Releases: qbicsoftware/data-manager-app
Releases · qbicsoftware/data-manager-app
What's Changed
New Features 🚀
- Remove german exception messages as vaadin always uses machine not client locale by @KochTobi in #243
- Feature/dm 687/prefill sheet metadata by @wow-such-code in #234
- Enable deletion of experimental groups by @sven1103 in #245
- Update disclaimer card component for reuse by @sven1103 in #253
- add home button by @wow-such-code in #250
- Enable exchangeable tab content for experiment info by @sven1103 in #254
- Introduce experiment fact sheet by @sven1103 in #255
- Add experimental variables component by @sven1103 in #256
- Introduce support section component by @wow-such-code in #258
- create attachments component css by @wow-such-code in #257
- Enable User to Register batches with NGS Samples by @Steffengreiner in #248
- Refactor experiment details component by @sven1103 in #261
- Ensure openbis connection before accessing the openbis api by @KochTobi in #260
Bugfixes 🪲
- Load biological replicates eagerly for experimental groups by @sven1103 in #240
- Fix sample registration issue by @wow-such-code in #264
Documentation & CI 🪂
- Minor UI adjustments: Resize NavigationBar, replace ExperimentalDesign Headers and show Batchname in SampleSpreadSheetTab by @Steffengreiner in #246
- Improve UI of ExperimentListComponent by @Steffengreiner in #241
- Update GitHub Actions by @KochTobi in #247
- Minor UI improvements in ExperimentDetailsComponent by @Steffengreiner in #259
- Fix code smells by @KochTobi in #266
Others 🧃
- Bump spring-security-core from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 in /projectmanagement by @dependabot in #249
- Validate spreadsheet content by @wow-such-code in #251
- Release by @KochTobi in #265
Full Changelog: 0.17.0...0.18.0
What's Changed
New Features 🚀
- Introduce sample code generator and statistics by @sven1103 in #232
- Generate biological replicates upon exp. group creation by @sven1103 in #237
Bugfixes 🪲
- Fix Card Size for Pagecomponents and introduce dedicated pagecardcomponents by @Steffengreiner in #236
Others 🧃
Full Changelog: 0.16.0...0.17.0
What's Changed
New Features 🚀
- Show error page or user notification in case of exceptions by @KochTobi in #227
- User is able to create additional experiments within a project by @Steffengreiner in #208
- Make data generation tech selectable in spreadsheet by @wow-such-code in #229
- lock spreadsheet, add unlock-method for columns by @wow-such-code in #230
- Introduce sample batch domain model by @sven1103 in #212
Others 🧃
- Release 0.15.1 back to dev by @Steffengreiner in #226
- Prepare release 0.16.0 by @sven1103 in #235
Full Changelog: 0.15.1...0.16.0
What's Changed
Bugfixes 🪲
- Remove the
by @Steffengreiner in #224
Full Changelog: 0.15.0...0.15.1
What's Changed
New Features 🚀
- Reduce space between Navbar and ExperimentDetailsComponent in ExperimentInformationPage by @wow-such-code in #205
- Display sample size on experimental group cards by @wow-such-code in #209
- Implement Result object by @KochTobi in #210
- Inform user that a condition already exists during condition creation via notification by @wow-such-code in #220
- If no variables are defined, forward user to summary and notify them by @wow-such-code in #219
- Update spacing and overflow behaviour of the experimental group cards by @wow-such-code in #217
Bugfixes 🪲
- Reduce navbar height by @wow-such-code in #206
- Check for Expirmental Group Id in Equals and Hashcode by @wow-such-code in #215
- Introduce jackson-core
dependency by @KochTobi in #222
Documentation & CI 🪂
- Share domain core concepts by @sven1103 in #213
- Apply Google Style Format on all project files by @sven1103 in #218
Others 🧃
- Update data-manager-application to Vaadin 24 and Spring Boot 3 by @Steffengreiner in #207
- Introduce biological replicates as first class objects by @sven1103 in #211
- Fix VariableName Attribute Conversion in Hibernate backend by @Steffengreiner in #214
- Introduce event dispatcher and job runr support by @sven1103 in #216
Full Changelog: 0.14.0...0.15.0
What's Changed
New Features 🚀
- change cursor for editable elements to pointer by @wow-such-code in #185
- Introduce pages showing project and experiment information and add active experiment UI by @Steffengreiner in #186
- Introduce experimental groups in domain and persistence layer by @wow-such-code in #192
- add experimental group handling to experiment information service by @wow-such-code in #196
- Feature/dm 734 sample page with routing by @Steffengreiner in #195
- Feature/dm 737/responsive component size by @wow-such-code in #200
- Introduce form input validation strategy by @sven1103 in #199
- Add Experimental Group using the UI by @KochTobi in #198
- Provide Mock implementation of SampleSheet Component during Sample registration by @Steffengreiner in #201
Bugfixes 🪲
- Increase number of iterations to 100k for PBKDF2 by @sven1103 in #193
- Fix several routing issues by @sven1103 in #194
Documentation & CI 🪂
Others 🧃
- Release 0.14.0 by @Steffengreiner in #197
- Release 0.14.0 by @Steffengreiner in #202
Full Changelog: 0.13.0...0.14.0
What's Changed
New Features 🚀
- add project code field and auto-generate button to create codes. by @wow-such-code in #172
- Save experiments and designs by @KochTobi in #177
- Introduce ProjectNavigationBarComponent with styling by @Steffengreiner in #178
Bugfixes 🪲
- rename all mentions of organism to species by @wow-such-code in #170
- Catch and describe openBIS connection issues verbose in logs by @sven1103 in #173
- Set projects overview as root route by @sven1103 in #174
- Make project responsible optional again by @KochTobi in #181
- Set sample origin boxes as required in Project Creation Dialogue. by @Steffengreiner in #180
- Add tests in projectmanagement domain by @KochTobi in #182
- Fix Format in project creation dialog by @jenniferboedker in #183
Documentation & CI 🪂
Others 🧃
- Release 0.12.0 back to dev by @Steffengreiner in #171
- Feature/dm 699 implement UI for experiment creation by @Steffengreiner in #179
- Bump snakeyaml from 1.33 to 2.0 by @dependabot in #184
- Release PR by @KochTobi in #188
Full Changelog: 0.12.0...0.13.0
What's Changed
New Features 🚀
- Provide first experimental design model by @sven1103 in #160
- add openbis connector and functionality to fetch vocabularies by @wow-such-code in #162
- Implement new experimental design layout with multiselect comboboxes by @Steffengreiner in #159
- Allow specification for responsible person during project creation and project update by @Steffengreiner in #161
- Feature/dm 677/add empty project by @wow-such-code in #167
Bugfixes 🪲
- Fix Spacing of ProjectDetailsComponent by @Steffengreiner in #163
Documentation & CI 🪂
Others 🧃
- Bump vaadin version to 23.3.0 by @Steffengreiner in #158
- Release 0.12.0 by @Steffengreiner in #168
Full Changelog: 0.11.1...0.12.0