note":"Oil all belt pulley axles with 3-in-1 oil.","weeks":0,"recurrence":"monthly","event":"Other: See Notes","equipment":"Laser Cutter Alpha (CAMFive CMA5136T)","months":0,"days":1},{"equipment":"Perfect Binder (Sterling Digibinder)","months":7,"days":0,"note":"Drain old glue and put new glue pellets in.\t","event":"Clean/Replace Glue","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly"},{"note":"De-glaze the three outfeed rollers with orange cleaner. Wipe down the two interior blue conveyor belts. Clean off main drum with mineral spirits.","recurrence":"weekly","weeks":0,"event":"Clean and Lubricate","months":0,"equipment":"RDC B","days":1},{"months":9,"equipment":"Perfect Binder (Sterling Digibinder)","days":0,"note":"Drain old glue and put new glue pellets in.\t","recurrence":"yearly","weeks":0,"event":"Clean/Replace Glue"},{"recurrence":"monthly","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","note":"Check hydraulic oil and motor oil dipsticks to make sure the fluid level is still good. Apply grease to grease points. Check the coolant level by shining a light at the side of the tank. Make sure there's \"enough\" propane in the tank. Use compressed air to blow out grill if needed. Record current run hours here:","days":1,"equipment":"Forklift (Nissan MCP1F2A25LV)","months":0},{"note":"Inspect and wipe down UV/IR lamps with denatured alcohol. Grease and tighten all red and white marked points.","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"monthly","months":0,"equipment":"UV Coater A (Teclighting TRUVF-16D)","days":1},{"months":11,"equipment":"Perfect Binder (Sterling Digibinder)","days":0,"note":"Drain old glue and put new glue pellets in.\t","recurrence":"yearly","weeks":0,"event":"Clean/Replace Glue"},{"days":3,"equipment":"SCC A","months":0,"weeks":0,"event":"Empty Waste Container","recurrence":"weekly","note":null},{"equipment":"Plotter A (JWEI)","months":0,"days":0,"note":"Wipe clean and apply a thin layer of oil to X and Y rails: Y is overhead gantry. Under-bed are X-rails. It's optional to remove steel coverings to gain better access to the X rails. ","event":"Clean and Lubricate","weeks":2,"recurrence":"monthly"},{"days":0,"months":3,"equipment":"Water Softener (Addie CM1-948-32)","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"yearly","note":"Check salt level, refill with solar salt crystals if needed."},{"note":"Check exposed white lithium grease points - infeed tray lead screw and conveyor belt shafts. Clean teeth of main drum and outfeed rollers with wire brush and compressed air, add Red N Tacky where needed.","recurrence":"monthly","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","months":0,"equipment":"RDC B","days":13},{"event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly","note":"Check salt level, refill with solar salt crystals if needed.","days":0,"months":6,"equipment":"Water Softener (Addie CM1-948-32)"},{"equipment":"Water Softener (Addie CM1-948-32)","months":9,"days":0,"note":"Check salt level, refill with solar salt crystals if needed.","event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly"},{"equipment":"Building (2609 Seiferth)","months":0,"days":3,"note":"Vacuum the foam jackets around the interior of all three Airwash filters.","weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","event":"Other: See Notes"},{"recurrence":"monthly","weeks":2,"event":"Clean and Lubricate","note":"Wipe clean and apply a thin layer of oil to X and Y rails: Y is overhead gantry. Under-bed are X-rails. It's optional to remove steel coverings to gain better access to the X rails. ","days":0,"months":0,"equipment":"Plotter B (JWEI)"},{"equipment":"Water Softener (Addie CM1-948-32)","months":12,"days":0,"note":"Check salt level, refill with solar salt crystals if needed.","event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly"},{"event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","note":"Check the fluid pump hose (thin black hose that goes into the bucket) and make sure the section that goes into the fluid pump head is not significantly warped/weak. If it is slide the secion of tubing out of the pump head until there is a good section between the pump head clamps. If there is no good sections let a mechanic know and log it right away. If you have questions see a mechanic. PRINTER OPERATOR TASK","days":1,"equipment":"UV Coater A (Teclighting TRUVF-16D)","months":0},{"note":"Check that all six wires going into the K3 contactor are tightened and not loose. ","weeks":0,"recurrence":"monthly","event":"Other: See Notes","equipment":"L Bar/Heat Tunnel (TMC Pro 58/44 Semi-Automatic L Sealer)","months":0,"days":5},{"months":4,"equipment":"Building (2609 Seiferth)","days":2,"note":"Replace all filters for the reverse osmosis system towards the front of the building. Note that the horizontal carbon filter flows towards the Hydrofoggers.","recurrence":"yearly","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes"},{"days":3,"months":0,"equipment":"Laser Cutter A (Trotec Speedy 300)","weeks":1,"recurrence":"monthly","event":"Needs Technician","note":"Check z-axis bed threaded rod in sides of machine. Add silicone lube if needed."