- See the original deployment here to get a feel for the information this system generates: https://twitter.com/FireUnofficial/lists/unofficial-wildfire-bots
- Read the rules regarding anything you submit to the repository: https://github.com/publicdocs-platform/fire-monitor-bot/blob/master/.github/pull_request_template.md
- Want to add a new data source?
- The data source must be an official US federal, state, or local government website (do not use a commercial proxy for government data),
- and it must be free of all intellectual property restrictions (in the public domain). Please cite a source for the status of the data source in your pull request. For now, we do not want to add Creative Commons and similar data sources.
- Non-official data sources will be rejected, even if they are from a company, academic, or non-profit working in this field.
- Add appropriate attribution info in the relevant template or javascript code, whether legally required or not.
- Want to change the look and feel of the Twitter posts?
- Do a test run on a Linux machine with all the fonts mentioned in the CSS file installed,
- and include some sample generated images in your Pull Request.
- New features should be behind a flag with the default being 'off'.