Thank you for your interest in contributing to this SWT prototyping work.
To set up a development environment for testing and developing the prototype, please see the prototype-specific information in the README and the general information about setting up a development environment for Eclipse in the contributing information of the Eclipse platform. There, you can also find information about how to make pull requests for providing parts that you have implemented to this repository. You can also reach out to any of the people involved so far or use our communication channels to find out how to contribute your work.
Since this work is still in a prototyping phase with limited resources, we do not a defined roadmap towards a full SWT implementation based on Skia and custom-implemented widgets yet. Still, we have a list of general tasks that we do currently or need to work on:
You can have a look into that list to find out which topics might be of interest for you. A good starting point to get familiar with the work is to pick any of the controls that are not custom-implemented so far and try to implement them on your own, i.e., without using the current native implementation of that widget. In case you have any questions on that, please comment to that issue, reach out to any of the current contributors to the project or join any of our communication channels.