},{"note":" Inspect and wipe down UV/IR lamps with denatured alcohol. Grease and tighten all red and white marked points.","recurrence":"monthly","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","equipment":"UV Coater B (Teclighting TRUVF-16D)","months":0,"days":1},{"note":"Replace all filters for the reverse osmosis system towards the front of the building. Note that the horizontal carbon filter flows towards the Hydrofoggers.","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"yearly","months":10,"equipment":"Building (2609 Seiferth)","days":1},{"note":"Check the fluid pump hose (thin black hose that goes into the bucket) and make sure the section that goes into the fluid pump head is not significantly warped/weak. If it is slide the secion of tubing out of the pump head until there is a good section between the pump head clamps. If there is no good sections let a mechanic know and log it right away. If you have questions see a mechanic. PRINTER OPERATOR TASK","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"weekly","months":0,"equipment":"UV Coater B (Teclighting TRUVF-16D)","days":1},{"days":15,"months":0,"equipment":"SCC A","event":"Lubricate","weeks":0,"recurrence":"monthly","note":"Check the threaded lead screws for the slitters and add white lithium grease if necessary. Remove side cover of machine, add Red N' Tacky to cutter apparatus, replace cover."},{"days":21,"equipment":"Air Compressor (Mattei ERC 507)","months":2,"recurrence":"yearly","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","note":"Yearly maintenace. Change oil, replace air filter (orange donut), oil filters (2x gold cones and small paper filter), oil separator filter (fuzzy white cylinder), and water separator filter (white cylinder by the radiator). Also record run hours when this maintenance is performed."},{"note":"Clean mirrors 2 (X-axis gantry) and 3 (nozzle). Clean both sides of the lens in the nozzle.\t","event":"Clean Mirrors","weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","months":0,"equipment":"Laser Cutter Beta (CAMFive CMA5136T)","days":5},{"equipment":"RDC B","months":0,"days":3,"note":"De-glaze the three outfeed rollers with orange cleaner. Wipe down the two interior blue conveyor belts. Clean off main drum with mineral spirits.","weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","event":"Clean and Lubricate"},{"days":5,"equipment":"RDC B","months":0,"weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","event":"Clean and Lubricate","note":"De-glaze the three outfeed rollers with orange cleaner. Wipe down the two interior blue conveyor belts. Clean off main drum with mineral spirits."},{"days":0,"equipment":"Building (2609 Seiferth)","months":0,"weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"monthly","note":"Eyewash station: make sure saline is not expired, the drain valve is closed, nothing is leaking, and the weighted platens are down. Don't accidentally activate the station!"},{"note":"Oil all belt pulley axles with 3-in-1 oil.","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"monthly","equipment":"Laser Cutter Beta (CAMFive CMA5136T)","months":0,"days":0},{"note":"Clean mirror 2 (right panel). Be very careful not to scratch.","weeks":1,"recurrence":"monthly","event":"Clean Mirrors","equipment":"Laser Cutter B (Trotec Speedy 300)","months":0,"days":3},{"equipment":"UV Coater Flip Station (Teclighting TRUVF-16D FLP)","months":0,"days":1,"note":"Clean belts and wheels with orange cleaner (not UV wash!). Belts should be grippy, not sticky or slick. Wheels should be free of dust and not sticky or gummy.","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"monthly"},{"months":0,"equipment":"Laser Cutter Alpha (CAMFive CMA5136T)","days":1,"note":"Clean water chiller air filter (removable front panel). Check X and Y belts and tighten them if needed.","weeks":0,"recurrence":"monthly","event":"Other: See Notes"},{"note":"Clean mirror 2 (right panel). Be very careful not to scratch.","event":"Clean Mirrors","weeks":1,"recurrence":"monthly","months":0,"equipment":"Laser Cutter A (Trotec Speedy 300)","days":3},{"days":5,"equipment":"L Bar/Heat Tunnel (TMC Pro 58/44 Semi-Automatic L Sealer)","months":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","note":"Clean off sealing wire by very carefully filing off the top layer of plastic char with a metal file."