From 7fc94cc6fc11b163b15dee3f5c5c4d8adecb9768 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christoph Knittel Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2025 09:07:08 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 01/13] Stdlib namespace for Core modules --- compiler/core/ | 5 +- compiler/ml/ | 4 +- lib/es6/Pervasives.js | 21 - lib/es6/Stdlib.js | 159 ++++ lib/es6/{Array.js => Stdlib_Array.js} | 0 .../{ArrayBuffer.js => Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.js} | 0 ...yncIterator.js => Stdlib_AsyncIterator.js} | 0 lib/es6/{BigInt.js => Stdlib_BigInt.js} | 0 ...gInt64Array.js => Stdlib_BigInt64Array.js} | 0 ...int64Array.js => Stdlib_BigUint64Array.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Console.js => Stdlib_Console.js} | 0 lib/es6/{DataView.js => Stdlib_DataView.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Date.js => Stdlib_Date.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Dict.js => Stdlib_Dict.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Error.js => Stdlib_Error.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Exn.js => Stdlib_Exn.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Float.js => Stdlib_Float.js} | 0 ...Float32Array.js => Stdlib_Float32Array.js} | 0 ...Float64Array.js => Stdlib_Float64Array.js} | 0 .../{Intl_Collator.js => Stdlib_Global.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Int.js => Stdlib_Int.js} | 4 +- .../{Int16Array.js => Stdlib_Int16Array.js} | 0 .../{Int32Array.js => Stdlib_Int32Array.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Int8Array.js => Stdlib_Int8Array.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Intl.js => Stdlib_Intl.js} | 0 ...Intl_Common.js => Stdlib_Intl_Collator.js} | 0 ...ateTimeFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_Common.js} | 0 ...ormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.js} | 0 ...tl_Locale.js => Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.js} | 0 ...l_PluralRules.js => Stdlib_Intl_Locale.js} | 0 ...rFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.js} | 0 ...s => Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js} | 4 +- ...meFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.js} | 0 ...r.js => Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js} | 0 ...l_Segments.js => Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Map.js => Stdlib_Intl_Segments.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Iterator.js => Stdlib_Iterator.js} | 0 lib/es6/{JSON.js => Stdlib_JSON.js} | 0 lib/es6/{List.js => Stdlib_List.js} | 4 +- lib/es6/{Object.js => Stdlib_Map.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Math.js => Stdlib_Math.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Null.js => Stdlib_Null.js} | 6 +- lib/es6/{Nullable.js => Stdlib_Nullable.js} | 6 +- lib/es6/{Set.js => Stdlib_Object.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Option.js => Stdlib_Option.js} | 4 +- lib/es6/{Ordering.js => Stdlib_Ordering.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Promise.js => Stdlib_Promise.js} | 0 lib/es6/{RegExp.js => Stdlib_RegExp.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Result.js => Stdlib_Result.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Symbol.js => Stdlib_Set.js} | 0 lib/es6/{String.js => Stdlib_String.js} | 0 lib/es6/{TypedArray.js => Stdlib_Symbol.js} | 0 lib/es6/{Type.js => Stdlib_Type.js} | 0 lib/es6/{WeakMap.js => Stdlib_TypedArray.js} | 0 .../{Uint16Array.js => Stdlib_Uint16Array.js} | 0 .../{Uint32Array.js => Stdlib_Uint32Array.js} | 0 .../{Uint8Array.js => Stdlib_Uint8Array.js} | 0 ...edArray.js => Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.js} | 0 lib/es6/{WeakSet.js => Stdlib_WeakMap.js} | 0 .../ArrayBuffer.js => es6/Stdlib_WeakSet.js} | 0 lib/js/Pervasives.js | 21 - lib/js/Stdlib.js | 157 ++++ lib/js/{Array.js => Stdlib_Array.js} | 0 lib/js/{Console.js => Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.js} | 0 ...yncIterator.js => Stdlib_AsyncIterator.js} | 0 lib/js/{BigInt.js => Stdlib_BigInt.js} | 0 ...gInt64Array.js => Stdlib_BigInt64Array.js} | 0 ...int64Array.js => Stdlib_BigUint64Array.js} | 0 lib/js/{DataView.js => Stdlib_Console.js} | 0 .../{Intl_Collator.js => Stdlib_DataView.js} | 0 lib/js/{Date.js => Stdlib_Date.js} | 0 lib/js/{Dict.js => Stdlib_Dict.js} | 0 lib/js/{Error.js => Stdlib_Error.js} | 0 lib/js/{Exn.js => Stdlib_Exn.js} | 0 lib/js/{Float.js => Stdlib_Float.js} | 0 ...Float32Array.js => Stdlib_Float32Array.js} | 0 ...Float64Array.js => Stdlib_Float64Array.js} | 0 lib/js/{Intl_Common.js => Stdlib_Global.js} | 0 lib/js/{Int.js => Stdlib_Int.js} | 4 +- .../{Int16Array.js => Stdlib_Int16Array.js} | 0 .../{Int32Array.js => Stdlib_Int32Array.js} | 0 lib/js/{Int8Array.js => Stdlib_Int8Array.js} | 0 lib/js/{Intl.js => Stdlib_Intl.js} | 0 ...eTimeFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_Collator.js} | 0 ...tl_ListFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_Common.js} | 0 ...ocale.js => Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.js} | 0 ...uralRules.js => Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.js} | 0 ...iveTimeFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_Locale.js} | 0 ...rFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.js} | 0 ...s => Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js} | 4 +- ...egmenter.js => Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.js} | 0 ...s.js => Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js} | 0 lib/js/{Map.js => Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.js} | 0 lib/js/{Object.js => Stdlib_Intl_Segments.js} | 0 lib/js/{Iterator.js => Stdlib_Iterator.js} | 0 lib/js/{JSON.js => Stdlib_JSON.js} | 0 lib/js/{List.js => Stdlib_List.js} | 4 +- lib/js/{Set.js => Stdlib_Map.js} | 0 lib/js/{Math.js => Stdlib_Math.js} | 0 lib/js/{Null.js => Stdlib_Null.js} | 6 +- lib/js/{Nullable.js => Stdlib_Nullable.js} | 6 +- lib/js/{Symbol.js => Stdlib_Object.js} | 0 lib/js/{Option.js => Stdlib_Option.js} | 4 +- lib/js/{Ordering.js => Stdlib_Ordering.js} | 0 lib/js/{Promise.js => Stdlib_Promise.js} | 0 lib/js/{RegExp.js => Stdlib_RegExp.js} | 0 lib/js/{Result.js => Stdlib_Result.js} | 0 lib/js/{TypedArray.js => Stdlib_Set.js} | 0 lib/js/{String.js => Stdlib_String.js} | 0 lib/js/{WeakMap.js => Stdlib_Symbol.js} | 0 lib/js/{Type.js => Stdlib_Type.js} | 0 lib/js/{WeakSet.js => Stdlib_TypedArray.js} | 0 .../{Uint16Array.js => Stdlib_Uint16Array.js} | 0 .../{Uint32Array.js => Stdlib_Uint32Array.js} | 0 .../{Uint8Array.js => Stdlib_Uint8Array.js} | 0 ...edArray.js => Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.js} | 0 lib/js/Stdlib_WeakMap.js | 1 + lib/js/Stdlib_WeakSet.js | 1 + packages/artifacts.txt | 766 +++++++++--------- runtime/Intl.res | 25 - runtime/Js.res | 2 +- runtime/Js_array2.res | 2 +- runtime/Js_date.res | 2 +- runtime/Js_global.res | 4 +- runtime/Js_json.res | 2 +- runtime/Js_json.resi | 2 +- runtime/Js_map.res | 2 +- runtime/Js_null.res | 2 +- runtime/Js_option.res | 2 +- runtime/Js_re.res | 2 +- runtime/Js_set.res | 2 +- runtime/Js_typed_array2.res | 2 +- runtime/Js_types.res | 7 +- runtime/Js_types.resi | 6 +- runtime/Js_undefined.res | 2 +- runtime/Js_weakmap.res | 2 +- runtime/Js_weakset.res | 2 +- runtime/JsxDOM.res | 2 +- runtime/Pervasives.res | 277 ------- runtime/RescriptTools_Docgen.res | 2 +- runtime/RescriptTools_Docgen.resi | 2 +- runtime/Stdlib.res | 123 +++ runtime/{Array.res => Stdlib_Array.res} | 26 +- runtime/{Array.resi => Stdlib_Array.resi} | 20 +- ...ArrayBuffer.res => Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.res} | 2 +- ...cIterator.res => Stdlib_AsyncIterator.res} | 0 ...terator.resi => Stdlib_AsyncIterator.resi} | 0 runtime/{BigInt.res => Stdlib_BigInt.res} | 6 +- ...nt64Array.res => Stdlib_BigInt64Array.res} | 9 +- ...t64Array.res => Stdlib_BigUint64Array.res} | 8 +- runtime/{Console.res => Stdlib_Console.res} | 0 runtime/{Console.resi => Stdlib_Console.resi} | 0 runtime/{DataView.res => Stdlib_DataView.res} | 9 +- runtime/{Date.res => Stdlib_Date.res} | 4 +- runtime/{Date.resi => Stdlib_Date.resi} | 4 +- runtime/{Dict.res => Stdlib_Dict.res} | 6 +- runtime/{Dict.resi => Stdlib_Dict.resi} | 2 +- runtime/{Error.res => Stdlib_Error.res} | 2 +- runtime/{Error.resi => Stdlib_Error.resi} | 2 +- runtime/{Exn.res => Stdlib_Exn.res} | 0 runtime/{Exn.resi => Stdlib_Exn.resi} | 2 +- runtime/{Float.res => Stdlib_Float.res} | 2 +- runtime/{Float.resi => Stdlib_Float.resi} | 2 +- ...oat32Array.res => Stdlib_Float32Array.res} | 9 +- ...oat64Array.res => Stdlib_Float64Array.res} | 9 +- runtime/Stdlib_Global.res | 17 + runtime/Stdlib_Global.resi | 201 +++++ runtime/{Int.res => Stdlib_Int.res} | 15 +- runtime/{Int.resi => Stdlib_Int.resi} | 2 +- .../{Int16Array.res => Stdlib_Int16Array.res} | 9 +- .../{Int32Array.res => Stdlib_Int32Array.res} | 9 +- .../{Int8Array.res => Stdlib_Int8Array.res} | 9 +- runtime/Stdlib_Intl.res | 25 + ..._Collator.res => Stdlib_Intl_Collator.res} | 6 +- ...Intl_Common.res => Stdlib_Intl_Common.res} | 0 ...mat.res => Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.res} | 26 +- ...tFormat.res => Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.res} | 4 +- ...Intl_Locale.res => Stdlib_Intl_Locale.res} | 6 +- ...ormat.res => Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.res} | 30 +- ... => Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.res} | 2 +- ...lRules.res => Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.res} | 24 +- ...res => Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.res} | 4 +- ...egmenter.res => Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.res} | 6 +- ..._Segments.res => Stdlib_Intl_Segments.res} | 0 runtime/{Iterator.res => Stdlib_Iterator.res} | 0 .../{Iterator.resi => Stdlib_Iterator.resi} | 0 runtime/{JSON.res => Stdlib_JSON.res} | 35 +- runtime/{JSON.resi => Stdlib_JSON.resi} | 4 +- runtime/{List.res => Stdlib_List.res} | 58 +- runtime/{List.resi => Stdlib_List.resi} | 11 +- runtime/{Map.res => Stdlib_Map.res} | 10 +- runtime/{Map.resi => Stdlib_Map.resi} | 10 +- runtime/{Math.res => Stdlib_Math.res} | 7 +- runtime/{Math.resi => Stdlib_Math.resi} | 0 runtime/{Null.res => Stdlib_Null.res} | 8 +- runtime/{Null.resi => Stdlib_Null.resi} | 6 +- runtime/{Nullable.res => Stdlib_Nullable.res} | 6 +- .../{Nullable.resi => Stdlib_Nullable.resi} | 4 +- runtime/{Object.res => Stdlib_Object.res} | 6 +- runtime/{Option.res => Stdlib_Option.res} | 14 +- runtime/{Option.resi => Stdlib_Option.resi} | 2 +- runtime/{Ordering.res => Stdlib_Ordering.res} | 0 runtime/{Promise.res => Stdlib_Promise.res} | 2 +- runtime/{Promise.resi => Stdlib_Promise.resi} | 0 runtime/{RegExp.res => Stdlib_RegExp.res} | 2 +- runtime/{RegExp.resi => Stdlib_RegExp.resi} | 2 +- runtime/{Result.res => Stdlib_Result.res} | 12 +- runtime/{Result.resi => Stdlib_Result.resi} | 2 +- runtime/{Set.res => Stdlib_Set.res} | 6 +- runtime/{Set.resi => Stdlib_Set.resi} | 6 +- runtime/{String.res => Stdlib_String.res} | 29 +- runtime/{String.resi => Stdlib_String.resi} | 31 +- runtime/{Symbol.res => Stdlib_Symbol.res} | 2 +- runtime/{Type.res => Stdlib_Type.res} | 8 +- runtime/{Type.resi => Stdlib_Type.resi} | 2 +- .../{TypedArray.res => Stdlib_TypedArray.res} | 6 +- ...Uint16Array.res => Stdlib_Uint16Array.res} | 9 +- ...Uint32Array.res => Stdlib_Uint32Array.res} | 9 +- .../{Uint8Array.res => Stdlib_Uint8Array.res} | 9 +- ...Array.res => Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.res} | 8 +- runtime/{WeakMap.res => Stdlib_WeakMap.res} | 2 +- runtime/{WeakSet.res => Stdlib_WeakSet.res} | 2 +- .../package-lock.json | 3 +- .../ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt | 2 +- .../deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt | 8 +- .../deadcode/package-lock.json | 3 +- .../termination/package-lock.json | 3 +- tests/analysis_tests/tests/package-lock.json | 3 +- tests/docstring_tests/DocTest.res | 26 +- tests/docstring_tests/DocTest.res.mjs | 62 +- .../package-lock.json | 2 +- .../typescript-react-example/src/Core.gen.tsx | 36 +- tests/tests/src/UntaggedVariants.res | 2 +- tests/tests/src/core/Core_ArrayTests.mjs | 56 +- tests/tests/src/core/Core_ErrorTests.mjs | 8 +- tests/tests/src/core/Core_FloatTests.mjs | 48 +- tests/tests/src/core/Core_IntTests.mjs | 84 +- tests/tests/src/core/Core_IteratorTests.mjs | 16 +- tests/tests/src/core/Core_ObjectTests.mjs | 6 +- tests/tests/src/core/Core_PromiseTest.mjs | 22 +- tests/tests/src/core/Core_ResultTests.mjs | 28 +- tests/tests/src/core/Core_TempTests.mjs | 44 +- tests/tests/src/core/Core_TypedArrayTests.mjs | 12 +- tests/tests/src/core/Test.mjs | 4 +- tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_IntlTests.mjs | 16 +- .../core/intl/Core_Intl_NumberFormatTest.mjs | 4 +- .../core/intl/Core_Intl_NumberFormatTest.res | 2 +- tests/tests/src/custom_error_test.mjs | 10 +- tests/tests/src/exception_raise_test.mjs | 10 +- tests/tests/src/exception_value_test.mjs | 4 +- tests/tests/src/js_exception_catch_test.mjs | 8 +- tests/tests/src/json_decorders.mjs | 4 +- tests/tests/src/module_missing_conversion.mjs | 4 +- tests/tests/src/module_parameter_test.mjs | 4 +- tests/tests/src/test_pervasive.mjs | 4 +- tests/tests/src/test_pervasives3.mjs | 2 - tests/tools_tests/package-lock.json | 3 +- 257 files changed, 1719 insertions(+), 1350 deletions(-) create mode 100644 lib/es6/Stdlib.js rename lib/es6/{Array.js => Stdlib_Array.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{ArrayBuffer.js => Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{AsyncIterator.js => Stdlib_AsyncIterator.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{BigInt.js => Stdlib_BigInt.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{BigInt64Array.js => Stdlib_BigInt64Array.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{BigUint64Array.js => Stdlib_BigUint64Array.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Console.js => Stdlib_Console.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{DataView.js => Stdlib_DataView.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Date.js => Stdlib_Date.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Dict.js => Stdlib_Dict.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Error.js => Stdlib_Error.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Exn.js => Stdlib_Exn.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Float.js => Stdlib_Float.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Float32Array.js => Stdlib_Float32Array.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Float64Array.js => Stdlib_Float64Array.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Intl_Collator.js => Stdlib_Global.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Int.js => Stdlib_Int.js} (92%) rename lib/es6/{Int16Array.js => Stdlib_Int16Array.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Int32Array.js => Stdlib_Int32Array.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Int8Array.js => Stdlib_Int8Array.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Intl.js => Stdlib_Intl.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Intl_Common.js => Stdlib_Intl_Collator.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Intl_DateTimeFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_Common.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Intl_ListFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Intl_Locale.js => Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Intl_PluralRules.js => Stdlib_Intl_Locale.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Intl_NumberFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js => Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js} (83%) rename lib/es6/{Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Intl_Segmenter.js => Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Intl_Segments.js => Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Map.js => Stdlib_Intl_Segments.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Iterator.js => Stdlib_Iterator.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{JSON.js => Stdlib_JSON.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{List.js => Stdlib_List.js} (99%) rename lib/es6/{Object.js => Stdlib_Map.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Math.js => Stdlib_Math.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Null.js => Stdlib_Null.js} (78%) rename lib/es6/{Nullable.js => Stdlib_Nullable.js} (78%) rename lib/es6/{Set.js => Stdlib_Object.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Option.js => Stdlib_Option.js} (96%) rename lib/es6/{Ordering.js => Stdlib_Ordering.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Promise.js => Stdlib_Promise.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{RegExp.js => Stdlib_RegExp.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Result.js => Stdlib_Result.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Symbol.js => Stdlib_Set.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{String.js => Stdlib_String.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{TypedArray.js => Stdlib_Symbol.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Type.js => Stdlib_Type.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{WeakMap.js => Stdlib_TypedArray.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Uint16Array.js => Stdlib_Uint16Array.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Uint32Array.js => Stdlib_Uint32Array.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Uint8Array.js => Stdlib_Uint8Array.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{Uint8ClampedArray.js => Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.js} (100%) rename lib/es6/{WeakSet.js => Stdlib_WeakMap.js} (100%) rename lib/{js/ArrayBuffer.js => es6/Stdlib_WeakSet.js} (100%) create mode 100644 lib/js/Stdlib.js rename lib/js/{Array.js => Stdlib_Array.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Console.js => Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{AsyncIterator.js => Stdlib_AsyncIterator.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{BigInt.js => Stdlib_BigInt.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{BigInt64Array.js => Stdlib_BigInt64Array.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{BigUint64Array.js => Stdlib_BigUint64Array.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{DataView.js => Stdlib_Console.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Intl_Collator.js => Stdlib_DataView.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Date.js => Stdlib_Date.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Dict.js => Stdlib_Dict.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Error.js => Stdlib_Error.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Exn.js => Stdlib_Exn.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Float.js => Stdlib_Float.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Float32Array.js => Stdlib_Float32Array.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Float64Array.js => Stdlib_Float64Array.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Intl_Common.js => Stdlib_Global.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Int.js => Stdlib_Int.js} (92%) rename lib/js/{Int16Array.js => Stdlib_Int16Array.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Int32Array.js => Stdlib_Int32Array.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Int8Array.js => Stdlib_Int8Array.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Intl.js => Stdlib_Intl.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Intl_DateTimeFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_Collator.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Intl_ListFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_Common.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Intl_Locale.js => Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Intl_PluralRules.js => Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_Locale.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Intl_NumberFormat.js => Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js => Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js} (84%) rename lib/js/{Intl_Segmenter.js => Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Intl_Segments.js => Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Map.js => Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Object.js => Stdlib_Intl_Segments.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Iterator.js => Stdlib_Iterator.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{JSON.js => Stdlib_JSON.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{List.js => Stdlib_List.js} (99%) rename lib/js/{Set.js => Stdlib_Map.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Math.js => Stdlib_Math.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Null.js => Stdlib_Null.js} (81%) rename lib/js/{Nullable.js => Stdlib_Nullable.js} (80%) rename lib/js/{Symbol.js => Stdlib_Object.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Option.js => Stdlib_Option.js} (96%) rename lib/js/{Ordering.js => Stdlib_Ordering.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Promise.js => Stdlib_Promise.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{RegExp.js => Stdlib_RegExp.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Result.js => Stdlib_Result.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{TypedArray.js => Stdlib_Set.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{String.js => Stdlib_String.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{WeakMap.js => Stdlib_Symbol.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Type.js => Stdlib_Type.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{WeakSet.js => Stdlib_TypedArray.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Uint16Array.js => Stdlib_Uint16Array.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Uint32Array.js => Stdlib_Uint32Array.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Uint8Array.js => Stdlib_Uint8Array.js} (100%) rename lib/js/{Uint8ClampedArray.js => Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.js} (100%) create mode 100644 lib/js/Stdlib_WeakMap.js create mode 100644 lib/js/Stdlib_WeakSet.js delete mode 100644 runtime/Intl.res create mode 100644 runtime/Stdlib.res rename runtime/{Array.res => Stdlib_Array.res} (90%) rename runtime/{Array.resi => Stdlib_Array.resi} (97%) rename runtime/{ArrayBuffer.res => Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.res} (85%) rename runtime/{AsyncIterator.res => Stdlib_AsyncIterator.res} (100%) rename runtime/{AsyncIterator.resi => Stdlib_AsyncIterator.resi} (100%) rename runtime/{BigInt.res => Stdlib_BigInt.res} (95%) rename runtime/{BigInt64Array.res => Stdlib_BigInt64Array.res} (91%) rename runtime/{BigUint64Array.res => Stdlib_BigUint64Array.res} (91%) rename runtime/{Console.res => Stdlib_Console.res} (100%) rename runtime/{Console.resi => Stdlib_Console.resi} (100%) rename runtime/{DataView.res => Stdlib_DataView.res} (80%) rename runtime/{Date.res => Stdlib_Date.res} (98%) rename runtime/{Date.resi => Stdlib_Date.resi} (99%) rename runtime/{Dict.res => Stdlib_Dict.res} (81%) rename runtime/{Dict.resi => Stdlib_Dict.resi} (98%) rename runtime/{Error.res => Stdlib_Error.res} (97%) rename runtime/{Error.resi => Stdlib_Error.resi} (99%) rename runtime/{Exn.res => Stdlib_Exn.res} (100%) rename runtime/{Exn.resi => Stdlib_Exn.resi} (97%) rename runtime/{Float.res => Stdlib_Float.res} (96%) rename runtime/{Float.resi => Stdlib_Float.resi} (99%) rename runtime/{Float32Array.res => Stdlib_Float32Array.res} (91%) rename runtime/{Float64Array.res => Stdlib_Float64Array.res} (91%) create mode 100644 runtime/Stdlib_Global.res create mode 100644 runtime/Stdlib_Global.resi rename runtime/{Int.res => Stdlib_Int.res} (85%) rename runtime/{Int.resi => Stdlib_Int.resi} (99%) rename runtime/{Int16Array.res => Stdlib_Int16Array.res} (91%) rename runtime/{Int32Array.res => Stdlib_Int32Array.res} (91%) rename runtime/{Int8Array.res => Stdlib_Int8Array.res} (91%) create mode 100644 runtime/Stdlib_Intl.res rename runtime/{Intl_Collator.res => Stdlib_Intl_Collator.res} (80%) rename runtime/{Intl_Common.res => Stdlib_Intl_Common.res} (100%) rename runtime/{Intl_DateTimeFormat.res => Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.res} (78%) rename runtime/{Intl_ListFormat.res => Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.res} (86%) rename runtime/{Intl_Locale.res => Stdlib_Intl_Locale.res} (86%) rename runtime/{Intl_NumberFormat.res => Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.res} (84%) rename runtime/{Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.res => Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.res} (88%) rename runtime/{Intl_PluralRules.res => Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.res} (63%) rename runtime/{Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.res => Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.res} (87%) rename runtime/{Intl_Segmenter.res => Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.res} (74%) rename runtime/{Intl_Segments.res => Stdlib_Intl_Segments.res} (100%) rename runtime/{Iterator.res => Stdlib_Iterator.res} (100%) rename runtime/{Iterator.resi => Stdlib_Iterator.resi} (100%) rename runtime/{JSON.res => Stdlib_JSON.res} (81%) rename runtime/{JSON.resi => Stdlib_JSON.resi} (99%) rename runtime/{List.res => Stdlib_List.res} (93%) rename runtime/{List.resi => Stdlib_List.resi} (98%) rename runtime/{Map.res => Stdlib_Map.res} (65%) rename runtime/{Map.resi => Stdlib_Map.resi} (95%) rename runtime/{Math.res => Stdlib_Math.res} (92%) rename runtime/{Math.resi => Stdlib_Math.resi} (100%) rename runtime/{Null.res => Stdlib_Null.res} (79%) rename runtime/{Null.resi => Stdlib_Null.resi} (95%) rename runtime/{Nullable.res => Stdlib_Nullable.res} (85%) rename runtime/{Nullable.resi => Stdlib_Nullable.resi} (97%) rename runtime/{Object.res => Stdlib_Object.res} (98%) rename runtime/{Option.res => Stdlib_Option.res} (91%) rename runtime/{Option.resi => Stdlib_Option.resi} (98%) rename runtime/{Ordering.res => Stdlib_Ordering.res} (100%) rename runtime/{Promise.res => Stdlib_Promise.res} (98%) rename runtime/{Promise.resi => Stdlib_Promise.resi} (100%) rename runtime/{RegExp.res => Stdlib_RegExp.res} (98%) rename runtime/{RegExp.resi => Stdlib_RegExp.resi} (99%) rename runtime/{Result.res => Stdlib_Result.res} (93%) rename runtime/{Result.resi => Stdlib_Result.resi} (98%) rename runtime/{Set.res => Stdlib_Set.res} (86%) rename runtime/{Set.resi => Stdlib_Set.resi} (98%) rename runtime/{String.res => Stdlib_String.res} (82%) rename runtime/{String.resi => Stdlib_String.resi} (97%) rename runtime/{Symbol.res => Stdlib_Symbol.res} (96%) rename runtime/{Type.res => Stdlib_Type.res} (89%) rename runtime/{Type.resi => Stdlib_Type.resi} (98%) rename runtime/{TypedArray.res => Stdlib_TypedArray.res} (93%) rename runtime/{Uint16Array.res => Stdlib_Uint16Array.res} (91%) rename runtime/{Uint32Array.res => Stdlib_Uint32Array.res} (91%) rename runtime/{Uint8Array.res => Stdlib_Uint8Array.res} (91%) rename runtime/{Uint8ClampedArray.res => Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.res} (91%) rename runtime/{WeakMap.res => Stdlib_WeakMap.res} (88%) rename runtime/{WeakSet.res => Stdlib_WeakSet.res} (86%) diff --git a/compiler/core/ b/compiler/core/ index 3f8650858a..3f21ce9cc5 100644 --- a/compiler/core/ +++ b/compiler/core/ @@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ let initial_env ?modulename () = let initial = Env.initial_safe_string in let env = if !Clflags.nopervasives then initial - else open_implicit_module "Pervasives" initial + else + initial + |> open_implicit_module "Pervasives" + |> open_implicit_module "Stdlib" in List.fold_left (fun env m -> open_implicit_module m env) diff --git a/compiler/ml/ b/compiler/ml/ index 253791acf1..006f56288e 100644 --- a/compiler/ml/ +++ b/compiler/ml/ @@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ let type_to_instanceof_backed_obj (t : Types.type_expr) = | Tconstr (path, _, _) when Path.same path Predef.path_array -> Some Array | Tconstr (path, _, _) -> ( match path with - | "Js_date.t" -> Some Date - | "Js_re.t" -> Some RegExp + | "Stdlib_Date.t" -> Some Date + | "Stdlib_RegExp.t" -> Some RegExp | "Js_file.t" -> Some File | "Js_blob.t" -> Some Blob | _ -> None) diff --git a/lib/es6/Pervasives.js b/lib/es6/Pervasives.js index 65fe437b38..98f20a6e15 100644 --- a/lib/es6/Pervasives.js +++ b/lib/es6/Pervasives.js @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@ -import * as $$Error from "./Error.js"; -import * as Primitive_object from "./Primitive_object.js"; import * as Primitive_exceptions from "./Primitive_exceptions.js"; function failwith(s) { @@ -117,21 +115,6 @@ function $at(l1, l2) { } } -function assertEqual(a, b) { - if (!Primitive_object.notequal(a, b)) { - return; - } - throw { - RE_EXN_ID: "Assert_failure", - _1: [ - "Pervasives.res", - 596, - 4 - ], - Error: new Error() - }; -} - let max_int = 2147483647; let infinity = Infinity; @@ -144,8 +127,6 @@ let min_float = 2.22507385850720138e-308; let epsilon_float = 2.22044604925031308e-16; -let panic = $$Error.panic; - export { failwith, invalid_arg, @@ -166,7 +147,5 @@ export { bool_of_string_opt, int_of_string_opt, $at, - panic, - assertEqual, } /* No side effect */ diff --git a/lib/es6/Stdlib.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..39bdaf88ea --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/es6/Stdlib.js @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ + + +import * as Stdlib_Error from "./Stdlib_Error.js"; +import * as Primitive_object from "./Primitive_object.js"; + +function assertEqual(a, b) { + if (!Primitive_object.notequal(a, b)) { + return; + } + throw { + RE_EXN_ID: "Assert_failure", + _1: [ + "Stdlib.res", + 117, + 4 + ], + Error: new Error() + }; +} + +let $$Array; + +let $$BigInt; + +let Console; + +let $$DataView; + +let $$Date; + +let Dict; + +let Exn; + +let $$Error; + +let Float; + +let Int; + +let $$Intl; + +let $$JSON; + +let List; + +let $$Math; + +let Null; + +let Nullable; + +let $$Object; + +let Option; + +let Ordering; + +let $$Promise; + +let $$RegExp; + +let Result; + +let $$String; + +let $$Symbol; + +let Type; + +let $$Iterator; + +let $$AsyncIterator; + +let $$Map; + +let $$WeakMap; + +let $$Set; + +let $$WeakSet; + +let $$ArrayBuffer; + +let $$TypedArray; + +let $$Float32Array; + +let $$Float64Array; + +let $$Int8Array; + +let $$Int16Array; + +let $$Int32Array; + +let $$Uint8Array; + +let $$Uint16Array; + +let $$Uint32Array; + +let $$Uint8ClampedArray; + +let $$BigInt64Array; + +let $$BigUint64Array; + +let panic = Stdlib_Error.panic; + +export { + $$Array, + $$BigInt, + Console, + $$DataView, + $$Date, + Dict, + Exn, + $$Error, + Float, + Int, + $$Intl, + $$JSON, + List, + $$Math, + Null, + Nullable, + $$Object, + Option, + Ordering, + $$Promise, + $$RegExp, + Result, + $$String, + $$Symbol, + Type, + $$Iterator, + $$AsyncIterator, + $$Map, + $$WeakMap, + $$Set, + $$WeakSet, + $$ArrayBuffer, + $$TypedArray, + $$Float32Array, + $$Float64Array, + $$Int8Array, + $$Int16Array, + $$Int32Array, + $$Uint8Array, + $$Uint16Array, + $$Uint32Array, + $$Uint8ClampedArray, + $$BigInt64Array, + $$BigUint64Array, + panic, + assertEqual, +} +/* No side effect */ diff --git a/lib/es6/Array.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Array.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Array.js diff --git a/lib/es6/ArrayBuffer.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/ArrayBuffer.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.js diff --git a/lib/es6/AsyncIterator.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_AsyncIterator.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/AsyncIterator.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_AsyncIterator.js diff --git a/lib/es6/BigInt.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_BigInt.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/BigInt.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_BigInt.js diff --git a/lib/es6/BigInt64Array.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_BigInt64Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/BigInt64Array.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_BigInt64Array.js diff --git a/lib/es6/BigUint64Array.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_BigUint64Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/BigUint64Array.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_BigUint64Array.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Console.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Console.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Console.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Console.js diff --git a/lib/es6/DataView.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_DataView.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/DataView.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_DataView.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Date.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Date.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Date.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Date.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Dict.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Dict.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Dict.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Dict.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Error.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Error.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Error.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Error.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Exn.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Exn.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Exn.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Exn.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Float.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Float.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Float.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Float.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Float32Array.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Float32Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Float32Array.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Float32Array.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Float64Array.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Float64Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Float64Array.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Float64Array.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Intl_Collator.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Global.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Intl_Collator.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Global.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Int.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Int.js similarity index 92% rename from lib/es6/Int.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Int.js index d817901429..f8a2f4a351 100644 --- a/lib/es6/Int.js +++ b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Int.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -import * as $$Array from "./Array.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Array from "./Stdlib_Array.js"; function fromString(x, radix) { let maybeInt = radix !== undefined ? parseInt(x, radix) : parseInt(x); @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function range(start, end, optionsOpt) { let range$2 = options.inclusive === true ? range$1 + 1 | 0 : range$1; length = Math.ceil(range$2 / abs(step)) | 0; } - return $$Array.fromInitializer(length, i => start + Math.imul(i, step) | 0); + return Stdlib_Array.fromInitializer(length, i => start + Math.imul(i, step) | 0); } function rangeWithOptions(start, end, options) { diff --git a/lib/es6/Int16Array.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Int16Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Int16Array.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Int16Array.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Int32Array.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Int32Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Int32Array.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Int32Array.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Int8Array.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Int8Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Int8Array.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Int8Array.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Intl.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Intl.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Intl_Common.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_Collator.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Intl_Common.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_Collator.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Intl_DateTimeFormat.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_Common.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Intl_DateTimeFormat.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_Common.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Intl_ListFormat.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Intl_ListFormat.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Intl_Locale.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Intl_Locale.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Intl_PluralRules.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_Locale.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Intl_PluralRules.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_Locale.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Intl_NumberFormat.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Intl_NumberFormat.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js similarity index 83% rename from lib/es6/Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js index 4633bbc588..b22460914a 100644 --- a/lib/es6/Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js +++ b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -import * as Type from "./Type.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Type from "./Stdlib_Type.js"; function parseJsValue(value) { - let value$1 = Type.Classify.classify(value); + let value$1 = Stdlib_Type.Classify.classify(value); if (typeof value$1 !== "object") { return; } diff --git a/lib/es6/Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Intl_Segmenter.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Intl_Segmenter.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Intl_Segments.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Intl_Segments.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Map.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_Segments.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Map.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_Segments.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Iterator.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Iterator.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Iterator.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Iterator.js diff --git a/lib/es6/JSON.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_JSON.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/JSON.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_JSON.js diff --git a/lib/es6/List.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_List.js similarity index 99% rename from lib/es6/List.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_List.js index 2b0f6cd7d2..ce19bd0763 100644 --- a/lib/es6/List.js +++ b/lib/es6/Stdlib_List.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -import * as $$Array from "./Array.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Array from "./Stdlib_Array.js"; import * as Primitive_int from "./Primitive_int.js"; import * as Primitive_option from "./Primitive_option.js"; @@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ function toArray(x) { function toShuffled(xs) { let v = toArray(xs); - $$Array.shuffle(v); + Stdlib_Array.shuffle(v); return fromArray(v); } diff --git a/lib/es6/Object.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Map.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Object.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Map.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Math.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Math.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Math.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Math.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Null.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Null.js similarity index 78% rename from lib/es6/Null.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Null.js index 11cf9f43ce..a9227bd384 100644 --- a/lib/es6/Null.js +++ b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Null.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -import * as Option from "./Option.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Option from "./Stdlib_Option.js"; import * as Primitive_option from "./Primitive_option.js"; function fromOption(option) { @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ function fromOption(option) { } function equal(a, b, eq) { - return Option.equal(a === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), b === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), eq); + return Stdlib_Option.equal(a === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), b === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), eq); } function compare(a, b, cmp) { - return === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), b === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), cmp); + return === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), b === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), cmp); } function getOr(value, $$default) { diff --git a/lib/es6/Nullable.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Nullable.js similarity index 78% rename from lib/es6/Nullable.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Nullable.js index 13415fc964..de9df692a1 100644 --- a/lib/es6/Nullable.js +++ b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Nullable.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -import * as Option from "./Option.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Option from "./Stdlib_Option.js"; import * as Primitive_option from "./Primitive_option.js"; function fromOption(option) { @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ function fromOption(option) { } function equal(a, b, eq) { - return Option.equal((a == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), (b == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), eq); + return Stdlib_Option.equal((a == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), (b == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), eq); } function compare(a, b, cmp) { - return == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), (b == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), cmp); + return == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), (b == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), cmp); } function getOr(value, $$default) { diff --git a/lib/es6/Set.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Object.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Set.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Object.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Option.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Option.js similarity index 96% rename from lib/es6/Option.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Option.js index 98e8467077..2bb1041776 100644 --- a/lib/es6/Option.js +++ b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Option.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -import * as $$Error from "./Error.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Error from "./Stdlib_Error.js"; import * as Primitive_option from "./Primitive_option.js"; function filter(opt, p) { @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function getExn(x, message) { if (x !== undefined) { return Primitive_option.valFromOption(x); } else { - return $$Error.panic(message !== undefined ? message : "Option.getExn called for None value"); + return Stdlib_Error.panic(message !== undefined ? message : "Option.getExn called for None value"); } } diff --git a/lib/es6/Ordering.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Ordering.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Ordering.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Ordering.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Promise.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Promise.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Promise.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Promise.js diff --git a/lib/es6/RegExp.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_RegExp.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/RegExp.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_RegExp.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Result.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Result.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Result.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Result.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Symbol.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Set.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Symbol.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Set.js diff --git a/lib/es6/String.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_String.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/String.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_String.js diff --git a/lib/es6/TypedArray.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Symbol.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/TypedArray.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Symbol.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Type.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Type.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Type.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Type.js diff --git a/lib/es6/WeakMap.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_TypedArray.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/WeakMap.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_TypedArray.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Uint16Array.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Uint16Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Uint16Array.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Uint16Array.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Uint32Array.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Uint32Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Uint32Array.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Uint32Array.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Uint8Array.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Uint8Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Uint8Array.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Uint8Array.js diff --git a/lib/es6/Uint8ClampedArray.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/Uint8ClampedArray.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.js diff --git a/lib/es6/WeakSet.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_WeakMap.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/es6/WeakSet.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_WeakMap.js diff --git a/lib/js/ArrayBuffer.js b/lib/es6/Stdlib_WeakSet.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/ArrayBuffer.js rename to lib/es6/Stdlib_WeakSet.js diff --git a/lib/js/Pervasives.js b/lib/js/Pervasives.js index bc1fb820b4..92db18e121 100644 --- a/lib/js/Pervasives.js +++ b/lib/js/Pervasives.js @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@ 'use strict'; -let $$Error = require("./Error.js"); -let Primitive_object = require("./Primitive_object.js"); let Primitive_exceptions = require("./Primitive_exceptions.js"); function failwith(s) { @@ -117,21 +115,6 @@ function $at(l1, l2) { } } -function assertEqual(a, b) { - if (!Primitive_object.notequal(a, b)) { - return; - } - throw { - RE_EXN_ID: "Assert_failure", - _1: [ - "Pervasives.res", - 596, - 4 - ], - Error: new Error() - }; -} - let max_int = 2147483647; let infinity = Infinity; @@ -144,8 +127,6 @@ let min_float = 2.22507385850720138e-308; let epsilon_float = 2.22044604925031308e-16; -let panic = $$Error.panic; - exports.failwith = failwith; exports.invalid_arg = invalid_arg; exports.Exit = Exit; @@ -165,6 +146,4 @@ exports.bool_of_string = bool_of_string; exports.bool_of_string_opt = bool_of_string_opt; exports.int_of_string_opt = int_of_string_opt; exports.$at = $at; -exports.panic = panic; -exports.assertEqual = assertEqual; /* No side effect */ diff --git a/lib/js/Stdlib.js b/lib/js/Stdlib.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ac16823db --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/js/Stdlib.js @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +'use strict'; + +let Stdlib_Error = require("./Stdlib_Error.js"); +let Primitive_object = require("./Primitive_object.js"); + +function assertEqual(a, b) { + if (!Primitive_object.notequal(a, b)) { + return; + } + throw { + RE_EXN_ID: "Assert_failure", + _1: [ + "Stdlib.res", + 117, + 4 + ], + Error: new Error() + }; +} + +let $$Array; + +let $$BigInt; + +let Console; + +let $$DataView; + +let $$Date; + +let Dict; + +let Exn; + +let $$Error; + +let Float; + +let Int; + +let $$Intl; + +let $$JSON; + +let List; + +let $$Math; + +let Null; + +let Nullable; + +let $$Object; + +let Option; + +let Ordering; + +let $$Promise; + +let $$RegExp; + +let Result; + +let $$String; + +let $$Symbol; + +let Type; + +let $$Iterator; + +let $$AsyncIterator; + +let $$Map; + +let $$WeakMap; + +let $$Set; + +let $$WeakSet; + +let $$ArrayBuffer; + +let $$TypedArray; + +let $$Float32Array; + +let $$Float64Array; + +let $$Int8Array; + +let $$Int16Array; + +let $$Int32Array; + +let $$Uint8Array; + +let $$Uint16Array; + +let $$Uint32Array; + +let $$Uint8ClampedArray; + +let $$BigInt64Array; + +let $$BigUint64Array; + +let panic = Stdlib_Error.panic; + +exports.$$Array = $$Array; +exports.$$BigInt = $$BigInt; +exports.Console = Console; +exports.$$DataView = $$DataView; +exports.$$Date = $$Date; +exports.Dict = Dict; +exports.Exn = Exn; +exports.$$Error = $$Error; +exports.Float = Float; +exports.Int = Int; +exports.$$Intl = $$Intl; +exports.$$JSON = $$JSON; +exports.List = List; +exports.$$Math = $$Math; +exports.Null = Null; +exports.Nullable = Nullable; +exports.$$Object = $$Object; +exports.Option = Option; +exports.Ordering = Ordering; +exports.$$Promise = $$Promise; +exports.$$RegExp = $$RegExp; +exports.Result = Result; +exports.$$String = $$String; +exports.$$Symbol = $$Symbol; +exports.Type = Type; +exports.$$Iterator = $$Iterator; +exports.$$AsyncIterator = $$AsyncIterator; +exports.$$Map = $$Map; +exports.$$WeakMap = $$WeakMap; +exports.$$Set = $$Set; +exports.$$WeakSet = $$WeakSet; +exports.$$ArrayBuffer = $$ArrayBuffer; +exports.$$TypedArray = $$TypedArray; +exports.$$Float32Array = $$Float32Array; +exports.$$Float64Array = $$Float64Array; +exports.$$Int8Array = $$Int8Array; +exports.$$Int16Array = $$Int16Array; +exports.$$Int32Array = $$Int32Array; +exports.$$Uint8Array = $$Uint8Array; +exports.$$Uint16Array = $$Uint16Array; +exports.$$Uint32Array = $$Uint32Array; +exports.$$Uint8ClampedArray = $$Uint8ClampedArray; +exports.$$BigInt64Array = $$BigInt64Array; +exports.$$BigUint64Array = $$BigUint64Array; +exports.panic = panic; +exports.assertEqual = assertEqual; +/* No side effect */ diff --git a/lib/js/Array.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Array.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Array.js diff --git a/lib/js/Console.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Console.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.js diff --git a/lib/js/AsyncIterator.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_AsyncIterator.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/AsyncIterator.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_AsyncIterator.js diff --git a/lib/js/BigInt.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_BigInt.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/BigInt.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_BigInt.js diff --git a/lib/js/BigInt64Array.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_BigInt64Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/BigInt64Array.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_BigInt64Array.js diff --git a/lib/js/BigUint64Array.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_BigUint64Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/BigUint64Array.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_BigUint64Array.js diff --git a/lib/js/DataView.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Console.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/DataView.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Console.js diff --git a/lib/js/Intl_Collator.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_DataView.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Intl_Collator.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_DataView.js diff --git a/lib/js/Date.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Date.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Date.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Date.js diff --git a/lib/js/Dict.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Dict.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Dict.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Dict.js diff --git a/lib/js/Error.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Error.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Error.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Error.js diff --git a/lib/js/Exn.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Exn.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Exn.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Exn.js diff --git a/lib/js/Float.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Float.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Float.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Float.js diff --git a/lib/js/Float32Array.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Float32Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Float32Array.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Float32Array.js diff --git a/lib/js/Float64Array.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Float64Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Float64Array.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Float64Array.js diff --git a/lib/js/Intl_Common.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Global.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Intl_Common.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Global.js diff --git a/lib/js/Int.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Int.js similarity index 92% rename from lib/js/Int.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Int.js index 147f1cef99..44c2f7080d 100644 --- a/lib/js/Int.js +++ b/lib/js/Stdlib_Int.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'use strict'; -let $$Array = require("./Array.js"); +let Stdlib_Array = require("./Stdlib_Array.js"); function fromString(x, radix) { let maybeInt = radix !== undefined ? parseInt(x, radix) : parseInt(x); @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function range(start, end, optionsOpt) { let range$2 = options.inclusive === true ? range$1 + 1 | 0 : range$1; length = Math.ceil(range$2 / abs(step)) | 0; } - return $$Array.fromInitializer(length, i => start + Math.imul(i, step) | 0); + return Stdlib_Array.fromInitializer(length, i => start + Math.imul(i, step) | 0); } function rangeWithOptions(start, end, options) { diff --git a/lib/js/Int16Array.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Int16Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Int16Array.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Int16Array.js diff --git a/lib/js/Int32Array.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Int32Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Int32Array.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Int32Array.js diff --git a/lib/js/Int8Array.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Int8Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Int8Array.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Int8Array.js diff --git a/lib/js/Intl.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Intl.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Intl.js diff --git a/lib/js/Intl_DateTimeFormat.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_Collator.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Intl_DateTimeFormat.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_Collator.js diff --git a/lib/js/Intl_ListFormat.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_Common.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Intl_ListFormat.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_Common.js diff --git a/lib/js/Intl_Locale.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Intl_Locale.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.js diff --git a/lib/js/Intl_PluralRules.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Intl_PluralRules.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.js diff --git a/lib/js/Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_Locale.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_Locale.js diff --git a/lib/js/Intl_NumberFormat.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Intl_NumberFormat.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.js diff --git a/lib/js/Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js similarity index 84% rename from lib/js/Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js index 56dd9f43eb..885d7bea82 100644 --- a/lib/js/Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js +++ b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -let Type = require("./Type.js"); +let Stdlib_Type = require("./Stdlib_Type.js"); function parseJsValue(value) { - let value$1 = Type.Classify.classify(value); + let value$1 = Stdlib_Type.Classify.classify(value); if (typeof value$1 !== "object") { return; } diff --git a/lib/js/Intl_Segmenter.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Intl_Segmenter.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.js diff --git a/lib/js/Intl_Segments.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Intl_Segments.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.js diff --git a/lib/js/Map.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Map.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.js diff --git a/lib/js/Object.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_Segments.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Object.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Intl_Segments.js diff --git a/lib/js/Iterator.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Iterator.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Iterator.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Iterator.js diff --git a/lib/js/JSON.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_JSON.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/JSON.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_JSON.js diff --git a/lib/js/List.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_List.js similarity index 99% rename from lib/js/List.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_List.js index b11ab0d3ff..18bca71af4 100644 --- a/lib/js/List.js +++ b/lib/js/Stdlib_List.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'use strict'; -let $$Array = require("./Array.js"); +let Stdlib_Array = require("./Stdlib_Array.js"); let Primitive_int = require("./Primitive_int.js"); let Primitive_option = require("./Primitive_option.js"); @@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ function toArray(x) { function toShuffled(xs) { let v = toArray(xs); - $$Array.shuffle(v); + Stdlib_Array.shuffle(v); return fromArray(v); } diff --git a/lib/js/Set.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Map.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Set.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Map.js diff --git a/lib/js/Math.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Math.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Math.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Math.js diff --git a/lib/js/Null.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Null.js similarity index 81% rename from lib/js/Null.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Null.js index 701d356403..19f2353d5a 100644 --- a/lib/js/Null.js +++ b/lib/js/Stdlib_Null.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'use strict'; -let Option = require("./Option.js"); +let Stdlib_Option = require("./Stdlib_Option.js"); let Primitive_option = require("./Primitive_option.js"); function fromOption(option) { @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ function fromOption(option) { } function equal(a, b, eq) { - return Option.equal(a === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), b === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), eq); + return Stdlib_Option.equal(a === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), b === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), eq); } function compare(a, b, cmp) { - return === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), b === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), cmp); + return === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), b === null ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), cmp); } function getOr(value, $$default) { diff --git a/lib/js/Nullable.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Nullable.js similarity index 80% rename from lib/js/Nullable.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Nullable.js index d89d21173f..bae5ec43c6 100644 --- a/lib/js/Nullable.js +++ b/lib/js/Stdlib_Nullable.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'use strict'; -let Option = require("./Option.js"); +let Stdlib_Option = require("./Stdlib_Option.js"); let Primitive_option = require("./Primitive_option.js"); function fromOption(option) { @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ function fromOption(option) { } function equal(a, b, eq) { - return Option.equal((a == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), (b == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), eq); + return Stdlib_Option.equal((a == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), (b == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), eq); } function compare(a, b, cmp) { - return == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), (b == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), cmp); + return == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(a), (b == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(b), cmp); } function getOr(value, $$default) { diff --git a/lib/js/Symbol.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Object.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Symbol.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Object.js diff --git a/lib/js/Option.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Option.js similarity index 96% rename from lib/js/Option.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Option.js index ffa98d5746..ae2a98a30c 100644 --- a/lib/js/Option.js +++ b/lib/js/Stdlib_Option.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'use strict'; -let $$Error = require("./Error.js"); +let Stdlib_Error = require("./Stdlib_Error.js"); let Primitive_option = require("./Primitive_option.js"); function filter(opt, p) { @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function getExn(x, message) { if (x !== undefined) { return Primitive_option.valFromOption(x); } else { - return $$Error.panic(message !== undefined ? message : "Option.getExn called for None value"); + return Stdlib_Error.panic(message !== undefined ? message : "Option.getExn called for None value"); } } diff --git a/lib/js/Ordering.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Ordering.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Ordering.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Ordering.js diff --git a/lib/js/Promise.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Promise.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Promise.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Promise.js diff --git a/lib/js/RegExp.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_RegExp.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/RegExp.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_RegExp.js diff --git a/lib/js/Result.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Result.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Result.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Result.js diff --git a/lib/js/TypedArray.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Set.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/TypedArray.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Set.js diff --git a/lib/js/String.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_String.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/String.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_String.js diff --git a/lib/js/WeakMap.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Symbol.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/WeakMap.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Symbol.js diff --git a/lib/js/Type.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Type.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Type.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Type.js diff --git a/lib/js/WeakSet.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_TypedArray.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/WeakSet.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_TypedArray.js diff --git a/lib/js/Uint16Array.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Uint16Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Uint16Array.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Uint16Array.js diff --git a/lib/js/Uint32Array.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Uint32Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Uint32Array.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Uint32Array.js diff --git a/lib/js/Uint8Array.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Uint8Array.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Uint8Array.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Uint8Array.js diff --git a/lib/js/Uint8ClampedArray.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.js similarity index 100% rename from lib/js/Uint8ClampedArray.js rename to lib/js/Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.js diff --git a/lib/js/Stdlib_WeakMap.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_WeakMap.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ae1b9f17e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/js/Stdlib_WeakMap.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/* This output is empty. Its source's type definitions, externals and/or unused code got optimized away. */ diff --git a/lib/js/Stdlib_WeakSet.js b/lib/js/Stdlib_WeakSet.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ae1b9f17e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/js/Stdlib_WeakSet.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/* This output is empty. Its source's type definitions, externals and/or unused code got optimized away. */ diff --git a/packages/artifacts.txt b/packages/artifacts.txt index 7ed7e6d183..d98468c585 100644 --- a/packages/artifacts.txt +++ b/packages/artifacts.txt @@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ darwinarm64/rescript.exe darwinarm64/rewatch.exe docs/docson/build-schema.json lib/bstracing -lib/es6/Array.js -lib/es6/ArrayBuffer.js -lib/es6/AsyncIterator.js lib/es6/Belt.js lib/es6/Belt_Array.js lib/es6/Belt_Float.js @@ -76,40 +73,10 @@ lib/es6/Belt_internalMapString.js lib/es6/Belt_internalSetBuckets.js lib/es6/Belt_internalSetInt.js lib/es6/Belt_internalSetString.js -lib/es6/BigInt.js -lib/es6/BigInt64Array.js -lib/es6/BigUint64Array.js lib/es6/Char.js -lib/es6/Console.js -lib/es6/DataView.js -lib/es6/Date.js -lib/es6/Dict.js lib/es6/Dom.js lib/es6/Dom_storage.js lib/es6/Dom_storage2.js -lib/es6/Error.js -lib/es6/Exn.js -lib/es6/Float.js -lib/es6/Float32Array.js -lib/es6/Float64Array.js -lib/es6/Int.js -lib/es6/Int16Array.js 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+lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Dict.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Dict.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Dict.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Error.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Error.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Error.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Error.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Error.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Error.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Exn.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Exn.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Exn.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Exn.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Exn.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Exn.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float32Array.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float32Array.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float32Array.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float32Array.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float64Array.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float64Array.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float64Array.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Float64Array.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Global.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Global.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Global.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Global.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Global.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Global.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int16Array.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int16Array.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int16Array.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int16Array.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int32Array.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int32Array.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int32Array.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int32Array.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int8Array.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int8Array.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int8Array.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Int8Array.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Collator.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Collator.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Collator.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Collator.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Common.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Common.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Common.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Common.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Locale.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Locale.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Locale.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Locale.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Segments.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Segments.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Segments.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Intl_Segments.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Iterator.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Iterator.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Iterator.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Iterator.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Iterator.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Iterator.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_JSON.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_JSON.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_JSON.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_JSON.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_JSON.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_JSON.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_List.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_List.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_List.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_List.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_List.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_List.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Map.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Map.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Map.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Map.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Map.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Map.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Math.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Math.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Math.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Math.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Math.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Math.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Null.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Null.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Null.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Null.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Null.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Null.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Nullable.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Nullable.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Nullable.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Nullable.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Nullable.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Nullable.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Object.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Object.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Object.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Object.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Option.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Option.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Option.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Option.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Option.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Option.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Ordering.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Ordering.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Ordering.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Ordering.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Promise.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Promise.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Promise.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Promise.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Promise.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Promise.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_RegExp.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_RegExp.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_RegExp.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_RegExp.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_RegExp.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_RegExp.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Result.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Result.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Result.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Result.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Result.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Result.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Set.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Set.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Set.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Set.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Set.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Set.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_String.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_String.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_String.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_String.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_String.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_String.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Symbol.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Symbol.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Symbol.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Symbol.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Type.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Type.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Type.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Type.cmti +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Type.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Type.resi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_TypedArray.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_TypedArray.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_TypedArray.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_TypedArray.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint16Array.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint16Array.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint16Array.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint16Array.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint32Array.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint32Array.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint32Array.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint32Array.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint8Array.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint8Array.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint8Array.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint8Array.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_WeakMap.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_WeakMap.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_WeakMap.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_WeakMap.res +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_WeakSet.cmi +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_WeakSet.cmj +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_WeakSet.cmt +lib/ocaml/Stdlib_WeakSet.res linux/bsb_helper.exe linux/bsc.exe linux/ninja.exe diff --git a/runtime/Intl.res b/runtime/Intl.res deleted file mode 100644 index da9e86c920..0000000000 --- a/runtime/Intl.res +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -module Common = Intl_Common -module Collator = Intl_Collator -module DateTimeFormat = Intl_DateTimeFormat -module ListFormat = Intl_ListFormat -module Locale = Intl_Locale -module NumberFormat = Intl_NumberFormat -module PluralRules = Intl_PluralRules -module RelativeTimeFormat = Intl_RelativeTimeFormat -module Segmenter = Intl_Segmenter -module Segments = Intl_Segments - -/** -@throws RangeError -*/ -external getCanonicalLocalesExn: string => array = "Intl.getCanonicalLocales" - -/** -@throws RangeError -*/ -external getCanonicalLocalesManyExn: array => array = "Intl.getCanonicalLocales" - -/** -@throws RangeError -*/ -external supportedValuesOfExn: string => array = "Intl.supportedValuesOf" diff --git a/runtime/Js.res b/runtime/Js.res index fbca7efc08..e1bfdcd334 100644 --- a/runtime/Js.res +++ b/runtime/Js.res @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module Nullable = Js_null_undefined module Null_undefined = Js_null_undefined /** Provide utilities for dealing with Js exceptions */ -module Exn = Exn +module Exn = Stdlib_Exn /** Provide bindings to JS array*/ module Array = Js_array diff --git a/runtime/Js_array2.res b/runtime/Js_array2.res index 1666cf531d..c4239dc7a2 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_array2.res +++ b/runtime/Js_array2.res @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ type t<'a> = array<'a> /** A type used to describe JavaScript objects that are like an array or are iterable. */ -type array_like<'a> +type array_like<'a> = Stdlib_Array.arrayLike<'a> /* commented out until bs has a plan for iterators type 'a array_iter = 'a array_like diff --git a/runtime/Js_date.res b/runtime/Js_date.res index 2a7b6be24b..0892211745 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_date.res +++ b/runtime/Js_date.res @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ on MDN.) JavaScript stores dates as the number of milliseconds since the UNIX *epoch*, midnight 1 January 1970, UTC. */ -type t +type t = Stdlib_Date.t @send /** diff --git a/runtime/Js_global.res b/runtime/Js_global.res index 901a64d3e4..ed0f9a7b97 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_global.res +++ b/runtime/Js_global.res @@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ Contains functions available in the global scope (`window` in a browser context) */ /** Identify an interval started by `Js.Global.setInterval`. */ -type intervalId +type intervalId = Stdlib_Global.intervalId /** Identify timeout started by `Js.Global.setTimeout`. */ -type timeoutId +type timeoutId = Stdlib_Global.timeoutId @val /** diff --git a/runtime/Js_json.res b/runtime/Js_json.res index f30a748c34..49b672935e 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_json.res +++ b/runtime/Js_json.res @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ /*** Efficient JSON encoding using JavaScript API */ @unboxed -type rec t = +type rec t = Stdlib_JSON.t = | Boolean(bool) | @as(null) Null | String(string) diff --git a/runtime/Js_json.resi b/runtime/Js_json.resi index 5686c916f3..8afa7e5430 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_json.resi +++ b/runtime/Js_json.resi @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Efficient JSON encoding using JavaScript API /* ## Types */ @unboxed /** The JSON data structure */ -type rec t = +type rec t = Stdlib_JSON.t = | Boolean(bool) | @as(null) Null | String(string) diff --git a/runtime/Js_map.res b/runtime/Js_map.res index e5e1c8e202..1f9cbdf19f 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_map.res +++ b/runtime/Js_map.res @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ /*** ES6 Map API */ -type t<'k, 'v> +type t<'k, 'v> = Stdlib_Map.t<'k, 'v> diff --git a/runtime/Js_null.res b/runtime/Js_null.res index 1943fc60f4..927759fb82 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_null.res +++ b/runtime/Js_null.res @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ external getUnsafe: t<'a> => 'a = "%identity" let getExn = f => switch toOption(f) { - | None => Exn.raiseError("Js.Null.getExn") + | None => Stdlib_Exn.raiseError("Js.Null.getExn") | Some(x) => x } diff --git a/runtime/Js_option.res b/runtime/Js_option.res index fb48406df4..e2d2dbaaa8 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_option.res +++ b/runtime/Js_option.res @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ If given `None`, it throws a `getExn` exception. */ let getExn = x => switch x { - | None => Exn.raiseError("getExn") + | None => Stdlib_Exn.raiseError("getExn") | Some(x) => x } diff --git a/runtime/Js_re.res b/runtime/Js_re.res index 05e46ec64a..f81c5bf96e 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_re.res +++ b/runtime/Js_re.res @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ and subsequent uses will continue the search from the previous [`lastIndex`](). */ /** The RegExp object. */ -type t +type t = Stdlib_RegExp.t /** The result of a executing a RegExp on a string. */ type result diff --git a/runtime/Js_set.res b/runtime/Js_set.res index 8e0d51d186..bb195cd4f4 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_set.res +++ b/runtime/Js_set.res @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ /*** ES6 Set API */ -type t<'a> +type t<'a> = Stdlib_Set.t<'a> diff --git a/runtime/Js_typed_array2.res b/runtime/Js_typed_array2.res index 47338d748f..077ed84d8d 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_typed_array2.res +++ b/runtime/Js_typed_array2.res @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ JavaScript Typed Array API **see** [MDN]( */ -type array_buffer +type array_buffer = Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t type array_like<'a> /* should be shared with js_array */ module ArrayBuffer = { diff --git a/runtime/Js_types.res b/runtime/Js_types.res index 88bd6f6fbe..bd9c0943f0 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_types.res +++ b/runtime/Js_types.res @@ -23,16 +23,17 @@ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** Js symbol type only available in ES6 */ -type symbol +type symbol = Stdlib_Symbol.t + +type obj_val = Stdlib_Type.Classify.object -type obj_val /** This type has only one value `undefined` */ type undefined_val /** This type has only one value `null` */ type null_val -type function_val +type function_val = Stdlib_Type.Classify.function type rec t<_> = | Undefined: t diff --git a/runtime/Js_types.resi b/runtime/Js_types.resi index a2faaf8afe..7ac929ff11 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_types.resi +++ b/runtime/Js_types.resi @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ /*** Provide utilities for manipulating JS types. */ /** Js symbol type (only available in ES6) */ -type symbol +type symbol = Stdlib_Symbol.t -type obj_val +type obj_val = Stdlib_Type.Classify.object /** This type has only one value `undefined` */ type undefined_val @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type undefined_val /** This type has only one value `null` */ type null_val -type function_val +type function_val = Stdlib_Type.Classify.function type rec t<_> = | Undefined: t diff --git a/runtime/Js_undefined.res b/runtime/Js_undefined.res index 699004cea6..8a518b1ce8 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_undefined.res +++ b/runtime/Js_undefined.res @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ external getUnsafe: t<'a> => 'a = "%identity" let getExn = f => switch toOption(f) { - | None => Exn.raiseError("Js.Undefined.getExn") + | None => Stdlib_Exn.raiseError("Js.Undefined.getExn") | Some(x) => x } diff --git a/runtime/Js_weakmap.res b/runtime/Js_weakmap.res index 926ceaf841..152ecb2be6 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_weakmap.res +++ b/runtime/Js_weakmap.res @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ /*** ES6 WeakMap API */ -type t<'k, 'v> +type t<'k, 'v> = Stdlib_WeakMap.t<'k, 'v> diff --git a/runtime/Js_weakset.res b/runtime/Js_weakset.res index e9652c4e9d..492912f2af 100644 --- a/runtime/Js_weakset.res +++ b/runtime/Js_weakset.res @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ /*** ES6 WeakSet API */ -type t<'a> +type t<'a> = Stdlib_WeakSet.t<'a> diff --git a/runtime/JsxDOM.res b/runtime/JsxDOM.res index aca2a0570b..ea1c407d5b 100644 --- a/runtime/JsxDOM.res +++ b/runtime/JsxDOM.res @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ type domProps = { loop?: bool, low?: int, manifest?: string /* uri */, - max?: string /* should be int or Js.Date.t */, + max?: string /* should be int or Date.t */, maxLength?: int, media?: string /* a valid media query */, mediaGroup?: string, diff --git a/runtime/Pervasives.res b/runtime/Pervasives.res index 82b2914328..d657dd782f 100644 --- a/runtime/Pervasives.res +++ b/runtime/Pervasives.res @@ -319,280 +319,3 @@ let rec \"@" = (l1, l2) => /* Miscellaneous */ type int32 = int - -/*** -Bindings to functions available in the global JavaScript scope. -*/ - -/** -An `id` representing a timeout started via `setTimeout`. - -See [`setTimeout`]( on MDN. -*/ -type timeoutId = Js_global.timeoutId - -/** -`setTimeout(callback, durationInMilliseconds)` starts a timer that will execute `callback` after `durationInMilliseconds`. - -See [`setTimeout`]( on MDN. - -## Examples - -```rescript -// Log to the console after 200 milliseconds. -let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { - Console.log("This prints in 200 ms.") -}, 200) -``` -*/ -@val -external setTimeout: (unit => unit, int) => timeoutId = "setTimeout" - -/** -`setTimeoutFloat(callback, durationInMilliseconds)` starts a timer that will execute `callback` after `durationInMilliseconds`. - -The same as `setTimeout`, but allows you to pass a `float` instead of an `int` for the duration. - -See [`setTimeout`]( on MDN. - -## Examples - -```rescript -// Log to the console after 200 milliseconds. -let timeoutId = setTimeoutFloat(() => { - Console.log("This prints in 200 ms.") -}, 200.) -``` -*/ -@val -external setTimeoutFloat: (unit => unit, float) => timeoutId = "setTimeout" - -/** -`clearTimeout(timeoutId)` clears a scheduled timeout if it hasn't already executed. - -See [`clearTimeout`]( on MDN. - -## Examples - -```rescript -let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { - Console.log("This prints in 2 seconds.") -}, 2000) - -// Clearing the timeout right away, before 2 seconds has passed, means that the above callback logging to the console will never run. -clearTimeout(timeoutId) -``` -*/ -@val -external clearTimeout: timeoutId => unit = "clearTimeout" - -/** -An `id` representing an interval started via `setInterval`. - -See [`setInterval`]( on MDN. -*/ -type intervalId = Js_global.intervalId - -/** -`setInterval(callback, intervalInMilliseconds)` starts an interval that will execute `callback` every `durationInMilliseconds` milliseconds. - -See [`setInterval`]( on MDN. - -## Examples - -```rescript -// Log to the console ever 200 ms (200 milliseconds). -let intervalId = setInterval(() => { - Console.log("This prints every 200 ms.") -}, 200) - -let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { - clearInterval(intervalId) -}, 500) -``` -*/ -@val -external setInterval: (unit => unit, int) => intervalId = "setInterval" - -/** -`setIntervalFloat(callback, intervalInMilliseconds)` starts an interval that will execute `callback` every `durationInMilliseconds` milliseconds. - -The same as `setInterval`, but allows you to pass a `float` instead of an `int` for the duration. - -See [`setInterval`]( on MDN. - -## Examples - -```rescript -// Log to the console ever 2 seconds (200 milliseconds). -let intervalId = setIntervalFloat(() => { - Console.log("This prints every 200 ms") -}, 200.) - -// Stop the interval after 500 ms -let timeoutId = setTimeoutFloat(() => { - clearInterval(intervalId) -}, 500.0) -``` -*/ -@val -external setIntervalFloat: (unit => unit, float) => intervalId = "setInterval" - -/** -`clearInterval(intervalId)` clears a scheduled interval. - -See [`clearInterval`]( on MDN. - -## Examples - -```rescript -let intervalId = setInterval(() => { - Console.log("This prints in 100 ms") -}, 100) - -// Stop the interval after 500 ms -let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { - clearInterval(intervalId) -}, 500) -``` -*/ -@val -external clearInterval: intervalId => unit = "clearInterval" - -/** -Encodes a URI by replacing characters in the provided string that aren't valid in a URL. - -This is intended to operate on full URIs, so it encodes fewer characters than what `encodeURIComponent` does. -If you're looking to encode just parts of a URI, like a query parameter, prefer `encodeURIComponent`. - -See [`encodeURI`]( on MDN. - -## Examples -```rescript -Console.log(encodeURI("[someValue]")) -// Logs "" to the console. -``` - -*/ -@val -external encodeURI: string => string = "encodeURI" - -/** -Decodes a previously encoded URI back to a regular string. - -This is intended to operate on full URIs, so it decodes fewer characters than what `decodeURIComponent` does. -If you're looking to decode just parts of a URI, like a query parameter, prefer `decodeURIComponent`. - -See [`decodeURI`]( on MDN. - -## Examples -```rescript -Console.log(decodeURI("")) -// Logs "[someValue]" to the console. -``` -*/ -@val -external decodeURI: string => string = "decodeURI" - -/** -Encodes a string so it can be used as part of a URI. - -See [`encodeURIComponent`]( on MDN. - -## Examples -```rescript -Console.log(encodeURIComponent("array=[someValue]")) -// Logs "array%3D%5BsomeValue%5D" to the console. -``` -*/ -@val -external encodeURIComponent: string => string = "encodeURIComponent" - -/** -Decodes a previously URI encoded string back to its original form. - -See [`decodeURIComponent`]( on MDN. - -## Examples -```rescript -Console.log(decodeURIComponent("array%3D%5BsomeValue%5D")) -// Logs "array=[someValue]" to the console. -``` -*/ -@val -external decodeURIComponent: string => string = "decodeURIComponent" - -@val external window: Dom.window = "window" -@val external document: Dom.document = "document" -@val external globalThis: {..