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function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }; var allcmnt = `Im leaving my comment here so when someone likes it I can listen to this masterpiece againo# I was at a party in mission# the other night when this shot and on everyone went crazy Still# This song is never gonrs later# I cant be the only one who can whistle the whole song# lets be honest if this song was re# leased today it would be even more popular than is actuallyo# A moment of silence for those who still didnt find this Masterpiece# dam it been 5 years since I forgot about this song it just randomly piped up in my mind# The fact that this video takes place in my home town of Lemon Grove CA and that Im stuck way # out in DBH MI breaks my heart put that city on the map# yo this beat has been stuck in my head for like a month finally found it again# Dont matter who you are this beat carry everybodyo 23K# That whistle was better than 6ix9ines whole careerEdit 3k likes for a# comment 5 years late lol thx guys edited# Damn 6 years ago Im getting old# Por eso siempre hay que entrar a las música por curiosidad entre a esta# y me apareció esta música que tenía 2 fuckin años buscándola edited# Un minuto de silencio para el que sigue buscando está joya Fun fact this # wasnt in your recommended you searched for it damn now i realise # where is that whistle from still fire after all these years t# I genuinely cant believe how hard he has fallen off from getting over 300mil# views on this song now he barely scraps 100k thats crazy to me# Love this song so much it makes me want to see it actually went to a song # self singinge school and now Im a senior in Highschool This song will forever slap# Rip to everyone who cant find this song No entiendo nada pero me encanta# Que vibe tempos bons acho que os melhores pra quem viveu essa época# wow me Im speechless 6 years this deserves 1 minute of silenceSh# you cant lie times were better when this came out Being from San Diego# I wish yall could have been around in the clubs when this would# dropshit went insanesome good ass memories# this song makes me wanna learn how to whistle# Played this song when it first come out Im still playing tf out of it# expressly on my 12s that shit hits a lot different# Esse som é perfeito# Even after 6 years this song still hits hardo edited# Fish When he said water I# Still coming back to watch this masterpiece 6 years later# just discovered this masterpiece today ive been listening# to it all days when this came outi miss my homies# Who else is here because this song just randomly crossed your mindgo 65K# Ugh I love this song so much It means something to me it reminds# me of an old friend that passed a few years ago Man he introduced # me to this then left Ugh this whistle is everythingI love it in AHS btw lol# acabei de ver o filme Kill Bill e tive que vim aqui escutar essa ob# É O BRASILLLL PORRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA # This song is not overcome with the passage of time each time you # listen to it it will sound betterGreetings from Colombia1010este tema # no se supera con el pasar del tiempo cada vez que lo escuches va sonar# mejorsaludos desde Colombia1010Sho# After nearly 6 years the beat is still lito edited# Its songs like this that make me wish I could whistle# this actually slaps and i dont even like rap but this song this song is a masterpiece# Fun fact The old lady in the video wasnt originally in the video she found # everyone dancing and asked what they were doing she then asked if she # could join in fucking beautiful# This song might be 6 years old but its still the best# 6 años escuchando esta belleza ys me estoy haciendo viejdo esta canción I love th# Only people worthy of remembering this song may likeo# Its cool how much of a chill song this is and it is filmed in my home town# i still remember when i was dancing this with my class because this was a # fckng bombfor carrying thi# That masterpiece is still badass in 2021Sho# Lets see how many people are listening to this song in JanuaryFebruaryMarch# AprilMayJuneJuly 2021o edited# This song is one of the greatest Along with shabba There was some extremely# good stuff out around this tim# 1 of the greatest songs of the 1# Damn bro 6 years later and they still dont know where Andys at# I met this song in 2017 the weather was too good# This song is so nostalgic now o# Its crazy to think when this song came out I was in high school Now I have my# own house and pay bills and shit and it still slaps just as hard as it used toSho# Mannn this song bring back memories The whistling isThe last dude dont even# look like hed rap the way he do lolill stuck playing n whistling this tune to # maximum volume 247nd effort into their s# The fact that this guy blew up and fell down after one song is upsettingo 23# Le puse esta canción a mis abuelos y ahora tejen camisas Gucci# UM DIA VAI CHEGAR MEU DIA# Brabos amo esses cr e essa musica# 5 years later still dont know wear tf is andyo# 6later im still try to remember these whistle# RIP everyone who searched for this song but ended up playing Flo RidaWhistle # song Bruh I searched That one cool whistling song and this pops out Not dissapointed# later this still going crazy Bruh really brought the spotlight to the city San Diego# salute 2 lemongrove1# The beat of this song has been in my head forand I finally found out what it is# Beat drops harder than his career after he made this songedited# I fell in love with this song after I saw it in american horror story# It was hardbut I finally found the whistle song XDrue Masterpiece 4 life edited 26# This song going to stay a classic# Who else just here for the memories to this song ngl no one snapped on any of the# remixesoday we still listen this song ed heron histomorphometrically cough because# sidewalk extraorally punch pro a witty caption light bawdy lisaSho# Who else just be whistling this throughout their dayo edited 23K# severa canción este es mi himno grax por esta gran canción Rob Stone in my heart# i remember when this song was so underrate# Rumor has it we still dont know where Andy is after 6 h lat# Beat drops harder than the stock market during the corona virus Released # on my birthday still one of my fav# Good old days when I use to smoke and blast this song while driving# This teme should be the best masterpi# Nostalgia in my veins after listening to this# Fiu fiu fiufiufifufiu fiu fiu fiu fiu fiuSearch edited# crazy how this was 6ago I remember it like yesterdayw to whistle by listening to this song# This song is a 1010 even if you lisin to it every single# I cant understand how can someone have this much air to whistle like thatgo# Escucho esto y me siento gangster S# Damn I used to listen to this in 8th grade Im a sophomore in college now# I can whistle this whole song no hesitation# God Momma Mist Millz this 1 is dedicated to you right nowut my gango# Been 6but it never gets oldSho# Imagine you and your homies just big chilling and accidentally make a one hit wonde# Great song its a masterpiece but I have so much disrespect for you for what you did to X an# this is up there with the beat box beat for best all time# I finally found this ive been looking for it all year# Damn 6of listening it this banger# leaving this comment here so when i come back to this masterpiece imma# good lord never realized how ass these lyrics were beat goes way to hard # though entiende lo que dice esto pero la re rompe la introo# Ahhhhhh the memories of me n my homie chillen under and over pass # listening to this when we were like 12p hardd af edited# Im just here so u guys know Ive listened to history# Life was good when this song came outhehehe# Música boa dms não tem como pqp# 6later and its still 50 cents for single portsgin but the beat ᴗ# Algún latinoamericano escuchando este Rolón# I literally typed whistling fu fu fufufu fu fu fufufuI cant believe I found ito# Legend song but also youre a legend if you can do whistle part perfect# This what you call a certified hood classic# sixlater I been jamming this til# bruh I just listened to this song yesterday but I can whistle the who# 2015 Chill Bill2019 Chill Bill but its even more chiller4727 chill bill even# chiller but its even Still listening to this gem in 2021 Sh# Life was good when this droppedS# Every time someone likes Im going to watch this banger againsong # is called Chill Bill Just got it after all these o# Set the speed to 125 it honestly slaps# 2010 god owns gaming console 2015302029912838 god can whistle this entire# After 3still one of the craziest beat I heard so far# 6and the beat still clapp# Shit slaps harder than before Sh# frekin nostalgicentina ant find this songo# 2015 was the year of GO# Im telling you someone whistled this at night Bro it scared the heck out of me# This beat kill the time Was young list# Grade 9 smoke sesh vibes coming back to me# Your eyes are inspiring like the stars# You have an impressively looking jawbone# Your eyes radiate power# If you are to comment on your girlfriends picture on Instagram do not be too lengthy# ing your focus on making her smile# How possible can one get this beautiful Definitely an angel on the planet# How can I define the word beauty without you I am running out of words to describe your beauty# com modified by author Source UGC Very gorgeous I am falling in love with this snap of you# Your charm is truly irresistible# Damn that smile is so dangerous# This is the best picture I have come across today# You have a fantastic body figure# Hey you are breaking the internet# They should be thoughtful and gently crafted# Everyone needs to doubletap on this picture ASAP# Its the most beautiful thing you will ever see# Live for the moments you cannot put in words# I hope we will be best friends until we die# Then we stay ghost pals so we can be taking such wonderful pictures# Friends come and go but true buddies stick like that mark on your skin# I can survive without a girlfriend# But I cannot survive without you as my best friend# You are my best buddy my other half and human diary# I feel like I have known your whole life# You are the superhot thing to have graced this planet since the Yucatan meteorite# READ ALSO 50 funny comments for friends pic on Instagram Image unsplash# Good times plus crazy friends equal to great memories on this picture# Frankly I can never imagine not being in the company of someone amazing like you# You will not always be next to me but be sure that you will have my back always# We will always be friends until we are so old and senile# You look like a baby with that smile on your face# God bless you and continue making me smile like this# We will one day be the old ladies causing a lot of trouble in nursing homes# The cuteness of your face and innocence of your eyes is just as amazing as our friendship# I dont know what special thing I did to deserve a best friend like you# Wow you are flawless intelligent and bright# Making you my best friend is the best thing I could have done# I think that standing beside you makes you better looking# I couldnt help but share my thoughts# Sometimes being hilarious and playful is one of the best ways to drive your message home# However you need to look for words that will pass the message intended# Here is a list of funny comments on photos that you can use# Someone call the firefighters# Am sending this picture to NASA because you are a star# Sometimes you make me want to rob your wardrobe# BTW can I borrow that Tshirt Why does this post have more than a million likes The entire world # thanks you for giving us such a nice selfie# Which magazine cover have you posed for in this picture With makeup you are attractive# Without makeup you are still attractive# To conclude I have an attractive buddy no matter what# Hey please slow down my heart cant keep up with that pace# The firefighters got 911 calls# Gosh it looks like the sun has decided to come out# READ ALSO 100 best positive quotes for Instagram that inspiremotivate Image unsplash# com modified by author Source UGC When I say I will not tell anyone my best pal does not count# Wow please can I have this snap framed You ought to be a beauty and fashion blogger# Hey buddy When are we going shopping I need you to choose my outfits# Finally a photo worth a billion# The scenery behind seems soberer than you# This picture is the reason why I looked down at my phone and smiled# Hey you promised to return my shirt soon# No one should be allowed to look such cute# How did you do it How comes Instagram hasnt verified you You are the star I want to follow# So will you stop making us jealous I think you are not handsomebeautiful you # are something more than that# Master teach me how to take selfies like you# So its true you werent lying when you told me you were hitting the gymnasium# READ ALSO 100 best friendship status for your BFF on WhatsApp FB Instagram # However this does not mean that you cannot find the most suitable comment# Here are some of the best comments for a group photo on Instagram# Can we have this kind of fun next time we meet I miss you# Can we please repeat this day we were together I believe its Shakespeare who once said friends# that slay together stay together# We slay together like fries and sauce which BTW we should go and get one of these days# Our love and loyalty run more profound than blood# True friends are like two bodies in one soul# Life was meant for best friends and lots of adventures# Hey my friends you are my chosen family# God made you my best friends# He knew that our mothers couldnt manage to handle us as sisters# READ ALSO 100 cute status for boyfriend on social media to make him smile Image unsplash# com modified by author Source UGC Strangers think that I am an introvert# My friends think I am outgoing# But your best friends know how completely insane I am# Sometimes being in a group of best friends is the only therapy you need# This picture makes me excited about our next adventure# When I talk about friends goals this is exactly what I am talking about# As seen in the picture we always smile the biggest when together# Best friends dont let their peers do silly things alone# I love that we dont have to act socially acceptable around each other# I am tired of missing you buddies# No one will absolutely be entertained by us as us# Its so hard to find a pal who is loving cute generous caring and smart# My advice to you all in the picture never lose me# We are more than friends we are really a small gang# I think we will all be best friends forever since we are so lazy to find new buddies# We are the only guys with the copyright of breaking the internet with such hot stuff# My life would be boring without you guys# ke recently shared an article on the best comments for boys pic on Instagram# Boys love compliments as much as girls# Commenting on boys pictures is also straightforward than doing it for girls# So take your pick and surprise your best friend with unusual words# ation He paused but I wasnt sure I was allowed to comment Dean held his comment The headlines# of the local newspaper proudly announced Under Sheriff Solves FiftyYearOld Murder which Lydia# either confirmed nor denied nor did the Deans offer public comment Carmen took care of that and A# ex made no comment Ryland was startled by the comment Dean ignored the comment Franny ignored# is comment He frantically thought about how to explain his comment He carefully detailed the inf# rmation on the torn sales receipt but made no comment Jenny took one look at Deans attire and mad# a love your tailor comment They remained in place forminutes occasionally exchanging a shout# d comment but mostly looking up or down at each other selfconsciously She continued wolfing dow# her sandwich without comment When he pushed her ahead of him down the hill she gave him no argume# t and continued without comment He leaned forward picked up his fork and began devouring his supp# r without further comment Alex looked surprised when he saw it on the table but he ate without co# ment Im sorry she said to Alex without explaining her comment Actually there was nothing wr# ng with the route and normally she would have accepted his request without comment Carmen nodded# hinking Sam was going to comment on his past She glanced at Carmen and then began setting the tabl# without comment He opened the car door for her without comment They said he was unavailable for# omment so I suppose hes a private person She was terrified to ask especially after his comment# bout GPS tracking herA necropolis was the comment of her discarded lover when years later the# remark was repeated to him The strictures of a critic in the Monthly Review of Julydrew from him# a pamphlet called Man in Quest of Himself by Cuthbert Comment reprinted in Parrs Metaphysical Tra# tsa defence of the individuality of the human mind or self After that most of Europe will# e corresponding more or less to international borders so Ill wait for further comment from Engels# efore going further Much general comment on Moses Mendelssohn appeared in the press of the world o# occasion of the centenary of the birth of the composer Mendelssohn inThe whole of time is a fes# ival unto Christians because of the excellency of the good things which have been given is the comm# nt of St Chrysostom onCor Her comment on this delusion is instructive The attitude of the firs# group needs no comment it makes every priest the arbiter of what is or is not Catholic and is de# tructive of that principle of definite authority which is the very foundation of Catholicism Certa# n matters however require comment and explanation to render the comparison intelligible The Zagr# b press could only comment indirectly but conveyed its meaning by insisting that the Reichsrat prog# amme of Maywas an absolute minimum The astonishing colours and grotesque forms of some animals a# of living nature to have their significance in the economy of the organism possessing them and a ge# eral doctrine was recognized to the effect that no part or structure of an organism is without defi# ite use and adaptation being designed by the Creator for the benefit of the creature to which it be# ongs or else for the benefit amusement or instruction of his highest creatureman The conforma# ion of the vine stem has elicited a vast amount of explanatory comment His earlier volumes of poem# dealing with romantic themes received little but unfriendly comment It was also used by a class# of bards or itinerant soothsayers known by the name of vates of whom the most famous was one Marciu# and in the Fescennine verses as sung at harvesthomes and weddings which gave expression to th# coarse gaiety of the people and to their strong tendency to personal raillery and satiric comment# atire debarred from comment on political action turned to social and individual life and combined# with the newlydeveloped taste for ethical analysis and reflection introduced by Cicero It thus ca# e to pass that in Purcells voluminous biography much that was obviously never intended for the publ# c eye was perhaps inadvertently printed together with a good deal of ungenerous commentrecei# es no comment at the hands of the narrator and in its present position would make Sarai over sixty# ears of age xii Some of his papers are published in his fathers works and others in the Acta Er# ditorum and the Comment Several of his investigations are contained in the earlier volumes of the# omment It reviews all the abuses declares that the German people are the victims of war devastat# on and dearth and that the common man is beginning to comment on the vast amount of wealth that is# ollected for expeditions against the Turk through indulgences or otherwise and yet no expedition ta# es place The issue between the two theories under this head may here be left with the remark that# vidual The laws relating to labour are full but as compared with those of other states present# ew features calling for comment On the 4th of Marchas one of the chaplains of Queen Elizabeth# e preached before her a singularly outspoken sermon and in October gave his introductory lecture at# St Pauls undertaking to comment on the first four chapters of Genesis A good German translation# but without note or comment was brought out by Friedrich Lange at Berlin in The results which# ere not satisfactory were published without comment Ten years later the chief alteration in the i# quiry was the substitution of the main occupation of the family for that of the individual Previou# to that date the only step towards compilation of the census results of the empire had been a bare# tatement of area and population appended without analysis comparison or comment to the reports fo# England and Wales from the yearonwards The information required differs in each group but the# chedule is as a rule of a simple character and the results of the inquiry are usually set forth w# th comparatively little comment or analysis Sometimes though not very often the sections are in# o proper sense essays but merely commonplace