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242 lines (158 loc) · 7.85 KB

File metadata and controls

242 lines (158 loc) · 7.85 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


  • Fixed zooming on touchscreens so that it follows the center of the touch points.
  • Projector::unproject is now symmetric to Projector::project. Previously its origin was the screen center and often needed adjusting.


  • egui updated to 0.31.0


  • Do not try to download tiles with invalid coordinates.
  • Position is now a type alias for geo_types::Point. Previous from_lat_lon and from_lon_lat methods are now standalone functions called lat_lon and lon_lat.


  • egui updated to 0.30.0.


  • Tile download optimized by no longer queueing older requests.
  • Interpolation of higher zoom levels is now improved, trying many different levels instead of just one.


  • Add option for changing the zoom speed
  • Add options for double click to zoom in and out
  • Add option to zoom without holding ctrl on native and web
  • Fixed zoom not following cursor if the map wasn't moved.
  • Fixed spurious "Error from IO runtime" at shutdown.


  • Do not set a user agent in wasm build by default.
  • Fixed not taking into account the mouse pointer position when scrolling.


  • Implement panning with touchpad and/or scroll-wheel.


  • Fixed crash when zoom is maxed far out.
  • Add Project::scale_pixel_per_meter() to provide the local meter-to-pixel scale.
  • Map can be zoomed in farther than what is supported by the tile provider. The max. zoom level for which tile images are available can be configured via TileSource::max_zoom().


  • HttpTiles will now attempt to use already downloaded tiles with a lower zoom level as placeholders.
  • Tiles::at() now returns a new TextureWithUv instead of Texture. This change is relevant only for Tiles implementers and provides the ability to use part of the texture as a tile.
  • Zoom is now represented as f64 instead of f32 which makes it consistent with other types.
  • Plugin::run() has a new signature. Refer to demo/src/ for usage.


  • egui updated to 0.29.1.


  • egui updated to 0.28.


  • New functions in MapMemory for getting and setting the zoom level: zoom and set_zoom.
  • In-memory cache is now limited to 256 tiles. Previously it grew indefinitely.
  • TilesManager trait is now called Tiles and Tiles struct is now called HttpTiles.


  • egui updated to 0.27.



  • Fix weird quirks while dragging by small amounts.
  • Plugins: Fixed problem of handle clicks after update to egui 0.26
  • Map can be zoomed to decimal zoom levels with gestures or scrolling.


  • egui updated to 0.26.


  • Tiles are now downloaded in parallel.
  • Plugin::draw() is now called Plugin::run() and no longer has gesture_handled argument, in preference to egui::Response::changed().
  • New Projector::unproject() function converts screen coordinates to a geographical position.
  • New Projector::new() allows Projector to be used outside plugins.


  • egui updated to 0.25.


  • mod providers is now called mod sources, to resemble trait TileSource.
  • HTTP cache can be now enabled on native platforms (in WASM, is it handled by the browser).
  • TileManager trait and demonstration of locally generated tiles.
  • Zoom and drag gestures can now be disabled.
  • Add gesture_handled to Plugin::draw() to let plugins know if the gesture was handled by the map.


  • egui updated to 0.24. This change requires Rust 1.72 or greater.


  • Fixed occasional panic when changing tile providers.
  • Fixed grabbing mouse events from outside the widget.
  • Position can be now converted into geo_types::Point.


  • Position is no longer a typedef of geo_types::Point. There is also a new, more explicit way of constructing it - from_lat_lon, and from_lon_lat.
  • If center position is detached, zooming using mouse wheel will now keep location under pointer fixed.
  • In Images plugin, scale and angle functions are now part of Image.
  • Allow structs implementing Provider to use larger tile sizes.
  • Add optional logos to Attribution struct.
  • Add Mapbox provider.
  • Plugin::draw now has a Response parameter, allowing plugins to be interactive.


  • egui updated to 0.23.


  • Zoom type is no longer public, while InvalidZoom becomes public.
  • MapMemory::center_mode is no longer public,
  • New MapMemory::follow_my_position function.
  • Fix occasional disappearing of the map when dragging rapidly.


  • Brought back the ability to center the map at exact position (MapMemory::center_at) after making some types private.


  • Images plugin, for putting images at geographical location.
  • Projector and MapMemory are now Clone.
  • MapMemory::zoom is no longer pub. Use MapMemory::zoom_in/out instead.
  • MapMemory::center_mode::detached() is no longer pub. Use MapMemory::detached() instead.
  • Fixed weird drag behavior in higher zoom levels.


  • Tile sources are now defined via TileSource trait, instead of Fn.
  • New Plugin trait and Map::with_plugin function, which replaces Map::with_drawer.
  • Example plugin extras::Places, which draws markers on the map.


  • Previous example was split into demo library, and demo_* integrations.
  • Support for WASM.



  • New Center variant - Inertia. It means that the map is moving due to inertia and soon will stop with Center switching to Exact. To keep things easy, Center now has new method detached, will returns a position the map is currently at, or None if it just follows my_position.
  • openstreetmap is now in walkers::providers module.
  • osm example is now called myapp and it shows a small windows with an orthophotomap layer from


  • New method: Map::with_drawer, which provides a simpler API for drawing custom stuff.



  • MapCenterMode is now called Center.
  • Zoom can no longer be dereferenced to u8. To obtain a previous value, use Zoom::round().
  • Also, Zoom is no longer PartialEq, nor Eq.


  • Zooming using CTRL + mouse wheel or pinch gesture.


  • Fixed panic when dragging out of the map's boundaries.



  • Tiles::new() has now two parameters. First, called source, being a function transforming TileId into an URL of a tile provider. This means that it's now possible to specify other servers. openstreeetmap is a builtin function returning OSM's URL.
  • MapMemory no longer has osm member. Instead, Map::new's tiles parameter is now Option.


  • Optimized how GUI and IO thread talk to each other.
  • Handle tile download errors (HTTP statuses, garbage content, etc.) more gracefully. Application will remain alive (no unwrap or expect), but downloads of the failed tiles won't be repeated.



  • TileId::position_on_world_bitmap is now called project and it returns Pixels .
  • PositionExt::project_with_zoom is now called project and it returns Pixels .
  • Tiles::new() has now a single parameter - egui_ctx . It can be obtained from egui's CreationContext (see the example).


  • Fixed calculation of the amount by which map should be scrolled during the screen drag.
  • Map did not get repainted when a tile got downloaded in the background, unless some mouse movement was made.



  • Tokio runtime is now managed by the MapMemory so constructing it by hand is no longer necessary.
  • Example updated with drawing custom shapes on the map.