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xxhash-rust binding for Node.js.

Install this package

yarn add @node-rs/xxhash
pnpm add @node-rs/xxhash
npm install @node-rs/xxhash

Support matrix

node12 node14 node16 node18
Windows x64
Windows x32
Windows arm64
macOS x64
macOS arm64 (m chips)
Linux x64 gnu
Linux x64 musl
Linux arm gnu
Linux arm64 gnu
Linux arm64 musl
Android arm64
Android armv7
FreeBSD x64


export type BufferLike =
  | Buffer
  | string
  | Uint8Array
  | ArrayBuffer
  | SharedArrayBuffer
  | ReadonlyArray<number>
  | number[]

export function xxh32(input: BufferLike, seed?: number): number
export function xxh64(input: BufferLike, seed?: BigInt): BigInt

export class Xxh32 {
  constructor(seed?: number)
  update(input: BufferLike): this
  digest(): number
  reset(): void

export class Xxh64 {
  constructor(seed?: BigInt)
  update(input: BufferLike): this
  digest(): BigInt
  reset(): void

export class Xxh3 {
  static withSeed(seed?: BigInt): Xxh3
  static withSecret(secret: BufferLike): Xxh3
  private constructor() {}
  update(input: BufferLike): this
  digest(): BigInt
  reset(): void

export const xxh3: {
  xxh64: (input: BufferLike, seed?: BigInt) => BigInt
  xxh64WithSecret: (input: BufferLike, secret: BufferLike) => BigInt
  xxh128: (input: BufferLike, seed?: BigInt) => BigInt
  xxh128WithSecret: (input: BufferLike, secret: BufferLike) => BigInt
  Xxh3: typeof Xxh3



Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro15,1
Processor Name: 6-Core Intel Core i7
Processor Speed: 2.6 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 6
L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 12 MB
Hyper-Threading Technology: Enabled
Memory: 16 GB


@node-rs/xxhash h32 x 18,847 ops/sec ±3.81% (81 runs sampled)
xxhash c++ x 12,190 ops/sec ±2.94% (83 runs sampled)
xxhashjs h32 x 1,035 ops/sec ±11.04% (68 runs sampled)
xxh32 bench suite: Fastest is @node-rs/xxhash h32

@node-rs/xxhash h32 x 13,248 ops/sec ±4.38% (78 runs sampled)
xxhashjs h32 x 1,366 ops/sec ±1.96% (85 runs sampled)
xxh32 multi steps bench suite: Fastest is @node-rs/xxhash h32

@node-rs/xxhash 64 x 43,532 ops/sec ±1.33% (88 runs sampled)
xxhash C++ x 41,658 ops/sec ±1.45% (90 runs sampled)
wasm x 32,415 ops/sec ±1.38% (90 runs sampled)
xxhashjs h64 x 47.52 ops/sec ±3.20% (62 runs sampled)
xxh64 bench suite: Fastest is @node-rs/xxhash 64

@node-rs/xxhash 64 x 33,153 ops/sec ±5.42% (76 runs sampled)
wasm x 29,477 ops/sec ±2.72% (81 runs sampled)
xxhashjs h64 x 54.96 ops/sec ±1.93% (71 runs sampled)
xxh64 multi steps bench suite: Fastest is @node-rs/xxhash 64