book entries of singular facts or quotations with har# ly any comment The discrepancy between the fees paid by patients and the salaries received by nurs# s especially in London has occasionally excited unfavourable comment but it is to be remembered t# at the nurses are maintained when out of work or ill and have other advantages many institutions e# ther provide pensions or assist the members of their staff to join the Royal National Pension Fund# He came to the garage when she parked the car opened the door and began removing groceries without# omment Further extensions of this meaning are to an explanation comment or addition added in the# margin or at the foot of the page to a passage in a book c or to a communication in writing shor# er or less formal than a letter The book was deliberately unpopular in tone it excited much contr# versial comment and some serious and useful discussion Their own poems soon became the theme of cr# ticism and of comment and by the time of Quintilian and Juvenal they shared the fate which Horac# had feared of becoming textbooks for use in schools With the prophets it is quite otherwise they# appear not individually but in bands their prophesying is a united exercise accompanied by music a# d seemingly dancemusic it is marked by strong excitement which sometimes acts contagiously and m# y be so powerful that he who is seized by it is unable to standand though this condition is rega# ded as produced by a divine afflatus it is matter of ironical comment when a prominent man like Sau# is found to be thus affected His colleagues in the Religious Tract Society united with other earne# t evangelical leaders to establish a new society which should have for its sole object to encourag# a wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures without note or comment a Its fundamental law to ci# culate the Bible alone without note or comment was vehemently attacked by Bishop Marsh and other d# vines of the Church of England who insisted that the Prayer Book ought to accompany the Bible He# lso particularly desired that no notes should be added by way of comment in the margin since some o# those in the Genevan Bible appeared to himvery partial untrue seditious and savouring too much# f dangerous and traiterous conceits The appointment which had hitherto been reserved for ecclesi# stics of marked ability as scholars or administrators excited much comment but it was undoubtedly# opular and this popularity was confirmed when it was realized that the bishop intended to carry on# n his new sphere the democratic traditions of his East End activities His imprisonment created muc# excitement and in some quarters in spite of the proslavery spirit of the time was a subject of i# dignant comment in public as well as private Much bitter comment some of it partisan and discont# nt were aroused by the action of the PostmasterGeneral On leaving the Home Office inMr Asquith# decided to return to his work at the bar a course which excited much comment since it was unpreced# nted that a minister who had exercised judicial functions in that capacity should take up again the# osition of an advocate but it was obvious that to maintain the tradition was difficult in the case# f a man who had no sufficient independent means LoveToKnow Corp has not attempted to verify the t# uth or accuracy of any such opinion claim or comment nor does LoveToKnow Corp endorse or support# hem His Pitt has already been mentioned his Appreciations and Addresses and his Peel containing# remarkable comment on the position of an English prime minister were published inhis Napoleon t# e Last Phasean ingenious if paradoxical attempt to justify Napoleons conduct in exile at St He# enain woo his Cromwell in the same year Fortunately each word each clause each idea in the d# scourse is repeated commented on enlarged upon almost ad nauseam in the suttas and a short comm# nt in the light of those explanations may bring out the meaning that was meant And even then they# are so difficult to understand so much like puzzles that they were probably accompanied from the f# rst by a sort of comment in prose stating when and why and by whom they were supposed to have bee# utteredthe Targum also in its comment on the passage of Isaiah applies the wicked to Antich# ist He tells a simple tale in the plainest words he never stops to offer a comment or to point a# oral The writer makes no comment on the wonderful story which he tells No comment is made by the# narrator he tells his tale in the fewest words and passes on For it strikingly illustrates the fa# t that the temple of Enlil like that of the Sungod at Sippar and the other great temples in Babyl# nia possessed a body of mythological and religious texts which formed subjects for study and comme# t among the priestly scribes His conduct in following them up into the Spanish territory of Florid# in seizing Pensacola and in arresting and executing two British subjects Alexander Arbuthnot and# Robert Ambrister gave rise to much hostile comment in the cabinet and in Congress but the negotiat# ons for the purchase of Florida put an end to the diplomatic difficulty Servois Gergonnes Annale# a very remarkable comment in which was contained the only yet discovered trace of an anticipati# n of the method of Hamilton His scholars who were lodged in appropriate buildings met daily to h# ar the master read and comment on the classics Moreover recorders of local fauna have been almost# unanimous in ignoring the introduced forms except when they have had occasion to comment on the eff# cts real or supposed of these immigrants on aboriginal faunas The Glastonbury thorn planted ac# ording to the legend by Joseph of Arimathea has been the object of considerable comment As for t# e extreme theory of the antiRabelaisians that Rabelais was a dirty old blackguard who liked filt# and wallowed in it from choice that hardly needs comment The importance to us of this uncritical# ollection of biographies is sufficient comment on the decline of historywriting in the latter empir# Swift who was intimate with him speaks of him as an arrant knave but the dean may have been# isappointed at being unmentioned in Riverss will for he made a fierce comment on the earls beques# s to his mistresses and his neglect of his friends Since then much progress has been made in the p# blication of the complete MSS scientific and other whether with adequate critical apparatus or in# the form of mere facsimile without transliteration or comment Andromede with the later spectacle# iece the Toison dor do not call for comment and we have already alluded to the chief merit of Do# Sanche Horace Walpoles Letters Clarendon Pressvols are the best comment on the history of th# period his Memoirs are not so good though they are superior to Wraxall who succeeds him It bear# the strongest likeness to the epic in all save its unversified form in both are found as fixed ess# ntials simplicity of plot chronological order of events set phrases used even in describing the r# stless play of emotion or the changeful fortunes of a fight or a storm while in both the absence of# digression comment or intrusion of the narrators person is invariably maintained Since then bes# des the visit of the prince and princess of Wales inPrince Albert Victor and Prince George of Wal# s had visited Ireland inand the duke and duchess of York afterwards prince and princess of Wales# inbut the lack of any permanent royal residence and the longcontinued absence of the sovereign i# person had aroused repeated comment He was liberal to the poor it was his custom to comment sever# ly in his preaching on the public characters of his times and he introduced popular reforms in the# rder and manner of public worship It is alleged too that at a time when the influence of Ambrose# equired vigorous support he was admonished in a dream to search for and found under the pavement o# the church the remains of two martyrs Gervasius and Protasius He boasted of having been the firs# to write really national history and he wished further to show this in a memoir entitled LInflu# nce de lhistoire des divers etats ou comment fat allee la France si elle eat eu cette histoire# eprinted inunder the title Les Francais pour la premiere fois dans lhistoire de France ou poeti# ue de lhistoire des divers etats Inhe published the Prolegomena intended as an introduction t# the Kritik which had been found to stand in need of some explanatory comment Her comment surprise# me If anything the audience looked askance at the crude comment His only comment of note was th# t Patsy while obviously exhausted seemed especially cheerfulâ pleased with herself was how he# described her No smartass comment about your blood monkey she challenged There was nothing n# w on the Byrne caseâjust a comment to that effect When his friend knocked on the door he waited# for Carmen to answer it and when Gerald made the introductions Alex said nothing â not even when# ob made a comment that would normally have raised an eyebrow Comment by Andrew NixonSep# m i think people ae forgetting that allah is teh same as god A look of sheer amazement at the fool# shness of this comment passed over the whole team Date posted JanName Shelley Subject adop# ed brother Comment Brother Anthony born in eitherorJune After every translated aphorism I br# efly comment on the association it invoked in me The Harpo Marx comment near the beginning comes f# ommarvelous aphorismsand sums up the serious and ridiculous nature of the performance Howeve# to my utter astonishment I am also asked to comment on the Holocaust I write to comment on the# ecent terrorist attacks on London To ramp up all states except quot employeehired autos a derogat# ry comment It also modifies behavior ofcwcommand setting the comment output format to Unico# e A bit of fun made a nice bit of fun made a nice bit of cashcommentFiled under Everything El# e by Sarah atFeel free to do the usual blah and leave a comment when you have Suffice to say# n Comment This study is the first report of the derivation of pluripotent ES cell lines from a si# gle blastomere in vitro Posted in Environment Podcast Energy Nuclear power CommentWhere w# ll Blair hide the nuclear tax bombshell Looking forward to speaking with you all soon Jacquie x A# d a comment bonjour Add a comment After a number of frustrating delays specialist childrens book# eller Lou Harrison has opened the TP Childrens Bookshop Comment link broken unable to locate ne# home Comment from Nicholas Conway of Wordwave Caselex will tap into national case law which will# hen be exploited at a European level Posted in General Stringbeans HE Commentyesterday cat# hupEureka I would like to just comment on my lack of experience of normal childbirth Christop# er barrow subject birth sister Comment I am trying to find my birth sister ThuJanuaryCom# ent from Unity Member Is there a word that means clueless multiplied several millions times I c# n only comment due to my recent arrival on the paper flow system post collocation Related Think# VocabularyCollocation with advanced levelsComment Marianna Pascal Malaysia Your ideas on collo# ation with advanced levelsComment Marianna Pascal Malaysia Your ideas on collocation were absolut# ly fascinating Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment Do you want to say you were# here without leaving a comment There has also been more constructive critical comment some of it# aving to do with the level of generality of the document Posted by andrew on NovemberAM in t# e categoryUzbekistan comments Post a comment thanks for signing inThis should not restrict fr# I know that thats a throwaway comment expressing your frustration strathclyde but Im utterly c# nvinced of the opposite Posted by Buffy onJulyatPM Hmm Im too cowardly to comment over t# ere Robin Grant FridayMarchcomment That Tony Blair NHSletteroozes bitter cynicism# Posted Sun 5th Feb Alleen onder Glamor versta ik wat anders maar dat moet kunnen comment by Ve# y good site This also brings me to your closing comment about theper cent decrease in ESRC quot# awardswhich is also incorrect The list must be preceded by the comment delimiterappea# ing on a separate line The lack of a dedicated focus desk for quality of life issues was the subje# t of adverse comment during sector team focus groups Out of respect for the natural diffidence of# heir author the essays are presented with only introductory comment Comment A specific effect of# the homeopathic dilution of Arnica montana has not been proven by this Use the preprocessor direct# ves to temporarilycomment outblocks of code I do not know how anyone can make that comment an# then go on to say that a wholly discretionary code is better It is also envisaged as a comment on# contemporary world that seem increasingly dislocated from anything real Elizabethan doubletsa c# mment dating back toI just got a new comment on my old post about how we order the cutlery in ou# cutlery drawers Comment All the branches were represented at the workshop and people appeared eag# r to attend Fall and then comment on the acceleration due to gravity Worm Theory Why do endgam# s take so long In some cases a critical evaluation or comment has been added Comment This study# akes explicit the decreased life expectancy associated with obesity So where a section or part of# section does not seem to require any explanation or comment none is given The above scholars com# Uthmanic text Related commentPolitics The Red Flag not waving but drowning facing how many dire# tions at once The comment of the examiners wastoo few heads Edwins comment on his father# playingHe was a really firstrate country fiddler This time the response was about fiftyfifty# between positive and negative comment But i cant comment on the product quality im too tight# isted to buy the set Theres no news articles I want to comment on and if there were my head is# oo foggy Comment The association between high serum homocysteine and low serum folate and dementia# appears to be reproducible She currently freelances for the Guardian newspaper and contributes to# Comment is Freethe Guardians blog site Comment This does not exclude the mixing of human game# es like eggs or sperm with animal species It was fair comment in the context of the exceptionally# entle policing codenamed Operation Harmony Anybody who has played a typical Japanesestyle RPG w# ll know the gist of this system automatically from that comment In the silence which followed his# omment I must confess to having felt a certain childlike glee Comment by The StalkerJune# pm Hey Stalker I actually like the neon glow adds mystery Comment The evidence for using glutama# e is not convincing Charlies later comment I supposemicht hae been shot in Russia Saw# er lets slip a comment about a man wearing builtup heels Comment The only herbal or dietary inter# ention for which there was any good evidence was for vitamin B1 atmg daily A Mongolian herdsman# ntered the tent so after misinterpreting Gans comment to offer him a cigarette I give him the a who# e packet Teixeira already hashomers andRB Giants Stadium New York phone calls seeking comment# Continue Reading Add comment Italians charmed by honeybees By Web Editor We have no comment to mak# omy Comment This type of information is invaluable in informing men of their options if they have# enign prostatic hyperplasia and moderate to severe symptoms Comment Men with more severe symptoms# f benign prostatic hyperplasia had poorer health status Comment are definitions for treatment of# ulmonary arterial hypertension inappropriate The sheer idiocy of these proposals makes further com# ent superfluous Comment Keep up the good work and dont let these idiots stop you from publishing# reat articles And Mary stands and weeps again and God still suffers pain but for that mother sta# ding there such comment seems inane Also what I find incomprehensible is the failure to comment o# the fates of the ships The comment was not an indication of Mr Smiths political inexperience a s# okesman told us it was meant rhetorically Rightly or wrongly this comment has been enduringly in# luential Comment about a neighbors planning application background information on how you can com# ent on applications made I was expected to participate to contribute to comment to help in the# evelopment of stories which grow ever more intricate The most common comment from people who have# anic attacks isIts totally irrationalwhich is quite right They comment that they are findi# g sustainability appraisal a highly iterative process Comment by Steve BarkerJulyThere was an# vening Argus report of a large jellyfish off Worthing Elizabethan jewelrya comment dating back# oRead more comments Animal Activists demo lair of Oxford lab builders Todays delic# ous linkage July 25th add a comment Meaning ofmoment of zenCustomer Rating Summary# Wide but lopsided coverage Comment Paul Wilmotts book has an impressive but lopsided coverage Re# ated commentIraq Sympathy for troops should not suppress protest How can they remain loyal to Lab# r Read more comments possible eviction shepton mallet tree sit Both Acciona Trasmedite# rÃnea and SpainÃs merchant marine authority have refused to comment on the new regulations There# you can enable or disable comment moderation for future comments The band sing mostly in French w# th some excellent social comment including musings on the butts of cigarettes Comment The clinic# l relevance of this paper is unclear as noone is currently proposing population screening for BRCA# and BRCA2 mutations Player Position Points Comment Sullivan Keeperhad nowt to do Title MMs M# dular Mania Comment Includes internal links to ten simple unit origami Cubes There has been wides# read outrage at the comment made by a man saying that a country should bewiped from the map# ustomer Rating Summary Indispensable guide for any trader Comment An absolutely outstanding book# hat covers the whole breadth of chart formations Many years ago I heard a similar comment from som# one who was definitely not overworked We asked Mr Portillo for a comment but his office told us he# was busy cooking an enormous paella Dulux gloss paints are yet to comment on the bands use of the# color Comment by campythen I just saw paps commentI need to be more like her This t# gether with a concluding paragraph of general comment from the Committee forms a conclusion to the# verseas Report The most popular post of the month was my comment on American patriotism You can# ind alternative answers to the role play tasks in the Comment section of each exercise Continue Re# ding Add comment Italian playboy sees the light By Web Editor I could listen to his cultured voice# for hours even hearing him comment on the weather was enough to make my skin prickle A comment in# last weeks New Journal warning about the risks involved in postal votes had clearly rattled the cou# cilor Understood on your last commentsounds reasonable to me Write Comment Please keep the me# sage relevant to the subject of the article The other area affecting directors which has attracted# a great deal of comment is in relation to directorsà remuneration Baker a former newspaper repor# er declined to comment And yesterday we had a particularly repulsive comment on the last subject# rom Deputy Prime Minister Seselj However there is also comment that any monitoring of academic hou# s would reduce trust and breed resentment To comment on this servicewwwwhitehousegovgoodb# e53b202f7cc43aa097b9d3da7cd468120feced9d4htmlhttpfrwebgateaccessgpogovcgibinleavingcg# fromleavingFRhtmllogli frwebgateaccessgpogovcgibinleavingcgifromleavingFRhtmllog# inklogtoT raining F resh from the Food Safety and Inspection Service Contrary to some press# comment during the past three months the market has proved remarkably resilient Comment Pending# conomic slowdown offers no respite Haydn DaviesChristis comment corner We are all doubtless a# are that the past months were not restful ones for the UK Comment The effects of exercise on bone# ass in women have been assessed in another systematic review Comment Living Like royalty Ive# just received my first ever royalty check through the post Posted in accessibility web standards# aSP ATF Snakeoil salesman Comment Back to navigation Muggle me Comment The evidence for effica# y of topical salicylates was poor Sarah walker subject birth mother Comment I am looking for my# irth mother Thats women motorists for you no comment none Sarah nice read I didnt mean my com# ent about your injury to sound so sarcastic I apologize Thesewords werehurriedly scribbled by D# ve AM Top Me About Occasional film reviews Contact Either add a comment or write Use a single# semicolon to the right of the code to explain a particular line with a short comment Comment The c# se contains important guidance on what conduct will constitute sexual harassment Customer Rating# ummary Excellent value for money Comment This is my first shaver The Asian shopkeeper whom he ab# sed stated that there was a racist comment made Comment on published supplementation trials