All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Update
- PODAAC-6181
- add relatedUrl subType BROWSE IMAGE SOURCE
- PODAAC-6537
- New code to work with Multi polygon
- PODAAC-6185
- java 11->17
- PODAAC-5876
- Update to use CMA 2.0.0, thus allowing 2.0.3 layer for lambda
- Update build to use java 11
- To generate java 11 compatible UMMG schema POJOs, jsonschema2pojo shall make use of command line parameter: --target-version 1.11
- PODAAC-6169
- SWOT iso.xml
- OPERA iso.xml
- SWOT archive.xml
- .mp
- Does/does not cross the IDL
- PODAAC-5857
- Fixed the issue so footprint and bbx do not always appear together while isoXmlSpatial is configured to footprint only
- remove request.close() statement in CMRLambdaRestClient so the response could be pulled out and logged properly instead of always logging apache chunk read error due to the http channel was closed.
- adding more parameters to Jsonschema2pojo plugin to generate proper pojo from ummg schema
- Snyk: Security upgrade com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3 from 1.12.544 to 1.12.641
- PODAAC-5594
- Support BasinID
- PODAAC-5770
- use meta.isoXMLSpatialType to configure the collection should process the combination of footprint, orbit and bbox
- PODAAC-5717
- Upgrade to UMMG 1.6.5
- support empty Pass in Cycle/Pass/Tile string
- PODAAC-5708
- .nc.iso.xml Polygon divided over IDL
- Update metadata aggregator to add description to image variables from image processor and test tig forge processor
- PODAAC-5614
- Strip leading zeros from cycle and pass in validity check
- Snyk: Security upgrade com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3 from 1.12.378 to 1.12.386
- PODAAC-4748
- Enable metadata aggregator to append ISO.XML -> AdditionalAttribute fields (full set or subset) into CMR.JSON
- Enable metadata aggregator to append Additional Attribute(s) into CMR.JSON as its own root key
- PODAAC-5201
- Support SWOT Cal/Val XML format
- PODAAC-5053
- Extract MGRS_TILE_ID metadata from iso.xml. Used for OPERA processing
- PODAAC-4273
- Added exclusiive zones for polygon holes and interior rings.
- Snyk: Security upgrade com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3 from 1.12.378 to 1.12.386
- PODAAC-5219
- NumberUtils.createInteger(String:s) while s has leading zero, the NumberUtils will treat the string as Octal
- implemented a utility function to remove leading zero.
- PODAAC-5078
- Enhanced MetataAggregator to handle incorrectly formatted cycle, pass or tiles
- fixes maily for SWOT acrhive.xml and SWOT iso.xml
- PODAAC-4721
- Enhanced MetataAggregator by adding DMRPP Processor which supports bulk operation
- PODAAC-4713
- fixed metadataAggregator can not extract posList to construct GPolygon issue
- added logic to exclude bounding box if SMAP GPolygon is appearing under SpatialExtent
- Upgrade amazon libraries
- PODAAC-4831
- Enhanced metadataAggregator so the swot iso.xml cycle, pass information can be marshaled into UMMG's Track object and AdditionalAttributes object
- PODAAC-2796
- remove all OPeNDAP URL object from RelatedUrls before doing dmrpp file generator processing
- PODAAC-4832
- remove BoundingRectangles structure from SpatialExtent if GPolygon appears
- PODAAC-5012
- Fixed issue where SWOT provides a PNG and triggers the
- Fixed issue where SWOT provides a PNG and triggers the
- PODAAC-4328
- Modify the code to be compliant with cumulus 11 input/output new schema
- PODAAC-4248
- Fixed handling of empty DataGranule.Identifiers values in ISO to UMM-G translation
- PODAAC-4521
- Copied necessary inventory data model classes into project.
- PODAAC-2667
- Renamed 'EchoRestClient' to 'CMRRestClient' and related classes accordingly
- Cleanup legacy distribute code, removed old echo-10 related methods from CMRRestClient
- PODAAC-4327
- Incorporated NSIDC changes to support ISO granule files.
- PODAAC-4248
- When parsing ISO files, only start, stop, and creation time are required. All other fields are optional.