} = "globalThis" - -external null: Js.Nullable.t<'a> = "#null" -external undefined: Js.Nullable.t<'a> = "#undefined" -external typeof: 'a => Type.t = "#typeof" - -/** -`import(value)` dynamically import a value or function from a ReScript -module. The import call will return a `promise`, resolving to the dynamically loaded -value. - -## Examples - -`Array.res` file: - -```rescript -@send external indexOf: (array<'a>, 'a) => int = "indexOf" - -let indexOfOpt = (arr, item) => - switch arr->indexOf(item) { - | -1 => None - | index => Some(index) - } -``` -In other file you can import the `indexOfOpt` value defined in `Array.res` - -```rescript -let main = async () => { - let indexOfOpt = await import(Array.indexOfOpt) - let index = indexOfOpt([1, 2], 2) - Console.log(index) -} -``` - -Compiles to: - -```javascript -async function main() { - var add = await import("./Array.mjs").then(function(m) { - return m.indexOfOpt; - }); - var index = indexOfOpt([1, 2], 2); - console.log(index); -} -``` -*/ -external import: 'a => promise<'a> = "%import" - -type null<+'a> = Js.null<'a> - -type undefined<+'a> = Js.undefined<'a> - -type nullable<+'a> = Js.nullable<'a> - -let panic = Error.panic - -/** -`assertEqual(a, b)` check if `a` is equal `b`. If not raise a panic exception - -## Examples - -```rescript -list{1, 2} -->List.tailExn -->assertEqual(list{2}) -``` -*/ -let assertEqual = (a, b) => { - if a != b { - assert(false) - } -} diff --git a/runtime/RescriptTools_Docgen.res b/runtime/RescriptTools_Docgen.res index c77e71bcbe..6dd7454747 100644 --- a/runtime/RescriptTools_Docgen.res +++ b/runtime/RescriptTools_Docgen.res @@ -102,4 +102,4 @@ type doc = { /** `decodeFromJson(json)` parse JSON generated from `restool doc` command */ -external decodeFromJson: JSON.t => doc = "%identity" +external decodeFromJson: Stdlib_JSON.t => doc = "%identity" diff --git a/runtime/RescriptTools_Docgen.resi b/runtime/RescriptTools_Docgen.resi index c5d443e71d..2c8b1d4ad1 100644 --- a/runtime/RescriptTools_Docgen.resi +++ b/runtime/RescriptTools_Docgen.resi @@ -99,4 +99,4 @@ type doc = { items: array, } -let decodeFromJson: JSON.t => doc +let decodeFromJson: Stdlib_JSON.t => doc diff --git a/runtime/Stdlib.res b/runtime/Stdlib.res new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d376f49359 --- /dev/null +++ b/runtime/Stdlib.res @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +include Stdlib_Global + +module Array = Stdlib_Array +module BigInt = Stdlib_BigInt +module Console = Stdlib_Console +module DataView = Stdlib_DataView +module Date = Stdlib_Date +module Dict = Stdlib_Dict +module Exn = Stdlib_Exn +module Error = Stdlib_Error +module Float = Stdlib_Float +module Int = Stdlib_Int +module Intl = Stdlib_Intl +module JSON = Stdlib_JSON +module List = Stdlib_List +module Math = Stdlib_Math +module Null = Stdlib_Null +module Nullable = Stdlib_Nullable +module Object = Stdlib_Object +module Option = Stdlib_Option +module Ordering = Stdlib_Ordering +module Promise = Stdlib_Promise +module RegExp = Stdlib_RegExp +module Result = Stdlib_Result +module String = Stdlib_String +module Symbol = Stdlib_Symbol +module Type = Stdlib_Type + +module Iterator = Stdlib_Iterator +module AsyncIterator = Stdlib_AsyncIterator +module Map = Stdlib_Map +module WeakMap = Stdlib_WeakMap +module Set = Stdlib_Set +module WeakSet = Stdlib_WeakSet + +module ArrayBuffer = Stdlib_ArrayBuffer +module TypedArray = Stdlib_TypedArray +module Float32Array = Stdlib_Float32Array +module Float64Array = Stdlib_Float64Array +module Int8Array = Stdlib_Int8Array +module Int16Array = Stdlib_Int16Array +module Int32Array = Stdlib_Int32Array +module Uint8Array = Stdlib_Uint8Array +module Uint16Array = Stdlib_Uint16Array +module Uint32Array = Stdlib_Uint32Array +module Uint8ClampedArray = Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray +module BigInt64Array = Stdlib_BigInt64Array +module BigUint64Array = Stdlib_BigUint64Array + +// Type aliases for convenience +type date = Date.t +type null<+'a> = Primitive_js_extern.null<'a> +type undefined<+'a> = Primitive_js_extern.undefined<'a> +type nullable<+'a> = Primitive_js_extern.nullable<'a> + +@val external window: Dom.window = "window" +@val external document: Dom.document = "document" +@val external globalThis: {..} = "globalThis" + +/** +`import(value)` dynamically import a value or function from a ReScript +module. The import call will return a `promise`, resolving to the dynamically loaded +value. + +## Examples + +`Array.res` file: + +```rescript +@send external indexOf: (array<'a>, 'a) => int = "indexOf" + +let indexOfOpt = (arr, item) => + switch arr->indexOf(item) { + | -1 => None + | index => Some(index) + } +``` +In other file you can import the `indexOfOpt` value defined in `Array.res` + +```rescript +let main = async () => { + let indexOfOpt = await import(Array.indexOfOpt) + let index = indexOfOpt([1, 2], 2) + Console.log(index) +} +``` + +Compiles to: + +```javascript +async function main() { + var add = await import("./Array.mjs").then(function(m) { + return m.indexOfOpt; + }); + var index = indexOfOpt([1, 2], 2); + console.log(index); +} +``` +*/ +external import: 'a => promise<'a> = "%import" + +let panic = Error.panic + +/** +`assertEqual(a, b)` check if `a` is equal `b`. If not raise a panic exception + +## Examples + +```rescript +list{1, 2} +->List.tailExn +->assertEqual(list{2}) +``` +*/ +let assertEqual = (a, b) => { + if a != b { + assert(false) + } +} + +external null: nullable<'a> = "#null" +external undefined: nullable<'a> = "#undefined" +external typeof: 'a => Type.t = "#typeof" diff --git a/runtime/Array.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Array.res similarity index 90% rename from runtime/Array.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Array.res index 23ff2dc7b1..4296a92516 100644 --- a/runtime/Array.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Array.res @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +type arrayLike<'a> + @new external makeUninitializedUnsafe: int => array<'a> = "Array" @set external truncateToLengthUnsafe: (array<'a>, int) => unit = "length" external getUnsafe: (array<'a>, int) => 'a = "%array_unsafe_get" @@ -5,10 +7,10 @@ external setUnsafe: (array<'a>, int, 'a) => unit = "%array_unsafe_set" external unsafe_get: (array<'a>, int) => 'a = "%array_unsafe_get" -@val external fromIterator: Iterator.t<'a> => array<'a> = "Array.from" -@val external fromArrayLike: Js.Array2.array_like<'a> => array<'a> = "Array.from" +@val external fromIterator: Stdlib_Iterator.t<'a> => array<'a> = "Array.from" +@val external fromArrayLike: arrayLike<'a> => array<'a> = "Array.from" @val -external fromArrayLikeWithMap: (Js.Array2.array_like<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b> = "Array.from" +external fromArrayLikeWithMap: (arrayLike<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b> = "Array.from" @send external fillAll: (array<'a>, 'a) => unit = "fill" @@ -60,10 +62,10 @@ let equal = (a, b, eq) => { let rec compareFromIndex = (a, b, i, cmp, len) => if i === len { - Ordering.equal + Stdlib_Ordering.equal } else { let c = cmp(a->getUnsafe(i), b->getUnsafe(i)) - if c == Ordering.equal { + if c == Stdlib_Ordering.equal { compareFromIndex(a, b, i + 1, cmp, len) } else { c @@ -74,9 +76,9 @@ let compare = (a, b, cmp) => { let lenA = a->length let lenB = b->length lenA < lenB - ? Ordering.less + ? Stdlib_Ordering.less : lenA > lenB - ? Ordering.greater + ? Stdlib_Ordering.greater : compareFromIndex(a, b, 0, cmp, lenA) } @@ -148,8 +150,8 @@ let lastIndexOfOpt = (arr, item) => @send external sliceToEnd: (array<'a>, ~start: int) => array<'a> = "slice" @send external copy: array<'a> => array<'a> = "slice" -@send external sort: (array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Ordering.t) => unit = "sort" -@send external toSorted: (array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Ordering.t) => array<'a> = "toSorted" +@send external sort: (array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => unit = "sort" +@send external toSorted: (array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => array<'a> = "toSorted" @send external toString: array<'a> => string = "toString" @send external toLocaleString: array<'a> => string = "toLocaleString" @@ -189,9 +191,9 @@ let reduceRightWithIndex = (arr, init, f) => reduceRightWithIndex(arr, f, init) @get_index external get: (array<'a>, int) => option<'a> = "" @set_index external set: (array<'a>, int, 'a) => unit = "" -@get_index external getSymbol: (array<'a>, Symbol.t) => option<'b> = "" -@get_index external getSymbolUnsafe: (array<'a>, Symbol.t) => 'b = "" -@set_index external setSymbol: (array<'a>, Symbol.t, 'b) => unit = "" +@get_index external getSymbol: (array<'a>, Stdlib_Symbol.t) => option<'b> = "" +@get_index external getSymbolUnsafe: (array<'a>, Stdlib_Symbol.t) => 'b = "" +@set_index external setSymbol: (array<'a>, Stdlib_Symbol.t, 'b) => unit = "" let findIndexOpt = (array: array<'a>, finder: 'a => bool): option => switch findIndex(array, finder) { diff --git a/runtime/Array.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Array.resi similarity index 97% rename from runtime/Array.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Array.resi index d6764c9023..a5fc024669 100644 --- a/runtime/Array.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Array.resi @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +type arrayLike<'a> + /** `fromIterator(iterator)` @@ -13,14 +15,14 @@ Map.fromArray([("foo", 1), ("bar", 2)]) ``` */ @val -external fromIterator: Iterator.t<'a> => array<'a> = "Array.from" +external fromIterator: Stdlib_Iterator.t<'a> => array<'a> = "Array.from" // TODO: Docs -@val external fromArrayLike: Js.Array2.array_like<'a> => array<'a> = "Array.from" +@val external fromArrayLike: arrayLike<'a> => array<'a> = "Array.from" // TODO: Docs @val -external fromArrayLikeWithMap: (Js.Array2.array_like<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b> = "Array.from" +external fromArrayLikeWithMap: (arrayLike<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b> = "Array.from" /** `make(~length, init)` @@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ let fromInitializer: (~length: int, int => 'a) => array<'a> let equal: (array<'a>, array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => bool) => bool -let compare: (array<'a>, array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Ordering.t) => Ordering.t +let compare: (array<'a>, array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => Stdlib_Ordering.t @val external isArray: 'a => bool = "Array.isArray" @@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ someArray->assertEqual([3, 2, 1]) // Original unchanged ``` */ @send -external toSorted: (array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Ordering.t) => array<'a> = "toSorted" +external toSorted: (array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => array<'a> = "toSorted" /** `sort(array, comparator)` sorts `array` in-place using the `comparator` function. @@ -281,7 +283,7 @@ array->assertEqual([1, 2, 3]) ``` */ @send -external sort: (array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Ordering.t) => unit = "sort" +external sort: (array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => unit = "sort" @variadic @send external splice: (array<'a>, ~start: int, ~remove: int, ~insert: array<'a>) => unit = "splice" @@ -953,9 +955,9 @@ array[1]->assertEqual(Some("Hello")) */ @set_index external set: (array<'a>, int, 'a) => unit = "" -@get_index external getSymbol: (array<'a>, Symbol.t) => option<'b> = "" -@get_index external getSymbolUnsafe: (array<'a>, Symbol.t) => 'b = "" -@set_index external setSymbol: (array<'a>, Symbol.t, 'b) => unit = "" +@get_index external getSymbol: (array<'a>, Stdlib_Symbol.t) => option<'b> = "" +@get_index external getSymbolUnsafe: (array<'a>, Stdlib_Symbol.t) => 'b = "" +@set_index external setSymbol: (array<'a>, Stdlib_Symbol.t, 'b) => unit = "" /** `getUnsafe(array, index)` returns the element at `index` of `array`. diff --git a/runtime/ArrayBuffer.res b/runtime/Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.res similarity index 85% rename from runtime/ArrayBuffer.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.res index 0beb684b40..2b0cf3a36b 100644 --- a/runtime/ArrayBuffer.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.res @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -type t = Js.TypedArray2.ArrayBuffer.t +type t @new external make: int => t = "ArrayBuffer" @get external byteLength: t => int = "byteLength" diff --git a/runtime/AsyncIterator.res b/runtime/Stdlib_AsyncIterator.res similarity index 100% rename from runtime/AsyncIterator.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_AsyncIterator.res diff --git a/runtime/AsyncIterator.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_AsyncIterator.resi similarity index 100% rename from runtime/AsyncIterator.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_AsyncIterator.resi diff --git a/runtime/BigInt.res b/runtime/Stdlib_BigInt.res similarity index 95% rename from runtime/BigInt.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_BigInt.res index a9fca8a7df..b39efdae0d 100644 --- a/runtime/BigInt.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_BigInt.res @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ See [`toString`]( ```rescript /* prints "123" */ -Js.BigInt.toString(123n)->Js.log +BigInt.toString(123n)->Console.log ``` */ external toString: (bigint, ~radix: int=?) => string = "toString" @@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ Returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this BigInt value. ```rescript /* prints "123" */ -Js.BigInt.toString(123n)->Js.log +BigInt.toString(123n)->Console.log ``` */ external toLocaleString: bigint => string = "toLocaleString" @val external toFloat: bigint => float = "Number" -let toInt = t => t->toFloat->Int.fromFloat +let toInt = t => t->toFloat->Stdlib_Int.fromFloat external \"+": (bigint, bigint) => bigint = "%addbigint" external \"-": (bigint, bigint) => bigint = "%subbigint" diff --git a/runtime/BigInt64Array.res b/runtime/Stdlib_BigInt64Array.res similarity index 91% rename from runtime/BigInt64Array.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_BigInt64Array.res index 4435a72108..79e6233ad9 100644 --- a/runtime/BigInt64Array.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_BigInt64Array.res @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /** The `BigInt64Array` typed array represents an array of 64-bit signed integers in platform byte order. See [BigInt64Array on MDN]( */ -type t = TypedArray.t +type t = Stdlib_TypedArray.t module Constants = { /**`bytesPerElement` returns the element size. See [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT on MDN]( @@ -19,21 +19,22 @@ external fromArray: array => t = "BigInt64Array" **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBuffer: ArrayBuffer.t => t = "BigInt64Array" +external fromBuffer: Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t => t = "BigInt64Array" /** `fromBufferToEnd` creates a `BigInt64Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and continuing through to the end. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferToEnd: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "BigInt64Array" +external fromBufferToEnd: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "BigInt64Array" /** `fromBufferWithRange` creates a `BigInt64Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and consuming `length` **bytes**. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferWithRange: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = "BigInt64Array" +external fromBufferWithRange: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = + "BigInt64Array" /** `fromLength` creates a zero-initialized `BigInt64Array` to hold the specified count of numbers; this is **not** a byte length. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( diff --git a/runtime/BigUint64Array.res b/runtime/Stdlib_BigUint64Array.res similarity index 91% rename from runtime/BigUint64Array.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_BigUint64Array.res index d9f527d59a..10d091f2b1 100644 --- a/runtime/BigUint64Array.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_BigUint64Array.res @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /** The `BigUint64Array` typed array represents an array of 64-bit unsigned integers in platform byte order. See [BigUint64Array on MDN]( */ -type t = TypedArray.t +type t = Stdlib_TypedArray.t module Constants = { /**`bytesPerElement` returns the element size. See [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT on MDN]( @@ -19,21 +19,21 @@ external fromArray: array => t = "BigUint64Array" **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBuffer: ArrayBuffer.t => t = "BigUint64Array" +external fromBuffer: Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t => t = "BigUint64Array" /** `fromBufferToEnd` creates a `BigUint64Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and continuing through to the end. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferToEnd: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "BigUint64Array" +external fromBufferToEnd: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "BigUint64Array" /** `fromBufferWithRange` creates a `BigUint64Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and consuming `length` **bytes**. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferWithRange: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = +external fromBufferWithRange: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = "BigUint64Array" /** `fromLength` creates a zero-initialized `BigUint64Array` to hold the specified count of numbers; this is **not** a byte length. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( diff --git a/runtime/Console.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Console.res similarity index 100% rename from runtime/Console.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Console.res diff --git a/runtime/Console.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Console.resi similarity index 100% rename from runtime/Console.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Console.resi diff --git a/runtime/DataView.res b/runtime/Stdlib_DataView.res similarity index 80% rename from runtime/DataView.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_DataView.res index 8c75a4dff1..3143b6570f 100644 --- a/runtime/DataView.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_DataView.res @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ type t -@new external fromBuffer: ArrayBuffer.t => t = "DataView" -@new external fromBufferToEnd: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "DataView" +@new external fromBuffer: Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t => t = "DataView" +@new external fromBufferToEnd: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "DataView" @new -external fromBufferWithRange: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = "DataView" +external fromBufferWithRange: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = + "DataView" -@get external buffer: t => ArrayBuffer.t = "buffer" +@get external buffer: t => Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t = "buffer" @get external byteLength: t => int = "byteLength" @get external byteOffset: t => int = "byteOffset" diff --git a/runtime/Date.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Date.res similarity index 98% rename from runtime/Date.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Date.res index 925afcc190..acf8edd8cd 100644 --- a/runtime/Date.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Date.res @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -type t = Js.Date.t +type t type msSinceEpoch = float @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ module UTC = { let equal = (a, b) => a->getTime === b->getTime -let compare = (a, b) =>>getTime, b->getTime) +let compare = (a, b) =>>getTime, b->getTime) // Locale @send external getFullYear: t => int = "getFullYear" diff --git a/runtime/Date.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Date.resi similarity index 99% rename from runtime/Date.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Date.resi index f0d975ba1a..85d0592268 100644 --- a/runtime/Date.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Date.resi @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ /** A type representing a JavaScript date. */ -type t = Js.Date.t +type t /** Time, in milliseconds, since / until the UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC). @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ external now: unit => msSinceEpoch = "" let equal: (t, t) => bool -let compare: (t, t) => Ordering.t +let compare: (t, t) => Stdlib_Ordering.t /** `getTime(date)` diff --git a/runtime/Dict.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Dict.res similarity index 81% rename from runtime/Dict.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Dict.res index 365d4eda0f..0c5b82372f 100644 --- a/runtime/Dict.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Dict.res @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ let delete = (dict, string) => { @obj external make: unit => dict<'a> = "" @val external fromArray: array<(string, 'a)> => dict<'a> = "Object.fromEntries" -@val external fromIterator: Iterator.t<(string, 'a)> => dict<'a> = "Object.fromEntries" +@val external fromIterator: Stdlib_Iterator.t<(string, 'a)> => dict<'a> = "Object.fromEntries" @val external toArray: dict<'a> => array<(string, 'a)> = "Object.entries" @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ let delete = (dict, string) => { @val external copy: (@as(json`{}`) _, dict<'a>) => dict<'a> = "Object.assign" let forEach = (dict, f) => { - dict->valuesToArray->Array.forEach(value => f(value)) + dict->valuesToArray->Stdlib_Array.forEach(value => f(value)) } let forEachWithKey = (dict, f) => { - dict->toArray->Array.forEach(((key, value)) => f(value, key)) + dict->toArray->Stdlib_Array.forEach(((key, value)) => f(value, key)) } let mapValues = (dict, f) => { diff --git a/runtime/Dict.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Dict.resi similarity index 98% rename from runtime/Dict.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Dict.resi index ffd5c2a377..94b5c14d52 100644 --- a/runtime/Dict.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Dict.resi @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ iterator ``` */ @val -external fromIterator: Iterator.t<(string, 'a)> => dict<'a> = "Object.fromEntries" +external fromIterator: Stdlib_Iterator.t<(string, 'a)> => dict<'a> = "Object.fromEntries" /** `toArray(dictionary)` returns an array of all the key/value pairs of the dictionary. diff --git a/runtime/Error.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Error.res similarity index 97% rename from runtime/Error.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Error.res index 8f16aedfff..558a1bbb60 100644 --- a/runtime/Error.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Error.res @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -type t = Js.Exn.t +type t = Stdlib_Exn.t let fromException: exn => option = exn => switch Obj.magic(exn) { diff --git a/runtime/Error.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Error.resi similarity index 99% rename from runtime/Error.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Error.resi index 8636a9c4ee..b8bf3a5585 100644 --- a/runtime/Error.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Error.resi @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ See [`Error`]( */ /** Represents a JavaScript exception. */ -type t = Js.Exn.t +type t = Stdlib_Exn.t let fromException: exn => option diff --git a/runtime/Exn.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Exn.res similarity index 100% rename from runtime/Exn.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Exn.res diff --git a/runtime/Exn.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Exn.resi similarity index 97% rename from runtime/Exn.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Exn.resi index e8dc04855b..c8bc764535 100644 --- a/runtime/Exn.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Exn.resi @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let asJsExn: exn => option /** `anyToExnInternal(obj)` will take any value `obj` and wrap it -in a Js.Exn.Error if given value is not an exn already. If +in a Exn.Error if given value is not an exn already. If `obj` is an exn, it will return `obj` without any changes. This function is mostly useful for cases where you want to unify a type of a value diff --git a/runtime/Float.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Float.res similarity index 96% rename from runtime/Float.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Float.res index 3d02c66f75..13189644b5 100644 --- a/runtime/Float.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Float.res @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module Constants = { external equal: (float, float) => bool = "%equal" -external compare: (float, float) => Ordering.t = "%compare" +external compare: (float, float) => Stdlib_Ordering.t = "%compare" @val external isNaN: float => bool = "isNaN" @val external isFinite: float => bool = "isFinite" diff --git a/runtime/Float.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Float.resi similarity index 99% rename from runtime/Float.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Float.resi index 291067f80f..2241a08aff 100644 --- a/runtime/Float.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Float.resi @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ module Constants: { external equal: (float, float) => bool = "%equal" -external compare: (float, float) => Ordering.t = "%compare" +external compare: (float, float) => Stdlib_Ordering.t = "%compare" /** `isNaN(v)` tests if the given `v` is `NaN`. diff --git a/runtime/Float32Array.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Float32Array.res similarity index 91% rename from runtime/Float32Array.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Float32Array.res index 6c04d070a8..ea81017f84 100644 --- a/runtime/Float32Array.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Float32Array.res @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /** The `Float32Array` typed array represents an array of 32-bit floating point numbers in platform byte order. See [Float32Array on MDN]( */ -type t = TypedArray.t +type t = Stdlib_TypedArray.t module Constants = { /**`bytesPerElement` returns the element size. See [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT on MDN]( @@ -19,21 +19,22 @@ external fromArray: array => t = "Float32Array" **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBuffer: ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Float32Array" +external fromBuffer: Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Float32Array" /** `fromBufferToEnd` creates a `Float32Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and continuing through to the end. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferToEnd: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Float32Array" +external fromBufferToEnd: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Float32Array" /** `fromBufferWithRange` creates a `Float32Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and consuming `length` **bytes**. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferWithRange: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = "Float32Array" +external fromBufferWithRange: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = + "Float32Array" /** `fromLength` creates a zero-initialized `Float32Array` to hold the specified count of numbers; this is **not** a byte length. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( diff --git a/runtime/Float64Array.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Float64Array.res similarity index 91% rename from runtime/Float64Array.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Float64Array.res index 03203eb189..0d48724e9a 100644 --- a/runtime/Float64Array.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Float64Array.res @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /** The `Float64Array` typed array represents an array of 64-bit floating point numbers in platform byte order. See [Float64Array on MDN]( */ -type t = TypedArray.t +type t = Stdlib_TypedArray.t module Constants = { /**`bytesPerElement` returns the element size. See [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT on MDN]( @@ -19,21 +19,22 @@ external fromArray: array => t = "Float64Array" **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBuffer: ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Float64Array" +external fromBuffer: Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Float64Array" /** `fromBufferToEnd` creates a `Float64Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and continuing through to the end. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferToEnd: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Float64Array" +external fromBufferToEnd: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Float64Array" /** `fromBufferWithRange` creates a `Float64Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and consuming `length` **bytes**. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferWithRange: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = "Float64Array" +external fromBufferWithRange: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = + "Float64Array" /** `fromLength` creates a zero-initialized `Float64Array` to hold the specified count of numbers; this is **not** a byte length. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( diff --git a/runtime/Stdlib_Global.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Global.res new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cdc03175b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Global.res @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +type timeoutId + +@val external setTimeout: (unit => unit, int) => timeoutId = "setTimeout" +@val external setTimeoutFloat: (unit => unit, float) => timeoutId = "setTimeout" +@val external clearTimeout: timeoutId => unit = "clearTimeout" + +type intervalId + +@val external setInterval: (unit => unit, int) => intervalId = "setInterval" +@val external setIntervalFloat: (unit => unit, float) => intervalId = "setInterval" +@val external clearInterval: intervalId => unit = "clearInterval" + +@val external encodeURI: string => string = "encodeURI" +@val external decodeURI: string => string = "decodeURI" + +@val external encodeURIComponent: string => string = "encodeURIComponent" +@val external decodeURIComponent: string => string = "decodeURIComponent" diff --git a/runtime/Stdlib_Global.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Global.resi new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5619d08e77 --- /dev/null +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Global.resi @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +/*** +Bindings to functions available in the global JavaScript scope. +*/ + +/** +An `id` representing a timeout started via `setTimeout`. + +See [`setTimeout`]( on MDN. +*/ +type timeoutId + +/** +`setTimeout(callback, durationInMilliseconds)` starts a timer that will execute `callback` after `durationInMilliseconds`. + +See [`setTimeout`]( on MDN. + +## Examples + +```rescript +// Log to the console after 200 milliseconds. +let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { + Console.log("This prints in 200 ms.") +}, 200) +``` +*/ +@val +external setTimeout: (unit => unit, int) => timeoutId = "setTimeout" + +/** +`setTimeoutFloat(callback, durationInMilliseconds)` starts a timer that will execute `callback` after `durationInMilliseconds`. + +The same as `setTimeout`, but allows you to pass a `float` instead of an `int` for the duration. + +See [`setTimeout`]( on MDN. + +## Examples + +```rescript +// Log to the console after 200 milliseconds. +let timeoutId = setTimeoutFloat(() => { + Console.log("This prints in 200 ms.") +}, 200.) +``` +*/ +@val +external setTimeoutFloat: (unit => unit, float) => timeoutId = "setTimeout" + +/** +`clearTimeout(timeoutId)` clears a scheduled timeout if it hasn't already executed. + +See [`clearTimeout`]( on MDN. + +## Examples + +```rescript +let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { + Console.log("This prints in 2 seconds.") +}, 2000) + +// Clearing the timeout right away, before 2 seconds has passed, means that the above callback logging to the console will never run. +clearTimeout(timeoutId) +``` +*/ +@val +external clearTimeout: timeoutId => unit = "clearTimeout" + +/** +An `id` representing an interval started via `setInterval`. + +See [`setInterval`]( on MDN. +*/ +type intervalId + +/** +`setInterval(callback, intervalInMilliseconds)` starts an interval that will execute `callback` every `durationInMilliseconds` milliseconds. + +See [`setInterval`]( on MDN. + +## Examples + +```rescript +// Log to the console ever 200 ms (200 milliseconds). +let intervalId = setInterval(() => { + Console.log("This prints every 200 ms.") +}, 200) + +let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { + clearInterval(intervalId) +}, 500) +``` +*/ +@val +external setInterval: (unit => unit, int) => intervalId = "setInterval" + +/** +`setIntervalFloat(callback, intervalInMilliseconds)` starts an interval that will execute `callback` every `durationInMilliseconds` milliseconds. + +The same as `setInterval`, but allows you to pass a `float` instead of an `int` for the duration. + +See [`setInterval`]( on MDN. + +## Examples + +```rescript +// Log to the console ever 2 seconds (200 milliseconds). +let intervalId = setIntervalFloat(() => { + Console.log("This prints every 200 ms") +}, 200.) + +// Stop the interval after 500 ms +let timeoutId = setTimeoutFloat(() => { + clearInterval(intervalId) +}, 500.0) +``` +*/ +@val +external setIntervalFloat: (unit => unit, float) => intervalId = "setInterval" + +/** +`clearInterval(intervalId)` clears a scheduled interval. + +See [`clearInterval`]( on MDN. + +## Examples + +```rescript +let intervalId = setInterval(() => { + Console.log("This prints in 100 ms") +}, 100) + +// Stop the interval after 500 ms +let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { + clearInterval(intervalId) +}, 500) +``` +*/ +@val +external clearInterval: intervalId => unit = "clearInterval" + +/** +Encodes a URI by replacing characters in the provided string that aren't valid in a URL. + +This is intended to operate on full URIs, so it encodes fewer characters than what `encodeURIComponent` does. +If you're looking to encode just parts of a URI, like a query parameter, prefer `encodeURIComponent`. + +See [`encodeURI`]( on MDN. + +## Examples +```rescript +Console.log(encodeURI("[someValue]")) +// Logs "" to the console. +``` + +*/ +@val +external encodeURI: string => string = "encodeURI" + +/** +Decodes a previously encoded URI back to a regular string. + +This is intended to operate on full URIs, so it decodes fewer characters than what `decodeURIComponent` does. +If you're looking to decode just parts of a URI, like a query parameter, prefer `decodeURIComponent`. + +See [`decodeURI`]( on MDN. + +## Examples +```rescript +Console.log(decodeURI("")) +// Logs "[someValue]" to the console. +``` +*/ +@val +external decodeURI: string => string = "decodeURI" + +/** +Encodes a string so it can be used as part of a URI. + +See [`encodeURIComponent`]( on MDN. + +## Examples +```rescript +Console.log(encodeURIComponent("array=[someValue]")) +// Logs "array%3D%5BsomeValue%5D" to the console. +``` +*/ +@val +external encodeURIComponent: string => string = "encodeURIComponent" + +/** +Decodes a previously URI encoded string back to its original form. + +See [`decodeURIComponent`]( on MDN. + +## Examples +```rescript +Console.log(decodeURIComponent("array%3D%5BsomeValue%5D")) +// Logs "array=[someValue]" to the console. +``` +*/ +@val +external decodeURIComponent: string => string = "decodeURIComponent" diff --git a/runtime/Int.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Int.res similarity index 85% rename from runtime/Int.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Int.res index 44a7a8a0c2..ffee8b8742 100644 --- a/runtime/Int.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Int.res @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Constants = { external equal: (int, int) => bool = "%equal" -external compare: (int, int) => Ordering.t = "%compare" +external compare: (int, int) => Stdlib_Ordering.t = "%compare" @send external toExponential: (int, ~digits: int=?) => string = "toExponential" @deprecated("Use `toExponential` instead") @send @@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ external fromFloat: float => int = "%intoffloat" let fromString = (x, ~radix=?) => { let maybeInt = switch radix { - | Some(radix) => Float.parseInt(x, ~radix) - | None => Float.parseInt(x) + | Some(radix) => Stdlib_Float.parseInt(x, ~radix) + | None => Stdlib_Float.parseInt(x) } - if Float.isNaN(maybeInt) { + if Stdlib_Float.isNaN(maybeInt) { None } else if maybeInt > Constants.maxValue->toFloat || maybeInt < Constants.minValue->toFloat { None @@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ let range = (start, end, ~options: rangeOptions={}) => { let step = switch options.step { | None => isInverted ? -1 : 1 - | Some(0) if start !== end => Error.raise(Error.RangeError.make("Incorrect range arguments")) + | Some(0) if start !== end => + Stdlib_Error.raise(Stdlib_Error.RangeError.make("Incorrect range arguments")) | Some(n) => n } @@ -72,10 +73,10 @@ let range = (start, end, ~options: rangeOptions={}) => { } else { let range = isInverted ? start - end : end - start let range = options.inclusive === Some(true) ? range + 1 : range - ceil(Float.fromInt(range) /. Float.fromInt(abs(step)))->Float.toInt + ceil(Stdlib_Float.fromInt(range) /. Stdlib_Float.fromInt(abs(step)))->Stdlib_Float.toInt } - Array.fromInitializer(~length, i => start + i * step) + Stdlib_Array.fromInitializer(~length, i => start + i * step) } @deprecated("Use `range` instead") @send diff --git a/runtime/Int.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Int.resi similarity index 99% rename from runtime/Int.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Int.resi index 9e6f48f160..9d4b5f1849 100644 --- a/runtime/Int.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Int.resi @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module Constants: { external equal: (int, int) => bool = "%equal" -external compare: (int, int) => Ordering.t = "%compare" +external compare: (int, int) => Stdlib_Ordering.t = "%compare" /** `toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in diff --git a/runtime/Int16Array.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Int16Array.res similarity index 91% rename from runtime/Int16Array.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Int16Array.res index 8fe25cf2ae..02a7101604 100644 --- a/runtime/Int16Array.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Int16Array.res @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /** The `Int16Array` typed array represents an array of twos-complement 16-bit signed integers in platform byte order. See [Int16Array on MDN]( */ -type t = TypedArray.t +type t = Stdlib_TypedArray.t module Constants = { /**`bytesPerElement` returns the element size. See [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT on MDN]( @@ -19,21 +19,22 @@ external fromArray: array => t = "Int16Array" **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBuffer: ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Int16Array" +external fromBuffer: Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Int16Array" /** `fromBufferToEnd` creates a `Int16Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and continuing through to the end. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferToEnd: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Int16Array" +external fromBufferToEnd: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Int16Array" /** `fromBufferWithRange` creates a `Int16Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and consuming `length` **bytes**. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferWithRange: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = "Int16Array" +external fromBufferWithRange: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = + "Int16Array" /** `fromLength` creates a zero-initialized `Int16Array` to hold the specified count of numbers; this is **not** a byte length. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( diff --git a/runtime/Int32Array.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Int32Array.res similarity index 91% rename from runtime/Int32Array.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Int32Array.res index febba5a2c7..9c14ac358f 100644 --- a/runtime/Int32Array.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Int32Array.res @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /** The `Int32Array` typed array represents an array of twos-complemenet 32-bit signed integers in platform byte order. See [Int32Array on MDN]( */ -type t = TypedArray.t +type t = Stdlib_TypedArray.t module Constants = { /**`bytesPerElement` returns the element size. See [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT on MDN]( @@ -19,21 +19,22 @@ external fromArray: array => t = "Int32Array" **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBuffer: ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Int32Array" +external fromBuffer: Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Int32Array" /** `fromBufferToEnd` creates a `Int32Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and continuing through to the end. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferToEnd: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Int32Array" +external fromBufferToEnd: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Int32Array" /** `fromBufferWithRange` creates a `Int32Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and consuming `length` **bytes**. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferWithRange: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = "Int32Array" +external fromBufferWithRange: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = + "Int32Array" /** `fromLength` creates a zero-initialized `Int32Array` to hold the specified count of numbers; this is **not** a byte length. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( diff --git a/runtime/Int8Array.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Int8Array.res similarity index 91% rename from runtime/Int8Array.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Int8Array.res index 3c8e14ba8b..df120a6340 100644 --- a/runtime/Int8Array.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Int8Array.res @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /** The `Int8Array` typed array represents an array of twos-complement 8-bit signed integers. See [Int8Array on MDN]( */ -type t = TypedArray.t +type t = Stdlib_TypedArray.t module Constants = { /**`bytesPerElement` returns the element size. See [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT on MDN]( @@ -19,21 +19,22 @@ external fromArray: array => t = "Int8Array" **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBuffer: ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Int8Array" +external fromBuffer: Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Int8Array" /** `fromBufferToEnd` creates a `Int8Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and continuing through to the end. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferToEnd: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Int8Array" +external fromBufferToEnd: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Int8Array" /** `fromBufferWithRange` creates a `Int8Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and consuming `length` **bytes**. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferWithRange: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = "Int8Array" +external fromBufferWithRange: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = + "Int8Array" /** `fromLength` creates a zero-initialized `Int8Array` to hold the specified count of numbers; this is **not** a byte length. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( diff --git a/runtime/Stdlib_Intl.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl.res new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1b6d72794b --- /dev/null +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl.res @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +module Common = Stdlib_Intl_Common +module Collator = Stdlib_Intl_Collator +module DateTimeFormat = Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat +module ListFormat = Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat +module Locale = Stdlib_Intl_Locale +module NumberFormat = Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat +module PluralRules = Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules +module RelativeTimeFormat = Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat +module Segmenter = Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter +module Segments = Stdlib_Intl_Segments + +/** +@throws RangeError +*/ +external getCanonicalLocalesExn: string => array = "Intl.getCanonicalLocales" + +/** +@throws RangeError +*/ +external getCanonicalLocalesManyExn: array => array = "Intl.getCanonicalLocales" + +/** +@throws RangeError +*/ +external supportedValuesOfExn: string => array = "Intl.supportedValuesOf" diff --git a/runtime/Intl_Collator.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Collator.res similarity index 80% rename from runtime/Intl_Collator.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Collator.res index 352f6252b4..c3def972ad 100644 --- a/runtime/Intl_Collator.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Collator.res @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ type sensitivity = [#base | #accent | #case | #variant] type caseFirst = [#upper | #lower | #"false"] type options = { - localeMatcher?: Intl_Common.localeMatcher, + localeMatcher?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher, usage?: usage, sensitivity?: sensitivity, ignorePunctuation?: bool, @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ type resolvedOptions = { usage: usage, sensitivity: sensitivity, ignorePunctuation: bool, - collation: [Intl_Common.collation | #default], + collation: [Stdlib_Intl_Common.collation | #default], numeric?: bool, caseFirst?: caseFirst, } -type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Intl_Common.localeMatcher} +type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher} @new external make: (~locales: array=?, ~options: options=?) => t = "Intl.Collator" diff --git a/runtime/Intl_Common.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Common.res similarity index 100% rename from runtime/Intl_Common.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Common.res diff --git a/runtime/Intl_DateTimeFormat.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.res similarity index 78% rename from runtime/Intl_DateTimeFormat.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.res index 12738b5e0d..445ead35d6 100644 --- a/runtime/Intl_DateTimeFormat.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_DateTimeFormat.res @@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ type fractionalSecondDigits = [#0 | #1 | #2 | #3] type options = { dateStyle?: dateStyle, // can be used with timeStyle, but not other options timeStyle?: timeStyle, // can be used with dateStyle, but not other options - calendar?: Intl_Common.calendar, + calendar?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.calendar, dayPeriod?: dayPeriod, // only has an effect if a 12-hour clock is used - numberingSystem?: Intl_Common.numberingSystem, - localeMatcher?: Intl_Common.localeMatcher, + numberingSystem?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.numberingSystem, + localeMatcher?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher, timeZone?: string, hour12?: bool, hourCycle?: hourCycle, @@ -66,15 +66,15 @@ type resolvedOptions = { second?: second, fractionalSecondDigits?: fractionalSecondDigits, timeZoneName?: timeZoneName, - calendar: Intl_Common.calendar, + calendar: Stdlib_Intl_Common.calendar, hour12: bool, hourCycle: hourCycle, locale: string, - numberingSystem: Intl_Common.numberingSystem, + numberingSystem: Stdlib_Intl_Common.numberingSystem, timeZone: string, } -type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Intl_Common.localeMatcher} +type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher} type dateTimeComponent = [ | #day @@ -113,13 +113,17 @@ external supportedLocalesOf: (array, ~options: supportedLocalesOptions=? @send external resolvedOptions: t => resolvedOptions = "resolvedOptions" -@send external format: (t, Date.t) => string = "format" +@send external format: (t, Stdlib_Date.t) => string = "format" @send -external formatToParts: (t, Date.t) => array = "formatToParts" +external formatToParts: (t, Stdlib_Date.t) => array = "formatToParts" @send -external formatRange: (t, ~startDate: Date.t, ~endDate: Date.t) => string = "formatRange" +external formatRange: (t, ~startDate: Stdlib_Date.t, ~endDate: Stdlib_Date.t) => string = + "formatRange" @send -external formatRangeToParts: (t, ~startDate: Date.t, ~endDate: Date.t) => array = - "formatRangeToParts" +external formatRangeToParts: ( + t, + ~startDate: Stdlib_Date.t, + ~endDate: Stdlib_Date.t, +) => array = "formatRangeToParts" diff --git a/runtime/Intl_ListFormat.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.res similarity index 86% rename from runtime/Intl_ListFormat.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.res index 0de3d99917..bbc84d8aa7 100644 --- a/runtime/Intl_ListFormat.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_ListFormat.res @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ type style = [ ] type options = { - localeMatcher?: Intl_Common.localeMatcher, + localeMatcher?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher, \"type"?: listType, style?: style, } @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ type resolvedOptions = { \"type": listType, } -type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Intl_Common.localeMatcher} +type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher} @new external make: (~locales: array=?, ~options: options=?) => t = "Intl.ListFormat" diff --git a/runtime/Intl_Locale.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Locale.res similarity index 86% rename from runtime/Intl_Locale.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Locale.res index de82a0aa1c..96363f5935 100644 --- a/runtime/Intl_Locale.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Locale.res @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ type t type options = { baseName?: string, - calendar?: Intl_Common.calendar, - collation?: Intl_Common.collation, + calendar?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.calendar, + collation?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.collation, hourCycle?: [#h11 | #h12 | #h23 | #h24], caseFirst?: [#upper | #lower | #"false"], - numberingSystem?: Intl_Common.numberingSystem, + numberingSystem?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.numberingSystem, numeric?: bool, language?: string, script?: string, diff --git a/runtime/Intl_NumberFormat.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.res similarity index 84% rename from runtime/Intl_NumberFormat.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.res index e6262ea706..5061d5a193 100644 --- a/runtime/Intl_NumberFormat.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat.res @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -module Grouping = Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping +module Grouping = Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping type t @@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ type trailingZeroDisplay = [#auto | #stripIfInteger | #lessPrecision] type options = { compactDisplay?: compactDisplay, - numberingSystem?: Intl_Common.numberingSystem, + numberingSystem?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.numberingSystem, currency?: currency, currencyDisplay?: currencyDisplay, currencySign?: currencySign, - localeMatcher?: Intl_Common.localeMatcher, + localeMatcher?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher, notation?: notation, signDisplay?: signDisplay, style?: style, @@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ type options = { */ trailingZeroDisplay?: trailingZeroDisplay, // use either this group - minimumIntegerDigits?: Intl_Common.oneTo21, - minimumFractionDigits?: Intl_Common.zeroTo20, - maximumFractionDigits?: Intl_Common.zeroTo20, + minimumIntegerDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.oneTo21, + minimumFractionDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.zeroTo20, + maximumFractionDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.zeroTo20, // OR these - minimumSignificantDigits?: Intl_Common.oneTo21, - maximumSignificantDigits?: Intl_Common.oneTo21, + minimumSignificantDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.oneTo21, + maximumSignificantDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.oneTo21, } type resolvedOptions = { @@ -116,22 +116,22 @@ type resolvedOptions = { roundingPriority?: roundingPriority, // not available in firefox v110 roundingIncrement?: roundingIncrement, // not available in firefox v110 // either this group - minimumIntegerDigits?: Intl_Common.oneTo21, - minimumFractionDigits?: Intl_Common.zeroTo20, - maximumFractionDigits?: Intl_Common.zeroTo20, + minimumIntegerDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.oneTo21, + minimumFractionDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.zeroTo20, + maximumFractionDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.zeroTo20, // OR these - minimumSignificantDigits?: Intl_Common.oneTo21, - maximumSignificantDigits?: Intl_Common.oneTo21, + minimumSignificantDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.oneTo21, + maximumSignificantDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.oneTo21, // always present locale: string, notation: notation, - numberingSystem: Intl_Common.numberingSystem, + numberingSystem: Stdlib_Intl_Common.numberingSystem, signDisplay: signDisplay, style: style, useGrouping: Grouping.t, } -type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Intl_Common.localeMatcher} +type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher} type numberFormatPartType = [ | #compact diff --git a/runtime/Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.res similarity index 88% rename from runtime/Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.res index 600b06ba1e..12dc872108 100644 --- a/runtime/Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.res @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ external fromBool: bool => t = "%identity" external fromString: [#always | #auto | #min2] => t = "%identity" let parseJsValue = value => - switch Type.Classify.classify(value) { + switch Stdlib_Type.Classify.classify(value) { | String("always") => Some(#always) | String("auto") => Some(#auto) | String("min2") => Some(#min2) diff --git a/runtime/Intl_PluralRules.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.res similarity index 63% rename from runtime/Intl_PluralRules.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.res index 9da532bf81..943235f411 100644 --- a/runtime/Intl_PluralRules.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_PluralRules.res @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ type t type localeType = [#cardinal | #ordinal] type options = { - localeMatcher?: Intl_Common.localeMatcher, + localeMatcher?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher, \"type"?: localeType, // use either this group - minimumIntegerDigits?: Intl_Common.oneTo21, - minimumFractionDigits?: Intl_Common.zeroTo20, - maximumFractionDigits?: Intl_Common.zeroTo20, + minimumIntegerDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.oneTo21, + minimumFractionDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.zeroTo20, + maximumFractionDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.zeroTo20, // OR this group - minimumSignificantDigits?: Intl_Common.oneTo21, - maximumSignificantDigits?: Intl_Common.oneTo21, + minimumSignificantDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.oneTo21, + maximumSignificantDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.oneTo21, } type pluralCategories = [ @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ type resolvedOptions = { pluralCategories: array, \"type": localeType, // either this group - minimumIntegerDigits?: Intl_Common.oneTo21, - minimumFractionDigits?: Intl_Common.zeroTo20, - maximumFractionDigits?: Intl_Common.zeroTo20, + minimumIntegerDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.oneTo21, + minimumFractionDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.zeroTo20, + maximumFractionDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.zeroTo20, // OR this group - minimumSignificantDigits?: Intl_Common.oneTo21, - maximumSignificantDigits?: Intl_Common.oneTo21, + minimumSignificantDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.oneTo21, + maximumSignificantDigits?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.oneTo21, } -type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Intl_Common.localeMatcher} +type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher} @new external make: (~locales: array=?, ~options: options=?) => t = "Intl.PluralRules" diff --git a/runtime/Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.res similarity index 87% rename from runtime/Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.res index 1d53db642d..d0f5de16a8 100644 --- a/runtime/Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_RelativeTimeFormat.res @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ type style = [#long | #short | #narrow] type timeUnit = [#year | #quarter | #month | #week | #day | #hour | #minute | #second] type options = { - localeMatcher?: Intl_Common.localeMatcher, + localeMatcher?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher, numeric?: numeric, style?: style, } -type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Intl_Common.localeMatcher} +type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher} type resolvedOptions = { locale: string, diff --git a/runtime/Intl_Segmenter.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.res similarity index 74% rename from runtime/Intl_Segmenter.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.res index cd5306b962..357d489122 100644 --- a/runtime/Intl_Segmenter.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Segmenter.res @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ type t type granularity = [#grapheme | #word | #sentence] type options = { - localeMatcher?: Intl_Common.localeMatcher, + localeMatcher?: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher, granularity?: granularity, } @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ type pluralCategories = [ type resolvedOptions = {locale: string, granularity: granularity} -type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Intl_Common.localeMatcher} +type supportedLocalesOptions = {localeMatcher: Stdlib_Intl_Common.localeMatcher} @new external make: (~locales: array=?, ~options: options=?) => t = "Intl.Segmenter" @@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ external supportedLocalesOf: (array, ~options: supportedLocalesOptions=? @send external resolvedOptions: t => resolvedOptions = "resolvedOptions" -@send external segment: (t, string) => Intl_Segments.t = "segment" +@send external segment: (t, string) => Stdlib_Intl_Segments.t = "segment" diff --git a/runtime/Intl_Segments.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Segments.res similarity index 100% rename from runtime/Intl_Segments.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Intl_Segments.res diff --git a/runtime/Iterator.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Iterator.res similarity index 100% rename from runtime/Iterator.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Iterator.res diff --git a/runtime/Iterator.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Iterator.resi similarity index 100% rename from runtime/Iterator.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Iterator.resi diff --git a/runtime/JSON.res b/runtime/Stdlib_JSON.res similarity index 81% rename from runtime/JSON.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_JSON.res index f31d94be14..67c9213d9d 100644 --- a/runtime/JSON.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_JSON.res @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ @unboxed -type rec t = Js.Json.t = +type rec t = | Boolean(bool) | @as(null) Null | String(string) @@ -42,6 +42,13 @@ external stringifyAnyWithFilter: ('a, array) => string = "JSON.stringify external stringifyAnyWithFilterAndIndent: ('a, array, int) => string = "JSON.stringify" module Classify = { + @val external _internalClass: 'a => string = "" + external _asBool: 'a => bool = "%identity" + external _asString: 'a => string = "%identity" + external _asFloat: 'a => float = "%identity" + external _asArray: 'a => array = "%identity" + external _asDict: 'a => dict = "%identity" + type t = | Bool(bool) | Null @@ -50,13 +57,6 @@ module Classify = { | Object(dict) | Array(array) - @val external _internalClass: 'a => string = "" - external _asBool: 'a => bool = "%identity" - external _asString: 'a => string = "%identity" - external _asFloat: 'a => float = "%identity" - external _asArray: 'a => array = "%identity" - external _asDict: 'a => dict = "%identity" - let classify = value => { switch _internalClass(value) { | "[object Boolean]" => Bool(_asBool(value)) @@ -80,15 +80,22 @@ module Encode = { } module Decode = { - let bool = (json: t) => Type.typeof(json) === #boolean ? Some((Obj.magic(json): bool)) : None - let null = (json: t) => Obj.magic(json) === Null.null ? Some(Null.null) : None - let string = (json: t) => Type.typeof(json) === #string ? Some((Obj.magic(json): string)) : None - let float = (json: t) => Type.typeof(json) === #number ? Some((Obj.magic(json): float)) : None + let bool = (json: t) => + Stdlib_Type.typeof(json) === #boolean ? Some((Obj.magic(json): bool)) : None + let null = (json: t) => Obj.magic(json) === Stdlib_Null.null ? Some(Stdlib_Null.null) : None + let string = (json: t) => + Stdlib_Type.typeof(json) === #string ? Some((Obj.magic(json): string)) : None + let float = (json: t) => + Stdlib_Type.typeof(json) === #number ? Some((Obj.magic(json): float)) : None let object = (json: t) => - if Type.typeof(json) === #object && !Array.isArray(json) && !(Obj.magic(json) === Null.null) { + if ( + Stdlib_Type.typeof(json) === #object && + !Stdlib_Array.isArray(json) && + !(Obj.magic(json) === Stdlib_Null.null) + ) { Some((Obj.magic(json): dict)) } else { None } - let array = (json: t) => Array.isArray(json) ? Some((Obj.magic(json): array)) : None + let array = (json: t) => Stdlib_Array.isArray(json) ? Some((Obj.magic(json): array)) : None } diff --git a/runtime/JSON.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_JSON.resi similarity index 99% rename from runtime/JSON.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_JSON.resi index 8d9e8b0494..096a389709 100644 --- a/runtime/JSON.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_JSON.resi @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Functions for interacting with JSON. A type representing a JSON object. */ @unboxed -type rec t = Js.Json.t = +type rec t = | Boolean(bool) | @as(null) Null | String(string) @@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ module Decode: { // None ``` */ - let null: t => option> + let null: t => option> /** Decodes a single JSON value. If the value is a string, it will return `Some(string)` - otherwise it will return `None`. diff --git a/runtime/List.res b/runtime/Stdlib_List.res similarity index 93% rename from runtime/List.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_List.res index 3edf67117f..81dd91c8e9 100644 --- a/runtime/List.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_List.res @@ -69,17 +69,17 @@ module A = { let reduceReverseU = (a, x, f) => { let r = ref(x) - for i in Array.length(a) - 1 downto 0 { - r.contents = f(r.contents, Array.getUnsafe(a, i)) + for i in Stdlib_Array.length(a) - 1 downto 0 { + r.contents = f(r.contents, Stdlib_Array.getUnsafe(a, i)) } r.contents } let reduceReverse2U = (a, b, x, f) => { let r = ref(x) - let len = min(Array.length(a), Array.length(b)) + let len = min(Stdlib_Array.length(a), Stdlib_Array.length(b)) for i in len - 1 downto 0 { - r.contents = f(r.contents, Array.getUnsafe(a, i), Array.getUnsafe(b, i)) + r.contents = f(r.contents, Stdlib_Array.getUnsafe(a, i), Stdlib_Array.getUnsafe(b, i)) } r.contents } @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ let rec fillAux = (arr, i, x) => switch x { | list{} => () | list{h, ...t} => - Array.setUnsafe(arr, i, h) + Stdlib_Array.setUnsafe(arr, i, h) fillAux(arr, i + 1, t) } @@ -475,10 +475,10 @@ let rec fromArrayAux = (a, i, res) => if i < 0 { res } else { - fromArrayAux(a, i - 1, list{Array.getUnsafe(a, i), ...res}) + fromArrayAux(a, i - 1, list{Stdlib_Array.getUnsafe(a, i), ...res}) } -let fromArray = a => fromArrayAux(a, Array.length(a) - 1, list{}) +let fromArray = a => fromArrayAux(a, Stdlib_Array.length(a) - 1, list{}) let toArray = (x: t<_>) => { let len = length(x) @@ -489,30 +489,10 @@ let toArray = (x: t<_>) => { let toShuffled = xs => { let v = toArray(xs) - Array.shuffle(v) + Stdlib_Array.shuffle(v) fromArray(v) } -/* let rec fillAuxMap arr i x f = - match x with - | [] -> () - | h::t -> - A.setUnsafe arr i (f h [@bs]) ; - fillAuxMap arr (i + 1) t f */ - -/* module J = Js_json */ -/* type json = J.t */ -/* let toJson x f = */ -/* let len = length x in */ -/* let arr = Belt_Array.makeUninitializedUnsafe len in */ -/* fillAuxMap arr 0 x f; */ -/* J.array arr */ - -/* TODO: best practice about raising excpetion - 1. raise OCaml exception, no stacktrace - 2. raise JS exception, how to pattern match -*/ - let rec reverseConcat = (l1, l2) => switch l1 { | list{} => l2 @@ -542,10 +522,10 @@ let concatMany = xs => | [] => list{} | [x] => x | _ => - let len = Array.length(xs) - let v = ref(Array.getUnsafe(xs, len - 1)) + let len = Stdlib_Array.length(xs) + let v = ref(Stdlib_Array.getUnsafe(xs, len - 1)) for i in len - 2 downto 0 { - v.contents = concat(Array.getUnsafe(xs, i), v.contents) + v.contents = concat(Stdlib_Array.getUnsafe(xs, i), v.contents) } v.contents } @@ -663,20 +643,20 @@ let rec every2 = (l1, l2, p) => let rec compareLength = (l1, l2) => switch (l1, l2) { - | (list{}, list{}) => Ordering.equal - | (_, list{}) => Ordering.greater - | (list{}, _) => Ordering.less + | (list{}, list{}) => Stdlib_Ordering.equal + | (_, list{}) => Stdlib_Ordering.greater + | (list{}, _) => Stdlib_Ordering.less | (list{_, ...l1s}, list{_, ...l2s}) => compareLength(l1s, l2s) } let rec compare = (l1, l2, p) => switch (l1, l2) { - | (list{}, list{}) => Ordering.equal - | (_, list{}) => Ordering.greater - | (list{}, _) => Ordering.less + | (list{}, list{}) => Stdlib_Ordering.equal + | (_, list{}) => Stdlib_Ordering.greater + | (list{}, _) => Stdlib_Ordering.less | (list{a1, ...l1}, list{a2, ...l2}) => let c = p(a1, a2) - if c == Ordering.equal { + if c == Stdlib_Ordering.equal { compare(l1, l2, p) } else { c @@ -761,7 +741,7 @@ let setAssoc = (xs, x, k, eq) => let sort = (xs, cmp) => { let arr = toArray(xs) - Array.sort(arr, cmp) + Stdlib_Array.sort(arr, cmp) fromArray(arr) } diff --git a/runtime/List.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_List.resi similarity index 98% rename from runtime/List.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_List.resi index 35aeb291f0..f0b0e1bd47 100644 --- a/runtime/List.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_List.resi @@ -375,11 +375,6 @@ List.toArray(list{1, 2, 3}) // [1, 2, 3] */ let toArray: t<'a> => array<'a> -/* type json = Js_json.t */ - -/* val toJson : 'a t -> ('a -> json [@bs]) -> json */ -/* val fromJson : json -> (json -> 'a [@bs]) -> 'a t */ - /** `reverse(list)` returns a new list whose elements are those of `list` in reversed order. @@ -640,7 +635,7 @@ List.compareLength(list{1, 2, 3}, list{4, 5, 6}) // 0. List.compareLength(list{1, 2, 3, 4}, list{5, 6}) // 1. ``` */ -let compareLength: (t<'a>, t<'a>) => Ordering.t +let compareLength: (t<'a>, t<'a>) => Stdlib_Ordering.t /** `compare(list1, list2, f)` compare elements one by one `f`. `f` returns a negative @@ -667,7 +662,7 @@{1, 3, 5}, list{1, 3, 5}, (a, b) =>, b)) // 0. for Array, we compare the length first and, only if the lengths are equal, elements one by one. For lists, we just compare elements one by one. */ -let compare: (t<'a>, t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Ordering.t) => Ordering.t +let compare: (t<'a>, t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => Stdlib_Ordering.t /** `equal(list1, list2, f)` check equality of `list2` and `list2` using `f` for @@ -884,4 +879,4 @@ let setAssoc: (t<('a, 'c)>, 'a, 'c, ('a, 'a) => bool) => t<('a, 'c)> List.sort(list{5, 4, 9, 3, 7}, // list{3, 4, 5, 7, 9} ``` */ -let sort: (t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Ordering.t) => t<'a> +let sort: (t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => t<'a> diff --git a/runtime/Map.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Map.res similarity index 65% rename from runtime/Map.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Map.res index a6fa75344c..a83ef4879a 100644 --- a/runtime/Map.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Map.res @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -type t<'k, 'v> = Js.Map.t<'k, 'v> +type t<'k, 'v> @new external make: unit => t<'k, 'v> = "Map" @new external fromArray: array<('k, 'v)> => t<'k, 'v> = "Map" -@new external fromIterator: Iterator.t<('k, 'v)> => t<'k, 'v> = "Map" +@new external fromIterator: Stdlib_Iterator.t<('k, 'v)> => t<'k, 'v> = "Map" @get external size: t<'k, 'v> => int = "size" @@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ type t<'k, 'v> = Js.Map.t<'k, 'v> @send external set: (t<'k, 'v>, 'k, 'v) => unit = "set" @send external delete: (t<'k, 'v>, 'k) => bool = "delete" -@send external keys: t<'k, 'v> => Iterator.t<'k> = "keys" -@send external values: t<'k, 'v> => Iterator.t<'v> = "values" -@send external entries: t<'k, 'v> => Iterator.t<('k, 'v)> = "entries" +@send external keys: t<'k, 'v> => Stdlib_Iterator.t<'k> = "keys" +@send external values: t<'k, 'v> => Stdlib_Iterator.t<'v> = "values" +@send external entries: t<'k, 'v> => Stdlib_Iterator.t<('k, 'v)> = "entries" diff --git a/runtime/Map.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Map.resi similarity index 95% rename from runtime/Map.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Map.resi index a4060d6615..cee8853852 100644 --- a/runtime/Map.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Map.resi @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ See [`Map`]( /** Type representing an instance of `Map`. */ -type t<'k, 'v> = Js.Map.t<'k, 'v> +type t<'k, 'v> /** Creates a new, mutable JavaScript `Map`. A `Map` can have any values as both keys and values. @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ iterator ``` */ @new -external fromIterator: Iterator.t<('k, 'v)> => t<'k, 'v> = "Map" +external fromIterator: Stdlib_Iterator.t<('k, 'v)> => t<'k, 'v> = "Map" /** Returns the size, the number of key/value pairs, of the map. @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ Console.log(map->Map.keys->Iterator.toArray) ``` */ @send -external keys: t<'k, 'v> => Iterator.t<'k> = "keys" +external keys: t<'k, 'v> => Stdlib_Iterator.t<'k> = "keys" /** Returns an iterator that holds all values of the map. @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ Console.log(map->Map.values->Iterator.toArray) ``` */ @send -external values: t<'k, 'v> => Iterator.t<'v> = "values" +external values: t<'k, 'v> => Stdlib_Iterator.t<'v> = "values" /** Returns an iterator that holds all entries of the map. @@ -276,4 +276,4 @@ Console.log(map->Map.entries->Iterator.toArray) ``` */ @send -external entries: t<'k, 'v> => Iterator.t<('k, 'v)> = "entries" +external entries: t<'k, 'v> => Stdlib_Iterator.t<('k, 'v)> = "entries" diff --git a/runtime/Math.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Math.res similarity index 92% rename from runtime/Math.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Math.res index 11d17501d1..58e01e70fd 100644 --- a/runtime/Math.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Math.res @@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ module Int = { @variadic @val external maxMany: array => int = "Math.max" @val external pow: (int, ~exp: int) => int = "Math.pow" @val external sign: int => int = "Math.sign" - let floor: float => int = f => f->floor->Float.toInt - let ceil: float => int = f => f->ceil->Float.toInt - let random: (int, int) => int = (min, max) => floor(random() *. Int.toFloat(max - min)) + min + let floor: float => int = f => f->floor->Stdlib_Float.toInt + let ceil: float => int = f => f->ceil->Stdlib_Float.toInt + let random: (int, int) => int = (min, max) => + floor(random() *. Stdlib_Int.toFloat(max - min)) + min } diff --git a/runtime/Math.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Math.resi similarity index 100% rename from runtime/Math.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Math.resi diff --git a/runtime/Null.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Null.res similarity index 79% rename from runtime/Null.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Null.res index 2bbb9a2ab5..8ebc877df7 100644 --- a/runtime/Null.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Null.res @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ @unboxed -type t<'a> = Js.Null.t<'a> = +type t<+'a> = Primitive_js_extern.null<'a> = | Value('a) | @as(null) Null -external asNullable: t<'a> => Nullable.t<'a> = "%identity" +external asNullable: t<'a> => Stdlib_Nullable.t<'a> = "%identity" external null: t<'a> = "#null" @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ let fromOption: option<'a> => t<'a> = option => | None => null } -let equal = (a, b, eq) => Option.equal(a->toOption, b->toOption, eq) +let equal = (a, b, eq) => Stdlib_Option.equal(a->toOption, b->toOption, eq) -let compare = (a, b, cmp) =>>toOption, b->toOption, cmp) +let compare = (a, b, cmp) =>>toOption, b->toOption, cmp) let getOr = (value, default) => switch value->toOption { diff --git a/runtime/Null.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Null.resi similarity index 95% rename from runtime/Null.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Null.resi index 4758c76d8c..6b5e96781e 100644 --- a/runtime/Null.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Null.resi @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ If you also need to cover `undefined`, check out `Nullable` instead. A type representing a value that can be either `'a` or `null`. */ @unboxed -type t<'a> = Js.Null.t<'a> = +type t<+'a> = Primitive_js_extern.null<'a> = | Value('a) | @as(null) Null @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let nullValue = Null.make("Hello") let asNullable = nullValue->Null.asNullable // Nullable.t ``` */ -external asNullable: t<'a> => Nullable.t<'a> = "%identity" +external asNullable: t<'a> => Stdlib_Nullable.t<'a> = "%identity" /** The value `null`. @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ external make: 'a => t<'a> = "%identity" let equal: (t<'a>, t<'b>, ('a, 'b) => bool) => bool -let compare: (t<'a>, t<'b>, ('a, 'b) => Ordering.t) => Ordering.t +let compare: (t<'a>, t<'b>, ('a, 'b) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => Stdlib_Ordering.t /** Converts a nullable value into an option, so it can be pattern matched on. diff --git a/runtime/Nullable.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Nullable.res similarity index 85% rename from runtime/Nullable.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Nullable.res index aa08bcb68b..4d394cf5bb 100644 --- a/runtime/Nullable.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Nullable.res @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ @unboxed -type t<'a> = Js.Nullable.t<'a> = +type t<'a> = Primitive_js_extern.nullable<'a> = | Value('a) | @as(null) Null | @as(undefined) Undefined @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ let fromOption: option<'a> => t<'a> = option => | None => undefined } -let equal = (a, b, eq) => Option.equal(a->toOption, b->toOption, eq) +let equal = (a, b, eq) => Stdlib_Option.equal(a->toOption, b->toOption, eq) -let compare = (a, b, cmp) =>>toOption, b->toOption, cmp) +let compare = (a, b, cmp) =>>toOption, b->toOption, cmp) let getOr = (value, default) => switch value->toOption { diff --git a/runtime/Nullable.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Nullable.resi similarity index 97% rename from runtime/Nullable.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Nullable.resi index d03c4532a7..154feb4d5e 100644 --- a/runtime/Nullable.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Nullable.resi @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Type representing a nullable value. A nullable value can be the value `'a`, `null` or `undefined`. */ @unboxed -type t<'a> = Js.Nullable.t<'a> = +type t<'a> = Primitive_js_extern.nullable<'a> = | Value('a) | @as(null) Null | @as(undefined) Undefined @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ external make: 'a => t<'a> = "%identity" let equal: (t<'a>, t<'b>, ('a, 'b) => bool) => bool -let compare: (t<'a>, t<'b>, ('a, 'b) => Ordering.t) => Ordering.t +let compare: (t<'a>, t<'b>, ('a, 'b) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => Stdlib_Ordering.t /** Converts a nullable value into an option, so it can be pattern matched on. diff --git a/runtime/Object.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Object.res similarity index 98% rename from runtime/Object.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Object.res index 6646088c0a..c8dd44ea05 100644 --- a/runtime/Object.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Object.res @@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ x->Object.getSymbol(fruit) // Some("banana") ``` */ @get_index -external getSymbol: ({..}, Symbol.t) => option<'a> = "" +external getSymbol: ({..}, Stdlib_Symbol.t) => option<'a> = "" -@get_index external getSymbolUnsafe: ({..}, Symbol.t) => 'a = "" +@get_index external getSymbolUnsafe: ({..}, Stdlib_Symbol.t) => 'a = "" /** `set(name, value)` assigns a value to the named object property, overwriting the previous value if any. See [Working with Objects on MDN]( @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ external getSymbol: ({..}, Symbol.t) => option<'a> = "" @set_index external set: ({..}, string, 'a) => unit = "" -@set_index external setSymbol: ({..}, Symbol.t, 'a) => unit = "" +@set_index external setSymbol: ({..