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wip sketching out an IR for the runtime representation of types
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zth committed Sep 11, 2024
1 parent c15df0c commit 4cdf8c6
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Showing 4 changed files with 256 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions jscomp/core/
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Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *)

let () = Ast_untagged_variants.extract_concrete_typedecl := Ctype.extract_concrete_typedecl
let () = Runtime_representation.extract_concrete_typedecl := Ctype.extract_concrete_typedecl
let () = Ast_untagged_variants.expand_head := Ctype.expand_head

let names_from_construct_pattern (pat : Typedtree.pattern) =
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions jscomp/ml/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3560,6 +3560,7 @@ let rec subtype_rec env trace t1 t2 cstrs =
with Not_found ->
TypePairs.add subtypes (t1, t2) ();
Runtime_representation.log t1 t2 env |> print_endline;
match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with
(Tvar _, _) | (_, Tvar _) ->
(trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs
Expand Down
242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions jscomp/ml/
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@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
let extract_concrete_typedecl :
(Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Path.t * Path.t * Types.type_declaration) ref =
ref (Obj.magic ())

type 'value value = Known of 'value | Unknown

type object_property = {
key: string;
value: runtime_js_value list value;
optional: bool;
and runtime_js_value =
| String of {value: string value}
| Number of {value: string value}
| BigInt of {value: string value}
| Boolean of {value: bool value}
| NullLiteral
| UndefinedLiteral
| Array of {element_type: runtime_js_value value}
| Object of {
properties: object_property list;
can_have_unknown_properties: bool;
| Dict of {value_type: runtime_js_value list}
| Promise of {resolved_type: runtime_js_value value}
| Any

let rec debug_print_runtime_value (value : runtime_js_value) =
match value with
| String {value = Known v} -> Printf.sprintf "String(%s)" v
| String {value = Unknown} -> "String"
| Number {value = Known v} -> Printf.sprintf "Number(%s)" v
| Number {value = Unknown} -> "Number"
| BigInt {value = Known v} -> Printf.sprintf "BigInt(%s)" v
| BigInt {value = Unknown} -> "BigInt"
| Boolean {value = Known v} -> Printf.sprintf "Boolean(%b)" v
| Boolean {value = Unknown} -> "Boolean"
| NullLiteral -> "Null"
| UndefinedLiteral -> "Undefined"
| Array {element_type = Known v} ->
Printf.sprintf "Array(%s)" (debug_print_runtime_value v)
| Array {element_type = Unknown} -> "Array"
| Object {properties} ->
Printf.sprintf "Object(%s)"
|> (fun {key; value; optional} ->
Printf.sprintf "{key: %s, value: %s, optional: %b}" key
(match value with
| Known v ->
v |> debug_print_runtime_value |> String.concat ", "
| Unknown -> "Unknown")
|> String.concat ", ")
| Promise {resolved_type = Known v} ->
Printf.sprintf "Promise(%s)" (debug_print_runtime_value v)
| Any -> "Any"
| _ -> "__other__"

type runtime_representation = {possible_values: runtime_js_value list}

let tag_type_to_possible_values (tag_type : Ast_untagged_variants.tag_type) :
runtime_js_value =
match tag_type with
| String v -> String {value = Known v}
| Int v -> Number {value = Known (string_of_int v)}
| Float v -> Number {value = Known v}
| BigInt v -> BigInt {value = Known v}
| Bool v -> Boolean {value = Known v}
| Null -> NullLiteral
| Undefined -> UndefinedLiteral
| Untagged (IntType | FloatType) -> Number {value = Unknown}
| Untagged StringType -> String {value = Unknown}
| Untagged BooleanType -> Boolean {value = Unknown}
| Untagged ObjectType ->
Object {properties = []; can_have_unknown_properties = true}
| Untagged UnknownType -> Any
| _ -> Any

let process_fields fields env type_expr_to_possible_values =
|> (fun (label : Types.label_declaration) ->
optional = false (* TODO: Replicate existing rules*);
key = (* TODO: @as attribute *);
value = Known (type_expr_to_possible_values label.ld_type env);

