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File metadata and controls

567 lines (402 loc) · 15.1 KB


State hooks

State hooks are only available in descendant components of <LocationStateProvider>.

type LocationStateDefinition

type LocationStateDefinition<
  StoreName extends string = "session" | "url",
> = {
  name: string;
  defaultValue: T;
  storeName: StoreName;
  refine?: Refine<T>;

Common options for state hooks.

Warning State hooks evaluates this option only once at the first rendering. Passing different values at re-rendering is not applied.

Type Parameters

  • T: Type of state.
  • StoreName: The type of the Store name.


  • name: A unique name that identifies the state at the current history location in the Store specified by storeName.
  • defaultValue: Default value returned by state hooks if there is no state in the Store.
  • storeName: The name of the Store where the state will be stored. By default, "session" and "url" are available. You can be changed with the type parameter StoreName.
  • refine?: Function to validate and/or convert a state retrieved from the Store. See Refine.


const counter: LocationStateDefinition<number> = {
  name: "count",
  defaultValue: 0,
  storeName: "session",
const [count, setCount] = useLocationValue(counter);

type Refine

type Refine<T> = (state: unknown) => T | undefined;

The type of the function that validate and/or convert the state retrieved from the Store. It must not throw an error if validation fails.

Type Parameters

  • T: Type of state.


  • state: The value retrieved from store.


Validated state value, converted from it, or undefined. If undefined is returned, state hooks will return the defaultValue of the LocationStateDefinition as state.


const zodRefine =
  <T extends unknown>(schema: ZodType<T>): Refine<T> =>
  (value) => {
    const result = schema.safeParse(value);
    return result.success ? : undefined;

const [counter, setCounter] = useLocationState({
  name: "counter",
  defaultValue: 0,
  refine: zodRefine(
    // Migration of state that were previously type `string`, but are now type `number`.
        .transform((v) => Number(v)),

function useLocationState

type SetState<T> = (valueOrUpdater: T | ((prev: T) => T)) => void;

declare const useLocationState: <T>(
  definition: LocationStateDefinition<T, DefaultStoreName>,
) => [T, SetState<T>];

Allows access to the state associated with the current history location from a specified Store. This hook subscribes to re-render the component if there is a change in the state.

Type Parameters

  • T: Type of state.



Returns an array that first element is a state and the second element is a state update function.


const [count, setCount] = useLocationState({
  name: "count",
  defaultValue: 0,
  storeName: "session",

function useLocationStateValue

declare const useLocationStateValue: <T>(
  definition: LocationStateDefinition<T, DefaultStoreName>,
) => T;

Allows a reference to the state associated with the current history location from a specified Store. This hook subscribes to re-render the component if there is a change in the state.

Type Parameters

  • T: Type of state.



Returns state.


const count = useLocationStateValue({
  name: "count",
  defaultValue: 0,
  storeName: "session",

function useLocationGetState

type GetState<T> = () => T;

declare const useLocationGetState: <T>(
  definition: LocationStateDefinition<T, DefaultStoreName>,
) => GetState<T>;

Allows getting of the state associated with the current history location from a specified Store. This hooks will not re-render the component if there is a change in the state.

Type Parameters

  • T: Type of state.



Returns the callback function to get state. It can be used in the useEffect hook, event handler, etc.


const getCount = useLocationGetState({
  name: "count",
  defaultValue: 0,
  storeName: "session",

useEffect(() => {
  const count = getCount();
  // ...
}, [getCount]);

function useLocationSetState

type SetState<T> = (valueOrUpdater: T | ((prev: T) => T)) => void;

declare const useLocationSetState: <T>(
  definition: LocationStateDefinition<T, DefaultStoreName>,
) => SetState<T>;

Allows updating of the state associated with the current history location from a specified Store.

Type Parameters

  • T: Type of state.



Returns the update function of state.


const setCount = useLocationSetState({
  name: "count",
  defaultValue: 0,
  storeName: "session",

function useLocationKey

declare const useLocationKey: ({ serverDefault, clientDefault, }?: {
  serverDefault?: string | undefined;
  clientDefault?: string | undefined;
} | undefined) => string | undefined;

Returns the key associated with the current history location from the Syncer. This hook subscribes to re-render the component if there is a change in the key.


  • serverDefault: Key on the server. This key is used when server side and client hydration. If not specified, undefined is used.
  • clientDefault: Default key when key is not available. If not specified, undefined is used.


Returns the key associated with the current history location.


const locationKey = useLocationKey();


component <LocationStateProvider>

declare function LocationStateProvider({
}: {
  syncer?: Syncer;
  stores?: Stores | ((syncer: Syncer) => Stores);
  children: ReactNode;
}): JSX.Element;

Context Provider of location-state.



export function Providers({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
  return (
    <LocationStateProvider syncer={syncer} stores={stores}>

function createDefaultStores

export declare const createDefaultStores: (syncer: Syncer) => Stores;

Create default Stores to be used by <LocationStateProvider>.


  • syncer?: Specifies how location-state synchronizes with history. It must implement Syncer. If not specified, NavigationSyncer instance is used.


Returns Stores with the following properties.