}, Stdlib_Symbol.t, 'a) => unit = "" /** `keysToArray` returns an array of an object's own enumerable string-keyed property names. See [ECMAScript Language Specification]( diff --git a/runtime/Option.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Option.res similarity index 91% rename from runtime/Option.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Option.res index 6f4cafb477..c8d84d3574 100644 --- a/runtime/Option.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Option.res @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ let getExn = (x, ~message=?) => switch x { | Some(x) => x | None => - Error.panic( + Stdlib_Error.panic( switch message { | None => "Option.getExn called for None value" | Some(message) => message @@ -100,20 +100,20 @@ let equal = (a, b, eq) => let compare = (a, b, cmp) => switch (a, b) { | (Some(a), Some(b)) => cmp(a, b) - | (None, Some(_)) => Ordering.less - | (Some(_), None) => Ordering.greater - | (None, None) => Ordering.equal + | (None, Some(_)) => Stdlib_Ordering.less + | (Some(_), None) => Stdlib_Ordering.greater + | (None, None) => Stdlib_Ordering.equal } let all = options => { let acc = [] let hasNone = ref(false) let index = ref(0) - while hasNone.contents == false && index.contents < options->Array.length { - switch options->Array.getUnsafe(index.contents) { + while hasNone.contents == false && index.contents < options->Stdlib_Array.length { + switch options->Stdlib_Array.getUnsafe(index.contents) { | None => hasNone.contents = true | Some(value) => - acc->Array.push(value) + acc->Stdlib_Array.push(value) index.contents = index.contents + 1 } } diff --git a/runtime/Option.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Option.resi similarity index 98% rename from runtime/Option.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Option.resi index 3f04e48ff4..e205983cff 100644 --- a/runtime/Option.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Option.resi @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@, None, clockCompare) // 1., None, clockCompare) // 0. ``` */ -let compare: (option<'a>, option<'b>, ('a, 'b) => Ordering.t) => Ordering.t +let compare: (option<'a>, option<'b>, ('a, 'b) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => Stdlib_Ordering.t /** `all(options)` returns an option of array if all options are Some, otherwise returns None. diff --git a/runtime/Ordering.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Ordering.res similarity index 100% rename from runtime/Ordering.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Ordering.res diff --git a/runtime/Promise.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Promise.res similarity index 98% rename from runtime/Promise.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Promise.res index 8a4418d2fd..9b9484a0bc 100644 --- a/runtime/Promise.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Promise.res @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ external _catch: (t<'a>, exn => t<'a>) => t<'a> = "catch" let catch = (promise: promise<'a>, callback: exn => promise<'a>): promise<'a> => { _catch(promise, err => { - callback(Js.Exn.anyToExnInternal(err)) + callback(Stdlib_Exn.anyToExnInternal(err)) }) } diff --git a/runtime/Promise.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Promise.resi similarity index 100% rename from runtime/Promise.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Promise.resi diff --git a/runtime/RegExp.res b/runtime/Stdlib_RegExp.res similarity index 98% rename from runtime/RegExp.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_RegExp.res index 9f19af81ab..3eb1aaaa2e 100644 --- a/runtime/RegExp.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_RegExp.res @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -type t = Js.Re.t +type t module Result = { type t = array> diff --git a/runtime/RegExp.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_RegExp.resi similarity index 99% rename from runtime/RegExp.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_RegExp.resi index 3e12daef52..39d7364957 100644 --- a/runtime/RegExp.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_RegExp.resi @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ See [`RegExp`]( /** Type representing an instantiated `RegExp`. */ -type t = Js.Re.t +type t module Result: { /** diff --git a/runtime/Result.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Result.res similarity index 93% rename from runtime/Result.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Result.res index 158a6c7612..8f0ce15186 100644 --- a/runtime/Result.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Result.res @@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ let equal = (a, b, f) => let compare = (a, b, f) => switch (a, b) { | (Ok(a), Ok(b)) => f(a, b) - | (Error(_), Ok(_)) => Ordering.less - | (Ok(_), Error(_)) => Ordering.greater - | (Error(_), Error(_)) => Ordering.equal + | (Error(_), Ok(_)) => Stdlib_Ordering.less + | (Ok(_), Error(_)) => Stdlib_Ordering.greater + | (Error(_), Error(_)) => Stdlib_Ordering.equal } let forEach = (r, f) => @@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ let all = results => { let acc = [] let returnValue = ref(None) let index = ref(0) - while returnValue.contents == None && index.contents < results->Array.length { - switch results->Array.getUnsafe(index.contents) { + while returnValue.contents == None && index.contents < results->Stdlib_Array.length { + switch results->Stdlib_Array.getUnsafe(index.contents) { | Error(_) as err => returnValue.contents = Some(err) | Ok(value) => - acc->Array.push(value) + acc->Stdlib_Array.push(value) index.contents = index.contents + 1 } } diff --git a/runtime/Result.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Result.resi similarity index 98% rename from runtime/Result.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Result.resi index f63a167dc0..cd81e68df4 100644 --- a/runtime/Result.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Result.resi @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@"x"), Ok(57), mod10cmp) == (-1.)"x"), Error("y"), mod10cmp) == 0. ``` */ -let compare: (result<'a, 'c>, result<'b, 'd>, ('a, 'b) => Ordering.t) => Ordering.t +let compare: (result<'a, 'c>, result<'b, 'd>, ('a, 'b) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => Stdlib_Ordering.t /** `forEach(res, f)` runs the provided function `f` on the `Ok` value. If `res` is `Error`, nothing happens. diff --git a/runtime/Set.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Set.res similarity index 86% rename from runtime/Set.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Set.res index 00de67d662..9fd756fc6b 100644 --- a/runtime/Set.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Set.res @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -type t<'a> = Js.Set.t<'a> +type t<'a> @new external make: unit => t<'a> = "Set" @new external fromArray: array<'a> => t<'a> = "Set" -@new external fromIterator: Iterator.t<'a> => t<'a> = "Set" +@new external fromIterator: Stdlib_Iterator.t<'a> => t<'a> = "Set" @get external size: t<'a> => int = "size" @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ type t<'a> = Js.Set.t<'a> @send external forEach: (t<'a>, 'a => unit) => unit = "forEach" -@send external values: t<'a> => Iterator.t<'a> = "values" +@send external values: t<'a> => Stdlib_Iterator.t<'a> = "values" @send external difference: (t<'a>, t<'a>) => t<'a> = "difference" @send external intersection: (t<'a>, t<'a>) => t<'a> = "intersection" diff --git a/runtime/Set.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Set.resi similarity index 98% rename from runtime/Set.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Set.resi index b61b699074..506bcf6d49 100644 --- a/runtime/Set.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Set.resi @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ See [`Set`]( /** Type representing an instance of `Set`. */ -type t<'a> = Js.Set.t<'a> +type t<'a> /** Creates a new, mutable JavaScript `Set`. A `Set` is a collection of unique values. @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ iterator ``` */ @new -external fromIterator: Iterator.t<'a> => t<'a> = "Set" +external fromIterator: Stdlib_Iterator.t<'a> => t<'a> = "Set" /** Returns the size, the number of unique values, of the set. @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ Console.log(set->Set.values->Iterator.toArray) ``` */ @send -external values: t<'a> => Iterator.t<'a> = "values" +external values: t<'a> => Stdlib_Iterator.t<'a> = "values" /** Returns a new set with the values of the set that are not in the other set. diff --git a/runtime/String.res b/runtime/Stdlib_String.res similarity index 82% rename from runtime/String.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_String.res index cab2376a60..18f8de1267 100644 --- a/runtime/String.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_String.res @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ external equal: (string, string) => bool = "%equal" -external compare: (string, string) => Ordering.t = "%compare" +external compare: (string, string) => Stdlib_Ordering.t = "%compare" @get external length: string => int = "length" @get_index external get: (string, int) => option = "" @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ let lastIndexOfOpt = (s, search) => @send external lastIndexOfFrom: (string, string, int) => int = "lastIndexOf" @return(nullable) @send -external match: (string, RegExp.t) => option = "match" +external match: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => option = "match" type normalizeForm = [#NFC | #NFD | #NFKC | #NFKD] @send external normalize: string => string = "normalize" @@ -53,35 +53,35 @@ type normalizeForm = [#NFC | #NFD | #NFKC | #NFKD] @send external repeat: (string, int) => string = "repeat" @send external replace: (string, string, string) => string = "replace" -@send external replaceRegExp: (string, RegExp.t, string) => string = "replace" +@send external replaceRegExp: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t, string) => string = "replace" @send external replaceAll: (string, string, string) => string = "replaceAll" -@send external replaceAllRegExp: (string, RegExp.t, string) => string = "replaceAll" +@send external replaceAllRegExp: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t, string) => string = "replaceAll" @send external unsafeReplaceRegExpBy0: ( string, - RegExp.t, + Stdlib_RegExp.t, (~match: string, ~offset: int, ~input: string) => string, ) => string = "replace" @send external unsafeReplaceRegExpBy1: ( string, - RegExp.t, + Stdlib_RegExp.t, (~match: string, ~group1: string, ~offset: int, ~input: string) => string, ) => string = "replace" @send external unsafeReplaceRegExpBy2: ( string, - RegExp.t, + Stdlib_RegExp.t, (~match: string, ~group1: string, ~group2: string, ~offset: int, ~input: string) => string, ) => string = "replace" @send external unsafeReplaceRegExpBy3: ( string, - RegExp.t, + Stdlib_RegExp.t, ( ~match: string, ~group1: string, @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ external unsafeReplaceRegExpBy3: ( ) => string, ) => string = "replace" -@send external search: (string, RegExp.t) => int = "search" +@send external search: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => int = "search" let searchOpt = (s, re) => switch search(s, re) { | -1 => None @@ -104,9 +104,10 @@ let searchOpt = (s, re) => @send external split: (string, string) => array = "split" @send external splitAtMost: (string, string, ~limit: int) => array = "split" -@send external splitByRegExp: (string, RegExp.t) => array> = "split" +@send external splitByRegExp: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => array> = "split" @send -external splitByRegExpAtMost: (string, RegExp.t, ~limit: int) => array> = "split" +external splitByRegExpAtMost: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t, ~limit: int) => array> = + "split" @send external startsWith: (string, string) => bool = "startsWith" @send external startsWithFrom: (string, string, int) => bool = "startsWith" @@ -126,8 +127,8 @@ external splitByRegExpAtMost: (string, RegExp.t, ~limit: int) => array string = "padStart" @send external padEnd: (string, int, string) => string = "padEnd" -@get_index external getSymbol: (string, Symbol.t) => option<'a> = "" -@get_index external getSymbolUnsafe: (string, Symbol.t) => 'a = "" -@set_index external setSymbol: (string, Symbol.t, 'a) => unit = "" +@get_index external getSymbol: (string, Stdlib_Symbol.t) => option<'a> = "" +@get_index external getSymbolUnsafe: (string, Stdlib_Symbol.t) => 'a = "" +@set_index external setSymbol: (string, Stdlib_Symbol.t, 'a) => unit = "" @send external localeCompare: (string, string) => float = "localeCompare" diff --git a/runtime/String.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_String.resi similarity index 97% rename from runtime/String.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_String.resi index 23537a1029..e769529662 100644 --- a/runtime/String.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_String.resi @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ external fromCodePointMany: array => string = "String.fromCodePoint" external equal: (string, string) => bool = "%equal" -external compare: (string, string) => Ordering.t = "%compare" +external compare: (string, string) => Stdlib_Ordering.t = "%compare" /** `length(str)` returns the length of the given `string`. @@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ String.match("The large container.", %re("/b[aeiou]g/")) == None */ @return(nullable) @send -external match: (string, RegExp.t) => option = "match" +external match: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => option = "match" /** `normalize(str)` returns the normalized Unicode string using Normalization Form @@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ String.replaceRegExp("Juan Fulano", %re("/(\w+) (\w+)/"), "$2, $1") == "Fulano, ``` */ @send -external replaceRegExp: (string, RegExp.t, string) => string = "replace" +external replaceRegExp: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t, string) => string = "replace" /** `replaceAll(str, substr, newSubstr)` returns a new `string` which is @@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ String.replaceAllRegExp("aabbcc", %re("/b/g"), ".") == "" ``` */ @send -external replaceAllRegExp: (string, RegExp.t, string) => string = "replaceAll" +external replaceAllRegExp: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t, string) => string = "replaceAll" /** `unsafeReplaceRegExpBy0(str, regex, f)` returns a new `string` with some or all @@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ String.unsafeReplaceRegExpBy0(str, re, matchFn) == "bEAUtIfUl vOwEls" @send external unsafeReplaceRegExpBy0: ( string, - RegExp.t, + Stdlib_RegExp.t, (~match: string, ~offset: int, ~input: string) => string, ) => string = "replace" @@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ String.unsafeReplaceRegExpBy1(str, re, matchFn) == "Jony is 41" @send external unsafeReplaceRegExpBy1: ( string, - RegExp.t, + Stdlib_RegExp.t, (~match: string, ~group1: string, ~offset: int, ~input: string) => string, ) => string = "replace" @@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ String.unsafeReplaceRegExpBy2(str, re, matchFn) == "42" @send external unsafeReplaceRegExpBy2: ( string, - RegExp.t, + Stdlib_RegExp.t, (~match: string, ~group1: string, ~group2: string, ~offset: int, ~input: string) => string, ) => string = "replace" @@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ See [`String.replace`]( @send external unsafeReplaceRegExpBy3: ( string, - RegExp.t, + Stdlib_RegExp.t, ( ~match: string, ~group1: string, @@ -678,7 +678,7 @@"no numbers", %re("/\d+/")) == -1 ``` */ @send -external search: (string, RegExp.t) => int = "search" +external search: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => int = "search" /** `searchOpt(str, regexp)`. Like `search`, but return an `option`. @@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ String.searchOpt("testing 1 2 3", %re("/\d+/")) == Some(8) String.searchOpt("no numbers", %re("/\d+/")) == None ``` */ -let searchOpt: (string, RegExp.t) => option +let searchOpt: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => option /** `slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at @@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ String.splitByRegExp("Jan,Feb,Mar", %re("/,/")) == [Some("Jan"), Some("Feb"), So ``` */ @send -external splitByRegExp: (string, RegExp.t) => array> = "split" +external splitByRegExp: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => array> = "split" /** `splitByRegExpAtMost(str, regexp, ~limit)` splits the given `str` at every @@ -798,7 +798,8 @@ String.splitByRegExpAtMost("Hello World. How are you doing?", %re("/ /"), ~limit ``` */ @send -external splitByRegExpAtMost: (string, RegExp.t, ~limit: int) => array> = "split" +external splitByRegExpAtMost: (string, Stdlib_RegExp.t, ~limit: int) => array> = + "split" /** `startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`, @@ -1000,9 +1001,9 @@ String.padEnd("abc", 1, "") == "abc" external padEnd: (string, int, string) => string = "padEnd" // TODO: add docs -@get_index external getSymbol: (string, Symbol.t) => option<'a> = "" -@get_index external getSymbolUnsafe: (string, Symbol.t) => 'a = "" -@set_index external setSymbol: (string, Symbol.t, 'a) => unit = "" +@get_index external getSymbol: (string, Stdlib_Symbol.t) => option<'a> = "" +@get_index external getSymbolUnsafe: (string, Stdlib_Symbol.t) => 'a = "" +@set_index external setSymbol: (string, Stdlib_Symbol.t, 'a) => unit = "" /** `localeCompare(referenceStr, compareStr)` returns a float than indicatings diff --git a/runtime/Symbol.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Symbol.res similarity index 96% rename from runtime/Symbol.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Symbol.res index 8b4c1b218d..1dc2b9b6b2 100644 --- a/runtime/Symbol.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Symbol.res @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -type t = Js.Types.symbol +type t @val external make: string => t = "Symbol" @val external getFor: string => t = "Symbol.for" diff --git a/runtime/Type.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Type.res similarity index 89% rename from runtime/Type.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Type.res index d29bb28c78..6c2a381d63 100644 --- a/runtime/Type.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Type.res @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ type t = [#undefined | #object | #boolean | #number | #bigint | #string | #symbo external typeof: 'a => t = "#typeof" module Classify = { - type function = Js.Types.function_val - type object = Js.Types.obj_val + type function + type object type t = | Bool(bool) @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module Classify = { | Number(float) | Object(object) | Function(function) - | Symbol(Symbol.t) + | Symbol(Stdlib_Symbol.t) | BigInt(bigint) @val external _internalClass: 'a => string = "" @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module Classify = { external _asFloat: 'a => float = "%identity" external _asObject: 'a => object = "%identity" external _asFunction: 'a => function = "%identity" - external _asSymbol: 'a => Symbol.t = "%identity" + external _asSymbol: 'a => Stdlib_Symbol.t = "%identity" external _asBigInt: 'a => bigint = "%identity" let classify = value => { diff --git a/runtime/Type.resi b/runtime/Stdlib_Type.resi similarity index 98% rename from runtime/Type.resi rename to runtime/Stdlib_Type.resi index ee6519b653..19de09bddf 100644 --- a/runtime/Type.resi +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Type.resi @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module Classify: { | Number(float) | Object(object) | Function(function) - | Symbol(Symbol.t) + | Symbol(Stdlib_Symbol.t) | BigInt(bigint) /** diff --git a/runtime/TypedArray.res b/runtime/Stdlib_TypedArray.res similarity index 93% rename from runtime/TypedArray.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_TypedArray.res index 35ccbc4fa3..187adfeca1 100644 --- a/runtime/TypedArray.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_TypedArray.res @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ type t<'a> @get_index external get: (t<'a>, int) => option<'a> = "" @set_index external set: (t<'a>, int, 'a) => unit = "" -@get external buffer: t<'a> => ArrayBuffer.t = "buffer" +@get external buffer: t<'a> => Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t = "buffer" @get external byteLength: t<'a> => int = "byteLength" @get external byteOffset: t<'a> => int = "byteOffset" @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ external copyWithin: (t<'a>, ~target: int, ~start: int, ~end: int) => array<'a> @send external reverse: t<'a> => unit = "reverse" @send external toReversed: t<'a> => t<'a> = "toReversed" -@send external sort: (t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Ordering.t) => unit = "sort" -@send external toSorted: (t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Ordering.t) => t<'a> = "toSorted" +@send external sort: (t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => unit = "sort" +@send external toSorted: (t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => t<'a> = "toSorted" @send external with: (t<'a>, int, 'a) => t<'a> = "with" diff --git a/runtime/Uint16Array.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Uint16Array.res similarity index 91% rename from runtime/Uint16Array.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Uint16Array.res index 115caf8a2f..66373ab703 100644 --- a/runtime/Uint16Array.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Uint16Array.res @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /** The `Uint16Array` typed array represents an array of 16-bit unsigned integers in platform byte order. See [Uint16Array on MDN]( */ -type t = TypedArray.t +type t = Stdlib_TypedArray.t module Constants = { /**`bytesPerElement` returns the element size. See [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT on MDN]( @@ -19,21 +19,22 @@ external fromArray: array => t = "Uint16Array" **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBuffer: ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Uint16Array" +external fromBuffer: Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Uint16Array" /** `fromBufferToEnd` creates a `Uint16Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and continuing through to the end. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferToEnd: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Uint16Array" +external fromBufferToEnd: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Uint16Array" /** `fromBufferWithRange` creates a `Uint16Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and consuming `length` **bytes**. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferWithRange: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = "Uint16Array" +external fromBufferWithRange: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = + "Uint16Array" /** `fromLength` creates a zero-initialized `Uint16Array` to hold the specified count of numbers; this is **not** a byte length. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( diff --git a/runtime/Uint32Array.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Uint32Array.res similarity index 91% rename from runtime/Uint32Array.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Uint32Array.res index ba6693054a..b58014cc5c 100644 --- a/runtime/Uint32Array.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Uint32Array.res @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /** The `Uint32Array` typed array represents an array of 32-bit unsigned integers in platform byte order. See [Uint32Array on MDN]( */ -type t = TypedArray.t +type t = Stdlib_TypedArray.t module Constants = { /**`bytesPerElement` returns the element size. See [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT on MDN]( @@ -19,21 +19,22 @@ external fromArray: array => t = "Uint32Array" **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBuffer: ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Uint32Array" +external fromBuffer: Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Uint32Array" /** `fromBufferToEnd` creates a `Uint32Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and continuing through to the end. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferToEnd: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Uint32Array" +external fromBufferToEnd: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Uint32Array" /** `fromBufferWithRange` creates a `Uint32Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and consuming `length` **bytes**. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferWithRange: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = "Uint32Array" +external fromBufferWithRange: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = + "Uint32Array" /** `fromLength` creates a zero-initialized `Uint32Array` to hold the specified count of numbers; this is **not** a byte length. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( diff --git a/runtime/Uint8Array.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Uint8Array.res similarity index 91% rename from runtime/Uint8Array.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Uint8Array.res index 2233a039b3..d56225118b 100644 --- a/runtime/Uint8Array.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Uint8Array.res @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /** The `Uint8Array` typed array represents an array of 8-bit unsigned integers. See [Uint8Array on MDN]( */ -type t = TypedArray.t +type t = Stdlib_TypedArray.t module Constants = { /**`bytesPerElement` returns the element size. See [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT on MDN]( @@ -19,21 +19,22 @@ external fromArray: array => t = "Uint8Array" **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBuffer: ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Uint8Array" +external fromBuffer: Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Uint8Array" /** `fromBufferToEnd` creates a `Uint8Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and continuing through to the end. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferToEnd: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Uint8Array" +external fromBufferToEnd: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Uint8Array" /** `fromBufferWithRange` creates a `Uint8Array` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and consuming `length` **bytes**. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferWithRange: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = "Uint8Array" +external fromBufferWithRange: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = + "Uint8Array" /** `fromLength` creates a zero-initialized `Uint8Array` to hold the specified count of numbers; this is **not** a byte length. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( diff --git a/runtime/Uint8ClampedArray.res b/runtime/Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.res similarity index 91% rename from runtime/Uint8ClampedArray.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.res index 633dd4ca18..9e280bc761 100644 --- a/runtime/Uint8ClampedArray.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_Uint8ClampedArray.res @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /** The `Uint8ClampedArray` typed array represents an array of 8-bit unsigned integers clamped to 0-255. See [Uint8ClampedArray on MDN]( */ -type t = TypedArray.t +type t = Stdlib_TypedArray.t module Constants = { /**`bytesPerElement` returns the element size. See [BYTES_PER_ELEMENT on MDN]( @@ -19,21 +19,21 @@ external fromArray: array => t = "Uint8ClampedArray" **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBuffer: ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Uint8ClampedArray" +external fromBuffer: Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t => t = "Uint8ClampedArray" /** `fromBufferToEnd` creates a `Uint8ClampedArray` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and continuing through to the end. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferToEnd: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Uint8ClampedArray" +external fromBufferToEnd: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int) => t = "Uint8ClampedArray" /** `fromBufferWithRange` creates a `Uint8ClampedArray` from an `ArrayBuffer.t`, starting at a particular offset and consuming `length` **bytes**. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( **Note:** This is a potentially unsafe operation. Ensure the buffer is large enough and only accessed within its bounds. */ @new -external fromBufferWithRange: (ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = +external fromBufferWithRange: (Stdlib_ArrayBuffer.t, ~byteOffset: int, ~length: int) => t = "Uint8ClampedArray" /** `fromLength` creates a zero-initialized `Uint8ClampedArray` to hold the specified count of numbers; this is **not** a byte length. See [TypedArray constructor on MDN]( diff --git a/runtime/WeakMap.res b/runtime/Stdlib_WeakMap.res similarity index 88% rename from runtime/WeakMap.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_WeakMap.res index 4bc91810da..42dde986a3 100644 --- a/runtime/WeakMap.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_WeakMap.res @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -type t<'k, 'v> = Js.WeakMap.t<'k, 'v> +type t<'k, 'v> @new external make: unit => t<'k, 'v> = "WeakMap" diff --git a/runtime/WeakSet.res b/runtime/Stdlib_WeakSet.res similarity index 86% rename from runtime/WeakSet.res rename to runtime/Stdlib_WeakSet.res index 851329c80d..b8c17e946b 100644 --- a/runtime/WeakSet.res +++ b/runtime/Stdlib_WeakSet.res @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -type t<'a> = Js.WeakSet.t<'a> +type t<'a> @new external make: unit => t<'a> = "WeakSet" diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/package-lock.json b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/package-lock.json index 1f4807c3ef..516160ba6a 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/package-lock.json +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/package-lock.json @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ } }, "../../..": { - "name": "rescript", - "version": "12.0.0-alpha.8", + "version": "12.0.0-alpha.9", "hasInstallScript": true, "license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE", "bin": { diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt index f8ec1d135a..f9c13da077 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ContextPath CTypeAtPos() "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "t", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": " The JSON data structure \n\n```rescript\n@unboxed\ntype t =\n | Boolean(bool)\n | @as(null) Null\n | String(string)\n | Number(float)\n | Object(dict)\n | Array(array)\n```"}, + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": " \nA type representing a JSON object.\n\n\n```rescript\n@unboxed\ntype t =\n | Boolean(bool)\n | @as(null) Null\n | String(string)\n | Number(float)\n | Object(dict)\n | Array(array)\n```"}, "sortText": "A", "insertText": "[$0]", "insertTextFormat": 2 diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt index 7b5b08f55d..99902b72a5 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt @@ -2755,11 +2755,9 @@ File References DeadTest.res:121:1-40 theSideEffectIsLogging is never used and could have side effects - Warning Dead Value + Warning Dead Value With Side Effects DeadTest.res:123:1-54 - stringLengthNoSideEffects is never used - <-- line 123 - @dead("stringLengthNoSideEffects") let stringLengthNoSideEffects = String.length("sdkdl") + stringLengthNoSideEffects is never used and could have side effects Warning Dead Type DeadTest.res:151:12-17 @@ -4249,4 +4247,4 @@ File References <-- line 96 type variant1Object = | @dead("variant1Object.R") R(payload) - Analysis reported 302 issues (Incorrect Dead Annotation:1, Warning Dead Exception:2, Warning Dead Module:21, Warning Dead Type:87, Warning Dead Value:174, Warning Dead Value With Side Effects:1, Warning Redundant Optional Argument:5, Warning Unused Argument:11) + Analysis reported 302 issues (Incorrect Dead Annotation:1, Warning Dead Exception:2, Warning Dead Module:21, Warning Dead Type:87, Warning Dead Value:173, Warning Dead Value With Side Effects:2, Warning Redundant Optional Argument:5, Warning Unused Argument:11) diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/package-lock.json b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/package-lock.json index 604c1602a7..bf0a9ec18e 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/package-lock.json +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/package-lock.json @@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ } }, "../../../..": { - "name": "rescript", - "version": "12.0.0-alpha.8", + "version": "12.0.0-alpha.9", "dev": true, "hasInstallScript": true, "license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE", diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/termination/package-lock.json b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/termination/package-lock.json index fd0cd95e7d..419af45336 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/termination/package-lock.json +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/termination/package-lock.json @@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ } }, "../../../..": { - "name": "rescript", - "version": "12.0.0-alpha.8", + "version": "12.0.0-alpha.9", "dev": true, "hasInstallScript": true, "license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE", diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/package-lock.json b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/package-lock.json index 1f0d8fa0ca..5ccadc8aa1 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/package-lock.json +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/package-lock.json @@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ } }, "../../..": { - "name": "rescript", - "version": "12.0.0-alpha.8", + "version": "12.0.0-alpha.9", "hasInstallScript": true, "license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE", "bin": { diff --git a/tests/docstring_tests/DocTest.res b/tests/docstring_tests/DocTest.res index e6017c0959..1d7b78dc0a 100644 --- a/tests/docstring_tests/DocTest.res +++ b/tests/docstring_tests/DocTest.res @@ -24,16 +24,16 @@ let ignoreRuntimeTests = [ // Ignore some tests not supported by node v18 18, [ - "Array.toReversed", - "Array.toSorted", - "Promise.withResolvers", - "Set.union", - "Set.isSupersetOf", - "Set.isSubsetOf", - "Set.isDisjointFrom", - "Set.intersection", - "Set.symmetricDifference", - "Set.difference", + "Stdlib.Array.toReversed", + "Stdlib.Array.toSorted", + "Stdlib.Promise.withResolvers", + "Stdlib.Set.union", + "Stdlib.Set.isSupersetOf", + "Stdlib.Set.isSubsetOf", + "Stdlib.Set.isDisjointFrom", + "Stdlib.Set.intersection", + "Stdlib.Set.symmetricDifference", + "Stdlib.Set.difference", ], ), ] @@ -150,7 +150,11 @@ let extractExamples = async () => { let docFiles = files->Array.filter(f => switch f { // Ignore Js modules and RescriptTools for now - | f if f->String.startsWith("Js") || f->String.startsWith("RescriptTools") => false + // Avoid Stdlib modules showing up as both "Stdlib_X" and "Stdlib.X" + | f + if f->String.startsWith("Js") || + f->String.startsWith("RescriptTools") || + f->String.startsWith("Stdlib_") => false | f if f->String.endsWith(".resi") => true | f if f->String.endsWith(".res") && !(files->Array.includes(f ++ "i")) => true | _ => false diff --git a/tests/docstring_tests/DocTest.res.mjs b/tests/docstring_tests/DocTest.res.mjs index aa63b8065b..c2276b1d23 100644 --- a/tests/docstring_tests/DocTest.res.mjs +++ b/tests/docstring_tests/DocTest.res.mjs @@ -2,40 +2,40 @@ import * as Fs from "fs"; import * as Os from "os"; -import * as Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Exn.js"; -import * as Int from "rescript/lib/es6/Int.js"; import * as Url from "url"; -import * as Dict from "rescript/lib/es6/Dict.js"; -import * as List from "rescript/lib/es6/List.js"; import * as Path from "path"; -import * as $$Array from "rescript/lib/es6/Array.js"; -import * as $$Error from "rescript/lib/es6/Error.js"; -import * as Option from "rescript/lib/es6/Option.js"; +import * as Stdlib from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib.js"; import * as Belt_List from "rescript/lib/es6/Belt_List.js"; import * as ArrayUtils from "./ArrayUtils.res.mjs"; import * as Belt_Array from "rescript/lib/es6/Belt_Array.js"; -import * as Pervasives from "rescript/lib/es6/Pervasives.js"; import * as SpawnAsync from "./SpawnAsync.res.mjs"; +import * as Stdlib_Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Exn.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Int from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Int.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Dict from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Dict.js"; +import * as Stdlib_List from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_List.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Array from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Array.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Error from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Error.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Option from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Option.js"; import * as Primitive_string from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_string.js"; import * as Promises from "node:fs/promises"; import * as Primitive_exceptions from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_exceptions.js"; import * as RescriptTools_Docgen from "rescript/lib/es6/RescriptTools_Docgen.js"; -let nodeVersion = Option.getExn(Int.fromString(Option.getExn(process.version.replace("v", "").split(".")[0], "Failed to find major version of Node"), undefined), "Failed to convert node version to Int"); +let nodeVersion = Stdlib_Option.getExn(Stdlib_Int.fromString(Stdlib_Option.getExn(process.version.replace("v", "").split(".")[0], "Failed to find major version of Node"), undefined), "Failed to convert node version to Int"); let ignoreRuntimeTests = [[ 18, [ - "Array.toReversed", - "Array.toSorted", - "Promise.withResolvers", - "Set.union", - "Set.isSupersetOf", - "Set.isSubsetOf", - "Set.isDisjointFrom", - "Set.intersection", - "Set.symmetricDifference", - "Set.difference" + "Stdlib.Array.toReversed", + "Stdlib.Array.toSorted", + "Stdlib.Promise.withResolvers", + "Stdlib.Set.union", + "Stdlib.Set.isSupersetOf", + "Stdlib.Set.isSubsetOf", + "Stdlib.Set.isDisjointFrom", + "Stdlib.Set.intersection", + "Stdlib.Set.symmetricDifference", + "Stdlib.Set.difference" ] ]]; @@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ async function extractDocFromFile(file) { return RescriptTools_Docgen.decodeFromJson(JSON.parse(getOutput(match.stdout))); } catch (raw_exn) { let exn = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_exn); - if (exn.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { - return $$Error.panic("Failed to generate docstrings from " + file); + if (exn.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { + return Stdlib_Error.panic("Failed to generate docstrings from " + file); } throw { RE_EXN_ID: "Assert_failure", @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ function getExamples(param) { }; _items = Belt_List.concatMany([, - List.fromArray(match.items) + Stdlib_List.fromArray(match.items) ]); continue; case "moduleType" : @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ function getExamples(param) { }; _items = Belt_List.concatMany([, - List.fromArray(match.items) + Stdlib_List.fromArray(match.items) ]); continue; case "moduleAlias" : @@ -144,13 +144,13 @@ function getExamples(param) { }; _items = Belt_List.concatMany([, - List.fromArray(match.items) + Stdlib_List.fromArray(match.items) ]); continue; } }; }; - return List.toArray(loop(List.fromArray(param.items), /* [] */0)).filter(param => param.docstrings.length > 0); + return Stdlib_List.toArray(loop(Stdlib_List.fromArray(param.items), /* [] */0)).filter(param => param.docstrings.length > 0); } function getCodeBlocks(example) { @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ function getCodeBlocks(example) { let acc = _acc; let lines = _lines; if (lines === 0) { - return Pervasives.panic("Failed to find end of code block for " + example.kind + ": " +; + return Stdlib.panic("Failed to find end of code block for " + example.kind + ": " +; } let hd = lines.hd; if (hd.trim().endsWith("```")) { @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ function getCodeBlocks(example) { if (lines.hd.trim().startsWith("```res")) { let code = loopEndCodeBlock(rest, /* [] */0); _acc = { - hd: List.toArray(List.reverse(code)).join("\n"), + hd: Stdlib_List.toArray(Stdlib_List.reverse(code)).join("\n"), tl: acc }; _lines = rest; @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ function getCodeBlocks(example) { continue; }; }; - return Belt_Array.reverse(List.toArray(loop(List.fromArray($$Array.reduce(example.docstrings, [], (acc, docstring) => acc.concat(docstring.split("\n")))), /* [] */0))).join("\n\n"); + return Belt_Array.reverse(Stdlib_List.toArray(loop(Stdlib_List.fromArray(Stdlib_Array.reduce(example.docstrings, [], (acc, docstring) => acc.concat(docstring.split("\n")))), /* [] */0))).join("\n\n"); } let batchSize = Os.cpus().length; @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ let batchSize = Os.cpus().length; async function extractExamples() { let files = Fs.readdirSync("runtime"); let docFiles = files.filter(f => { - if (f.startsWith("Js") || f.startsWith("RescriptTools")) { + if (f.startsWith("Js") || f.startsWith("RescriptTools") || f.startsWith("Stdlib_")) { return false; } else if (f.endsWith(".resi")) { return true; @@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ async function main() { dict[id] = [cur].concat(previous); }); let output = []; - Dict.forEachWithKey(dict, (examples, key) => { + Stdlib_Dict.forEachWithKey(dict, (examples, key) => { examples.sort((a, b) =>,; - let codeExamples = $$Array.filterMap(examples, example => { + let codeExamples = Stdlib_Array.filterMap(examples, example => { let ignoreExample = ignoreRuntimeTests.some(param => { if (nodeVersion === param[0]) { return param[1].includes(; diff --git a/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/package-lock.json b/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/package-lock.json index d1d0e9c2ab..ca8802efb6 100644 --- a/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/package-lock.json +++ b/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/package-lock.json @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ } }, "../../..": { - "version": "12.0.0-alpha.7", + "version": "12.0.0-alpha.9", "dev": true, "hasInstallScript": true, "license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE", diff --git a/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/src/Core.gen.tsx b/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/src/Core.gen.tsx index b4a763cad7..26db98b596 100644 --- a/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/src/Core.gen.tsx +++ b/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/src/Core.gen.tsx @@ -8,19 +8,33 @@ import {someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgs as someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsNotChe import {someFunWithNullUndefinedArg as someFunWithNullUndefinedArgNotChecked} from './CoreTS'; // In case of type error, check the type of 'someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgs' in 'Core.res' and './CoreTS'. -export const someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsTypeChecked: (_1:(null | string), _2:(undefined | string)) => string = someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsNotChecked as any; +export const someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsTypeChecked: (_1:Stdlib_Null_t, _2:(undefined | string)) => string = someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsNotChecked as any; // Export 'someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgs' early to allow circular import from the '.bs.js' file. -export const someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgs: unknown = someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsTypeChecked as (_1:(null | string), _2:(undefined | string)) => string as any; +export const someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgs: unknown = someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsTypeChecked as (_1:Stdlib_Null_t, _2:(undefined | string)) => string as any; // In case of type error, check the type of 'someFunWithNullUndefinedArg' in 'Core.res' and './CoreTS'. -export const someFunWithNullUndefinedArgTypeChecked: (_1:(null | undefined | string), _2:number) => string = someFunWithNullUndefinedArgNotChecked as any; +export const someFunWithNullUndefinedArgTypeChecked: (_1:Stdlib_Nullable_t, _2:number) => string = someFunWithNullUndefinedArgNotChecked as any; // Export 'someFunWithNullUndefinedArg' early to allow circular import from the '.bs.js' file. -export const someFunWithNullUndefinedArg: unknown = someFunWithNullUndefinedArgTypeChecked as (_1:(null | undefined | string), _2:number) => string as any; +export const someFunWithNullUndefinedArg: unknown = someFunWithNullUndefinedArgTypeChecked as (_1:Stdlib_Nullable_t, _2:number) => string as any; const CoreJS = require('./Core.res.js'); +import type {Date_t as Stdlib_Date_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; + +import type {Null_t as Stdlib_Null_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; + +import type {Nullable_t as Stdlib_Nullable_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; + +import type {Promise_t as Stdlib_Promise_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; + +import type {RegExp_t as Stdlib_RegExp_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; + +import type {WeakMap_t as Stdlib_WeakMap_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; + +import type {WeakSet_t as Stdlib_WeakSet_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; + export type variant = "A" | { TAG: "B"; _0: string }; export type t1 = { readonly x?: string }; @@ -29,11 +43,11 @@ export type t2 = { readonly x: (undefined | string) }; export const null0: (x:(null | number)) => (null | number) = CoreJS.null0 as any; -export const null1: (x:(null | number)) => (null | number) = CoreJS.null1 as any; +export const null1: (x:Stdlib_Null_t) => Stdlib_Null_t = CoreJS.null1 as any; export const nullable0: (x:(null | undefined | number)) => (null | undefined | number) = CoreJS.nullable0 as any; -export const nullable1: (x:(null | undefined | number)) => (null | undefined | number) = CoreJS.nullable1 as any; +export const nullable1: (x:Stdlib_Nullable_t) => Stdlib_Nullable_t = CoreJS.nullable1 as any; export const undefined0: (x:(undefined | number)) => (undefined | number) = CoreJS.undefined0 as any; @@ -45,25 +59,25 @@ export const dict1: (x:{[id: string]: string}) => {[id: string]: string} = CoreJ export const promise0: (x:Promise) => Promise = CoreJS.promise0 as any; -export const promise1: (x:Promise) => Promise = CoreJS.promise1 as any; +export const promise1: (x:Stdlib_Promise_t) => Stdlib_Promise_t = CoreJS.promise1 as any; export const date0: (x:Date) => Date = CoreJS.date0 as any; -export const date1: (x:Date) => Date = CoreJS.date1 as any; +export const date1: (x:Stdlib_Date_t) => Stdlib_Date_t = CoreJS.date1 as any; export const bigint0: (x:bigint) => bigint = CoreJS.bigint0 as any; export const regexp0: (x:RegExp) => RegExp = CoreJS.regexp0 as any; -export const regexp1: (x:RegExp) => RegExp = CoreJS.regexp1 as any; +export const regexp1: (x:Stdlib_RegExp_t) => Stdlib_RegExp_t = CoreJS.regexp1 as any; export const map1: (x:Map) => Map = CoreJS.map1 as any; -export const weakmap1: (x:WeakMap) => WeakMap = CoreJS.weakmap1 as any; +export const weakmap1: (x:Stdlib_WeakMap_t) => Stdlib_WeakMap_t = CoreJS.weakmap1 as any; export const set1: (x:Set) => Set = CoreJS.set1 as any; -export const weakset1: (x:WeakSet) => WeakSet = CoreJS.weakset1 as any; +export const weakset1: (x:Stdlib_WeakSet_t) => Stdlib_WeakSet_t = CoreJS.weakset1 as any; export const option0: (x:(undefined | string)) => (undefined | string) = CoreJS.option0 as any; diff --git a/tests/tests/src/UntaggedVariants.res b/tests/tests/src/UntaggedVariants.res index 4e177b77a1..23f9539402 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/UntaggedVariants.res +++ b/tests/tests/src/UntaggedVariants.res @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ module AllInstanceofTypes = { | Promise(promise) | Object(record) | Date(Js.Date.t) - | RegExp(Js.Re.t) + | RegExp(Stdlib_RegExp.t) | File(Js.File.t) | Blob(Js.Blob.t) diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ArrayTests.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ArrayTests.mjs index 5f48457d79..9f528d119c 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ArrayTests.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ArrayTests.mjs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE -import * as List from "rescript/lib/es6/List.js"; import * as Test from "./Test.mjs"; -import * as $$Array from "rescript/lib/es6/Array.js"; +import * as Stdlib_List from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_List.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Array from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Array.js"; import * as Primitive_object from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_object.js"; let eq = Primitive_object.equal; @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@[ 26 ], "make" -], $$Array.make(6, 7), eq, [ +], Stdlib_Array.make(6, 7), eq, [ 7, 7, 7, @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@[ 30 ], "fromInitializer" -], $$Array.fromInitializer(7, i => i + 3 | 0), eq, [ +], Stdlib_Array.fromInitializer(7, i => i + 3 | 0), eq, [ 3, 4, 5, @@ -74,11 +74,11 @@[ 28 ], "reduce" -], $$Array.reduce([ +], Stdlib_Array.reduce([ 1, 2, 3 -], /* [] */0, List.add), eq, { +], /* [] */0, Stdlib_List.add), eq, { hd: 3, tl: { hd: 2, @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@[ 36 ], "reduce - empty" -], $$Array.reduce([], /* [] */0, List.add), eq, /* [] */0); +], Stdlib_Array.reduce([], /* [] */0, Stdlib_List.add), eq, /* [] */0);[ [ @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@[ 30 ], "reduceWithIndex" -], $$Array.reduceWithIndex([ +], Stdlib_Array.reduceWithIndex([ 1, 2, 3 @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@[ 38 ], "reduceWithIndex - empty" -], $$Array.reduceWithIndex([], /* [] */0, (acc, v, i) => ({ +], Stdlib_Array.reduceWithIndex([], /* [] */0, (acc, v, i) => ({ hd: v + i | 0, tl: acc })), eq, /* [] */0); @@ -146,11 +146,11 @@[ 26 ], "reduceRight" -], $$Array.reduceRight([ +], Stdlib_Array.reduceRight([ 1, 2, 3 -], /* [] */0, List.add), eq, { +], /* [] */0, Stdlib_List.add), eq, { hd: 1, tl: { hd: 2, @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@[ 41 ], "reduceRight - empty" -], $$Array.reduceRight([], /* [] */0, List.add), eq, /* [] */0); +], Stdlib_Array.reduceRight([], /* [] */0, Stdlib_List.add), eq, /* [] */0);[ [ @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@[ 35 ], "reduceEightWithIndex" -], $$Array.reduceRightWithIndex([ +], Stdlib_Array.reduceRightWithIndex([ 1, 2, 3 @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@[ 38 ], "reduceWithIndex - empty" -], $$Array.reduceRightWithIndex([], /* [] */0, (acc, v, i) => ({ +], Stdlib_Array.reduceRightWithIndex([], /* [] */0, (acc, v, i) => ({ hd: v + i | 0, tl: acc })), eq, /* [] */0); @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@[ 41 ], "toShuffled - length" -], $$Array.toShuffled([ +], Stdlib_Array.toShuffled([ 1, 2, 3 @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@[ 31 ], "shuffle - length" -], ($$Array.shuffle(arr), arr.length), eq, 3); +], (Stdlib_Array.shuffle(arr), arr.length), eq, 3);[ [ @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@[ 24 ], "filterMap" -], $$Array.filterMap([ +], Stdlib_Array.filterMap([ 1, 2, 3, @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@[ 42 ], "filterMap - no match" -], $$Array.filterMap([ +], Stdlib_Array.filterMap([ 1, 2, 3, @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@[ 32 ], "filterMap - empty" -], $$Array.filterMap([], n => { +], Stdlib_Array.filterMap([], n => { if (n % 2 === 0) { return Math.imul(n, n); } @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@[ 30 ], "keepSome" -], $$Array.keepSome([ +], Stdlib_Array.keepSome([ 1, undefined, 3 @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@[ 34 ], "keepSome - all Some" -], $$Array.keepSome([ +], Stdlib_Array.keepSome([ 1, 2, 3 @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@[ 41 ], "keepSome - all None" -], $$Array.keepSome([ +], Stdlib_Array.keepSome([ undefined, undefined, undefined @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@[ 38 ], "keepSome - empty" -], $$Array.keepSome([]), eq, []); +], Stdlib_Array.keepSome([]), eq, []);[ [ @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@[ 22 ], "findMap" -], $$Array.findMap([ +], Stdlib_Array.findMap([ 1, 2, 3, @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@[ 40 ], "findMap - no match" -], $$Array.findMap([ +], Stdlib_Array.findMap([ 1, 2, 3, @@ -404,7 +404,7 @@[ 30 ], "findMap - empty" -], $$Array.findMap([], n => { +], Stdlib_Array.findMap([], n => { if (n % 2 === 0) { return Math.imul(n, n); } @@ -441,7 +441,7 @@[ 39 ], "last - with items" -], $$Array.last([ +], Stdlib_Array.last([ 1, 2, 3 @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@[ 34 ], "last - empty" -], $$Array.last([]), eq, undefined); +], Stdlib_Array.last([]), eq, undefined); export { eq, diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ErrorTests.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ErrorTests.mjs index ce1cb6e63e..1d0276de6a 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ErrorTests.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ErrorTests.mjs @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE -import * as Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Exn.js"; import * as Test from "./Test.mjs"; -import * as Pervasives from "rescript/lib/es6/Pervasives.js"; +import * as Stdlib from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Exn.js"; import * as Primitive_exceptions from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_exceptions.js"; function panicTest() { let caught; try { - caught = Pervasives.panic("uh oh"); + caught = Stdlib.panic("uh oh"); } catch (raw_err) { let err = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_err); - if (err.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (err.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { caught = err._1.message; } else { throw err; diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_FloatTests.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_FloatTests.mjs index f58ad653a9..05ec56c434 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_FloatTests.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_FloatTests.mjs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE import * as Test from "./Test.mjs"; -import * as Float from "rescript/lib/es6/Float.js"; import * as Pervasives from "rescript/lib/es6/Pervasives.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Float from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Float.js"; import * as Primitive_object from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_object.js"; let eq = Primitive_object.equal; @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@[ 27 ], "clamp" -], Float.clamp(undefined, undefined, 4.2), eq, 4.2); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(undefined, undefined, 4.2), eq, 4.2);[ [ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@[ 35 ], "clamp - < min" -], Float.clamp(4.3, undefined, 4.1), eq, 4.3); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(4.3, undefined, 4.1), eq, 4.3);[ [ @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@[ 35 ], "clamp - > min" -], Float.clamp(4.1, undefined, 4.2), eq, 4.2); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(4.1, undefined, 4.2), eq, 4.2);[ [ @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@[ 35 ], "clamp - < max" -], Float.clamp(undefined, 4.3, 4.2), eq, 4.2); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(undefined, 4.3, 4.2), eq, 4.2);[ [ @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@[ 35 ], "clamp - > max" -], Float.clamp(undefined, 4.1, 4.2), eq, 4.1); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(undefined, 4.1, 4.2), eq, 4.1);[ [ @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@[ 42 ], "clamp - < min, < max" -], Float.clamp(4.3, 4.5, 4.2), eq, 4.3); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(4.3, 4.5, 4.2), eq, 4.3);[ [ @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@[ 42 ], "clamp - < min, > max" -], Float.clamp(4.3, 4.1, 4.2), eq, 4.3); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(4.3, 4.1, 4.2), eq, 4.3);[ [ @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@[ 42 ], "clamp - > min, < max" -], Float.clamp(4.1, 4.5, 4.2), eq, 4.2); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(4.1, 4.5, 4.2), eq, 4.2);[ [ @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@[ 42 ], "clamp - > min, > max" -], Float.clamp(4.1, 4.1, 4.2), eq, 4.1); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(4.1, 4.1, 4.2), eq, 4.1);[ [ @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@[ 33 ], "clamp - nan" -], isNaN(Float.clamp(4.1, 4.3, Number.NaN)), eq, true); +], isNaN(Stdlib_Float.clamp(4.1, 4.3, Number.NaN)), eq, true);[ [ @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@[ 38 ], "clamp - infinity" -], Float.clamp(4.1, 4.3, Pervasives.infinity), eq, 4.3); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(4.1, 4.3, Pervasives.infinity), eq, 4.3);[ [ @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@[ 39 ], "clamp - -infinity" -], Float.clamp(4.1, 4.3, Pervasives.neg_infinity), eq, 4.1); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(4.1, 4.3, Pervasives.neg_infinity), eq, 4.1);[ [ @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@[ 37 ], "clamp - min nan" -], Float.clamp(Number.NaN, undefined, 4.2), eq, 4.2); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(Number.NaN, undefined, 4.2), eq, 4.2);[ [ @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@[ 37 ], "clamp - max nan" -], Float.clamp(undefined, Number.NaN, 4.2), eq, 4.2); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(undefined, Number.NaN, 4.2), eq, 4.2);[ [ @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@[ 46 ], "clamp - min nan, max nan" -], Float.clamp(Number.NaN, Number.NaN, 4.2), eq, 4.2); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(Number.NaN, Number.NaN, 4.2), eq, 4.2);[ [ @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@[ 42 ], "clamp - min infinity" -], Float.clamp(Pervasives.infinity, undefined, 4.2), eq, Pervasives.infinity); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(Pervasives.infinity, undefined, 4.2), eq, Pervasives.infinity);[ [ @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@[ 42 ], "clamp - max infinity" -], Float.clamp(undefined, Pervasives.infinity, 4.2), eq, 4.2); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(undefined, Pervasives.infinity, 4.2), eq, 4.2);[ [ @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@[ 43 ], "clamp - min -infinity" -], Float.clamp(Pervasives.neg_infinity, undefined, 4.2), eq, 4.2); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(Pervasives.neg_infinity, undefined, 4.2), eq, 4.2);[ [ @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@[ 43 ], "clamp - max -infinity" -], Float.clamp(undefined, Pervasives.neg_infinity, 4.2), eq, Pervasives.neg_infinity); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(undefined, Pervasives.neg_infinity, 4.2), eq, Pervasives.neg_infinity);[ [ @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@[ 49 ], "clamp - min infinity, max infinity" -], Float.clamp(Pervasives.infinity, Pervasives.infinity, 4.2), eq, Pervasives.infinity); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(Pervasives.infinity, Pervasives.infinity, 4.2), eq, Pervasives.infinity);[ [ @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@[ 50 ], "clamp - min -infinity, max infinity" -], Float.clamp(Pervasives.neg_infinity, Pervasives.infinity, 4.2), eq, 4.2); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(Pervasives.neg_infinity, Pervasives.infinity, 4.2), eq, 4.2);[ [ @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@[ 50 ], "clamp - min infinity, max -infinity" -], Float.clamp(Pervasives.infinity, Pervasives.neg_infinity, 4.2), eq, Pervasives.infinity); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(Pervasives.infinity, Pervasives.neg_infinity, 4.2), eq, Pervasives.infinity);[ [ @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@[ 51 ], "clamp - min -infinity, max -infinity" -], Float.clamp(Pervasives.neg_infinity, Pervasives.neg_infinity, 4.2), eq, Pervasives.neg_infinity); +], Stdlib_Float.clamp(Pervasives.neg_infinity, Pervasives.neg_infinity, 4.2), eq, Pervasives.neg_infinity);[ [ diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_IntTests.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_IntTests.mjs index 6935d883e3..f873104d52 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_IntTests.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_IntTests.mjs @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE -import * as Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Exn.js"; -import * as Int from "rescript/lib/es6/Int.js"; import * as Test from "./Test.mjs"; import * as Pervasives from "rescript/lib/es6/Pervasives.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Exn.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Int from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Int.js"; import * as Primitive_object from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_object.js"; import * as Primitive_exceptions from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_exceptions.js"; @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function $$catch(f) { return Pervasives.failwith("no exception raised"); } catch (raw_err) { let err = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_err); - if (err.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (err.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { return err._1; } throw err; @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@[ 50 ], "range - positive, increasing" -], Int.range(3, 6, undefined), eq, [ +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 6, undefined), eq, [ 3, 4, 5 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@[ 50 ], "range - negative, increasing" -], Int.range(-3, -1, undefined), eq, [ +], Stdlib_Int.range(-3, -1, undefined), eq, [ -3, -2 ]); @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@[ 51 ], "range - cross-zero, incresing" -], Int.range(-1, 2, undefined), eq, [ +], Stdlib_Int.range(-1, 2, undefined), eq, [ -1, 0, 1 @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@[ 42 ], "range - start == end" -], Int.range(3, 3, undefined), eq, []); +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 3, undefined), eq, []);[ [ @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@[ 50 ], "range - positive, decreasing" -], Int.range(3, 1, undefined), eq, [ +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 1, undefined), eq, [ 3, 2 ]); @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@[ 50 ], "range - negative, decreasing" -], Int.range(-1, -3, undefined), eq, [ +], Stdlib_Int.range(-1, -3, undefined), eq, [ -1, -2 ]); @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@[ 51 ], "range - positive, increasing, step 2" -], Int.range(3, 6, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 6, { step: 2 }), eq, [ 3, @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@[ 51 ], "range + positive, increasing, step 2" -], Int.range(3, 7, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 7, { step: 2 }), eq, [ 3, @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@[ 51 ], "range + positive, increasing, step 2" -], Int.range(3, 8, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 8, { step: 2 }), eq, [ 3, @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@[ 51 ], "range - negative, increasing, step 2" -], Int.range(-6, -3, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(-6, -3, { step: 2 }), eq, [ -6, @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@[ 51 ], "range - positive, increasing, step 0" -], $$catch(() => Int.range(3, 6, { +], $$catch(() => Stdlib_Int.range(3, 6, { step: 0 })), eq, new RangeError("Incorrect range arguments")); @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@[ 50 ], "range - start == end, step 0" -], Int.range(3, 3, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 3, { step: 0 }), eq, []); @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@[ 52 ], "range + positive, increasing, step -1" -], Int.range(3, 6, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 6, { step: -1 }), eq, []); @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@[ 51 ], "range + positive, decreasing, step 1" -], Int.range(6, 3, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(6, 3, { step: 1 }), eq, []); @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@[ 52 ], "range + positive, decreasing, step -2" -], Int.range(6, 3, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(6, 3, { step: -2 }), eq, [ 6, @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@[ 52 ], "range + positive, increasing, step -2" -], Int.range(6, 2, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(6, 2, { step: -2 }), eq, [ 6, @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@[ 52 ], "range + positive, increasing, step -2" -], Int.range(6, 1, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(6, 1, { step: -2 }), eq, [ 6, @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@[ 52 ], "range + negative, decreasing, step -2" -], Int.range(-3, -6, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(-3, -6, { step: -2 }), eq, [ -3, @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@[ 62 ], "range - positive, increasing, step 2, inclusive" -], Int.range(3, 6, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 6, { step: 2, inclusive: true }), eq, [ @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@[ 62 ], "range + positive, increasing, step 2, inclusive" -], Int.range(3, 7, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 7, { step: 2, inclusive: true }), eq, [ @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@[ 62 ], "range + positive, increasing, step 2, inclusive" -], Int.range(3, 8, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 8, { step: 2, inclusive: true }), eq, [ @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@[ 62 ], "range - negative, increasing, step 2, inclusive" -], Int.range(-6, -3, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(-6, -3, { step: 2, inclusive: true }), eq, [ @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@[ 62 ], "range - positive, increasing, step 0, inclusive" -], $$catch(() => Int.range(3, 6, { +], $$catch(() => Stdlib_Int.range(3, 6, { step: 0, inclusive: true })), eq, new RangeError("Incorrect range arguments")); @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@[ 54 ], "range - start == end, step 0, inclusive" -], Int.range(3, 3, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 3, { step: 0, inclusive: true }), eq, [3]); @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@[ 63 ], "range + positive, increasing, step -1, inclusive" -], Int.range(3, 6, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(3, 6, { step: -1, inclusive: true }), eq, []); @@ -382,7 +382,7 @@[ 62 ], "range + positive, decreasing, step 1, inclusive" -], Int.range(6, 3, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(6, 3, { step: 1, inclusive: true }), eq, []); @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@[ 63 ], "range + positive, decreasing, step -2, inclusive" -], Int.range(6, 3, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(6, 3, { step: -2, inclusive: true }), eq, [ @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@[ 63 ], "range + positive, increasing, step -2, inclusive" -], Int.range(6, 2, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(6, 2, { step: -2, inclusive: true }), eq, [ @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@[ 63 ], "range + positive, increasing, step -2, inclusive" -], Int.range(6, 1, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(6, 1, { step: -2, inclusive: true }), eq, [ @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@[ 63 ], "range + negative, decreasing, step -2, inclusive" -], Int.range(-3, -6, { +], Stdlib_Int.range(-3, -6, { step: -2, inclusive: true }), eq, [ @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@[ 27 ], "clamp" -], Int.clamp(undefined, undefined, 42), eq, 42); +], Stdlib_Int.clamp(undefined, undefined, 42), eq, 42);[ [ @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@[ 35 ], "clamp - < min" -], Int.clamp(50, undefined, 42), eq, 50); +], Stdlib_Int.clamp(50, undefined, 42), eq, 50);[ [ @@ -481,7 +481,7 @@[ 35 ], "clamp - > min" -], Int.clamp(40, undefined, 42), eq, 42); +], Stdlib_Int.clamp(40, undefined, 42), eq, 42);[ [ @@ -491,7 +491,7 @@[ 35 ], "clamp - < max" -], Int.clamp(undefined, 50, 42), eq, 42); +], Stdlib_Int.clamp(undefined, 50, 42), eq, 42);[ [ @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@[ 35 ], "clamp - > max" -], Int.clamp(undefined, 40, 42), eq, 40); +], Stdlib_Int.clamp(undefined, 40, 42), eq, 40);[ [ @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@[ 42 ], "clamp - < min, < max" -], Int.clamp(50, 60, 42), eq, 50); +], Stdlib_Int.clamp(50, 60, 42), eq, 50);[ [ @@ -521,7 +521,7 @@[ 42 ], "clamp - < min, > max" -], Int.clamp(50, 40, 42), eq, 50); +], Stdlib_Int.clamp(50, 40, 42), eq, 50);[ [ @@ -531,7 +531,7 @@[ 42 ], "clamp - > min, < max" -], Int.clamp(40, 60, 42), eq, 42); +], Stdlib_Int.clamp(40, 60, 42), eq, 42);[ [ @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@[ 42 ], "clamp - > min, > max" -], Int.clamp(40, 40, 42), eq, 40); +], Stdlib_Int.clamp(40, 40, 42), eq, 40);[ [ diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_IteratorTests.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_IteratorTests.mjs index f79c9cefe1..c9a7e4868b 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_IteratorTests.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_IteratorTests.mjs @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE import * as Test from "./Test.mjs"; -import * as $$Iterator from "rescript/lib/es6/Iterator.js"; -import * as $$AsyncIterator from "rescript/lib/es6/AsyncIterator.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Iterator from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Iterator.js"; import * as Primitive_object from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_object.js"; +import * as Stdlib_AsyncIterator from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_AsyncIterator.js"; let eq = Primitive_object.equal; @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ let syncResult = { contents: undefined }; -$$Iterator.forEach(iterator, v => { +Stdlib_Iterator.forEach(iterator, v => { if (v === "b") { syncResult.contents = "b"; return; @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ let asyncResult = { contents: undefined }; -await $$AsyncIterator.forEach(asyncIterator, v => { +await Stdlib_AsyncIterator.forEach(asyncIterator, v => { if (v !== undefined && v[0] === "second") { asyncResult.contents = "second"; return; @@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ let count = { contents: 0 }; -let asyncIterator$1 = $$AsyncIterator.make(async () => { +let asyncIterator$1 = Stdlib_AsyncIterator.make(async () => { let currentCount = count.contents; count.contents = currentCount + 1 | 0; if (currentCount === 3) { - return $$AsyncIterator.done(currentCount); + return Stdlib_AsyncIterator.done(currentCount); } else { - return $$AsyncIterator.value(currentCount); + return Stdlib_AsyncIterator.value(currentCount); } }); -await $$AsyncIterator.forEach(asyncIterator$1, v => { +await Stdlib_AsyncIterator.forEach(asyncIterator$1, v => { if (v === 3) { asyncResult$1.contents = "done"; } else { diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ObjectTests.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ObjectTests.mjs index 78b3c4fb32..0da00125a9 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ObjectTests.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ObjectTests.mjs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE import * as Test from "./Test.mjs"; -import * as Option from "rescript/lib/es6/Option.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Option from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Option.js"; import * as Primitive_object from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_object.js"; let eq = Primitive_object.equal; @@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ runGetTest({ source: () => ({ a: 1 }), - get: i => Option.isSome(i["toString"]), + get: i => Stdlib_Option.isSome(i["toString"]), expected: true }); @@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ runGetTest({ 3 ] }), - get: i => Option.getOr(["a"], i => i.concat([ + get: i => Stdlib_Option.getOr(["a"], i => i.concat([ 4, 5 ])), []), diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_PromiseTest.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_PromiseTest.mjs index c3b23fa1ff..3935f8d730 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_PromiseTest.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_PromiseTest.mjs @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE -import * as Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Exn.js"; import * as Test from "./Test.mjs"; -import * as $$Promise from "rescript/lib/es6/Promise.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Exn.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Promise from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Promise.js"; import * as Primitive_object from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_object.js"; import * as Primitive_exceptions from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_exceptions.js"; let TestError = /* @__PURE__ */Primitive_exceptions.create("Core_PromiseTest.TestError"); -let fail = Exn.raiseError; +let fail = Stdlib_Exn.raiseError; let equal = Primitive_object.equal; @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ let ThenChaining = { }; function testExnRejection() { - $$Promise.$$catch(Promise.reject({ + Stdlib_Promise.$$catch(Promise.reject({ RE_EXN_ID: TestError, _1: "oops" }), e => { @@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ let asyncParseFail = (function() { }); function testExternalPromiseThrow() { - return $$Promise.$$catch(asyncParseFail().then(param => Promise.resolve()), e => { - let success = e.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error ? Primitive_object.equal(, "SyntaxError") : false; + return Stdlib_Promise.$$catch(asyncParseFail().then(param => Promise.resolve()), e => { + let success = e.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error ? Primitive_object.equal(, "SyntaxError") : false;[ [ "Core_PromiseTest.res", @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ function testExternalPromiseThrow() { } function testExnThrow() { - return $$Promise.$$catch(Promise.resolve().then(() => { + return Stdlib_Promise.$$catch(Promise.resolve().then(() => { throw { RE_EXN_ID: TestError, _1: "Thrown exn", @@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ function testExnThrow() { } function testRaiseErrorThrow() { - return $$Promise.$$catch(Promise.resolve().then(() => Exn.raiseError("Some JS error")), e => { - let isTestErr = e.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error ? Primitive_object.equal(e._1.message, "Some JS error") : false; + return Stdlib_Promise.$$catch(Promise.resolve().then(() => Stdlib_Exn.raiseError("Some JS error")), e => { + let isTestErr = e.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error ? Primitive_object.equal(e._1.message, "Some JS error") : false;[ [ "Core_PromiseTest.res", @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ function testRaiseErrorThrow() { } function thenAfterCatch() { - return $$Promise.$$catch(Promise.resolve().then(() => Promise.reject({ + return Stdlib_Promise.$$catch(Promise.resolve().then(() => Promise.reject({ RE_EXN_ID: TestError, _1: "some rejected value" })), e => { @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ function testCatchFinally() { let wasCalled = { contents: false }; - $$Promise.$$catch(Promise.resolve(5).then(param => Promise.reject({ + Stdlib_Promise.$$catch(Promise.resolve(5).then(param => Promise.reject({ RE_EXN_ID: TestError, _1: "test" })).then(v => Promise.resolve(v)), param => Promise.resolve()).finally(() => { diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ResultTests.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ResultTests.mjs index 149b1a1d6c..6bb3154f2a 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ResultTests.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_ResultTests.mjs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE import * as Test from "./Test.mjs"; -import * as Result from "rescript/lib/es6/Result.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Result from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Result.js"; import * as Primitive_object from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_object.js"; let eq = Primitive_object.equal; @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function forEachIfOkCallFunction() { let called = { contents: [] }; - Result.forEach({ + Stdlib_Result.forEach({ TAG: "Ok", _0: 3 }, i => { @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function forEachIfErrorDoNotCallFunction() { let called = { contents: [] }; - Result.forEach({ + Stdlib_Result.forEach({ TAG: "Error", _0: 3 }, i => { @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@[ 48 ], "mapError: if ok, return it" -], Result.mapError({ +], Stdlib_Result.mapError({ TAG: "Ok", _0: 5 }, i => Math.imul(i, 3)), eq, { @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@[ 42 ], "mapError: if error, apply f" -], Result.mapError({ +], Stdlib_Result.mapError({ TAG: "Error", _0: 5 }, i => Math.imul(i, 3)), eq, { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@[ 25 ], "all" -], Result.all([]), eq, { +], Stdlib_Result.all([]), eq, { TAG: "Ok", _0: [] }); @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@[ 25 ], "all" -], Result.all([ +], Stdlib_Result.all([ { TAG: "Ok", _0: 1 @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@[ 25 ], "all" -], Result.all([ +], Stdlib_Result.all([ { TAG: "Ok", _0: 1 @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@[ 25 ], "all" -], Result.all2([ +], Stdlib_Result.all2([ { TAG: "Ok", _0: 1 @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@[ 25 ], "all" -], Result.all2([ +], Stdlib_Result.all2([ { TAG: "Ok", _0: 1 @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@[ 25 ], "all" -], Result.all3([ +], Stdlib_Result.all3([ { TAG: "Ok", _0: 1 @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@[ 25 ], "all" -], Result.all3([ +], Stdlib_Result.all3([ { TAG: "Ok", _0: 1 @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@[ 25 ], "all" -], Result.all4([ +], Stdlib_Result.all4([ { TAG: "Ok", _0: 1 @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@[ 25 ], "all" -], Result.all4([ +], Stdlib_Result.all4([ { TAG: "Ok", _0: 1 diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_TempTests.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_TempTests.mjs index 4478b1d59e..7b189a747f 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_TempTests.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_TempTests.mjs @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE -import * as Int from "rescript/lib/es6/Int.js"; -import * as Dict from "rescript/lib/es6/Dict.js"; -import * as $$JSON from "rescript/lib/es6/JSON.js"; -import * as $$Array from "rescript/lib/es6/Array.js"; -import * as Float from "rescript/lib/es6/Float.js"; -import * as $$BigInt from "rescript/lib/es6/BigInt.js"; -import * as Option from "rescript/lib/es6/Option.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Int from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Int.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Dict from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Dict.js"; +import * as Stdlib_JSON from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_JSON.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Array from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Array.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Float from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Float.js"; +import * as Stdlib_BigInt from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_BigInt.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Option from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Option.js"; import * as Core_IntlTests from "./intl/Core_IntlTests.mjs"; import * as Primitive_bigint from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_bigint.js"; import * as Primitive_option from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_option.js"; @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ let array = [ 4 ];$$Array.reduce( => (x << 1)), 0, (a, b) => a + b | 0)); => (x << 1)), 0, (a, b) => a + b | 0)); array); @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ dict["foo"] = "bar"; let dict2 = Object.assign({}, dict); -Dict.$$delete(dict2, "foo"); +Stdlib_Dict.$$delete(dict2, "foo"); console.log(dict, dict2); @@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ console.log((10.2).toFixed(2)); console.log((10).toFixed(2)); -console.log(Int.fromString("0", undefined)); +console.log(Stdlib_Int.fromString("0", undefined)); -console.log(Float.fromString("0.1")); +console.log(Stdlib_Float.fromString("0.1"));""); @@ -97,14 +97,14 @@"---"); let json = JSON.parse("{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"); -let json$1 = $$JSON.Classify.classify(json); +let json$1 = Stdlib_JSON.Classify.classify(json); let tmp; if (typeof json$1 !== "object" || json$1.TAG !== "Object") { tmp = undefined; } else { - let value = $$JSON.Classify.classify(json$1._0["foo"]); + let value = Stdlib_JSON.Classify.classify(json$1._0["foo"]); tmp = typeof value !== "object" || value.TAG !== "String" ? undefined : value._0; } @@ -207,11 +207,11 @@ let result = regex.exec(string); let result$1 = (result == null) ? undefined : Primitive_option.some(result); -console.log($1, prim => prim.input)); +console.log($1, prim => prim.input)); -console.log($1, prim => prim.index)); +console.log($1, prim => prim.index)); -console.log($1, prim => prim.slice(1))); +console.log($1, prim => prim.slice(1)));""); @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ if (globalThis.hello !== undefined) { let z = 1.2 % 1.4; -let intFromBigInt = $$BigInt.toInt(BigInt("10000000000")); +let intFromBigInt = Stdlib_BigInt.toInt(BigInt("10000000000")); console.log({ bar: "1" @@ -282,15 +282,15 @@ console.log({ let Bugfix = {}; -console.log(Int.fromString("1231231", undefined)); +console.log(Stdlib_Int.fromString("1231231", undefined)); -console.log(Int.fromString("12.22", undefined)); +console.log(Stdlib_Int.fromString("12.22", undefined)); -console.log(Int.fromString("99999999999999999", undefined)); +console.log(Stdlib_Int.fromString("99999999999999999", undefined)); -console.log(Int.fromString("99999999999999999", undefined)); +console.log(Stdlib_Int.fromString("99999999999999999", undefined)); -console.log(Int.fromString("010101", 2)); +console.log(Stdlib_Int.fromString("010101", 2)); let _collator = Core_IntlTests._collator; diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_TypedArrayTests.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_TypedArrayTests.mjs index fd7fce21da..a8b57b0d95 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/Core_TypedArrayTests.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/Core_TypedArrayTests.mjs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE import * as Test from "./Test.mjs"; -import * as Option from "rescript/lib/es6/Option.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Option from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Option.js"; import * as Primitive_object from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_object.js"; let eq = Primitive_object.equal; @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ function areSame(x, y) { return x.toString() === y.toString(); } -assertTrue("fromArray", () => areSame(Option.getExn(new BigInt64Array([ +assertTrue("fromArray", () => areSame(Stdlib_Option.getExn(new BigInt64Array([ num1, num2 ])[1], undefined), num2)); @@ -58,25 +58,25 @@ assertTrue("fromArray", () => areSame(Option.getExn(new BigInt64Array([ assertTrue("fromBuffer", () => { let x = new BigInt64Array(new ArrayBuffer(16)); x[1] = num2; - return areSame(Option.getExn(x[1], undefined), num2); + return areSame(Stdlib_Option.getExn(x[1], undefined), num2); }); assertWillThrow("fromBuffer when too short can throw when used", () => { let x = new BigInt64Array(new ArrayBuffer(1)); x[0] = num1; - areSame(Option.getExn(x[0], undefined), num1); + areSame(Stdlib_Option.getExn(x[0], undefined), num1); }); assertTrue("fromBufferWithRange", () => { let x = new BigInt64Array(new ArrayBuffer(16), 0, 1); x[0] = num1; - return areSame(Option.getExn(x[0], undefined), num1); + return areSame(Stdlib_Option.getExn(x[0], undefined), num1); }); assertWillThrow("fromBufferWithRange is unsafe, out of range", () => { let x = new BigInt64Array(new ArrayBuffer(16), 13, 1); x[0] = num1; - areSame(Option.getExn(x[0], undefined), num1); + areSame(Stdlib_Option.getExn(x[0], undefined), num1); }); assertTrue("fromLength is NOT in bytes", () => { diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/Test.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/Test.mjs index c24abc1c99..936183ec24 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/Test.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/Test.mjs @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import * as Fs from "fs"; import * as Path from "path"; import * as Util from "util"; -import * as Option from "rescript/lib/es6/Option.