All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Added details with statistics for individually SPs and IdPs
- Added script for migrate data to new version of database structure
- Added legends to charts
- Instance name in header is taken from config file
- set default value of lastDays and tab in index.php: no error logs when user open statistics for the first time
- Statistics will be now full screen
- Fixed bad checks before insert translation to db
- Possibility to change the time range of displayed data
- DB commands work with apostrophes in IdP/SP names
- New visual form of the site
- Draw tables without month
- Draws tables data by selected time range
- Removed unused functions
- Added mapping tables for mapping identifier to name
- Storing entityIds instead of SpName/IdPName.
- Used only tabs for indentations
- Fixed the problem with getting utf8 chars from database
- Classes SimpleSAML_Logger and SimpleSAML_Module renamed to SimpleSAML\Logger and SimpleSAML\Module
- Dictionary
- Czech translation
- Database commands use prepared statements
- Saving SourceIdPName instead of EntityId
- Added average and maximal count of logins per day into summary table
- Fixed overqualified element in statisticsproxy.css
- Changelog