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radiantone edited this page Jun 7, 2021 · 3 revisions

Entangle is very early in development and the code is strictly experimental or pre-alpha at this point. The code or designs in the repository WILL change over time as cleaner, faster or more elegant solutions are found. Many expected features like retry (local and distributed) and batch (also local or distributed) are planned and either in development or will be soon.

Other developmental needs right now, include:

  1. Retry logic (underway)
  2. Better error handling and reporting for ssh tasks
  3. Dataflow decorator does not currently work with ssh, thus disributed dataflows are broken until this is fixed. ssh scheduler example works fine with workflows though.
  4. Support for various @aws decorators
  5. Support for database decorators e.g. @mysql, @mongo etc
  6. Batch Support with workflow and dataflows
  7. Domain specific decorators for working with 3rd party libraries

If you have an interest in contributing please fork the repo and submit PR's for anything you find useful to your needs, that also align with the idea of entangle!

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