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Option from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Option.js"; import * as CodeFrame from "@babel/code-frame"; let dirname = (new URL('.', import.meta.url).pathname); @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function print(value) { if (match === "object" || match === "bigint") { return Util.inspect(value); } else if (match === "string") { - return Option.getExn(JSON.stringify(value), undefined); + return Stdlib_Option.getExn(JSON.stringify(value), undefined); } else { return String(value); } diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_IntlTests.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_IntlTests.mjs index 3929756a37..eb96c87316 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_IntlTests.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_IntlTests.mjs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE -import * as Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Exn.js"; -import * as $$Error from "rescript/lib/es6/Error.js"; -import * as Option from "rescript/lib/es6/Option.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Exn.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Error from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Error.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Option from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Option.js"; import * as Primitive_option from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_option.js"; import * as Core_Intl_LocaleTest from "./Core_Intl_LocaleTest.mjs"; import * as Primitive_exceptions from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_exceptions.js"; @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ try { console.log(Intl.getCanonicalLocales("bloop")); } catch (raw_e) { let e = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_e); - if (e.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (e.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { console.error(e._1); } else { throw e; @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ try { console.log(Intl.supportedValuesOf("unit")); } catch (raw_e$1) { let e$1 = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_e$1); - if (e$1.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (e$1.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { console.error(e$1._1); } else { throw e$1; @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ try { console.error("Shouldn't have been hit"); } catch (raw_e$2) { let e$2 = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_e$2); - if (e$2.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (e$2.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { let e$3 = e$2._1; - let message =$3.message, prim => prim.toLowerCase()); + let message =$3.message, prim => prim.toLowerCase()); let exit = 0; if (message === "invalid key : someinvalidkey") { console.log("Caught expected error"); @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ try { } } else { - let e$4 = $$Error.fromException(e$2); + let e$4 = Stdlib_Error.fromException(e$2); if (e$4 !== undefined) { throw Primitive_option.valFromOption(e$4); } diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_Intl_NumberFormatTest.mjs b/tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_Intl_NumberFormatTest.mjs index 63c1f22d6a..988d5795bb 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_Intl_NumberFormatTest.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_Intl_NumberFormatTest.mjs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE import * as Primitive_option from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_option.js"; -import * as Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping from "rescript/lib/es6/Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.js"; console.log("---"); @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ let options = sigFormatter.resolvedOptions(); console.log(options); -console.log(Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.parseJsValue(options.useGrouping)); +console.log(Stdlib_Intl_NumberFormat_Grouping.parseJsValue(options.useGrouping)); export { currencyFormatter, diff --git a/tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_Intl_NumberFormatTest.res b/tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_Intl_NumberFormatTest.res index 8a126cec88..1d7faf679b 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_Intl_NumberFormatTest.res +++ b/tests/tests/src/core/intl/Core_Intl_NumberFormatTest.res @@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ let sigFormatter = Intl.NumberFormat.make( let options = sigFormatter->Intl.NumberFormat.resolvedOptions Console.log(options) -options.useGrouping->Intl_NumberFormat.Grouping.parseJsValue->Console.log +options.useGrouping->Intl.NumberFormat.Grouping.parseJsValue->Console.log diff --git a/tests/tests/src/custom_error_test.mjs b/tests/tests/src/custom_error_test.mjs index 8954226c64..ab89dd104f 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/custom_error_test.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/custom_error_test.mjs @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE -import * as Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Exn.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Exn.js"; import * as Primitive_exceptions from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_exceptions.js"; function test_js_error() { @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ function test_js_error() { e = JSON.parse(" {\"x\" : }"); } catch (raw_err) { let err = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_err); - if (err.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (err.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { console.log(err._1.stack); return; } @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function test_js_error2() { return JSON.parse(" {\"x\" : }"); } catch (raw_e) { let e = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_e); - if (e.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (e.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { console.log(e._1.stack); throw e; } @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function example1() { v = JSON.parse(" {\"x\" }"); } catch (raw_err) { let err = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_err); - if (err.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (err.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { console.log(err._1.stack); return; } @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function example2() { return JSON.parse(" {\"x\"}"); } catch (raw_exn) { let exn = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_exn); - if (exn.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (exn.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { return; } throw exn; diff --git a/tests/tests/src/exception_raise_test.mjs b/tests/tests/src/exception_raise_test.mjs index 4f1f9dd08f..b33c0c2659 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/exception_raise_test.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/exception_raise_test.mjs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE import * as Mt from "./mt.mjs"; -import * as Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Exn.js"; import * as Belt_List from "rescript/lib/es6/Belt_List.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Exn.js"; import * as Primitive_exceptions from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_exceptions.js"; let Local = /* @__PURE__ */Primitive_exceptions.create("Exception_raise_test.Local"); @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ try { a0 = (function (){throw 2} ()); } catch (raw_x$3) { let x$3 = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_x$3); - if (x$3.RE_EXN_ID === A || x$3.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (x$3.RE_EXN_ID === A || x$3.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { a0 = x$3._1; } else { throw { @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ let suites = { hd: [ "File \"exception_raise_test.res\", line 123, characters 6-13", () => { - if (a1.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (a1.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { return { TAG: "Eq", _0: a1._1, @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ try { ((()=>{throw 2})()); } catch (raw_e$2) { let e = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_e$2); - eq("File \"exception_raise_test.res\", line 137, characters 10-17", Exn.asJsExn(e) !== undefined, true); + eq("File \"exception_raise_test.res\", line 137, characters 10-17", Stdlib_Exn.asJsExn(e) !== undefined, true); } try { @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ try { }; } catch (raw_e$3) { let e$1 = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_e$3); - eq("File \"exception_raise_test.res\", line 141, characters 10-17", Exn.asJsExn(e$1) !== undefined, false); + eq("File \"exception_raise_test.res\", line 141, characters 10-17", Stdlib_Exn.asJsExn(e$1) !== undefined, false); } function fff0(x, g) { diff --git a/tests/tests/src/exception_value_test.mjs b/tests/tests/src/exception_value_test.mjs index 4b84d820d4..9a7f8c8b4d 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/exception_value_test.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/exception_value_test.mjs @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE -import * as Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Exn.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Exn.js"; import * as Primitive_exceptions from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_exceptions.js"; function f() { @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function test_js_error2() { return JSON.parse(" {\"x\" : }"); } catch (raw_e) { let e = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_e); - if (e.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (e.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { console.log(e._1.stack); throw e; } diff --git a/tests/tests/src/js_exception_catch_test.mjs b/tests/tests/src/js_exception_catch_test.mjs index 040fd2c6ca..a77b7c47e7 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/js_exception_catch_test.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/js_exception_catch_test.mjs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE import * as Mt from "./mt.mjs"; -import * as Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Exn.js"; import * as Pervasives from "rescript/lib/es6/Pervasives.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Exn from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Exn.js"; import * as Primitive_exceptions from "rescript/lib/es6/Primitive_exceptions.js"; let suites = { @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ try { exit = 1; } catch (raw_x) { let x = Primitive_exceptions.internalToException(raw_x); - if (x.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + if (x.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { add_test("File \"js_exception_catch_test.res\", line 18, characters 37-44", () => ({ TAG: "Ok", _0: true @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ function test(f) { } else { return "C"; } - } else if (e.RE_EXN_ID === Exn.$$Error) { + } else if (e.RE_EXN_ID === Stdlib_Exn.$$Error) { return "Js_error"; } else { return "Any"; @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ eq("File \"js_exception_catch_test.res\", line 52, characters 5-12", test(() => }; }), "C_any"); -eq("File \"js_exception_catch_test.res\", line 53, characters 5-12", test(() => Exn.raiseError("x")), "Js_error"); +eq("File \"js_exception_catch_test.res\", line 53, characters 5-12", test(() => Stdlib_Exn.raiseError("x")), "Js_error"); eq("File \"js_exception_catch_test.res\", line 54, characters 5-12", test(() => Pervasives.failwith("x")), "Any"); diff --git a/tests/tests/src/json_decorders.mjs b/tests/tests/src/json_decorders.mjs index 781dfca57d..f3d6b108d3 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/json_decorders.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/json_decorders.mjs @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE -import * as $$Array from "rescript/lib/es6/Array.js"; +import * as Stdlib_Array from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_Array.js"; function decodeUser(json) { if (typeof json !== "object" || Array.isArray(json)) { @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function decodeGroup(json) { return { id: id, name: name, - users: $$Array.filterMap(users, decodeUser) + users: Stdlib_Array.filterMap(users, decodeUser) }; } diff --git a/tests/tests/src/module_missing_conversion.mjs b/tests/tests/src/module_missing_conversion.mjs index 7c833511f5..c73348c99a 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/module_missing_conversion.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/module_missing_conversion.mjs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE -import * as $$String from "rescript/lib/es6/String.js"; import * as Belt_Array from "rescript/lib/es6/Belt_Array.js"; +import * as Stdlib_String from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_String.js"; function f(x) { return x; @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ let XX = { f: f }; -let u = [$$String]; +let u = [Stdlib_String]; let hh = "x".length; diff --git a/tests/tests/src/module_parameter_test.mjs b/tests/tests/src/module_parameter_test.mjs index 18610c8278..1f9d899093 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/module_parameter_test.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/module_parameter_test.mjs @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ // Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE import * as Mt from "./mt.mjs"; -import * as $$String from "rescript/lib/es6/String.js"; +import * as Stdlib_String from "rescript/lib/es6/Stdlib_String.js"; function u(v) { return v; } -let s = $$String; +let s = Stdlib_String; let N = { s: s diff --git a/tests/tests/src/test_pervasive.mjs b/tests/tests/src/test_pervasive.mjs index 0b80ec595f..5892a7ca6d 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/test_pervasive.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/test_pervasive.mjs @@ -110,9 +110,7 @@ let Pervasives$1 = { bool_of_string: Pervasives.bool_of_string, bool_of_string_opt: Pervasives.bool_of_string_opt, int_of_string_opt: Pervasives.int_of_string_opt, - $at: Pervasives.$at, - panic: Pervasives.panic, - assertEqual: Pervasives.assertEqual + $at: Pervasives.$at }; function a0(prim) { diff --git a/tests/tests/src/test_pervasives3.mjs b/tests/tests/src/test_pervasives3.mjs index 3b414a88c5..b124938e7d 100644 --- a/tests/tests/src/test_pervasives3.mjs +++ b/tests/tests/src/test_pervasives3.mjs @@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ let Pervasives$1 = { bool_of_string_opt: Pervasives.bool_of_string_opt, int_of_string_opt: Pervasives.int_of_string_opt, $at: Pervasives.$at, - panic: Pervasives.panic, - assertEqual: Pervasives.assertEqual, length: Belt_List.length, size: Belt_List.size, head: Belt_List.head, diff --git a/tests/tools_tests/package-lock.json b/tests/tools_tests/package-lock.json index 8118ee2f99..9d3242c476 100644 --- a/tests/tools_tests/package-lock.json +++ b/tests/tools_tests/package-lock.json @@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ } }, "../..": { - "name": "rescript", - "version": "12.0.0-alpha.8", + "version": "12.0.0-alpha.9", "hasInstallScript": true, "license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE", "bin": { From 19e589ec364258e79fe5b340ba41d71036ae5688 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gabriel Nordeborn Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 12:25:48 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 02/13] fix gentype output --- .../gentype/ | 41 +++++++++++++------ .../package-lock.json | 1 + .../typescript-react-example/src/Core.gen.tsx | 36 +++++----------- 3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-) diff --git a/compiler/gentype/ b/compiler/gentype/ index 75615bcdef..551cc183c8 100644 --- a/compiler/gentype/ +++ b/compiler/gentype/ @@ -81,36 +81,40 @@ let translate_constr ~config ~params_translation ~(path : Path.t) ~type_env = | ( ( ["FB"; "string"] | ["string"] | ["String"; "t"] + | ["Stdlib_String"; "t"] | ["Js"; ("String" | "String2"); "t"] ), [] ) -> {dependencies = []; type_ = string_t} - | (["Js"; "Types"; "bigint_val"] | ["BigInt"; "t"]), [] -> + | ( (["Js"; "Types"; "bigint_val"] | ["BigInt"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_BigInt"; "t"]), + [] ) -> {dependencies = []; type_ = bigint_t} - | (["Js"; "Date"; "t"] | ["Date"; "t"]), [] -> + | (["Js"; "Date"; "t"] | ["Date"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_Date"; "t"]), [] -> {dependencies = []; type_ = date_t} - | ["Map"; "t"], [param_translation1; param_translation2] -> + | ( (["Map"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_Map"; "t"]), + [param_translation1; param_translation2] ) -> { dependencies = param_translation1.dependencies @ param_translation2.dependencies; type_ = map_t (param_translation1.type_, param_translation2.type_); } - | ["WeakMap"; "t"], [param_translation1; param_translation2] -> + | ( (["WeakMap"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_WeakMap"; "t"]), + [param_translation1; param_translation2] ) -> { dependencies = param_translation1.dependencies @ param_translation2.dependencies; type_ = weakmap_t (param_translation1.type_, param_translation2.type_); } - | ["Set"; "t"], [param_translation] -> + | (["Set"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_Set"; "t"]), [param_translation] -> { dependencies = param_translation.dependencies; type_ = set_t param_translation.type_; } - | ["WeakSet"; "t"], [param_translation] -> + | (["WeakSet"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_WeakSet"; "t"]), [param_translation] -> { dependencies = param_translation.dependencies; type_ = weakset_t param_translation.type_; } - | (["Js"; "Re"; "t"] | ["RegExp"; "t"]), [] -> + | (["Js"; "Re"; "t"] | ["RegExp"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_RegExp"; "t"]), [] -> {dependencies = []; type_ = regexp_t} | (["FB"; "unit"] | ["unit"]), [] -> {dependencies = []; type_ = unit_t} | ( (["FB"; "array"] | ["array"] | ["Js"; ("Array" | "Array2"); "t"]), @@ -134,7 +138,10 @@ let translate_constr ~config ~params_translation ~(path : Path.t) ~type_env = }; ] ); } - | ( (["Pervasives"; "result"] | ["Belt"; "Result"; "t"] | ["result"]), + | ( ( ["Pervasives"; "result"] + | ["Belt"; "Result"; "t"] + | ["result"] + | ["Stdlib_Result"; "t"] ), [param_translation1; param_translation2] ) -> let case name type_ = {case = {label_js = StringLabel name}; t = type_} in let variant = @@ -216,20 +223,28 @@ let translate_constr ~config ~params_translation ~(path : Path.t) ~type_env = | ( (["Js"; "Undefined"; "t"] | ["Undefined"; "t"] | ["Js"; "undefined"]), [param_translation] ) -> {param_translation with type_ = Option param_translation.type_} - | (["Js"; "Null"; "t"] | ["Null"; "t"] | ["Js"; "null"]), [param_translation] - -> + | ( ( ["Js"; "Null"; "t"] + | ["Null"; "t"] + | ["Js"; "null"] + | ["Stdlib_Null"; "t"] ), + [param_translation] ) -> {param_translation with type_ = Null param_translation.type_} | ( ( ["Js"; "Nullable"; "t"] | ["Nullable"; "t"] | ["Js"; "nullable"] | ["Js"; "Null_undefined"; "t"] - | ["Js"; "null_undefined"] ), + | ["Js"; "null_undefined"] + | ["Stdlib_Nullable"; "t"] ), [param_translation] ) -> {param_translation with type_ = Nullable param_translation.type_} - | ( (["Js"; "Promise"; "t"] | ["Promise"; "t"] | ["promise"]), + | ( ( ["Js"; "Promise"; "t"] + | ["Promise"; "t"] + | ["promise"] + | ["Stdlib_Promise"; "t"] ), [param_translation] ) -> {param_translation with type_ = Promise param_translation.type_} - | (["Js"; "Dict"; "t"] | ["Dict"; "t"] | ["dict"]), [param_translation] -> + | ( (["Js"; "Dict"; "t"] | ["Dict"; "t"] | ["dict"] | ["Stdlib_Dict"; "t"]), + [param_translation] ) -> {param_translation with type_ = Dict param_translation.type_} | _ -> default_case () diff --git a/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/package-lock.json b/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/package-lock.json index ca8802efb6..f7b3f3975c 100644 --- a/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/package-lock.json +++ b/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/package-lock.json @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ } }, "../../..": { + "name": "rescript", "version": "12.0.0-alpha.9", "dev": true, "hasInstallScript": true, diff --git a/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/src/Core.gen.tsx b/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/src/Core.gen.tsx index 26db98b596..b4a763cad7 100644 --- a/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/src/Core.gen.tsx +++ b/tests/gentype_tests/typescript-react-example/src/Core.gen.tsx @@ -8,33 +8,19 @@ import {someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgs as someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsNotChe import {someFunWithNullUndefinedArg as someFunWithNullUndefinedArgNotChecked} from './CoreTS'; // In case of type error, check the type of 'someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgs' in 'Core.res' and './CoreTS'. -export const someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsTypeChecked: (_1:Stdlib_Null_t, _2:(undefined | string)) => string = someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsNotChecked as any; +export const someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsTypeChecked: (_1:(null | string), _2:(undefined | string)) => string = someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsNotChecked as any; // Export 'someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgs' early to allow circular import from the '.bs.js' file. -export const someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgs: unknown = someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsTypeChecked as (_1:Stdlib_Null_t, _2:(undefined | string)) => string as any; +export const someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgs: unknown = someFunWithNullThenOptionalArgsTypeChecked as (_1:(null | string), _2:(undefined | string)) => string as any; // In case of type error, check the type of 'someFunWithNullUndefinedArg' in 'Core.res' and './CoreTS'. -export const someFunWithNullUndefinedArgTypeChecked: (_1:Stdlib_Nullable_t, _2:number) => string = someFunWithNullUndefinedArgNotChecked as any; +export const someFunWithNullUndefinedArgTypeChecked: (_1:(null | undefined | string), _2:number) => string = someFunWithNullUndefinedArgNotChecked as any; // Export 'someFunWithNullUndefinedArg' early to allow circular import from the '.bs.js' file. -export const someFunWithNullUndefinedArg: unknown = someFunWithNullUndefinedArgTypeChecked as (_1:Stdlib_Nullable_t, _2:number) => string as any; +export const someFunWithNullUndefinedArg: unknown = someFunWithNullUndefinedArgTypeChecked as (_1:(null | undefined | string), _2:number) => string as any; const CoreJS = require('./Core.res.js'); -import type {Date_t as Stdlib_Date_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; - -import type {Null_t as Stdlib_Null_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; - -import type {Nullable_t as Stdlib_Nullable_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; - -import type {Promise_t as Stdlib_Promise_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; - -import type {RegExp_t as Stdlib_RegExp_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; - -import type {WeakMap_t as Stdlib_WeakMap_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; - -import type {WeakSet_t as Stdlib_WeakSet_t} from './Stdlib.gen'; - export type variant = "A" | { TAG: "B"; _0: string }; export type t1 = { readonly x?: string }; @@ -43,11 +29,11 @@ export type t2 = { readonly x: (undefined | string) }; export const null0: (x:(null | number)) => (null | number) = CoreJS.null0 as any; -export const null1: (x:Stdlib_Null_t) => Stdlib_Null_t = CoreJS.null1 as any; +export const null1: (x:(null | number)) => (null | number) = CoreJS.null1 as any; export const nullable0: (x:(null | undefined | number)) => (null | undefined | number) = CoreJS.nullable0 as any; -export const nullable1: (x:Stdlib_Nullable_t) => Stdlib_Nullable_t = CoreJS.nullable1 as any; +export const nullable1: (x:(null | undefined | number)) => (null | undefined | number) = CoreJS.nullable1 as any; export const undefined0: (x:(undefined | number)) => (undefined | number) = CoreJS.undefined0 as any; @@ -59,25 +45,25 @@ export const dict1: (x:{[id: string]: string}) => {[id: string]: string} = CoreJ export const promise0: (x:Promise) => Promise = CoreJS.promise0 as any; -export const promise1: (x:Stdlib_Promise_t) => Stdlib_Promise_t = CoreJS.promise1 as any; +export const promise1: (x:Promise) => Promise = CoreJS.promise1 as any; export const date0: (x:Date) => Date = CoreJS.date0 as any; -export const date1: (x:Stdlib_Date_t) => Stdlib_Date_t = CoreJS.date1 as any; +export const date1: (x:Date) => Date = CoreJS.date1 as any; export const bigint0: (x:bigint) => bigint = CoreJS.bigint0 as any; export const regexp0: (x:RegExp) => RegExp = CoreJS.regexp0 as any; -export const regexp1: (x:Stdlib_RegExp_t) => Stdlib_RegExp_t = CoreJS.regexp1 as any; +export const regexp1: (x:RegExp) => RegExp = CoreJS.regexp1 as any; export const map1: (x:Map) => Map = CoreJS.map1 as any; -export const weakmap1: (x:Stdlib_WeakMap_t) => Stdlib_WeakMap_t = CoreJS.weakmap1 as any; +export const weakmap1: (x:WeakMap) => WeakMap = CoreJS.weakmap1 as any; export const set1: (x:Set) => Set = CoreJS.set1 as any; -export const weakset1: (x:Stdlib_WeakSet_t) => Stdlib_WeakSet_t = CoreJS.weakset1 as any; +export const weakset1: (x:WeakSet) => WeakSet = CoreJS.weakset1 as any; export const option0: (x:(undefined | string)) => (undefined | string) = CoreJS.option0 as any; From a1144a668decc989059ed6c8289f022fb0f16bed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gabriel Nordeborn Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:29:33 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 03/13] commit another test --- .../tests-incremental-typechecking/package-lock.json | 1 + .../src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/package-lock.json b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/package-lock.json index 516160ba6a..fae19879c4 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/package-lock.json +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/package-lock.json @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ } }, "../../..": { + "name": "rescript", "version": "12.0.0-alpha.9", "hasInstallScript": true, "license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE", diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt index f9c13da077..f8ec1d135a 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ContextPath CTypeAtPos() "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "t", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": " \nA type representing a JSON object.\n\n\n```rescript\n@unboxed\ntype t =\n | Boolean(bool)\n | @as(null) Null\n | String(string)\n | Number(float)\n | Object(dict)\n | Array(array)\n```"}, + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": " The JSON data structure \n\n```rescript\n@unboxed\ntype t =\n | Boolean(bool)\n | @as(null) Null\n | String(string)\n | Number(float)\n | Object(dict)\n | Array(array)\n```"}, "sortText": "A", "insertText": "[$0]", "insertTextFormat": 2 From 54707c03cb706ddc4b0627080c206bc174cc568c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gabriel Nordeborn Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:32:05 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 04/13] commit new test output (that has errors) --- .../deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt | 4250 ----------------- .../deadcode/expected/exception.txt | 95 - .../deadcode/package-lock.json | 1 + tests/analysis_tests/tests/package-lock.json | 1 + .../tests/src/expected/Auto.res.txt | 2 +- .../tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt | 782 +-- .../src/expected/CompletionDicts.res.txt | 34 +- .../expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt | 16 +- .../CompletionFunctionArguments.res.txt | 60 - .../expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt | 262 +- .../tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt | 427 +- .../src/expected/CompletionJsxProps.res.txt | 20 - .../src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt | 64 +- .../expected/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res.txt | 30 - .../src/expected/CompletionTypeT.res.txt | 60 +- .../src/expected/CreateInterface.res.txt | 2 +- .../tests/src/expected/Definition.res.txt | 4 +- .../expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt | 150 +- .../tests/src/expected/Firebase.res.txt | 2 +- .../tests/src/expected/Jsx2.res.txt | 20 - .../src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt | 28 +- .../tests/src/expected/RecoveryOnProp.res.txt | 10 - 22 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 6242 deletions(-) diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt index 99902b72a5..e69de29bb2 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt @@ -1,4250 +0,0 @@ - - Scanning AutoAnnotate.cmt Source:AutoAnnotate.res - addVariantCaseDeclaration R AutoAnnotate.res:1:15 path:+AutoAnnotate.variant - addRecordLabelDeclaration variant AutoAnnotate.res:4:15 path:+AutoAnnotate.record - addRecordLabelDeclaration r2 AutoAnnotate.res:6:11 path:+AutoAnnotate.r2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration r3 AutoAnnotate.res:8:11 path:+AutoAnnotate.r3 - addRecordLabelDeclaration r4 AutoAnnotate.res:10:11 path:+AutoAnnotate.r4 - addVariantCaseDeclaration R2 AutoAnnotate.res:14:2 path:+AutoAnnotate.annotatedVariant - addVariantCaseDeclaration R4 AutoAnnotate.res:15:2 path:+AutoAnnotate.annotatedVariant - Scanning BootloaderResource.cmt Source:BootloaderResource.res - Scanning BucklescriptAnnotations.cmt Source:BucklescriptAnnotations.res - addValueDeclaration +bar BucklescriptAnnotations.res:25:4 path:+BucklescriptAnnotations - addValueDeclaration +f BucklescriptAnnotations.res:26:6 path:+BucklescriptAnnotations - addValueReference BucklescriptAnnotations.res:26:6 --> BucklescriptAnnotations.res:25:11 - addValueReference BucklescriptAnnotations.res:25:4 --> BucklescriptAnnotations.res:26:6 - Scanning ComponentAsProp.cmt Source:ComponentAsProp.res - addValueDeclaration +make ComponentAsProp.res:6:4 path:+ComponentAsProp - addRecordLabelDeclaration title ComponentAsProp.res:6:12 path:+ComponentAsProp.props - addRecordLabelDeclaration description ComponentAsProp.res:6:20 path:+ComponentAsProp.props - addRecordLabelDeclaration button ComponentAsProp.res:6:34 path:+ComponentAsProp.props - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:9:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:12 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:10:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:20 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:12:24 --> ComponentAsProp.res:12:13 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:13:16 --> React.res:3:0 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:11:14 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:34 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:9:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:12 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:10:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:20 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:12:24 --> ComponentAsProp.res:12:13 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:13:16 --> React.res:3:0 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:11:14 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:34 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:9:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:12 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:10:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:20 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:12:24 --> ComponentAsProp.res:12:13 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:13:16 --> React.res:3:0 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:11:14 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:34 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:9:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:12 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:10:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:20 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:12:24 --> ComponentAsProp.res:12:13 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:13:16 --> React.res:3:0 - addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:11:14 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:34 - addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:12 - addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:20 - addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:34 - Scanning CreateErrorHandler1.cmt Source:CreateErrorHandler1.res - addValueDeclaration +notification CreateErrorHandler1.res:3:6 path:+CreateErrorHandler1.Error1 - addValueReference CreateErrorHandler1.res:3:6 --> CreateErrorHandler1.res:3:21 - addValueReference CreateErrorHandler1.res:3:6 --> CreateErrorHandler1.res:3:21 - addValueReference CreateErrorHandler1.res:8:0 --> ErrorHandler.resi:7:2 - addValueReference ErrorHandler.resi:3:2 --> CreateErrorHandler1.res:3:6 - Scanning CreateErrorHandler2.cmt Source:CreateErrorHandler2.res - addValueDeclaration +notification CreateErrorHandler2.res:3:6 path:+CreateErrorHandler2.Error2 - addValueReference CreateErrorHandler2.res:3:6 --> CreateErrorHandler2.res:3:21 - addValueReference ErrorHandler.resi:3:2 --> CreateErrorHandler2.res:3:6 - Scanning DeadCodeImplementation.cmt Source:DeadCodeImplementation.res - addValueDeclaration +x DeadCodeImplementation.res:2:6 path:+DeadCodeImplementation.M - addValueReference DeadCodeInterface.res:2:2 --> DeadCodeImplementation.res:2:6 - Scanning DeadCodeInterface.cmt Source:DeadCodeInterface.res - Scanning DeadExn.cmt Source:DeadExn.res - addValueDeclaration +eToplevel DeadExn.res:8:4 path:+DeadExn - addValueDeclaration +eInside DeadExn.res:10:4 path:+DeadExn - addExceptionDeclaration Etoplevel DeadExn.res:1:0 path:+DeadExn - addExceptionDeclaration Einside DeadExn.res:4:2 path:+DeadExn.Inside - addExceptionDeclaration DeadE DeadExn.res:7:0 path:+DeadExn - addValueReference DeadExn.res:8:4 --> DeadExn.res:1:0 - addTypeReference DeadExn.res:8:16 --> DeadExn.res:1:0 - addValueReference DeadExn.res:10:4 --> DeadExn.res:4:2 - addTypeReference DeadExn.res:10:14 --> DeadExn.res:4:2 - addValueReference DeadExn.res:12:7 --> DeadExn.res:10:4 - Scanning DeadExn.cmti Source:DeadExn.resi - Scanning DeadRT.cmt Source:DeadRT.res - addValueDeclaration +emitModuleAccessPath DeadRT.res:5:8 path:+DeadRT - addVariantCaseDeclaration Root DeadRT.res:2:2 path:+DeadRT.moduleAccessPath - addVariantCaseDeclaration Kaboom DeadRT.res:3:2 path:+DeadRT.moduleAccessPath - addValueReference DeadRT.res:5:8 --> DeadRT.res:7:9 - addValueReference DeadRT.res:5:8 --> DeadRT.res:5:31 - addTypeReference DeadRT.res:11:16 --> DeadRT.res:3:2 - Scanning DeadRT.cmti Source:DeadRT.resi - addVariantCaseDeclaration Root DeadRT.resi:2:2 path:DeadRT.moduleAccessPath - extendTypeDependencies DeadRT.res:2:2 --> DeadRT.resi:2:2 - extendTypeDependencies DeadRT.resi:2:2 --> DeadRT.res:2:2 - addVariantCaseDeclaration Kaboom DeadRT.resi:3:2 path:DeadRT.moduleAccessPath - extendTypeDependencies DeadRT.res:3:2 --> DeadRT.resi:3:2 - extendTypeDependencies DeadRT.resi:3:2 --> DeadRT.res:3:2 - addTypeReference DeadRT.res:3:2 --> DeadRT.resi:3:2 - addTypeReference DeadRT.resi:3:2 --> DeadRT.res:3:2 - addTypeReference DeadRT.res:2:2 --> DeadRT.resi:2:2 - addTypeReference DeadRT.resi:2:2 --> DeadRT.res:2:2 - Scanning DeadTest.cmt Source:DeadTest.res - addValueDeclaration +fortytwo DeadTest.res:2:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +fortyTwoButExported DeadTest.res:5:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +thisIsUsedOnce DeadTest.res:7:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +thisIsUsedTwice DeadTest.res:10:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +thisIsMarkedDead DeadTest.res:15:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +thisIsKeptAlive DeadTest.res:17:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +thisIsMarkedLive DeadTest.res:20:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +thisIsAlsoMarkedDead DeadTest.res:24:6 path:+DeadTest.Inner - addValueDeclaration +thisSignatureItemIsDead DeadTest.res:28:2 path:+DeadTest.M - addValueDeclaration +a DeadTest.res:36:2 path:+DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation - addValueDeclaration +x DeadTest.res:60:2 path:+DeadTest.MM - addValueDeclaration +y DeadTest.res:61:2 path:+DeadTest.MM - addValueDeclaration +unusedRec DeadTest.res:75:8 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +split_map DeadTest.res:77:8 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +rec1 DeadTest.res:82:8 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +rec2 DeadTest.res:83:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +recWithCallback DeadTest.res:85:8 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +foo DeadTest.res:90:8 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +bar DeadTest.res:94:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +withDefaultValue DeadTest.res:96:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +zzz DeadTest.res:104:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +second DeadTest.res:112:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +deadRef DeadTest.res:114:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +make DeadTest.res:117:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +theSideEffectIsLogging DeadTest.res:121:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +stringLengthNoSideEffects DeadTest.res:123:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +globallyLive1 DeadTest.res:128:6 path:+DeadTest.GloobLive - addValueDeclaration +globallyLive2 DeadTest.res:129:6 path:+DeadTest.GloobLive - addValueDeclaration +globallyLive3 DeadTest.res:130:6 path:+DeadTest.GloobLive - addValueDeclaration +funWithInnerVars DeadTest.res:145:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +deadIncorrect DeadTest.res:154:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +ira DeadTest.res:160:4 path:+DeadTest - addValueReference DeadTest.res:1:15 --> ImmutableArray.resi:9:0 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:8:7 --> DeadTest.res:7:4 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:11:7 --> DeadTest.res:10:4 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:12:7 --> DeadTest.res:10:4 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:20:4 --> DeadTest.res:17:4 - addValueDeclaration +thisSignatureItemIsDead DeadTest.res:31:6 path:+DeadTest.M - addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTest.res:35:11 path:+DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation.t - addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTest.res:38:11 path:+DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation.t - extendTypeDependencies DeadTest.res:38:11 --> DeadTest.res:35:11 - extendTypeDependencies DeadTest.res:35:11 --> DeadTest.res:38:11 - addValueDeclaration +a DeadTest.res:39:6 path:+DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:39:10 --> DeadTest.res:38:11 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:42:17 --> DeadTest.res:36:2 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:42:14 --> DeadTest.res:42:9 - addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:44:0 path:+DeadTest - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:44:8 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2 - addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:45:0 path:+DeadTest - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:45:8 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:9:2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration xxx DeadTest.res:48:2 path:+DeadTest.record - addRecordLabelDeclaration yyy DeadTest.res:49:2 path:+DeadTest.record - addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:52:0 path:+DeadTest - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:52:13 --> DeadTest.res:48:2 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:52:13 --> DeadTest.res:52:8 - addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:53:0 path:+DeadTest - addValueReference DeadTest.res:53:19 --> DeadTest.res:53:10 - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:53:9 --> DeadTest.res:49:2 - addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:56:2 path:+DeadTest.UnderscoreInside - addValueDeclaration +y DeadTest.res:63:6 path:+DeadTest.MM - addValueDeclaration +x DeadTest.res:64:6 path:+DeadTest.MM - addValueReference DeadTest.res:64:6 --> DeadTest.res:63:6 - addValueDeclaration +valueOnlyInImplementation DeadTest.res:65:6 path:+DeadTest.MM - addValueReference DeadTest.res:69:9 --> DeadTest.res:60:2 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:73:16 --> DeadValueTest.resi:1:0 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:75:8 --> DeadTest.res:75:8 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:77:8 --> DeadTest.res:77:20 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:77:8 --> DeadTest.res:77:8 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:82:8 --> DeadTest.res:83:4 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:83:4 --> DeadTest.res:82:8 - addValueDeclaration +cb DeadTest.res:86:6 path:+DeadTest - addValueReference DeadTest.res:86:6 --> DeadTest.res:85:8 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:85:8 --> DeadTest.res:86:6 - addValueDeclaration +cb DeadTest.res:91:6 path:+DeadTest - addValueReference DeadTest.res:91:6 --> DeadTest.res:94:4 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:90:8 --> DeadTest.res:91:6 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:94:4 --> DeadTest.res:90:8 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:96:4 --> DeadTest.res:96:42 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:96:4 --> DeadTest.res:96:24 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:96:4 --> DeadTest.res:96:45 - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:98:16 --> DeadRT.resi:2:2 - addValueDeclaration +a1 DeadTest.res:105:6 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +a2 DeadTest.res:106:6 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +a3 DeadTest.res:107:6 path:+DeadTest - addValueReference DeadTest.res:110:17 --> DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:4 - addRecordLabelDeclaration s DeadTest.res:117:12 path:+DeadTest.props - addValueReference DeadTest.res:117:32 --> DeadTest.res:117:12 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:117:19 --> React.res:7:0 - addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> DeadTest.res:117:12 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:119:16 --> DeadTest.res:117:4 - addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTest.res:134:11 path:+DeadTest.WithInclude.t - addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTest.res:137:13 path:+DeadTest.WithInclude.T.t - addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTest.res:137:13 path:+DeadTest.WithInclude.t - extendTypeDependencies DeadTest.res:137:13 --> DeadTest.res:134:11 - extendTypeDependencies DeadTest.res:134:11 --> DeadTest.res:137:13 - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:142:7 --> DeadTest.res:134:11 - addValueDeclaration +x DeadTest.res:146:6 path:+DeadTest - addValueDeclaration +y DeadTest.res:147:6 path:+DeadTest - addValueReference DeadTest.res:145:4 --> DeadTest.res:146:6 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:145:4 --> DeadTest.res:147:6 - addRecordLabelDeclaration a DeadTest.res:151:11 path:+DeadTest.rc - addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:156:0 path:+DeadTest - addValueReference DeadTest.res:156:8 --> DeadTest.res:154:4 - addRecordLabelDeclaration IR.a DeadTest.res:158:24 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord - addRecordLabelDeclaration IR.b DeadTest.res:158:32 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord - addRecordLabelDeclaration IR.c DeadTest.res:158:40 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord - addRecordLabelDeclaration IR.d DeadTest.res:158:51 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord - addRecordLabelDeclaration IR.e DeadTest.res:158:65 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord - addVariantCaseDeclaration IR DeadTest.res:158:20 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord - addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:161:0 path:+DeadTest - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:163:20 --> DeadTest.res:158:20 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:163:27 --> DeadTest.res:160:4 - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:163:35 --> DeadTest.res:158:32 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:163:35 --> DeadTest.res:163:7 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:163:40 --> DeadTest.res:163:8 - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:163:7 --> DeadTest.res:158:40 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:162:9 --> DeadTest.res:161:8 - addRecordLabelDeclaration IR2.a DeadTest.res:167:26 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration IR2.b DeadTest.res:167:34 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord2 - addVariantCaseDeclaration IR2 DeadTest.res:167:21 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration IR3.a DeadTest.res:169:34 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord3 - addRecordLabelDeclaration IR3.b DeadTest.res:169:42 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord3 - addVariantCaseDeclaration IR3 DeadTest.res:169:21 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord3 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:28:2 --> DeadTest.res:31:6 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:36:2 --> DeadTest.res:39:6 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:60:2 --> DeadTest.res:64:6 - addValueReference DeadTest.res:61:2 --> DeadTest.res:63:6 - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:137:13 --> DeadTest.res:134:11 - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:134:11 --> DeadTest.res:137:13 - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:38:11 --> DeadTest.res:35:11 - addTypeReference DeadTest.res:35:11 --> DeadTest.res:38:11 - Scanning DeadTestBlacklist.cmt Source:DeadTestBlacklist.res - addValueDeclaration +x DeadTestBlacklist.res:1:4 path:+DeadTestBlacklist - Scanning DeadTestWithInterface.cmt Source:DeadTestWithInterface.res - addValueDeclaration +x DeadTestWithInterface.res:2:2 path:+DeadTestWithInterface.Ext_buffer - addValueDeclaration +x DeadTestWithInterface.res:4:6 path:+DeadTestWithInterface.Ext_buffer - addValueReference DeadTestWithInterface.res:2:2 --> DeadTestWithInterface.res:4:6 - Interface 0 - Scanning DeadTypeTest.cmt Source:DeadTypeTest.res - addValueDeclaration +a DeadTypeTest.res:4:4 path:+DeadTypeTest - addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTypeTest.res:2:2 path:+DeadTypeTest.t - addVariantCaseDeclaration B DeadTypeTest.res:3:2 path:+DeadTypeTest.t - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:4:8 --> DeadTypeTest.res:2:2 - addVariantCaseDeclaration OnlyInImplementation DeadTypeTest.res:7:2 path:+DeadTypeTest.deadType - addVariantCaseDeclaration OnlyInInterface DeadTypeTest.res:8:2 path:+DeadTypeTest.deadType - addVariantCaseDeclaration InBoth DeadTypeTest.res:9:2 path:+DeadTypeTest.deadType - addVariantCaseDeclaration InNeither DeadTypeTest.res:10:2 path:+DeadTypeTest.deadType - addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTypeTest.res:12:0 path:+DeadTypeTest - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:12:8 --> DeadTypeTest.res:7:2 - addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTypeTest.res:13:0 path:+DeadTypeTest - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:13:8 --> DeadTypeTest.res:9:2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration x DeadTypeTest.res:16:15 path:+DeadTypeTest.record - addRecordLabelDeclaration y DeadTypeTest.res:16:23 path:+DeadTypeTest.record - addRecordLabelDeclaration z DeadTypeTest.res:16:34 path:+DeadTypeTest.record - addValueReference DeadTypeTest.resi:4:0 --> DeadTypeTest.res:4:4 - Scanning DeadTypeTest.cmti Source:DeadTypeTest.resi - addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTypeTest.resi:2:2 path:DeadTypeTest.t - extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.res:2:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:2:2 - extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.resi:2:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:2:2 - addVariantCaseDeclaration B DeadTypeTest.resi:3:2 path:DeadTypeTest.t - extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.res:3:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:3:2 - extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.resi:3:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:3:2 - addValueDeclaration +a DeadTypeTest.resi:4:0 path:DeadTypeTest - addVariantCaseDeclaration OnlyInImplementation DeadTypeTest.resi:7:2 path:DeadTypeTest.deadType - extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.res:7:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:7:2 - extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.resi:7:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:7:2 - addVariantCaseDeclaration OnlyInInterface DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2 path:DeadTypeTest.deadType - extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.res:8:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2 - extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:8:2 - addVariantCaseDeclaration InBoth DeadTypeTest.resi:9:2 path:DeadTypeTest.deadType - extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.res:9:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:9:2 - extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.resi:9:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:9:2 - addVariantCaseDeclaration InNeither DeadTypeTest.resi:10:2 path:DeadTypeTest.deadType - extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.res:10:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:10:2 - extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.resi:10:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:10:2 - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:10:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:10:2 - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.resi:10:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:10:2 - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:9:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:9:2 - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.resi:9:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:9:2 - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:8:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2 - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:8:2 - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:7:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:7:2 - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.resi:7:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:7:2 - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:3:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:3:2 - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.resi:3:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:3:2 - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:2:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:2:2 - addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.resi:2:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:2:2 - Scanning DeadValueTest.cmt Source:DeadValueTest.res - addValueDeclaration +valueAlive DeadValueTest.res:1:4 path:+DeadValueTest - addValueDeclaration +valueDead DeadValueTest.res:2:4 path:+DeadValueTest - addValueDeclaration +valueOnlyInImplementation DeadValueTest.res:4:4 path:+DeadValueTest - addValueDeclaration +subList DeadValueTest.res:6:8 path:+DeadValueTest - addValueDeclaration +tail DeadValueTest.res:10:8 path:+DeadValueTest - addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:10:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:6:19 - addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:10:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:6:22 - addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:10:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:9:15 - addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:10:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:6:8 - addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:10:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:6:22 - addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:6:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:9:9 - addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:6:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:10:8 - addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:6:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:10:8 - addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:6:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:6:19 - addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:6:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:6:25 - addValueReference DeadValueTest.resi:1:0 --> DeadValueTest.res:1:4 - addValueReference DeadValueTest.resi:2:0 --> DeadValueTest.res:2:4 - Scanning DeadValueTest.cmti Source:DeadValueTest.resi - addValueDeclaration +valueAlive DeadValueTest.resi:1:0 path:DeadValueTest - addValueDeclaration +valueDead DeadValueTest.resi:2:0 path:DeadValueTest - Scanning Docstrings.cmt Source:Docstrings.res - addValueDeclaration +flat Docstrings.res:2:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +signMessage Docstrings.res:12:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +one Docstrings.res:15:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +two Docstrings.res:18:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +tree Docstrings.res:21:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +oneU Docstrings.res:24:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +twoU Docstrings.res:27:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +treeU Docstrings.res:30:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +useParam Docstrings.res:33:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +useParamU Docstrings.res:36:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +unnamed1 Docstrings.res:39:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +unnamed1U Docstrings.res:42:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +unnamed2 Docstrings.res:45:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +unnamed2U Docstrings.res:48:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +grouped Docstrings.res:51:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +unitArgWithoutConversion Docstrings.res:54:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +unitArgWithoutConversionU Docstrings.res:57:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +unitArgWithConversion Docstrings.res:64:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueDeclaration +unitArgWithConversionU Docstrings.res:67:4 path:+Docstrings - addValueReference Docstrings.res:12:4 --> Docstrings.res:12:21 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:12:4 --> Docstrings.res:12:30 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:15:4 --> Docstrings.res:15:10 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:18:4 --> Docstrings.res:18:11 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:18:4 --> Docstrings.res:18:14 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:21:4 --> Docstrings.res:21:12 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:21:4 --> Docstrings.res:21:15 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:21:4 --> Docstrings.res:21:18 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:24:4 --> Docstrings.res:24:14 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:27:4 --> Docstrings.res:27:14 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:27:4 --> Docstrings.res:27:17 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:30:4 --> Docstrings.res:30:15 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:30:4 --> Docstrings.res:30:18 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:30:4 --> Docstrings.res:30:21 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:33:4 --> Docstrings.res:33:15 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:36:4 --> Docstrings.res:36:19 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:51:4 --> Docstrings.res:51:15 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:51:4 --> Docstrings.res:51:19 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:51:4 --> Docstrings.res:51:23 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:51:4 --> Docstrings.res:51:26 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:51:4 --> Docstrings.res:51:29 - addValueReference Docstrings.res:51:4 --> Docstrings.res:51:32 - addVariantCaseDeclaration A Docstrings.res:60:2 path:+Docstrings.t - addVariantCaseDeclaration B Docstrings.res:61:2 path:+Docstrings.t - addTypeReference Docstrings.res:64:34 --> Docstrings.res:60:2 - addTypeReference Docstrings.res:67:39 --> Docstrings.res:60:2 - Scanning DynamicallyLoadedComponent.cmt Source:DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res - addValueDeclaration +make DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:4 path:+DynamicallyLoadedComponent - addRecordLabelDeclaration s DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:12 path:+DynamicallyLoadedComponent.props - addValueReference DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:32 --> DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:12 - addValueReference DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:19 --> React.res:7:0 - addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:12 - Scanning EmptyArray.cmt Source:EmptyArray.res - addValueDeclaration +make EmptyArray.res:5:6 path:+EmptyArray.Z - addValueReference EmptyArray.res:10:9 --> EmptyArray.res:5:6 - Scanning ErrorHandler.cmt Source:ErrorHandler.res - addValueDeclaration +notify ErrorHandler.res:7:6 path:+ErrorHandler.Make - addValueDeclaration +x ErrorHandler.res:12:4 path:+ErrorHandler - addValueReference ErrorHandler.res:7:6 --> ErrorHandler.res:7:15 - addValueReference ErrorHandler.res:7:6 --> ErrorHandler.res:3:2 - addValueReference ErrorHandler.resi:3:2 --> ErrorHandler.res:3:2 - addValueReference ErrorHandler.res:3:2 --> ErrorHandler.resi:3:2 - addValueReference ErrorHandler.resi:7:2 --> ErrorHandler.res:7:6 - addValueReference ErrorHandler.resi:10:0 --> ErrorHandler.res:12:4 - Scanning ErrorHandler.cmti Source:ErrorHandler.resi - addValueDeclaration +notify ErrorHandler.resi:7:2 path:ErrorHandler.Make - addValueDeclaration +x ErrorHandler.resi:10:0 path:ErrorHandler - Scanning EverythingLiveHere.cmt Source:EverythingLiveHere.res - addValueDeclaration +x EverythingLiveHere.res:1:4 path:+EverythingLiveHere - addValueDeclaration +y EverythingLiveHere.res:3:4 path:+EverythingLiveHere - addValueDeclaration +z EverythingLiveHere.res:5:4 path:+EverythingLiveHere - Scanning FirstClassModules.cmt Source:FirstClassModules.res - addValueDeclaration +y FirstClassModules.res:23:6 path:+FirstClassModules.M - addValueDeclaration +k FirstClassModules.res:29:8 path:+FirstClassModules.M.InnerModule2 - addValueDeclaration +k3 FirstClassModules.res:33:8 path:+FirstClassModules.M.InnerModule3 - addValueDeclaration +u FirstClassModules.res:40:8 path:+FirstClassModules.M.Z - addValueDeclaration +x FirstClassModules.res:44:6 path:+FirstClassModules.M - addValueDeclaration +firstClassModule FirstClassModules.res:51:4 path:+FirstClassModules - addValueDeclaration +testConvert FirstClassModules.res:54:4 path:+FirstClassModules - addValueDeclaration +someFunctorAsFunction FirstClassModules.res:65:4 path:+FirstClassModules - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:33:8 --> FirstClassModules.res:33:13 - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:54:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:54:19 - addValueDeclaration +ww FirstClassModules.res:61:6 path:+FirstClassModules.SomeFunctor - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:61:6 --> FirstClassModules.res:20:2 - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:65:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:65:29 - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:2:2 --> FirstClassModules.res:44:6 - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:4:2 --> FirstClassModules.res:43:2 - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:10:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:29:8 - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:14:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:33:8 - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:17:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:37:4 - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:37:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:17:4 - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:37:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:40:8 - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:20:2 --> FirstClassModules.res:23:6 - addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:57:2 --> FirstClassModules.res:61:6 - Scanning FirstClassModulesInterface.cmt Source:FirstClassModulesInterface.res - addValueDeclaration +r FirstClassModulesInterface.res:6:4 path:+FirstClassModulesInterface - addRecordLabelDeclaration x FirstClassModulesInterface.res:2:2 path:+FirstClassModulesInterface.record - addRecordLabelDeclaration y FirstClassModulesInterface.res:3:2 path:+FirstClassModulesInterface.record - addValueReference FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:7:0 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.res:6:4 - addValueReference FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:11:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.res:9:2 - addValueReference FirstClassModulesInterface.res:9:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:11:2 - Scanning FirstClassModulesInterface.cmti Source:FirstClassModulesInterface.resi - addRecordLabelDeclaration x FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:3:2 path:FirstClassModulesInterface.record - extendTypeDependencies FirstClassModulesInterface.res:2:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:3:2 - extendTypeDependencies FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:3:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.res:2:2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration y FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:4:2 path:FirstClassModulesInterface.record - extendTypeDependencies FirstClassModulesInterface.res:3:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:4:2 - extendTypeDependencies FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:4:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.res:3:2 - addValueDeclaration +r FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:7:0 path:FirstClassModulesInterface - addTypeReference FirstClassModulesInterface.res:3:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:4:2 - addTypeReference FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:4:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.res:3:2 - addTypeReference FirstClassModulesInterface.res:2:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:3:2 - addTypeReference FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:3:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.res:2:2 - Scanning Hooks.cmt Source:Hooks.res - addValueDeclaration +make Hooks.res:4:4 path:+Hooks - addValueDeclaration +default Hooks.res:25:4 path:+Hooks - addValueDeclaration +make Hooks.res:29:6 path:+Hooks.Inner - addValueDeclaration +make Hooks.res:33:8 path:+Hooks.Inner.Inner2 - addValueDeclaration +make Hooks.res:39:6 path:+Hooks.NoProps - addValueDeclaration +functionWithRenamedArgs Hooks.res:45:4 path:+Hooks - addValueDeclaration +make Hooks.res:63:6 path:+Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion - addRecordLabelDeclaration name Hooks.res:1:16 path:+Hooks.vehicle - addRecordLabelDeclaration vehicle Hooks.res:4:12 path:+Hooks.props - addValueReference Hooks.res:5:26 --> React.res:145:0 - addTypeReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:1:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:4:12 - addValueReference Hooks.res:10:75 --> Hooks.res:5:7 - addValueReference Hooks.res:9:7 --> React.res:7:0 - addTypeReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:1:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:4:12 - addValueReference Hooks.res:10:75 --> Hooks.res:5:7 - addValueReference Hooks.res:9:7 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:13:54 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:13:54 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:13:40 --> Hooks.res:5:7 - addValueReference Hooks.res:13:26 --> Hooks.res:5:14 - addValueReference Hooks.res:14:5 --> ImportHooks.res:13:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:15:7 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:15:32 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:15:7 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:15:32 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:14:76 --> Hooks.res:14:57 - addValueReference Hooks.res:14:63 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:17:5 --> ImportHookDefault.res:6:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:19:7 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:19:32 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:19:7 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:19:32 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:18:74 --> Hooks.res:18:55 - addValueReference Hooks.res:18:61 --> React.res:7:0 - addTypeReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:1:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:4:12 - addValueReference Hooks.res:10:75 --> Hooks.res:5:7 - addValueReference Hooks.res:9:7 --> React.res:7:0 - addTypeReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:1:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:4:12 - addValueReference Hooks.res:10:75 --> Hooks.res:5:7 - addValueReference Hooks.res:9:7 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:13:54 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:13:54 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:13:40 --> Hooks.res:5:7 - addValueReference Hooks.res:13:26 --> Hooks.res:5:14 - addValueReference Hooks.res:14:5 --> ImportHooks.res:13:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:15:7 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:15:32 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:15:7 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:15:32 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:14:76 --> Hooks.res:14:57 - addValueReference Hooks.res:14:63 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:17:5 --> ImportHookDefault.res:6:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:19:7 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:19:32 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:19:7 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:19:32 --> React.res:7:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:18:74 --> Hooks.res:18:55 - addValueReference Hooks.res:18:61 --> React.res:7:0 - addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> Hooks.res:4:12 - addValueReference Hooks.res:25:4 --> Hooks.res:4:4 - addRecordLabelDeclaration vehicle Hooks.res:29:14 path:+Hooks.Inner.props - addRecordLabelDeclaration vehicle Hooks.res:33:16 path:+Hooks.Inner.Inner2.props - addRecordLabelDeclaration vehicle Hooks.res:29:14 path:+Hooks.Inner.props - addTypeReference Hooks.res:29:66 --> Hooks.res:1:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:29:66 --> Hooks.res:29:14 - addValueReference Hooks.res:29:34 --> React.res:7:0 - addTypeReference Hooks.res:29:66 --> Hooks.res:1:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:29:66 --> Hooks.res:29:14 - addValueReference Hooks.res:29:34 --> React.res:7:0 - addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> Hooks.res:29:14 - addRecordLabelDeclaration vehicle Hooks.res:33:16 path:+Hooks.Inner.Inner2.props - addRecordLabelDeclaration vehicle Hooks.res:33:16 path:+Hooks.Inner.Inner2.props - addTypeReference Hooks.res:33:68 --> Hooks.res:1:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:33:68 --> Hooks.res:33:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:33:36 --> React.res:7:0 - addTypeReference Hooks.res:33:68 --> Hooks.res:1:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:33:68 --> Hooks.res:33:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:33:36 --> React.res:7:0 - addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> Hooks.res:33:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:39:25 --> React.res:3:0 - addValueReference Hooks.res:39:25 --> React.res:3:0 - addTypeReference Hooks.res:47:2 --> Hooks.res:1:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:45:4 --> Hooks.res:45:31 - addTypeReference Hooks.res:47:14 --> Hooks.res:1:16 - addValueReference Hooks.res:45:4 --> Hooks.res:45:37 - addValueReference Hooks.res:45:4 --> Hooks.res:45:31 - addValueReference Hooks.res:45:4 --> Hooks.res:45:45 - addRecordLabelDeclaration x Hooks.res:50:10 path:+Hooks.r - addRecordLabelDeclaration renderVehicle Hooks.res:63:14 path:+Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion.props - addRecordLabelDeclaration renderVehicle Hooks.res:63:14 path:+Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion.props - addValueDeclaration +car Hooks.res:64:8 path:+Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion - addValueReference Hooks.res:65:30 --> Hooks.res:64:8 - addValueReference Hooks.res:65:18 --> Hooks.res:65:18 - addValueReference Hooks.res:65:4 --> Hooks.res:63:14 - addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> Hooks.res:63:14 - Scanning IgnoreInterface.cmt Source:IgnoreInterface.res - Scanning IgnoreInterface.cmti Source:IgnoreInterface.resi - Scanning ImmutableArray.cmt Source:ImmutableArray.res - addValueDeclaration +fromArray ImmutableArray.res:14:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +toArray ImmutableArray.res:16:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +length ImmutableArray.res:20:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +size ImmutableArray.res:22:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +get ImmutableArray.res:24:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +getExn ImmutableArray.res:26:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +getUnsafe ImmutableArray.res:28:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +getUndefined ImmutableArray.res:30:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +shuffle ImmutableArray.res:32:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +reverse ImmutableArray.res:34:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +makeUninitialized ImmutableArray.res:36:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +makeUninitializedUnsafe ImmutableArray.res:38:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +make ImmutableArray.res:40:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +range ImmutableArray.res:42:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +rangeBy ImmutableArray.res:44:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +makeByU ImmutableArray.res:46:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +makeBy ImmutableArray.res:47:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +makeByAndShuffleU ImmutableArray.res:49:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +makeByAndShuffle ImmutableArray.res:50:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +zip ImmutableArray.res:52:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +zipByU ImmutableArray.res:54:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +zipBy ImmutableArray.res:55:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +unzip ImmutableArray.res:57:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +concat ImmutableArray.res:59:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +concatMany ImmutableArray.res:61:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +slice ImmutableArray.res:63:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +sliceToEnd ImmutableArray.res:65:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +copy ImmutableArray.res:67:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +forEachU ImmutableArray.res:69:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +forEach ImmutableArray.res:70:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +mapU ImmutableArray.res:72:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +map ImmutableArray.res:73:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +keepWithIndexU ImmutableArray.res:75:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +keepWithIndex ImmutableArray.res:76:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +keepMapU ImmutableArray.res:78:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +keepMap ImmutableArray.res:79:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +forEachWithIndexU ImmutableArray.res:81:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +forEachWithIndex ImmutableArray.res:82:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +mapWithIndexU ImmutableArray.res:84:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +mapWithIndex ImmutableArray.res:85:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +partitionU ImmutableArray.res:87:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +partition ImmutableArray.res:88:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +reduceU ImmutableArray.res:90:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +reduce ImmutableArray.res:91:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +reduceReverseU ImmutableArray.res:93:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse ImmutableArray.res:94:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse2U ImmutableArray.res:96:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse2 ImmutableArray.res:97:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +someU ImmutableArray.res:99:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +some ImmutableArray.res:100:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +everyU ImmutableArray.res:102:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +every ImmutableArray.res:103:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +every2U ImmutableArray.res:105:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +every2 ImmutableArray.res:106:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +some2U ImmutableArray.res:108:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +some2 ImmutableArray.res:109:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +cmpU ImmutableArray.res:111:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +cmp ImmutableArray.res:112:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +eqU ImmutableArray.res:114:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +eq ImmutableArray.res:115:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +fromArray ImmutableArray.res:14:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +toArray ImmutableArray.res:16:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +length ImmutableArray.res:20:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +size ImmutableArray.res:22:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +get ImmutableArray.res:24:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +getExn ImmutableArray.res:26:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +getUnsafe ImmutableArray.res:28:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +getUndefined ImmutableArray.res:30:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +shuffle ImmutableArray.res:32:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reverse ImmutableArray.res:34:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +makeUninitialized ImmutableArray.res:36:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +makeUninitializedUnsafe ImmutableArray.res:38:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +make ImmutableArray.res:40:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +range ImmutableArray.res:42:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +rangeBy ImmutableArray.res:44:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +makeByU ImmutableArray.res:46:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +makeBy ImmutableArray.res:47:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +makeByAndShuffleU ImmutableArray.res:49:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +makeByAndShuffle ImmutableArray.res:50:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +zip ImmutableArray.res:52:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +zipByU ImmutableArray.res:54:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +zipBy ImmutableArray.res:55:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +unzip ImmutableArray.res:57:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +concat ImmutableArray.res:59:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +concatMany ImmutableArray.res:61:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +slice ImmutableArray.res:63:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +sliceToEnd ImmutableArray.res:65:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +copy ImmutableArray.res:67:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +forEachU ImmutableArray.res:69:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +forEach ImmutableArray.res:70:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +mapU ImmutableArray.res:72:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +map ImmutableArray.res:73:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +keepWithIndexU ImmutableArray.res:75:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +keepWithIndex ImmutableArray.res:76:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +keepMapU ImmutableArray.res:78:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +keepMap ImmutableArray.res:79:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +forEachWithIndexU ImmutableArray.res:81:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +forEachWithIndex ImmutableArray.res:82:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +mapWithIndexU ImmutableArray.res:84:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +mapWithIndex ImmutableArray.res:85:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +partitionU ImmutableArray.res:87:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +partition ImmutableArray.res:88:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reduceU ImmutableArray.res:90:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reduce ImmutableArray.res:91:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reduceReverseU ImmutableArray.res:93:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse ImmutableArray.res:94:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse2U ImmutableArray.res:96:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse2 ImmutableArray.res:97:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +someU ImmutableArray.res:99:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +some ImmutableArray.res:100:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +everyU ImmutableArray.res:102:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +every ImmutableArray.res:103:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +every2U ImmutableArray.res:105:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +every2 ImmutableArray.res:106:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +some2U ImmutableArray.res:108:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +some2 ImmutableArray.res:109:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +cmpU ImmutableArray.res:111:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +cmp ImmutableArray.res:112:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +eqU ImmutableArray.res:114:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +eq ImmutableArray.res:115:6 path:+ImmutableArray - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:14:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:14:18 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:14:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:16:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:16:16 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:16:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:20:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:20:15 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:20:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:22:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:22:13 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:22:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:24:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:24:13 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:24:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:24:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:24:16 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:26:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:26:16 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:26:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:26:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:26:19 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:28:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:28:19 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:28:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:28:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:28:22 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:30:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:30:22 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:30:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:30:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:30:25 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:32:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:32:16 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:32:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:32:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:34:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:34:16 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:34:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:34:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:36:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:36:26 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:36:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:38:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:38:32 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:38:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:40:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:40:14 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:40:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:40:17 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:40:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:42:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:42:15 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:42:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:42:18 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:42:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:44:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:44:17 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:44:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:44:20 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:44:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:44:23 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:44:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:46:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:46:17 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:46:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:46:20 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:46:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:47:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:47:16 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:47:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:47:19 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:47:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:49:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:49:27 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:49:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:49:30 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:49:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:50:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:50:26 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:50:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:50:29 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:50:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:52:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:52:13 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:52:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:52:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:52:17 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:52:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:52:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:9:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:54:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:54:16 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:54:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:54:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:54:20 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:54:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:54:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:54:24 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:54:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:55:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:55:15 