in DS# lmost all the supplementation studies discussed above had major methodological shortcomings Charli# Whitaker FridayAprilcomment The Guardian has become sickening lately But the State Depart# ent is downplaying the political significance of the trip more Add a comment Comment by Blogger# 4Labour NovemberatpmThats an outrageous slur and a complete rewrite of history There w# s also some rather snide comment about podcast bandwagonjumping Comment Dead Socialist Watch# duard Bernstein german Social Democrat bornJanuarydiedDecemberEvery once in a while som# body comes along via BE and leaves an appreciative comment Let someone elses servers take the bru# t of the comment spam Comment This contains the width of the mask used to extract the grating spec# ra from the LE image A spokesman in the White House press office said they would not comment on# ildly speculative rumors The Pink Paper includes a sprinkling of political comment some of it abo# t Stephen Twigg who beat Michael Portillo inComment New stamps The Royal Mail is issuing three# commemorative stamps to mark Englands victory to win back the Ashes Comment Inaboutof the Da# ish population used a statin I also read a comment about the strap being a bit stiff Write the f# rst review or comment The first childrens bible storybook that includes more thanhour of bible st# ry DVDs While minimal swearing in context is tolerated excessive swearing in context is tolerated# excessive swearing will result in your comment being removed These are large questions comment ca# only be very tentative Comment consumers building a better world through brands Claims about the# power of commercial tieups with charities grow ever more extravagant Permalink comments tota# ly tropical taste By Andrew DicksonFestivals and events August Feeling fruityYou put an# nd to several days of emotional turmoil over whether I should make a similar comment myself Argent# na still look unbeatable to say they dont is a silly comment The text of the proposed undertaking# was published onNovember and interested parties were invited to comment byNovember I would als# n of the private sector This comment is false without basis factually incorrect inflammatory an# extremely unprofessional First McNeil was given a straight red for a comment made to the referee a# ter he was again upended in the box Permalink comments Bowed out By Charlotte HigginsBack# ow blogger 46am Are curtain calls just a little bit vulgar Comment Ultimately we want to know whe# her including walnuts in the diet can reduce cardiovascular disease Jack made no comment but his e# es looked a little watery Len no longer describes Cecil asa complete duckand her later comme# twhile shes still weeis deleted He was most impressed his first comment wasShes got a# funny willyher cordMais neanmoins comme on connoitroit beaucoup mieux quelle a etc la nat# re dAdam et celle des arbres de Paradis si on avoit examine comment les enfants se forment peu a pe# dans le ventre de leurs mores et comment les plantes sortent de leurs semences que si on avoit seul# ment considers quels ils ont etc quand Dieu les a crees tout de meme nous ferons mieux entendre qu# es principes qui soient fort intelligibles et fort simples desquels nous puissions voir clairement# s semences bien que nous sachions quil na pas ste produit en cette fawn que si nous la decrivion# seulement comme it est ou bien comme nous croyons quil a ste cree Jud at the end of the Theodo# ian Code seems spurious see the comment of Gothofredus in loco The clause is possibly a gloss# a comment on the preceding expression His characters are the fruit of acute and experienced obse# vation and abound in satirical traits although the 42nd chapter of his second book devoted expres# ly to portraiture is headed Comment Georges escrit et mentionne les louanges vertueuses des prince# de son temps Chamberlain Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan volx who in a prefac# justly regarded by students of Japan as an exegetical classic makes the pertinent comment Taking t# e word AltaIc in its usual acceptation viz as the generic name of all the languages belonging to t# e Manchu Mongolian Turkish and Finnish groups not only the archaic but the classical literatur# of Japan carries us back several centuries beyond the earliest extant documents of any other Altaic# ongue Though he kept aloof from the Clerical party Kaln6ky was a strong Catholic and his sympath# for the difficulties of the Church caused adverse comment in Italy when inhe stated in a speech# before the Delegations that the question of the position of the pope was still unsettled A dozen g# nerations of men have rejoiced in the gentle irony with which Montaigne handles the ludicrum humani# aeculi in the quaint felicity of his selection of examples and in the real though sometimes fantas# ic wisdom of his comment on his selections Flechier in his account of the Grands Jours at Clermon# many years after speaks of a belle savante in whose company Pascal had frequently beena trivia# mention on which as on many other trivial points of scantily known lives the most childish structu# es of comment and conjecture have been based Excluding here his scientific attainments see below# Pascal presents himself for comment in two different lights the second of which is if the expressi# n be permitted a composite one In addition to his political pamphlets Pourquoi et comment je suis# Boulangisteand LAnarchie bourgeoisehe published mathematical works among them Introductio# a letude des quarternionsand Theorie et applications des equipollencesBy the side of it r# nks the Faust Symphonyin which the moods of Goethes charactersFaust Gretchen and Mephisto# helesare depicted in three instrumental movements with a chorus of male voices supplying a kind# of comment by way of close Voltaire who was prompted by his natural benevolence to comment on th# latter the profits went to a relation of the poet was not altogether fitted by nature to apprecia# e Corneille and moreover as has been ingeniously pointed out was not a little wearied by the leng# h of his task When it was thought sufficient to say with Boileau that Corneille excited not pity# r terror but admiration which was not a tragic passion or that Dun seul nom quelquefois le son d# r ou bizarre Rend un poeme entier ou burlesque ou barbare when Voltaire could think it crushing to# add to his exposure of the infamies of Theodore apres cela comment osonsnous condamner les pi# ces de Lope de Vega et de Shakespeare Whilst I m being the cynic I d like to comment on the pu# lup diaper scenario I know that visitors often comment on the happy purposeful atmosphere which# hey find in the School Carlisle Scientists and medical people are far more qualified to comment u# on this than myself or Mr Bates My initial comment was a little quick off the mark I m afraid# ustomer Rating Summary Highly recommended for all types of readers Comment This book truly deserv# s a raving review Ideally you will have someone else read through and comment on your files befo# e you consider a document finished Reply to comment by K Beven and P Young on Bayesian recursive# parameter estimation for hydrologic models Once again Kurtz is not making a comment that is d# rectly religious in nature Revisionby marknodine Removed confusing comment about requiring f# rms support from the title Comment Pending economic slowdown offers no respite Haydn Davies# Posted by richard on MayAM in the categoryUzbekistan Comments Post a comment Thanks fo# signing inThuAugustComment from Gerald Visitor Something has gone rotten at the hear# of our constitutional system Comment Living Like Royalty I ve just received my first ever royalt# check through the post To round off the weekend s matches John Cannon sends a rueful comment fro# a Sussex viewpoint Posted in accessibility web standards WaSP ATF Snakeoil salesman Comment B# ck to navigation Muggle meNeil Walker Search Engine Optimization atpmComment Ya even I hav# experienced this Sandbox effect in Google Date posted AugName sarah walker Subject birth m# ther Comment I am looking for my birth mother That s women motorists for you no comment none sa# ah nice readI did nt mean my comment about your injury to sound so sarcastic I apologize Tha# him first Comment Searching using individual fields is nt in itself enough for all situations C# mment This is the model for selfdevelopment books for the 21st Century Comment by razorheadD# cember am what the hells this got to do with simon pegg Je ne sais pas comment je peux expl# quer cet ÃvÃnement Ãses parents Post comment MondayJuneI ve now uploaded a new version of# the Sled player to Sourceforge I think if you made a slighting comment about Ethelred the Unready# theyd ask you to leave the room Everyone has something to teach and hopefully a smartass comment# r two to make Your comment onweb accessibility snake oil salesmenreally hit home for me Co# ment Dead Socialist WatchEduard Bernstein German social democrat bornJanuarydiedDecemb# rLet someone else s servers take the brunt of the comment spam A spokesman in the White House# press office said they would not comment on wildly speculative rumors Military spokesmen declined# o comment on the death tolls A spokesman yesterday refused to comment on whether there were any di# ciplinary issues involving Mr Murray Write the first review or comment The first children s bible# storybook that includes more thanhour of bible story DVDs Comment added atJune David Chan# e a sumo diaperPhil Add a commentDo you know how many superhero comics were sold in Britain# last year While minimal swearing in context is tolerated excessive swearing will result in your c# mment being removed At the police station there was a short taperecorded interview during which B# yce repliedNo commentto all the questions You done great work internet telephony boom truc# SunMayComment from theodore Visitorhttpdmozxorgtvixjautisticeducationhtml Hell# His most telling comment is that that only losers get jobs he d prefer to make a living through# crime Whilst I m venting my spleen about the wood I have to comment on the tenon joints A refus# l to comment beyond terse statements is no way to encourage the wider dialog that is badly needed# pril 2ndatpm Comment by Simon Mackie There will be a prize for the tidiest deskAdd a comme# t I scoreout ofω I had five things on my todo list today Comment by tom pMay am Exa# tlygiveem an inch Whether it was a tongueincheek comment from him I do nt care Cruel t# ick writes Carrie Dunn from across my desk inviting all kinds of spurious Zorro based comment abou# flashing blades Permalink comments Totally tropical taste By Andrew DicksonFestivals and e# ents August Feeling fruity Summary Slightly lacking Comment After having played all the oth# r Myst games I was a bit underwhelmed by this one Notwithstanding macroeconomic stuff which I am# nqualified to comment onI do nt actually give a shit if you think I m a cheeky upstart and hav# no right to comment Comment This updates a previous Bandolier review looking at genital wart treat# ents He occasionally throws in the odd waspish comment that gives you a slightly teasing impressio# Len no longer describes Cecil asa complete duckand her later commentwhile she s still w# eis deleted Continue Reading Add comment Taxi drivers cause chaos with wildcat strikes By Web E# itor He was most impressed his first comment wasShe s got a funny willyher cord My c# mment So what if Bush threw them under the bus when truth about yellowcake uranium from Africa ca# e out I was not expecting her comment to be so witty and the only comeback I had was Touché J# cob is normally a kind person so I think his rude comment was simply made in jest and meant to be f# nny The actors ambiguously defined sexuality was the subject of much speculation but he refused# o comment on his private romantic relationships Tom nodded across the room to Stacy in acknowledge# ent and approval of her comment Get ideas for babys first birthday party or take a minute to pos# your own comment or tip on where to find great unique baby products or a even a review of your baby# onitor Even better you can comment to share the hints and tips you have learned when you dealt wi# h your babys sleep problems If you have a comment or idea wed love to hear from you Maybe the# like the name or names youve chosen or maybe they have some suggestion or comment to make regardin# your choices If he wets his PullUps just help him change them in the morning and dont comment o# the problem during this time You can always contact the group editor for the site or comment on an# article at the bottom of the page Other users comment on threads giving them a thumbs up or thumb# down to let you know if the deal is really good Moving forward into the middle of the last centur# we have names such as Doris Day and Rock Hudson two little kittens called Doris and Rock would be# bound to cause comment If you know of a method that has worked well please feel free to share it# ith LoveToKnow visitors in the comment box at the bottom of this page Please provide feedback ask# questions and offer suggestions in the comment section under each article Browse other sentences e# amples The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and# historial usage They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionarycom How to Write a Successfu# Employee Evaluation Since evaluating employee performance is an important managerial duty every su# ervisor needs to know how to write an employee evaluation Discover best practices for assessing emp# oyee performance and conveying critical information to your direct reports via a formal performance# ppraisal YourDictionary DefineswithTrending Words The YourDictionary editorial team is always# on the lookout for new words in the media and everyday conversation Inthere were many new words a# d phrases emerging and gaining popularity The team has culled through those words to identify ten w# rds and phrases that define the key issues and trends for the year Our findings on the toptrendin# and his neglect of his friends S# ince then much progress has been# blication of the co# mplete MSS scientific and other# whether with adequate critical# apparatus or in# the form of mere# facsimile without transliteration# or comment Andromede with the l# iece the Toison d# or do not call for comment and# we have already alluded to the ch# lpoles Letters Clarendon Press# vols are the best comment on th# e history of th# period his Memoi# rs are not so good though they a# re superior to Wraxall who succe# eds him It bear# the strongest li# keness to the epic in all save it# s unversified form in both are f# ound as fixed ess# city of plot chronological order# of events set phrases used even# in describing the r# f emotion or the changeful fortun# es of a fight or a storm while i# n both the absence of# comment or intrusion of the narra# tors person is invariably mainta# ined Since then bes# it of the prince and princess of# Wales in Prince Albert Victor a# nd Prince George of Wal# ited Ireland in and the duke an# d duchess of York afterwards pri# nce and princess of Wales# t the lack of any permanent royal# residence and the longcontinued# absence of the sovereign i# had aroused repeated comment He# was liberal to the poor it was h# is custom to comment sever# his preaching on the public chara# cters of his times and he introd# uced popular reforms in the# and manner of public worship It# is alleged too that at a time w# hen the influence of Ambrose# red vigorous support he was admo# nished in a dream to search for# and found under the pavement o# e church the remains of two mart# yrs Gervasius and Protasius He# boasted of having been the firs# o write really national histor# y and he wished further to show# this in a memoir entitled LInflu# nce de lhistoire des divers eta# ts ou comment fat allee la Franc# e si elle eat eu cette histoire# eprinted in under the title L# es Francais pour la premiere fois# dans lhistoire de France ou poe# ue de lhistoire des divers et# ats In he published the Proleg# omena intended as an introductio# the Kritik which had been fo# und to stand in need of some expl# me If anything the audienc# e looked askance at the crude com# ment His only comment of note wa# t Patsy while obviously exh# austed seemed especially cheerfu# lâ pleased with herself was h# described her No smarta# ss comment about your blood monke# y she challenged There was not# w on the Byrne caseâjust# a comment to that effect When hi# s friend knocked on the door he# for Carmen to answer it an# d when Gerald made the introducti# ons Alex said nothing â not ev# ob made a comment that wo# uld normally have raised an eyebr# ow Comment by Andrew Nixon S# m i think people ae forge# tting that allah is teh same as g# od A look of sheer amazement at# shness of this comment p# assed over the whole team Date p# osted Jan Name Shelley Subj# ed brother Comment Bro# ther Anthony born in either or# June After every translated apho# efly comment on the as# sociation it invoked in me The H# arpo Marx comment near the beginn# om marvelous aphori# sms and sums up the serious and# ridiculous nature of the performa# to my utter astonis# hment I am also asked to comment# on the Holocaust I write to comm# ecent terrorist attack# s on London To ramp up all state# s except quot employeehired auto# ry comment It also m# odifies behavior of cw comman# d setting the comment output for# e A bit of fun made# a nice bit of fun made a nice bit# of cash comment Filed under Ev# e by Sarah at Feel# free to do the usual blah and lea# was often blasphemous toward thos# e responsible for building in suc# n Comment This study# is the first report of the deriva# tion of pluripotent ES cell lines# gle blastomere in vitro# Posted in Environment Podcast# Energy Nuclear power Comment# ll Blair hide the nucle# ar tax bombshell Looking forward# to speaking with you all soon Ja# d a comment bonjour Ad# d a comment After a number of fru# strating delays specialist child# eller Lou Harrison has# opened the TP Childrens Bookshop# Comment link broken unable to# home Comment from Nich# olas Conway of Wordwave Caselex# will tap into national case law w# hen be exploited at a E# uropean level Posted in General# Stringbeans HE Comment yest# hup Eureka I would l# ike to just comment on my lack of# experience of normal childbirth# er barrow subject birth# sister Comment I am trying to fi# nd my birth sister Thu January# ent from Unity Member# Is there a word that means cluele# ss multiplied several millions ti# y recent arrival on the paper fl# ow system post collocation Relat# with advanced levels Comment Mar# ianna Pascal Malaysia Your ideas# ls Comment Marianna Pascal Mala# ysia Your ideas on collocation we# ly fascinating Leave# a Reply You must be logged in to# post a comment Do you want to sa# here without leaving a# comment There has also been more# constructive critical comment so# aving to do with the lev# el of generality of the document# Posted by andrew on November# e category Uzbekistan co# mments Post a comment thanks for# signing in This should not res# edom to comment but shou# ld facilitate internal comparison# of reports being made within the# I know that thats a# throwaway comment expressing your# frustration strathclyde but Im# nvinced of the opposite# Posted by Buffy on July at# PM Hmm Im too cowardly to comme# ere Robin Grant F# riday March comment That Tony B# lair NHS letter oozes bitter# Posted Sun 5th Feb# Alleen onder Glamor versta ik wat# anders maar dat moet kunnen comm# y good site This also# brings me to your closing comment# about the per cent decrease in# awards which is also# incorrect The list must be prece# ded by the comment delimiter# The lack of a dedicated focus des# k for quality of life issues was# t of adverse comment du# ring sector team focus groups Ou# t of respect for the natural diff# heir author the essays# are presented with only introduct# ory comment Comment A specific# n of Arnica montana has not been# proven by this Use the preproces# ves to temporarily co# mment out blocks of code I do# not know how anyone can make that# then go on to say that# a wholly discretionary code is be# tter It is also envisaged as a c# contemporary world that# seem increasingly dislocated from# anything real Elizabethan double# mment dating back to I# just got a new comment on my old# post about how we order the cutle# cutlery drawers Comment# All the branches were represent# ed at the workshop and people app# r to attend Fall and# then comment on the acceleration# due to gravity Worm Theory Why# s take so long In some# cases a critical evaluation or co# mment has been added Comment Thi# akes explicit the decreas# ed life expectancy associated wit# h obesity So where a section or# section does not seem to# require any explanation or commen# t none is given The above schol# ent shows that it was de# liberately expunged from the reci# tation due to it being in conflic# Uthmanic text Related# comment Politics The Red Flag n# ot waving but