Hey! First of all, thanks for considering to help out!
We welcome all support, whether on bug reports, code, reviews, tests, documentation, translations or just feature requests.
The issue tracker is the preferred channel for bug reports, features requests and submitting pull requests. Please don't use the issue tracker for support requests. If you need help with something that isn't a bug, you can join our Wagtailmenus support group and ask your question there.
If there are any open issues you think you can help with, please comment
on the issue and state your intent to help. Or, if you have an idea for a
feature you'd like to work on, raise it as an issue. Once a core contributor
has responded and is happy for you to proceed with a solution, you should
create your own fork of
, make the changes there (before committing any changes, we
highly recommend that you create a new branch, and keep all related changes
within that same branch). When you've finished making your changes, you can
then submit a pull request for review.
In order to be accepted/merged, your pull request will need to meet the following criteria:
Any new features must be documented in
If you're not in the list already, add a new line to
(under the 'Contributors' heading) with your name, company name, and an optional twitter handle / email address. -
Add a concise description of what you have changed to
. -
For all new features, please add additional unit tests to
, to test what you've written. Although the quality of unit tests is the most important thing (they should be readable, and test the correct thing / combination of things), code coverage is important too, so please ensure as many lines of your code as possible are accessed when the unit tests are run.
If you'd like a runnable Django project to help with development of wagtailmenus, follow these steps to get started (Mac only). The development environment has django-debug-toolbar and some other helpful packages installed to help you debug with your code as you develop:
- In a Terminal window, cd to the
root directory, and run:
pip install -r requirements/development.txt
- Now create a copy of the development settings:
cp wagtailmenus/settings/development.py.example wagtailmenus/settings/development.py
- Now create a copy of the development urls:
cp wagtailmenus/development/urls.py.example wagtailmenus/development/urls.py
- Now create
by copying the example provided:
cp manage.py.example manage.py
- To load some test data into the database, run the following:
python manage.py loaddata wagtailmenus/tests/fixtures/test.json
- Now run the following and follow the prompts to set up a new superuser:
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Now run the project using the standard Django command:
python manage.py runserver
Your local copies of settings/development.py
and manage.py
should be
ignored by git when you push any changes, as will anything you add to the
It's important that any new code is tested before submitting. To quickly test code in your active development environment, you should first install all of the requirements by running:
pip install -r requirements/testing.txt
Then, run the following command to execute tests:
python runtests.py
Or if you want to measure test coverage, you can run:
coverage --source=wagtailmenus runtests.py
followed by coverage report
or coverage html
(depending on what you find
more useful).
Testing in a single environment is a quick and easy way to identify obvious
issues with your code. However, it's important to test changes in other
environments too, before they are submitted. In order to help with this,
wagtailmenus is configured to use tox
for multi-environment tests. They
take longer to complete, but running them is as simple as entering the
following command: