diff --git a/docs/admin-guide/zope-manager-users.md b/docs/admin-guide/zope-manager-users.md index 4093567c7..40afbab87 100644 --- a/docs/admin-guide/zope-manager-users.md +++ b/docs/admin-guide/zope-manager-users.md @@ -107,3 +107,45 @@ When you run the script, if the user already exists: Maybe the user already exists and nothing is done then. Or the implementation does not give info when it succeeds. ``` +### `addzopeuser` script in dockerized setup + +#### Prerequisites +- A running docker swarm stack from the full featured docker based Plone Volto deployment +- Created by current Cookieplone project template including backend, frontend, postgres, traefik, varnish: + +#### Create a new Zope Manager User with a non existing user-ID + +- Enter the host via ssh as root +- list the running containers: docker ps +- enter a shell in the first backend container listed: `docker exec -it [[4-digitPartOfID]] bash` +- run command in the app folder: `./docker-entrypoint.sh bin/addzopeuser -c /app/etc/relstorage.conf userid password` + +Response: `User userid created` +The user is now available in the ZMI root at at /acl_users/users/manage_users + +#### Hown to access the ZMI root from via basicauth and the new user +In the Volto page root use the url `/ClassicUI/aq_parent/acl_users/users/manage_users` + +##### Notes on permissions + +- Check permissions in the ZMI root at `/acl_users/manage_access` and search for userid +- In Volto from the browser use the url `/ClassicUI/aq_parent/acl_users/manage_access` + +The new user has `Manager` role, but not `Owner` role and no `Take ownership` permission +- You can add the Owner role in the ZMI root manually, but only as the original `admin` user. + +####` Remark on httpauth challenges for the ZMI `admin user in Cookieplone based Volto and ClassicUI projects using Traefik + +The original cookieplone-template `project` in the above full setup includes a traefik middleware `mw-backend-auth` in the `docker-compose.yaml` `service -> backend -> labels` section. This basic httpauth overrides the ZMI httpauth for the original admin user-id. + +```{note} +To change the Traefik middleware basicauth password edit the yaml file in devops/stacks/[hosturl].yml named after the hostname and follow the instructions in the comments for `mw-backend-auth` to create a proper hash and redeploy the project. +``` + +```{important} +Test the resulting logins in fresh incognito windows! +``` + +in the ZMI root +at the Plonelogin +How this has impact on the Plone Volto login needs testing in your particular setup.