- posting
- analytics
- options report (across all backends)
- Support for
query string parameter
- /support/links.html: move to Regex.zone
- /support/similar.html: have a page on Regex.zone
- /support/engines.html: skip (or include ones that aren't enabled? or page on Regex.zone?)
- redirects for bookmarks and rss feed
- bounce to regex.zone to save
- accept handle when returning
- load from regex.zone if handle is passed in (querystring)
- load from legacy if handle is old format
- form on home page to enter it
- if handle passed: overwrite/append/save new instead of save
- or somehow tell if handle has update permissions
- setup redirects for existing share codes
- Rust (started)
- Bun
- PostgresQL with golang server instead of Python. Or pglite
- Swift
- Free Pascal
- Erlang
- Elm
- Julia
- Haskell (done, but hosting isn't working)
- D
- GNU grep
- Zig
- direct to engines: PCRE, RE2, ICU, hyperscan/vectorscan, Yarr...
- Janet ~lisp
- marianobarrios/dregex - Java alternative
- Mozilla's list of JavaScript implementations, each of which should support Regex.
Patterns that are not regular expressions:
Other lists:
- toggle to multiline inputs
- /advanced/options.html: probably want to redo how these work (each service has 2-way map of specific:common)
- colorizer
- translations
- Fuzzing
- Non-regex pattern matching
- tags for each engine: features supported, calling languages, implementation language
- get engine release level (and everything else?) from remote instead of hard-coded