Serverless state and configuration storage.
The AWS Parameter Store (SSM) was originally designed as a place to store configuration. It turns out that it is also a pretty handy place for storing small bits of state information in between serverless executions.
is a simple wrapper for SSM getParameter
and putParameter
functions, abstracting it into
a contextual storage of small JSON objects.
Why use this instead of AWS SSM API directly?
- Simple Promise or async syntax
- Automatic object serialization/deserialization
- Logging
- Consistent naming convention
depends on one other utility to work:
- Sailplane Logger
npm install @sailplane/state-storage @sailplane/logger @aws-sdk/client-ssm
Your Lambda will need permission to access the Parameter Store. Here's an example in serverless.yml
name: aws
STATE_STORAGE_PREFIX: /${opt:stage}/myapp
- Effect: Allow
- ssm:GetParameter
- ssm:PutParameter
Resource: "arn:aws:ssm:${opt:region}:*:parameter${self:provider.environment.STATE_STORAGE_PREFIX}/*"
- Effect: Allow
- kms:Decrypt
- kms:Encrypt
Resource: "arn:aws:kms:${opt:region}:*:alias/aws/ssm"
"kms:EncryptionContext:PARAMETER_ARN": "arn:aws:ssm:${opt:region}:*:parameter${self:provider.environment.STATE_STORAGE_PREFIX}/*"
Note that this is the complete set of possible permissions.
Not all are needed if only reading parameters or if not using the secure
Simple example storing state
import {StateStorage} from "@sailplane/state-storage";
const stateStore = new StateStorage(process.env.STATE_STORAGE_PREFIX!);
export async function myHandler(event, context): Promise<any> {
let state = await stateStore.get('thing', 'state');
const result = await processRequest(state, event);
await stateStore.set('thing', 'state', state);
return result;
See examples for another example.
Use StateStorageFake
to unit test your services that use StateStorage
. The fake will
store data in instance memory, instead of the AWS Parameter Store.