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:55:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:55:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:55:19 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:55:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:55:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:55:23 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:55:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:57:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:57:14 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:57:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:6:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:57:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:10:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:59:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:59:16 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:59:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:59:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:59:20 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:59:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:59:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:61:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:61:20 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:61:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:7:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:61:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:63:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:63:15 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:63:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:63:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:63:18 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:63:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:63:27 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:63:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:65:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:65:20 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:65:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:65:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:65:23 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:65:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:67:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:67:13 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:67:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:67:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:69:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:69:18 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:69:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:69:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:69:21 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:70:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:70:17 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:70:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:70:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:70:20 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:72:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:72:14 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:72:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:72:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:72:17 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:72:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:73:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:73:13 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:73:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:73:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:73:16 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:73:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:75:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:75:24 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:75:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:75:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:75:27 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:75:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:76:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:76:23 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:76:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:76:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:76:26 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:76:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:78:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:78:18 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:78:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:78:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:78:21 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:78:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:79:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:79:17 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:79:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:79:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:79:20 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:79:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:81:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:81:27 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:81:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:81:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:81:30 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:82:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:82:26 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:82:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:82:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:82:29 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:84:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:84:23 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:84:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:84:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:84:26 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:84:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:85:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:85:22 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:85:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:85:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:85:25 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:85:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:87:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:87:20 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:87:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:87:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:87:23 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:87:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:10:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:88:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:88:19 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:88:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:88:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:88:22 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:88:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:10:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:90:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:90:17 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:90:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:90:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:90:20 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:90:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:90:23 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:91:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:91:16 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:91:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:91:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:91:19 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:91:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:91:22 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:93:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:93:24 - 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addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:97:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:97:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:97:28 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:97:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:97:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:97:32 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:97:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:97:35 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:99:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:99:15 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:99:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:99:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:99:18 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:100:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:100:14 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:100:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:100:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:100:17 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:102:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:102:16 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:102:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:102:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:102:19 - 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addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:108:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:108:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:108:20 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:108:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:108:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:108:24 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:109:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:109:15 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:109:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:109:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:109:19 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:109:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:109:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:109:23 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:111:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:111:14 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:111:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:111:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:111:18 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:111:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:111:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:111:22 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:112:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:112:13 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:112:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:112:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:112:17 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:112:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:112:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:112:21 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:114:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:114:13 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:114:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:114:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:114:17 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:114:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:114:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:114:21 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:115:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:115:12 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:115:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:115:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:115:16 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:115:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:115:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:115:20 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:6:2 --> ImmutableArray.res:24:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:9:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:14:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:12:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:16:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:14:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:20:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:17:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:22:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:19:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:24:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:21:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:26:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:23:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:28:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:25:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:30:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:27:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:32:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:29:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:34:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:31:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:36:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:33:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:38:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:35:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:40:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:37:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:42:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:39:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:44:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:41:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:46:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:42:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:47:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:44:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:49:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:45:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:50:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:47:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:52:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:49:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:54:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:50:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:55:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:52:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:57:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:54:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:59:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:56:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:61:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:58:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:63:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:60:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:65:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:62:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:67:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:64:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:69:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:65:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:70:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:67:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:72:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:68:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:73:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:70:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:75:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:71:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:76:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:73:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:78:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:74:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:79:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:76:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:81:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:77:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:82:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:79:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:84:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:80:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:85:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:82:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:87:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:83:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:88:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:85:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:90:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:86:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:91:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:88:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:93:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:89:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:94:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:91:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:96:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:92:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:97:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:94:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:99:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:95:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:100:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:97:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:102:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:98:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:103:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:100:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:105:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:101:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:106:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:103:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:108:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:104:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:109:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:106:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:111:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:107:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:112:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:109:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:114:6 - addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:110:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:115:6 - Scanning ImmutableArray.cmti Source:ImmutableArray.resi - addValueDeclaration +get ImmutableArray.resi:6:2 path:ImmutableArray.Array - addValueDeclaration +fromArray ImmutableArray.resi:9:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +toArray ImmutableArray.resi:12:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +length ImmutableArray.resi:14:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +size ImmutableArray.resi:17:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +get ImmutableArray.resi:19:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +getExn ImmutableArray.resi:21:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +getUnsafe ImmutableArray.resi:23:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +getUndefined ImmutableArray.resi:25:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +shuffle ImmutableArray.resi:27:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reverse ImmutableArray.resi:29:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +makeUninitialized ImmutableArray.resi:31:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +makeUninitializedUnsafe ImmutableArray.resi:33:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +make ImmutableArray.resi:35:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +range ImmutableArray.resi:37:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +rangeBy ImmutableArray.resi:39:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +makeByU ImmutableArray.resi:41:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +makeBy ImmutableArray.resi:42:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +makeByAndShuffleU ImmutableArray.resi:44:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +makeByAndShuffle ImmutableArray.resi:45:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +zip ImmutableArray.resi:47:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +zipByU ImmutableArray.resi:49:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +zipBy ImmutableArray.resi:50:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +unzip ImmutableArray.resi:52:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +concat ImmutableArray.resi:54:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +concatMany ImmutableArray.resi:56:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +slice ImmutableArray.resi:58:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +sliceToEnd ImmutableArray.resi:60:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +copy ImmutableArray.resi:62:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +forEachU ImmutableArray.resi:64:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +forEach ImmutableArray.resi:65:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +mapU ImmutableArray.resi:67:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +map ImmutableArray.resi:68:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +keepWithIndexU ImmutableArray.resi:70:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +keepWithIndex ImmutableArray.resi:71:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +keepMapU ImmutableArray.resi:73:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +keepMap ImmutableArray.resi:74:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +forEachWithIndexU ImmutableArray.resi:76:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +forEachWithIndex ImmutableArray.resi:77:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +mapWithIndexU ImmutableArray.resi:79:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +mapWithIndex ImmutableArray.resi:80:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +partitionU ImmutableArray.resi:82:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +partition ImmutableArray.resi:83:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reduceU ImmutableArray.resi:85:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reduce ImmutableArray.resi:86:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reduceReverseU ImmutableArray.resi:88:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse ImmutableArray.resi:89:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse2U ImmutableArray.resi:91:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse2 ImmutableArray.resi:92:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +someU ImmutableArray.resi:94:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +some ImmutableArray.resi:95:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +everyU ImmutableArray.resi:97:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +every ImmutableArray.resi:98:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +every2U ImmutableArray.resi:100:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +every2 ImmutableArray.resi:101:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +some2U ImmutableArray.resi:103:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +some2 ImmutableArray.resi:104:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +cmpU ImmutableArray.resi:106:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +cmp ImmutableArray.resi:107:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +eqU ImmutableArray.resi:109:0 path:ImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +eq ImmutableArray.resi:110:0 path:ImmutableArray - Scanning ImportHookDefault.cmt Source:ImportHookDefault.res - addValueDeclaration +make ImportHookDefault.res:6:0 path:+ImportHookDefault - addRecordLabelDeclaration name ImportHookDefault.res:2:2 path:+ImportHookDefault.person - addRecordLabelDeclaration age ImportHookDefault.res:3:2 path:+ImportHookDefault.person - addRecordLabelDeclaration person ImportHookDefault.res:7:15 path:+ImportHookDefault.props - addRecordLabelDeclaration children ImportHookDefault.res:9:2 path:+ImportHookDefault.props - addRecordLabelDeclaration renderMe ImportHookDefault.res:11:5 path:+ImportHookDefault.props - Scanning ImportHooks.cmt Source:ImportHooks.res - addValueDeclaration +make ImportHooks.res:13:0 path:+ImportHooks - addValueDeclaration +foo ImportHooks.res:20:0 path:+ImportHooks - addRecordLabelDeclaration name ImportHooks.res:3:2 path:+ImportHooks.person - addRecordLabelDeclaration age ImportHooks.res:4:2 path:+ImportHooks.person - addRecordLabelDeclaration person ImportHooks.res:14:15 path:+ImportHooks.props - addRecordLabelDeclaration children ImportHooks.res:16:2 path:+ImportHooks.props - addRecordLabelDeclaration renderMe ImportHooks.res:18:5 path:+ImportHooks.props - Scanning ImportIndex.cmt Source:ImportIndex.res - addValueDeclaration +make ImportIndex.res:2:0 path:+ImportIndex - addRecordLabelDeclaration method ImportIndex.res:3:50 path:+ImportIndex.props - Scanning ImportJsValue.cmt Source:ImportJsValue.res - addValueDeclaration +round ImportJsValue.res:1:0 path:+ImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +area ImportJsValue.res:15:0 path:+ImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +returnMixedArray ImportJsValue.res:23:0 path:+ImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +roundedNumber ImportJsValue.res:27:4 path:+ImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +areaValue ImportJsValue.res:30:4 path:+ImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +getAbs ImportJsValue.res:40:6 path:+ImportJsValue.AbsoluteValue - addValueDeclaration +useGetProp ImportJsValue.res:47:4 path:+ImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +useGetAbs ImportJsValue.res:50:4 path:+ImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +useColor ImportJsValue.res:58:0 path:+ImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +higherOrder ImportJsValue.res:60:0 path:+ImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +returnedFromHigherOrder ImportJsValue.res:64:4 path:+ImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +convertVariant ImportJsValue.res:70:0 path:+ImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +polymorphic ImportJsValue.res:73:0 path:+ImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +default ImportJsValue.res:75:0 path:+ImportJsValue - addRecordLabelDeclaration x ImportJsValue.res:11:2 path:+ImportJsValue.point - addRecordLabelDeclaration y ImportJsValue.res:12:2 path:+ImportJsValue.point - addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:27:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:1:0 - addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:30:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:15:0 - addValueDeclaration +getAbs ImportJsValue.res:41:8 path:+ImportJsValue.AbsoluteValue - addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:41:8 --> ImportJsValue.res:40:16 - addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:40:6 --> ImportJsValue.res:41:8 - addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:47:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:47:18 - addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:47:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:37:2 - addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:50:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:50:17 - addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:50:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:40:6 - addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:64:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:60:0 - addVariantCaseDeclaration I ImportJsValue.res:67:2 path:+ImportJsValue.variant - addVariantCaseDeclaration S ImportJsValue.res:68:2 path:+ImportJsValue.variant - Scanning ImportMyBanner.cmt Source:ImportMyBanner.res - addValueDeclaration +make ImportMyBanner.res:7:0 path:+ImportMyBanner - addValueDeclaration +make ImportMyBanner.res:12:4 path:+ImportMyBanner - addRecordLabelDeclaration text ImportMyBanner.res:5:16 path:+ImportMyBanner.message - addValueReference ImportMyBanner.res:12:4 --> ImportMyBanner.res:7:0 - Scanning InnerModuleTypes.cmt Source:InnerModuleTypes.res - addVariantCaseDeclaration Foo InnerModuleTypes.res:2:11 path:+InnerModuleTypes.I.t - Scanning InnerModuleTypes.cmti Source:InnerModuleTypes.resi - addVariantCaseDeclaration Foo InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11 path:InnerModuleTypes.I.t - extendTypeDependencies InnerModuleTypes.res:2:11 --> InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11 - extendTypeDependencies InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11 --> InnerModuleTypes.res:2:11 - addTypeReference InnerModuleTypes.res:2:11 --> InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11 - addTypeReference InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11 --> InnerModuleTypes.res:2:11 - Scanning JSResource.cmt Source:JSResource.res - Scanning JsxV4.cmt Source:JsxV4.res - addValueDeclaration +make JsxV4.res:4:23 path:+JsxV4.C - addValueReference JsxV4.res:4:36 --> React.res:3:0 - addValueReference JsxV4.res:7:9 --> JsxV4.res:4:23 - Scanning LetPrivate.cmt Source:LetPrivate.res - addValueDeclaration +y LetPrivate.res:7:4 path:+LetPrivate - addValueDeclaration +x LetPrivate.res:3:6 path:+LetPrivate.local_1 - addValueReference LetPrivate.res:7:4 --> LetPrivate.res:3:6 - Scanning ModuleAliases.cmt Source:ModuleAliases.res - addValueDeclaration +testNested ModuleAliases.res:22:4 path:+ModuleAliases - addValueDeclaration +testInner ModuleAliases.res:25:4 path:+ModuleAliases - addValueDeclaration +testInner2 ModuleAliases.res:28:4 path:+ModuleAliases - addRecordLabelDeclaration inner ModuleAliases.res:3:19 path:+ModuleAliases.Outer.Inner.innerT - addRecordLabelDeclaration nested ModuleAliases.res:11:16 path:+ModuleAliases.Outer2.Inner2.InnerNested.t - addValueReference ModuleAliases.res:22:4 --> ModuleAliases.res:22:18 - addValueReference ModuleAliases.res:25:4 --> ModuleAliases.res:25:17 - addValueReference ModuleAliases.res:28:4 --> ModuleAliases.res:28:18 - Scanning ModuleAliases2.cmt Source:ModuleAliases2.res - addValueDeclaration +q ModuleAliases2.res:21:4 path:+ModuleAliases2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration x ModuleAliases2.res:3:2 path:+ModuleAliases2.record - addRecordLabelDeclaration y ModuleAliases2.res:4:2 path:+ModuleAliases2.record - addRecordLabelDeclaration outer ModuleAliases2.res:9:16 path:+ModuleAliases2.Outer.outer - addRecordLabelDeclaration inner ModuleAliases2.res:13:18 path:+ModuleAliases2.Outer.Inner.inner - Scanning ModuleExceptionBug.cmt Source:ModuleExceptionBug.res - addValueDeclaration +customDouble ModuleExceptionBug.res:2:6 path:+ModuleExceptionBug.Dep - addValueDeclaration +ddjdj ModuleExceptionBug.res:7:4 path:+ModuleExceptionBug - addValueReference ModuleExceptionBug.res:2:6 --> ModuleExceptionBug.res:2:21 - addExceptionDeclaration MyOtherException ModuleExceptionBug.res:5:0 path:+ModuleExceptionBug - addValueReference ModuleExceptionBug.res:8:7 --> ModuleExceptionBug.res:7:4 - Scanning NestedModules.cmt Source:NestedModules.res - addValueDeclaration +notNested NestedModules.res:2:4 path:+NestedModules - addValueDeclaration +theAnswer NestedModules.res:6:6 path:+NestedModules.Universe - addValueDeclaration +notExported NestedModules.res:8:6 path:+NestedModules.Universe - addValueDeclaration +x NestedModules.res:14:8 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2 - addValueDeclaration +nested2Value NestedModules.res:17:8 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2 - addValueDeclaration +y NestedModules.res:19:8 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2 - addValueDeclaration +x NestedModules.res:25:10 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3 - addValueDeclaration +y NestedModules.res:26:10 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3 - addValueDeclaration +z NestedModules.res:27:10 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3 - addValueDeclaration +w NestedModules.res:28:10 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3 - addValueDeclaration +nested3Value NestedModules.res:34:10 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3 - addValueDeclaration +nested3Function NestedModules.res:37:10 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3 - addValueDeclaration +nested2Function NestedModules.res:41:8 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2 - addValueDeclaration +someString NestedModules.res:50:6 path:+NestedModules.Universe - addValueReference NestedModules.res:37:10 --> NestedModules.res:37:29 - addValueReference NestedModules.res:41:8 --> NestedModules.res:41:27 - addVariantCaseDeclaration A NestedModules.res:46:4 path:+NestedModules.Universe.variant - addVariantCaseDeclaration B NestedModules.res:47:4 path:+NestedModules.Universe.variant - Scanning NestedModulesInSignature.cmt Source:NestedModulesInSignature.res - addValueDeclaration +theAnswer NestedModulesInSignature.res:2:6 path:+NestedModulesInSignature.Universe - addValueReference NestedModulesInSignature.resi:2:2 --> NestedModulesInSignature.res:2:6 - Scanning NestedModulesInSignature.cmti Source:NestedModulesInSignature.resi - addValueDeclaration +theAnswer NestedModulesInSignature.resi:2:2 path:NestedModulesInSignature.Universe - Scanning Newsyntax.cmt Source:Newsyntax.res - addValueDeclaration +x Newsyntax.res:1:4 path:+Newsyntax - addValueDeclaration +y Newsyntax.res:3:4 path:+Newsyntax - addRecordLabelDeclaration xxx Newsyntax.res:6:2 path:+Newsyntax.record - addRecordLabelDeclaration yyy Newsyntax.res:7:2 path:+Newsyntax.record - addVariantCaseDeclaration A Newsyntax.res:10:15 path:+Newsyntax.variant - addVariantCaseDeclaration B Newsyntax.res:10:17 path:+Newsyntax.variant - addVariantCaseDeclaration C Newsyntax.res:10:25 path:+Newsyntax.variant - addRecordLabelDeclaration xx Newsyntax.res:12:16 path:+Newsyntax.record2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration yy Newsyntax.res:12:23 path:+Newsyntax.record2 - Scanning Newton.cmt Source:Newton.res - addValueDeclaration +- Newton.res:1:4 path:+Newton - addValueDeclaration ++ Newton.res:2:4 path:+Newton - addValueDeclaration +* Newton.res:3:4 path:+Newton - addValueDeclaration +/ Newton.res:4:4 path:+Newton - addValueDeclaration +newton Newton.res:6:4 path:+Newton - addValueDeclaration +f Newton.res:25:4 path:+Newton - addValueDeclaration +fPrimed Newton.res:27:4 path:+Newton - addValueDeclaration +result Newton.res:29:4 path:+Newton - addValueDeclaration +current Newton.res:7:6 path:+Newton - addValueReference Newton.res:7:6 --> Newton.res:6:28 - addValueDeclaration +iterateMore Newton.res:8:6 path:+Newton - addValueDeclaration +delta Newton.res:9:8 path:+Newton - addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:8:21 - addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:8:31 - addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:1:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:8:31 - addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:8:21 - addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:1:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:8:31 - addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:8:21 - addValueReference Newton.res:8:6 --> Newton.res:9:8 - addValueReference Newton.res:8:6 --> Newton.res:6:38 - addValueReference Newton.res:8:6 --> Newton.res:7:6 - addValueReference Newton.res:8:6 --> Newton.res:8:31 - addValueDeclaration +loop Newton.res:14:10 path:+Newton - addValueDeclaration +previous Newton.res:15:8 path:+Newton - addValueReference Newton.res:15:8 --> Newton.res:7:6 - addValueDeclaration +next Newton.res:16:8 path:+Newton - addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:15:8 - addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:15:8 - addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:6:14 - addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:15:8 - addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:6:18 - addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:4:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:1:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:14:10 --> Newton.res:7:6 - addValueReference Newton.res:14:10 --> Newton.res:14:10 - addValueReference Newton.res:14:10 --> Newton.res:15:8 - addValueReference Newton.res:14:10 --> Newton.res:16:8 - addValueReference Newton.res:14:10 --> Newton.res:8:6 - addValueReference Newton.res:6:4 --> Newton.res:14:10 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:25:8 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:25:8 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:25:8 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:25:8 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:25:8 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:1:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:25:8 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:1:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:2:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:27:14 - addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:27:14 - addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:27:14 - addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:1:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:1:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:29:4 --> Newton.res:25:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:29:4 --> Newton.res:27:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:29:4 --> Newton.res:6:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:31:8 --> Newton.res:29:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:31:18 --> Newton.res:29:4 - addValueReference Newton.res:31:16 --> Newton.res:25:4 - Scanning Opaque.cmt Source:Opaque.res - addValueDeclaration +noConversion Opaque.res:5:4 path:+Opaque - addValueDeclaration +testConvertNestedRecordFromOtherFile Opaque.res:11:4 path:+Opaque - addVariantCaseDeclaration A Opaque.res:2:25 path:+Opaque.opaqueFromRecords - addValueReference Opaque.res:5:4 --> Opaque.res:5:20 - addValueReference Opaque.res:11:4 --> Opaque.res:11:44 - Scanning OptArg.cmt Source:OptArg.res - addValueDeclaration +foo OptArg.res:1:4 path:+OptArg - addValueDeclaration +bar OptArg.res:3:4 path:+OptArg - addValueDeclaration +threeArgs OptArg.res:9:4 path:+OptArg - addValueDeclaration +twoArgs OptArg.res:14:4 path:+OptArg - addValueDeclaration +oneArg OptArg.res:18:4 path:+OptArg - addValueDeclaration +wrapOneArg OptArg.res:20:4 path:+OptArg - addValueDeclaration +fourArgs OptArg.res:24:4 path:+OptArg - addValueDeclaration +wrapfourArgs OptArg.res:26:4 path:+OptArg - addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:14 - addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:20 - addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:26 - addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:11 - addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:17 - addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:23 - addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:29 - addValueReference OptArg.res:3:4 --> OptArg.res:3:17 - addValueReference OptArg.res:3:4 --> OptArg.res:3:27 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences foo called with optional argNames:x argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:5:7 - addValueReference OptArg.res:5:7 --> OptArg.res:1:4 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences bar called with optional argNames: argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:7:7 - addValueReference OptArg.res:7:7 --> OptArg.res:3:4 - addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:20 - addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:26 - addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:32 - addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:17 - addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:23 - addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:29 - addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:35 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences threeArgs called with optional argNames:c, a argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:11:7 - addValueReference OptArg.res:11:7 --> OptArg.res:9:4 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences threeArgs called with optional argNames:a argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:12:7 - addValueReference OptArg.res:12:7 --> OptArg.res:9:4 - addValueReference OptArg.res:14:4 --> OptArg.res:14:18 - addValueReference OptArg.res:14:4 --> OptArg.res:14:24 - addValueReference OptArg.res:14:4 --> OptArg.res:14:15 - addValueReference OptArg.res:14:4 --> OptArg.res:14:21 - addValueReference OptArg.res:14:4 --> OptArg.res:14:27 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences twoArgs called with optional argNames: argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:16:7 - addValueReference OptArg.res:16:12 --> OptArg.res:14:4 - addValueReference OptArg.res:18:4 --> OptArg.res:18:17 - addValueReference OptArg.res:18:4 --> OptArg.res:18:14 - addValueReference OptArg.res:18:4 --> OptArg.res:18:24 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences oneArg called with optional argNames:a argNamesMaybe:a OptArg.res:20:30 - addValueReference OptArg.res:20:4 --> OptArg.res:20:18 - addValueReference OptArg.res:20:4 --> OptArg.res:20:24 - addValueReference OptArg.res:20:4 --> OptArg.res:18:4 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences wrapOneArg called with optional argNames:a argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:22:7 - addValueReference OptArg.res:22:7 --> OptArg.res:20:4 - addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:19 - addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:25 - addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:31 - addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:37 - addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:16 - addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:22 - addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:28 - addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:34 - addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:40 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences fourArgs called with optional argNames:c, b, a argNamesMaybe:c, b, a OptArg.res:26:44 - addValueReference OptArg.res:26:4 --> OptArg.res:26:20 - addValueReference OptArg.res:26:4 --> OptArg.res:26:26 - addValueReference OptArg.res:26:4 --> OptArg.res:26:32 - addValueReference OptArg.res:26:4 --> OptArg.res:26:38 - addValueReference OptArg.res:26:4 --> OptArg.res:24:4 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences wrapfourArgs called with optional argNames:c, a argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:28:7 - addValueReference OptArg.res:28:7 --> OptArg.res:26:4 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences wrapfourArgs called with optional argNames:c, b argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:29:7 - addValueReference OptArg.res:29:7 --> OptArg.res:26:4 - addValueReference OptArg.resi:1:0 --> OptArg.res:1:4 - OptionalArgs.addFunctionReference OptArg.resi:1:0 OptArg.res:1:4 - addValueReference OptArg.resi:2:0 --> OptArg.res:3:4 - OptionalArgs.addFunctionReference OptArg.resi:2:0 OptArg.res:3:4 - Scanning OptArg.cmti Source:OptArg.resi - addValueDeclaration +foo OptArg.resi:1:0 path:OptArg - addValueDeclaration +bar OptArg.resi:2:0 path:OptArg - Scanning Records.cmt Source:Records.res - addValueDeclaration +origin Records.res:11:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +computeArea Records.res:14:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +coord2d Records.res:20:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +getOpt Records.res:36:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +findAddress Records.res:39:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +someBusiness Records.res:43:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +findAllAddresses Records.res:46:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +getPayload Records.res:65:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +getPayloadRecord Records.res:74:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +recordValue Records.res:77:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +payloadValue Records.res:80:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +getPayloadRecordPlusOne Records.res:83:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +findAddress2 Records.res:96:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +someBusiness2 Records.res:100:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +computeArea3 Records.res:107:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +computeArea4 Records.res:111:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +testMyRec Records.res:127:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +testMyRec2 Records.res:130:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +testMyObj Records.res:133:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +testMyObj2 Records.res:136:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +testMyRecBsAs Records.res:145:4 path:+Records - addValueDeclaration +testMyRecBsAs2 Records.res:148:4 path:+Records - addRecordLabelDeclaration x Records.res:5:2 path:+Records.coord - addRecordLabelDeclaration y Records.res:6:2 path:+Records.coord - addRecordLabelDeclaration z Records.res:7:2 path:+Records.coord - addValueReference Records.res:14:4 --> Records.res:14:20 - addValueReference Records.res:14:4 --> Records.res:14:23 - addValueReference Records.res:14:4 --> Records.res:14:26 - addValueReference Records.res:14:4 --> Records.res:16:31 - addTypeReference Records.res:14:19 --> Records.res:5:2 - addTypeReference Records.res:14:19 --> Records.res:6:2 - addTypeReference Records.res:14:19 --> Records.res:7:2 - addValueReference Records.res:20:4 --> Records.res:20:15 - addValueReference Records.res:20:4 --> Records.res:20:18 - addRecordLabelDeclaration name Records.res:24:2 path:+Records.person - addRecordLabelDeclaration age Records.res:25:2 path:+Records.person - addRecordLabelDeclaration address Records.res:26:2 path:+Records.person - addRecordLabelDeclaration name Records.res:31:2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration owner Records.res:32:2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration address Records.res:33:2 - addValueReference Records.res:36:4 --> Records.res:36:14 - addValueReference Records.res:36:4 --> Records.res:36:19 - addValueReference Records.res:36:4 --> Records.res:36:28 - addTypeReference Records.res:40:2 --> Records.res:33:2 - addValueReference Records.res:39:4 --> Records.res:39:19 - addValueReference Records.res:39:4 --> Records.res:40:35 - addValueReference Records.res:39:4 --> Records.res:36:4 - addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:46:24 - addTypeReference Records.res:50:6 --> Records.res:33:2 - addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:48:14 - addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:50:39 - addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:36:4 - addTypeReference Records.res:51:6 --> Records.res:32:2 - addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:48:14 - addTypeReference Records.res:51:42 --> Records.res:26:2 - addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:51:37 - addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:51:68 - addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:36:4 - addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:36:4 - addRecordLabelDeclaration num Records.res:60:2 path:+Records.payload - addRecordLabelDeclaration payload Records.res:61:2 path:+Records.payload - addValueReference Records.res:65:4 --> Records.res:65:19 - addTypeReference Records.res:65:18 --> Records.res:61:2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration v Records.res:69:2 path:+Records.record - addRecordLabelDeclaration w Records.res:70:2 path:+Records.record - addValueReference Records.res:74:4 --> Records.res:74:25 - addTypeReference Records.res:74:24 --> Records.res:61:2 - addValueReference Records.res:80:4 --> Records.res:77:4 - addTypeReference Records.res:85:5 --> Records.res:69:2 - addValueReference Records.res:83:4 --> Records.res:83:32 - addValueReference Records.res:83:4 --> Records.res:83:32 - addTypeReference Records.res:83:31 --> Records.res:61:2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration name Records.res:90:2 path:+Records.business2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration owner Records.res:91:2 path:+Records.business2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration address2 Records.res:92:2 path:+Records.business2 - addTypeReference Records.res:97:2 --> Records.res:92:2 - addValueReference Records.res:96:4 --> Records.res:96:20 - addValueReference Records.res:96:4 --> Records.res:97:58 - addValueReference Records.res:96:4 --> Records.res:36:4 - addValueReference Records.res:107:4 --> Records.res:107:20 - addValueReference Records.res:107:4 --> Records.res:107:20 - addValueReference Records.res:107:4 --> Records.res:107:20 - addValueReference Records.res:107:4 --> Records.res:108:75 - addValueReference Records.res:111:4 --> Records.res:111:20 - addValueReference Records.res:111:4 --> Records.res:111:20 - addValueReference Records.res:111:4 --> Records.res:111:20 - addValueReference Records.res:111:4 --> Records.res:112:53 - addRecordLabelDeclaration type_ Records.res:119:2 path:+Records.myRec - addTypeReference Records.res:127:30 --> Records.res:119:2 - addValueReference Records.res:127:4 --> Records.res:127:17 - addValueReference Records.res:130:4 --> Records.res:130:18 - addValueReference Records.res:133:4 --> Records.res:133:17 - addValueReference Records.res:136:4 --> Records.res:136:18 - addRecordLabelDeclaration type_ Records.res:140:2 path:+Records.myRecBsAs - addTypeReference Records.res:145:38 --> Records.res:140:2 - addValueReference Records.res:145:4 --> Records.res:145:21 - addValueReference Records.res:148:4 --> Records.res:148:22 - Scanning References.cmt Source:References.res - addValueDeclaration +create References.res:4:4 path:+References - addValueDeclaration +access References.res:7:4 path:+References - addValueDeclaration +update References.res:10:4 path:+References - addValueDeclaration +get References.res:17:2 path:+References.R - addValueDeclaration +make References.res:18:2 path:+References.R - addValueDeclaration +set References.res:19:2 path:+References.R - addValueDeclaration +get References.res:31:4 path:+References - addValueDeclaration +make References.res:34:4 path:+References - addValueDeclaration +set References.res:37:4 path:+References - addValueDeclaration +destroysRefIdentity References.res:43:4 path:+References - addValueDeclaration +preserveRefIdentity References.res:47:4 path:+References - addValueReference References.res:4:4 --> References.res:4:14 - addValueReference References.res:7:4 --> References.res:7:13 - addValueReference References.res:10:4 --> References.res:10:13 - addValueReference References.res:10:4 --> References.res:10:13 - addValueDeclaration +get References.res:22:6 path:+References.R - addValueReference References.res:22:6 --> References.res:22:12 - addValueDeclaration +make References.res:23:6 path:+References.R - addValueDeclaration +set References.res:24:6 path:+References.R - addValueReference References.res:24:6 --> References.res:24:16 - addValueReference References.res:24:6 --> References.res:24:13 - addValueReference References.res:31:4 --> References.res:17:2 - addValueReference References.res:34:4 --> References.res:18:2 - addValueReference References.res:37:4 --> References.res:19:2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration x References.res:39:27 path:+References.requiresConversion - addValueReference References.res:43:4 --> References.res:43:27 - addValueReference References.res:47:4 --> References.res:47:27 - addValueReference References.res:17:2 --> References.res:22:6 - addValueReference References.res:18:2 --> References.res:23:6 - addValueReference References.res:19:2 --> References.res:24:6 - Scanning RepeatedLabel.cmt Source:RepeatedLabel.res - addValueDeclaration +userData RepeatedLabel.res:12:4 path:+RepeatedLabel - addRecordLabelDeclaration a RepeatedLabel.res:2:2 path:+RepeatedLabel.userData - addRecordLabelDeclaration b RepeatedLabel.res:3:2 path:+RepeatedLabel.userData - addRecordLabelDeclaration a RepeatedLabel.res:7:2 path:+RepeatedLabel.tabState - addRecordLabelDeclaration b RepeatedLabel.res:8:2 path:+RepeatedLabel.tabState - addRecordLabelDeclaration f RepeatedLabel.res:9:2 path:+RepeatedLabel.tabState - addValueReference RepeatedLabel.res:12:4 --> RepeatedLabel.res:12:17 - addValueReference RepeatedLabel.res:12:4 --> RepeatedLabel.res:12:20 - addTypeReference RepeatedLabel.res:12:16 --> RepeatedLabel.res:7:2 - addTypeReference RepeatedLabel.res:12:16 --> RepeatedLabel.res:8:2 - addValueReference RepeatedLabel.res:14:7 --> RepeatedLabel.res:12:4 - Scanning RequireCond.cmt Source:RequireCond.res - Scanning Shadow.cmt Source:Shadow.res - addValueDeclaration +test Shadow.res:2:4 path:+Shadow - addValueDeclaration +test Shadow.res:5:4 path:+Shadow - addValueDeclaration +test Shadow.res:11:6 path:+Shadow.M - addValueDeclaration +test Shadow.res:9:6 path:+Shadow.M - Scanning TestDeadExn.cmt Source:TestDeadExn.res - Scanning TestEmitInnerModules.cmt Source:TestEmitInnerModules.res - addValueDeclaration +x TestEmitInnerModules.res:3:6 path:+TestEmitInnerModules.Inner - addValueDeclaration +y TestEmitInnerModules.res:5:6 path:+TestEmitInnerModules.Inner - addValueDeclaration +y TestEmitInnerModules.res:12:10 path:+TestEmitInnerModules.Outer.Medium.Inner - Scanning TestFirstClassModules.cmt Source:TestFirstClassModules.res - addValueDeclaration +convert TestFirstClassModules.res:2:4 path:+TestFirstClassModules - addValueDeclaration +convertInterface TestFirstClassModules.res:5:4 path:+TestFirstClassModules - addValueDeclaration +convertRecord TestFirstClassModules.res:8:4 path:+TestFirstClassModules - addValueDeclaration +convertFirstClassModuleWithTypeEquations TestFirstClassModules.res:27:4 path:+TestFirstClassModules - addValueReference TestFirstClassModules.res:2:4 --> TestFirstClassModules.res:2:15 - addValueReference TestFirstClassModules.res:5:4 --> TestFirstClassModules.res:5:24 - addValueReference TestFirstClassModules.res:8:4 --> TestFirstClassModules.res:8:21 - addValueReference TestFirstClassModules.res:27:4 --> TestFirstClassModules.res:29:2 - Scanning TestImmutableArray.cmt Source:TestImmutableArray.res - addValueDeclaration +testImmutableArrayGet TestImmutableArray.res:2:4 path:+TestImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +testBeltArrayGet TestImmutableArray.res:12:4 path:+TestImmutableArray - addValueDeclaration +testBeltArraySet TestImmutableArray.res:17:4 path:+TestImmutableArray - addValueReference TestImmutableArray.res:2:4 --> TestImmutableArray.res:2:28 - addValueReference TestImmutableArray.res:2:4 --> ImmutableArray.resi:6:2 - addValueReference TestImmutableArray.res:12:4 --> TestImmutableArray.res:12:23 - addValueReference TestImmutableArray.res:17:4 --> TestImmutableArray.res:17:23 - Scanning TestImport.cmt Source:TestImport.res - addValueDeclaration +innerStuffContents TestImport.res:1:0 path:+TestImport - addValueDeclaration +innerStuffContentsAsEmptyObject TestImport.res:7:0 path:+TestImport - addValueDeclaration +innerStuffContents TestImport.res:13:4 path:+TestImport - addValueDeclaration +valueStartingWithUpperCaseLetter TestImport.res:15:0 path:+TestImport - addValueDeclaration +defaultValue TestImport.res:18:0 path:+TestImport - addValueDeclaration +make TestImport.res:24:0 path:+TestImport - addValueDeclaration +make TestImport.res:27:4 path:+TestImport - addValueDeclaration +defaultValue2 TestImport.res:29:0 path:+TestImport - addValueReference TestImport.res:13:4 --> TestImport.res:1:0 - addRecordLabelDeclaration text TestImport.res:22:16 path:+TestImport.message - addValueReference TestImport.res:27:4 --> TestImport.res:24:0 - Scanning TestInnedModuleTypes.cmt Source:TestInnedModuleTypes.res - addValueDeclaration +_ TestInnedModuleTypes.res:1:0 path:+TestInnedModuleTypes - addTypeReference TestInnedModuleTypes.res:1:8 --> InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11 - Scanning TestModuleAliases.cmt Source:TestModuleAliases.res - addValueDeclaration +testInner1 TestModuleAliases.res:32:4 path:+TestModuleAliases - addValueDeclaration +testInner1Expanded TestModuleAliases.res:35:4 path:+TestModuleAliases - addValueDeclaration +testInner2 TestModuleAliases.res:38:4 path:+TestModuleAliases - addValueDeclaration +testInner2Expanded TestModuleAliases.res:41:4 path:+TestModuleAliases - addValueReference TestModuleAliases.res:32:4 --> TestModuleAliases.res:32:18 - addValueReference TestModuleAliases.res:35:4 --> TestModuleAliases.res:35:26 - addValueReference TestModuleAliases.res:38:4 --> TestModuleAliases.res:38:18 - addValueReference TestModuleAliases.res:41:4 --> TestModuleAliases.res:41:26 - Scanning TestOptArg.cmt Source:TestOptArg.res - addValueDeclaration +foo TestOptArg.res:3:4 path:+TestOptArg - addValueDeclaration +bar TestOptArg.res:5:4 path:+TestOptArg - addValueDeclaration +notSuppressesOptArgs TestOptArg.res:9:4 path:+TestOptArg - addValueDeclaration +liveSuppressesOptArgs TestOptArg.res:14:4 path:+TestOptArg - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences called with optional argNames:z argNamesMaybe: TestOptArg.res:1:7 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:1:7 --> OptArg.resi:2:0 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:3:4 --> TestOptArg.res:3:14 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:3:4 --> TestOptArg.res:3:11 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:3:4 --> TestOptArg.res:3:17 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences foo called with optional argNames:x argNamesMaybe: TestOptArg.res:5:16 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:5:4 --> TestOptArg.res:3:4 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:7:7 --> TestOptArg.res:5:4 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:31 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:37 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:43 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:28 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:34 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:40 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:46 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences notSuppressesOptArgs called with optional argNames: argNamesMaybe: TestOptArg.res:11:8 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:11:8 --> TestOptArg.res:9:4 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:32 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:38 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:44 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:29 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:35 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:41 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:47 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences liveSuppressesOptArgs called with optional argNames:x argNamesMaybe: TestOptArg.res:16:8 - addValueReference TestOptArg.res:16:8 --> TestOptArg.res:14:4 - Scanning TestPromise.cmt Source:TestPromise.res - addValueDeclaration +convert TestPromise.res:14:4 path:+TestPromise - addRecordLabelDeclaration x TestPromise.res:6:2 path:+TestPromise.fromPayload - addRecordLabelDeclaration s TestPromise.res:7:2 path:+TestPromise.fromPayload - addRecordLabelDeclaration result TestPromise.res:11:18 path:+TestPromise.toPayload - addValueReference TestPromise.res:14:4 --> TestPromise.res:14:33 - addTypeReference TestPromise.res:14:32 --> TestPromise.res:7:2 - Scanning ToSuppress.cmt Source:ToSuppress.res - addValueDeclaration +toSuppress ToSuppress.res:1:4 path:+ToSuppress - Scanning TransitiveType1.cmt Source:TransitiveType1.res - addValueDeclaration +convert TransitiveType1.res:2:4 path:+TransitiveType1 - addValueDeclaration +convertAlias TransitiveType1.res:5:4 path:+TransitiveType1 - addValueReference TransitiveType1.res:2:4 --> TransitiveType1.res:2:15 - addValueReference TransitiveType1.res:5:4 --> TransitiveType1.res:5:20 - Scanning TransitiveType2.cmt Source:TransitiveType2.res - addValueDeclaration +convertT2 TransitiveType2.res:7:4 path:+TransitiveType2 - addValueReference TransitiveType2.res:7:4 --> TransitiveType2.res:7:17 - Scanning TransitiveType3.cmt Source:TransitiveType3.res - addValueDeclaration +convertT3 TransitiveType3.res:8:4 path:+TransitiveType3 - addRecordLabelDeclaration i TransitiveType3.res:3:2 path:+TransitiveType3.t3 - addRecordLabelDeclaration s TransitiveType3.res:4:2 path:+TransitiveType3.t3 - addValueReference TransitiveType3.res:8:4 --> TransitiveType3.res:8:17 - Scanning Tuples.cmt Source:Tuples.res - addValueDeclaration +testTuple Tuples.res:4:4 path:+Tuples - addValueDeclaration +origin Tuples.res:10:4 path:+Tuples - addValueDeclaration +computeArea Tuples.res:13:4 path:+Tuples - addValueDeclaration +computeAreaWithIdent Tuples.res:19:4 path:+Tuples - addValueDeclaration +computeAreaNoConverters Tuples.res:25:4 path:+Tuples - addValueDeclaration +coord2d Tuples.res:28:4 path:+Tuples - addValueDeclaration +getFirstName Tuples.res:43:4 path:+Tuples - addValueDeclaration +marry Tuples.res:46:4 path:+Tuples - addValueDeclaration +changeSecondAge Tuples.res:49:4 path:+Tuples - addValueReference Tuples.res:4:4 --> Tuples.res:4:18 - addValueReference Tuples.res:4:4 --> Tuples.res:4:21 - addValueReference Tuples.res:13:4 --> Tuples.res:13:20 - addValueReference Tuples.res:13:4 --> Tuples.res:13:23 - addValueReference Tuples.res:13:4 --> Tuples.res:13:26 - addValueReference Tuples.res:13:4 --> Tuples.res:15:31 - addValueReference Tuples.res:19:4 --> Tuples.res:19:29 - addValueReference Tuples.res:19:4 --> Tuples.res:19:32 - addValueReference Tuples.res:19:4 --> Tuples.res:19:35 - addValueReference Tuples.res:19:4 --> Tuples.res:21:31 - addValueReference Tuples.res:25:4 --> Tuples.res:25:32 - addValueReference Tuples.res:25:4 --> Tuples.res:25:40 - addValueReference Tuples.res:28:4 --> Tuples.res:28:15 - addValueReference Tuples.res:28:4 --> Tuples.res:28:18 - addRecordLabelDeclaration name Tuples.res:35:2 path:+Tuples.person - addRecordLabelDeclaration age Tuples.res:36:2 path:+Tuples.person - addTypeReference Tuples.res:43:49 --> Tuples.res:35:2 - addValueReference Tuples.res:43:4 --> Tuples.res:43:21 - addValueReference Tuples.res:46:4 --> Tuples.res:46:13 - addValueReference Tuples.res:46:4 --> Tuples.res:46:20 - addValueReference Tuples.res:49:4 --> Tuples.res:49:24 - addTypeReference Tuples.res:49:84 --> Tuples.res:36:2 - addValueReference Tuples.res:49:4 --> Tuples.res:49:31 - addValueReference Tuples.res:49:4 --> Tuples.res:49:31 - Scanning TypeParams1.cmt Source:TypeParams1.res - addValueDeclaration +exportSomething TypeParams1.res:4:4 path:+TypeParams1 - Scanning TypeParams2.cmt Source:TypeParams2.res - addValueDeclaration +exportSomething TypeParams2.res:10:4 path:+TypeParams2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration id TypeParams2.res:2:13 path:+TypeParams2.item - Scanning TypeParams3.cmt Source:TypeParams3.res - addValueDeclaration +test TypeParams3.res:2:4 path:+TypeParams3 - addValueDeclaration +test2 TypeParams3.res:5:4 path:+TypeParams3 - addValueReference TypeParams3.res:2:4 --> TypeParams3.res:2:12 - addValueReference TypeParams3.res:5:4 --> TypeParams3.res:5:13 - Scanning Types.cmt Source:Types.res - addValueDeclaration +someIntList Types.res:5:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +map Types.res:8:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +swap Types.res:23:8 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +selfRecursiveConverter Types.res:42:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +mutuallyRecursiveConverter Types.res:49:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +testFunctionOnOptionsAsArgument Types.res:52:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +jsStringT Types.res:60:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +jsString2T Types.res:63:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +jsonStringify Types.res:75:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +testConvertNull Types.res:89:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +testMarshalFields Types.res:109:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +setMatch Types.res:125:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +testInstantiateTypeParameter Types.res:135:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +currentTime Types.res:144:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +i64Const Types.res:153:4 path:+Types - addValueDeclaration +optFunction Types.res:156:4 path:+Types - addVariantCaseDeclaration A Types.res:12:2 path:+Types.typeWithVars - addVariantCaseDeclaration B Types.res:13:2 path:+Types.typeWithVars - addValueReference Types.res:23:8 --> Types.res:23:16 - addValueReference Types.res:23:8 --> Types.res:23:16 - addValueReference Types.res:23:8 --> Types.res:23:8 - addValueReference Types.res:23:8 --> Types.res:23:16 - addValueReference Types.res:23:8 --> Types.res:23:8 - addValueReference Types.res:23:8 --> Types.res:24:2 - addRecordLabelDeclaration self Types.res:31:26 path:+Types.selfRecursive - addRecordLabelDeclaration b Types.res:34:31 path:+Types.mutuallyRecursiveA - addRecordLabelDeclaration a Types.res:35:26 path:+Types.mutuallyRecursiveB - addValueReference Types.res:42:4 --> Types.res:42:31 - addTypeReference Types.res:42:30 --> Types.res:31:26 - addValueReference Types.res:49:4 --> Types.res:49:35 - addTypeReference Types.res:49:34 --> Types.res:34:31 - addValueReference Types.res:52:4 --> Types.res:52:39 - addValueReference Types.res:52:4 --> Types.res:52:54 - addVariantCaseDeclaration A Types.res:56:2 path:+Types.opaqueVariant - addVariantCaseDeclaration B Types.res:57:2 path:+Types.opaqueVariant - addRecordLabelDeclaration i Types.res:84:2 path:+Types.record - addRecordLabelDeclaration s Types.res:85:2 path:+Types.record - addValueReference Types.res:89:4 --> Types.res:89:23 - addValueReference Types.res:109:4 --> Types.res:109:39 - addValueReference Types.res:125:4 --> Types.res:125:16 - addRecordLabelDeclaration id Types.res:130:19 path:+Types.someRecord - addValueReference Types.res:135:4 --> Types.res:135:36 - addValueDeclaration +x Types.res:163:6 path:+Types.ObjectId - Scanning Unboxed.cmt Source:Unboxed.res - addValueDeclaration +testV1 Unboxed.res:8:4 path:+Unboxed - addValueDeclaration +r2Test Unboxed.res:17:4 path:+Unboxed - addVariantCaseDeclaration A Unboxed.res:2:10 path:+Unboxed.v1 - addVariantCaseDeclaration A Unboxed.res:5:10 path:+Unboxed.v2 - addValueReference Unboxed.res:8:4 --> Unboxed.res:8:14 - addRecordLabelDeclaration x Unboxed.res:11:11 path:+Unboxed.r1 - addRecordLabelDeclaration B.g Unboxed.res:14:13 path:+Unboxed.r2 - addVariantCaseDeclaration B Unboxed.res:14:10 path:+Unboxed.r2 - addValueReference Unboxed.res:17:4 --> Unboxed.res:17:14 - Scanning Uncurried.cmt Source:Uncurried.res - addValueDeclaration +uncurried0 Uncurried.res:14:4 path:+Uncurried - addValueDeclaration +uncurried1 Uncurried.res:17:4 path:+Uncurried - addValueDeclaration +uncurried2 Uncurried.res:20:4 path:+Uncurried - addValueDeclaration +uncurried3 Uncurried.res:23:4 path:+Uncurried - addValueDeclaration +curried3 Uncurried.res:26:4 path:+Uncurried - addValueDeclaration +callback Uncurried.res:29:4 path:+Uncurried - addValueDeclaration +callback2 Uncurried.res:35:4 path:+Uncurried - addValueDeclaration +callback2U Uncurried.res:38:4 path:+Uncurried - addValueDeclaration +sumU Uncurried.res:41:4 path:+Uncurried - addValueDeclaration +sumU2 Uncurried.res:44:4 path:+Uncurried - addValueDeclaration +sumCurried Uncurried.res:47:4 path:+Uncurried - addValueDeclaration +sumLblCurried Uncurried.res:53:4 path:+Uncurried - addValueReference Uncurried.res:17:4 --> Uncurried.res:17:20 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:20:4 --> Uncurried.res:20:20 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:20:4 --> Uncurried.res:20:23 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:23:4 --> Uncurried.res:23:20 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:23:4 --> Uncurried.res:23:23 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:23:4 --> Uncurried.res:23:26 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:26:4 --> Uncurried.res:26:16 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:26:4 --> Uncurried.res:26:19 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:26:4 --> Uncurried.res:26:22 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:29:4 --> Uncurried.res:29:15 - addRecordLabelDeclaration login Uncurried.res:31:13 path:+Uncurried.auth - addRecordLabelDeclaration loginU Uncurried.res:32:14 path:+Uncurried.authU - addTypeReference Uncurried.res:35:24 --> Uncurried.res:31:13 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:35:4 --> Uncurried.res:35:16 - addTypeReference Uncurried.res:38:25 --> Uncurried.res:32:14 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:38:4 --> Uncurried.res:38:17 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:41:4 --> Uncurried.res:41:17 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:41:4 --> Uncurried.res:41:14 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:41:4 --> Uncurried.res:41:17 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:44:4 --> Uncurried.res:44:20 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:44:4 --> Uncurried.res:44:15 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:44:4 --> Uncurried.res:44:20 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:47:4 --> Uncurried.res:49:2 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:47:4 --> Uncurried.res:47:17 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:47:4 --> Uncurried.res:49:2 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:47:4 --> Uncurried.res:47:17 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:53:4 --> Uncurried.res:55:3 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:53:4 --> Uncurried.res:53:32 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:53:4 --> Uncurried.res:55:3 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:53:4 --> Uncurried.res:53:21 - addValueReference Uncurried.res:53:4 --> Uncurried.res:53:32 - Scanning Unison.cmt Source:Unison.res - addValueDeclaration +group Unison.res:17:4 path:+Unison - addValueDeclaration +fits Unison.res:19:8 path:+Unison - addValueDeclaration +toString Unison.res:26:8 path:+Unison - addVariantCaseDeclaration IfNeed Unison.res:4:2 path:+Unison.break - addVariantCaseDeclaration Never Unison.res:5:2 path:+Unison.break - addVariantCaseDeclaration Always Unison.res:6:2 path:+Unison.break - addRecordLabelDeclaration break Unison.res:9:2 path:+Unison.t - addRecordLabelDeclaration doc Unison.res:10:2 path:+Unison.t - addVariantCaseDeclaration Empty Unison.res:14:2 path:+Unison.stack - addVariantCaseDeclaration Cons Unison.res:15:2 path:+Unison.stack - addValueReference Unison.res:17:4 --> Unison.res:17:20 - addTypeReference Unison.res:17:20 --> Unison.res:4:2 - addValueReference Unison.res:17:4 --> Unison.res:17:13 - addValueReference Unison.res:17:4 --> Unison.res:17:28 - addValueReference Unison.res:19:8 --> Unison.res:19:16 - addValueReference Unison.res:19:8 --> Unison.res:19:16 - addValueReference Unison.res:19:8 --> Unison.res:23:10 - addValueReference Unison.res:19:8 --> Unison.res:23:16 - addValueReference Unison.res:19:8 --> Unison.res:19:8 - addTypeReference Unison.res:23:9 --> Unison.res:10:2 - addValueReference Unison.res:19:8 --> Unison.res:19:19 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:20 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:23 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:19:8 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:20 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:23 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:8 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:17 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:20 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:23 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:8 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:17 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:20 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:23 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:8 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:10 - addTypeReference Unison.res:28:9 --> Unison.res:9:2 - addTypeReference Unison.res:28:9 --> Unison.res:10:2 - addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:28 - addTypeReference Unison.res:37:20 --> Unison.res:14:2 - addValueReference Unison.res:37:0 --> Unison.res:26:8 - addTypeReference Unison.res:38:20 --> Unison.res:15:2 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences group called with optional argNames:break argNamesMaybe: Unison.res:38:25 - addTypeReference Unison.res:38:38 --> Unison.res:5:2 - addValueReference Unison.res:38:25 --> Unison.res:17:4 - addTypeReference Unison.res:38:53 --> Unison.res:14:2 - addValueReference Unison.res:38:0 --> Unison.res:26:8 - addTypeReference Unison.res:39:20 --> Unison.res:15:2 - DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences group called with optional argNames:break argNamesMaybe: Unison.res:39:25 - addTypeReference Unison.res:39:38 --> Unison.res:6:2 - addValueReference Unison.res:39:25 --> Unison.res:17:4 - addTypeReference Unison.res:39:52 --> Unison.res:14:2 - addValueReference Unison.res:39:0 --> Unison.res:26:8 - Scanning UseImportJsValue.cmt Source:UseImportJsValue.res - addValueDeclaration +useGetProp UseImportJsValue.res:2:4 path:+UseImportJsValue - addValueDeclaration +useTypeImportedInOtherModule UseImportJsValue.res:5:4 path:+UseImportJsValue - addValueReference UseImportJsValue.res:2:4 --> UseImportJsValue.res:2:18 - addValueReference UseImportJsValue.res:2:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:37:2 - addValueReference UseImportJsValue.res:5:4 --> UseImportJsValue.res:5:36 - Scanning Variants.cmt Source:Variants.res - addValueDeclaration +isWeekend Variants.res:13:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +monday Variants.res:21:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +saturday Variants.res:23:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +sunday Variants.res:25:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +onlySunday Variants.res:28:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +swap Variants.res:31:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +testConvert Variants.res:45:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +fortytwoOK Variants.res:48:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +fortytwoBAD Variants.res:52:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +testConvert2 Variants.res:64:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +testConvert3 Variants.res:76:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +testConvert2to3 Variants.res:80:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +id1 Variants.res:89:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +id2 Variants.res:92:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +polyWithOpt Variants.res:98:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +restResult1 Variants.res:112:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +restResult2 Variants.res:115:4 path:+Variants - addValueDeclaration +restResult3 Variants.res:118:4 path:+Variants - addValueReference Variants.res:13:4 --> Variants.res:13:17 - addValueReference Variants.res:31:4 --> Variants.res:31:11 - addValueReference Variants.res:45:4 --> Variants.res:45:19 - addValueReference Variants.res:64:4 --> Variants.res:64:20 - addValueReference Variants.res:76:4 --> Variants.res:76:20 - addValueReference Variants.res:80:4 --> Variants.res:80:23 - addValueReference Variants.res:89:4 --> Variants.res:89:11 - addValueReference Variants.res:92:4 --> Variants.res:92:11 - addVariantCaseDeclaration Type Variants.res:95:13 path:+Variants.type_ - addValueReference Variants.res:98:4 --> Variants.res:98:18 - addValueReference Variants.res:98:4 --> Variants.res:98:18 - addValueReference Variants.res:98:4 --> Variants.res:98:18 - addVariantCaseDeclaration Ok Variants.res:102:2 path:+Variants.result1 - addVariantCaseDeclaration Error Variants.res:103:2 path:+Variants.result1 - addValueReference Variants.res:112:4 --> Variants.res:112:19 - addValueReference Variants.res:115:4 --> Variants.res:115:19 - addValueReference Variants.res:118:4 --> Variants.res:118:19 - Scanning VariantsWithPayload.cmt Source:VariantsWithPayload.res - addValueDeclaration +testWithPayload VariantsWithPayload.res:16:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload - addValueDeclaration +printVariantWithPayload VariantsWithPayload.res:19:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload - addValueDeclaration +testManyPayloads VariantsWithPayload.res:37:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload - addValueDeclaration +printManyPayloads VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload - addValueDeclaration +testSimpleVariant VariantsWithPayload.res:54:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload - addValueDeclaration +testVariantWithPayloads VariantsWithPayload.res:65:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload - addValueDeclaration +printVariantWithPayloads VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload - addValueDeclaration +testVariant1Int VariantsWithPayload.res:93:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload - addValueDeclaration +testVariant1Object VariantsWithPayload.res:99:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload - addRecordLabelDeclaration x VariantsWithPayload.res:2:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.payload - addRecordLabelDeclaration y VariantsWithPayload.res:3:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.payload - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:16:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:16:23 - addTypeReference VariantsWithPayload.res:26:57 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:2:2 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:19:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:26:7 - addTypeReference VariantsWithPayload.res:26:74 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:3:2 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:19:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:26:7 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:19:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:19:31 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:37:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:37:24 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:42:9 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:43:9 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:43:13 - addTypeReference VariantsWithPayload.res:44:55 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:2:2 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:44:11 - addTypeReference VariantsWithPayload.res:44:72 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:3:2 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:44:11 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:40:25 - addVariantCaseDeclaration A VariantsWithPayload.res:49:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.simpleVariant - addVariantCaseDeclaration B VariantsWithPayload.res:50:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.simpleVariant - addVariantCaseDeclaration C VariantsWithPayload.res:51:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.simpleVariant - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:54:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:54:25 - addVariantCaseDeclaration A VariantsWithPayload.res:58:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads - addVariantCaseDeclaration B VariantsWithPayload.res:59:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads - addVariantCaseDeclaration C VariantsWithPayload.res:60:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads - addVariantCaseDeclaration D VariantsWithPayload.res:61:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads - addVariantCaseDeclaration E VariantsWithPayload.res:62:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:65:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:65:31 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:71:6 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:72:6 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:72:9 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:77:7 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:77:10 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:82:6 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:82:9 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:82:12 - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:68:31 - addVariantCaseDeclaration R VariantsWithPayload.res:90:19 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variant1Int - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:93:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:93:23 - addVariantCaseDeclaration R VariantsWithPayload.res:96:22 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variant1Object - addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:99:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:99:26 - Implementation 0 - Implementation 0 - Implementation 0 - addValueReference TestDeadExn.res:1:7 --> DeadExn.res:1:0 - -File References - - AutoAnnotate.res -->> - BootloaderResource.res -->> - BucklescriptAnnotations.res -->> - ComponentAsProp.res -->> React.res - CreateErrorHandler1.res -->> ErrorHandler.resi - CreateErrorHandler2.res -->> - DeadCodeImplementation.res -->> - DeadCodeInterface.res -->> - DeadExn.res -->> - DeadExn.resi -->> - DeadRT.res -->> - DeadRT.resi -->> - DeadTest.res -->> React.res, DeadValueTest.resi, DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res, ImmutableArray.resi - DeadTestBlacklist.res -->> - DeadTestWithInterface.res -->> - DeadTypeTest.res -->> - DeadTypeTest.resi -->> DeadTypeTest.res - DeadValueTest.res -->> - DeadValueTest.resi -->> DeadValueTest.res - Docstrings.res -->> - DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res -->> React.res - EmptyArray.res -->> - ErrorHandler.res -->> - ErrorHandler.resi -->> ErrorHandler.res - EverythingLiveHere.res -->> - FirstClassModules.res -->> - FirstClassModulesInterface.res -->> - FirstClassModulesInterface.resi -->> FirstClassModulesInterface.res - Hooks.res -->> React.res, ImportHookDefault.res, ImportHooks.res - IgnoreInterface.res -->> - IgnoreInterface.resi -->> - ImmutableArray.res -->> - ImmutableArray.resi -->> ImmutableArray.res - ImportHookDefault.res -->> - ImportHooks.res -->> - ImportIndex.res -->> - ImportJsValue.res -->> - ImportMyBanner.res -->> - InnerModuleTypes.res -->> - InnerModuleTypes.resi -->> - JSResource.res -->> - JsxV4.res -->> React.res - LetPrivate.res -->> - ModuleAliases.res -->> - ModuleAliases2.res -->> - ModuleExceptionBug.res -->> - NestedModules.res -->> - NestedModulesInSignature.res -->> - NestedModulesInSignature.resi -->> NestedModulesInSignature.res - Newsyntax.res -->> - Newton.res -->> - Opaque.res -->> - OptArg.res -->> - OptArg.resi -->> OptArg.res - Records.res -->> - References.res -->> - RepeatedLabel.res -->> - RequireCond.res -->> - Shadow.res -->> - TestDeadExn.res -->> DeadExn.res - TestEmitInnerModules.res -->> - TestFirstClassModules.res -->> - TestImmutableArray.res -->> ImmutableArray.resi - TestImport.res -->> - TestInnedModuleTypes.res -->> - TestModuleAliases.res -->> - TestOptArg.res -->> OptArg.resi - TestPromise.res -->> - ToSuppress.res -->> - TransitiveType1.res -->> - TransitiveType2.res -->> - TransitiveType3.res -->> - Tuples.res -->> - TypeParams1.res -->> - TypeParams2.res -->> - TypeParams3.res -->> - Types.res -->> - Unboxed.res -->> - Uncurried.res -->> - Unison.res -->> - UseImportJsValue.res -->> ImportJsValue.res - Variants.res -->> - VariantsWithPayload.res -->> - Dead VariantCase +AutoAnnotate.annotatedVariant.R4: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +AutoAnnotate.annotatedVariant.R2: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +AutoAnnotate.r4.r4: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +AutoAnnotate.r3.r3: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +AutoAnnotate.r2.r2: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +AutoAnnotate.record.variant: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +AutoAnnotate.variant.R: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +BucklescriptAnnotations.+bar: 0 references () [1] - Dead Value +BucklescriptAnnotations.+f: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +ComponentAsProp.props.button: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] - Live RecordLabel +ComponentAsProp.props.description: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] - Live RecordLabel +ComponentAsProp.props.title: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] - Live Value +ComponentAsProp.+make: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +CreateErrorHandler1.Error1.+notification: 1 references (ErrorHandler.resi:3:2) [0] - Live Value +CreateErrorHandler2.Error2.+notification: 1 references (ErrorHandler.resi:3:2) [0] - Live Value +DeadCodeImplementation.M.+x: 1 references (DeadCodeInterface.res:2:2) [0] - Dead Value +DeadRT.