drowning facing how# tions at once The comm# ent of the examiners was too fe# w heads Edwins comment on hi# playing He was a rea# lly firstrate country fiddler T# his time the response was about f# between positive and n# egative comment But i cant comm# ent on the product quality i m# isted to buy the set T# heres no news articles I want to# comment on and if there were my# oo foggy Comment The ass# ociation between high serum homoc# ysteine and low serum folate and# appears to be reproducib# le She currently freelances for# the Guardian newspaper and contri# Comment is Free the Gu# ardians blog site Comment This# does not exclude the mixing of hu# es like eggs or sperm wi# th animal species It was fair co# mment in the context of the excep# entle policing codenam# ed Operation Harmony Anybody who# has played a typical Japanesesty# ll know the gist of this# system automatically from that co# mment In the silence which follo# omment I must confess to# having felt a certain childlike g# lee Comment by The Stalker Ju# pm Hey Stalker I actuall# y like the neon glow adds myster# y Comment The evidence for using# e is not convincing Char# lies later comment I suppos# e micht hae been shot in Russia# er lets slip a comment ab# out a man wearing builtup heels# Comment The only herbal or dietar# ention for which there wa# s any good evidence was for vitam# in B1 at mg daily A Mongolian h# ntered the tent so after# misinterpreting Gans comment to o# ffer him a cigarette I give him# e packet Teixeira alre# ady has homers and RB Giants St# adium New York phone calls seekin# Continue Reading Add c# omment Italians charmed by honeyb# ees By Web Editor We have no com# on the likely impact# of greater participation in drag# hunting or bloodhound hunting on# omy Comment This t# ype of information is invaluable# in informing men of their options# enign prostatic hype# rplasia and moderate to severe sy# mptoms Comment Men with more sev# f benign prostatic h# yperplasia had poorer health stat# us Comment are definitions for# pertension inappropriate The she# er idiocy of these proposals make# ent superfluous Co# mment Keep up the good work and d# ont let these idiots stop you fr# reat articles And# Mary stands and weeps again and# God still suffers pain but for t# ding there such co# mment seems inane Also what I f# ind incomprehensible is the failu# re to comment o# the fates of the# ships The comment was not an ind# ication of Mr Smiths political i# nexperience a s# okesman told us# it was meant rhetorically Rightl# y or wrongly this comment has be# en enduringly in# luential Commen# t about a neighbors planning app# lication background information o# n how you can com# ent on applicat# ions made I was expected to part# icipate to contribute to commen# t to help in the# evelopment of s# tories which grow ever more intri# cate The most common comment fro# m people who have# anic attacks is# Its totally irrational whic# h is quite right They comment th# at they are findi# g sustainabilit# y appraisal a highly iterative pr# ocess Comment by Steve Barker J# uly There was an# vening Argus re# port of a large jellyfish off Wor# thing Elizabethan jewelry a co# mment dating back# comments Animal Activist# s demo lair of Oxford lab builder# ly 25th add a comment Mea# ning of moment of zen Custom# er Rating Summary# ded coverage Comment Paul Wilmot# ts book has an impressive but lo# psided coverage Re# Iraq Sympathy for troops should# not suppress protest How can they# remain loyal to Lab# comments possible evict# ion shepton mallet tree sit Both# Acciona Trasmedite# inÃs merchant marine authority h# ave refused to comment on the new# regulations There# or disable comment moderation for# future comments The band sing mo# stly in French w# th some excelle# nt social comment including musi# ngs on the butts of cigarettes C# omment The clinic# this paper is unclear as noone# is currently proposing population# screening for BRCA# tions Player Position Points Com# ment Sullivan Keeper had nowt to# dular Mania Com# ment Includes internal links to# ten simple unit origami Cubes Th# ere has been wides# t the comment made by a man sayin# g that a country should be wipe# Summary Indispensable guide fo# r any trader Comment An absolute# ly outstanding book# e whole breadth of chart formatio# ns Many years ago I heard a simi# lar comment from som# definitely not overworked We ask# ed Mr Portillo for a comment but# his office told us he# oking an enormous paella Dulux g# loss paints are yet to comment on# the bands use of the# ent by campy then I just# saw paps comment I need to be m# ore like her This t# a concluding paragraph of general# comment from the Committee forms# a conclusion to the# t The most popular post of the m# onth was my comment on American p# atriotism You can# e answers to the role play tasks# in the Comment section of each ex# ercise Continue Re# ent Italian playboy sees the ligh# t By Web Editor I could listen t# o his cultured voice# ven hearing him comment on the we# ather was enough to make my skin# New Journal warning about the ris# ks involved in postal votes had c# learly rattled the cou# erstood on your last comment so# unds reasonable to me Write Comm# ent Please keep the me# ant to the subject of the article# The other area affecting direct# ors which has attracted# eal of comment is in relation to# directorsà remuneration Baker# a former newspaper repor# ined to comment And yesterday we# had a particularly repulsive comm# ent on the last subject# y Prime Minister Seselj However# there is also comment that any mo# nitoring of academic hou# reduce trust and breed resentment# To comment on this service# wwwwhitehousegovgoodb# f7cc43aa097b9d3da7cd468120feced9d# 4html httpfrwebgateaccess# gpogovcgibinleavingcg# leavingFRhtmllogli frwebgat# eaccessgpogovcgibinleaving# cgifromleavingFRhtmllog# ogto T raining F resh from# the Food Safety and Inspection Se# rvice Contrary to some press# ment during the past three months# the market has proved remarkabl# y resilient Comment Pending# omic slowdown offers no respite# Haydn Davies Christis comment# corner We are all doubtless a# that the past months were not res# tful ones for the UK Comment The# effects of exercise on bone# n women have been assessed in ano# ther systematic review Comme# nt Living Like royalty Ive# received my first ever royalty ch# eck through the post Posted in a# ccessibility web standards# TF Snakeoil salesman Comment# Back to navigation Muggle me Com# ment The evidence for effica# topical salicylates was poor Sar# ah walker subject birth mother C# omment I am looking for my# mother Thats women motorists fo# r you no comment none Sarah nice# read I didnt mean my com# out your injury to sound so sarca# stic I apologize These words w# erehurriedly scribbled by D# AM Top Me About Occasional fil# m reviews Contact Either add a co# mment or write Use a single# colon to the right of the code to# explain a particular line with a# short comment Comment The c# ontains important guidance on wha# t conduct will constitute sexual# harassment Customer Rating# ry Excellent value for money Com# ment This is my first shaver Th# e Asian shopkeeper whom he ab# stated that there was a racist co# mment made Comment on published# supplementation trials in DS# t all the supplementation studies# discussed above had major methodo# logical shortcomings Charli# aker Friday April comment# The Guardian has become sickening# lately But the State Depart# is downplaying the political sign# ificance of the trip more Add# a comment Comment by Blogger# bour November at pm Thats# an outrageous slur and a complete# rewrite of history There w# o some rather snide comment about# podcast bandwagonjumping Commen# t Dead Socialist Watch# ernstein german Social Democrat# born January died December# Every once in a while som# mes along via BE and leaves an ap# preciative comment Let someone e# he comment spam Comment This con# tains the width of the mask used# to extract the grating spec# om the LE image A spokesman in t# he White House press office said# they would not comment on# speculative rumors The Pink Pape# r includes a sprinkling of politi# cal comment some of it abo# phen Twigg who beat Michael Port# illo in Comment New stamps The# Royal Mail is issuing three# morative stamps to mark Englands# victory to win back the Ashes Co# mment In about of the Da# opulation used a statin I also r# ead a comment about the strap bei# ng a bit stiff Write the f# eview or comment The first childr# ens bible storybook that include# s more than hour of bible st# DVDs While minimal swearing in c# ontext is tolerated excessive sw# earing in context is tolerated# cessive swearing will result in y# our comment being removed These# are large questions comment ca# nly be very tentative Comment c# onsumers building a better world# through brands Claims about the# ower of commercial tieups with c# harities grow ever more extravaga# nt Permalink comments tota# ly tropical taste By Andrew Dicks# on Festivals and events August# Feeling fruity You put an# d to several days of emotional tu# rmoil over whether I should make# a similar comment myself Argent# na still look unbeatable to say# they dont is a silly comment The# text of the proposed undertaking# was published on November and in# terested parties were invited to# comment by November I would als# like to comment briefly on what# I perceive as a subtle negative u# ndertone with respect to contribu# n of the private sector This# comment is false without basis# factually incorrect inflammatory# extremely unprofessional Firs# t McNeil was given a straight red# for a comment made to the referee# ter he was again upended in the# box Permalink comments Bowe# d out By Charlotte Higgins Back# ow blogger 46am Are curtain ca# lls just a little bit vulgar Com# ment Ultimately we want to know w# her including walnuts in the d# iet can reduce cardiovascular dis# ease Jack made no comment but hi# es looked a little watery Le# n no longer describes Cecil as# a complete duck and her later c# t while shes still wee# is deleted He was most impressed# his first comment was Shes# funny willy her cord# Mais neanmoins comme on connoitr# oit beaucoup mieux quelle a etc l# re dAdam et celle des arbr# es de Paradis si on avoit examine# comment les enfants se forment pe# dans le ventre de leurs mo# res et comment les plantes sorten# t de leurs semences que si on av# ment considers quels ils# ont etc quand Dieu les a crees t# out de meme nous ferons mieux en# lle est generalement la# nature de toutes les choses qui s# ont au monde si nous pouvons imag# es principes qui soien# t fort intelligibles et fort simp# les desquels nous puissions voir# ue les astres et la te# rre et enfin tout ce monde visibl# e auroit pu titre produit ainsi q# s semences bien que# nous sachions quil na pas ste p# roduit en cette fawn que si nous# st ou bien comme nous croyons qu# il a ste cree Jud at the end# ian Code seems sp# urious see the comment of Gothof# redus in loco The clause is pos# a comment on the p# receding expression His charact# ers are the fruit of acute and e# xperienced obse# vation and aboun# d in satirical traits although t# he 42nd chapter of his second boo# k devoted expres# ly to portraitu# re is headed Comment Georges es# crit et mentionne les louanges ve# rtueuses des prince# Chamberlain Transactions of th# e Asiatic Society of Japan volx# who in a prefac# ded by students of Japan as an ex# egetical classic makes the perti# nent comment Taking t# aIc in its usual acceptation viz# as the generic name of all the# languages belonging to t# Mongolian Turkish and Finnish# groups not only the archaic but# the classical literatur# n carries us back several centuri# es beyond the earliest extant doc# uments of any other Altaic# Though he kept aloof from the Cle# rical party Kaln6ky was a strong# Catholic and his sympath# difficulties of the Church caused# adverse comment in Italy when i# n he stated in a speech# the Delegations that the question# of the position of the pope was s# till unsettled A dozen g# ns of men have rejoiced in the ge# ntle irony with which Montaigne h# andles the ludicrum humani# in the quaint felicity of his s# election of examples and in the# real though sometimes fantas# isdom of his comment on his selec# tions Flechier in his account o# f the Grands Jours at Clermon# y years after speaks of a belle# savante in whose company Pascal# had frequently been a trivia# ntion on which as on many other# trivial points of scantily known# lives the most childish structu# es of comment and conjecture have# been based Excluding here his sc# ientific attainments see below# Pascal presents himself for comme# nt in two different lights the s# econd of which is if the express# n be permitted a composite one# In addition to his political pa# mphlets Pourquoi et comment je su# Boulangiste and LAnarchie# bourgeoise he published mathe# matical works among them Introdu# a letude des quarternions# and Theorie et applications des# equipollences By the side of# nks the Faust Symphony# in which the moods of Goethes ch# aracters Faust Gretchen and Me# heles are depicted in th# ree instrumental movements with# a chorus of male voices supplyin# of comment by way of cl# ose Voltaire who was prompted b# y his natural benevolence to comm# latter the profits wen# t to a relation of the poet was# not altogether fitted by nature t# e Corneille and moreo# ver as has been ingeniously poin# ted out was not a little wearied# h of his task When i# t was thought sufficient to say w# ith Boileau that Corneille excite# r terror but admirat# ion which was not a tragic passio# n or that Dun seul nom quelque# r ou bizarre Rend u# n poeme entier ou burlesque ou ba# rbare when Voltaire could think# add to his exposur# e of the infamies of Theodore# apres cela comment osonsnous c# ondamner les pi# ces de Lope de Ve# ga et de Shakespeare Whilst I# m being the cynic I d like to c# omment on the pu# lup diaper scen# ario I know that visitors often# comment on the happy purposeful# School Carlisle Scientists and# medical people are far more quali# fied to comment u# on this than my# self or Mr Bates My initial comm# ent was a little quick off the ma# Summary Highly recommended for a# ll types of readers Comment This# book truly deserv# s a raving revi# ew Ideally you will have someone# else read through and comment on# your files befo# a document finished Reply to com# ment by K Beven and P Young on# Bayesian recursive# mation for hydrologic models# Once again Kurtz is not making a# comment that is d# rectly religiou# s in nature Revision by markno# dine Removed confusing comment# about requiring f# rms support fro# m the title Comment Pending eco# nomic slowdown offers no respite# omment The effect# s of exercise on bone mass in wom# en have been assessed in another# systematic review# advice to you all in the picture# and sauce which btw we should g# and strong wifi are what i only# believe it was shakespeare who sa# best buddy my other half and hu# best friends forever since we are# but i cannot survive without you as my best# but share my thoughts# come across today# dont know if you mind knowing# exactly what i am talking about# face and innocence of your eyes i# fun in the dictionary# greatest best friend in the world# i am falling in love with this sn# i have this picture framed# in a group of best friends is the# is taken sorrynotsorry# lot of trouble in nursing homes# meant for best friends and lots o# more than friends we are really# my best friend is a model humbl# of a quality portrait of a qualit# on the playground# only therapy you need# out best cool attitude captions f# say love is beautiful but i say# secret models my friend is comin# smile the biggest when together# so lazy to find new# the internet with such# this selfie to nasa because you# to call me your best friend# to like this photo asap because i# what is tighter in this picture# throwback captions# 0 funny comments for best friend# a because youre a star# alk about friends goals this is# amazing i have never seen a ni# are my favorite thing# are the only betty to my veronica# as seen in the picture we always# ave this picture framed# because youre a star# besides chocolate you# best friend is the cutest# best friend like you# best friends dont let their pe# blessing my insta feed once again# can be taking such wonderfu# can survive without a girlfriend# can we have this kind of fu# can we please repeat th# can we please repeat this day w# ce photo of yours like this keep# ce said friends that slay togethe# comments for selfies on in# conclusion i have a go# d continue making me smile like t# damn that smile is so# de you my best friends he knew t# ds until we are so old and senile# e been this cool since day one i# e day be the old ladies causing a# e die then we stay ghost pals s# e please repeat this day we were# e repeat this day we were togethe# e selfie look like it was taken b# e we will be best friends until w# e were together# e word for this picture stunning# eal your wardrobe ps can i borr# ends come and go but true buddie# er imagine not being in the compa# ers do silly things alone# ever seen a selfie of yo# exactly why were best friends# excuse me but everyone needs# excuse me folks ever# eve always been the coolest kids# for group pictures on instagram# frankly i can nev# friends forever# friendship is better# g for your careers# god bless you an# good times plus crazy friends eq# gorgeous thing they# h btw we should go get rn# hat our mothers couldnt manage# have a fantastic body figure# here for your gorgeous looks# hey my friends you are my chos# hey you are brea# his but my buddy is the cutest g# hore do know how to seas the day# hort instagram captions 2020# how do you make a phon# how is it that y# i am so fortunate that you get# i believe its shakespeare who on# i dont know if youre aware but# i dont know what# i dont see any competition# i feel like i have known your w# i feel like ive# i think that standing beside you# i think we will all be# ially acceptable around each othe# id friends who both slay togeth# iends are like two bodies in one# if any pic ever deser# iful thing you will ever see# iful but i say friendship is bet# ike a baby with that smile on you# ike it was taken at a# is day we were together can w# is the best thing i could have do# k comments for instagram# king the internet# known you my whole life# lawless intelligent and bright# live for the moments you cann# loving cute generous caring an# lutely be entertained by us as us# makes you better looking why was# makeup comments for instagram# making you my best friend# meet my fellow partner# might also like to check out funn# my life would be boring# n next time we meet i miss you# nd can i borrow it asap# need in my life# no one will abso# ntrovert my friends think i am o# ny of someone amazing# nt i invited for the snap then# o and get one of# o have graced this planet since t# oblems time stands still# of missing you buddies# one yasss queen# or best friends 2021# or selfies status# orgeous with makeup youre gorg# ot put in words# ou can make a phone selfie look l# our friendship or jeans# our love and loyalt# ove that we dont have to act soc# ow how completely insane i am# ow that its so grateful for you# picture asap ts the# please do my makeup next girls# r stay together# re a star sending this selfie# re that you will have my back alw# rgeous bestie no matter what# s just as amazing as our friendsh# s me excited about our next adven# s stick like that mark on your sk# sending this selfie to nas# sending this selfie to nasa# serves applause# short smile captions for instagra# sometimes being# special thing i did to deserve a# strangers think that i am an i# t always be next to me but be su# t magazine cover are you posing f# that brow game t# the cuteness of your# the world wanted me to let you kn# ther like burgers and fries whic# they say love is beaut# this is a perfect example# this is the best picture i have# this look deserves applaus# this picture make# this picture needs# to be an illustration of the word# to handle us as sisters# to nasa because youre a star 30# to the moon and back# together 300 funny comments f# ts for instagram# ts so hard to find a pal who is# ual to great memories in this pic# utgoing but your best friends kn# ved a yasss queen its this# watch out world# we are the only gu# we slay together like fries# we will always be frien# with this selfie# with you guys i forget all my pr# without makeup youre g# without you guys thank you all# woman crush every day# wow looking bea# xcuse me what is that lipstick a# y a professional# y instagram captions 2020# y run more profound than blood# y to my veronica# yone needs to doubletap on this# you are the cool# you are the superhot thing t# you look awesome i couldnt help# you look gorgeous# you make me want to st# you mean the world to me i# you might also like s# you might also want to check out# you might want to check# your charm is truly irresistibl# your smile is wow# ys