Store Name Store detail
"session" StorageStore Store to persist in session storage.
"url" URLStore Store to persist in a URL query string.


const defaultStores = createDefaultStores(syncer);

function getHooksWith

export declare const getHooksWith: <StoreName extends string>() => {
  useLocationState: <T>(
    definition: LocationStateDefinition<T, StoreName>,
  ) => [T, SetState<T>];
  useLocationStateValue: <T>(
    definition: LocationStateDefinition<T, StoreName>,
  ) => T;
  useLocationSetState: <T>(
    definition: LocationStateDefinition<T, StoreName>,
  ) => SetState<T>;

Returns state hooks that allows a type parameter to be specified for the storeName of the LocationStateDefinition. This is useful when you specify custom stores for the <LocationStateProvider>.

Type Parameters

  • StoreName: The type of the Store name.


Returns the following hooks to which StoreName is bound.


export const { useLocationState, useLocationStateValue, useLocationSetState } =
  getHooksWith<"local" | "indexeddb">();


type Syncer

type Syncer = {
  key(): string | undefined;
  sync(arg: { listener: (key: string) => void; signal: AbortSignal }): void;
  updateURL(url: string): void;

Syncer is an interface for synchronizing with history location. You can implement a Syncer to customize how to synchronize with the history location.


  • key(): Returns a stable identifier string for the current history location. On the server side, returns undefined.
  • sync({ listener, signal }): Called to synchronize with the history location. Call back the listener function when the history location is changed. When signal has been aborted, do not call back the listener anymore.
  • updateURL(url): Update the browser's URL. It is used to persist state by URL.

class NavigationSyncer

export declare class NavigationSyncer implements Syncer {
  constructor(navigation?: Navigation | undefined);

Syncer implementation that uses the Navigation API to synchronize with history location.

new NavigationSyncer(navigation)

  • navigation?: window.navigation or implementation of Navigation API. Pass undefined when server side.


const navigationSyncer = new NavigationSyncer(
  typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.navigation : undefined,


Provides a temporary implementation for browsers that do not support the Navigation API. The actual value is below, depending on the runtime environment.

  • Server side
    • undefined
  • Client side
    • window.navigation when the Navigation API is supported.
    • Otherwise, Navigation API polyfill (partially implemented).

Warning This is a polyfill-like implementation that partially supports the behavior of the Navigation API, but the scope of implementation is minimal and the location-state does not actively test and support it.

import { unsafeNavigation } from "@location-state/core/unsafe-navigation";

const navigationSyncer = new NavigationSyncer(unsafeNavigation);


type Store

type Unsubscribe = () => void;
type Store = {
  subscribe(name: string, listener: Listener): Unsubscribe;
  get(name: string): unknown;
  set(name: string, value: unknown): void;
  load(key: string): void;
  save(): void;

Store is an interface to implement state retention and persistence.


  • subscribe(name, listener): Call listener when state[name] changes. Return a function to unsubscribe.
  • get(name): Returns state[name].
  • set(name, value): Update state[name] with value.
  • load(key): Load state from destination using key in history location and update state.
  • save(): Save state to destination with current key.

type Stores

export type Stores = Record<string, Store>;

Stores is a key-value object of Store.

type StateSerializer

type StateSerializer = {
  serialize: (value: Record<string, unknown>) => string;
  deserialize: (value: string) => Record<string, unknown>;

Interface to serialize/deserialize state. It may be used for Stores customization.

class StorageStore

export declare class StorageStore implements Store {
  constructor(storage?: Storage | undefined, stateSerializer?: StateSerializer);

A Store that stores state in Storage.

new StorageStore(storage, stateSerializer)

  • storage?: The Storage of the destination. On the client side, pass globalThis.sessionStorage or globalThis.localStorage. On the server side, pass undefined.
  • stateSerializer?: Specifies how to serialize/deserialize. By default, JSON.stringify and JSON.parse are used.


const sessionStore = new StorageStore(
  typeof window !== "undefined" ? globalThis.sessionStorage : undefined,

type URLEncoder

type URLEncoder = {
  encode: (url: string, state?: Record<string, unknown>) => string;
  decode: (url: string) => Record<string, unknown>;

Interface to URL encoding/decoding. It may be used for URLStores customization.

class URLStore

export declare class URLStore implements Store {
  constructor(syncer: Syncer, urlEncoder?: URLEncoder);

A Store that stores state in a URL.

new URLStore(syncer, urlEncoder)


const urlStore = new URLStore(syncer);
const customUrlStore = new URLStore(syncer, {
  encode: encodeUrlState,
  decode: decodeUrlState,

function searchParamEncoder

declare function searchParamEncoder(
  paramName: string,
  stateSerializer: StateSerializer,
): URLEncoder;

Generate a URLEncoder with the query parameter name and StateSerializer.

object defaultSearchParamEncoder: URLEncoder

declare const defaultSearchParamEncoder: URLEncoder;

This is the URLEncoder that URLStore uses by default. Serialize/Deserialize the state in the location-state query parameter with JSON.stringify/JSON.parse.

// Example of saving `counter: 1`.