+emitModuleAccessPath: 0 references () [0] - Live VariantCase +DeadRT.moduleAccessPath.Kaboom: 1 references (DeadRT.res:11:16) [0] - Live VariantCase DeadRT.moduleAccessPath.Root: 1 references (DeadTest.res:98:16) [1] - Live VariantCase +DeadRT.moduleAccessPath.Root: 1 references (DeadRT.resi:2:2) [0] - Live VariantCase DeadRT.moduleAccessPath.Kaboom: 1 references (DeadRT.res:3:2) [0] - Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord3.IR3.b: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord3.IR3.a: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +DeadTest.inlineRecord3.IR3: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord2.IR2.b: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord2.IR2.a: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +DeadTest.inlineRecord2.IR2: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+_: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.+ira: 1 references (DeadTest.res:163:27) [0] - Live RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord.IR.e: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord.IR.d: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord.IR.c: 1 references (DeadTest.res:163:7) [0] - Live RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord.IR.b: 1 references (DeadTest.res:163:35) [0] - Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord.IR.a: 0 references () [0] - Live VariantCase +DeadTest.inlineRecord.IR: 1 references (DeadTest.res:163:20) [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+_: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.+deadIncorrect: 1 references (DeadTest.res:156:8) [0] - Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.rc.a: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+funWithInnerVars: 0 references () [1] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+y: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+x: 0 references () [0] - Live VariantCase +DeadTest.WithInclude.t.A: 1 references (DeadTest.res:142:7) [1] - Live VariantCase +DeadTest.WithInclude.t.A: 1 references (DeadTest.res:134:11) [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.GloobLive.+globallyLive3: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.GloobLive.+globallyLive2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.GloobLive.+globallyLive1: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+stringLengthNoSideEffects: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+theSideEffectIsLogging: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +DeadTest.props.s: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.+make: 1 references (DeadTest.res:119:16) [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+deadRef: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+second: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+a3: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+a2: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+a1: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+zzz: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+withDefaultValue: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+bar: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+foo: 0 references () [1] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+cb: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+cb: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+recWithCallback: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+rec2: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+rec1: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+split_map: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+unusedRec: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.MM.+valueOnlyInImplementation: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.MM.+x: 1 references (DeadTest.res:69:9) [1] - Live Value +DeadTest.MM.+x: 1 references (DeadTest.res:60:2) [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.MM.+y: 0 references () [1] - Live Value +DeadTest.MM.+y: 1 references (DeadTest.res:64:6) [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.UnderscoreInside.+_: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+_: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+_: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +DeadTest.record.yyy: 1 references (DeadTest.res:53:9) [0] - Live RecordLabel 1 references (DeadTest.res:52:13) [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+_: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+_: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation.+a: 1 references (DeadTest.res:42:17) [1] - Live Value +DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation.+a: 1 references (DeadTest.res:36:2) [0] - Live VariantCase +DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation.t.A: 1 references (DeadTest.res:39:10) [0] - Live VariantCase +DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation.t.A: 1 references (DeadTest.res:38:11) [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.M.+thisSignatureItemIsDead: 0 references () [1] - Dead Value +DeadTest.M.+thisSignatureItemIsDead: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.Inner.+thisIsAlsoMarkedDead: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.+thisIsMarkedLive: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.+thisIsKeptAlive: 1 references (DeadTest.res:20:4) [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+thisIsMarkedDead: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.+thisIsUsedTwice: 2 references (DeadTest.res:11:7, DeadTest.res:12:7) [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.+thisIsUsedOnce: 1 references (DeadTest.res:8:7) [0] - Live Value +DeadTest.+fortyTwoButExported: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTest.+fortytwo: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTestBlacklist.+x: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTestWithInterface.Ext_buffer.+x: 0 references () [1] - Dead Value +DeadTestWithInterface.Ext_buffer.+x: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase DeadTypeTest.deadType.InNeither: 0 references () [0] - Live VariantCase +DeadTypeTest.deadType.InBoth: 1 references (DeadTypeTest.res:13:8) [1] - Live VariantCase DeadTypeTest.deadType.InBoth: 2 references (DeadTest.res:45:8, DeadTypeTest.res:9:2) [0] - Live VariantCase DeadTypeTest.deadType.OnlyInInterface: 1 references (DeadTest.res:44:8) [0] - Live VariantCase +DeadTypeTest.deadType.OnlyInImplementation: 1 references (DeadTypeTest.res:12:8) [1] - Live VariantCase DeadTypeTest.deadType.OnlyInImplementation: 1 references (DeadTypeTest.res:7:2) [0] - Dead Value DeadTypeTest.+a: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase DeadTypeTest.t.B: 0 references () [0] - Live VariantCase +DeadTypeTest.t.A: 1 references (DeadTypeTest.res:4:8) [1] - Live VariantCase DeadTypeTest.t.A: 1 references (DeadTypeTest.res:2:2) [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+unitArgWithConversionU: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+unitArgWithConversion: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Docstrings.t.B: 0 references () [0] - Live VariantCase +Docstrings.t.A: 2 references (Docstrings.res:64:34, Docstrings.res:67:39) [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+unitArgWithoutConversionU: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+unitArgWithoutConversion: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+grouped: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+unnamed2U: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+unnamed2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+unnamed1U: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+unnamed1: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+useParamU: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+useParam: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+treeU: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+twoU: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+oneU: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+tree: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+two: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+one: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+signMessage: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Docstrings.+flat: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +EmptyArray.Z.+make: 1 references (EmptyArray.res:10:9) [0] - Dead Value +EverythingLiveHere.+z: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +EverythingLiveHere.+y: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +EverythingLiveHere.+x: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +FirstClassModules.+someFunctorAsFunction: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +FirstClassModules.SomeFunctor.+ww: 1 references (FirstClassModules.res:57:2) [0] - Live Value +FirstClassModules.+testConvert: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +FirstClassModules.+firstClassModule: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +FirstClassModules.M.+x: 1 references (FirstClassModules.res:2:2) [0] - Live Value +FirstClassModules.M.Z.+u: 1 references (FirstClassModules.res:37:4) [0] - Live Value +FirstClassModules.M.InnerModule3.+k3: 1 references (FirstClassModules.res:14:4) [0] - Live Value +FirstClassModules.M.InnerModule2.+k: 1 references (FirstClassModules.res:10:4) [0] - Live Value +FirstClassModules.M.+y: 1 references (FirstClassModules.res:20:2) [0] - Dead Value FirstClassModulesInterface.+r: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel FirstClassModulesInterface.record.y: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel FirstClassModulesInterface.record.x: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion.+car: 1 references (Hooks.res:65:30) [0] - Live RecordLabel +Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion.props.renderVehicle: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] - Live Value +Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion.+make: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Hooks.r.x: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Hooks.+functionWithRenamedArgs: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Hooks.NoProps.+make: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Hooks.Inner.Inner2.props.vehicle: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] - Live Value +Hooks.Inner.Inner2.+make: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Hooks.Inner.props.vehicle: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] - Live Value +Hooks.Inner.+make: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Hooks.+default: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Hooks.props.vehicle: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] - Live Value +Hooks.+make: 1 references (Hooks.res:25:4) [0] - Live RecordLabel 5 references (Hooks.res:10:29, Hooks.res:29:66, Hooks.res:33:68, Hooks.res:47:2, Hooks.res:47:14) [0] - Live RecordLabel +ImportIndex.props.method: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportIndex.+make: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImportMyBanner.+make: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportMyBanner.+make: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +ImportMyBanner.message.text: 0 references () [0] - Live VariantCase InnerModuleTypes.I.t.Foo: 1 references (TestInnedModuleTypes.res:1:8) [1] - Live VariantCase +InnerModuleTypes.I.t.Foo: 1 references (InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11) [0] - Live Value +JsxV4.C.+make: 1 references (JsxV4.res:7:9) [0] - Live Value +LetPrivate.+y: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +LetPrivate.local_1.+x: 1 references (LetPrivate.res:7:4) [0] - Live Value +ModuleAliases.+testInner2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ModuleAliases.+testInner: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ModuleAliases.+testNested: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +ModuleAliases.Outer2.Inner2.InnerNested.t.nested: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +ModuleAliases.Outer.Inner.innerT.inner: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ModuleAliases2.+q: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +ModuleAliases2.Outer.Inner.inner.inner: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +ModuleAliases2.Outer.outer.outer: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +ModuleAliases2.record.y: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +ModuleAliases2.record.x: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ModuleExceptionBug.+ddjdj: 1 references (ModuleExceptionBug.res:8:7) [0] - Dead Exception +ModuleExceptionBug.MyOtherException: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ModuleExceptionBug.Dep.+customDouble: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +NestedModules.Universe.+someString: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +NestedModules.Universe.variant.B: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +NestedModules.Universe.variant.A: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.+nested2Function: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3.+nested3Function: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3.+nested3Value: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3.+w: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3.+z: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3.+y: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3.+x: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.+y: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.+nested2Value: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.+x: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.+notExported: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +NestedModules.Universe.+theAnswer: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +NestedModules.+notNested: 0 references () [0] - Live Value NestedModulesInSignature.Universe.+theAnswer: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Newsyntax.record2.yy: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Newsyntax.record2.xx: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Newsyntax.variant.C: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Newsyntax.variant.B: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Newsyntax.variant.A: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Newsyntax.record.yyy: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +Newsyntax.+y: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +Newsyntax.+x: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Newton.+result: 2 references (Newton.res:31:8, Newton.res:31:18) [0] - Live Value +Newton.+fPrimed: 1 references (Newton.res:29:4) [0] - Live Value +Newton.+f: 2 references (Newton.res:29:4, Newton.res:31:16) [0] - Live Value +Newton.+newton: 1 references (Newton.res:29:4) [2] - Live Value +Newton.+loop: 1 references (Newton.res:6:4) [1] - Live Value +Newton.+next: 1 references (Newton.res:14:10) [0] - Live Value +Newton.+previous: 2 references (Newton.res:14:10, Newton.res:16:8) [0] - Live Value +Newton.+iterateMore: 1 references (Newton.res:14:10) [1] - Live Value +Newton.+delta: 1 references (Newton.res:8:6) [0] - Live Value +Newton.+current: 3 references (Newton.res:8:6, Newton.res:14:10, Newton.res:15:8) [0] - Live Value +Newton.+/: 1 references (Newton.res:16:8) [0] - Live Value +Newton.+*: 2 references (Newton.res:25:4, Newton.res:27:4) [0] - Live Value +Newton.++: 1 references (Newton.res:25:4) [0] - Live Value +Newton.+-: 4 references (Newton.res:9:8, Newton.res:16:8, Newton.res:25:4, Newton.res:27:4) [0] - Live Value +Opaque.+testConvertNestedRecordFromOtherFile: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Opaque.+noConversion: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Opaque.opaqueFromRecords.A: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+testMyRecBsAs2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+testMyRecBsAs: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Records.myRecBsAs.type_: 1 references (Records.res:145:38) [0] - Live Value +Records.+testMyObj2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+testMyObj: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+testMyRec2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+testMyRec: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Records.myRec.type_: 1 references (Records.res:127:30) [0] - Live Value +Records.+computeArea4: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+computeArea3: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+someBusiness2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+findAddress2: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Records.business2.address2: 1 references (Records.res:97:2) [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Records.business2.owner: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+getPayloadRecordPlusOne: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+payloadValue: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+recordValue: 1 references (Records.res:80:4) [0] - Live Value +Records.+getPayloadRecord: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Records.record.w: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Records.record.v: 1 references (Records.res:85:5) [0] - Live Value +Records.+getPayload: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Records.payload.payload: 3 references (Records.res:65:18, Records.res:74:24, Records.res:83:31) [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Records.payload.num: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+findAllAddresses: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+someBusiness: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+findAddress: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+getOpt: 3 references (Records.res:39:4, Records.res:46:4, Records.res:96:4) [0] - Live RecordLabel 2 references (Records.res:40:2, Records.res:50:6) [0] - Live RecordLabel 1 references (Records.res:51:6) [0] - Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Records.person.address: 1 references (Records.res:51:42) [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Records.person.age: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+coord2d: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+computeArea: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Records.+origin: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Records.coord.z: 1 references (Records.res:14:19) [0] - Live RecordLabel +Records.coord.y: 1 references (Records.res:14:19) [0] - Live RecordLabel +Records.coord.x: 1 references (Records.res:14:19) [0] - Live Value +References.+preserveRefIdentity: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +References.+destroysRefIdentity: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +References.requiresConversion.x: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +References.+set: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +References.+make: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +References.+get: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +References.R.+set: 1 references (References.res:37:4) [1] - Live Value +References.R.+set: 1 references (References.res:19:2) [0] - Live Value +References.R.+make: 1 references (References.res:34:4) [1] - Live Value +References.R.+make: 1 references (References.res:18:2) [0] - Live Value +References.R.+get: 1 references (References.res:31:4) [1] - Live Value +References.R.+get: 1 references (References.res:17:2) [0] - Live Value +References.+update: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +References.+access: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +References.+create: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +RepeatedLabel.+userData: 1 references (RepeatedLabel.res:14:7) [0] - Dead RecordLabel +RepeatedLabel.tabState.f: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +RepeatedLabel.tabState.b: 1 references (RepeatedLabel.res:12:16) [0] - Live RecordLabel +RepeatedLabel.tabState.a: 1 references (RepeatedLabel.res:12:16) [0] - Dead RecordLabel +RepeatedLabel.userData.b: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +RepeatedLabel.userData.a: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +Shadow.M.+test: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Shadow.M.+test: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Shadow.+test: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Shadow.+test: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestEmitInnerModules.Outer.Medium.Inner.+y: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestEmitInnerModules.Inner.+y: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestEmitInnerModules.Inner.+x: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestFirstClassModules.+convertFirstClassModuleWithTypeEquations: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestFirstClassModules.+convertRecord: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestFirstClassModules.+convertInterface: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestFirstClassModules.+convert: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +TestImmutableArray.+testBeltArraySet: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +TestImmutableArray.+testBeltArrayGet: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestImmutableArray.+testImmutableArrayGet: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestImport.+defaultValue2: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +TestImport.+make: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestImport.+make: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +TestImport.message.text: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestImport.+defaultValue: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestImport.+valueStartingWithUpperCaseLetter: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +TestImport.+innerStuffContents: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestImport.+innerStuffContentsAsEmptyObject: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestImport.+innerStuffContents: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +TestInnedModuleTypes.+_: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestModuleAliases.+testInner2Expanded: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestModuleAliases.+testInner2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestModuleAliases.+testInner1Expanded: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestModuleAliases.+testInner1: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TestOptArg.+liveSuppressesOptArgs: 1 references (TestOptArg.res:16:8) [0] - Live Value +TestOptArg.+notSuppressesOptArgs: 1 references (TestOptArg.res:11:8) [0] - Live Value +TestOptArg.+bar: 1 references (TestOptArg.res:7:7) [0] - Live Value +TestOptArg.+foo: 1 references (TestOptArg.res:5:4) [0] - Live Value +TestPromise.+convert: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +TestPromise.toPayload.result: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +TestPromise.fromPayload.s: 1 references (TestPromise.res:14:32) [0] - Dead RecordLabel +TestPromise.fromPayload.x: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ToSuppress.+toSuppress: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TransitiveType1.+convertAlias: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TransitiveType1.+convert: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +TransitiveType2.+convertT2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TransitiveType3.+convertT3: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +TransitiveType3.t3.s: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +TransitiveType3.t3.i: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Tuples.+changeSecondAge: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Tuples.+marry: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Tuples.+getFirstName: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Tuples.person.age: 1 references (Tuples.res:49:84) [0] - Live RecordLabel 1 references (Tuples.res:43:49) [0] - Live Value +Tuples.+coord2d: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Tuples.+computeAreaNoConverters: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Tuples.+computeAreaWithIdent: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Tuples.+computeArea: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Tuples.+origin: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Tuples.+testTuple: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +TypeParams1.+exportSomething: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +TypeParams2.+exportSomething: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TypeParams3.+test2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +TypeParams3.+test: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +Types.ObjectId.+x: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+optFunction: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+i64Const: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+currentTime: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+testInstantiateTypeParameter: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+setMatch: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+testMarshalFields: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+testConvertNull: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Types.record.s: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Types.record.i: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+jsonStringify: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+jsString2T: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+jsStringT: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Types.opaqueVariant.B: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Types.opaqueVariant.A: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+testFunctionOnOptionsAsArgument: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+mutuallyRecursiveConverter: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+selfRecursiveConverter: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Types.mutuallyRecursiveB.a: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Types.mutuallyRecursiveA.b: 1 references (Types.res:49:34) [0] - Live RecordLabel +Types.selfRecursive.self: 1 references (Types.res:42:30) [0] - Live Value +Types.+swap: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Types.typeWithVars.B: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Types.typeWithVars.A: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+map: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Types.+someIntList: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Unboxed.+r2Test: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Unboxed.r2.B.g: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Unboxed.r2.B: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +Unboxed.r1.x: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Unboxed.+testV1: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Unboxed.v2.A: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Unboxed.v1.A: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Uncurried.+sumLblCurried: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Uncurried.+sumCurried: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Uncurried.+sumU2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Uncurried.+sumU: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Uncurried.+callback2U: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Uncurried.+callback2: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +Uncurried.authU.loginU: 1 references (Uncurried.res:38:25) [0] - Live RecordLabel +Uncurried.auth.login: 1 references (Uncurried.res:35:24) [0] - Live Value +Uncurried.+callback: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Uncurried.+curried3: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Uncurried.+uncurried3: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Uncurried.+uncurried2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Uncurried.+uncurried1: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Uncurried.+uncurried0: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Unison.+toString: 3 references (Unison.res:37:0, Unison.res:38:0, Unison.res:39:0) [0] - Live Value +Unison.+fits: 1 references (Unison.res:26:8) [0] - Live Value +Unison.+group: 2 references (Unison.res:38:25, Unison.res:39:25) [0] - Live VariantCase +Unison.stack.Cons: 2 references (Unison.res:38:20, Unison.res:39:20) [0] - Live VariantCase +Unison.stack.Empty: 3 references (Unison.res:37:20, Unison.res:38:53, Unison.res:39:52) [0] - Live RecordLabel +Unison.t.doc: 2 references (Unison.res:23:9, Unison.res:28:9) [0] - Live RecordLabel +Unison.t.break: 1 references (Unison.res:28:9) [0] - Live VariantCase +Unison.break.Always: 1 references (Unison.res:39:38) [0] - Live VariantCase +Unison.break.Never: 1 references (Unison.res:38:38) [0] - Live VariantCase +Unison.break.IfNeed: 1 references (Unison.res:17:20) [0] - Live Value +UseImportJsValue.+useTypeImportedInOtherModule: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +UseImportJsValue.+useGetProp: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+restResult3: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+restResult2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+restResult1: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Variants.result1.Error: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Variants.result1.Ok: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+polyWithOpt: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +Variants.type_.Type: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+id2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+id1: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+testConvert2to3: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+testConvert3: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+testConvert2: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+fortytwoBAD: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+fortytwoOK: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+testConvert: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+swap: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+onlySunday: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+sunday: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+saturday: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+monday: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +Variants.+isWeekend: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+testVariant1Object: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variant1Object.R: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+testVariant1Int: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variant1Int.R: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+printVariantWithPayloads: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+testVariantWithPayloads: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads.E: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads.D: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads.C: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads.B: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads.A: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+testSimpleVariant: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.simpleVariant.C: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.simpleVariant.B: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.simpleVariant.A: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+printManyPayloads: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+testManyPayloads: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+printVariantWithPayload: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+testWithPayload: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +VariantsWithPayload.payload.y: 2 references (VariantsWithPayload.res:26:74, VariantsWithPayload.res:44:72) [0] - Live RecordLabel +VariantsWithPayload.payload.x: 2 references (VariantsWithPayload.res:26:57, VariantsWithPayload.res:44:55) [0] - Live Value +DeadExn.+eInside: 1 references (DeadExn.res:12:7) [0] - Dead Value +DeadExn.+eToplevel: 0 references () [0] - Dead Exception +DeadExn.DeadE: 0 references () [0] - Live Exception +DeadExn.Inside.Einside: 1 references (DeadExn.res:10:14) [0] - Live Exception +DeadExn.Etoplevel: 1 references (DeadExn.res:8:16) [0] - Live RecordLabel +DeadTypeTest.record.z: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +DeadTypeTest.record.y: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +DeadTypeTest.record.x: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTypeTest.+_: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadTypeTest.+_: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +DeadTypeTest.deadType.InNeither: 0 references () [0] - Live VariantCase +DeadTypeTest.deadType.OnlyInInterface: 1 references (DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2) [0] - Dead Value +DeadTypeTest.+a: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +DeadTypeTest.t.B: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value DeadValueTest.+valueDead: 0 references () [0] - Live Value DeadValueTest.+valueAlive: 1 references (DeadTest.res:73:16) [0] - Live RecordLabel +DynamicallyLoadedComponent.props.s: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] - Live Value +DynamicallyLoadedComponent.+make: 1 references (DeadTest.res:110:17) [0] - Dead Value ErrorHandler.+x: 0 references () [0] - Live Value ErrorHandler.Make.+notify: 1 references (CreateErrorHandler1.res:8:0) [0] - Dead Value +FirstClassModulesInterface.+r: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +FirstClassModulesInterface.record.y: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +FirstClassModulesInterface.record.x: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+eq: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+eqU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+cmp: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+cmpU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+some2: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+some2U: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+every2: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+every2U: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+every: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+everyU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+some: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+someU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reduceReverse2: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reduceReverse2U: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reduceReverse: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reduceReverseU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reduce: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reduceU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+partition: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+partitionU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+mapWithIndex: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+mapWithIndexU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+forEachWithIndex: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+forEachWithIndexU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+keepMap: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+keepMapU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+keepWithIndex: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+keepWithIndexU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+map: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+mapU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+forEach: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+forEachU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+copy: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+sliceToEnd: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+slice: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+concatMany: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+concat: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+unzip: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+zipBy: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+zipByU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+zip: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+makeByAndShuffle: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+makeByAndShuffleU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+makeBy: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+makeByU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+rangeBy: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+range: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+make: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+makeUninitializedUnsafe: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+makeUninitialized: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reverse: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+shuffle: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+getUndefined: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+getUnsafe: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+getExn: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+get: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+size: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+length: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value ImmutableArray.+toArray: 0 references () [0] - Live Value ImmutableArray.+fromArray: 1 references (DeadTest.res:1:15) [0] - Live Value ImmutableArray.Array.+get: 1 references (TestImmutableArray.res:2:4) [0] - Live RecordLabel +ImportHookDefault.props.renderMe: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +ImportHookDefault.props.children: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +ImportHookDefault.props.person: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportHookDefault.+make: 1 references (Hooks.res:17:5) [0] - Dead RecordLabel +ImportHookDefault.person.age: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportHooks.+foo: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +ImportHooks.props.renderMe: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +ImportHooks.props.children: 0 references () [0] - Live RecordLabel +ImportHooks.props.person: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportHooks.+make: 1 references (Hooks.res:14:5) [0] - Dead RecordLabel +ImportHooks.person.age: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+default: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+polymorphic: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+convertVariant: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +ImportJsValue.variant.S: 0 references () [0] - Dead VariantCase +ImportJsValue.variant.I: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+returnedFromHigherOrder: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+higherOrder: 1 references (ImportJsValue.res:64:4) [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+useColor: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+useGetAbs: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+useGetProp: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.AbsoluteValue.+getAbs: 1 references (ImportJsValue.res:50:4) [1] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.AbsoluteValue.+getAbs: 1 references (ImportJsValue.res:40:6) [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+areaValue: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+roundedNumber: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+returnMixedArray: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+area: 1 references (ImportJsValue.res:30:4) [0] - Dead RecordLabel +ImportJsValue.point.y: 0 references () [0] - Dead RecordLabel +ImportJsValue.point.x: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImportJsValue.+round: 1 references (ImportJsValue.res:27:4) [0] - Live Value +NestedModulesInSignature.Universe.+theAnswer: 1 references (NestedModulesInSignature.resi:2:2) [0] - Live Value OptArg.+bar: 1 references (TestOptArg.res:1:7) [0] - Dead Value OptArg.+foo: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadValueTest.+tail: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadValueTest.+subList: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadValueTest.+valueOnlyInImplementation: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +DeadValueTest.+valueDead: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +DeadValueTest.+valueAlive: 1 references (DeadValueTest.resi:1:0) [0] - Dead Value +ErrorHandler.+x: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ErrorHandler.Make.+notify: 1 references (ErrorHandler.resi:7:2) [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+eq: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+eqU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+cmp: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+cmpU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+some2: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+some2U: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+every2: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+every2U: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+every: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+everyU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+some: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+someU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reduceReverse2: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reduceReverse2U: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reduceReverse: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reduceReverseU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reduce: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reduceU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+partition: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+partitionU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+mapWithIndex: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+mapWithIndexU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+forEachWithIndex: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+forEachWithIndexU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+keepMap: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+keepMapU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+keepWithIndex: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+keepWithIndexU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+map: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+mapU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+forEach: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+forEachU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+copy: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+sliceToEnd: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+slice: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+concatMany: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+concat: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+unzip: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+zipBy: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+zipByU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+zip: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+makeByAndShuffle: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+makeByAndShuffleU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+makeBy: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+makeByU: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+rangeBy: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+range: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+make: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+makeUninitializedUnsafe: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+makeUninitialized: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reverse: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+shuffle: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+getUndefined: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+getUnsafe: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+getExn: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImmutableArray.+get: 1 references (ImmutableArray.resi:6:2) [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+size: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+length: 0 references () [0] - Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+toArray: 0 references () [0] - Live Value +ImmutableArray.+fromArray: 1 references (ImmutableArray.resi:9:0) [0] - Live Value +OptArg.+wrapfourArgs: 2 references (OptArg.res:28:7, OptArg.res:29:7) [0] - Live Value +OptArg.+fourArgs: 1 references (OptArg.res:26:4) [0] - Live Value +OptArg.+wrapOneArg: 1 references (OptArg.res:22:7) [0] - Live Value +OptArg.+oneArg: 1 references (OptArg.res:20:4) [0] - Live Value +OptArg.+twoArgs: 1 references (OptArg.res:16:12) [0] - Live Value +OptArg.+threeArgs: 2 references (OptArg.res:11:7, OptArg.res:12:7) [0] - Live Value +OptArg.+bar: 2 references (OptArg.res:7:7, OptArg.resi:2:0) [0] - Live Value +OptArg.+foo: 1 references (OptArg.res:5:7) [0] - - Incorrect Dead Annotation - DeadTest.res:153:1-28 - deadIncorrect is annotated @dead but is live - - Warning Unused Argument - TestOptArg.res:9:1-65 - optional argument x of function notSuppressesOptArgs is never used - - Warning Unused Argument - TestOptArg.res:9:1-65 - optional argument y of function notSuppressesOptArgs is never used - - Warning Unused Argument - TestOptArg.res:9:1-65 - optional argument z of function notSuppressesOptArgs is never used - - Warning Redundant Optional Argument - TestOptArg.res:3:1-28 - optional argument x of function foo is always supplied (1 calls) - - Warning Redundant Optional Argument - Unison.res:17:1-60 - optional argument break of function group is always supplied (2 calls) - - Warning Unused Argument - OptArg.resi:2:1-50 - optional argument x of function bar is never used - - Warning Redundant Optional Argument - OptArg.res:26:1-70 - optional argument c of function wrapfourArgs is always supplied (2 calls) - - Warning Unused Argument - OptArg.res:24:1-63 - optional argument d of function fourArgs is never used - - Warning Redundant Optional Argument - OptArg.res:20:1-51 - optional argument a of function wrapOneArg is always supplied (1 calls) - - Warning Unused Argument - OptArg.res:14:1-42 - optional argument a of function twoArgs is never used - - Warning Unused Argument - OptArg.res:14:1-42 - optional argument b of function twoArgs is never used - - Warning Unused Argument - OptArg.res:9:1-54 - optional argument b of function threeArgs is never used - - Warning Redundant Optional Argument - OptArg.res:9:1-54 - optional argument a of function threeArgs is always supplied (2 calls) - - Warning Unused Argument - OptArg.res:3:1-38 - optional argument x of function bar is never used - - Warning Unused Argument - OptArg.res:1:1-48 - optional argument y of function foo is never used - - Warning Unused Argument - OptArg.res:1:1-48 - optional argument z of function foo is never used - - Warning Dead Module - AutoAnnotate.res:0:1 - AutoAnnotate is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Type - AutoAnnotate.res:1:16-21 - variant.R is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 1 - type variant = | @dead("variant.R") R(int) - - Warning Dead Type - AutoAnnotate.res:4:16-31 - record.variant is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 4 - type record = {@dead("record.variant") variant: variant} - - Warning Dead Type - AutoAnnotate.res:6:12-18 - r2.r2 is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 6 - type r2 = {@dead("r2.r2") r2: int} - - Warning Dead Type - AutoAnnotate.res:8:12-18 - r3.r3 is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 8 - type r3 = {@dead("r3.r3") r3: int} - - Warning Dead Type - AutoAnnotate.res:10:12-18 - r4.r4 is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 10 - type r4 = {@dead("r4.r4") r4: int} - - Warning Dead Type - AutoAnnotate.res:14:3-14 - annotatedVariant.R2 is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 14 - | @dead("annotatedVariant.R2") R2(r2, r3) - - Warning Dead Type - AutoAnnotate.res:15:5-10 - annotatedVariant.R4 is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 15 - | @dead("annotatedVariant.R4") R4(r4) - - Warning Dead Module - BucklescriptAnnotations.res:0:1 - BucklescriptAnnotations is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Value - BucklescriptAnnotations.res:25:1-70 - bar is never used - <-- line 25 - @dead("bar") let bar = (x: someMethods) => { - - Warning Dead Exception - DeadExn.res:7:1-15 - DeadE is never raised or passed as value - <-- line 7 - @dead("DeadE") exception DeadE - - Warning Dead Value - DeadExn.res:8:1-25 - eToplevel is never used - <-- line 8 - @dead("eToplevel") let eToplevel = Etoplevel - - Warning Dead Value - DeadRT.res:5:1-116 - emitModuleAccessPath is never used - <-- line 5 - @dead("emitModuleAccessPath") let rec emitModuleAccessPath = moduleAccessPath => - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:2:1-17 - fortytwo is never used - <-- line 2 - @dead("fortytwo") let fortytwo = 42 - - Warning Dead Module - DeadTest.res:27:8-97 - DeadTest.M is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:31:3-34 - M.thisSignatureItemIsDead is never used - <-- line 31 - @dead("M.thisSignatureItemIsDead") let thisSignatureItemIsDead = 34 - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:61:3-12 - MM.y is never used - <-- line 61 - @dead("MM.y") let y: int - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:65:3-35 - MM.valueOnlyInImplementation is never used - <-- line 65 - @dead("MM.valueOnlyInImplementation") let valueOnlyInImplementation = 7 - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:75:1-37 - unusedRec is never used - <-- line 75 - @dead("unusedRec") let rec unusedRec = () => unusedRec() - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:77:1-60 - split_map is never used - <-- line 77 - @dead("split_map") let rec split_map = l => { - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:82:1-27 - rec1 is never used - <-- line 82 - @dead("rec1") let rec rec1 = () => rec2() - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:83:1-23 - rec2 is never used - <-- line 83 - @dead("rec2") and rec2 = () => rec1() - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:85:1-77 - recWithCallback is never used - <-- line 85 - @dead("recWithCallback") let rec recWithCallback = () => { - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:90:1-53 - foo is never used - <-- line 90 - @dead("foo") let rec foo = () => { - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:94:1-21 - bar is never used - <-- line 94 - @dead("bar") and bar = () => foo() - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:96:1-71 - withDefaultValue is never used - <-- line 96 - @dead("withDefaultValue") let withDefaultValue = (~paramWithDefault=3, y) => paramWithDefault + y - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:104:1-52 - zzz is never used - <-- line 104 - @dead("zzz") let zzz = { - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:112:1-14 - second is never used - <-- line 112 - @dead("second") let second = 1 - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTest.res:114:1-21 - deadRef is never used - <-- line 114 - @dead("deadRef") let deadRef = ref(12) - - Warning Dead Value With Side Effects - DeadTest.res:121:1-40 - theSideEffectIsLogging is never used and could have side effects - - Warning Dead Value With Side Effects - DeadTest.res:123:1-54 - stringLengthNoSideEffects is never used and could have side effects - - Warning Dead Type - DeadTest.res:151:12-17 - rc.a is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 151 - type rc = {@dead("rc.a") a: int} - - Warning Dead Type - DeadTest.res:158:25-30 - inlineRecord.IR.a is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 158 - type inlineRecord = IR({@dead("inlineRecord.IR.a") a: int, b: int, c: string, @dead d: int, @live e: int}) - - Warning Dead Module - DeadTestBlacklist.res:0:1 - DeadTestBlacklist is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTestBlacklist.res:1:1-10 - x is never used - <-- line 1 - @dead("x") let x = 34 - - Warning Dead Module - DeadTestWithInterface.res:1:8-54 - DeadTestWithInterface.Ext_buffer is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTestWithInterface.res:2:3-12 - Ext_buffer.x is never used - <-- line 2 - @dead("Ext_buffer.x") let x: int - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTestWithInterface.res:4:3-12 - Ext_buffer.x is never used - <-- line 4 - @dead("Ext_buffer.x") let x = 42 - - Warning Dead Type - DeadTypeTest.res:3:5 - t.B is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 3 - | @dead("t.B") B - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTypeTest.res:4:1-9 - a is never used - <-- line 4 - @dead("a") let a = A - - Warning Dead Type - DeadTypeTest.res:10:5-13 - deadType.InNeither is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 10 - | @dead("deadType.InNeither") InNeither - - Warning Dead Type - DeadTypeTest.resi:3:5 - t.B is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 3 - | @dead("t.B") B - - Warning Dead Value - DeadTypeTest.resi:4:1-8 - a is never used - <-- line 4 - @dead("a") let a: t - - Warning Dead Type - DeadTypeTest.resi:10:5-13 - deadType.InNeither is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 10 - | @dead("deadType.InNeither") InNeither - - Warning Dead Value - DeadValueTest.res:2:1-17 - valueDead is never used - <-- line 2 - @dead("valueDead") let valueDead = 2 - - Warning Dead Value - DeadValueTest.res:4:1-33 - valueOnlyInImplementation is never used - <-- line 4 - @dead("valueOnlyInImplementation") let valueOnlyInImplementation = 3 - - Warning Dead Value - DeadValueTest.res:6:1-260 - subList is never used - <-- line 6 - @dead("subList") let rec subList = (b, e, l) => - - Warning Dead Value - DeadValueTest.resi:2:1-18 - valueDead is never used - <-- line 2 - @dead("valueDead") let valueDead: int - - Warning Dead Type - Docstrings.res:61:5 - t.B is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 61 - | @dead("t.B") B - - Warning Dead Module - ErrorHandler.res:0:1 - ErrorHandler is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Value - ErrorHandler.res:11:1-19 - x is never used - <-- line 12 - @dead("x") @genType - - Warning Dead Module - ErrorHandler.resi:0:1 - ErrorHandler is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Value - ErrorHandler.resi:10:1-10 - x is never used - <-- line 10 - @dead("x") let x: int - - Warning Dead Module - EverythingLiveHere.res:0:1 - EverythingLiveHere is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Value - EverythingLiveHere.res:1:1-9 - x is never used - <-- line 1 - @dead("x") let x = 1 - - Warning Dead Value - EverythingLiveHere.res:3:1-9 - y is never used - <-- line 3 - @dead("y") let y = 3 - - Warning Dead Value - EverythingLiveHere.res:5:1-9 - z is never used - <-- line 5 - @dead("z") let z = 4 - - Warning Dead Module - FirstClassModulesInterface.res:0:1 - FirstClassModulesInterface is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Type - FirstClassModulesInterface.res:2:3-8 - record.x is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 2 - @dead("record.x") x: int, - - Warning Dead Type - FirstClassModulesInterface.res:3:3-11 - record.y is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 3 - @dead("record.y") y: string, - - Warning Dead Value - FirstClassModulesInterface.res:6:1-26 - r is never used - <-- line 6 - @dead("r") let r = {x: 3, y: "hello"} - - Warning Dead Module - FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:0:1 - FirstClassModulesInterface is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Type - FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:3:3-8 - record.x is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 3 - @dead("record.x") x: int, - - Warning Dead Type - FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:4:3-11 - record.y is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 4 - @dead("record.y") y: string, - - Warning Dead Value - FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:7:1-13 - r is never used - <-- line 7 - @dead("r") let r: record - - Warning Dead Type - Hooks.res:50:11-19 - r.x is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 50 - type r = {@dead("r.x") x: string} - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:16:3-41 - toArray is never used - <-- line 16 - @dead("toArray") let toArray = a => Array.copy(a->fromT) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:20:3-42 - length is never used - <-- line 20 - @dead("length") let length = a => Array.length(a->fromT) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:22:3-38 - size is never used - <-- line 22 - @dead("size") let size = a => Array.size(a->fromT) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:26:3-50 - getExn is never used - <-- line 26 - @dead("getExn") let getExn = (a, x) => Array.getExn(a->fromT, x) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:28:3-56 - getUnsafe is never used - <-- line 28 - @dead("getUnsafe") let getUnsafe = (a, x) => Array.getUnsafe(a->fromT, x) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:30:3-62 - getUndefined is never used - <-- line 30 - @dead("getUndefined") let getUndefined = (a, x) => Array.getUndefined(a->fromT, x) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:32:3-49 - shuffle is never used - <-- line 32 - @dead("shuffle") let shuffle = x => Array.shuffle(x->fromT)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:34:3-49 - reverse is never used - <-- line 34 - @dead("reverse") let reverse = x => Array.reverse(x->fromT)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:36:3-62 - makeUninitialized is never used - <-- line 36 - @dead("makeUninitialized") let makeUninitialized = x => Array.makeUninitialized(x)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:38:3-74 - makeUninitializedUnsafe is never used - <-- line 38 - @dead("makeUninitializedUnsafe") let makeUninitializedUnsafe = x => Array.makeUninitializedUnsafe(x)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:40:3-44 - make is never used - <-- line 40 - @dead("make") let make = (x, y) => Array.make(x, y)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:42:3-46 - range is never used - <-- line 42 - @dead("range") let range = (x, y) => Array.range(x, y)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:44:3-64 - rangeBy is never used - <-- line 44 - @dead("rangeBy") let rangeBy = (x, y, ~step) => Array.rangeBy(x, y, ~step)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:46:3-50 - makeByU is never used - <-- line 46 - @dead("makeByU") let makeByU = (c, f) => Array.makeByU(c, f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:47:3-48 - makeBy is never used - <-- line 47 - @dead("makeBy") let makeBy = (c, f) => Array.makeBy(c, f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:49:3-70 - makeByAndShuffleU is never used - <-- line 49 - @dead("makeByAndShuffleU") let makeByAndShuffleU = (c, f) => Array.makeByAndShuffleU(c, f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:50:3-68 - makeByAndShuffle is never used - <-- line 50 - @dead("makeByAndShuffle") let makeByAndShuffle = (c, f) => Array.makeByAndShuffle(c, f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:52:3-61 - zip is never used - <-- line 52 - @dead("zip") let zip = (a1, a2) =>, fromT(a2))->toTp - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:54:3-72 - zipByU is never used - <-- line 54 - @dead("zipByU") let zipByU = (a1, a2, f) => Array.zipByU(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:55:3-70 - zipBy is never used - <-- line 55 - @dead("zipBy") let zipBy = (a1, a2, f) => Array.zipBy(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:57:3-47 - unzip is never used - <-- line 57 - @dead("unzip") let unzip = a => Array.unzip(a->fromTp)->toT2 - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:59:3-66 - concat is never used - <-- line 59 - @dead("concat") let concat = (a1, a2) => Array.concat(a1->fromT, a2->fromT)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:61:3-67 - concatMany is never used - <-- line 61 - @dead("concatMany") let concatMany = (a: t>) => Array.concatMany(a->fromTT)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:63:3-77 - slice is never used - <-- line 63 - @dead("slice") let slice = (a, ~offset, ~len) => Array.slice(a->fromT, ~offset, ~len)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:65:3-63 - sliceToEnd is never used - <-- line 65 - @dead("sliceToEnd") let sliceToEnd = (a, b) => Array.sliceToEnd(a->fromT, b)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:67:3-43 - copy is never used - <-- line 67 - @dead("copy") let copy = a => Array.copy(a->fromT)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:69:3-54 - forEachU is never used - <-- line 69 - @dead("forEachU") let forEachU = (a, f) => Array.forEachU(a->fromT, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:70:3-52 - forEach is never used - <-- line 70 - @dead("forEach") let forEach = (a, f) => Array.forEach(a->fromT, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:72:3-51 - mapU is never used - <-- line 72 - @dead("mapU") let mapU = (a, f) => Array.mapU(a->fromT, f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:73:3-49 - map is never used - <-- line 73 - @dead("map") let map = (a, f) =>>fromT, f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:75:3-71 - keepWithIndexU is never used - <-- line 75 - @dead("keepWithIndexU") let keepWithIndexU = (a, f) => Array.keepWithIndexU(a->fromT, f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:76:3-69 - keepWithIndex is never used - <-- line 76 - @dead("keepWithIndex") let keepWithIndex = (a, f) => Array.keepWithIndex(a->fromT, f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:78:3-59 - keepMapU is never used - <-- line 78 - @dead("keepMapU") let keepMapU = (a, f) => Array.keepMapU(a->fromT, f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:79:3-57 - keepMap is never used - <-- line 79 - @dead("keepMap") let keepMap = (a, f) => Array.keepMap(a->fromT, f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:81:3-72 - forEachWithIndexU is never used - <-- line 81 - @dead("forEachWithIndexU") let forEachWithIndexU = (a, f) => Array.forEachWithIndexU(a->fromT, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:82:3-70 - forEachWithIndex is never used - <-- line 82 - @dead("forEachWithIndex") let forEachWithIndex = (a, f) => Array.forEachWithIndex(a->fromT, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:84:3-69 - mapWithIndexU is never used - <-- line 84 - @dead("mapWithIndexU") let mapWithIndexU = (a, f) => Array.mapWithIndexU(a->fromT, f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:85:3-67 - mapWithIndex is never used - <-- line 85 - @dead("mapWithIndex") let mapWithIndex = (a, f) => Array.mapWithIndex(a->fromT, f)->toT - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:87:3-64 - partitionU is never used - <-- line 87 - @dead("partitionU") let partitionU = (a, f) => Array.partitionU(a->fromT, f)->toT2 - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:88:3-62 - partition is never used - <-- line 88 - @dead("partition") let partition = (a, f) => Array.partition(a->fromT, f)->toT2 - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:90:3-58 - reduceU is never used - <-- line 90 - @dead("reduceU") let reduceU = (a, b, f) => Array.reduceU(a->fromT, b, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:91:3-56 - reduce is never used - <-- line 91 - @dead("reduce") let reduce = (a, b, f) => Array.reduce(a->fromT, b, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:93:3-72 - reduceReverseU is never used - <-- line 93 - @dead("reduceReverseU") let reduceReverseU = (a, b, f) => Array.reduceReverseU(a->fromT, b, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:94:3-70 - reduceReverse is never used - <-- line 94 - @dead("reduceReverse") let reduceReverse = (a, b, f) => Array.reduceReverse(a->fromT, b, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:96:3-91 - reduceReverse2U is never used - <-- line 96 - @dead("reduceReverse2U") let reduceReverse2U = (a1, a2, c, f) => Array.reduceReverse2U(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), c, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:97:3-89 - reduceReverse2 is never used - <-- line 97 - @dead("reduceReverse2") let reduceReverse2 = (a1, a2, c, f) => Array.reduceReverse2(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), c, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:99:3-48 - someU is never used - <-- line 99 - @dead("someU") let someU = (a, f) => Array.someU(a->fromT, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:100:3-46 - some is never used - <-- line 100 - @dead("some") let some = (a, f) => Array.some(a->fromT, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:102:3-50 - everyU is never used - <-- line 102 - @dead("everyU") let everyU = (a, f) => Array.everyU(a->fromT, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:103:3-48 - every is never used - <-- line 103 - @dead("every") let every = (a, f) => Array.every(a->fromT, f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:105:3-69 - every2U is never used - <-- line 105 - @dead("every2U") let every2U = (a1, a2, f) => Array.every2U(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:106:3-67 - every2 is never used - <-- line 106 - @dead("every2") let every2 = (a1, a2, f) => Array.every2(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:108:3-67 - some2U is never used - <-- line 108 - @dead("some2U") let some2U = (a1, a2, f) => Array.some2U(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:109:3-65 - some2 is never used - <-- line 109 - @dead("some2") let some2 = (a1, a2, f) => Array.some2(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:111:3-63 - cmpU is never used - <-- line 111 - @dead("cmpU") let cmpU = (a1, a2, f) => Array.cmpU(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:112:3-61 - cmp is never used - <-- line 112 - @dead("cmp") let cmp = (a1, a2, f) => Array.cmp(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:114:3-61 - eqU is never used - <-- line 114 - @dead("eqU") let eqU = (a1, a2, f) => Array.eqU(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.res:115:3-59 - eq is never used - <-- line 115 - @dead("eq") let eq = (a1, a2, f) => Array.eq(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:12:1-31 - toArray is never used - <-- line 12 - @dead("toArray") let toArray: t<'a> => array<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:14:1-107 - length is never used - <-- line 14 - @dead("length") @ocaml.doc(" Subset of the Belt.Array oprerations that do not mutate the array. ") - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:17:1-22 - size is never used - <-- line 17 - @dead("size") let size: t<'a> => int - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:19:1-35 - get is never used - <-- line 19 - @dead("get") let get: (t<'a>, int) => option<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:21:1-30 - getExn is never used - <-- line 21 - @dead("getExn") let getExn: (t<'a>, int) => 'a - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:23:1-33 - getUnsafe is never used - <-- line 23 - @dead("getUnsafe") let getUnsafe: (t<'a>, int) => 'a - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:25:1-50 - getUndefined is never used - <-- line 25 - @dead("getUndefined") let getUndefined: (t<'a>, int) => Js.undefined<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:27:1-27 - shuffle is never used - <-- line 27 - @dead("shuffle") let shuffle: t<'a> => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:29:1-27 - reverse is never used - <-- line 29 - @dead("reverse") let reverse: t<'a> => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:31:1-49 - makeUninitialized is never used - <-- line 31 - @dead("makeUninitialized") let makeUninitialized: int => t> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:33:1-41 - makeUninitializedUnsafe is never used - <-- line 33 - @dead("makeUninitializedUnsafe") let makeUninitializedUnsafe: int => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:35:1-28 - make is never used - <-- line 35 - @dead("make") let make: (int, 'a) => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:37:1-31 - range is never used - <-- line 37 - @dead("range") let range: (int, int) => t - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:39:1-45 - rangeBy is never used - <-- line 39 - @dead("rangeBy") let rangeBy: (int, int, ~step: int) => t - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:41:1-42 - makeByU is never used - <-- line 41 - @dead("makeByU") let makeByU: (int, (. int) => 'a) => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:42:1-37 - makeBy is never used - <-- line 42 - @dead("makeBy") let makeBy: (int, int => 'a) => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:44:1-52 - makeByAndShuffleU is never used - <-- line 44 - @dead("makeByAndShuffleU") let makeByAndShuffleU: (int, (. int) => 'a) => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:45:1-47 - makeByAndShuffle is never used - <-- line 45 - @dead("makeByAndShuffle") let makeByAndShuffle: (int, int => 'a) => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:47:1-38 - zip is never used - <-- line 47 - @dead("zip") let zip: (t<'a>, t<'b>) => t<('a, 'b)> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:49:1-53 - zipByU is never used - <-- line 49 - @dead("zipByU") let zipByU: (t<'a>, t<'b>, (. 'a, 'b) => 'c) => t<'c> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:50:1-50 - zipBy is never used - <-- line 50 - @dead("zipBy") let zipBy: (t<'a>, t<'b>, ('a, 'b) => 'c) => t<'c> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:52:1-40 - unzip is never used - <-- line 52 - @dead("unzip") let unzip: t<('a, 'a)> => (t<'a>, t<'a>) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:54:1-35 - concat is never used - <-- line 54 - @dead("concat") let concat: (t<'a>, t<'a>) => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:56:1-33 - concatMany is never used - <-- line 56 - @dead("concatMany") let concatMany: t> => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:58:1-52 - slice is never used - <-- line 58 - @dead("slice") let slice: (t<'a>, ~offset: int, ~len: int) => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:60:1-37 - sliceToEnd is never used - <-- line 60 - @dead("sliceToEnd") let sliceToEnd: (t<'a>, int) => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:62:1-24 - copy is never used - <-- line 62 - @dead("copy") let copy: t<'a> => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:64:1-45 - forEachU is never used - <-- line 64 - @dead("forEachU") let forEachU: (t<'a>, (. 'a) => unit) => unit - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:65:1-40 - forEach is never used - <-- line 65 - @dead("forEach") let forEach: (t<'a>, 'a => unit) => unit - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:67:1-40 - mapU is never used - <-- line 67 - @dead("mapU") let mapU: (t<'a>, (. 'a) => 'b) => t<'b> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:68:1-35 - map is never used - <-- line 68 - @dead("map") let map: (t<'a>, 'a => 'b) => t<'b> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:70:1-57 - keepWithIndexU is never used - <-- line 70 - @dead("keepWithIndexU") let keepWithIndexU: (t<'a>, (. 'a, int) => bool) => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:71:1-54 - keepWithIndex is never used - <-- line 71 - @dead("keepWithIndex") let keepWithIndex: (t<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => t<'a> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:73:1-52 - keepMapU is never used - <-- line 73 - @dead("keepMapU") let keepMapU: (t<'a>, (. 'a) => option<'b>) => t<'b> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:74:1-47 - keepMap is never used - <-- line 74 - @dead("keepMap") let keepMap: (t<'a>, 'a => option<'b>) => t<'b> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:76:1-59 - forEachWithIndexU is never used - <-- line 76 - @dead("forEachWithIndexU") let forEachWithIndexU: (t<'a>, (. int, 'a) => unit) => unit - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:77:1-56 - forEachWithIndex is never used - <-- line 77 - @dead("forEachWithIndex") let forEachWithIndex: (t<'a>, (int, 'a) => unit) => unit - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:79:1-54 - mapWithIndexU is never used - <-- line 79 - @dead("mapWithIndexU") let mapWithIndexU: (t<'a>, (. int, 'a) => 'b) => t<'b> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:80:1-51 - mapWithIndex is never used - <-- line 80 - @dead("mapWithIndex") let mapWithIndex: (t<'a>, (int, 'a) => 'b) => t<'b> - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:82:1-57 - partitionU is never used - <-- line 82 - @dead("partitionU") let partitionU: (t<'a>, (. 'a) => bool) => (t<'a>, t<'a>) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:83:1-52 - partition is never used - <-- line 83 - @dead("partition") let partition: (t<'a>, 'a => bool) => (t<'a>, t<'a>) - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:85:1-48 - reduceU is never used - <-- line 85 - @dead("reduceU") let reduceU: (t<'a>, 'b, (. 'b, 'a) => 'b) => 'b - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:86:1-45 - reduce is never used - <-- line 86 - @dead("reduce") let reduce: (t<'a>, 'b, ('b, 'a) => 'b) => 'b - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:88:1-55 - reduceReverseU is never used - <-- line 88 - @dead("reduceReverseU") let reduceReverseU: (t<'a>, 'b, (. 'b, 'a) => 'b) => 'b - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:89:1-52 - reduceReverse is never used - <-- line 89 - @dead("reduceReverse") let reduceReverse: (t<'a>, 'b, ('b, 'a) => 'b) => 'b - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:91:1-67 - reduceReverse2U is never used - <-- line 91 - @dead("reduceReverse2U") let reduceReverse2U: (t<'a>, t<'b>, 'c, (. 'c, 'a, 'b) => 'c) => 'c - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:92:1-64 - reduceReverse2 is never used - <-- line 92 - @dead("reduceReverse2") let reduceReverse2: (t<'a>, t<'b>, 'c, ('c, 'a, 'b) => 'c) => 'c - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:94:1-42 - someU is never used - <-- line 94 - @dead("someU") let someU: (t<'a>, (. 'a) => bool) => bool - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:95:1-37 - some is never used - <-- line 95 - @dead("some") let some: (t<'a>, 'a => bool) => bool - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:97:1-43 - everyU is never used - <-- line 97 - @dead("everyU") let everyU: (t<'a>, (. 'a) => bool) => bool - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:98:1-38 - every is never used - <-- line 98 - @dead("every") let every: (t<'a>, 'a => bool) => bool - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:100:1-55 - every2U is never used - <-- line 100 - @dead("every2U") let every2U: (t<'a>, t<'b>, (. 'a, 'b) => bool) => bool - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:101:1-52 - every2 is never used - <-- line 101 - @dead("every2") let every2: (t<'a>, t<'b>, ('a, 'b) => bool) => bool - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:103:1-54 - some2U is never used - <-- line 103 - @dead("some2U") let some2U: (t<'a>, t<'b>, (. 'a, 'b) => bool) => bool - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:104:1-51 - some2 is never used - <-- line 104 - @dead("some2") let some2: (t<'a>, t<'b>, ('a, 'b) => bool) => bool - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:106:1-50 - cmpU is never used - <-- line 106 - @dead("cmpU") let cmpU: (t<'a>, t<'a>, (. 'a, 'a) => int) => int - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:107:1-47 - cmp is never used - <-- line 107 - @dead("cmp") let cmp: (t<'a>, t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => int) => int - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:109:1-51 - eqU is never used - <-- line 109 - @dead("eqU") let eqU: (t<'a>, t<'a>, (. 'a, 'a) => bool) => bool - - Warning Dead Value - ImmutableArray.resi:110:1-48 - eq is never used - <-- line 110 - @dead("eq") let eq: (t<'a>, t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => bool) => bool - - Warning Dead Type - ImportHookDefault.res:2:3-14 - is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 2 - @dead("") name: string, - - Warning Dead Type - ImportHookDefault.res:3:3-10 - person.age is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 3 - @dead("person.age") age: int, - - Warning Dead Type - ImportHooks.res:3:3-14 - is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 3 - @dead("") name: string, - - Warning Dead Type - ImportHooks.res:4:3-10 - person.age is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 4 - @dead("person.age") age: int, - - Warning Dead Type - ImportJsValue.res:11:3-8 - point.x is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 11 - @dead("point.x") x: int, - - Warning Dead Type - ImportJsValue.res:12:3-16 - point.y is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 12 - @dead("point.y") y: option, - - Warning Dead Type - ImportJsValue.res:67:3-10 - variant.I is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 67 - | @dead("variant.I") I(int) - - Warning Dead Type - ImportJsValue.res:68:5-13 - variant.S is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 68 - | @dead("variant.S") S(string) - - Warning Dead Type - ImportMyBanner.res:5:17-28 - message.text is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 5 - type message = {@dead("message.text") text: string} - - Warning Dead Value - ImportMyBanner.res:12:1-15 - make is never used - <-- line 12 - @dead("make") let make = make - - Warning Dead Module - ModuleAliases.res:2:10-56 - ModuleAliases.Outer.Inner is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Type - ModuleAliases.res:3:20-32 - Outer.Inner.innerT.inner is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 3 - type innerT = {@dead("Outer.Inner.innerT.inner") inner: string} - - Warning Dead Module - ModuleAliases.res:10:12-61 - ModuleAliases.Outer2.Inner2.InnerNested is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Type - ModuleAliases.res:11:17-27 - Outer2.Inner2.InnerNested.t.nested is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 11 - type t = {@dead("Outer2.Inner2.InnerNested.t.nested") nested: int} - - Warning Dead Module - ModuleAliases2.res:0:1 - ModuleAliases2 is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Type - ModuleAliases2.res:3:3-8 - record.x is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 3 - @dead("record.x") x: int, - - Warning Dead Type - ModuleAliases2.res:4:3-11 - record.y is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 4 - @dead("record.y") y: string, - - Warning Dead Module - ModuleAliases2.res:7:8-130 - ModuleAliases2.Outer is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Type - ModuleAliases2.res:9:17-29 - Outer.outer.outer is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 9 - type outer = {@dead("Outer.outer.outer") outer: string} - - Warning Dead Module - ModuleAliases2.res:11:10-68 - ModuleAliases2.Outer.Inner is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Type - ModuleAliases2.res:13:19-31 - Outer.Inner.inner.inner is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 13 - type inner = {@dead("Outer.Inner.inner.inner") inner: string} - - Warning Dead Value - ModuleAliases2.res:21:1-10 - q is never used - <-- line 21 - @dead("q") let q = 42 - - Warning Dead Module - ModuleExceptionBug.res:1:8-52 - ModuleExceptionBug.Dep is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Value - ModuleExceptionBug.res:2:3-35 - Dep.customDouble is never used - <-- line 2 - @dead("Dep.customDouble") let customDouble = foo => foo * 2 - - Warning Dead Exception - ModuleExceptionBug.res:5:1-26 - MyOtherException is never raised or passed as value - <-- line 5 - @dead("MyOtherException") exception MyOtherException - - Warning Dead Value - NestedModules.res:8:3-22 - Universe.notExported is never used - <-- line 8 - @dead("Universe.notExported") let notExported = 33 - - Warning Dead Value - NestedModules.res:14:5-13 - Universe.Nested2.x is never used - <-- line 14 - @dead("Universe.Nested2.x") let x = 0 - - Warning Dead Value - NestedModules.res:19:5-13 - Universe.Nested2.y is never used - <-- line 19 - @dead("Universe.Nested2.y") let y = 2 - - Warning Dead Value - NestedModules.res:25:7-15 - Universe.Nested2.Nested3.x is never used - <-- line 25 - @dead("Universe.Nested2.Nested3.x") let x = 0 - - Warning Dead Value - NestedModules.res:26:7-15 - Universe.Nested2.Nested3.y is never used - <-- line 26 - @dead("Universe.Nested2.Nested3.y") let y = 1 - - Warning Dead Value - NestedModules.res:27:7-15 - Universe.Nested2.Nested3.z is never used - <-- line 27 - @dead("Universe.Nested2.Nested3.z") let z = 2 - - Warning Dead Value - NestedModules.res:28:7-15 - Universe.Nested2.Nested3.w is never used - <-- line 28 - @dead("Universe.Nested2.Nested3.w") let w = 3 - - Warning Dead Type - NestedModules.res:46:5-7 - Universe.variant.A is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 46 - | @dead("Universe.variant.A") A - - Warning Dead Type - NestedModules.res:47:7-15 - Universe.variant.B is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 47 - | @dead("Universe.variant.B") B(string) - - Warning Dead Module - Newsyntax.res:0:1 - Newsyntax is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Value - Newsyntax.res:1:1-10 - x is never used - <-- line 1 - @dead("x") let x = 34 - - Warning Dead Value - Newsyntax.res:3:1-10 - y is never used - <-- line 3 - @dead("y") let y = 11 - - Warning Dead Type - Newsyntax.res:6:3-10 - is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 6 - @dead("") xxx: int, - - Warning Dead Type - Newsyntax.res:7:3-10 - record.yyy is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 7 - @dead("record.yyy") yyy: int, - - Warning Dead Type - Newsyntax.res:10:16 - variant.A is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 10 - type variant = | @dead("variant.A") A | @dead("variant.B") B(int)|@dead("variant.C") C - - Warning Dead Type - Newsyntax.res:10:20-25 - variant.B is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 10 - type variant = | @dead("variant.A") A | @dead("variant.B") B(int)|@dead("variant.C") C - - Warning Dead Type - Newsyntax.res:10:26-27 - variant.C is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 10 - type variant = | @dead("variant.A") A | @dead("variant.B") B(int)|@dead("variant.C") C - - Warning Dead Type - Newsyntax.res:12:17-22 - record2.xx is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 12 - type record2 = {@dead("record2.xx") xx:int,@dead("record2.yy") yy:int} - - Warning Dead Type - Newsyntax.res:12:24-29 - record2.yy is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 12 - type record2 = {@dead("record2.xx") xx:int,@dead("record2.yy") yy:int} - - Warning Dead Type - Opaque.res:2:26-41 - opaqueFromRecords.A is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 2 - type opaqueFromRecords = | @dead("opaqueFromRecords.A") A(Records.coord) - - Warning Dead Value - OptArg.resi:1:1-54 - foo is never used - <-- line 1 - @dead("foo") let foo: (~x: int=?, ~y: int=?, ~z: int=?, int) => int - - Warning Dead Type - Records.res:24:3-14 - is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 24 - @dead("") name: string, - - Warning Dead Type - Records.res:25:3-10 - person.age is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 25 - @dead("person.age") age: int, - - Warning Dead Type - Records.res:31:3-14 - is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 31 - @dead("") name: string, - - Warning Dead Type - Records.res:60:3-10 - payload.num is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 60 - @dead("payload.num") num: int, - - Warning Dead Type - Records.res:70:3-8 - record.w is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 70 - @dead("record.w") w: int, - - Warning Dead Type - Records.res:90:3-14 - is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 90 - @dead("") name: string, - - Warning Dead Type - Records.res:91:3-30 - business2.owner is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 91 - @dead("business2.owner") owner: Js.Nullable.t, - - Warning Dead Type - References.res:39:28-33 - requiresConversion.x is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 39 - type requiresConversion = {@dead("requiresConversion.x") x: int} - - Warning Dead Type - RepeatedLabel.res:2:3-9 - userData.a is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 2 - @dead("userData.a") a: bool, - - Warning Dead Type - RepeatedLabel.res:3:3-8 - userData.b is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 3 - @dead("userData.b") b: int, - - Warning Dead Type - RepeatedLabel.res:9:3-11 - tabState.f is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 9 - @dead("tabState.f") f: string, - - Warning Dead Value - Shadow.res:11:3-22 - M.test is never used - <-- line 11 - @dead("M.test") let test = () => "a" - - Warning Dead Value - TestImmutableArray.res:12:1-54 - testBeltArrayGet is never used - <-- line 12 - @dead("testBeltArrayGet") let testBeltArrayGet = arr => { - - Warning Dead Value - TestImmutableArray.res:17:1-58 - testBeltArraySet is never used - <-- line 17 - @dead("testBeltArraySet") let testBeltArraySet = arr => { - - Warning Dead Value - TestImport.res:13:1-43 - innerStuffContents is never used - <-- line 13 - @dead("innerStuffContents") let innerStuffContents = innerStuffContents - - Warning Dead Type - TestImport.res:22:17-28 - message.text is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 22 - type message = {@dead("message.text") text: string} - - Warning Dead Value - TestImport.res:27:1-15 - make is never used - <-- line 27 - @dead("make") let make = make - - Warning Dead Type - TestPromise.res:6:3-8 - fromPayload.x is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 6 - @dead("fromPayload.x") x: int, - - Warning Dead Type - TestPromise.res:11:19-32 - toPayload.result is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 11 - type toPayload = {@dead("toPayload.result") result: string} - - Warning Dead Module - TransitiveType2.res:0:1 - TransitiveType2 is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Value - TransitiveType2.res:7:1-28 - convertT2 is never used - <-- line 7 - @dead("convertT2") let convertT2 = (x: t2) => x - - Warning Dead Type - TransitiveType3.res:3:3-8 - t3.i is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 3 - @dead("t3.i") i: int, - - Warning Dead Type - TransitiveType3.res:4:3-11 - t3.s is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 4 - @dead("t3.s") s: string, - - Warning Dead Module - TypeParams1.res:0:1 - TypeParams1 is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Value - TypeParams1.res:4:1-24 - exportSomething is never used - <-- line 4 - @dead("exportSomething") let exportSomething = 10 - - Warning Dead Module - TypeParams2.res:0:1 - TypeParams2 is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Type - TypeParams2.res:2:14-20 - is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 2 - type item = {@dead("") id: int} - - Warning Dead Value - TypeParams2.res:10:1-24 - exportSomething is never used - <-- line 10 - @dead("exportSomething") let exportSomething = 10 - - Warning Dead Type - Types.res:12:3-13 - typeWithVars.A is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 12 - | @dead("typeWithVars.A") A('x, 'y) - - Warning Dead Type - Types.res:13:5-9 - typeWithVars.B is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 13 - | @dead("typeWithVars.B") B('z) - - Warning Dead Type - Types.res:35:27-47 - mutuallyRecursiveB.a is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 35 - and mutuallyRecursiveB = {@dead("mutuallyRecursiveB.a") a: mutuallyRecursiveA} - - Warning Dead Type - Types.res:56:3-5 - opaqueVariant.A is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 56 - | @dead("opaqueVariant.A") A - - Warning Dead Type - Types.res:57:5 - opaqueVariant.B is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 57 - | @dead("opaqueVariant.B") B - - Warning Dead Type - Types.res:84:3-8 - record.i is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 84 - @dead("record.i") i: int, - - Warning Dead Type - Types.res:85:3-11 - record.s is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 85 - @dead("record.s") s: string, - - Warning Dead Type - Types.res:130:20-26 - is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 130 - type someRecord = {@dead("") id: int} - - Warning Dead Module - Types.res:158:8-79 - Types.ObjectId is a dead module as all its items are dead. - - Warning Dead Value - Types.res:163:3-11 - ObjectId.x is never used - <-- line 163 - @dead("ObjectId.x") let x = 1 - - Warning Dead Type - Unboxed.res:2:11-16 - v1.A is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 2 - type v1 = | @dead("v1.A") A(int) - - Warning Dead Type - Unboxed.res:5:11-16 - v2.A is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 5 - type v2 = | @dead("v2.A") A(int) - - Warning Dead Type - Unboxed.res:11:12-17 - r1.x is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 11 - type r1 = {@dead("r1.x") x: int} - - Warning Dead Type - Unboxed.res:14:11-24 - r2.B is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 14 - type r2 = | @dead("r2.B") B({@dead("r2.B.g") g: string}) - - Warning Dead Type - Unboxed.res:14:14-22 - r2.B.g is a record label never used to read a value - <-- line 14 - type r2 = | @dead("r2.B") B({@dead("r2.B.g") g: string}) - - Warning Dead Type - Variants.res:95:14-39 - type_.Type is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 95 - type type_ = | @dead("type_.Type")"type") Type - - Warning Dead Type - Variants.res:102:3-10 - result1.Ok is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 102 - | @dead("result1.Ok") Ok('a) - - Warning Dead Type - Variants.res:103:5-13 - result1.Error is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 103 - | @dead("result1.Error") Error('b) - - Warning Dead Type - VariantsWithPayload.res:49:3-5 - simpleVariant.A is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 49 - | @dead("simpleVariant.A") A - - Warning Dead Type - VariantsWithPayload.res:50:5 - simpleVariant.B is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 50 - | @dead("simpleVariant.B") B - - Warning Dead Type - VariantsWithPayload.res:51:5 - simpleVariant.C is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 51 - | @dead("simpleVariant.C") C - - Warning Dead Type - VariantsWithPayload.res:58:3-29 - variantWithPayloads.A is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 58 - | @dead("variantWithPayloads.A")"ARenamed") A - - Warning Dead Type - VariantsWithPayload.res:59:5-10 - variantWithPayloads.B is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 59 - | @dead("variantWithPayloads.B") B(int) - - Warning Dead Type - VariantsWithPayload.res:60:5-15 - variantWithPayloads.C is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 60 - | @dead("variantWithPayloads.C") C(int, int) - - Warning Dead Type - VariantsWithPayload.res:61:5-17 - variantWithPayloads.D is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 61 - | @dead("variantWithPayloads.D") D((int, int)) - - Warning Dead Type - VariantsWithPayload.res:62:5-23 - variantWithPayloads.E is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 62 - | @dead("variantWithPayloads.E") E(int, string, int) - - Warning Dead Type - VariantsWithPayload.res:90:20-25 - variant1Int.R is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 90 - type variant1Int = | @dead("variant1Int.R") R(int) - - Warning Dead Type - VariantsWithPayload.res:96:23-32 - variant1Object.R is a variant case which is never constructed - <-- line 96 - type variant1Object = | @dead("variant1Object.R") R(payload) - - Analysis reported 302 issues (Incorrect Dead Annotation:1, Warning Dead Exception:2, Warning Dead Module:21, Warning Dead Type:87, Warning Dead Value:173, Warning Dead Value With Side Effects:2, Warning Redundant Optional Argument:5, Warning Unused Argument:11) diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/exception.