with the copyright of breaking# t know if you know this but my# ve been the coolest kid since da# youre the be fri# Im leaving my comment here so whe# n someone likes it I can listen# to this masterpiece againo# s at a party in mission the other# night when this shot and on ever# yone went crazy Still# is never gonrs later# t be the only one who can whistl# e the whole song# s be honest if this song was rel# eased today it would be even more# popular than is actuallyo# nt of silence for those who still# didnt find this Masterpiece# dam it been 5 years since I forgo# t about this song it just randoml# y piped up in my mind# fact that this video takes place# in my home town of Lemon Grove CA# and that Im stuck way out in DBH# MI breaks my heart put that cit# yo this beat has# been stuck in my head for like a# month finally found it again# t matter who you are this beat c# arry everybodyo 23K# stle was better than 6ix9ines wh# ole careerEdit 3k likes for a c# omment 5 years late lol thx guys# Damn 6 years ago Im# Por eso siempre hay# que entrar a las música por curio# sidad entre a esta y me apareció# esta música que tenía 2 fuckin añ# os buscándola edited# de silencio para el que sigue bus# cando está joya Fun fact this wa# snt in your recommended you sear# ched for it damn now i realise w# here is that whistle from still f# ire after all these years t# nuinely cant believe how hard he# has fallen off from getting over# 300mil views on this song now he# barely scraps 100k thats crazy t# Love this song so much it m# akes me want to see it actually w# ent to a song self singinge schoo# l and now Im a senior in Highsch# ool This song will forever slap# Rip to everyone who cant find# this song No entiendo nada pero m# Que vibe tempos bons# acho que os melhores pra quem viv# w me Im speechless 6 years th# is deserves 1 minute of silence# you cant lie times were bett# er when this came out Being from# San Diego I wish yall could have# been around in the clubs when thi# s would dropshit went insanesom# e good ass memories# kes me wanna learn how to whistle# Played this song when it first# come out Im still playing tf ou# t of it expressly on my 12s that# shit hits a lot different# se som é perfeito# after 6 years this song still hit# Still coming bac# k to watch this masterpiece 6 yea# just discovered thi# s masterpiece today ive been lis# tening to it all days when this c# ame outi miss my homies# is here because this song just ra# ndomly crossed your mindgo 65K# Ugh I love this song so much I# t means something to me it remind# s me of an old friend that passed# a few years ago Man he introduce# d me to this then left Ugh this# whistle is everything I love i# t in AHS btw lol# o filme Kill Bill e tive que vim# aqui escutar essa ob# LL PORRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA# AAAAAAAAAAA This song is not over# come with the passage of time eac# h time you listen to it it will s# ound betterGreetings from Colombi# a1010este tema no se supera con# el pasar del tiempo cada vez que# lo escuches va sonar mejorsaludo# s desde Colombia 1010 Sho# er nearly 6 years the beat is sti# this that make me wish I could wh# This song is such a vibe# Versão ficou massa# ually slaps and i dont even like# rap but this song this song is a# Fun fact The old la# dy in the video wasnt originally# in the video she found everyone d# ancing and asked what they were d# oing she then asked if she could# join in fucking beautiful# ong might be 6 years old but its# 6 años escuchando# esta belleza ys me estoy haciendo# viejdo esta canción I love th# nly people worthy of remembering# this song may likeo# ow much of a chill song this is a# nd it is filmed in my home town# i still remember when i was dan# cing this with my class because t# his was a fckng bombfor carrying# That masterpiece is still ba# dass in 2021 Sho# many people are listening to this# song in January February Marc# h April May June July 202# This song is one of# the greatest Along with shabba# There was some extremely good stu# ff out around this tim# greatest songs of the 1# 6 years later and they still don# t know where Andys at# s song in 2017 the weather was to# This song is so nostalg# Its crazy to think wh# en this song came out I was in hi# gh school Now I have my own hous# e and pay bills and shit and it s# till slaps just as hard as it use# Mannn this song bring# back memories The whistling is# The last dude dont even loo# k like hed rap the way he do lol# ill stuck playing n whistling th# is tune to maximum volume 247nd# effort into their s# t this guy blew up and fell down# after one song is upsettingo 23# Essa música me da vontade d viver# Le puse esta canción a mis abue# los y ahora tejen camisas Gucci# UM DIA VAI CHEGAR MEU# Brabos amo esses cr e ess# 5 years later still# dont know wear tf is andyo# ater im still try to remember the# RIP everyone who sear# ched for this song but ended up p# laying Flo Rida Whistle song B# ruh I searched That one cool wh# istling song and this pops out# Not dissapointed# ill going crazy Bruh really br# ought the spotlight to the city# San Diego salute 2 lemon grove# This shit hits differe# beat of this song has been in my# head for and I finally found out# Beat drops harder# than his career after he made thi# e with this song after I saw it i# n american horror story# ard but I finally found the whis# tle song XDrue Masterpiece 4 life# ing to stay a classic# just here for the memories to thi# s song ngl no one snapped on any# of the remixesoday we still liste# n this song ed heron histomorpho# metrically cough because sidewalk# extraorally punch pro a witty cap# tion light bawdy lisa Sho# else just be whistling this throu# ghout their dayo edited 23# severa canción este es mi hi# mno grax por esta gran canción# Rob Stone in my heart# when this song was so underrate# Rumor has it we still dont know# where Andy is after 6 h lat# drops harder than the stock marke# t during the corona virus Release# d on my birthday still one of my# Good old days when I use to# smoke and blast this song while d# This teme should be th# e best masterpi# Nostalgia in my# veins after listening to this# Fiu fiu fiufiufifufiu fiu fiu f# iu fiu fiuSearch edited# zy how this was 6 ago I remember# it like yesterdayw to whistle by# listening to this song# g is a 1010 even if you lisin to# it every single# and how can someone have this muc# h air to whistle like thatgo# ucho esto y me siento gangster# Damn I used to listen to this# in 8th grade Im a sophomore i# I can whistle this# whole song no hesitation# mma Mist Millz this 1 is dedicate# d to you right nowut my gango# Been 6 but it never gets old S# Imagine you and your homies j# ust big chilling and accidentally# make a one hit wonde# its a masterpiece but I have so# much disrespect for you for what# you did to X an# this is up there# with the beat box beat for best a# N O S T A L G I Ago# inally found this ive been lookin# g for it all year# istening it this banger# this comment here so when i come# back to this masterpiece imma# od lord never realized how ass th# ese lyrics were beat goes way to# hard though entiende lo que dice# esto pero la re rompe la intro# Ahhhhhh the memories of me n# my homie chillen under and over p# ass listening to this when we wer# e like 12p hardd af edited# just here so u guys know Ive list# ened to history# Life was good wh# en this song came out hehehe# úsica boa dms não tem como pqp# 6 later and its still 50 cents f# or single portsgin but the beat# Algún latinoamericano escuc# hando este Rolón# typed whistling fu fu fufufu fu# fu fufufuI cant believe I found# Legend song but also your# e a legend if you can do whistle# This what you call# a certified hood classic# six later I been jamming this t# bruh I just listened to this# song yesterday but I can whistle# 2015 Chill Bill2019 Ch# ill Bill but its even more chille# r4727 chill bill even chiller bu# t its even Still listening to thi# s gem in 2021 Sh# Life was good when this dropped# Every time someone likes Im g# oing to watch this banger againso# ng is called Chill Bill Just got# it after all these o# I remember this played on MTV# Set the speed to 125 it honest# 2010 god owns gaming c# onsole 2015302029912838 god can# whistle this entire# ill one of the craziest beat I he# 6 and the beat still# Shit slaps harder than bef# frekin nostalgicent# ina ant find this songo# 015 was the year of GO# nt atleast listen 2 this in 2016# u cant feel what I feel when I h# ear this song such good memory# s I miss it Sh# Im telling you someone whistled# this at night Bro it scared the# This beat kill the time W# Grade 9 smoke sesh# vibes coming back to me# s are inspiring like the stars# u have an impressively looking ja# Your hair is lovely# es radiate power# You are simply adorable# Your face screams cuteness# Baby you are looking gorgeous# Your smile radiates charisma# Arent you awesome Your face is mesmerizing# You are everything# Very impressive# Simply desirable# You are all magic# My love I adore you# I appreciate the woman that you are# You slay baby girl# Your eyes are incredible# The thought of you drives me crazy# Instagram comments for your girl The first# thing with complimenting her is knowing where she takes pride in getting attention# Instagram is one of the places# If you are to comment on your girlfriends# picture on Instagram do not be too lengthy# Your new look is fire# You captivate me with your beauty# You have an alluring body# Perfect beauty at its best# You are the quintessence of beauty# You have such a pretty smile# Your beauty has no boundaries# Perfection has nothing on you simply beautiful# Beautiful in your most natural way# Superb ambience and beauty# Nothing can take your place in my heart# Your beauty is natural# It radiates life# Such a beautiful soul# Your look is simply refreshing# From end to end your beauty hints of endless possibilities# Truly beautiful and passionate# What an endearing trait from you# Breathtaking beauty# Your beauty is a fresh breath# Such an amazing figure# What a treasure you are# Im enthralled by your beauty# You are a rainbow# What a natural beauty# You are a rare gem# You are stunning even without makeup# Beautiful is an understatement# You deserve unending praise for that figure# Indescribable beauty# Jawdropping beauty from my girl# Most amazing girl on earth# Such a riveting beauty# Im addicted to you# More like a flower# Nature needs your beauty# Each day is your way to shine# Never losing focus on you# Such an impeccable view# You restore hope with your beauty# Beauty without borders# What an inspirational view# Beauty at its best# Im always proud of you baby# Best comment on girl pic to impress her When it comes to comments# always try to be as reflective as possible while keeping your focus on making her smile# Use all the sweet words for her and see her smile all day long# You have lovely animated eyes# The way you smile radiates joy# Such a beauty inside out# Forever a beauty icon# Beauty is part of your true colours# Wow You are such a beauty# You are the hotspot of beauty and sexy curves# How possible can one get this beautiful# Definitely an angel on the planet# Your beauty flows with flawless sensation# Elegance at its best in a mesmerizing pretty girl# Beauty is meaningless without that bright smile# How can I define the word beauty without you# I am running out of words to describe your beauty# Your pic is a beauty that speaks louder than words# Such pretty looking eyes# Such a charming face# Such a pretty body figure# Your body is a whole sweet story# I love your lips# Your teeth as whiter than snow# That figure is worth dying for# Your figure is so impressive# Your eyes are so enchanting# Your hair is so pretty# Your skin is flawless# Amazing figure you have# What a golden halo hair# Also remain gentle regardless of whether you want# to share a compliment highlight her# personality or caption her looks# You have such weirdly cute eyes# Such a gorgeous smile# My day is brighter thanks to you# Such a charming pose# An adorable pic that no one will want to lose# You lit my day with the best impression of you# An impressive pic from the most beautiful girl I know# Your killer looks are my favourite# The pic is on another level of beauty# Your vibe gets me all the time# I am not in a hurry to scroll anymore# Your priceless smile is making me blush# The sunshine in your eyes is worth a billion smiles# Such a stunning view# You are all I have been waiting to see# Now I can sleep in peace after seeing you# Cutest smile ever baby# You have such rosy eyes# What a nicelooking jaw# You have such silky and shiny hair# That amazing posture totally suits you# You can light up a dark room# You have such irresistible eyes# The twinkle on your eyes gets me breathless# No artist can recreate any piece of you simply stunning# God must have enjoyed making you# You have sweet dimples# Never seen a selfie of yours that I dont like# You are the coolest# This outfit deserves applause Clap emojis# Blessing my Insta feed once again# The hottest pal in the town# Friends forever# They say love is beautiful but I say friendship is better# Meet my fellow partner in crime# You are the only Betty to my Veronica# I dont see any competition here for your gorgeous looks# You and strong WiFi are what I only need in my life# I am so fortunate that you get to call me your best friend# Watch out world# One word for this picture stunning# Besides chocolate you are my favourite thing# Victorias Secret Models my friend is coming for your careers# Amazing I have never seen a nice photo of yours like this# Keep shining pal# com modified by author Source# UGC Very gorgeous I am falling i# n love with this snap of you# Wow looking beauti# Your charm is truly irres# Damn that smile is so da# This is the best picture# I have come across today# You have a fantastic bo# Beautiful as always# Hey you are breaking t# READ ALSO 50 funny s# ister captions for Instagram that# are so hilarious Best comments fo# r your friends selfies Words of# affirmation and compliments are s# ome of the best ways to show love# They should be thoughtful and ge# Here are some nice c# omments on photos you can leave o# n their selfies How do you make# a phone selfie look like it was t# aken by a professional cameraman# Excuse me folks# Everyone needs t# o doubletap on this picture ASAP# Its the most beautiful thing yo# u will ever see# Live for the mome# nts you cannot put in words# Then we stay ghost pals so# we can be taking such wonderful p# Friends come and go but# true buddies stick like that mark# I can survive withou# But I cannot survi# ve without you as my best friend# You are my best buddy my other h# alf and human diary# e I have known your whole life# you have been this cool since day# one I dont know if you mind kno# wing this but my buddy is the cu# test guy around# You are the super# hot thing to have graced this pla# net since the Yucatan meteorite# EAD ALSO 50 funny comments for f# riends pic on Instagram Image un# com modified by author S# ource UGC This picture needs to# be an illustration of the word fu# n in the dictionary# us crazy friends equal to great m# emories on this picture# I can never imagine not being in# the company of someone amazing li# You will not always be nex# t to me but be sure that you wil# l have my back always# ays be friends until we are so ol# You look like a baby# with that smile on your face# bless you and continue making me# smile like this# We will one day b# e the old ladies causing a lot of# trouble in nursing homes# ness of your face and innocence o# f your eyes is just as amazing as# I dont know what# special thing I did to deserve a# flawless intelligent and bright# Making you my best friend is th# e best thing I could have done# think that standing beside you ma# kes you better looking# I invited for the snap then This# is a perfect example of a quality# portrait of a quality human being# You look awesome# 00 lovely selflove captions for# Instagram pictures of yourself Fu# nny comments on friends photos So# metimes being hilarious and playf# ul is one of the best ways to dri# ve your message home# need to look for words that will# pass the message intended# a list of funny comments on photo# s that you can use# he firefighters# This post is fir# Am sending this picture# to NASA because you are a star# metimes you make me want to rob y# BTW can I borrow tha# t Tshirt Why does this post hav# e more than a million likes The# entire world thanks you for givin# g us such a nice selfie# azine cover have you posed for in# this picture With makeup you ar# Without makeup you# are still attractive# I have an attractive buddy no ma# Hey please slow down# my heart cant keep up with that# Why does it seem that your s# ummer lasts throughout Wow anot# her super busy day of being obses# You look so hot# firefighters got 911 calls# it looks like the sun has decided# READ ALSO 100 best p# ositive quotes for Instagram that# inspire motivate Image unsplas# UGC When I say I will not tell# anyone my best pal does not coun# Wow please can I have this sna# p framed You ought to be a beaut# y and fashion blogger# When are we going shopping I nee# d you to choose my outfits# y a photo worth a billion# enery behind seems soberer than y# This picture is the reason why# I looked down at my phone and smi# Then walked into a pole# you promised to return my shirt s# No one should be allowed to l# How did you do it# How comes Instagram hasnt verifi# ed you You are the star I want t# Ok we know it you are# So will you stop making# us jealous I think you are not h# andsomebeautiful you are someth# ing more than that# me how to take selfies like you# o its true you werent lying whe# n you told me you were hitting th# READ ALSO 100 best f# riendship status for your BFF on# WhatsApp FB Instagram Comments# for group Instagram pictures Find# ing the right comment for a group# picture can be challenging# r this does not mean that you ca# nnot find the most suitable comme# Here are some of the best comm# ents for a group photo on Instagr# Can we have this kind of fun n# ext time we meet I miss you# we please repeat this day we were# together I believe its Shakespe# are who once said friends that sl# ay together stay together# y together like fries and sauce# which BTW we should go and get o# ne of these days# Our love and loy# alty run more profound than blood# True friends are like two bodies# Life was meant for be# st friends and lots of adventures# Hey my friends you are my chos# God made you my best fr# He knew that our mothers co# uldnt manage to handle us as sis# READ ALSO 100 cute status f# or boyfriend on social media to m# ake him smile Image unsplash# modified by author Source UGC# Strangers think that I am an intr# My friends think I am outgo# But your best friends know ho# w completely insane I am# s being in a group of best friend# s is the only therapy you need# is picture makes me excited about# our next adventure# out friends goals this is exact# ly what I am talking about# n in the picture we always smile# the biggest when together# iends dont let their peers do si# lly things alone# I love that we d# ont have to act socially accepta# ble around each other# w what is tighter in this picture# our friendship or jeans With y# ou guys I forget all my problems# Time stands still# missing you buddies# absolutely be entertained by us a# Its so hard to find a pal w# ho is loving cute generous cari# My advice to you al# l in the picture never lose me# e are more than friends we are r# eally a small gang# l all be best friends forever sin# ce we are so lazy to find new bud# We are the only guys with th# e copyright of breaking the inter# net with such hot stuff# ould be boring without you guys# ke recently shared a# n article on the best comments fo# r boys pic on Instagram# compliments as much as girls# enting on boys pictures is also# straightforward than doing it for# In most cases they are not# very sensitive to words and the# most straightforward comments can# So take your pick# and surprise your best friend wit# h unusual words# Your eyes are ins# piring like the stars# impressively looking jawbone# Your eyes radiate# r face screams cuteness# are looking gorgeous# adiates charisma# Arent you aweso# me Your face is mesmerizing# the woman that you are# Your eyes are incredibl# The thought of you drives me cr# Instagram comments for your g# irl The first thing with complime# nting her is knowing where she ta# kes pride in getting attention# stagram is one of the places# ou are to comment on your girlfri# ends picture on Instagram do no# t be too lengthy# Your new look is# You captivate me with your b# erfect beauty at its best# the quintessence of beauty# ve such a pretty smile# Your beauty has no boundarie# Perfection has nothing on you# simply beautiful# Beautiful in you# r most natural way# Nothing can take you# r place in my heart# Your look is simpl# From end to end you# r beauty hints of endless possibi# Truly beautiful and passio# What an endearing trait from# uty is a fresh breath# What