- DM parser updated: SpacemanDMM suite v1.7.
- Logs collecting for Windows.
- Multiple instances of the editor are now can be opened.
- Hex colours with the transparency caused crashes.
- A possible fix for endless environment loading for some users.
- Added an option to globally edit/delete instances in the "Object Panel".
- An incorrect nudge/dir value in the tile popup after another one was opened.
- Objects with '/area' later in their path was being displayed in the area layer.
- Context menu no longer closes when clicking somewhere outside it.
- Added a configuration button (looks like a cog) to the "Object Panel". Opens up a configuration popup.
- Holding the Shift key will increase a panning speed when moving with arrow keys.
- Added a preference to enable an alternative, "DM-like", scroll behavior.
- Environment tree will display the number of currently filtered objects.
- Added "Crimson Moon" color schema.
- Subtypes without a different name from its parent had the wrong name.
- Added a changing of the mouse cursor while holding the Space key to show the panning mode is changed.
- In "Select" mode, when nothing is selected, tile under the mouse will be copied.
- SpacemanDMM parser updated to version 1.5.0.
- Reduced CPU usage for environment tree filtering.
- Enlarged preferences window.
- Improved changelog window markdown.
- Added support for UI scaling! Interface could be scaled from "Preferences" window.
- Added switchable interface themes.
- Added "Synchronize Maps View" option. When enabled all maps will share the same "camera" location. Helpful for multi-z maps with levels per-file.
- "Edit Variables" window now has a "Reset Variable To Default" button for modified variables.
- Added advanced "Unknown Types Replacer" tool. Works in the same way DM does. You open a map with unknown type - you are able to replace those types with something else. Tool also has a feature to modify objects variables as well.
- Inability to switch between maps with the same name.
- "Show Modified Variables" toggle state won't be reset between "Edit Variables" windows.
- Added a fullscreen mode! Use "Window->Fullscreen" or F11 hotkey to toggle.
- Incorrect window maximization on start. The window will cover the screen correctly.
- New appearance!
- Added an option to sort variables by their type in the Edit Variables window.
- Environment panel will show recent maps. Thus you can directly open the map in the corresponding environment.
- Added a hotkey (F5) to Reset Windows state (initial sizes and position).
- Modified map will be highlighted with a color instead of the asterisk.
- Variables preview window will collapse when the instance has initial variables.
- Nasty crashes when copy-pasting anything into the "Edit Variables" window.
- Impropper rendering of the typed russian letters in the "Edit Variables" window.
- Saving logs to a file.
- Item selection will open the item in the environment tree.
- Added shortcuts to do a zoom-in/zoom-out with keyboard buttons plus and minus.
- Added canvas panning with arrow keys.
- Reset marked tile after closing of the search result panel.
- Added an option to pin variables in "Edit Variables" window.
- Added "Screenshot" tool to create high-resolution map images. Screenshot could be made for the map or just a selected area. It's available from the menu bar: "Options->Screenshot...".
- Crush when editing variables.
- The editor now has its own logo! It was designed by Clément "Topy", thank him for that.
- Allowed for turfs to change their dir from the tile popup menu.
- "Preferences" button moved under the "File" menu item.
- When trying to change the environment, if there are changes on the map, you will be asked to save them.
- Added a built-in changelog. Auto-shown when updated. Could be opened with: "Help->Changelog...".
- When creating a new map, "dmm" extension will be added automatically.
- "Show Icons" checkbox for "Environment Tree" replaced with "Collapse All" button.
- Added a tile popup widget for quick dir modification.
- The old bug which was the reason for map corruptions.
- Removed "movable" options for turfs and areas.
- Editor title will show the name of the currently opened environment.