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Deploying LapsTrans to Ubuntu

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87 lines (75 loc) · 3.06 KB


Get the ec repo, and don't forget to checkout into correct branch:

git clone
cd LapsTrans

Install all the deps you will need:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core pkg-config automake libtool libcairo2-dev libzmq3-dev pkg-config wget zlib1g-dev python-dev libbz2-dev graphviz libffi-dev software-properties-common swig ocaml opam


LAPS is written with python 3.7.7 Ubuntu 20 comes preinstalled with python 3.8 as default, and it is aliased as python. Unless you want to reconfigure your python environment, it's advised to use python3.7 explicitly. This also means running python3.7 -m pip ... instead of pip ....

sudo apt-get update; 
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa; sudo apt-get update; 
sudo apt-get install python3.7; sudo apt install python3.7-dev; 
sudo apt install python3-pip; python3.7 -m pip install pip;
python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools;

Now the python package requirements. Unfortunately they are scattered across three files. Not sure which ones are tautological, but just to be safe:

python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3.7 -m pip install -r language_requirements.txt
python3.7 -m pip install -r language_requirements_3_7_7.txt

There are also few they forgot to add:

python3.7 -m pip install num2words graphviz


This is actually optional for LAPS, as we never saw success with using code as natural language. If you don't plan on using language model for training, skip to Opam section.

NLTK tokenizer:

import nltk;'punkt')


You have to build Moses yourself, and for that you have to build its dependency - boost - also yourself (there are compiled boost libs in the Ubuntu repos, but Moses refuses to compile with them).

tar zxvf boost_1_60_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_60_0/
./b2 -j4 --prefix=$PWD --libdir=$PWD/lib64 --layout=system link=static install

This puts compiled libraries into the current - boost_1_60_0 - directory.

Actually Moses

git clone
cd mosesdecoder
./bjam --with-boost=<FULL path to the folder boost_1_60_0> -j4

Move the mosesdecoder directoty into ec/ and rename it as moses_compiled.

Opam environment

It will ask you to add command to initialize opam into bash_profile, agree, but it might not always work, especially for non-orthodox shells, like zsh. You might need to add

eval `opam config env`

there manually, or just run it every time.

opam init
opam update
opam switch create 4.06.1+flambda
eval `opam config env`
opam depext ppx_jane core re2 yojson vg cairo2 camlimages menhir.20211128 ocaml-protoc zmq
opam install ppx_jane core re2 yojson vg cairo2 camlimages menhir.20211128 ocaml-protoc zmq

Ocaml solvers compilation

Now make sure you are inside the ec directory, and build ocaml code. make clean; make