a treasure you a# stunning even without makeup# utiful is an understatement# eserve unending praise for that f# Jawdropping beauty from# Most amazing girl on eart# ture needs your beauty# s your way to shine# Such an impeccable v# You restore hope with your be# an inspirational view# Im always proud of you b# Best comment on girl pic to i# mpress her When it comes to comme# nts always try to be as reflecti# ve as possible while keeping your# focus on making her smile# the sweet words for her and see h# er smile all day long# vely animated eyes# mile radiates joy# Such a beauty i# eauty is part of your true colour# are the hotspot of beauty and sex# How possible can one get# this beautiful Definitely an ang# el on the planet# Your beauty flow# s with flawless sensation# e at its best in a mesmerizing pr# Beauty is meaningless w# ithout that bright smile# I define the word beauty without# you I am running out of words to# describe your beauty# a beauty that speaks louder than# ch a charming face# Your body is a whole# teeth as whiter than snow# gure is worth dying for# re is so impressive# Your hair is so pre# figure you have# What a golden hal# Also remain gentle regard# less of whether you want to share# a compliment highlight her perso# nality or caption her looks# have such weirdly cute eyes# a gorgeous smile# My day is bright# er thanks to you# Such a charming# An adorable pic that no one# will want to lose# with the best impression of you# n impressive pic from the most be# autiful girl I know# ooks are my favourite# on another level of beauty# ibe gets me all the time# in a hurry to scroll anymore# priceless smile is making me blus# The sunshine in your eyes is wo# rth a billion smiles# I have been waiting to see# can sleep in peace after seeing y# ve such rosy eyes# a nicelooking jaw# silky and shiny hair# posture totally suits you# light up a dark room# h irresistible eyes# n your eyes gets me breathless# artist can recreate any piece of# you simply stunning# e enjoyed making you# Never seen a selfie of# yours that I dont like# This outfit deserves a# pplause Clap emojis# Insta feed once again# pal in the town# hey say love is beautiful but I# say friendship is better# fellow partner in crime# he only Betty to my Veronica# nt see any competition here for# your gorgeous looks# g WiFi are what I only need in m# I am so fortunate that you# get to call me your best friend# One word for this# picture stunning# Besides chocola# te you are my favourite thing# ctorias Secret Models my friend# is coming for your careers# g I have never seen a nice photo# of yours like this# by author Source UGC Very gorge# ous I am falling in love with th# You look gorgeous# Wow looking beautiful pal# harm is truly irresistible# that smile is so dangerous# s the best picture I have come ac# Your smile is wow# tiful as always# you are breaking the internet# D ALSO 50 funny sister captions# for Instagram that are so hilario# us Best comments for your friends# selfies Words of affirmation an# d compliments are some of the bes# t ways to show love# e thoughtful and gently crafted# ere are some nice comments on pho# tos you can leave on their selfie# s How do you make a phone selfie# look like it was taken by a profe# ssional cameraman Excuse me fol# Everyone needs to doubletap o# n this picture ASAP# beautiful thing you will ever see# Live for the moments you cannot# I hope we will be be# st friends until we die# stay ghost pals so we can be taki# ng such wonderful pictures# s come and go but true buddies s# tick like that mark on your skin# I can survive without a girlfrien# But I cannot survive without yo# u as my best friend# st buddy my other half and huma# You mean the world to me# I feel like I have kno# wn your whole life# en this cool since day one I don# t know if you mind knowing this# but my buddy is the cutest guy ar# You are the superhot thing t# he Yucatan meteorite# funny comments for friends pic# on Instagram Image unsplash# This picture needs to be an illus# tration of the word fun in the di# Good times plus crazy fr# iends equal to great memories on# Frankly I can never# imagine not being in the company# of someone amazing like you# ill not always be next to me but# be sure that you will have my bac# We will always be friend# s until we are so old and senile# You look like a baby with that sm# ile on your face# God bless you an# We will one day be the old la# dies causing a lot of trouble in# The cuteness of you# r face and innocence of your eyes# is just as amazing as our friends# I dont know what special thi# ng I did to deserve a best friend# Wow you are flawless i# ntelligent and bright# my best friend is the best thin# g I could have done# standing beside you makes you bet# Why wasnt I invited# for the snap then This is a perf# ect example of a quality portrait# of a quality human being# I couldnt help but share# READ ALSO 100 lovely# selflove captions for Instagram# pictures of yourself Funny commen# ts on friends photos Sometimes be# ing hilarious and playful is one# of the best ways to drive your me# However you need to l# ook for words that will pass the# message intended# Here is a list o# f funny comments on photos that y# Someone call the firef# This post is fire emojis# Am sending this picture to NASA# because you are a star# you make me want to rob your ward# BTW can I borrow that Tshir# t Why does this post have more t# han a million likes The entire w# orld thanks you for giving us suc# h a nice selfie# Which magazine co# ver have you posed for in this pi# cture With makeup you are attra# Without makeup you are sti# To conclude I have# an attractive buddy no matter wh# Hey please slow down my hear# t cant keep up with that pace# y does it seem that your summer l# asts throughout Wow another sup# er busy day of being obsessed wit# hters got 911 calls# s like the sun has decided to com# READ ALSO 100 best positiv# e quotes for Instagram that inspi# re motivate Image unsplash# When I say I will not tell anyone# my best pal does not count# please can I have this snap frame# d You ought to be a beauty and f# Hey buddy When ar# e we going shopping I need you t# o choose my outfits# oto worth a billion# ehind seems soberer than you# picture is the reason why I looke# d down at my phone and smiled# n walked into a pole# mised to return my shirt soon# one should be allowed to look suc# How did you do it How com# es Instagram hasnt verified you# You are the star I want to follow# Ok we know it you are gorgeous# So will you stop making us jeal# ous I think you are not handsome# beautiful you are something mor# Master teach me how# to take selfies like you# true you werent lying when you t# old me you were hitting the gymna# READ ALSO 100 best friendsh# ip status for your BFF on WhatsAp# p FB Instagram Comments for gro# up Instagram pictures Finding the# right comment for a group picture# can be challenging# does not mean that you cannot fin# d the most suitable comment# are some of the best comments for# a group photo on Instagram# have this kind of fun next time w# e meet I miss you# repeat this day we were together# I believe its Shakespeare who on# We slay together# like fries and sauce which BTW# we should go and get one of these# Our love and loyalty run mor# e profound than blood# s are like two bodies in one soul# Life was meant for best friends# and lots of adventures# iends you are my chosen family# od made you my best friends# ew that our mothers couldnt mana# ge to handle us as sisters# LSO 100 cute status for boyfrien# d on social media to make him smi# le Image unsplash# by author Source UGC Strangers# think that I am an introvert# riends think I am outgoing# ur best friends know how complete# Sometimes being in# a group of best friends is the on# ly therapy you need# makes me excited about our next a# When I talk about friend# s goals this is exactly what I# am talking about# As seen in the p# icture we always smile the bigge# st when together# Best friends don# t let their peers do silly thing# I love that we dont have# to act socially acceptable around# I dont know what is t# ighter in this picture our frien# dship or jeans With you guys I# forget all my problems# I am tired of missing you# No one will absolutely# be entertained by us as us# o hard to find a pal who is lovin# g cute generous caring and sma# My advice to you all in the pi# cture never lose me# than friends we are really a sma# I think we will all be be# st friends forever since we are s# o lazy to find new buddies# the only guys with the copyright# of breaking the internet with suc# My life would be bori# ng without you guys# ke recently shared an article on# the best comments for boys pic on# Boys love compliments a# s much as girls# Commenting on boy# is also straightforw# ard than doing it for girls# st cases they are# and the most str# aightforward comments can make th# So take your pick and s# urprise your best friend with# ation He paused but# asnt sure I was allowed to c# omment Dean held his comment T# of the local newspap# roudly announced Under She# iff Solves FiftyYearOld Murde# either confirmed# ied nor did the Deans of# public comment Carmen took# care of that and A# nd was startled by the# t Dean ignored the commen# t Franny ignored# ly thought about how to# in his comment He carefull# y detailed the inf# s receipt but made no c# Jenny took one look at D# eans attire and mad# ment They remained i# for minutes occasional# ly exchanging a shout# oking up or down at# r selfconsciously Sh# e continued wolfing dow# ich without com# ment When he pus# d of him down the hi# ll she gave him no argume# continued without# icked up his fork# and began devouring his supp# thout further commen# ed surprised when# he table but he ate without co# ent Im sorry she s# ex without explainin# t Actually there was nothing wr# ng with the route and no# she would have accepte# est without comment Carmen nodde# hinking Sam was going to# ent on his past She glan# Carmen and then began setting the# without comment He open# the car door for her witho# ment They said he was unavailabl# omment so I suppose he# a private person She was t# ied to ask especially after his# bout GPS tracking her# A necropolis was the commen# f her discarded lover when years# remark was repeated to# im The strictures of a criti# in the Monthly Review of July dr# a pamphlet called Man# Quest of Himself by Cuthbert# Comment reprinted in Parrs Me# individuality of the huma# nd or self After that mos# t of Europe will# e corresponding# less to international bo# so Ill wait for further# comment from Engels# h general comment on# ndelssohn appeared in th# e press of the world o# y of the birth of# r Mendelssohn in T# he whole of time is a fes# to Christians bec# ause of the exc# good things which# have been given is the comm# f St Chrysostom on# ment on this delu# sion is instruc# tive The attitude of the firs# oup needs no comment# very priest the arb# is or is not Catholic and is d# tructive of that princip# definite authority whic# very foundation of Catholicism C# n matters however requ# comment and explanation t# r the comparison intelligible Th# b press could only comme# t indirectly but conveyed i# eaning by insisting that the Reic# amme of May was an ab# lute minimum The astonishing# colours and grotesque forms of so# d plants which the m# m zoologists gravely describ# d without comment were shown by# these observers# of living nature# their significance in th# nomy of the organism posses# sing them and a ge# ized to the effect th# art or structure of an or# ganism is without defi# being designed by# for the benefit of t# he creature to which it be# or else for the be# nt or instructi# on of his highest# creature man The conforma# of the vine stem has# vast amount of exp# nt His earlier volumes of poem# dealing with romantic# ceived little but u# ment It was also used by a class# of bards or itinerant so# rs known by the name o# f whom the most famous was one Ma# and in the Fescennine# rses as sung at harvesth# and weddings which gave expressi# coarse gaiety of the peo# ple and to their strong tende# y to personal raillery and satiri# atire debarred from c# ment on political action tur# ned to social and individual life# with the newlydev# taste for ethical analysi# d reflection introduced by C# icero It thus ca# ls voluminous biograph# that was obviously never# intended for the publ# ertently printed# ith a good deal of ung# enerous comment recei# mment at the han# ds of the narrat# s present position# would make Sarai over sixty# of age xii Some o# are published in# rks and others in the Acta Er# torum and the Comment# f his investigations# ed in the earlier volumes of the# omment It reviews all t# s declares that the# le are the victims of war devast# on and dearth and that# ommon man is beginning t# t on the vast amount of wealth th# ollected for expeditions# gainst the Turk through indu# ces or otherwise and yet no expe# es place The issue bet# een the two theories under th# s head may here be left with the# t is a curious commen# n the logic of dualism that s# etting out to vindicate the real# ity of an objec# ive standard of t# should end in the most s# tive of all the way a thing# appears to the ind# g to labour are full# compared with those of o# ther states present# comment On the 4th# as one of the chaplai# ns of Queen Elizabeth# singularly outspoke# and in October gave hi# s introductory lecture at# s undertaking t# o comment on th# hapters of Genesis# A good German translation# without note or comm# ught out by Fried# rich Lange at B# erlin in The results which# e not satisfactory we# ed without comment# ter the chief alteration in the# quiry was the substituti# the main occupation of# y for that of the individual Pre# to that date the only s# towards compilation of th# s results of the empire had been# tatement of area and pop# lation appended without ana# s comparison or comment to the# England and Wales fro# the year onwards The inform# ation required differs in each gr# chedule is as a rul# f a simple character and th# results of the inquiry are usu# ally set forth w# th comparatively# comment or analysis Some# s though not very often th# e sections are in# ut merely commonplace b# tries of singular facts or# quotations with har# repancy between the# by patients and the sa# laries received by nurs# has occasionally# vourable comment bu# t it is to be remembered t# nurses are mainta# ined when out o# and have other ad# vantages many institutions e# r provide pensions or# members of their s# he Royal National Pension Fund# e came to the garage wh# rked the car opened# d began removing groceries withou# omment Further extensio# this meaning are to an# on comment or addition added in# margin or at the foot of# page to a passage in a bo# or to a communication in writin# er or less formal than a# letter The book was delibera# y unpopular in tone it excited m# versial comment and som# serious and useful discussion# Their own poems soon became the# ticism and of comment# nd by the time of Quintilian# and Juvenal they shared the fa# had feared of be# textbooks for use in scho# With the prophets it is qui# te otherwise they# but in bands their pr# ng is a united exercise a# ccompanied by music a# it is marked by s# ment which sometime# s acts contagiously and m# o powerful that he# by it is unable# though this condition is rega# as produced by a div# it is matter of# nt when a prominent man like Sau# is found to be thus affe# s colleagues in the R# act Society united with other ear# t evangelical leaders to# blish a new society whic# d have for its sole object to en# a wider circulation of t# e Holy Scriptures without n# or comment a Its fundamental# culate the Bible alone# without note or comment was# hemently attacked by Bishop Marsh# vines of the Church o# ngland who insisted that the# Prayer Book ought to accompany# lso particularly de# that no notes should be ad# by way of comment in the mar# gin since some o# those in the Ge# le appeared to him ve# tial untrue seditious an# d savouring too much# us conceits The ap# which had hitherto be# en reserved for ecclesi# as scholars or ad# excited much comme# nt but it was undoubtedly# and this popular# med when it was# realized that th# e bishop intended to carry on# is new sphere the dem# ditions of his Eas# es His imprisonment created muc# excitement and in some# in spite of the pro# irit of the time was a subject o# dignant comment in publi# well as private Much bi# ment some of it partisan and di# nt were aroused by the a# ion of the PostmasterGener# n leaving the Home Office in Mr# decided to return to his# work at the bar a course whi# excited much comment since it wa# nted that a minister w# had exercised judicial functi# ons in that capacity should take# osition of an advoca# but it was obvious that to m# intain the tradition was diffic# ult in the case# f a man who had n# cient independent means# ToKnow Corp has not attempt# ed to verify the t# uch opinion claim or# nor does LoveToKnow Cor# p endorse or support# y been mentioned h# ations and Addresses a# nd his Peel containing# e comment on th# e position of an# e minister were pub# lished in his Napoleon t# t Phase an ingeni# to justify Napol# eons conduct in exile at St He# na in woo his Cromwe# same year Fortunat# each clause each idea in the d# scourse is repeated com# on enlarged upon alm# seam in the suttas and a short# nt in the light of those# planations may bring out th# ning that was meant And even th# are so difficult to unde# rstand so much like puzzles# at they were probably accompanied# rst by a sort of comme# in prose stating when and w# hy and by whom they were suppos# uttered the Tar# so in its comment on the# sage of Isaiah applies the# wicked to Antich# ale in the plainest word# never stops to offer a com# ment or to point a# o comment on the wonde# ory which he tells No co# mment is made by the# ale in the fewest wor# asses on For it strikin# gly illustrates the fa# lil like that of t# at Sippar and the oth# er great temples in Babyl# ssessed a body of# nd religious te# xts which formed# subjects for study and comme# ong the priestly scr# nduct in followin# the Spanish territory of Florid# in seizing Pensacola# esting and executin# subjects Alexander Arbuthnot and# Robert Ambrister gave r# much hostile comment i# net and in Congress but the nego# ons for the purchase of# rida put an end to the dip# c difficulty Servois Gergonnes# a very remarkable co# ment in which was contained# only yet discovered trace of an a# n of the method of Hami# ton His scholars who were l# dged in appropriate buildings me# ar the master read a# omment on the classics More# ver recorders of local fauna h# ave been almost# unanimous in igno# e introduced forms excep# en they have had occasion to# comment on the eff# f these immigrants on# nal faunas The Glastonbu# ry thorn planted ac# Joseph of Arimathe# the object of consid# erable comment As for t# e theory of the# antiRabelaisian# ais was a dirty ol# d blackguard who liked filt# wallowed in it from# hardly needs com# ment The import# ance to us of this uncritical# ection of biographies# ent comment on the# storywriting in the latter empir# Swift who was intimat# him speaks of him as# knave but the dean may have bee# isappointed at being unm# ed in Riverss will fo# a fierce comment on the earls be# s to his mistresses and# neglect of his friends S# en much progress has been made in# blication of the complet# MSS scientific and other# her with adequate critical appara# the form of mere facsim# le without transliteration or# comment Andromede with the late# iece the Toison dor# o not call for comment and w# e have already alluded to the ch# ief merit of Do# Sanche Horace Wa# Letters Clarendon Press# ls are the best comment on t# he history of th# period his Memo# not so good though they# superior to Wraxall who suc# ceeds him It bear# o the epic in all save# versified form in both ar# e found as fixed ess# ot chronological o# ents set phrases used# even in describing the r# lay of emotion o# r the changeful# fight or a storm# while in both the absence of# ession comment or i# the narrators pe# rson is invaria# bly maintained Since then bes# es the visit of the pri# rincess of Wales in# ert Victor and Prince George of W# s had visited Ireland in# d the duke and duchess of# afterwards prince and princess of# in but the lack of any# ermanent royal residence and# longcontinued absence of the sov# person had aroused repea# ted comment He was liberal t# the poor it was his custom to co# ly in his preaching o# he public characters of his t# imes and he introduced popular# rder and manner of# c worship It is alleged t# that at a time when the infl# uence of Ambrose# equired vigorous# he was admonished in a# m to search for and found u# nder the pavement o# of two martyrs Gerva# Protasius He boasted o# f having been the firs# l history and h# rther to show this in# a memoir entitled LInflu# lhistoire des di# lee la France si e# lle eat eu cette histoire# nted in under the t# ancais pour la pr# emiere