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/exception.txt index 4cdad9295c..e69de29bb2 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/exception.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/exception.txt @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ - - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:1:5-10 - raises might raise Not_found (Exn.res:1:19) and is not annotated with @raises(Not_found) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:19:5-28 - callsRaiseWithAnnotation might raise Not_found (Exn.res:19:31) and is not annotated with @raises(Not_found) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:22:5-42 - callsRaiseWithAnnotationAndIsAnnotated might raise Not_found (Exn.res:22:45) and is not annotated with @raises(Not_found) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:22:5-42 - callsRaiseWithAnnotationAndIsAnnotated might raise Not_found (Exn.res:22:45) and is annotated with redundant @raises(A) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:24:5-19 - incompleteMatch might raise Match_failure (Exn.res:25:2) and is not annotated with @raises(Match_failure) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:32:5-13 - twoRaises might raise [A (Exn.res:34:4), B (Exn.res:37:4)] and is not annotated with @raises([A, B]) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:41:5-14 - sequencing might raise A (Exn.res:42:2) and is not annotated with @raises(A) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:48:5-14 - wrongCatch might raise B (Exn.res:49:6) and is not annotated with @raises(B) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:54:5-15 - wrongCatch2 might raise [C (Exn.res:55:24), Match_failure (Exn.res:55:2)] and is not annotated with @raises([C, Match_failure]) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:62:5-19 - raise2Annotate3 might raise [A (Exn.res:64:4), B (Exn.res:67:4)] and is annotated with redundant @raises(C) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:73:5-24 - parse_json_from_file might raise Error (Exn.res:76:4) and is not annotated with @raises(Error) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:82:5-11 - reRaise might raise B (Exn.res:84:19) and is not annotated with @raises(B) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:93:5-22 - raiseInInternalLet might raise A (Exn.res:94:14) and is not annotated with @raises(A) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:98:5-16 - indirectCall might raise Not_found (Exn.res:98:31) and is not annotated with @raises(Not_found) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:124:5-16 - severalCases might raise Failure (Exn.res:126:13 Exn.res:127:13 Exn.res:128:15) and is not annotated with @raises(Failure) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:136:5-23 - redundantAnnotation raises nothing and is annotated with redundant @raises(Invalid_argument) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:138:5-6 - _x might raise A (Exn.res:138:9) and is not annotated with @raises(A) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:140:5 - _ might raise A (Exn.res:140:8) and is not annotated with @raises(A) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:142:5-6 - () might raise A (Exn.res:142:9) and is not annotated with @raises(A) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:144:1-16 - Toplevel expression might raise Not_found (Exn.res:144:0) and is not annotated with @raises(Not_found) - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:154:45-46 - expression does not raise and is annotated with redundant @doesNotRaise - - Exception Analysis - Exn.res:154:5-21 - onResultPipeWrong might raise Assert_failure (Exn.res:154:48) and is not annotated with @raises(Assert_failure) - - Exception Analysis - ExnA.res:1:5-7 - bar might raise Not_found (ExnA.res:1:16) and is not annotated with @raises(Not_found) - - Analysis reported 23 issues (Exception Analysis:23) diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/package-lock.json b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/package-lock.json index bf0a9ec18e..f74abaab47 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/package-lock.json +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/package-lock.json @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ } }, "../../../..": { + "name": "rescript", "version": "12.0.0-alpha.9", "dev": true, "hasInstallScript": true, diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/package-lock.json b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/package-lock.json index 5ccadc8aa1..78c67ca53e 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/package-lock.json +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/package-lock.json @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ } }, "../../..": { + "name": "rescript", "version": "12.0.0-alpha.9", "hasInstallScript": true, "license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE", diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Auto.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Auto.res.txt index 75383fb52e..9963f93284 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Auto.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Auto.res.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ Hover src/Auto.res 2:13 -{"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\n('a => 'b, List.t<'a>) => List.t<'b>\n```\n\n---\n\n```\n \n```\n```rescript\ntype List.t<'a> = list<'a>\n```\nGo to: [Type definition](command:rescript-vscode.go_to_location?%5B%22List.res%22%2C34%2C0%5D)\n"}} +{"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\n('a => 'b, Stdlib.List.t<'a>) => Stdlib.List.t<'b>\n```\n\n---\n\n```\n \n```\n```rescript\ntype Stdlib.List.t<'a> = list<'a>\n```\nGo to: [Type definition](command:rescript-vscode.go_to_location?%5B%22Stdlib_List.resi%22%2C34%2C0%5D)\n"}} diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt index 3a55155f10..cae4e41719 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt @@ -44,505 +44,7 @@ Completable: Cpath Value[Array, ""] Package opens holder ContextPath Value[Array, ""] Path Array. -[{ - "label": "splice", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(\n array<'a>,\n ~start: int,\n ~remove: int,\n ~insert: array<'a>,\n) => unit", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "concat", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, array<'a>) => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`concat(array1, array2)` concatenates the two arrays, creating a new array.\n\nSee [`Array.concat`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array1 = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nlet array2 = [\"yay\", \"wehoo\"]\n\nlet someArray = array1->Array.concat(array2)\n\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hi\", \"hello\", \"yay\", \"wehoo\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "filterMap", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => option<'b>) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`filterMap(array, fn)`\n\nCalls `fn` for each element and returns a new array containing results of the `fn` calls which are not `None`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n->Array.filterMap(item =>\n switch item {\n | \"Hello\" => Some(item->String.length)\n | _ => None\n }\n)\n->assertEqual([5])\n\n[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n->Array.filterMap(n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n * n) : None)\n->assertEqual([4, 16, 36])\n\nArray.filterMap([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], _ => None)->assertEqual([])\n\nArray.filterMap([], n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n * n) : None)->assertEqual([])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "shift", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array<'a> => option<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`shift(array)` removes the first item in the array, and returns it.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.shift`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\n\nsomeArray\n->Array.shift\n->assertEqual(Some(\"hi\"))\n\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hello\"]) // Notice first item is gone.\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "findMap", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => option<'b>) => option<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`findMap(arr, fn)`\n\nCalls `fn` for each element and returns the first value from `fn` that is `Some(_)`.\nOtherwise returns `None`\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.findMap([1, 2, 3], n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n - 2) : None)->assertEqual(Some(0))\n\nArray.findMap([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n - 8) : None)->assertEqual(Some(-6))\n\nArray.findMap([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], _ => None)->assertEqual(None)\n\nArray.findMap([], n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n * n) : None)->assertEqual(None)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "concatMany", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, array>) => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`concatMany(array1, arrays)` concatenates array1 with several other arrays, creating a new array.\n\nSee [`Array.concat`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n```rescript\nlet array1 = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nlet array2 = [\"yay\"]\nlet array3 = [\"wehoo\"]\n\nlet someArray = array1->Array.concatMany([array2, array3])\n\nConsole.log(someArray) // [\"hi\", \"hello\", \"yay\", \"wehoo\"]\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "joinWith", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(array, string) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `join` instead\n\n\n`joinWith(array, separator)` produces a string where all items of `array` are printed, separated by `separator`. Array items must be strings, to join number or other arrays, use `joinWithUnsafe`. Under the hood this will run JavaScript's `toString` on all the array items.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"One\", \"Two\", \"Three\"]\n->Array.joinWith(\" -- \")\n->assertEqual(\"One -- Two -- Three\")\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "joinWithUnsafe", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(array<'a>, string) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `joinUnsafe` instead\n\n\n`joinWithUnsafe(array, separator)` produces a string where all items of `array` are printed, separated by `separator`. Under the hood this will run JavaScript's `toString` on all the array items.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3]\n->Array.joinWithUnsafe(\" -- \")\n->assertEqual(\"1 -- 2 -- 3\")\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "reduceRight", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'b, ('b, 'a) => 'b) => 'b", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`reduceRight(xs, init, fn)`\n\nWorks like `Array.reduce`; except that function `fn` is applied to each item of `xs` from the last back to the first.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.reduceRight([\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\"], \"\", (a, b) => a ++ b)->assertEqual(\"dcba\")\n\nArray.reduceRight([1, 2, 3], list{}, List.add)->assertEqual(list{1, 2, 3})\n\nArray.reduceRight([], list{}, List.add)->assertEqual(list{})\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "reduceRightWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'b, ('b, 'a, int) => 'b) => 'b", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`reduceRightWithIndex(xs, init, fn)`\n\nLike `reduceRight`, but with an additional index argument on the callback function.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.reduceRightWithIndex([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, (acc, x, i) => acc + x + i)->assertEqual(16)\n\nArray.reduceRightWithIndex([], list{}, (acc, v, i) => list{v + i, ...acc})->assertEqual(list{})\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "toShuffled", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array<'a> => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toShuffled(array)` returns a new array with all items in `array` in a random order.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet shuffledArray = array->Array.toShuffled\nConsole.log(shuffledArray)\n\nArray.toShuffled([1, 2, 3])\n->Array.length\n->assertEqual(3)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "getSymbol", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, Symbol.t) => option<'b>", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "getSymbolUnsafe", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, Symbol.t) => 'b", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "findIndexOpt", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => option", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`findIndexOpt(array, checker)` returns the index of the first element of `array` where the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nReturns `None` if no item matches.\n\nSee [`Array.findIndex`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype languages = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [ReScript, TypeScript, JavaScript]\n\narray\n->Array.findIndexOpt(item => item == ReScript)\n->assertEqual(Some(0))\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "shuffle", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array<'a> => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`shuffle(array)` randomizes the position of all items in `array`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\narray->Array.shuffle\nConsole.log(array)\n\nlet array2 = [1, 2, 3]\narray2->Array.shuffle\n\narray2\n->Array.length\n->assertEqual(3)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "copy", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array<'a> => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`copy(array)` makes a copy of the array with the items in it, but does not make copies of the items themselves.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet myArray = [1, 2, 3]\nlet copyOfMyArray = myArray->Array.copy\n\ncopyOfMyArray->assertEqual([1, 2, 3])\nassertEqual(myArray === copyOfMyArray, false)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "setUnsafe", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, int, 'a) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`setUnsafe(array, index, item)` sets the provided `item` at `index` of `array`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array, and is *unsafe*.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\narray->Array.setUnsafe(1, \"Hello\")\n\nassertEqual(array[1], Some(\"Hello\"))\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "findIndexWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => int", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`findIndexWithIndex(array, checker)` returns the index of the first element of `array` where the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nReturns `-1` if the item does not exist. Consider using `Array.findIndexOpt` if you want an option instead (where `-1` would be `None`).\n\nSee [`Array.findIndex`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype languages = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [ReScript, JavaScript]\n\nlet isReScriptFirst = array->Array.findIndexWithIndex((item, index) => index === 0 && item == ReScript)\nlet isTypeScriptFirst = array->Array.findIndexWithIndex((item, index) => index === 0 && item == TypeScript)\n\nassertEqual(isReScriptFirst, 0)\nassertEqual(isTypeScriptFirst, -1)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "someWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`someWithIndex(array, checker)` returns true if running the provided `checker` function on any element in `array` returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.some`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n\narray\n->Array.someWithIndex((greeting, index) => greeting === \"Hello\" && index === 0)\n->assertEqual(true)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "slice", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ~start: int, ~end: int) => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(array, ~start, ~end)` creates a new array of items copied from `array` from `start` until (but not including) `end`.\n\nSee [`Array.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.slice(~start=1, ~end=3)\n->assertEqual([2, 3])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "fillToEnd", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a, ~start: int) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`fillToEnd(array, value, ~start)` fills `array` with `value` from the `start` index.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.fill`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4]\nmyArray->Array.fillToEnd(9, ~start=1)\nmyArray->assertEqual([1, 9, 9, 9])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "includes", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`includes(array, item)` checks whether `array` includes `item`, by doing a [strict check for equality](\n\nSee [`Array.includes`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2]->Array.includes(1)->assertEqual(true)\n[1, 2]->Array.includes(3)->assertEqual(false)\n\n[{\"language\": \"ReScript\"}]\n->Array.includes({\"language\": \"ReScript\"})\n->assertEqual(false) // false, because of strict equality\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "fromInitializer", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(~length: int, int => 'a) => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`fromInitializer(~length, f)`\n\nCreates an array of length `length` initialized with the value returned from `f ` for each index.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.fromInitializer(~length=3, i => i + 3)->assertEqual([3, 4, 5])\n\nArray.fromInitializer(~length=7, i => i + 3)->assertEqual([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "find", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => option<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`find(array, checker)` returns the first element of `array` where the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.find`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype languages = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [ReScript, TypeScript, JavaScript]\n\narray\n->Array.find(item => item == ReScript)\n->assertEqual(Some(ReScript))\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "make", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(~length: int, 'a) => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`make(~length, init)`\n\nCreates an array of length `length` initialized with the value of `init`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.make(~length=3, #apple)->assertEqual([#apple, #apple, #apple])\nArray.make(~length=6, 7)->assertEqual([7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "lastIndexOfFrom", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a, int) => int", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "toLocaleString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array<'a> => string", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "toSpliced", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(\n array<'a>,\n ~start: int,\n ~remove: int,\n ~insert: array<'a>,\n) => array<'a>", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "sort", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Ordering.t) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sort(array, comparator)` sorts `array` in-place using the `comparator` function.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.sort`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [3, 2, 1]\narray->Array.sort((a, b) => float(a - b))\narray->assertEqual([1, 2, 3])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "length", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array<'a> => int", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`length(array)` returns the length of (i.e. number of items in) the array.\n\nSee [`Array.length`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\n\nsomeArray\n->Array.length\n->assertEqual(2)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "every", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`every(array, predicate)` returns true if `predicate` returns true for all items in `array`.\n\nSee [`Array.every`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [1, 2, 3, 4]\n\narray\n->Array.every(num => num <= 4)\n->assertEqual(true)\n\narray\n->Array.every(num => num === 1)\n->assertEqual(false)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "flat", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array> => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`flat(arrays)` concatenates an array of arrays into a single array.\n\nSee [`Array.flat`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[[1], [2], [3, 4]]\n->Array.flat\n->assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 4])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "map", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "with", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, int, 'a) => array<'a>", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "lastIndexOfOpt", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => option", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "toReversed", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array<'a> => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toReversed(array)` creates a new array with all items from `array` in reversed order.\n\nSee [`Array.toReversed`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nlet reversed = someArray->Array.toReversed\n\nreversed->assertEqual([\"hello\", \"hi\"])\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hi\", \"hello\"]) // Original unchanged\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "copyWithin", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(\n array<'a>,\n ~target: int,\n ~start: int,\n ~end: int,\n) => array<'a>", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array<'a> => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(array)` stringifies `array` by running `toString` on all of the array elements and joining them with \",\".\n\nSee [`Array.toString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.toString\n->assertEqual(\"1,2,3,4\")\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "everyWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`everyWithIndex(array, checker)` returns true if all items in `array` returns true when running the provided `checker` function.\n\nSee [`Array.every`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [1, 2, 3, 4]\n\narray\n->Array.everyWithIndex((num, index) => index < 5 && num <= 4)\n->assertEqual(true)\n\narray\n->Array.everyWithIndex((num, index) => index < 2 && num >= 2)\n->assertEqual(false)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "fill", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a, ~start: int, ~end: int) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`fill(array, value, ~start, ~end)` fills `array` with `value` from `start` to `end`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.fill`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4]\n\nmyArray->Array.fill(9, ~start=1, ~end=3)\n\nmyArray->assertEqual([1, 9, 9, 4])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "findWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => option<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`findWithIndex(array, checker)` returns the first element of `array` where the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.find`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype languages = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [TypeScript, JavaScript, ReScript]\n\narray\n->Array.findWithIndex((item, index) => index > 1 && item == ReScript)\n->assertEqual(Some(ReScript))\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "reverse", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array<'a> => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`reverse(array)` reverses the order of the items in `array`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.reverse`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nsomeArray->Array.reverse\n\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hello\", \"hi\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "getUnsafe", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => 'a", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`getUnsafe(array, index)` returns the element at `index` of `array`.\n\nThis is _unsafe_, meaning it will return `undefined` value if `index` does not exist in `array`.\n\nUse `Array.getUnsafe` only when you are sure the `index` exists (i.e. when using for-loop).\n\n## Examples\n```rescript\nlet array = [1, 2, 3]\nfor index in 0 to array->Array.length - 1 {\n let value = array->Array.getUnsafe(index)\n Console.log(value)\n}\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "unshiftMany", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, array<'a>) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`unshiftMany(array, itemsArray)` inserts many new items to the start of the array.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.push`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nsomeArray->Array.unshiftMany([\"yay\", \"wehoo\"])\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"yay\", \"wehoo\", \"hi\", \"hello\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "lastIndexOf", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => int", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "filter", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`filter(array, checker)` returns a new array containing all elements from `array` for which the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.filter`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.filter(num => num > 2)\n->assertEqual([3, 4])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "compare", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Ordering.t) => Ordering.t", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "join", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array, string) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`join(array, separator)` produces a string where all items of `array` are printed, separated by `separator`. Array items must be strings, to join number or other arrays, use `joinUnsafe`. Under the hood this will run JavaScript's `toString` on all the array items.\n\nSee [Array.join](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"One\", \"Two\", \"Three\"]\n->Array.join(\" -- \")\n->assertEqual(\"One -- Two -- Three\")\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "last", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array<'a> => option<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`last(array)` returns the last element of `array`.\n\nReturns `None` if the array is empty.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n->Array.last\n->assertEqual(Some(\"Good bye\"))\n\n[]\n->Array.last\n->assertEqual(None)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "isArray", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "'a => bool", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "indexOfOpt", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => option", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`indexOfOpt(array, item)` returns an option of the index of the provided `item` in `array`. Uses [strict check for equality]( when comparing items.\n\nSee [`Array.indexOf`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2]->Array.indexOfOpt(2)->assertEqual(Some(1))\n[1, 2]->Array.indexOfOpt(3)->assertEqual(None)\n[{\"language\": \"ReScript\"}]\n->Array.indexOfOpt({\"language\": \"ReScript\"})\n->assertEqual(None) // None, because of strict equality\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "forEachWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => unit) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`forEachWithIndex(array, fn)` runs the provided `fn` on every element of `array`.\n\nSee [`Array.forEach`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n\narray->Array.forEachWithIndex((item, index) => {\n Console.log(\"At item \" ++ Int.toString(index) ++ \": \" ++ item)\n})\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "reduce", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'b, ('b, 'a) => 'b) => 'b", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`reduce(xs, init, fn)`\n\nApplies `fn` to each element of `xs` from beginning to end. Function `fn` has two parameters: the item from the list and an “accumulator”; which starts with a value of `init`. `reduce` returns the final value of the accumulator.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.reduce([2, 3, 4], 1, (a, b) => a + b)->assertEqual(10)\n\nArray.reduce([\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\"], \"\", (a, b) => a ++ b)->assertEqual(\"abcd\")\n\n[1, 2, 3]\n->Array.reduce(list{}, List.add)\n->assertEqual(list{3, 2, 1})\n\nArray.reduce([], list{}, List.add)->assertEqual(list{})\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "sliceToEnd", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ~start: int) => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(array, start)` creates a new array from `array`, with all items from `array` starting from `start`.\n\nSee [`Array.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.sliceToEnd(~start=1)\n->assertEqual([2, 3, 4])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "fromArrayLikeWithMap", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(Js.Array2.array_like<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "fillAll", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`fillAll(array, value)` fills the entire `array` with `value`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.fill`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4]\nmyArray->Array.fillAll(9)\nmyArray->assertEqual([9, 9, 9, 9])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "set", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, int, 'a) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`set(array, index, item)` sets the provided `item` at `index` of `array`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\narray->Array.set(1, \"Hello\")\n\narray[1]->assertEqual(Some(\"Hello\"))\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "filterWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`filterWithIndex(array, checker)` returns a new array containing all elements from `array` for which the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.filter`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.filterWithIndex((num, index) => index === 0 || num === 2)\n->assertEqual([1, 2])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "findIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => int", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`findIndex(array, checker)` returns the index of the first element of `array` where the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nReturns `-1` if the item does not exist. Consider using `Array.findIndexOpt` if you want an option instead (where `-1` would be `None`).\n\nSee [`Array.findIndex`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype languages = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [ReScript, JavaScript]\n\narray\n->Array.findIndex(item => item == ReScript)\n->assertEqual(0)\n\narray->Array.findIndex(item => item == TypeScript)\n->assertEqual(-1)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "setSymbol", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, Symbol.t, 'b) => unit", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "equal", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => bool) => bool", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "joinUnsafe", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, string) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`joinUnsafe(array, separator)` produces a string where all items of `array` are printed, separated by `separator`. Under the hood this will run JavaScript's `toString` on all the array items.\n\nSee [Array.join](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3]\n->Array.joinUnsafe(\" -- \")\n->assertEqual(\"1 -- 2 -- 3\")\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "mapWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "flatMapWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => array<'b>) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`flatMapWithIndex(array, mapper)` returns a new array concatenating the arrays returned from running `mapper` on all items in `array`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype language = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [ReScript, TypeScript, JavaScript]\n\n\narray\n->Array.flatMapWithIndex((item, index) =>\n switch item {\n | ReScript => [index]\n | TypeScript => [index, index + 1]\n | JavaScript => [index, index + 1, index + 2]\n }\n)\n->assertEqual([0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "copyWithinToEnd", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ~target: int, ~start: int) => array<'a>", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "unshift", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`unshift(array, item)` inserts a new item at the start of the array.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.unshift`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nsomeArray->Array.unshift(\"yay\")\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"yay\", \"hi\", \"hello\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "indexOf", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => int", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`indexOf(array, item)` returns the index of the provided `item` in `array`. Uses [strict check for equality]( when comparing items.\n\nReturns `-1` if the item doesn not exist. Check out `Array.indexOfOpt` for a version that returns `None` instead of `-1` if the item does not exist.\n\nSee [`Array.indexOf`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2]->Array.indexOf(2)->assertEqual(1)\n[1, 2]->Array.indexOf(3)->assertEqual(-1)\n\n[{\"language\": \"ReScript\"}]\n->Array.indexOf({\"language\": \"ReScript\"})\n->assertEqual(-1) // -1, because of strict equality\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "push", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`push(array, item)` appends `item` to the end of `array`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.push`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\n\nsomeArray->Array.push(\"yay\")\n\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hi\", \"hello\", \"yay\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "toSorted", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Ordering.t) => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toSorted(array, comparator)` returns a new, sorted array from `array`, using the `comparator` function.\n\nSee [`Array.toSorted`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [3, 2, 1]\n\nsomeArray\n->Array.toSorted(\n->assertEqual([1, 2, 3])\n\nsomeArray->assertEqual([3, 2, 1]) // Original unchanged\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "reduceWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'b, ('b, 'a, int) => 'b) => 'b", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`reduceWithIndex(x, init, fn)`\n\nApplies `fn` to each element of `xs` from beginning to end. Function `fn` has three parameters: the item from the array and an “accumulator”, which starts with a value of `init` and the index of each element. `reduceWithIndex` returns the final value of the accumulator.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.reduceWithIndex([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, (acc, x, i) => acc + x + i)->assertEqual(16)\n\nArray.reduceWithIndex([1, 2, 3], list{}, (acc, v, i) => list{v + i, ...acc})->assertEqual(list{5, 3, 1})\n\nArray.reduceWithIndex([], list{}, (acc, v, i) => list{v + i, ...acc})->assertEqual(list{})\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "some", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`some(array, predicate)` returns true if `predicate` returns true for any element in `array`.\n\nSee [`Array.some`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n\narray\n->Array.some(greeting => greeting === \"Hello\")\n->assertEqual(true)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "unsafe_get", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => 'a", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use getUnsafe instead. This will be removed in v13\n\n\n`unsafe_get(array, index)` returns the element at `index` of `array`.\n\nThis is _unsafe_, meaning it will return `undefined` value if `index` does not exist in `array`.\n\nUse `Array.unsafe_get` only when you are sure the `index` exists (i.e. when using for-loop).\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [1, 2, 3]\nfor index in 0 to array->Array.length - 1 {\n let value = array->Array.unsafe_get(index)\n Console.log(value)\n}\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "copyAllWithin", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ~target: int) => array<'a>", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "keepSome", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array> => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`keepSome(arr)`\n\nReturns a new array containing `value` for all elements that are `Some(value)`\nand ignoring every value that is `None`\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.keepSome([Some(1), None, Some(3)])->assertEqual([1, 3])\n\nArray.keepSome([Some(1), Some(2), Some(3)])->assertEqual([1, 2, 3])\n\nArray.keepSome([None, None, None])->assertEqual([])\n\nArray.keepSome([])->assertEqual([])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "at", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => option<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`at(array, index)`\n\nGet an element by its index. Negative indices count backwards from the last item.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"a\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"c\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(None)\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"c\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"a\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(None)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "pop", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "array<'a> => option<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`pop(array)` removes the last item from `array` and returns it.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.pop`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\n\nsomeArray\n->Array.pop\n->assertEqual(Some(\"hello\"))\n\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hi\"]) // Notice last item is gone.\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "get", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => option<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`get(array, index)` returns the element at `index` of `array`.\n\nReturns `None` if the index does not exist in the array. Equivalent to doing `array[index]` in JavaScript.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n\narray\n->Array.get(0)\n->assertEqual(Some(\"Hello\"))\n\narray\n->Array.get(3)\n->assertEqual(None)\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "pushMany", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, array<'a>) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`pushMany(array, itemsArray)` appends many new items to the end of the array.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.push`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\n\nsomeArray->Array.pushMany([\"yay\", \"wehoo\"])\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hi\", \"hello\", \"yay\", \"wehoo\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "fromIterator", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "Iterator.t<'a> => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`fromIterator(iterator)`\n\nCreates an array from the provided `iterator`\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nMap.fromArray([(\"foo\", 1), (\"bar\", 2)])\n->Map.values\n->Array.fromIterator\n->assertEqual([1, 2])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "forEach", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => unit) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`forEach(array, fn)` runs the provided `fn` on every element of `array`.\n\nSee [`Array.forEach`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n\narray->Array.forEach(item => {\n Console.log(item)\n})\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "flatMap", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => array<'b>) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`flatMap(array, mapper)` returns a new array concatenating the arrays returned from running `mapper` on all items in `array`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype language = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [ReScript, TypeScript, JavaScript]\n\narray\n->Array.flatMap(item =>\n switch item {\n | ReScript => [1, 2, 3]\n | TypeScript => [4, 5, 6]\n | JavaScript => [7, 8, 9]\n }\n)\n->assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "fromArrayLike", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "Js.Array2.array_like<'a> => array<'a>", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "indexOfFrom", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a, int) => int", - "documentation": null - }] +[] Complete src/Completion.res 5:10 posCursor:[5:10] posNoWhite:[5:9] Found expr:[5:3->5:10] @@ -551,25 +53,7 @@ Completable: Cpath Value[Array, m] Package opens holder ContextPath Value[Array, m] Path Array.m -[{ - "label": "make", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(~length: int, 'a) => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`make(~length, init)`\n\nCreates an array of length `length` initialized with the value of `init`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.make(~length=3, #apple)->assertEqual([#apple, #apple, #apple])\nArray.make(~length=6, 7)->assertEqual([7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "map", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "mapWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/Completion.res 15:17 posCursor:[15:17] posNoWhite:[15:16] Found expr:[15:12->15:17] @@ -615,19 +99,7 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath array->m ContextPath array Path Array.m -[{ - "label": "", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Array.mapWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/Completion.res 29:13 posCursor:[29:13] posNoWhite:[29:12] Found expr:[29:3->29:13] @@ -636,13 +108,7 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath string->toU ContextPath string Path String.toU -[{ - "label": "String.toUpperCase", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "string => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toUpperCase(str)` converts `str` to upper case using the locale-insensitive\ncase mappings in the Unicode Character Database. Notice that the conversion can\nexpand the number of letters in the result, for example the German ß\ncapitalizes to two Ses in a row.\nSee [`String.toUpperCase`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.toUpperCase(\"abc\") == \"ABC\"\nString.toUpperCase(`Straße`) == `STRASSE`\nString.toUpperCase(`πς`) == `ΠΣ`\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/Completion.res 34:8 posCursor:[34:8] posNoWhite:[34:7] Found expr:[34:3->34:8] @@ -652,13 +118,7 @@ ContextPath Value[op]->e ContextPath Value[op] Path op Path Option.e -[{ - "label": "Option.equal", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(option<'a>, option<'b>, ('a, 'b) => bool) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`equal(opt1, opt2, f)` evaluates two optional values for equality with respect to a predicate function `f`. If both `opt1` and `opt2` are `None`, returns `true`.\nIf one of the arguments is `Some(value)` and the other is `None`, returns\n`false`.\nIf arguments are `Some(value1)` and `Some(value2)`, returns the result of\n`f(value1, value2)`, the predicate function `f` must return a bool.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet clockEqual = (a, b) => mod(a, 12) == mod(b, 12)\n\nopen Option\n\nequal(Some(3), Some(15), clockEqual) // true\nequal(Some(3), None, clockEqual) // false\nequal(None, Some(3), clockEqual) // false\nequal(None, None, clockEqual) // true\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/Completion.res 44:7 posCursor:[44:7] posNoWhite:[44:6] Found expr:[44:3->54:3] @@ -1071,17 +531,7 @@ Completable: Cpath Value[Lis] Package opens holder ContextPath Value[Lis] Path Lis -[{ - "label": "List", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module List", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "List", - "filePath": "src/Completion.res" - } - }] +[] Complete src/Completion.res 169:16 posCursor:[169:16] posNoWhite:[169:15] Found expr:[169:4->169:16] @@ -1105,13 +555,7 @@ Completable: Cpath Type[Null, ""] Package opens holder ContextPath Type[Null, ""] Path Null. -[{ - "label": "t", - "kind": 22, - "tags": [], - "detail": "type t", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\nA type representing a value that can be either `'a` or `null`.\n\n\n```rescript\n@unboxed\ntype t<'a> = Js.Null.t<'a> = Value('a) | @as(null) Null\n```"} - }] +[] Complete src/Completion.res 174:20 posCursor:[174:20] posNoWhite:[174:19] Found type:[174:12->174:20] @@ -1141,16 +585,6 @@ Path As "tags": [], "detail": "Asterix", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\nAsterix\n```\n\n```rescript\ntype z = Allo | Asterix | Baba\n```"} - }, { - "label": "AsyncIterator", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module AsyncIterator", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "AsyncIterator", - "filePath": "src/Completion.res" - } }] Complete src/Completion.res 182:17 @@ -1900,16 +1334,6 @@ Path Res "modulePath": "RescriptTools_Docgen", "filePath": "src/Completion.res" } - }, { - "label": "Result", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Result", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Result", - "filePath": "src/Completion.res" - } }] Complete src/Completion.res 346:57 @@ -2014,16 +1438,6 @@ Path T "modulePath": "TableclothMap", "filePath": "src/Completion.res" } - }, { - "label": "Type", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Type", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Type", - "filePath": "src/Completion.res" - } }, { "label": "TypeArgCtx", "kind": 9, @@ -2064,16 +1478,6 @@ Path T "modulePath": "TypeDefinition", "filePath": "src/Completion.res" } - }, { - "label": "TypedArray", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module TypedArray", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "TypedArray", - "filePath": "src/Completion.res" - } }] Complete src/Completion.res 376:21 @@ -2194,19 +1598,7 @@ Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion ContextPath array->ma ContextPath array Path -[{ - "label": "", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Array.mapWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/Completion.res 399:14 posCursor:[399:14] posNoWhite:[399:13] Found expr:[398:14->399:20] @@ -2346,67 +1738,7 @@ Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion ContextPath int->t ContextPath int Path Int.t -[{ - "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFixedWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFloat", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "int => float", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toLocaleString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "int => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toExponential", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFixed", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixed(123456) // \"123456.00\"\nInt.toFixed(10) // \"10.00\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/Completion.res 422:19 posCursor:[422:19] posNoWhite:[422:18] Found expr:[422:11->422:19] @@ -2417,67 +1749,7 @@ Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion ContextPath float->t ContextPath float Path Float.t -[{ - "label": "Float.toStringWithRadix", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(float, ~radix: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` with `~radix` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(v, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toStringWithRadix(6.0, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nFloat.toStringWithRadix(3735928559.0, ~radix=16) // \"deadbeef\"\nFloat.toStringWithRadix(123456.0, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Float.toExponentialWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(float, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(v, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point.\nSee [`Number.toExponential`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toExponentialWithPrecision(77.0, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nFloat.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678.0, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Float.toInt", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "float => int", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toInt(v)` returns an int to given float `v`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toInt(2.0) == 2\nFloat.toInt(1.0) == 1\nFloat.toInt(1.1) == 1\nFloat.toInt(1.6) == 1\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Float.toFixedWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(float, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(v, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point.\nSee [`Number.toFixed`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toFixedWithPrecision(300.0, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nFloat.toFixedWithPrecision(300.0, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Float.toPrecisionWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(float, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(v, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits.\nSee [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100.0, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nFloat.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1.0, ~digits=1) // \"1\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} - }, { - "label": "Float.toPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(float, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(v, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits.\nSee [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toPrecision(100.0) // \"100\"\nFloat.toPrecision(1.0) // \"1\"\nFloat.toPrecision(100.0, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nFloat.toPrecision(1.0, ~digits=1) // \"1\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Float.toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(float, ~radix: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(v)` return a `string` representing the given value.\nSee [`Number.toString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toString(1000.0) // \"1000\"\nFloat.toString(-1000.0) // \"-1000\"\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Float.toLocaleString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "float => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(v)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value.\nSee [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nFloat.toLocaleString(1000.0) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nFloat.toLocaleString(1000.0) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Float.toExponential", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(float, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(v, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point.\nSee [`Number.toExponential`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toExponential(1000.0) // \"1e+3\"\nFloat.toExponential(-1000.0) // \"-1e+3\"\nFloat.toExponential(77.0, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nFloat.toExponential(5678.0, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Float.toFixed", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(float, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(v, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point.\nSee [`Number.toFixed`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toFixed(123456.0) // \"123456.00\"\nFloat.toFixed(10.0) // \"10.00\"\nFloat.toFixed(300.0, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nFloat.toFixed(300.0, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/Completion.res 427:8 posCursor:[427:8] posNoWhite:[427:7] Found expr:[427:3->427:8] @@ -2489,25 +1761,7 @@ ContextPath Value[ok]->g ContextPath Value[ok] Path ok Path Result.g -[{ - "label": "Result.getExn", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "result<'a, 'b> => 'a", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n Result types are really useful to describe the result of a certain operation\n without relying on exceptions or `option` types.\n\n This module gives you useful utilities to create and combine `Result` data.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Result.getOr", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(result<'a, 'b>, 'a) => 'a", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`getOr(res, defaultValue)`: If `res` is `Ok(n)`, returns `n`, otherwise `default`\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nResult.getOr(Ok(42), 0) == 42\n\nResult.getOr(Error(\"Invalid Data\"), 0) == 0\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Result.getWithDefault", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(result<'a, 'b>, 'a) => 'a", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use getOr instead\n\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/Completion.res 445:15 posCursor:[445:15] posNoWhite:[445:14] Found expr:[445:3->445:15] @@ -2583,19 +1837,7 @@ ContextPath Value[uncurried](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[uncurried] Path uncurried Path Int.toS -[{ - "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/Completion.res 462:30 XXX Not found! diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionDicts.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionDicts.res.txt index 23a1b3556b..26bf3c1e57 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionDicts.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionDicts.res.txt @@ -6,15 +6,7 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath CArgument Value[Dict, fromArray]($0) ContextPath Value[Dict, fromArray] Path Dict.fromArray -[{ - "label": "(_, _)", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, 'a)", - "documentation": null, - "insertText": "(${1:_}, ${2:_})", - "insertTextFormat": 2 - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionDicts.res 3:31 posCursor:[3:31] posNoWhite:[3:30] Found expr:[3:14->3:34] @@ -24,15 +16,7 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath CArgument Value[Dict, fromArray]($0) ContextPath Value[Dict, fromArray] Path Dict.fromArray -[{ - "label": "(_, _)", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, 'a)", - "documentation": null, - "insertText": "(${1:_}, ${2:_})", - "insertTextFormat": 2 - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionDicts.res 6:37 posCursor:[6:37] posNoWhite:[6:36] Found expr:[6:14->6:41] @@ -53,18 +37,6 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath CArgument Value[Dict, fromArray]($0) ContextPath Value[Dict, fromArray] Path Dict.fromArray -[{ - "label": "true", - "kind": 4, - "tags": [], - "detail": "bool", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "false", - "kind": 4, - "tags": [], - "detail": "bool", - "documentation": null - }] +[] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt index 625c197011..c1fbcd0784 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt @@ -1259,28 +1259,20 @@ ContextPath CArgument Value[mkStuff]($0) ContextPath Value[mkStuff] Path mkStuff [{ - "label": "//g", - "kind": 4, - "tags": [], - "detail": "Regular expression", - "documentation": null, - "insertText": "/$0/g", - "insertTextFormat": 2 - }, { - "label": "Js.Re.fromString()", + "label": "Stdlib.RegExp.fromString()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "string => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Js.Re.fromString($0)", + "insertText": "Stdlib.RegExp.fromString($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Js.Re.fromStringWithFlags()", + "label": "Stdlib.RegExp.fromStringWithFlags()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~flags: string) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Js.Re.fromStringWithFlags($0)", + "insertText": "Stdlib.RegExp.fromStringWithFlags($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFunctionArguments.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFunctionArguments.res.txt index 30dd19d89a..53b5488f9d 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFunctionArguments.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFunctionArguments.res.txt @@ -174,16 +174,6 @@ Path someFnTakingVariant "modulePath": "Obj", "filePath": "src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res" } - }, { - "label": "Object", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Object", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Object", - "filePath": "src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res" - } }, { "label": "Objects", "kind": 9, @@ -194,26 +184,6 @@ Path someFnTakingVariant "modulePath": "Objects", "filePath": "src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res" } - }, { - "label": "Option", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Option", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Option", - "filePath": "src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res" - } - }, { - "label": "Ordering", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Ordering", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Ordering", - "filePath": "src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res" - } }] Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 57:33 @@ -267,16 +237,6 @@ Path someFnTakingVariant "modulePath": "Obj", "filePath": "src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res" } - }, { - "label": "Object", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Object", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Object", - "filePath": "src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res" - } }, { "label": "Objects", "kind": 9, @@ -287,26 +247,6 @@ Path someFnTakingVariant "modulePath": "Objects", "filePath": "src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res" } - }, { - "label": "Option", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Option", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Option", - "filePath": "src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res" - } - }, { - "label": "Ordering", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Ordering", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Ordering", - "filePath": "src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res" - } }] Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 63:23 diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt index 8e4d2124cc..8f4fafd809 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt @@ -9,67 +9,7 @@ ContextPath Value[x] Path x ContextPath int Path Int.t -[{ - "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFixedWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFloat", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "int => float", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toLocaleString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "int => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toExponential", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFixed", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixed(123456) // \"123456.00\"\nInt.toFixed(10) // \"10.00\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 18:30 posCursor:[18:30] posNoWhite:[18:29] Found expr:[18:28->18:30] @@ -311,67 +251,7 @@ ContextPath Value[JsxEvent, Mouse, button](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[JsxEvent, Mouse, button] Path JsxEvent.Mouse.button Path Int.t -[{ - "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFixedWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFloat", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "int => float", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toLocaleString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "int => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toExponential", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFixed", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixed(123456) // \"123456.00\"\nInt.toFixed(10) // \"10.00\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 50:103 posCursor:[50:103] posNoWhite:[50:102] Found expr:[50:12->50:109] @@ -403,20 +283,7 @@ Path btn ContextPath Value[String, split](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[String, split] Path String.split -Path -[{ - "label": "", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Array.mapWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 75:78 posCursor:[75:78] posNoWhite:[75:77] Found expr:[75:70->75:78] @@ -536,19 +403,7 @@ Path x ContextPath Type[someRecordWithNestedStuff] Path someRecordWithNestedStuff Path String.slic -[{ - "label": "String.slice", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "String.sliceToEnd", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` starting at character\n`start` to the end of the string.\n- If `start` is negative, then it is evaluated as `length(str - start)`.\n- If `start` is greater than the length of `str`, then sliceToEnd returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=4) == \"efg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-2) == \"fg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=7) == \"\"\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 91:82 posCursor:[91:82] posNoWhite:[91:81] Found expr:[91:70->91:82] @@ -563,19 +418,7 @@ Path x ContextPath Type[someRecordWithNestedStuff] Path someRecordWithNestedStuff Path Int.toS -[{ - "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 95:109 posCursor:[95:109] posNoWhite:[95:108] Found expr:[95:97->95:109] @@ -593,19 +436,7 @@ Path x ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord Path Int.toS -[{ - "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 99:102 posCursor:[99:102] posNoWhite:[99:101] Found expr:[99:57->99:102] @@ -624,19 +455,7 @@ Path x ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord Path Int.toS -[{ - "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 103:88 posCursor:[103:88] posNoWhite:[103:87] Found expr:[103:79->103:88] @@ -651,19 +470,7 @@ Path x ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord Path String.slic -[{ - "label": "String.slice", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "String.sliceToEnd", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` starting at character\n`start` to the end of the string.\n- If `start` is negative, then it is evaluated as `length(str - start)`.\n- If `start` is greater than the length of `str`, then sliceToEnd returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=4) == \"efg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-2) == \"fg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=7) == \"\"\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 107:89 posCursor:[107:89] posNoWhite:[107:88] Found expr:[107:80->107:89] @@ -678,19 +485,7 @@ Path x ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord Path String.slic -[{ - "label": "String.slice", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "String.sliceToEnd", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` starting at character\n`start` to the end of the string.\n- If `start` is negative, then it is evaluated as `length(str - start)`.\n- If `start` is greater than the length of `str`, then sliceToEnd returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=4) == \"efg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-2) == \"fg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=7) == \"\"\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 111:80 posCursor:[111:80] posNoWhite:[111:79] Found expr:[111:70->111:80] @@ -705,19 +500,7 @@ Path x ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord Path String.slic -[{ - "label": "String.slice", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "String.sliceToEnd", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` starting at character\n`start` to the end of the string.\n- If `start` is negative, then it is evaluated as `length(str - start)`.\n- If `start` is greater than the length of `str`, then sliceToEnd returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=4) == \"efg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-2) == \"fg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=7) == \"\"\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 115:53 posCursor:[115:53] posNoWhite:[115:52] Found expr:[115:46->115:53] @@ -730,19 +513,7 @@ ContextPath Value[x] Path x ContextPath int Path Int.toSt -[{ - "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 123:26 posCursor:[123:26] posNoWhite:[123:25] Found expr:[123:3->123:37] @@ -859,16 +630,7 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath Value[String, split](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[String, split] Path String.split -[{ - "label": "[]", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "string", - "documentation": null, - "sortText": "A", - "insertText": "[$0]", - "insertTextFormat": 2 - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 151:105 posCursor:[151:105] posNoWhite:[151:104] Found expr:[151:18->151:110] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt index ec081b6a4d..708c0e6ccf 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt @@ -6,19 +6,7 @@ ContextPath Value[someString]->st ContextPath Value[someString] Path someString Path -[{ - "label": "String.startsWith", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "String.startsWithFrom", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 13:21 posCursor:[13:21] posNoWhite:[13:20] Found expr:[8:13->33:3] @@ -42,18 +30,6 @@ Path "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `string` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 - }, { - "label": "String.startsWith", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "String.startsWithFrom", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 18:24 @@ -85,18 +61,6 @@ Path "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `string` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 - }, { - "label": "String.startsWith", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "String.startsWithFrom", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 20:27 @@ -127,18 +91,6 @@ Path "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `string` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 - }, { - "label": "String.startsWith", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "String.startsWithFrom", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 22:40 @@ -162,28 +114,7 @@ ContextPath Value[String, trim](Nolabel)->st <> ContextPath Value[String, trim](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[String, trim] Path String.trim -Path -[{ - "label": "React.string", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `string` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, - "sortText": "A", - "insertTextFormat": 2 - }, { - "label": "String.startsWith", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "String.startsWithFrom", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 24:19 posCursor:[24:19] posNoWhite:[24:18] Found expr:[8:13->33:3] @@ -214,102 +145,6 @@ Path Int. "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `int` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 - }, { - "label": "Int.equal", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, int) => bool", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.clamp", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(~min: int=?, ~max: int=?, int) => int", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`clamp(~min=?, ~max=?, value)` returns `value`, optionally bounded by `min` and `max`.\n\nif `max` < `min` returns `min`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.clamp(42) == 42\nInt.clamp(42, ~min=50) == 50\nInt.clamp(42, ~max=40) == 40\nInt.clamp(42, ~min=50, ~max=40) == 50\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFixedWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} - }, { - "label": "", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, int) => Ordering.t", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "Int.toPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.range", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, int, ~options: rangeOptions=?) => array", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`range(start, end, ~options=?)` returns an int array of the sequence of integers in the\nrange `[start, end)`. That is, including `start` but excluding `end`.\n\nIf `step` is not set and `start < end`, the sequence will be increasing in steps of 1.\n\nIf `step` is not set and `start > end`, the sequence will be decreasing in steps of -1.\n\nIf `step` is set, the sequence will increase or decrease by that amount for each\nstep. If `start < end` and `step` is negative, or vice versa, an empty array is\nreturned since the sequence would otherwise never reach or exceed the end value\nand hence be infinite. If `step` is `0` and `start !=` end, a `RangeError` is\nraised as the sequence would never reach or exceed the end value and hence be\ninfinite.\n\nIf `inclusive` is set to `true`, the sequence will include `end` if `step` is\nset such that the sequence includes it.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.range(3, 6) == [3, 4, 5]\nInt.range(-3, -1) == [-3, -2]\nInt.range(3, 1) == [3, 2]\nInt.range(3, 7, ~options={step: 2}) == [3, 5]\nInt.range(3, 7, ~options={step: 2, inclusive: true}) == [3, 5, 7]\nInt.range(3, 6, ~options={step: -2}) // RangeError\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- Raises `RangeError` if `step == 0 && start != end`.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFloat", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "int => float", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.mod", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, int) => int", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mod(n1, n2)` calculates the modulo (remainder after division) of two integers.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.mod(7, 4) == 3\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.rangeWithOptions", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, int, rangeOptions) => array", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `range` instead\n\n\n`rangeWithOptions(start, end, options)` is like `range`, but with `step` and\n`inclusive` options configurable.\n\nIf `step` is set, the sequence will increase or decrease by that amount for each\nstep. If `start < end` and `step` is negative, or vice versa, an empty array is\nreturned since the sequence would otherwise never reach or exceed the end value\nand hence be infinite. If `step` is `0` and `start !=` end, a `RangeError` is\nraised as the sequence would never reach or exceed the end value and hence be\ninfinite.\n\nIf `inclusive` is set to `true`, the sequence will include `end` if `step` is\nset such that the sequence includes it.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 7, {step: 2}) == [3, 5]\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 7, {step: 2, inclusive: true}) == [3, 5, 7]\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 6, {step: -2}) // RangeError\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- Raises `RangeError` if `step == 0 && start != end`.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toLocaleString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "int => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toExponential", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFixed", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixed(123456) // \"123456.00\"\nInt.toFixed(10) // \"10.00\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 26:14 @@ -340,102 +175,6 @@ Path Int. "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `int` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 - }, { - "label": "Int.equal", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, int) => bool", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.clamp", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(~min: int=?, ~max: int=?, int) => int", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`clamp(~min=?, ~max=?, value)` returns `value`, optionally bounded by `min` and `max`.\n\nif `max` < `min` returns `min`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.clamp(42) == 42\nInt.clamp(42, ~min=50) == 50\nInt.clamp(42, ~max=40) == 40\nInt.clamp(42, ~min=50, ~max=40) == 50\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFixedWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} - }, { - "label": "", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, int) => Ordering.t", - "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "Int.toPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.range", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, int, ~options: rangeOptions=?) => array", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`range(start, end, ~options=?)` returns an int array of the sequence of integers in the\nrange `[start, end)`. That is, including `start` but excluding `end`.\n\nIf `step` is not set and `start < end`, the sequence will be increasing in steps of 1.\n\nIf `step` is not set and `start > end`, the sequence will be decreasing in steps of -1.\n\nIf `step` is set, the sequence will increase or decrease by that amount for each\nstep. If `start < end` and `step` is negative, or vice versa, an empty array is\nreturned since the sequence would otherwise never reach or exceed the end value\nand hence be infinite. If `step` is `0` and `start !=` end, a `RangeError` is\nraised as the sequence would never reach or exceed the end value and hence be\ninfinite.\n\nIf `inclusive` is set to `true`, the sequence will include `end` if `step` is\nset such that the sequence includes it.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.range(3, 6) == [3, 4, 5]\nInt.range(-3, -1) == [-3, -2]\nInt.range(3, 1) == [3, 2]\nInt.range(3, 7, ~options={step: 2}) == [3, 5]\nInt.range(3, 7, ~options={step: 2, inclusive: true}) == [3, 5, 7]\nInt.range(3, 6, ~options={step: -2}) // RangeError\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- Raises `RangeError` if `step == 0 && start != end`.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFloat", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "int => float", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.mod", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, int) => int", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mod(n1, n2)` calculates the modulo (remainder after division) of two integers.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.mod(7, 4) == 3\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.rangeWithOptions", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, int, rangeOptions) => array", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `range` instead\n\n\n`rangeWithOptions(start, end, options)` is like `range`, but with `step` and\n`inclusive` options configurable.\n\nIf `step` is set, the sequence will increase or decrease by that amount for each\nstep. If `start < end` and `step` is negative, or vice versa, an empty array is\nreturned since the sequence would otherwise never reach or exceed the end value\nand hence be infinite. If `step` is `0` and `start !=` end, a `RangeError` is\nraised as the sequence would never reach or exceed the end value and hence be\ninfinite.\n\nIf `inclusive` is set to `true`, the sequence will include `end` if `step` is\nset such that the sequence includes it.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 7, {step: 2}) == [3, 5]\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 7, {step: 2, inclusive: true}) == [3, 5, 7]\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 6, {step: -2}) // RangeError\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- Raises `RangeError` if `step == 0 && start != end`.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toLocaleString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "int => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toExponential", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFixed", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixed(123456) // \"123456.00\"\nInt.toFixed(10) // \"10.00\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 28:20 @@ -467,12 +206,6 @@ Path Array.a "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `array` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 - }, { - "label": "", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => option<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`at(array, index)`\n\nGet an element by its index. Negative indices count backwards from the last item.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"a\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"c\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(None)\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"c\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"a\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(None)\n```\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 30:12 @@ -705,161 +438,5 @@ Path String.s "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] - }, { - "label": "->String.startsWith", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "startsWith", - "insertText": "->String.startsWith", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->String.splitAtMost", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string, ~limit: int) => array", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`splitAtMost(str, delimiter, ~limit)` splits the given `str` at every\noccurrence of `delimiter` and returns an array of the first `limit` resulting\nsubstrings. If `limit` is negative or greater than the number of substrings,\nthe array will contain all the substrings.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.splitAtMost(\"ant/bee/cat/dog/elk\", \"/\", ~limit=3) == [\"ant\", \"bee\", \"cat\"]\nString.splitAtMost(\"ant/bee/cat/dog/elk\", \"/\", ~limit=0) == []\nString.splitAtMost(\"ant/bee/cat/dog/elk\", \"/\", ~limit=9) == [\"ant\", \"bee\", \"cat\", \"dog\", \"elk\"]\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "splitAtMost", - "insertText": "->String.splitAtMost", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->String.searchOpt", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, RegExp.t) => option", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`searchOpt(str, regexp)`. Like `search`, but return an `option`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.searchOpt(\"testing 1 2 3\", %re(\"/\\d+/\")) == Some(8)\nString.searchOpt(\"no numbers\", %re(\"/\\d+/\")) == None\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "searchOpt", - "insertText": "->String.searchOpt", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->String.splitByRegExpAtMost", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, RegExp.t, ~limit: int) => array>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`splitByRegExpAtMost(str, regexp, ~limit)` splits the given `str` at every\noccurrence of `regexp` and returns an array of the first `limit` resulting\nsubstrings. If `limit` is negative or greater than the number of substrings, the\narray will contain all the substrings.\nSee [`String.split`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.splitByRegExpAtMost(\"Hello World. How are you doing?\", %re(\"/ /\"), ~limit=3) == [\n Some(\"Hello\"),\n Some(\"World.\"),\n Some(\"How\"),\n]\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "splitByRegExpAtMost", - "insertText": "->String.splitByRegExpAtMost", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->String.slice", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "slice", - "insertText": "->String.slice", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->String.sliceToEnd", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` starting at character\n`start` to the end of the string.