data access infrastructure guarantees:
- strict data consistency
- high throughput
- low latency
- high availability 很难同时保证四个guarantees
- 加入这个service是为了解决数据库连接 exhaustion
- 异步复制导致副本数据一致性不高,不可用。主库压力很大
- 使用一种算法检测replica是否catch up
- fail the request 可能导致一直失败
- fall back to the primary 可能会把主数据库打挂
- 这两个方案都在replica is already caught up时效果比较好,这是无法保证的
- the only other option is to wait for the replica to catch up and keep retrying until it is.
- 无法保证replica will catch up to the primary in a reasonable amount of time
- 保证read-after-write consistency就可以了
- 缓存完全catch up 主库的从库读数据
- fully catch up 的情况发生的概率很大
- cache the fact that an object doesn’t exist.
- 10% of our cache hits today are to non-existent values
- cache lease
- 部分值是热点值,高频读写
- 解决惊群效应
- 单点资源
- 增加latency
- requirement
- Decentralized information propagation
- Fault tolerant
- Fast convergence
- Push-Sum Protocol
- resulted in significant replication lag
- putting our high availability at risk and rendering our replica read strategies less effective 做法
- 分优先级 提供feedback loop to client,使得client可以控制自己的速率 削峰