- PODAAC-4521
- Refactored project structure, package names, etc. to better match other cumulus lambdas.
- PODAAC-2667
- Cleanup of legacy distribute code to speed up builds and reduce size of lambda, the following have been removed:
- distribute-gen module
- distribute-subscriber module
- distribute-gcmd module
- GCMDExport shell script/tool
- EchoExport shell script/tool
- All related files to EchoExport and GCMDExport (e.g.,,, etc.)
- All test cases pertaining to the above removed tools (e.g. GCMDExport, ECHOExport, etc.)
- Cleanup of legacy distribute code to speed up builds and reduce size of lambda, the following have been removed:
- PODAAC-4521
- Refactored project into a single maven project, and removed leftover misc files and classes from 2667.
- Removed dependencies on inventory-ws and inventory-api.
- Removed UMM-C related classes, tests, and tools.
- PODAAC-4521
- Addressed known SNYK vulnerabilities.
- PODAAC-3555
- Switch from 'Echo-Token' http headers to new 'Authorization' header for sending credentials to CMR
- Snyk
- Upgrade [email protected] to com.amazonaws:[email protected]
- PODAAC-4095
- Upgrade to cumulus-message-adapter 1.3.9 to overcome log4j vulnerability
- PODAAC-4046
- Upgrade to cumulus-message-adapter 1.3.5 to overcome log4j vulnerability
- PODAAC-3700
- fix issue about while east bound == west bound then both are set to zero under boundingRectangle within UMMG
- PODAAC-4002
- fix Metadata Aggregator Lambda fails on Sentinel-6 collections that have workflowChoice.readDataFileForMetadata set to false
- PODAAC-3970
- fix CMR validation error by validate UMMG through CMR /validate endpoint. If spatial error then construct global bounding box
- Snyk
- Upgrade [email protected] to com.amazonaws:[email protected]
- PODAAC-3700
- fix issue about while east bound == west bound then both are set to zero under boundingRectangle within UMMG
- Snyk
- Upgrade [email protected] to com.amazonaws:[email protected]
- PODAAC-3680
- Hint UMM-G schema 1.6.3 in the title to enable cumulus to insert "Type": "GET DATA VIA DIRECT ACCESS" for s3 path
- Upgrade UMM-G mapped pojo to 1.6.3
- PODAAC-3327
- Add BulkUpdate tool for adding s3 links to existing granules.
- Moved CSV related and other shared code to a new BulkTools library class.
- PODAAC-3726
- Workaround stale/duplicate granuleUr's in bulkUpdate tool. Use a hash set to track all GranuleUR's we send an update for, and ignore duplicates.
- PODAAC-3736
- Fix for wrong file being linked in the s3 update by switching to only checking 'GET DATA' urls
- PODAAC-3518
- Divide S6 footprint over DateLine
- Logic to detect if Polygon coordinate is counterclockwise sequence. If not reverse polygon sequence
- PODAAC-3532
- Fixed S6 L2P spatial validation error
- Further fix polygon creation error by using origianl coordinate array if GEO object not cross IDL
- Implement coordinate array sanitizig function to remove some coordinates when they are too close to each other.
- PODAAC-3904 Add try...catch block for s6 posList coordinate processing block and set global bounding box for unhandl-able exceptions. In details, while processing L0 data, the eliminate function cut number coordinates < 4 which cause vividsolution to throw creating polygon exception.
- PODAAC-3484
- Only export the PODAAC user services contact information for collections.
- PODAAC-3157
- Hard code placeholder spatial coordinates (over the south pole) for granules with invalid values, e.g. -999, -995, etc.
- PODAAC-3484
- Removed old code to add all contacts associated with a collection, since we are now hard coding values for the PODAAC user services contact
- PODAAC-3489
- Fix CMR Polygon boundary error by using only outer ring
- Snyk
- Upgrade [email protected] to com.amazonaws:[email protected]
- PODAAC-3334
- read .mp file from internal bucket instead of public bucket
- simplified clean /tmp process. Add logic to only delete .mp file if it exists
- PODAAC-3463
- append orbit information to UMM-G json
- PODAAC-3325
- Add DOI export for all datasets, including those wihtout a DOI, using 'MissingReason' and relevant explanation.
