Releases: qbicsoftware/data-manager-app
Releases · qbicsoftware/data-manager-app
What's Changed
Bugfixes 🪲
- Add a prefill row for every replicate in an experimental group. (#633) by @KochTobi in #634
- Remove duplicate error message (#631) by @KochTobi in #635
Others 🧃
- Update issue templates by @sven1103 in #623
- fix code block for download by @wow-such-code in #612
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2
What's Changed
Bugfixes 🪲
- Ensures proper transactional roleback on failed datasource task by @sven1103 in #622
- Increase objective length by @KochTobi in #621
Others 🧃
- Set default icons, make icon label matching safer by @wow-such-code in #620
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.0.1
What's Changed
New Features 🚀
- Project are shown as card designs on the "home page" by @Steffengreiner in #561
- Update download instructions to current documentation by @Steffengreiner in #564
- Enable ACL cache by @sven1103 in #567
- Introduces local domain event dispatcher by @sven1103 in #570
- Reset local thread variable properly by @sven1103 in #572
- Provide profile page in which user can set their user name by @Steffengreiner in #563
- Require 12 instead of 8 characters for a password by @KochTobi in #574
- Enable pool metadata property variation among samples by @sven1103 in #573
- Only create ontology entries for distinct species specimen and analytes for all experiments within a project by @Steffengreiner in #571
- Show pooling specific measurement information in dedicated dialog by @Steffengreiner in #584
- Provide UTF-16 support for measurement metadata by @sven1103 in #588
- sort spreadsheet by measurement code and sample code by @wow-such-code in #591
- Add asterix for all required properties in sample batch dialog by @KochTobi in #589
- Provide more icons for species and specimen by @wow-such-code in #583
- Change text "ID" to "Project ID" by @wow-such-code in #594
- Enable pooled sample measurement for NGS by @sven1103 in #592
- Separate Spring Datasources by @KochTobi in #576
- The application provides a footer for all views in which the user can navigate to the relevant sites by @Steffengreiner in #575
- Update lastModified timestamp of project on several types of changes by @wow-such-code in #566
- update download information by @wow-such-code in #598
- Display project id (5-letter) in experiment navigation header by @wow-such-code in #596
Bugfixes 🪲
- Allow to add new groups even if samples are registered by @wow-such-code in #560
- Only allow creation of complete experimental groups by @wow-such-code in #562
- Validate digestion method when updating proteomics measurements by @wow-such-code in #565
- Provide Filtering for all shown properties in the projectcollectioncomponent by @Steffengreiner in #569
- update injection volume by @KochTobi in #579
- Spit out errors during meaurement registration and do not require LCMS method in aggregate by @sven1103 in #580
- Listing collaborators only requires READ role and more expressive access denied message by @sven1103 in #581
- Enable download of URL file by @sven1103 in #585
- Show human readable error message on measurement registration by @KochTobi in #586
- add column definitions for experiment icons by @wow-such-code in #593
- Make ddl configurable by @KochTobi in #597
- Minor UI updates by @Steffengreiner in #599
- Fail to startup if openbis is not reachable by @KochTobi in #606
- Increase size of stored offers by @KochTobi in #602
- Fix Project Overview entity by @KochTobi in #603
- Set column types for sample origin by @KochTobi in #605
- Extend license note for University of Tübingen logo by @sven1103 in #607
- Use view instead of join by @KochTobi in #608
Documentation & CI 🪂
- Provide SQL statements for project statistic views by @sven1103 in #568
- Update metadata requirements for measurements by @sven1103 in #577
- Remove biological replicate from concept by @sven1103 in #582
- Refactor project access UI according to prototype by @Steffengreiner in #587
- Add SQL script to modify ontology_classes table by @KochTobi in #604
- Show the University Tübingen Logo and a background image for all landing page layouts by @Steffengreiner in #601
Others 🧃
- Security overhaul and small bug fixes by @sven1103 in #553
- Bump actions/labeler from 5.0.0.pre.alpha.1 to 5 by @dependabot in #546
- Bump from 6.0.3 to 6.1.8 in /project-management by @dependabot in #578
- Release PR by @KochTobi in #600
- fix event handling when uploading offer pdfs by @wow-such-code in #610
Full Changelog: 0.40.0...1.0.0
What's Changed
New Features 🚀
- rework app-drawer experiment section by @wow-such-code in #538
- Enable async service calls for measurements by @sven1103 in #547
- Improves re-try experience for measurement metadata actions by @sven1103 in #552
- Show self-selection and dropdown on their own rows by @wow-such-code in #551
- Remove duplicate hits in ontology search by @wow-such-code in #555
- Enable User to download and edit NGS measurement data by @Steffengreiner in #545
- Test datasources on startup by @wow-such-code in #556
- Sorts exp. variable and group cards by name by @wow-such-code in #554
- better sorting for groups and variables by @wow-such-code in #558
Others 🧃
- User is able to see all his accessible projects in a paginated fashion in the projectOverview by @Steffengreiner in #549
- Allow deletion of measurements without data by @wow-such-code in #550
Full Changelog: 0.39.0...0.40.0
What's Changed
New Features 🚀
- Improve UI for ontology search and access token generation by @wow-such-code in #514
- Use openbis 20.10.x by @wow-such-code in #510
- When granting project access only disclose username by @KochTobi in #521
- Allow distinct label information in proteomics measurements by @sven1103 in #523
- Generalize upload measurement dialog to handle edit and register measurements by @Steffengreiner in #527
- Adds the project id to measurements by @KochTobi in #530
- Adjust proteomics columns in sheet and UI by @wow-such-code in #535
- Change token generation to use the same application salt for faster lookup by @KochTobi in #532
- Use 'ID' instead of 'Code' in the UI by @wow-such-code in #536
- Users with sufficient privileges can choose the role of other collaborators within a project by @KochTobi in #526
- User is able to register NGS Measurements in the data manager application by @Steffengreiner in #531
- Enable editing of proteomics measurements by @sven1103 in #518
- Enable User to view Raw Data for their measurements by @Steffengreiner in #522
- Optimise ontology query by @sven1103 in #542
- Store registration instant for new user registrations by @sven1103 in #543
- Fix typo and naming description in columns of template sheets by @Steffengreiner in #541
- Hide contact dropdown from everyone but admins by @wow-such-code in #533
Bugfixes 🪲
- Correct links to the datamanager in emails to users by @KochTobi in #524
- Bump Spring Boot from 3.1.5 -> 3.2.3 by @KochTobi in #528
- Fix vagueness + issue when copying ontology curie by @wow-such-code in #534
Documentation & CI 🪂
Others 🧃
- Add Token Encoder Interface by @KochTobi in #529
- Release 0.39.0 by @Steffengreiner in #540
Full Changelog: 0.38.2...0.39.0
What's Changed
Bugfixes 🪲
- Propagate to user if a project with the provided code already exists during project creation by @Steffengreiner in #516
Full Changelog: 0.38.0...0.38.1