},{"equipment":"Building (2609 Seiferth)","months":0,"days":3,"note":"Refill all orange cleaner spray and squeeze bottles around the shop (USE A FUNNEL).","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"monthly"},{"months":0,"equipment":"Laser Cutter Beta (CAMFive CMA5136T)","days":0,"note":"Check balance of laser tube, re-level only if necessary.\t","recurrence":"yearly","weeks":0,"event":"Align Mirrors"},{"months":0,"equipment":"Clamshell Cutter (Crest 2026)","days":5,"note":"Clean exposed gliding surfaces of dust and debris with a bit VM&P Naptha. Do not wipe away all the oil, only the dirt.","weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","event":"Other: See Notes"},{"note":"Cleaning and oiling blades and holders: Drag Knife and holder, Kiss Cutting Blade and holder, Oscillating Knife and holder, Creasing Wheel. ","recurrence":"monthly","weeks":2,"event":"Clean and Lubricate","equipment":"Plotter A (JWEI)","months":0,"days":0},{"days":28,"equipment":"Sleeker (Duplo DFL-500)","months":0,"recurrence":"monthly","weeks":0,"event":"Cleaning","note":"Clean out any foil dust that you can see. Wipe down all five rollers with orange cleaner: heated roller (take black cover off), the transfer roller under the heated roller, and the three infeed rollers. "},{"months":0,"equipment":"Laser Cutter Beta (CAMFive CMA5136T)","days":0,"note":"Clean mirror 1 (closest to laser source).\t","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly","event":"Clean Mirrors"},{"event":"Clean and Lubricate","weeks":2,"recurrence":"monthly","note":"Cleaning and oiling blades and holders: Drag Knife and holder, Kiss Cutting Blade and holder, Oscillating Knife and holder, Creasing Wheel. ","days":0,"months":0,"equipment":"Plotter B (JWEI)"},{"months":6,"equipment":"Printer (Mimaki) A","days":20,"note":"Replace all large ink filters in the back of the machine. The side of the filter marked \"INLET\" should be facing downwards.","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"yearly"},{"days":3,"equipment":"Laser Cutter A (Trotec Speedy 300)","months":9,"event":"Clean Mirrors","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly","note":"Clean mirror 1 (laser tube). Be very careful not to scratch."},{"days":20,"months":6,"equipment":"Printer (Mimaki) B","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"yearly","note":"Replace all large ink filters in the back of the machine. The side of the filter marked \"INLET\" should be facing downwards.\t"},{"weeks":0,"event":"Clean Suction Holes","recurrence":"weekly","note":"Thoroughly clean bed beneath honeycomb. Make sure all suction holes are clear and clean. Clean inner rear exhaust vents. Blow out honeycomb with compressed air. Remove chipboard pieces from bottom of honeycomb.","days":3,"equipment":"Laser Cutter A (Trotec Speedy 300)","months":0},{"days":3,"equipment":"Building (2609 Seiferth)","months":0,"weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"monthly","note":"Check digital thermostats for low batteries and that they're functioning. 1 in break room, 3 in main workshop, 1 at verify, 1 at guillotine, 3 in warehouse. "},{"equipment":"Laser Cutter B (Trotec Speedy 300)","months":9,"days":3,"note":"Clean mirror 1 (laser tube). Be very careful not to scratch.","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly","event":"Clean Mirrors"},{"days":4,"equipment":"Laser Cutter B (Trotec Speedy 300)","months":0,"recurrence":"weekly","weeks":0,"event":"Clean Suction Holes","note":"Thoroughly clean bed beneath honeycomb. Make sure all suction holes are clear and clean. Clean inner rear exhaust vents. Blow out honeycomb with compressed air. Remove chipboard pieces from bottom of honeycomb."},{"months":0,"equipment":"Printer (Mimaki) A","days":15,"note":"Inspect fixtures and jigs, clean or replace as necessary.","recurrence":"monthly","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes"},{"days":25,"months":0,"equipment":"Laser Cutter Alpha (CAMFive CMA5136T)","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"monthly","note":"Refresh Side Guides: Remove side guides, place new acrylic in bed, tape it in with masking tape, cut a new line along X and Y origins to create new side guides."},{"days":0,"equipment":"Laser Cutter Alpha (CAMFive CMA5136T)","months":0,"weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"yearly","note":"Check balance of laser tube, re-level only if necessary."},{"equipment":"RDC A","months":0,"days":13,"note":"Check exposed white lithium grease points - infeed tray lead screw and conveyor belt shafts. Clean teeth of main drum and outfeed rollers with wire brush and compressed air, add Red N Tacky where needed.","event":"Other: See Notes","weeks":0,"recurrence":"monthly"},{"months":0,"equipment":"Printer (Mimaki) B","days":15,"note":"Inspect fixtures and jigs, clean or replace as necessary.","recurrence":"monthly","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes"},{"days":1,"months":0,"equipment":"Building (2609 Seiferth)","recurrence":"monthly","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","note":"Monthly Fire testing: Using the fire panel upstairs, test one random piece of fire safety equipment (example: Pull switch, smoke detector, emergency exit light) in different parts of the building. Then log it on the sheet next to the fire panel with your initials, date, equipment tested, and whether or not it passed or failed the test. NOTE: the fire panel is a closed system it will NOT call the fire department. Smoke detectors should activate within 2-5 seconds when exposed to smoke."},{"equipment":"Laser Cutter Alpha (CAMFive CMA5136T)","months":0,"days":5,"note":"Clean mirrors 2 (X-axis gantry) and 3 (nozzle). Clean both sides of the lens in the nozzle.","recurrence":"weekly","weeks":0,"event":"Clean Mirrors"},{"equipment":"Laser Cutter Alpha (CAMFive CMA5136T)","months":0,"days":0,"note":"Clean mirror 1 (closest to laser source).","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"yearly"},{"days":0,"months":3,"equipment":"RDC A","event":"Clean and Lubricate","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly","note":"Add Red N Tacky to the grease port zerk fittings of the main top and bottom drums and the other visible grease ports."},{"event":"Clean and Lubricate","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly","note":"Add Red N Tacky to the grease port zerk fittings of the main top and bottom drums and the other visible grease ports.","days":0,"months":6,"equipment":"RDC A"},{"note":"Add Red N Tacky to the grease port zerk fittings of the main top and bottom drums and the other visible grease ports.","event":"Clean and Lubricate","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly","equipment":"RDC A","months":9,"days":0},{"weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"yearly","note":"Add Red N Tacky to the flywheel and rotary coupling via their zerk fittings.","days":0,"months":6,"equipment":"Clamshell Cutter (Crest 2026)"},{"days":4,"equipment":"Guillotine Cutter (Triumph 5222 Digicut)","months":0,"weeks":0,"recurrence":"weekly","event":"Other: See Notes","note":"Test Cut. Check blade for rough edges. Mark if necessary. OPERATOR TASK."},{"days":0,"months":12,"equipment":"RDC A","recurrence":"yearly","weeks":0,"event":"Clean and Lubricate","note":"Add Red N Tacky to the grease port zerk fittings of the main top and bottom drums and the other visible grease ports."},{"months":3,"equipment":"RDC B","days":0,"note":"Add Red N Tacky to the grease port zerk fittings of the main top and bottom drums and the other visible grease ports.","recurrence":"yearly","weeks":0,"event":"Clean and Lubricate"},{"months":6,"equipment":"RDC B","days":0,"note":"Add Red N Tacky to the grease port zerk fittings of the main top and bottom drums and the other visible grease ports.","event":"Clean and Lubricate","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly"},{"days":0,"equipment":"RDC B","months":9,"recurrence":"yearly","weeks":0,"event":"Clean and Lubricate","note":"Add Red N Tacky to the grease port zerk fittings of the main top and bottom drums and the other visible grease ports."},{"note":"Add Red N Tacky to the grease port zerk fittings of the main top and bottom drums and the other visible grease ports.","weeks":0,"recurrence":"yearly","event":"Clean and Lubricate","equipment":"RDC B","months":12,"days":0},{"note":"Wash Vacuum Generator and it's filter with ISO Alcohol (or Water), blow out, dry, reinstall.","weeks":2,"event":"Clean and Lubricate","recurrence":"monthly","months":0,"equipment":"Plotter A (JWEI)","days":0},{"note":"Replace all 3 AC filters if needed: above KM shelf, above inventory management desk, and above the compressor room.","weeks":0,"event":"Other: See Notes","recurrence":"monthly","equipment":"Building (2609 Seiferth)","months":0,"days":3}]