diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index a81b76c6..1d3077f1 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ lint_provider: provider lint_provider.fix: cd provider && golangci-lint run -c ../.golangci.yml --fix -# `make provider_no_deps` builds the provider binary directly, without ensuring that -# `cmd/pulumi-resource-wavefront/schema.json` is valid and up to date. +# `make provider_no_deps` builds the provider binary directly, without ensuring that +# `cmd/pulumi-resource-wavefront/schema.json` is valid and up to date. # To create a release ready binary, you should use `make provider`. provider_no_deps: (cd provider && go build $(PULUMI_PROVIDER_BUILD_PARALLELISM) -o $(WORKING_DIR)/bin/$(PROVIDER) -ldflags "-X $(PROJECT)/$(VERSION_PATH)=$(VERSION)" $(PROJECT)/$(PROVIDER_PATH)/cmd/$(PROVIDER)) @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ ci-mgmt: .ci-mgmt.yaml curl -fsSL https://get.pulumi.com | HOME=$(WORKING_DIR) sh -s -- --version $(shell cat .pulumi/version) # Compute the version of Pulumi to use by inspecting the Go dependencies of the provider. -.pulumi/version: +.pulumi/version: provider/go.mod @mkdir -p .pulumi @cd provider && go list -f "{{slice .Version 1}}" -m github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pkg/v3 | tee ../$@