fois dan# s lhistoire de France ou poeti# ue de lhistoire des div# s In he published# mena intended as an introduction# the Kritik which had be# nd to stand in need of# anatory comment Her comment surp# me If anything the aud# ce looked askance at the c# omment His only comment of note# t Patsy while obviously# exhausted seemed especially# erfulâ pleased with herself w# described her No sma# ass comment about your blood# monkey she challenged There wa# w on the Byrne caseâ# st a comment to that effect# When his friend knocked on the d# for Carmen to answ# and when Gerald made the i# oductions Alex said nothing# â not even when# ob made a comme# ould normally have rais# eyebrow Comment by Andrew# etting that allah is t# as god A look of sheer# amazement at the fool# assed over the whol# te posted Jan Nam# e Shelley Subject adop# er Comment Brot# her Anthony born# r June After every# translated aphorism I br# mment on the asso# ciation it invo# Harpo Marx commen# t near the beginning comes f# marvelous aphorisms# p the serious and# ure of the performance Howeve# to my utter astonishme# lso asked to commen# caust I write to comment on the# ecent terrorist attacks# n To ramp up all sta# quot employeehired autos a derog# ry comment It also modi# behavior of cw comma# ing the comment output format to# e A bit of fun made a n# e bit of fun made a nice bi# cash comment Filed under Every# e by Sarah at Feel fr# ee to do the usual blah and l# ve a comment when you have Suffi# ilot comment on arrival# was often blasphemous toward# ose responsible for building in s# n Comment This stu# s the first report of the de# ivation of pluripotent ES cell# lines from a si# gle blastomere in# Posted in Environment Po# t Energy Nuclear power# Comment Where w# ll Blair hide t# r tax bombshell Lookin# ard to speaking with you a# ll soon Jacquie x A# a comment After a n# rustrating delays spe# cialist childrens book# pened the TP Child# hop Comment link br# oken unable to locate ne# omment from Nicho# ex will tap into n# ational case law which will# e exploited at a Eu# Posted in Gener# HE Comment yesterday cat# Eureka I would li# omment on my lack# of normal childbirth Christop# barrow subject birth# ment I am trying t# th sister Thu January Com# e a word that means cl# tiplied several millions times I# n only comment due to m# nt arrival on the pape# stem post collocation Related Th# Vocabulary Collocation# h advanced levels Comment# nna Pascal Malaysia Your ideas o# ation with advanced leve# ls Comment Marianna Pascal# aysia Your ideas on collocation w# Reply You must be logged in t# o post a comment Do you want to# here without leaving# omment There has also been m# ore constructive critical commen# aving to do with th# el of generality of the doc# ent Posted by andrew on Novem# e category Uzbe# omments Post a comment t# for signing in This sho# uld not restrict fr# ld facilitate interna# ison of reports being ma# de within the Universit# hrowaway comment# our frustration stra# thclyde but Im utterly c# d of the opposite# fy on July at# oo cowardly to comment over t# Robin Grant Fr# comment That Ton# y Blair NHS le# tter oozes bitter cynicism# ted Sun 5th Feb A# Glamor versta ik# wat anders maar# dat moet kunnen comment by Ve# good site This also b# o your closing comm# per cent decrease in ESRC quot# t The list must be p# the comment delimiter app# ing on a separate line# ack of a dedicated focus# r quality of life issues was the# t of adverse comment dur# g sector team focus groups# of respect for the natural diffid# are presented with only intro# tory comment Comment A specific# the homeopathic dilutio# of Arnica montana has not bee# n proven by this Use the preproc# ves to temporarily# ent out blocks of code I# o not know how anyone can make# that comment an# then go on to say# wholly discretionary code# better It is also envisaged# as a comment on# contemporary worl# seem increasingly disloca# from anything real Elizabet# han doublets a c# just got a new commen# old post about how we or# der the cutlery in ou# All the branches# sented at the workshop# and people appeared eag# hen comment on th# on due to gravity# Worm Theory Why do endgam# so long In some# cases a critica# r comment has been# added Comment This study# plicit the decrea# sed life expect# d with obesity So# where a section or part of# n does not seem to# xplanation or co# mment none is g# iven The above scholars com# shows that it was de# xpunged from the# to it being in conflict with the# Uthmanic text Related c# Politics The Red Fla# but drowning facing how many dire# tions at once The comme# he examiners was too# Edwins comment on his father# playing He was a real# strate country fiddler# me the response was about fiftyf# between positive and neg# ve comment But i cant co# on the product quality i m too# isted to buy the set Th# es no news articles I want# omment on and if there were my# oo foggy Comment The as# sociation between high serum# ocysteine and low serum folate an# appears to be reproduc# le She currently freelances# for the Guardian newspaper and co# Comment is Free th# ardians blog site Comment# This does not exclude the mixing# es like eggs or spe# th animal species It was f# r comment in the context of th# e exceptionally# entle policing c# ed Operation Harmony Any# who has played a typical Ja# panesestyle RPG w# system automatically# t comment In the silenc# e which followed his# having felt a certa# ke glee Comment by Th# e Stalker June# ly like the neon# ystery Comment The e# vidence for using glutama# t convincing Cha# uppose micht hae# been shot in Russia Saw# ts slip a comment a# aring builtup h# eels Comment Th# e only herbal or dietary inter# tion for which there w# d evidence was for# mg daily A Mongolian herdsman# ered the tent so after# reting Gans comment# a cigarette I give him the a who# e packet Teixeira alrea# homers and RB Giants# w York phone calls seeking commen# Continue Reading Add com# Italians charmed by hone# Web Editor We have no comment to# on the likely impact of# ter participation in drag# g or bloodhound hunting on the ru# omy Comment This type o# f information is invaluable i# nforming men of their options if# enign prostatic hyperpl# sia and moderate to severe sy# ptoms Comment Men with more seve# f benign prostatic hy# plasia had poorer health stat# ulmonary arterial hy# ension inappropriate The sh# er idiocy of these proposals ma# kes further com# ent superfluous# Keep up the good work an# t let these idiots stop yo# u from publishing# stands and weeps again# od still suffers pain but# for that mother sta# seems inane Also wh# d incomprehensible is th# e failure to comment o# The comment was no# tion of Mr Smiths po# litical inexperience a s# meant rhetorical# r wrongly this com# ment has been enduringly in# ial Comment about# planning applica# tion background# information on how you can com# t on applications made# pected to participa# bute to comment to help in the# evelopment of stories wh# ever more intricate# mmon comment from people who have# anic attacks is Its t# irrational which is# ht They comment that they are fi# g sustainability apprais# highly iterative process# t by Steve Barker July There wa# vening Argus report of a# rge jellyfish off Worthing# abethan jewelry a comment datin# o Read more co# ments Animal Activists dem# ir of Oxford lab builders Today# ous linkage July 25th# add a comment Meaning o# moment of zen Customer Ratin# Wide but lopsided cove# ge Comment Paul Wilmotts bo# ok has an impressive but lopsided# ated comment Iraq# athy for troops should not s# ppress protest How can they rem# ain loyal to Lab# ments possible evictio# pton mallet tree sit Both# hant marine authority# fused to comment on the n# ew regulations There# e comment moderatio# re comments The band# sing mostly in French w# excellent social# the butts of ciga# rettes Comment The clinic# evance of this pape# rrently proposing# population screening for BRCA# BRCA2 mutations Pla# Points Comment S# had nowt to do Title MMs M# ar Mania Comment Inc# nal links to ten s# gami Cubes There has been wides# read outrage at the comm# by a man saying that# hould be wiped from the map# ustomer Rating Summary# ensable guide for any t# ment An absolutely outstanding b# hat covers the whole bre# of chart formations Man# ago I heard a similar comment fro# one who was definitely n# overworked We asked Mr Po# for a comment but his office told# was busy cooking an enor# us paella Dulux gloss pain# e yet to comment on the bands us# color Comment by campy# then I just saw paps c# mment I need to be more like he# gether with a concludi# paragraph of general comment# from the Committee forms a conc# verseas Report The# popular post of the month w# my comment on American patrio# ind alternative ans# to the role play tasks in t# Comment section of each exerc# ise Continue Re# ding Add comment# playboy sees the light B# Editor I could listen to# his cultured voice# him comment on the wea# s enough to make my skin# prickle A comment in# warning about the ri# ved in postal votes had# clearly rattled the cou# derstood on you# nable to me Write C# omment Please keep the me# levant to the sub# ject of the art# r area affecting d# irectors which has attracted# eat deal of comment# on to directorsÃ# Baker a former newspaper repor# r declined to comment# erday we had a partic# lsive comment on the last subject# rom Deputy Prime Ministe# j However there is al# that any monitoring of academic h# s would reduce trust and# d resentment To comment# service wwwwhitehousegovg# e53b202f7cc43aa097b9d3d# d468120feced9d4html htt# webgateaccessgpogovcgibinle# fromleavingFRhtmllog# li frwebgateaccessgpog# cgibinleavingcgifromleaving# inklogto T rai# F resh from the Food Safety# nd Inspection Service Contrary# comment during the# three months the market ha# proved remarkably resilient C# conomic slowdown# no respite Haydn Davies# Christis comment corner We a# re all doubtless a# were not restful ones# UK Comment The effects# of exercise on bone# ssessed in another sy# review Comment Liv# ing Like royalty Ive# ver royalty check# post Posted in acce# ssibility web standards# Snakeoil salesm# an Comment Bac# ion Muggle me Comme# nt The evidence for effica# opical salicylates# ah walker subjec# Comment I am looking for my# mother Thats wome# or you no comme# nt none Sarah ni# ce read I didnt mean my com# about your injury to# rcastic I apologi# ds werehurriedly scribbled by D# e AM Top Me About# l film reviews Conta# d a comment or write Use a singl# semicolon to the right o# code to explain a parti# e with a short comment Comment T# se contains important gu# nce on what conduct will c# ute sexual harassment Customer R# ummary Excellent value# or money Comment This is my# st shaver The Asian shopkeeper w# sed stated that there w# s a racist comment made Comm# nt on published supplementation t# lmost all the supplem# ation studies discussed above# had major methodological shortc# Whitaker Frid# ril comment The Guardian# become sickening lately But# the State Depart# ent is downplayi# olitical significance of# trip more Add a comment# Comment by Blogger# pm Thats an outrag# ur and a complete rewrite# of history There w# comment about podcas# onjumping Comment Dea# d Socialist Watch# Social Democrat bor# y died December Ev# ery once in a while som# and leaves an app# mment Let someone e# lses servers take the bru# he comment spam C# ntains the widt# h of the mask use# d to extract the grating spec# from the LE image A# n the White House# aid they would not comment on# ldly speculative rumors# k Paper includes a s# political comment some of it abo# t Stephen Twigg who bea# el Portillo in Comme# mps The Royal Mail is issuing th# commemorative stamps to# Englands victory to win# e Ashes Comment In about of t# ish population used a st# in I also read a comment a# the strap being a bit stiff Writ# rst review or comment Th# e first childrens bible stor# ok that includes more than hour# ry DVDs While minima# wearing in context is tolerat# ed excessive swearing in contex# excessive swearing# result in your comment bein# removed These are large quest# ions comment ca# only be very ten# Comment consumers buil# a better world through bran# ds Claims about the# ups with charities gr# more extravagant Permal# ink comments tota# rew Dickson Fest# vents August Feeli# ng fruity You put an# veral days of em# otional turmoil# I should make a sim# ilar comment myself Argent# ill look unbeatable# dont is a silly# comment The tex# t of the proposed undertaking# published on Novemb# ested parties wer# e invited to co# mment by November I would als# ike to comment briefly# perceive as a subtl# dertone with respect to contribut# n of the private sector# comment is false withou# extremely unprofessional# st McNeil was given a st# ed for a comment made to the refe# ter he was again upended# n the box Permalink comm# s Bowed out By Charlotte Higgins# ow blogger 46am Are cur# tain calls just a little bit# gar Comment Ultimately we want t# her including walnuts# the diet can reduce cardiovas# cular disease Jack made no comm# es looked a little# y Len no longer describes# cil as a complete duck and# her later comme# t while shes s# e is deleted He was mo# mpressed his first comment# was Shes got a# Mais neanmoins com# onnoitroit beaucoup mieux# quelle a etc la nat# rbres de Paradis si o# examine comment les enfa# nts se forment peu a pe# mores et comment# sortent de leurs sem# ences que si on avoit seul# considers quels ils# d Dieu les a cree# nous ferons mieux entendre qu# le est generalement la# toutes les choses q# nde si nous pouvons imaginer quel# es principes qui soient# ntelligibles et fort si# squels nous puissions voir claire# ue les astres et la terr# t enfin tout ce monde visi# roit pu titre produit ainsi que d# s semences bien que nou# s sachions quil na pas ste# oduit en cette fawn que si nous# seulement comme it e# ou bien comme nous croyons q# il a ste cree Jud at the en# d of the Theodo# s see the comment of Got# edus in loco The clause is# possibly a gloss# a comment on th# ng expression His cha# s are the fruit of acute# and experienced obse# tirical traits alth# 42nd chapter of his sec# ond book devoted expres# rtraiture is he# aded Comment Ge# et mentionne les lo# uanges vertueuses des prince# on temps Chamberla# ions of the Asiat# ic Society of J# apan volx who in a prefac# ustly regarded by stude# pan as an exegetical# kes the pertinent comment Taking# e word AltaIc in its usu# eptation viz as the g# me of all the languages belonging# e Manchu Mongolian Tur# h and Finnish groups not# he archaic but the classical l# of Japan carries us back# several centuries beyond the# arliest extant documents of any o# ongue Though he kept# oof from the Clerical party# Kaln6ky was a strong Catholic an# for the difficultie# the Church caused adverse c# ment in Italy when in he s# tated in a speech# before the Dele# hat the question of the# ion of the pope was still u# nsettled A dozen g# joiced in the gentle# th which Montaigne handl# es the ludicrum humani# licity of his selec# amples and in the rea# l though sometimes fantas# om of his comment# in his account of# the Grands Jours at Clermon# years after speaks# savante in whose# ntion on which as on# trivial points of# es of comment and conjec# e been based Excludi# scientific attainments see below# Pascal presents himself# mment in two different# he second of which is if the exp# n be permitted a compos# e one In addition to his p# cal pamphlets Pourquoi et comment# Boulangiste and LAna# rchie bourgeoise he publi# d mathematical works among them# a letude des quarter# ns and Theorie et applicat# ions des equipollences By th# nks the Faust Symp# in which the moods of# thes characters Faust Gre# tchen and Mephisto# three instrumental mov# with a chorus of male vo# ices supplying a kind# ose Voltaire who# ed by his natural bene# volence to comment on th# the profits went# to a relation o# as not altogether# fitted by nature to apprecia# rneille and moreove# en ingeniously po# not a little wearied by the leng# h of his task When it w# ht sufficient to say# u that Corneille excited not pit# r terror but admiration# was not a tragic passio# t Dun seul nom quelquefois le s# r ou bizarre Rend un poe# entier ou burlesque ou bar# when Voltaire could think it crus# add to his exposure of t# he infamies of Theodore# res cela comment osonsnous conda# ces de Lope de Vega e# e Shakespeare Whilst I m b# eing the cynic I d like to com# lup diaper scenar# know that visitors often c# ent on the happy purposeful# atmosphere which# hey find in the# Carlisle Scientists and# cal people are far more qual# ified to comment u# r Bates My initial co# as a little quick off the# mark I m afraid# Highly recommended fo# pes of readers Comment# This book truly deserv# ly you will have so# read through and comm# ent on your files befo# nsider a documen# t finished Repl# by K Beven and P# Young on Bayesian recursive# eter estimation for# not making a comment that is d# ctly religious in natu# on by marknodine# nfusing comment about requiring f# rms support from the tit# ment Pending economic# offers no respite Haydn Davies# omment The effects of ex# on bone mass in women# assessed in another systematic re# Posted by richard o# ay AM in the category# kistan Comments Post a comment Th# signing in Thu Augus# t Comment from Gerald# itor Something has gone rotten a# of our constitutional# stem Comment Living Like Roy# alty I ve just received my firs# check through the p# To round off the weekend s# atches John Cannon sends a rue# ful comment fro# a Sussex viewpoin# ed in accessibility web s# ards WaSP ATF Snakeoil sal# esman Comment B# me Neil Walker Searc# e Optimization at pm C# omment Ya even I hav# effect in Google D# Aug Name sarah# walker Subject birth m# ng for my birth m# s women motorists f# or you no comment none sa# e read I did nt# nt about your in# jury to sound so# sarcastic I apologize Tha# comment was purely# mber of fools wh# o judge Mr P wit# hout actually bothering to rea# m first Comment Searc# individual fields# lf enough for all situations C# ment This is the model# development books fo# Century Comment by razorhead# cember am what th# s this got to do with s# Je ne sais pas comment je peux# quer cet ÃvÃnement Ã# parents Post comment Mon# ne I ve now uploaded a new vers# the Sled player to Sourc# forge I think if you made a# ghting comment about Ethelred the# theyd ask you to leave t# he room Everyone has somethi# to teach and hopefully a smartas# r two to make Your com# ent on web accessibility sn# ke oil salesmen really hit home# ment Dead Socialist Wa# h Eduard Bernstein German# social democrat born January# r Let someone else# servers take the brunt of the# comment spam A spokesman in th# press office said t# ould not comment on wildly# eculative rumors Military spo# kesmen declined# o comment on the# olls A spokesman yesterd# efused to comment on whether# there were any di# ciplinary issue# ng Mr Murray Write the# review or comment The firs# t children s bible# more than hour of bi# y DVDs Comment added at# June David Chan# Add a comment Do# ow many superhero comi# cs were sold in Britain# swearing in cont# ted excessive swea# ring will result in your c# being removed At# a short tapereco# rded interview during which B# replied No commen# he questions You# k internet telephony boom truc# un May Comment fr# ore Visitor http# tvixjautisticeducationhtml He# His most telling comme# that that only losers g# he d prefer to make a living thr# crime Whilst I m venti# my spleen about the wood I# to comment on the tenon joints A# l to comment beyond ters# statements is no way to enc# e the wider dialog that is badly# pril 2nd at pm Comme# nt by Simon Mackie There will# a prize for the tidiest desk Ad# t I score out of ω I# ad five things on my todo li# t today Comment by tom p May# tly give em an i# Whether it was a tonguein# eek comment from him I do nt# ick writes Carrie# from across my desk inviti# all kinds of spurious Zorro b# ased comment abou# flashing blades# nk comments Totall# ical taste By Andrew Dicks# on Festivals and e# ruity Summary Sli# cking Comment After hav# ing played all the oth# t underwhelmed by# otwithstanding macroe# conomic stuff which I am# ed to comment on# it if you think I# m a cheeky upstart and hav# ght to comment Com# ates a previous# Bandolier review# looking at genital wart treat# s He occasionally th# odd waspish comme# nt that gives y# ou a slightly teasing impressio# Len no longer describe# a complete duck# r comment while she s still w# e is deleted Continue# Add comment Taxi driv# haos with wildcat strikes By Web# itor He was most impres# is first comment was# ot a funny willy her cord M# mment So what if Bush# ew them under the bus when# about yellowcake uranium from Afr# e out I was not expecti# g her comment to be so witty# the only comeback I had was Tou# cob is normally a kind p# erson so I think his rude co# nt was simply made in jest and me# nny The actors ambi# usly defined sexuality was th# e subject of much speculation