let rec type_expr_to_possible_values (type_expr : Types.type_expr) (env : Env.t)
: runtime_js_value list =
match type_expr.desc with
(* Builtins *)
| Tconstr (p, _, _) when Path.same p Predef.path_string ->
[String {value = Unknown}]
| Tconstr (p, _, _) when Path.same p Predef.path_bool ->
[Boolean {value = Unknown}]
| Tconstr (p, _, _)
when Path.same p Predef.path_float || Path.same p Predef.path_int ->
[Number {value = Unknown}]
| Tconstr (p, [inner], _) when Path.same p Predef.path_option ->
[UndefinedLiteral] @ type_expr_to_possible_values inner env
| Tconstr (p, [inner], _) when Path.same p Predef.path_dict ->
[Dict {value_type = type_expr_to_possible_values inner env}]
(* Types needing lookup*)
| Tconstr (_, _, _) -> (
match !extract_concrete_typedecl env type_expr with
| _, _, {type_kind = Type_abstract | Type_open} -> [Any]
| _, _, {type_kind = Type_record (fields, _)} ->
properties = process_fields fields env type_expr_to_possible_values;
can_have_unknown_properties = false;
| _, _, {type_kind = Type_variant consructors; type_attributes} ->
let _unboxed = Ast_untagged_variants.process_untagged type_attributes in
let tag_name = Ast_untagged_variants.process_tag_name type_attributes in

|> (fun (c : Types.constructor_declaration) ->
let tag_type =
Ast_untagged_variants.process_tag_type c.cd_attributes
match (c.cd_args, tag_type) with
| Cstr_tuple [], None -> String {value = Known}
| Cstr_tuple [], Some tag_type ->
tag_type_to_possible_values tag_type
| Cstr_tuple payloads, maybe_tag_type ->
let tag_value =
match maybe_tag_type with
| Some tag_type -> tag_type_to_possible_values tag_type
| None -> String {value = Known}
properties =
optional = false;
key =
(match tag_name with
| None -> "TAG"
| Some t -> t);
value = Known [tag_value];
@ (payloads
|> List.mapi (fun index (payload : Types.type_expr) ->
optional = false;
key = "_" ^ string_of_int index;
value =
(type_expr_to_possible_values payload env);
can_have_unknown_properties = false;
| Cstr_record fields, maybe_tag_type ->
let tag_value =
match maybe_tag_type with
| Some tag_type -> tag_type_to_possible_values tag_type
| None -> String {value = Known}
properties =
optional = false;
key =
(match tag_name with
| None -> "TAG"
| Some t -> t);
value = Known [tag_value];
@ process_fields fields env type_expr_to_possible_values;
can_have_unknown_properties = false;
with Not_found -> [Any])
(* Polyvariants *)
| Tvariant {row_fields; row_closed} ->
|> (fun ((label, field) : string * Types.row_field) ->
match field with
| Rpresent None -> [String {value = Known label}]
| Rpresent (Some inner) ->
can_have_unknown_properties = not row_closed;
properties =
key = "NAME";
value = Known [String {value = Known label}];
optional = false;
key = "VAL";
optional = false;
value = Known (type_expr_to_possible_values inner env);
| _ -> [])
|> List.concat
| _ -> []

let runtime_values_match (a : runtime_js_value) (b : runtime_js_value) =
match (a, b) with
| String {value = Known a_value}, String {value = Known b_value} ->
a_value = b_value
| Number {value = Known a_value}, Number {value = Known b_value} ->
a_value = b_value
| BigInt {value = Known a_value}, BigInt {value = Known b_value} ->
a_value = b_value
| Boolean {value = Known a_value}, Boolean {value = Known b_value} ->
a_value = b_value
| NullLiteral, NullLiteral -> true
| UndefinedLiteral, UndefinedLiteral -> true
| _ -> false

let a_can_be_represented_as_b (a : runtime_js_value list)
(b : runtime_js_value list) =
|> List.for_all (fun a_value ->
b |> List.exists (fun b_value -> runtime_values_match a_value b_value))

let log t1 t2 env =
Printf.sprintf "Can be coerced: %b\n\nt1 dump: %s\n\nt2 dump: %s\n"
(type_expr_to_possible_values t1 env)
(type_expr_to_possible_values t2 env))
(type_expr_to_possible_values t1 env
|> debug_print_runtime_value
|> String.concat " | ")
(type_expr_to_possible_values t2 env
|> debug_print_runtime_value
|> String.concat " | ")
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions tst.res
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
type x = [#One | #Two]

type y = | @as("one") One({hello: [#hello]}) | @as(null) Two

let x: x = #One

let xx = #One({"hello": "hi"})

let y: y = One({hello: #hello})

let z = (x :> y)

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