提高engineering 生产力和质量的挑战
- Breaking API Changes
- API要确保不再被使用才下线。想到了最近我们讨论的方案先@Desprate,几个月后在下线
- client端先更新deploy,更新API的server端再delpoy
- Lack of Usable API Mock Data for Service Consumer
- 没有组件支持的话,工程师面对不同场景测试需要重复构造大量mock数据
- 工程师也要体验非常的繁重的setup,这是非常不利于生产的
- Lack of Assurance for Mock’s Semantic Correctness
- 无法保证mock数据语义正确
- 商业逻辑一直在编,人工维护的mock可能会过时
- Lack of Validation for Service Owner
- 框架要支持Validation
- Lack of Real Time Metrics for API Test Quality
- test coverage and test data quality
- Static API Schema Validation
Backwards Compatibility Check focuses on detecting potential API breaking changes.
Schema Linter aims at enforcing our IDL best practices.
实现 Abstract Syntax Tree
- Schema-based API Data Factory
Mocking dependent service API in unit tests and integration tests.
Validating API endpoint correctness using the materialized API request/response.
- API Mocking Framework
- 模拟调用
- latency
- API Integration Testing Framework benefit
- Producer service is validated without writing boilerplate code
- Mocking data is semantically validated
- Provide realtime API test coverage instrumentation
- Pluggability and Lightweight