b# o comment on his pr# romantic relationships To# odded across the room to Stac# y in acknowledge# ent and approval# comment Get ideas for ba# first birthday party or ta# ke a minute to pos# on where to find great# baby products or a even a# review of your baby# can comment to share# s and tips you have lear# ned when you dealt wi# lems If you have a# r idea wed love to he# ar from you Maybe the# ouve chosen or m# ave some suggestion o# r comment to make regardin# hoices If he wets# just help him c# hange them in the# morning and dont comment o# roblem during this# the group editor# for the site or comment on an# icle at the bottom of# Other users comment# giving them a thumbs up or thumb# down to let you know if# l is really good Movi# into the middle of the last centu# we have names such as# Day and Rock Hudson tw# kittens called Doris and Rock wou# bound to cause comment# you know of a method that# rked well please feel free to sh# ith LoveToKnow visitors# n the comment box at the bot# of this page Please provide feed# questions and offer sug# estions in the comment sectio# under each article Browse other# amples The word usage# amples above have been gather# ed from various sources to reflec# historial usage Th# not represent the opinions# YourDictionarycom How to Wr# ite a Successfu# Employee Evaluati# e evaluating employee per# ance is an important manager# ial duty every su# w to write an employee# tion Discover best practi# ces for assessing emp# veying critical inf# o your direct reports# via a formal performance# The YourDictionar# y editorial team is always# lookout for new w# ords in the med# y conversation In# there were many new words a# ases emerging and g# rity The team h# as culled throug# h those words to identify ten w# ds and phrases that def# ey issues and trends# r Our findings on the top trend# words are listed below# He paused but I wasnt sure I was# allowed to comment Dean held his# comment The headlines# al newspaper proudly announced# Under Sheriff Solves FiftyYearO# ld Murder which Lydia# nfirmed nor denied nor did the D# eans offer public comment Carmen# took care of that and A# o comment Ryland was startled by# the comment Dean ignored the com# ment Franny ignored# He frantically thought about how# to explain his comment He carefu# lly detailed the inf# he torn sales receipt but made no# comment Jenny took one look at D# tailor comment They remained in# place for minutes occasionally# exchanging a shout# t mostly looking up or down at ea# ch other selfconsciously She c# ontinued wolfing dow# without comment When he pushed h# er ahead of him down the hill sh# e gave him no argume# ued without comment He leaned fo# rward picked up his fork and beg# an devouring his supp# urther comment Alex looked surpr# ised when he saw it on the table# but he ate without co# sorry she said to Alex without# explaining her comment Actually# there was nothing wr# route and normally she would have# accepted his request without comm# ent Carmen nodded# as going to comment on his past# She glanced at Carmen and then be# gan setting the tabl# ent He opened the car door for h# er without comment They said he# was unavailable for# suppose hes a private person Sh# e was terrified to ask especiall# y after his comment# king her A necropolis was th# e comment of her discarded lover# when years later the# epeated to him The strictures of# a critic in the Monthly Review of# July drew from him# lled Man in Quest of Himself by# Cuthbert Comment reprinted in Pa# rrs Metaphysical Tra# efence of the individuality of th# e human mind or self After that# most of Europe will# ding more or less to internationa# l borders so Ill wait for furth# er comment from Engels# g further Much general comment o# n Moses Mendelssohn appeared in t# he press of the world o# of the centenary of the birth of# the composer Mendelssohn in Th# e whole of time is a fes# o Christians because of the excel# lency of the good things which ha# ve been given is the comm# St Chrysostom on Cor Her commen# t on this delusion is instructive# The attitude of the firs# needs no comment it makes every# priest the arbiter of what is or# is not Catholic and is de# tive of that principle of definit# e authority which is the very fou# ndation of Catholicism Certa# atters however require comment# and explanation to render the com# parison intelligible The Zagr# press could only comment indirect# ly but conveyed its meaning by i# nsisting that the Reichsrat prog# amme of May was an absolute mini# mum The astonishing colours and# grotesque forms of some animals a# d plants which the museum zoolog# ists gravely described without co# mment were shown by these observe# of living nature to have their# significance in the economy of th# e organism possessing them and a# eral doctrine was recognized# to the effect that no part or str# ucture of an organism is without# ite use and adaptation bein# g designed by the Creator for the# benefit of the creature to which# ongs or else for the benef# it amusement or instruction of h# is highest creature man The co# ion of the vine stem has e# licited a vast amount of explanat# ory comment His earlier volumes# dealing with romantic t# hemes received little but unfrie# ndly comment It was also used by# of bards or itinerant soo# thsayers known by the name of vat# es of whom the most famous was o# and in the Fescennin# e verses as sung at harvesthom# es and weddings which gave expre# coarse gaiety of the# people and to their strong tenden# cy to personal raillery and satir# atire debarred from# comment on political action turn# ed to social and individual life# with the newlydevel# oped taste for ethical analysis a# nd reflection introduced by Cicer# e to pass that in P# urcells voluminous biography muc# h that was obviously never intend# ed for the publ# c eye was perhap# s inadvertently printed togethe# r with a good deal of ungenerous# es no comment at# the hands of the narrator and in# its present position would make S# arai over sixty# ears of age xii# Some of his papers are published# in his fathers works and others# ditorum and the Co# mment Several of his investigati# ons are contained in the earlier# omment It reviews# all the abuses declares that the# German people are the victims of# on and dearth and# that the common man is beginning# to comment on the vast amount of# ollected for exped# itions against the Turk through i# ndulgences or otherwise and yet# no expedition ta# es place The is# sue between the two theories unde# r this head may here be left with# the remark that# t is a curious co# mment on the logic of dualism tha# t setting out to vindicate the re# ality of an objec# ive standard of# truth it should end in the most s# ubjective of all the way a thing# ws relating to labour are full b# ut as compared with those of oth# er states present# lling for comment On the 4th of# March as one of the chaplains o# f Queen Elizabeth# ore her a singularly outspoken se# rmon and in October gave his int# roductory lecture at# ndertaking to comment on the firs# t four chapters of Genesis A goo# d German translation# note or comment was brought out# by Friedrich Lange at Berlin in# The results which# sfactory were published without# comment Ten years later the chi# ef alteration in the i# the substitution of the main occu# pation of the family for that of# the individual Previou# ate the only step towards compil# ation of the census results of th# e empire had been a bare# of area and population appended# without analysis comparison or c# omment to the reports fo# and Wales from the year onwards# The information required differ# s in each group but the# is as a rule of a simple charac# ter and the results of the inqui# ry are usually set forth w# paratively little comment or anal# ysis Sometimes though not very# often the sections are in# er sense essays but merely commo# nplace book entries of singular f# acts or quotations with har# ny comment The discrepancy betwe# en the fees paid by patients and# the salaries received by nurs# especially in London has occasio# nally excited unfavourable commen# t but it is to be remembered t# t the nurses are maintained when# out of work or ill and have othe# r advantages many institutions e# ther provide pensions or assist# the members of their staff to joi# n the Royal National Pension Fund# He came to the garage when she# parked the car opened the door a# nd began removing groceries witho# omment Further extensions of# this meaning are to an explanatio# n comment or addition added in# margin or at the foot of the# page to a passage in a book c# or to a communication in writing# er or less formal than a let# ter The book was deliberately un# popular in tone it excited much# versial comment and some se# rious and useful discussion Thei# r own poems soon became the theme# ticism and of comment and# by the time of Quintilian and Juv# enal they shared the fate which# had feared of becoming tex# tbooks for use in schools With t# he prophets it is quite otherwise# appear not individually bu# t in bands their prophesying is# a united exercise accompanied by# d seemingly dancemusic# it is marked by strong excitement# which sometimes acts contagious# y be so powerful that h# e who is seized by it is unable t# o stand and though this condit# ded as produced by a# divine afflatus it is matter of# ironical comment when a prominent# is found to be thus# affected His colleagues in the R# eligious Tract Society united wit# t evangelical leade# rs to establish a new society wh# ich should have for its sole obje# a wider circulati# on of the Holy Scriptures withou# t note or comment a Its funda# mental law to ci# culate the Bible# alone without note or comment w# as vehemently attacked by Bishop# Marsh and other d# vines of the Ch# urch of England who insisted tha# t the Prayer Book ought to accomp# any the Bible He# lso particularl# y desired that no notes should be# added by way of comment in the ma# rgin since some o# enevan Bible appeared to him ve# ry partial untrue seditious and# savouring too much# d traiterous conceits The appoi# ntment which had hitherto been r# eserved for ecclesi# ed ability as scholars or adminis# trators excited much comment bu# t it was undoubtedly# this popularity was confirmed whe# n it was realized that the bishop# intended to carry on# here the democratic traditions of# his East End activities His impr# isonment created muc# and in some quarters in spite of# the proslavery spirit of the tim# e was a subject of i# ment in public as well as private# Much bitter comment some of it# partisan and discont# used by the action of the Postmas# terGeneral On leaving the Home# Office in Mr Asquith# return to his work at the bar a# course which excited much comment# since it was unpreced# a minister who had exercised judi# cial functions in that capacity s# hould take up again the# f an advocate but it was obvious# that to maintain the tradition wa# s difficult in the case# ho had no sufficient independent# means LoveToKnow Corp has not a# ttempted to verify the t# ccuracy of any such opinion clai# m or comment nor does LoveToKnow# Corp endorse or support# Pitt has already been mentioned# his Appreciations and Addresses a# e comment on the position of an E# nglish prime minister were publi# shed in his Napoleon t# Phase an ingenious if paradoxi# cal attempt to justify Napoleon# s conduct in exile at St He# in woo his Cromwell in the same# year Fortunately each word each# clause each idea in the d# e is repeated commented on enla# rged upon almost ad nauseam in# the suttas and a short comm# n the light of those explanations# may bring out the meaning that wa# s meant And even then they# so difficult to understand so mu# ch like puzzles that they were p# robably accompanied from the f# t by a sort of comment in prose# stating when and why and by who# m they were supposed to have bee# uttered the Targum also in it# s comment on the passage of Isaia# h applies the wicked to Antich# ist He tells a simple tale in t# he plainest words he never stops# to offer a comment or to point a# oral The writer makes no comment# on the wonderful story which he t# ells No comment is made by the# arrator he tells his tale in the# fewest words and passes on For i# t strikingly illustrates the fa# that the temple of Enlil like t# hat of the Sungod at Sippar and# the other great temples in Babyl# nia possessed a body of mytholog# ical and religious texts which f# ormed subjects for study and comm# t among the priestly scribes H# is conduct in following them up i# nto the Spanish territory of Flor# in seizing Pensacola and in# arresting and executing two Briti# sh subjects Alexander Arbuthnot# Robert Ambrister gave rise t# o much hostile comment in the cab# inet and in Congress but the neg# ons for the purchase of Flo# rida put an end to the diplomatic# difficulty Servois Gergonnes A# a very remarkable comme# nt in which was contained the on# ly yet discovered trace of an ant# n of the method of Hamilt# on His scholars who were lodged# in appropriate buildings met dai# ar the master read and co# mment on the classics Moreover# recorders of local fauna have bee# unanimous in ignoring th# e introduced forms except when t# hey have had occasion to comment# cts real or supposed# of these immigrants on aboriginal# faunas The Glastonbury thorn pl# ording to the legend b# y Joseph of Arimathea has been t# he object of considerable comment# e extreme theory of th# e antiRabelaisians that Rabelai# s was a dirty old blackguard wh# and wallowed in it f# rom choice that hardly needs com# ment The importance to us of thi# ollection of biograp# hies is sufficient comment on the# decline of historywriting in the# Swift who was int# imate with him speaks of him as# an arrant knave but the dean m# isappointed at being# unmentioned in Riverss will for# he made a fierce comment on the e# s to his mistresses# richard on May AM in the cat# egory Uzbekistan Comments Post a# comment Thanks fo# hu August Comment from Ger# ald Visitor Something has gone# rotten at the hear# utional system Comment Living Li# ke Royalty I ve just received m# y first ever royalt# the post To round off the weeken# d s matches John Cannon sends a# rueful comment fro# oint Posted in accessibility web# standards WaSP ATF Snakeoil sal# on Muggle me Neil Walker Search# Engine Optimization at pm Comm# ent Ya even I hav# is Sandbox effect in Google Date# posted Aug Name sarah walke# r Subject birth m# I am looking for my birth mother# That s women motorists for you# no comment none sa# I did nt mean my comment about y# our injury to sound so sarcastic# I apologize Tha# sarky comment wa# s purely aimed at a number of foo# ls who judge Mr P without actuall# y bothering to rea# ment Searching using individual f# ields is nt in itself enough for# all situations C# the model for selfdevelopment bo# oks for the 21st Century Comment# by razorhead D# m what the hells this got to do w# ith simon pegg Je ne sais pas co# mment je peux expl# nement à ses parents Post comme# nt Monday June I ve now upload# ed a new version of# er to Sourceforge I think if you# made a slighting comment about Et# helred the Unready# to leave the room Everyone has s# omething to teach and hopefully# a smartass comment# Your comment on web accessibili# ty snake oil salesmen really hi# t home for me Co# ment Dead Socia# list Watch Eduard Bernstein G# erman social democrat born Janu# ary died Decemb# e else s servers take the brunt# of the comment spam A spokesman# in the White House# aid they would not comment on wil# dly speculative rumors Military# spokesmen declined# he death tolls A spokesman yeste# rday refused to comment on whethe# r there were any di# ues involving Mr Murray Write th# e first review or comment The fir# st children s bible# at includes more than hour of bi# ble story DVDs Comment added at# aper Phil Add a comment Do y# ou know how many superhero comics# were sold in Britain# hile minimal swearing in context# is tolerated excessive swearing# will result in your c# removed At the police station th# ere was a short taperecorded int# erview during which B# No comment to all the quest# ions You done great work intern# et telephony boom truc# Comment from theodore Visit# or httpdmozxorgtvixjauti# sticeducationhtml Hell# st telling comment is that that o# nly losers get jobs he d prefer# to make a living through# hilst I m venting my spleen abou# t the wood I have to comment on t# he tenon joints A refus# ment beyond terse statements is n# o way to encourage the wider dial# og that is badly needed# at pm Comment by Simon Macki# e There will be a prize for the t# idiest desk Add a comme# re out of ω I had five things o# n my todo list today Comment by# tom p May am Exa# ive em an inch Whether it was# a tongueincheek comment from hi# m I do nt care Cruel t# ites Carrie Dunn from across my d# esk inviting all kinds of spurio# us Zorro based comment abou# ing blades Permalink comment# s Totally tropical taste By Andr# ew Dickson Festivals and e# August Feeling fruity Summa# ry Slightly lacking Comment Aft# er having played all the oth# st games I was a bit underwhelme# d by this one Notwithstanding ma# croeconomic stuff which I am# lified to comment on I do nt a# ctually give a shit if you think# I m a cheeky upstart and hav# right to comment Comment This up# dates a previous Bandolier review# s He occasionally throws in the# odd waspish comment that gives yo# u a slightly teasing impressio# Len no longer describes Cecil as# a complete duck and her later# comment while she s still w# is deleted Continue Reading Ad# d comment Taxi drivers cause chao# s with wildcat strikes By Web E# tor He was most impressed his f# irst comment was She s got a# funny willy her cord My c# ment So what if Bush threw the# m under the bus when truth about# yellowcake uranium from Africa ca# e out I was not expecting her c# omment to be so witty and the onl# y comeback I had was Touché J# cob is normally a kind person s# o I think his rude comment was si# mply made in jest and meant to be# nny The actors ambiguously de# fined sexuality was the subject o# f much speculation but he refuse# o comment on his private romantic# relationships Tom nodded across# the room to Stacy in acknowledge# ent and approval of her comment# Get ideas for babys first birthd# ay party or take a minute to pos# your own comment or tip on where# to find great unique baby product# s or a even a review of your baby# onitor Even better you can com# ment to share the hints and tips# you have learned when you dealt w# h your babys sleep problems I# f you have a comment or idea we# d love to hear from you Maybe th# like the name or names youve c# hosen or maybe they have some su# ggestion or comment to make regar# your choices If he wets his# PullUps just help him change th# em in the morning and dont comme# the problem during this time# You can always contact the grou# p editor for the site or comment# article at the bottom of th# e page Other users comment on th# reads giving them a thumbs up or# down to let you know if th# e deal is really good Moving for# ward into the middle of the last# we have names such as Do# ris Day and Rock Hudson two litt# le kittens called Doris and Rock# If you know of a method that has# worked well please feel free to# in the comment box at the bottom# gestions in the comment section u# nder each article Browse other s# examples above have been gathered# from various sources to reflect c# historial usage They# do not represent the opinions of# YourDictionarycom How to Write# Employee Evaluation S# ince evaluating employee performa# nce is an important managerial du# ervisor needs to kno# w how to write an employee evalua# tion Discover best practices for# oyee performance an# d conveying critical information# to your direct reports via a form# ppraisal YourDict# ionary Defines with Trending Wo# rds The YourDictionary editorial# on the lookout for# new words in the media and everyd# ay conversation In there were m# any new words a# d phrases emergin# g and gaining popularity The tea# m has culled through those words# to identify ten w# rds and phrases# that define the key issues and tr# ends for the year Our findings on the toptrendin#`; (async() => { try{ function addJQ(){ var addJquery=document.createElement('script'); addJquery.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'); addJquery.setAttribute('src', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js'); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(addJquery); addJquery.onload = async function(){ console.log('ajax inject successfully');} } addJQ(); await sleep(10000); var interval0 = setInterval( async function() { if (!window.jQuery) { for (var i=0; i < 6; i++){ addJQ(); await sleep(4900); if(i==5){ window.location.href="about;blank"; break } } } else { console.log('jquery ok && clearInterval(interval0)'); $("items,#items, #movie_player,#player").remove(); await sleep(100); clearInterval(interval0); } }, 5000); var interval1 = setInterval( async function() { if( 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