- PODAAC-3497
- Fixed to not sort on longitude when parsing footprint from S6 xfdumanifest.xml
- Snyk
- Upgrade [email protected] to com.amazonaws:[email protected]
- PODAAC-3035
- Fixed url for launchpad token validation so that tokens are reused.
- PODAAC-3035
- Obtain CMR ECHO token through launchpad
- PODAAC-3015
- read revision-id from CMR
- PODAAC-3009
- add image download URLs to UMMG
- PODAAC-3174
- Query latest UMM-G through CMR, append FP and Image download data then create a new .cmr.json
- PODAAC-3296
- Switch to using dataset short name instead of persistent id when generating EMSReport
- PODAAC-3394
- Code enhancement to fix download imageURL case sensitive issue and avoid duplication.
- output cmrRevisionId = retrieved cmr revisionId + 1
- while quering CMR with shortname and granule_ur, provider must be provided, too.
- PODAAC-3296
- Switch to using dataset short name instead of persistent id when generating EMSReport
- PODAAC-3200
- Fixed handling of cycle and pass when exporting to UMM-G.
- PODAAC-3083
- Removed duplicate points from line when adding to UMM-G
- PODAAC-2844
- Add capability to read footprint file and append to UMM-G output which is .cmr.json
- PODAAC-2637
- Ensure the tool works with ecco 0.5 degree, and Sentinel 6 collections.
- Updated batchExport to find and update collections that have previously been ingested.
- PODAAC-3083
- Removed duplicate points from line when adding to UMM-G
- PODAAC-2495
- Convert SHA512 to SHA-512 in UMM-G.
- PODAAC-2603
- Added reading of bounding box values from Cumulus collection meta.
- PODAAC-2781
- Updated lambda to get collection short name, version, rangeIs360 from Cumulus collection configuration instead of from meta.cfg file.
- Snyk
- Upgrade [email protected] to com.amazonaws:[email protected]
- PODAAC-2775
- Upgrade to CMA-java v1.3.2 to fix timeout on large messages.
- Removed duplicate data file from UMM-G DataGranule.ArchiveAndDistributionInformation
- to build product object in CNMResponse, we need to retrieve data from granule.files. Each file's size should be tagged by size instead of fileSize.
- PODAAC-2711
- Fixed Snyk high severity findings.
- Upgrade com.amazonaws:[email protected] to com.amazonaws:[email protected]
- Upgrade org.apache.httpcomponents:[email protected] to org.apache.httpcomponents:[email protected]
- Upgrade commons-collections:[email protected] to commons-collections:[email protected]
- PODAAC-2357
- Export Level-1/Level-2 dataset spatial resolution metadata in UMM-C
- Converted dataset.swath_width to Kilometers and updated Instrument SwathWidth units to Kilometers.
- Fixed null check for dataset.region_detail causing UMM-C export to fail.
- PODAAC-2595
- Fix to remove empty ProviderDataSource value from UMM-G when sentinel6:productName is missing from XFDU manifest which caused CMR validation failure.
Note: This is the first release where we are consolidating DMAS changes with Cumulus changes.
- Added ProviderDataSource additional attribute to UMM-G whose value is Sentinel-6 SAFE package name
- Added bulk UMM-C too based on MMT template and CSV collection metadata.
- ArchiveAndDistributionInformation structure should be built upon the data from cumulus input granule
- Added persistent_id and series_name to UMM-C additional attributes.
- Export data provider resource URL in UMM-C.
- Added dataset.projection_type and dataset.projection_detail to UMM-C.
- Added Spatial Keywords to UMM-C.
- Added dataset latency to UMM-C additional attribute.
- Added Reference to UMM-C.
- PODAAC-2416
- Not all of the sensors are getting exported in UMM-C
- PCESA-2205
- Added parsing of SWOT archive.xml metadata file into UMM-G.
- PCESA-2166
- Updated lambda to use CMA AdapterLogger for logging to Elasticsearch.