Note: The latest code is not in the main branch of the repo but in release or version specific branches that mirror corresponding branches from the parent repository (for example the main-rhoai-2.13 branch). Hence your changes/ PRs need to be merged into this branch and not into main. Here is a git dev and branching workflow that you can follow to do this.
This assumes you already have created a personal fork created off redhat-et's parasol project (which itself is a fork of the aiservices bu's parasol project). In my case this personal form would be
Clone your local fork locally. For example git clone [email protected]:srampal/parasol-insurance.git
Move into the local cloned repo cd parasol-insurance
Check the list of remotes, currently there should be only 1 viz the origin pointing to your personal fork git remote -v
Now add a remote called upstream to point to the rehat-et fork git remote add upstream [email protected]:redhat-et/parasol-insurance.git
Now when you check the list of remotes, you will see 2 git remote -v
origin [email protected]:srampal/parasol-insurance.git (fetch) origin [email protected]:srampal/parasol-insurance.git (push) upstream [email protected]:redhat-et/parasol-insurance.git (fetch) upstream [email protected]:redhat-et/parasol-insurance.git (push)
Now fetch branches from the upstream repo git fetch upstream
Now create a local branch for your planned fix but set it to track the main-rhoai-2.13 branch from the upstream repo.
git checkout -b fix --track upstream/main-rhoai-2.13
Now make the changes ndded for your fix or feature
When the changes are complete, tested and ready to push, DO NOT not perform the default git push since upstream tracking has been set to the upstream repo and not origin. Hence explicitly push to origin as follows
git push origin fix
Now on github, when you see the option to create a PR, you need to change the destination/ target branch of the PR to be the main-rhoai-2.13 branch of the upstream repo redhat-et/parasol-insurance. (and not the default draft PR suggestion by github which will point to the main branch as the destination branch)
After PR review and merge, if you navigate to the upstream repo (redhat-et/parasol-insurance) on github, you will also see a suggestion to create a PR to merge changes into the main branch. DO NOT follow this suggestion. Ignore it since per our current project branching plan, we are keeping our final code in the main-rhoai-2.13 branch and not in main.