Releases: razaqq/PotatoAlert
Releases · razaqq/PotatoAlert
- Changed titlebar and menubar
- Improved updater
- Improved error handling on websocket
- Added setup information and discord menu entry
- Added date to logging
- Small fixes
- Added missing requirement websockets
- Fixed a bug that could cause app to crash in clan wars with custom api, if a clan could not be found
- Added central API server -> providing your own API key is now optional
- Removed manual mode picker as no longer needed
- Added back size grip for easier window resizing
- Simplified table filling
- Code cleanup
- Fixed a bug that could cause the board not to load
- Menubar redone in vertical style
- Menu buttons changed to windows style
- Added application icon and title
- Window is now true borderless
- simplified some ui functions with lambda functions
- added cancel of all running tasks before exit
- added google analytics
- completely reworked data transfer between backend and ui
- fixed colors if player has no matches in ship
- changed cursor for table to PointingHandCursor
- edited asyncqt to work with python 3.8
- added changelog popup after updating
- added option to double click table to open wows-numbers for player
- moved gui to utils
- implemented temporary fix for mode selection, untill key is back in tempArenaInfo.json
- added a popup that asks about updating, before performing an update
- minor fixes
- Fixed colors for clan rating
- Upgraded multidict
removed pyinstaller specific version