(Taking Ideas Seriously is Hard](https://neilkakkar.com/taking-ideas-seriously.html)
- 文中举了个 compounding 的例子
- 大多数人提到 compounding 没有 take it a step further,比如 experiences and knowledge 的「 累进效应 」
- Purposes are fragile though, and it’s easy to get lost in the tool, instead of the overall goal.
- The greatest returns first.
- 扣题一下,taking ideas seriously 是对 familiarity 的反思,即「 以为知道 」就没「 深入思考 」
- 作者建议尝试反问 What are the implications of (idea) in (field of interest),将一个熟悉的概念带入一个具体的领域看能映射到什么东西