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WebFaction & Django Deployment Guide

A installation guide for getting Django setup on WebFaction

Setup & Login

  1. Sign Up for an account on WebFaction: Affiliate with 2 months free | Non-Affiliate

  2. Login

  3. Click Domains/Websites > Applications > Add New Application

  4. Create a Django project with the following:

    Name: "cfehome" # or whatever you call your project below.
    App Category:  Django
    App type: Django 1.X.Y (mod_wsgi 4.5.X/Python 3.5)

    NOTE The Django application version we are going to use is 1.10.2; select your version and replace X & Y with the version you're working with.

    Hit Save

  5. Create a Static Only folder for STATIC_ROOT

    1. Click Domains/Websites > Applications > Add New Application

    2. Create a Static Application with the following:

      Name: "cfehome_static_root"
      App Category:  Static
      App type: Static only (no .htaccess)

      Hit Save

  6. Create a Static Only folder for MEDIA_ROOT

    1. Click Domains/Websites > Applications > Add New Application

    2. Create a Static Application with the following:

      Name: "cfehome_media_root" 
      App Category:  Static
      App type: Static only (no .htaccess)

      Hit Save

  7. Create Website:

    1. Click Domains/Websites > Websites > Add New Website

    2. Create a website with the following:

      Name: cfehome_website
      Security: Normal website (http)
      Status: Enabled
      Domains: <yourusername>
    3. In Contents, click Add Application > Reuse An Existing Application select your Django Project cfehome. Keep url blank

    4. In Contents, click Add Application > Reuse An Existing Application select your Static Root cfehome_static_root. Add static to the url

    5. In Contents, click Add Application > Reuse An Existing Application select your Media Root cfehome_media_root. Add media to the url

SSH into WebFaction

  1. Navigate to & Login (if needed)

  2. In the Web Server section, note the portion.

  3. Open Terminal (or PuTTY on Windows)

  4. Run ssh <username>@<server-id> like ssh

  5. If first time doing ssh into your server, you should see:

    The authenticity of host ' (2607:f0d0:1104:4:16::2)' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:Dc9MghuhqWF1LoCzf6S31KbVSkLphayrrD7KmYHREKw.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? 

    Say Yes

  6. Navigate to your Django project: Login process returns something like:

    $ ssh
    Last login: Wed May  26 02:42:36 2016 from
    [cfedeploy@web374 ~]$ ls
    bin  lib  logs  webapps

    Now navigate to your django project

    [cfedeploy@web374 ~]$ cd webapps
    [cfedeploy@web374 webapps]$ ls
    cfehome  cfehome_media_root cfehome_static_root htdocs
    [cfedeploy@web374 webapps]$ cd cfehome
    [cfedeploy@web374 cfehome]$ ls
    apache2  bin  lib  myproject

    Remove pre-installed Django project listed as myproject:

    rm -rf myproject

Create a Django Local Project following this guide

FTP And Deploy Django Project

  1. Open an FTP Client (like Transmit or Cyberduck)

  2. SFTP into your Webfaction Account

  3. Navigate to your webapp in /webapps/cfehome

  4. Download apache2/conf/httpd.conf, update the settings as:

    WSGIDaemonProcess cfehome processes=2 threads=12 python-path=/home/cfedeploy/webapps/cfehome:/home/cfedeploy/webapps/cfehome/src:/home/cfedeploy/webapps/cfehome/lib/python3.5
    WSGIProcessGroup cfehome
    WSGIRestrictEmbedded On
    WSGILazyInitialization On
    WSGIScriptAlias / /home/cfedeploy/webapps/cfehome/src/cfehome/
  5. Navigate back to /webapps/cfehome

  6. Drag Your Local project, we call cfehome through CyberDuck/Transmit to /webapps/cfehome

  7. Update with the following settings:

    ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['']
    STATIC_URL = '/static/'
            os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),
    STATIC_ROOT = "/webapps/cfehome_static_root/"
    MEDIA_ROOT = "/webapps/cfehome_media_root/"
  8. Setup Domain Name Nameservers to Webfaction and add domain to Webfaction:

  9. Add Domain to ALLOWED_HOSTS in

    ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', '']
  10. Upload changed files (such as httpd.conf and and ensure is not in the project.

  11. SSH via Terminal/PuTTY to Webfaction Project and Restart Apache:

    cd webapps/cfehome
  12. Set Python Path inside of your app with PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$PWD/lib/python

  13. Collectstatic:

    python3.5 collectstatic
  14. Any Django commands should now work using python3.5 first:

    python3.5 migrate
    python3.5 createsuperuser

All set!