\n- If `start` is negative, then it is evaluated as `length(str - start)`.\n- If `start` is greater than the length of `str`, then sliceToEnd returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=4) == \"efg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-2) == \"fg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=7) == \"\"\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "sliceToEnd", - "insertText": "->String.sliceToEnd", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->String.setSymbol", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, Symbol.t, 'a) => unit", - "documentation": null, - "sortText": "setSymbol", - "insertText": "->String.setSymbol", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->String.splitByRegExp", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, RegExp.t) => array>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`splitByRegExp(str, regexp)` splits the given `str` at every occurrence of\n`regexp` and returns an array of the resulting substrings.\nSee [`String.split`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.splitByRegExp(\"Jan,Feb,Mar\", %re(\"/,/\")) == [Some(\"Jan\"), Some(\"Feb\"), Some(\"Mar\")]\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "splitByRegExp", - "insertText": "->String.splitByRegExp", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->String.startsWithFrom", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "startsWithFrom", - "insertText": "->String.startsWithFrom", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->String.split", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string) => array", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`split(str, delimiter)` splits the given `str` at every occurrence of\n`delimiter` and returns an array of the resulting substrings.\nSee [`String.split`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.split(\"2018-01-02\", \"-\") == [\"2018\", \"01\", \"02\"]\nString.split(\"a,b,,c\", \",\") == [\"a\", \"b\", \"\", \"c\"]\nString.split(\"good::bad as great::awful\", \"::\") == [\"good\", \"bad as great\", \"awful\"]\nString.split(\"has-no-delimiter\", \";\") == [\"has-no-delimiter\"]\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "split", - "insertText": "->String.split", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->String.substring", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`substring(str, ~start, ~end)` returns characters `start` up to but not\nincluding end from `str`.\n- If `start` is less than zero, it is treated as zero.\n- If `end` is zero or negative, the empty string is returned.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, the `start` and `end` points are swapped.\nSee [`String.substring`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.substring(\"playground\", ~start=3, ~end=6) == \"ygr\"\nString.substring(\"playground\", ~start=6, ~end=3) == \"ygr\"\nString.substring(\"playground\", ~start=4, ~end=12) == \"ground\"\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "substring", - "insertText": "->String.substring", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, RegExp.t) => int", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`search(str, regexp)` returns the starting position of the first match of\n`regexp` in the given `str`, or -1 if there is no match.\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\\"testing 1 2 3\", %re(\"/\\d+/\")) == 8\\"no numbers\", %re(\"/\\d+/\")) == -1\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "search", - "insertText": "->", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->String.substringToEnd", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`substringToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` from position\n`start` to the end.\n- If `start` is less than or equal to zero, the entire string is returned.\n- If `start` is greater than or equal to the length of `str`, the empty string\nis returned.\nSee [`String.substring`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.substringToEnd(\"playground\", ~start=4) == \"ground\"\nString.substringToEnd(\"playground\", ~start=-3) == \"playground\"\nString.substringToEnd(\"playground\", ~start=12) == \"\"\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "substringToEnd", - "insertText": "->String.substringToEnd", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, - "newText": "" - }] }] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsxProps.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsxProps.res.txt index 5cbc61be30..80a2cd6a02 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsxProps.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsxProps.res.txt @@ -69,16 +69,6 @@ Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make "modulePath": "TableclothMap", "filePath": "src/CompletionJsxProps.res" } - }, { - "label": "Type", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Type", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Type", - "filePath": "src/CompletionJsxProps.res" - } }, { "label": "TypeArgCtx", "kind": 9, @@ -119,16 +109,6 @@ Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make "modulePath": "TypeDefinition", "filePath": "src/CompletionJsxProps.res" } - }, { - "label": "TypedArray", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module TypedArray", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "TypedArray", - "filePath": "src/CompletionJsxProps.res" - } }] Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 9:52 diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt index 10049f4281..f4b01e924b 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt @@ -257,8 +257,6 @@ ContextPath Value[Array, forEach](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> ContextPath Value[Array, forEach](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Array, forEach] Path Array.forEach -CPPipe pathFromEnv: found:true -Path Array. [] Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 62:6 @@ -270,67 +268,7 @@ ContextPath Value[Belt, Array, reduce](Nolabel, Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Belt, Array, reduce] Path Belt.Array.reduce Path Int.t -[{ - "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFixedWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toPrecision", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFloat", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "int => float", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toLocaleString", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "int => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toExponential", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} - }, { - "label": "Int.toFixed", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixed(123456) // \"123456.00\"\nInt.toFixed(10) // \"10.00\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 70:12 posCursor:[70:12] posNoWhite:[70:11] Found expr:[70:3->0:-1] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res.txt index 12df6fe3b8..db8aee947f 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res.txt @@ -84,16 +84,6 @@ Path someVariant "modulePath": "Obj", "filePath": "src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res" } - }, { - "label": "Object", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Object", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Object", - "filePath": "src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res" - } }, { "label": "Objects", "kind": 9, @@ -104,26 +94,6 @@ Path someVariant "modulePath": "Objects", "filePath": "src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res" } - }, { - "label": "Option", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Option", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Option", - "filePath": "src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res" - } - }, { - "label": "Ordering", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Ordering", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Ordering", - "filePath": "src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res" - } }] Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 21:27 diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeT.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeT.res.txt index d4b015c969..68431619f8 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeT.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeT.res.txt @@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ Path date "label": "None", "kind": 12, "tags": [], - "detail": "Date.t", - "documentation": null + "detail": "Stdlib.Date.t", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\nA type representing a JavaScript date.\n"} }, { "label": "Some(_)", "kind": 12, "tags": [], - "detail": "Date.t", - "documentation": null, + "detail": "Stdlib.Date.t", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\nA type representing a JavaScript date.\n"}, "insertText": "Some(${1:_})", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { @@ -35,76 +35,76 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath Type[withDate] Path withDate [{ - "label": "Js.Date.makeWithYMD()", + "label": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMD()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], - "detail": "(~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => t", + "detail": "(~year: int, ~month: int, ~date: int) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Js.Date.makeWithYMD($0)", + "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMD($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Js.Date.makeWithYMDHM()", + "label": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDHM()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], - "detail": "(\n ~year: float,\n ~month: float,\n ~date: float,\n ~hours: float,\n ~minutes: float,\n unit,\n) => t", + "detail": "(\n ~year: int,\n ~month: int,\n ~date: int,\n ~hours: int,\n ~minutes: int,\n) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Js.Date.makeWithYMDHM($0)", + "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDHM($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Js.Date.make()", + "label": "Stdlib.Date.make()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "unit => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Js.Date.make($0)", + "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.make($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Js.Date.fromString()", + "label": "Stdlib.Date.fromTime()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], - "detail": "string => t", + "detail": "msSinceEpoch => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Js.Date.fromString($0)", + "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.fromTime($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Js.Date.fromFloat()", + "label": "Stdlib.Date.fromString()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], - "detail": "float => t", + "detail": "string => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Js.Date.fromFloat($0)", + "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.fromString($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Js.Date.parse()", + "label": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDHMSM()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], - "detail": "string => t", + "detail": "(\n ~year: int,\n ~month: int,\n ~date: int,\n ~hours: int,\n ~minutes: int,\n ~seconds: int,\n ~milliseconds: int,\n) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Js.Date.parse($0)", + "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDHMSM($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Js.Date.makeWithYM()", + "label": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYM()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], - "detail": "(~year: float, ~month: float, unit) => t", + "detail": "(~year: int, ~month: int) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Js.Date.makeWithYM($0)", + "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYM($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Js.Date.makeWithYMDHMS()", + "label": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDHMS()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], - "detail": "(\n ~year: float,\n ~month: float,\n ~date: float,\n ~hours: float,\n ~minutes: float,\n ~seconds: float,\n unit,\n) => t", + "detail": "(\n ~year: int,\n ~month: int,\n ~date: int,\n ~hours: int,\n ~minutes: int,\n ~seconds: int,\n) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Js.Date.makeWithYMDHMS($0)", + "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDHMS($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Js.Date.makeWithYMDH()", + "label": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDH()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], - "detail": "(\n ~year: float,\n ~month: float,\n ~date: float,\n ~hours: float,\n unit,\n) => t", + "detail": "(~year: int, ~month: int, ~date: int, ~hours: int) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Js.Date.makeWithYMDH($0)", + "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDH($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CreateInterface.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CreateInterface.res.txt index 4e12129485..a5955f3081 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CreateInterface.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CreateInterface.res.txt @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module type FT = { let make: (~name: string) => React.element } } -module NormaList = List +module NormaList = Stdlib.List module BeltList = Belt.List module type MT2 = ModTyp module rec RM: ModTyp diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Definition.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Definition.res.txt index 024a9d7ba6..4e2b514014 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Definition.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Definition.res.txt @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ Definition src/Definition.res 10:23 {"uri": "Definition.res", "range": {"start": {"line": 6, "character": 7}, "end": {"line": 6, "character": 13}}} Hover src/Definition.res 14:14 -{"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\n(List.t<'a>, 'a => 'b) => List.t<'b>\n```\n\n---\n\n```\n \n```\n```rescript\ntype List.t<'a> = list<'a>\n```\nGo to: [Type definition](command:rescript-vscode.go_to_location?%5B%22List.res%22%2C34%2C0%5D)\n\n---\n\n`map(list, f)` returns a new list with `f` applied to each element of `list`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlist{1, 2}-> => x + 1) // list{3, 4}\n```\n"}} +{"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\n(Stdlib.List.t<'a>, 'a => 'b) => Stdlib.List.t<'b>\n```\n\n---\n\n```\n \n```\n```rescript\ntype Stdlib.List.t<'a> = list<'a>\n```\nGo to: [Type definition](command:rescript-vscode.go_to_location?%5B%22Stdlib_List.resi%22%2C34%2C0%5D)\n\n---\n\n`map(list, f)` returns a new list with `f` applied to each element of `list`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlist{1, 2}-> => x + 1) // list{3, 4}\n```\n"}} Hover src/Definition.res 18:14 -{"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\n('a => 'b, List.t<'a>) => List.t<'b>\n```\n\n---\n\n```\n \n```\n```rescript\ntype List.t<'a> = list<'a>\n```\nGo to: [Type definition](command:rescript-vscode.go_to_location?%5B%22List.res%22%2C34%2C0%5D)\n"}} +{"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\n('a => 'b, Stdlib.List.t<'a>) => Stdlib.List.t<'b>\n```\n\n---\n\n```\n \n```\n```rescript\ntype Stdlib.List.t<'a> = list<'a>\n```\nGo to: [Type definition](command:rescript-vscode.go_to_location?%5B%22Stdlib_List.resi%22%2C34%2C0%5D)\n"}} Hover src/Definition.res 23:3 {"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\n(int, int) => int\n```"}} diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt index ae0244a611..739d3edbe0 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt @@ -211,43 +211,7 @@ ContextPath Value[ffff]->u ContextPath Value[ffff] Path ffff Path Array.u -[{ - "label": "->Array.unshiftMany", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, array<'a>) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`unshiftMany(array, itemsArray)` inserts many new items to the start of the array.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.push`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nsomeArray->Array.unshiftMany([\"yay\", \"wehoo\"])\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"yay\", \"wehoo\", \"hi\", \"hello\"])\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "unshiftMany", - "insertText": "->Array.unshiftMany", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 75, "character": 7}, "end": {"line": 75, "character": 8}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->Array.unshift", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => unit", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`unshift(array, item)` inserts a new item at the start of the array.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.unshift`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nsomeArray->Array.unshift(\"yay\")\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"yay\", \"hi\", \"hello\"])\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "unshift", - "insertText": "->Array.unshift", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 75, "character": 7}, "end": {"line": 75, "character": 8}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->Array.unsafe_get", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [1], - "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => 'a", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use getUnsafe instead. This will be removed in v13\n\n\n`unsafe_get(array, index)` returns the element at `index` of `array`.\n\nThis is _unsafe_, meaning it will return `undefined` value if `index` does not exist in `array`.\n\nUse `Array.unsafe_get` only when you are sure the `index` exists (i.e. when using for-loop).\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [1, 2, 3]\nfor index in 0 to array->Array.length - 1 {\n let value = array->Array.unsafe_get(index)\n Console.log(value)\n}\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "unsafe_get", - "insertText": "->Array.unsafe_get", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 75, "character": 7}, "end": {"line": 75, "character": 8}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }] +[] Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 80:7 posCursor:[80:7] posNoWhite:[80:6] Found expr:[80:3->80:7] @@ -317,48 +281,7 @@ ContextPath Value[Array, filter](Nolabel).filt ContextPath Value[Array, filter](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Array, filter] Path Array.filter -ContextPath Value[Array, filter](Nolabel, Nolabel)->filt -ContextPath Value[Array, filter](Nolabel, Nolabel) -ContextPath Value[Array, filter] -Path Array.filter -Path Array.filt -[{ - "label": "->Array.filterMap", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => option<'b>) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`filterMap(array, fn)`\n\nCalls `fn` for each element and returns a new array containing results of the `fn` calls which are not `None`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n->Array.filterMap(item =>\n switch item {\n | \"Hello\" => Some(item->String.length)\n | _ => None\n }\n)\n->assertEqual([5])\n\n[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n->Array.filterMap(n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n * n) : None)\n->assertEqual([4, 16, 36])\n\nArray.filterMap([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], _ => None)->assertEqual([])\n\nArray.filterMap([], n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n * n) : None)->assertEqual([])\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "filterMap", - "insertText": "->Array.filterMap", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 86, "character": 34}, "end": {"line": 86, "character": 35}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->Array.filter", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`filter(array, checker)` returns a new array containing all elements from `array` for which the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.filter`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.filter(num => num > 2)\n->assertEqual([3, 4])\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "filter", - "insertText": "->Array.filter", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 86, "character": 34}, "end": {"line": 86, "character": 35}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->Array.filterWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => array<'a>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`filterWithIndex(array, checker)` returns a new array containing all elements from `array` for which the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.filter`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.filterWithIndex((num, index) => index === 0 || num === 2)\n->assertEqual([1, 2])\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "filterWithIndex", - "insertText": "->Array.filterWithIndex", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 86, "character": 34}, "end": {"line": 86, "character": 35}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }] +[] Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 89:62 posCursor:[89:62] posNoWhite:[89:61] Found expr:[89:3->89:62] @@ -370,36 +293,7 @@ ContextPath Value[Array, joinWith](Nolabel).includ ContextPath Value[Array, joinWith](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Array, joinWith] Path Array.joinWith -ContextPath Value[Array, joinWith](Nolabel, Nolabel)->includ -ContextPath Value[Array, joinWith](Nolabel, Nolabel) -ContextPath Value[Array, joinWith] -Path Array.joinWith -Path String.includ -[{ - "label": "->String.includesFrom", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`includesFrom(str, searchValue, start)` returns `true` if `searchValue` is found\nanywhere within `str` starting at character number `start` (where 0 is the\nfirst character), `false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.includes`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.includesFrom(\"programmer\", \"gram\", 1) == true\nString.includesFrom(\"programmer\", \"gram\", 4) == false\nString.includesFrom(`대한민국`, `한`, 1) == true\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "includesFrom", - "insertText": "->String.includesFrom", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 89, "character": 55}, "end": {"line": 89, "character": 56}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }, { - "label": "->String.includes", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(string, string) => bool", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`includes(str, searchValue)` returns `true` if `searchValue` is found anywhere\nwithin `str`, `false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.includes`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.includes(\"programmer\", \"gram\") == true\nString.includes(\"programmer\", \"er\") == true\nString.includes(\"programmer\", \"pro\") == true\nString.includes(\"programmer.dat\", \"xyz\") == false\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "includes", - "insertText": "->String.includes", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 89, "character": 55}, "end": {"line": 89, "character": 56}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }] +[] Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 94:36 posCursor:[94:36] posNoWhite:[94:35] Found expr:[94:3->94:36] @@ -410,24 +304,7 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath Value[String, toLowerCase].toUpperCa ContextPath Value[String, toLowerCase] Path String.toLowerCase -ContextPath Value[String, toLowerCase](Nolabel)->toUpperCa -ContextPath Value[String, toLowerCase](Nolabel) -ContextPath Value[String, toLowerCase] -Path String.toLowerCase -Path String.toUpperCa -[{ - "label": "->String.toUpperCase", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "string => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toUpperCase(str)` converts `str` to upper case using the locale-insensitive\ncase mappings in the Unicode Character Database. Notice that the conversion can\nexpand the number of letters in the result, for example the German ß\ncapitalizes to two Ses in a row.\nSee [`String.toUpperCase`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.toUpperCase(\"abc\") == \"ABC\"\nString.toUpperCase(`Straße`) == `STRASSE`\nString.toUpperCase(`πς`) == `ΠΣ`\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "toUpperCase", - "insertText": "->String.toUpperCase", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 94, "character": 26}, "end": {"line": 94, "character": 27}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }] +[] Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 97:55 posCursor:[97:55] posNoWhite:[97:54] Found expr:[97:3->97:55] @@ -438,24 +315,7 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath Value[String, toUpperCase].toLowerC ContextPath Value[String, toUpperCase] Path String.toUpperCase -ContextPath Value[String, toUpperCase](Nolabel)->toLowerC -ContextPath Value[String, toUpperCase](Nolabel) -ContextPath Value[String, toUpperCase] -Path String.toUpperCase -Path String.toLowerC -[{ - "label": "->String.toLowerCase", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "string => string", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLowerCase(str)` converts `str` to lower case using the locale-insensitive\ncase mappings in the Unicode Character Database. Notice that the conversion can\ngive different results depending upon context, for example with the Greek\nletter sigma, which has two different lower case forms, one when it is the last\ncharacter in a string and another when it is not.\nSee [`String.toLowerCase`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.toLowerCase(\"ABC\") == \"abc\"\nString.toLowerCase(`ΣΠ`) == `σπ`\nString.toLowerCase(`ΠΣ`) == `πς`\n```\n"}, - "sortText": "toLowerCase", - "insertText": "->String.toLowerCase", - "additionalTextEdits": [{ - "range": {"start": {"line": 97, "character": 46}, "end": {"line": 97, "character": 47}}, - "newText": "" - }] - }] +[] Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 101:7 posCursor:[101:7] posNoWhite:[101:6] Found expr:[100:9->104:1] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Firebase.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Firebase.res.txt index a6f55d6451..b894358106 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Firebase.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Firebase.res.txt @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Path Firebase.Firestore. "label": "->Firestore.getDoc", "kind": 12, "tags": [], - "detail": "documentReference<\n 'documentdata,\n> => Promise.t>", + "detail": "documentReference<\n 'documentdata,\n> => Stdlib.Promise.t>", "documentation": null, "sortText": "getDoc", "insertText": "->Firestore.getDoc", diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Jsx2.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Jsx2.res.txt index b88345193c..b8f7bf1fc8 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Jsx2.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Jsx2.res.txt @@ -43,26 +43,6 @@ Path M "tags": [], "detail": "module M", "documentation": null - }, { - "label": "Map", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Map", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Map", - "filePath": "src/Jsx2.res" - } - }, { - "label": "Math", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Math", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Math", - "filePath": "src/Jsx2.res" - } }, { "label": "ModuleStuff", "kind": 9, diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt index 5b94263443..22cb8fcb45 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt @@ -12,19 +12,7 @@ Path t CPPipe pathFromEnv: found:true Path RecordCompletion.n Path Array.m -[{ - "label": "", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Array.mapWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/RecordCompletion.res 11:13 posCursor:[11:13] posNoWhite:[11:12] Found expr:[11:3->11:13] @@ -52,19 +40,7 @@ Path RecordCompletion.n2 CPPipe pathFromEnv: found:true Path RecordCompletion.n Path Array.m -[{ - "label": "", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} - }, { - "label": "Array.mapWithIndex", - "kind": 12, - "tags": [], - "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} - }] +[] Complete src/RecordCompletion.res 19:7 posCursor:[19:7] posNoWhite:[19:6] Found expr:[19:3->19:7] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecoveryOnProp.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecoveryOnProp.res.txt index bb85ebdca0..334429b384 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecoveryOnProp.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecoveryOnProp.res.txt @@ -54,15 +54,5 @@ Path Res "modulePath": "RescriptTools_Docgen", "filePath": "src/RecoveryOnProp.res" } - }, { - "label": "Result", - "kind": 9, - "tags": [], - "detail": "module Result", - "documentation": null, - "data": { - "modulePath": "Result", - "filePath": "src/RecoveryOnProp.res" - } }] From 523021461e24818a24c5577ed1d1fb501e4957ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gabriel Nordeborn Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:56:19 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 05/13] pipe completion for stdlib --- analysis/src/ | 20 +- .../src/expected/GenericJsxCompletion.res.txt | 12 +- .../tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt | 218 ++++++++- .../expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt | 256 ++++++++++- .../tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt | 420 +++++++++++++++++- .../src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt | 64 ++- .../expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt | 40 +- .../src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt | 32 +- 8 files changed, 993 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-) diff --git a/analysis/src/ b/analysis/src/ index ed78c81e37..783685d551 100644 --- a/analysis/src/ +++ b/analysis/src/ @@ -1255,14 +1255,14 @@ let pathToBuiltin path = let completionPathFromMaybeBuiltin path = match pathToBuiltin path with - | Some ("array", _) -> Some ["Array"] - | Some ("option", _) -> Some ["Option"] - | Some ("string", _) -> Some ["String"] - | Some ("int", _) -> Some ["Int"] - | Some ("float", _) -> Some ["Float"] - | Some ("promise", _) -> Some ["Promise"] - | Some ("list", _) -> Some ["List"] - | Some ("result", _) -> Some ["Result"] - | Some ("dict", _) -> Some ["Dict"] - | Some ("char", _) -> Some ["Char"] + | Some ("array", _) -> Some ["Stdlib"; "Array"] + | Some ("option", _) -> Some ["Stdlib"; "Option"] + | Some ("string", _) -> Some ["Stdlib"; "String"] + | Some ("int", _) -> Some ["Stdlib"; "Int"] + | Some ("float", _) -> Some ["Stdlib"; "Float"] + | Some ("promise", _) -> Some ["Stdlib"; "Promise"] + | Some ("list", _) -> Some ["Stdlib"; "List"] + | Some ("result", _) -> Some ["Stdlib"; "Result"] + | Some ("dict", _) -> Some ["Stdlib"; "Dict"] + | Some ("char", _) -> Some ["Stdlib"; "Char"] | _ -> None diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-generic-jsx-transform/src/expected/GenericJsxCompletion.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-generic-jsx-transform/src/expected/GenericJsxCompletion.res.txt index 0f3b3ca01e..c196cc4496 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-generic-jsx-transform/src/expected/GenericJsxCompletion.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-generic-jsx-transform/src/expected/GenericJsxCompletion.res.txt @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath Value[someString]->st <> ContextPath Value[someString] Path someString -Path +Path [{ "label": "GenericJsx.string", "kind": 12, @@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ Path "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "String.startsWith", + "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWith", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string) => bool", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "String.startsWithFrom", + "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Resolved opens 1 GenericJsx ContextPath Value[someString]->st <> ContextPath Value[someString] Path someString -Path +Path [{ "label": "string", "kind": 12, @@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ Path "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "String.startsWith", + "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWith", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string) => bool", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "String.startsWithFrom", + "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt index cae4e41719..7bfd8bea34 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt @@ -98,8 +98,20 @@ Completable: Cpath array->m Package opens holder ContextPath array->m ContextPath array -Path Array.m -[] +Path Stdlib.Array.m +[{ + "label": "", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Array.mapWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/Completion.res 29:13 posCursor:[29:13] posNoWhite:[29:12] Found expr:[29:3->29:13] @@ -107,8 +119,14 @@ Completable: Cpath string->toU Package opens holder ContextPath string->toU ContextPath string -Path String.toU -[] +Path Stdlib.String.toU +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.String.toUpperCase", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "string => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toUpperCase(str)` converts `str` to upper case using the locale-insensitive\ncase mappings in the Unicode Character Database. Notice that the conversion can\nexpand the number of letters in the result, for example the German ß\ncapitalizes to two Ses in a row.\nSee [`String.toUpperCase`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.toUpperCase(\"abc\") == \"ABC\"\nString.toUpperCase(`Straße`) == `STRASSE`\nString.toUpperCase(`πς`) == `ΠΣ`\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/Completion.res 34:8 posCursor:[34:8] posNoWhite:[34:7] Found expr:[34:3->34:8] @@ -117,8 +135,14 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath Value[op]->e ContextPath Value[op] Path op -Path Option.e -[] +Path Stdlib.Option.e +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.Option.equal", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(option<'a>, option<'b>, ('a, 'b) => bool) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`equal(opt1, opt2, f)` evaluates two optional values for equality with respect to a predicate function `f`. If both `opt1` and `opt2` are `None`, returns `true`.\nIf one of the arguments is `Some(value)` and the other is `None`, returns\n`false`.\nIf arguments are `Some(value1)` and `Some(value2)`, returns the result of\n`f(value1, value2)`, the predicate function `f` must return a bool.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet clockEqual = (a, b) => mod(a, 12) == mod(b, 12)\n\nopen Option\n\nequal(Some(3), Some(15), clockEqual) // true\nequal(Some(3), None, clockEqual) // false\nequal(None, Some(3), clockEqual) // false\nequal(None, None, clockEqual) // true\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/Completion.res 44:7 posCursor:[44:7] posNoWhite:[44:6] Found expr:[44:3->54:3] @@ -1597,8 +1621,20 @@ Package opens holder Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion ContextPath array->ma ContextPath array -Path -[] +Path +[{ + "label": "", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Array.mapWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/Completion.res 399:14 posCursor:[399:14] posNoWhite:[399:13] Found expr:[398:14->399:20] @@ -1737,8 +1773,68 @@ Package opens holder Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion ContextPath int->t ContextPath int -Path Int.t -[] +Path Stdlib.Int.t +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixedWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFloat", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "int => float", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toLocaleString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "int => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponential", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixed", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixed(123456) // \"123456.00\"\nInt.toFixed(10) // \"10.00\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} + }] Complete src/Completion.res 422:19 posCursor:[422:19] posNoWhite:[422:18] Found expr:[422:11->422:19] @@ -1748,8 +1844,68 @@ Package opens holder Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion ContextPath float->t ContextPath float -Path Float.t -[] +Path Stdlib.Float.t +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.Float.toStringWithRadix", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(float, ~radix: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` with `~radix` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(v, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toStringWithRadix(6.0, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nFloat.toStringWithRadix(3735928559.0, ~radix=16) // \"deadbeef\"\nFloat.toStringWithRadix(123456.0, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Float.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(float, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(v, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point.\nSee [`Number.toExponential`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toExponentialWithPrecision(77.0, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nFloat.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678.0, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Float.toInt", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "float => int", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toInt(v)` returns an int to given float `v`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toInt(2.0) == 2\nFloat.toInt(1.0) == 1\nFloat.toInt(1.1) == 1\nFloat.toInt(1.6) == 1\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Float.toFixedWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(float, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(v, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point.\nSee [`Number.toFixed`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toFixedWithPrecision(300.0, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nFloat.toFixedWithPrecision(300.0, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Float.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(float, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(v, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits.\nSee [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100.0, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nFloat.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1.0, ~digits=1) // \"1\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Float.toPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(float, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(v, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits.\nSee [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toPrecision(100.0) // \"100\"\nFloat.toPrecision(1.0) // \"1\"\nFloat.toPrecision(100.0, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nFloat.toPrecision(1.0, ~digits=1) // \"1\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Float.toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(float, ~radix: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(v)` return a `string` representing the given value.\nSee [`Number.toString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toString(1000.0) // \"1000\"\nFloat.toString(-1000.0) // \"-1000\"\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Float.toLocaleString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "float => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(v)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value.\nSee [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nFloat.toLocaleString(1000.0) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nFloat.toLocaleString(1000.0) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Float.toExponential", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(float, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(v, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point.\nSee [`Number.toExponential`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toExponential(1000.0) // \"1e+3\"\nFloat.toExponential(-1000.0) // \"-1e+3\"\nFloat.toExponential(77.0, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nFloat.toExponential(5678.0, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Float.toFixed", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(float, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(v, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point.\nSee [`Number.toFixed`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toFixed(123456.0) // \"123456.00\"\nFloat.toFixed(10.0) // \"10.00\"\nFloat.toFixed(300.0, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nFloat.toFixed(300.0, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} + }] Complete src/Completion.res 427:8 posCursor:[427:8] posNoWhite:[427:7] Found expr:[427:3->427:8] @@ -1760,8 +1916,26 @@ Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion ContextPath Value[ok]->g ContextPath Value[ok] Path ok -Path Result.g -[] +Path Stdlib.Result.g +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.Result.getExn", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "result<'a, 'b> => 'a", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n Result types are really useful to describe the result of a certain operation\n without relying on exceptions or `option` types.\n\n This module gives you useful utilities to create and combine `Result` data.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Result.getOr", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(result<'a, 'b>, 'a) => 'a", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`getOr(res, defaultValue)`: If `res` is `Ok(n)`, returns `n`, otherwise `default`\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nResult.getOr(Ok(42), 0) == 42\n\nResult.getOr(Error(\"Invalid Data\"), 0) == 0\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Result.getWithDefault", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(result<'a, 'b>, 'a) => 'a", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use getOr instead\n\n"} + }] Complete src/Completion.res 445:15 posCursor:[445:15] posNoWhite:[445:14] Found expr:[445:3->445:15] @@ -1836,8 +2010,20 @@ ContextPath Value[uncurried](Nolabel)->toS ContextPath Value[uncurried](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[uncurried] Path uncurried -Path Int.toS -[] +Path Stdlib.Int.toS +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }] Complete src/Completion.res 462:30 XXX Not found! diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt index 8f4fafd809..5a26c180c2 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt @@ -8,8 +8,68 @@ Path aliased ContextPath Value[x] Path x ContextPath int -Path Int.t -[] +Path Stdlib.Int.t +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixedWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFloat", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "int => float", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toLocaleString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "int => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponential", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixed", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixed(123456) // \"123456.00\"\nInt.toFixed(10) // \"10.00\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 18:30 posCursor:[18:30] posNoWhite:[18:29] Found expr:[18:28->18:30] @@ -250,8 +310,68 @@ Path btn ContextPath Value[JsxEvent, Mouse, button](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[JsxEvent, Mouse, button] Path JsxEvent.Mouse.button -Path Int.t -[] +Path Stdlib.Int.t +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixedWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFloat", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "int => float", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toLocaleString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "int => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponential", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixed", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixed(123456) // \"123456.00\"\nInt.toFixed(10) // \"10.00\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 50:103 posCursor:[50:103] posNoWhite:[50:102] Found expr:[50:12->50:109] @@ -402,8 +522,20 @@ ContextPath Value[x] Path x ContextPath Type[someRecordWithNestedStuff] Path someRecordWithNestedStuff -Path String.slic -[] +Path Stdlib.String.slic +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.String.slice", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.String.sliceToEnd", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` starting at character\n`start` to the end of the string.\n- If `start` is negative, then it is evaluated as `length(str - start)`.\n- If `start` is greater than the length of `str`, then sliceToEnd returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=4) == \"efg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-2) == \"fg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=7) == \"\"\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 91:82 posCursor:[91:82] posNoWhite:[91:81] Found expr:[91:70->91:82] @@ -417,8 +549,20 @@ ContextPath Value[x] Path x ContextPath Type[someRecordWithNestedStuff] Path someRecordWithNestedStuff -Path Int.toS -[] +Path Stdlib.Int.toS +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 95:109 posCursor:[95:109] posNoWhite:[95:108] Found expr:[95:97->95:109] @@ -435,8 +579,20 @@ ContextPath Value[x] Path x ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord -Path Int.toS -[] +Path Stdlib.Int.toS +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 99:102 posCursor:[99:102] posNoWhite:[99:101] Found expr:[99:57->99:102] @@ -454,8 +610,20 @@ ContextPath Value[x] Path x ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord -Path Int.toS -[] +Path Stdlib.Int.toS +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 103:88 posCursor:[103:88] posNoWhite:[103:87] Found expr:[103:79->103:88] @@ -469,8 +637,20 @@ ContextPath Value[x] Path x ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord -Path String.slic -[] +Path Stdlib.String.slic +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.String.slice", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.String.sliceToEnd", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` starting at character\n`start` to the end of the string.\n- If `start` is negative, then it is evaluated as `length(str - start)`.\n- If `start` is greater than the length of `str`, then sliceToEnd returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=4) == \"efg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-2) == \"fg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=7) == \"\"\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 107:89 posCursor:[107:89] posNoWhite:[107:88] Found expr:[107:80->107:89] @@ -484,8 +664,20 @@ ContextPath Value[x] Path x ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord -Path String.slic -[] +Path Stdlib.String.slic +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.String.slice", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.String.sliceToEnd", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` starting at character\n`start` to the end of the string.\n- If `start` is negative, then it is evaluated as `length(str - start)`.\n- If `start` is greater than the length of `str`, then sliceToEnd returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=4) == \"efg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-2) == \"fg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=7) == \"\"\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 111:80 posCursor:[111:80] posNoWhite:[111:79] Found expr:[111:70->111:80] @@ -499,8 +691,20 @@ ContextPath Value[x] Path x ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord -Path String.slic -[] +Path Stdlib.String.slic +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.String.slice", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.String.sliceToEnd", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` starting at character\n`start` to the end of the string.\n- If `start` is negative, then it is evaluated as `length(str - start)`.\n- If `start` is greater than the length of `str`, then sliceToEnd returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=4) == \"efg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-2) == \"fg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=7) == \"\"\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 115:53 posCursor:[115:53] posNoWhite:[115:52] Found expr:[115:46->115:53] @@ -512,8 +716,20 @@ Path v ContextPath Value[x] Path x ContextPath int -Path Int.toSt -[] +Path Stdlib.Int.toSt +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 123:26 posCursor:[123:26] posNoWhite:[123:25] Found expr:[123:3->123:37] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt index 708c0e6ccf..b80f946092 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt @@ -5,8 +5,20 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath Value[someString]->st ContextPath Value[someString] Path someString -Path -[] +Path +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 13:21 posCursor:[13:21] posNoWhite:[13:20] Found expr:[8:13->33:3] @@ -21,7 +33,7 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath Value[someString]->st <> ContextPath Value[someString] Path someString -Path +Path [{ "label": "React.string", "kind": 12, @@ -30,6 +42,18 @@ Path "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `string` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 18:24 @@ -52,7 +76,7 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath Value[someString]->st <> ContextPath Value[someString] Path someString -Path +Path [{ "label": "React.string", "kind": 12, @@ -61,6 +85,18 @@ Path "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `string` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 20:27 @@ -82,7 +118,7 @@ Completable: Cpath string->st <> Package opens holder ContextPath string->st <> ContextPath string -Path +Path [{ "label": "React.string", "kind": 12, @@ -91,6 +127,18 @@ Path "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `string` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 22:40 @@ -136,7 +184,7 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath Value[someInt]-> <> ContextPath Value[someInt] Path someInt -Path Int. +Path Stdlib.Int. [{ "label": "", "kind": 12, @@ -145,6 +193,102 @@ Path Int. "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `int` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.equal", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, int) => bool", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.clamp", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(~min: int=?, ~max: int=?, int) => int", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`clamp(~min=?, ~max=?, value)` returns `value`, optionally bounded by `min` and `max`.\n\nif `max` < `min` returns `min`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.clamp(42) == 42\nInt.clamp(42, ~min=50) == 50\nInt.clamp(42, ~max=40) == 40\nInt.clamp(42, ~min=50, ~max=40) == 50\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixedWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} + }, { + "label": "", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, int) => Stdlib_Ordering.t", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.range", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, int, ~options: rangeOptions=?) => array", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`range(start, end, ~options=?)` returns an int array of the sequence of integers in the\nrange `[start, end)`. That is, including `start` but excluding `end`.\n\nIf `step` is not set and `start < end`, the sequence will be increasing in steps of 1.\n\nIf `step` is not set and `start > end`, the sequence will be decreasing in steps of -1.\n\nIf `step` is set, the sequence will increase or decrease by that amount for each\nstep. If `start < end` and `step` is negative, or vice versa, an empty array is\nreturned since the sequence would otherwise never reach or exceed the end value\nand hence be infinite. If `step` is `0` and `start !=` end, a `RangeError` is\nraised as the sequence would never reach or exceed the end value and hence be\ninfinite.\n\nIf `inclusive` is set to `true`, the sequence will include `end` if `step` is\nset such that the sequence includes it.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.range(3, 6) == [3, 4, 5]\nInt.range(-3, -1) == [-3, -2]\nInt.range(3, 1) == [3, 2]\nInt.range(3, 7, ~options={step: 2}) == [3, 5]\nInt.range(3, 7, ~options={step: 2, inclusive: true}) == [3, 5, 7]\nInt.range(3, 6, ~options={step: -2}) // RangeError\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- Raises `RangeError` if `step == 0 && start != end`.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFloat", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "int => float", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.mod", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, int) => int", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mod(n1, n2)` calculates the modulo (remainder after division) of two integers.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.mod(7, 4) == 3\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.rangeWithOptions", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, int, rangeOptions) => array", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `range` instead\n\n\n`rangeWithOptions(start, end, options)` is like `range`, but with `step` and\n`inclusive` options configurable.\n\nIf `step` is set, the sequence will increase or decrease by that amount for each\nstep. If `start < end` and `step` is negative, or vice versa, an empty array is\nreturned since the sequence would otherwise never reach or exceed the end value\nand hence be infinite. If `step` is `0` and `start !=` end, a `RangeError` is\nraised as the sequence would never reach or exceed the end value and hence be\ninfinite.\n\nIf `inclusive` is set to `true`, the sequence will include `end` if `step` is\nset such that the sequence includes it.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 7, {step: 2}) == [3, 5]\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 7, {step: 2, inclusive: true}) == [3, 5, 7]\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 6, {step: -2}) // RangeError\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- Raises `RangeError` if `step == 0 && start != end`.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toLocaleString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "int => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponential", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixed", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixed(123456) // \"123456.00\"\nInt.toFixed(10) // \"10.00\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 26:14 @@ -166,7 +310,7 @@ Completable: Cpath int-> <> Package opens holder ContextPath int-> <> ContextPath int -Path Int. +Path Stdlib.Int. [{ "label": "", "kind": 12, @@ -175,6 +319,102 @@ Path Int. "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `int` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.equal", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, int) => bool", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.clamp", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(~min: int=?, ~max: int=?, int) => int", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`clamp(~min=?, ~max=?, value)` returns `value`, optionally bounded by `min` and `max`.\n\nif `max` < `min` returns `min`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.clamp(42) == 42\nInt.clamp(42, ~min=50) == 50\nInt.clamp(42, ~max=40) == 40\nInt.clamp(42, ~min=50, ~max=40) == 50\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixedWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} + }, { + "label": "", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, int) => Stdlib_Ordering.t", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.range", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, int, ~options: rangeOptions=?) => array", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`range(start, end, ~options=?)` returns an int array of the sequence of integers in the\nrange `[start, end)`. That is, including `start` but excluding `end`.\n\nIf `step` is not set and `start < end`, the sequence will be increasing in steps of 1.\n\nIf `step` is not set and `start > end`, the sequence will be decreasing in steps of -1.\n\nIf `step` is set, the sequence will increase or decrease by that amount for each\nstep. If `start < end` and `step` is negative, or vice versa, an empty array is\nreturned since the sequence would otherwise never reach or exceed the end value\nand hence be infinite. If `step` is `0` and `start !=` end, a `RangeError` is\nraised as the sequence would never reach or exceed the end value and hence be\ninfinite.\n\nIf `inclusive` is set to `true`, the sequence will include `end` if `step` is\nset such that the sequence includes it.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.range(3, 6) == [3, 4, 5]\nInt.range(-3, -1) == [-3, -2]\nInt.range(3, 1) == [3, 2]\nInt.range(3, 7, ~options={step: 2}) == [3, 5]\nInt.range(3, 7, ~options={step: 2, inclusive: true}) == [3, 5, 7]\nInt.range(3, 6, ~options={step: -2}) // RangeError\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- Raises `RangeError` if `step == 0 && start != end`.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFloat", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "int => float", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.mod", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, int) => int", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mod(n1, n2)` calculates the modulo (remainder after division) of two integers.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.mod(7, 4) == 3\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.rangeWithOptions", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, int, rangeOptions) => array", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `range` instead\n\n\n`rangeWithOptions(start, end, options)` is like `range`, but with `step` and\n`inclusive` options configurable.\n\nIf `step` is set, the sequence will increase or decrease by that amount for each\nstep. If `start < end` and `step` is negative, or vice versa, an empty array is\nreturned since the sequence would otherwise never reach or exceed the end value\nand hence be infinite. If `step` is `0` and `start !=` end, a `RangeError` is\nraised as the sequence would never reach or exceed the end value and hence be\ninfinite.\n\nIf `inclusive` is set to `true`, the sequence will include `end` if `step` is\nset such that the sequence includes it.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 7, {step: 2}) == [3, 5]\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 7, {step: 2, inclusive: true}) == [3, 5, 7]\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 6, {step: -2}) // RangeError\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- Raises `RangeError` if `step == 0 && start != end`.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toLocaleString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "int => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponential", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixed", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixed(123456) // \"123456.00\"\nInt.toFixed(10) // \"10.00\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 28:20 @@ -197,7 +437,7 @@ Package opens holder ContextPath Value[someArr]->a <> ContextPath Value[someArr] Path someArr -Path Array.a +Path Stdlib.Array.a [{ "label": "React.array", "kind": 12, @@ -206,6 +446,12 @@ Path Array.a "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `array` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 + }, { + "label": "", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => option<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`at(array, index)`\n\nGet an element by its index. Negative indices count backwards from the last item.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"a\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"c\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(None)\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"c\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"a\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(None)\n```\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 30:12 @@ -424,7 +670,7 @@ ContextPath string.s ContextPath string ContextPath string->s <> ContextPath string -Path String.s +Path Stdlib.String.s [{ "label": "->React.string", "kind": 12, @@ -438,5 +684,161 @@ Path String.s "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "startsWith", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.String.splitAtMost", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string, ~limit: int) => array", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`splitAtMost(str, delimiter, ~limit)` splits the given `str` at every\noccurrence of `delimiter` and returns an array of the first `limit` resulting\nsubstrings. If `limit` is negative or greater than the number of substrings,\nthe array will contain all the substrings.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.splitAtMost(\"ant/bee/cat/dog/elk\", \"/\", ~limit=3) == [\"ant\", \"bee\", \"cat\"]\nString.splitAtMost(\"ant/bee/cat/dog/elk\", \"/\", ~limit=0) == []\nString.splitAtMost(\"ant/bee/cat/dog/elk\", \"/\", ~limit=9) == [\"ant\", \"bee\", \"cat\", \"dog\", \"elk\"]\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "splitAtMost", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.splitAtMost", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.String.searchOpt", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => option", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`searchOpt(str, regexp)`. Like `search`, but return an `option`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.searchOpt(\"testing 1 2 3\", %re(\"/\\d+/\")) == Some(8)\nString.searchOpt(\"no numbers\", %re(\"/\\d+/\")) == None\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "searchOpt", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.searchOpt", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.String.splitByRegExpAtMost", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(\n string,\n Stdlib_RegExp.t,\n ~limit: int,\n) => array>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`splitByRegExpAtMost(str, regexp, ~limit)` splits the given `str` at every\noccurrence of `regexp` and returns an array of the first `limit` resulting\nsubstrings. If `limit` is negative or greater than the number of substrings, the\narray will contain all the substrings.\nSee [`String.split`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.splitByRegExpAtMost(\"Hello World. How are you doing?\", %re(\"/ /\"), ~limit=3) == [\n Some(\"Hello\"),\n Some(\"World.\"),\n Some(\"How\"),\n]\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "splitByRegExpAtMost", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.splitByRegExpAtMost", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.String.slice", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "slice", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.slice", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.String.sliceToEnd", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` starting at character\n`start` to the end of the string.\n- If `start` is negative, then it is evaluated as `length(str - start)`.\n- If `start` is greater than the length of `str`, then sliceToEnd returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=4) == \"efg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-2) == \"fg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=7) == \"\"\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "sliceToEnd", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.sliceToEnd", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.String.setSymbol", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, Stdlib_Symbol.t, 'a) => unit", + "documentation": null, + "sortText": "setSymbol", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.setSymbol", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.String.splitByRegExp", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => array>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`splitByRegExp(str, regexp)` splits the given `str` at every occurrence of\n`regexp` and returns an array of the resulting substrings.\nSee [`String.split`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.splitByRegExp(\"Jan,Feb,Mar\", %re(\"/,/\")) == [Some(\"Jan\"), Some(\"Feb\"), Some(\"Mar\")]\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "splitByRegExp", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.splitByRegExp", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "startsWithFrom", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.String.split", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string) => array", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`split(str, delimiter)` splits the given `str` at every occurrence of\n`delimiter` and returns an array of the resulting substrings.\nSee [`String.split`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.split(\"2018-01-02\", \"-\") == [\"2018\", \"01\", \"02\"]\nString.split(\"a,b,,c\", \",\") == [\"a\", \"b\", \"\", \"c\"]\nString.split(\"good::bad as great::awful\", \"::\") == [\"good\", \"bad as great\", \"awful\"]\nString.split(\"has-no-delimiter\", \";\") == [\"has-no-delimiter\"]\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "split", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.split", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.String.substring", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`substring(str, ~start, ~end)` returns characters `start` up to but not\nincluding end from `str`.\n- If `start` is less than zero, it is treated as zero.\n- If `end` is zero or negative, the empty string is returned.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, the `start` and `end` points are swapped.\nSee [`String.substring`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.substring(\"playground\", ~start=3, ~end=6) == \"ygr\"\nString.substring(\"playground\", ~start=6, ~end=3) == \"ygr\"\nString.substring(\"playground\", ~start=4, ~end=12) == \"ground\"\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "substring", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.substring", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => int", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`search(str, regexp)` returns the starting position of the first match of\n`regexp` in the given `str`, or -1 if there is no match.\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\\"testing 1 2 3\", %re(\"/\\d+/\")) == 8\\"no numbers\", %re(\"/\\d+/\")) == -1\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "search", + "insertText": "->", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.String.substringToEnd", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`substringToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` from position\n`start` to the end.\n- If `start` is less than or equal to zero, the entire string is returned.\n- If `start` is greater than or equal to the length of `str`, the empty string\nis returned.\nSee [`String.substring`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.substringToEnd(\"playground\", ~start=4) == \"ground\"\nString.substringToEnd(\"playground\", ~start=-3) == \"playground\"\nString.substringToEnd(\"playground\", ~start=12) == \"\"\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "substringToEnd", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.substringToEnd", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, + "newText": "" + }] }] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt index f4b01e924b..6bea8af952 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt @@ -267,8 +267,68 @@ ContextPath Value[Belt, Array, reduce](Nolabel, Nolabel, Nolabel)->t ContextPath Value[Belt, Array, reduce](Nolabel, Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Belt, Array, reduce] Path Belt.Array.reduce -Path Int.t -[] +Path Stdlib.Int.t +[{ + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixedWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecision", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFloat", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "int => float", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toLocaleString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "int => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponential", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixed", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFixed(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixed(123456) // \"123456.00\"\nInt.toFixed(10) // \"10.00\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixed(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 70:12 posCursor:[70:12] posNoWhite:[70:11] Found expr:[70:3->0:-1] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt index 739d3edbe0..aed8f54c53 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt @@ -210,8 +210,44 @@ Path ffff ContextPath Value[ffff]->u ContextPath Value[ffff] Path ffff -Path Array.u -[] +Path Stdlib.Array.u +[{ + "label": "->Stdlib.Array.unshiftMany", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, array<'a>) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`unshiftMany(array, itemsArray)` inserts many new items to the start of the array.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.push`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nsomeArray->Array.unshiftMany([\"yay\", \"wehoo\"])\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"yay\", \"wehoo\", \"hi\", \"hello\"])\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "unshiftMany", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.Array.unshiftMany", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 75, "character": 7}, "end": {"line": 75, "character": 8}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.Array.unshift", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`unshift(array, item)` inserts a new item at the start of the array.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.unshift`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nsomeArray->Array.unshift(\"yay\")\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"yay\", \"hi\", \"hello\"])\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "unshift", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.Array.unshift", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 75, "character": 7}, "end": {"line": 75, "character": 8}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Stdlib.Array.unsafe_get", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => 'a", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use getUnsafe instead. This will be removed in v13\n\n\n`unsafe_get(array, index)` returns the element at `index` of `array`.\n\nThis is _unsafe_, meaning it will return `undefined` value if `index` does not exist in `array`.\n\nUse `Array.unsafe_get` only when you are sure the `index` exists (i.e. when using for-loop).\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [1, 2, 3]\nfor index in 0 to array->Array.length - 1 {\n let value = array->Array.unsafe_get(index)\n Console.log(value)\n}\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "unsafe_get", + "insertText": "->Stdlib.Array.unsafe_get", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 75, "character": 7}, "end": {"line": 75, "character": 8}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }] Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 80:7 posCursor:[80:7] posNoWhite:[80:6] Found expr:[80:3->80:7] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt index 22cb8fcb45..f8550ead10 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt @@ -11,8 +11,20 @@ ContextPath Value[t] Path t CPPipe pathFromEnv: found:true Path RecordCompletion.n -Path Array.m -[] +Path Stdlib.Array.m +[{ + "label": "", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Array.mapWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/RecordCompletion.res 11:13 posCursor:[11:13] posNoWhite:[11:12] Found expr:[11:3->11:13] @@ -39,8 +51,20 @@ CPPipe pathFromEnv: found:true Path RecordCompletion.n2 CPPipe pathFromEnv: found:true Path RecordCompletion.n -Path Array.m -[] +Path Stdlib.Array.m +[{ + "label": "", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Stdlib.Array.mapWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/RecordCompletion.res 19:7 posCursor:[19:7] posNoWhite:[19:6] Found expr:[19:3->19:7] From 3b0807d7f1f78fc10805a8041218a725a7fd47e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gabriel Nordeborn Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 19:02:33 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 06/13] pick up another regex completion --- analysis/src/ | 1 + .../tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt | 8 ++++++++ 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+) diff --git a/analysis/src/ b/analysis/src/ index dbb2382b5b..1d618ae9ed 100644 --- a/analysis/src/ +++ b/analysis/src/ @@ -1452,6 +1452,7 @@ let rec completeTypedValue ?(typeArgContext : typeArgContext option) ~rawOpens let completionItems = match path with | Pdot (Pdot (Pident {name = "Js"}, "Re", _), "t", _) + | Pdot (Pdot (Pident {name = "Stdlib"}, "RegExp", _), "t", _) | Pdot (Pident {name = "RegExp"}, "t", _) -> (* regexps *) create "//g" ~insertText:"/$0/g" ~includesSnippets:true diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt index c1fbcd0784..5dcf659488 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt @@ -1259,6 +1259,14 @@ ContextPath CArgument Value[mkStuff]($0) ContextPath Value[mkStuff] Path mkStuff [{ + "label": "//g", + "kind": 4, + "tags": [], + "detail": "Regular expression", + "documentation": null, + "insertText": "/$0/g", + "insertTextFormat": 2 + }, { "label": "Stdlib.RegExp.fromString()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], From c88bd9abd024b03cae849a3489ed7ea46eed2643 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gabriel Nordeborn Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 20:06:22 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 07/13] handle nopervasives, and open Stdlib by default --- analysis/src/ | 43 +- .../ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt | 3 +- .../ConstructorCompletion__Own.res.txt | 1 - .../tests/{bsconfig.json => rescript.json} | 0 .../src/expected/BrokenParserCases.res.txt | 9 +- .../src/expected/CompletePrioritize1.res.txt | 3 +- .../src/expected/CompletePrioritize2.res.txt | 6 +- .../tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt | 939 ++++++++++++++---- .../src/expected/CompletionAttributes.res.txt | 39 +- .../src/expected/CompletionDicts.res.txt | 46 +- .../expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt | 262 +++-- .../src/expected/CompletionFromModule.res.txt | 16 +- .../expected/CompletionFromModule2.res.txt | 13 +- .../CompletionFunctionArguments.res.txt | 99 +- .../expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt | 191 ++-- .../tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt | 211 ++-- .../src/expected/CompletionJsxProps.res.txt | 61 +- ...mpletionMultipleEditorCompleteFrom.res.txt | 3 +- .../src/expected/CompletionObjects.res.txt | 3 +- .../src/expected/CompletionPattern.res.txt | 156 ++- .../src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt | 82 +- .../expected/CompletionPipeProperty.res.txt | 3 +- .../expected/CompletionPipeSubmodules.res.txt | 12 +- .../expected/CompletionTaggedTemplate.res.txt | 6 +- .../expected/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res.txt | 63 +- .../src/expected/CompletionTypeT.res.txt | 42 +- .../tests/src/expected/Cross.res.txt | 3 +- .../tests/src/expected/Debug.res.txt | 4 +- .../tests/src/expected/Destructuring.res.txt | 15 +- .../tests/src/expected/Div.res.txt | 3 +- .../expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt | 175 +++- .../tests/src/expected/EnvCompletion.res.txt | 48 +- .../src/expected/ExhaustiveSwitch.res.txt | 33 +- .../tests/src/expected/Firebase.res.txt | 4 +- .../tests/src/expected/Fragment.res.txt | 3 +- .../tests/src/expected/Hover.res.txt | 39 +- .../tests/src/expected/Jsx2.res.txt | 111 ++- .../tests/src/expected/Jsx2.resi.txt | 6 +- .../tests/src/expected/JsxV4.res.txt | 3 +- .../src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt | 20 +- .../tests/src/expected/RecoveryOnProp.res.txt | 9 +- .../tests/src/expected/Reprod.res.txt | 21 +- .../tests/src/expected/RxjsCompletion.res.txt | 7 +- .../tests/src/expected/SignatureHelp.res.txt | 51 +- .../tests/src/expected/TypeArgCtx.res.txt | 3 +- .../src/expected/TypeAtPosCompletion.res.txt | 9 +- .../tests/src/expected/Xform.res.txt | 72 +- 47 files changed, 2156 insertions(+), 795 deletions(-) rename tests/analysis_tests/tests/{bsconfig.json => rescript.json} (100%) diff --git a/analysis/src/ b/analysis/src/ index 4bdeaa79b6..dd04ee170f 100644 --- a/analysis/src/ +++ b/analysis/src/ @@ -115,26 +115,35 @@ let newBsPackage ~rootPath = let path = [FindFiles.nameSpaceToName namespace] in [path] in + let bind f x = Option.bind x f in + let bsc_flags = + Json.get "bsc-flags" config + |> bind Json.array |> Option.value ~default:[] + in + let no_pervasives = + bsc_flags + |> List.exists (fun s -> Json.string s = Some "-nopervasives") + in let opens_from_bsc_flags = - let bind f x = Option.bind x f in - match Json.get "bsc-flags" config |> bind Json.array with - | Some l -> - List.fold_left - (fun opens item -> - match item |> Json.string with - | None -> opens - | Some s -> ( - let parts = String.split_on_char ' ' s in - match parts with - | "-open" :: name :: _ -> - let path = name |> String.split_on_char '.' in - path :: opens - | _ -> opens)) - [] l - | None -> [] + List.fold_left + (fun opens item -> + match item |> Json.string with + | None -> opens + | Some s -> ( + let parts = String.split_on_char ' ' s in + match parts with + | "-open" :: name :: _ -> + let path = name |> String.split_on_char '.' in + path :: opens + | _ -> opens)) + [] bsc_flags + in + let opens_from_pervasives = + if no_pervasives then [] + else [["Stdlib"]; ["Pervasives"; "JsxModules"]] in let opens = - ["Pervasives"; "JsxModules"] :: opens_from_namespace + opens_from_pervasives @ opens_from_namespace |> List.rev_append opens_from_bsc_flags |> (fun path -> path @ ["place holder"]) in diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt index f8ec1d135a..a313dd4f09 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt @@ -4,14 +4,13 @@ Pexp_construct Js Json Array:[0:8->0:21] [0:21->0:23] Completable: Cexpression CTypeAtPos()->variantPayload::Array($0) -Package opens holder ContextPath CTypeAtPos() [{ "label": "[]", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "t", - "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": " The JSON data structure \n\n```rescript\n@unboxed\ntype t =\n | Boolean(bool)\n | @as(null) Null\n | String(string)\n | Number(float)\n | Object(dict)\n | Array(array)\n```"}, + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": " \nA type representing a JSON object.\n\n\n```rescript\n@unboxed\ntype t =\n | Boolean(bool)\n | @as(null) Null\n | String(string)\n | Number(float)\n | Object(dict)\n | Array(array)\n```"}, "sortText": "A", "insertText": "[$0]", "insertTextFormat": 2 diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Own.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Own.res.txt index 670bfc7bc2..3dca89a8e3 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Own.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Own.res.txt @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ posCursor:[4:24] posNoWhite:[4:23] Found expr:[4:8->4:25] Pexp_construct WithVariant One:[4:8->4:23] [4:23->4:25] Completable: Cexpression CTypeAtPos()->variantPayload::One($0) -Package opens holder ContextPath CTypeAtPos() [{ "label": "{}", diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/bsconfig.json b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/rescript.json similarity index 100% rename from tests/analysis_tests/tests/bsconfig.json rename to tests/analysis_tests/tests/rescript.json diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/BrokenParserCases.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/BrokenParserCases.res.txt index 821b3b35f8..9a1b5290d7 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/BrokenParserCases.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/BrokenParserCases.res.txt @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Complete src/BrokenParserCases.res 2:24 posCursor:[2:24] posNoWhite:[2:23] Found expr:[2:11->2:30] Pexp_apply ...[2:11->2:17] (~isOff2:19->2:24=...[2:27->2:29]) Completable: CnamedArg(Value[someFn], isOff, [isOff]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someFn] Path someFn [] @@ -10,7 +11,8 @@ Path someFn Complete src/BrokenParserCases.res 6:17 posCursor:[6:17] posNoWhite:[6:16] Found pattern:[6:16->6:19] Completable: Cpattern Value[s]=t -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[s] Path s [] @@ -20,7 +22,8 @@ posCursor:[10:29] posNoWhite:[10:27] Found pattern:[10:24->10:39] posCursor:[10:29] posNoWhite:[10:27] Found pattern:[10:24->10:28] Ppat_construct None:[10:24->10:28] Completable: Cpath Value[None] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[None] Path None [] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletePrioritize1.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletePrioritize1.res.txt index d81addd6eb..e983edc102 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletePrioritize1.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletePrioritize1.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/CompletePrioritize1.res 6:6 posCursor:[6:6] posNoWhite:[6:5] Found expr:[6:3->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[a]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[a]-> ContextPath Value[a] Path a diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletePrioritize2.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletePrioritize2.res.txt index 0e9aaa3e64..7d49d20ef3 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletePrioritize2.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletePrioritize2.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/CompletePrioritize2.res 9:7 posCursor:[9:7] posNoWhite:[9:6] Found expr:[9:3->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[ax]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[ax]-> ContextPath Value[ax] Path ax @@ -19,7 +20,8 @@ Complete src/CompletePrioritize2.res 12:5 posCursor:[12:5] posNoWhite:[12:4] Found expr:[12:3->12:5] Pexp_ident ax:[12:3->12:5] Completable: Cpath Value[ax] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[ax] Path ax [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt index 7bfd8bea34..c388dfad00 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Completion.res.txt @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 1:11 posCursor:[1:11] posNoWhite:[1:10] Found expr:[1:3->1:11] Pexp_ident MyList.m:[1:3->1:11] Completable: Cpath Value[MyList, m] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[MyList, m] Path MyList.m [{ @@ -41,25 +42,544 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 3:9 posCursor:[3:9] posNoWhite:[3:8] Found expr:[3:3->3:9] Pexp_ident Array.:[3:3->3:9] Completable: Cpath Value[Array, ""] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Array, ""] Path Array. -[] +[{ + "label": "splice", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(\n array<'a>,\n ~start: int,\n ~remove: int,\n ~insert: array<'a>,\n) => unit", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "concat", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, array<'a>) => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`concat(array1, array2)` concatenates the two arrays, creating a new array.\n\nSee [`Array.concat`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array1 = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nlet array2 = [\"yay\", \"wehoo\"]\n\nlet someArray = array1->Array.concat(array2)\n\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hi\", \"hello\", \"yay\", \"wehoo\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "filterMap", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => option<'b>) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`filterMap(array, fn)`\n\nCalls `fn` for each element and returns a new array containing results of the `fn` calls which are not `None`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n->Array.filterMap(item =>\n switch item {\n | \"Hello\" => Some(item->String.length)\n | _ => None\n }\n)\n->assertEqual([5])\n\n[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n->Array.filterMap(n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n * n) : None)\n->assertEqual([4, 16, 36])\n\nArray.filterMap([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], _ => None)->assertEqual([])\n\nArray.filterMap([], n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n * n) : None)->assertEqual([])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "shift", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array<'a> => option<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`shift(array)` removes the first item in the array, and returns it.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.shift`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\n\nsomeArray\n->Array.shift\n->assertEqual(Some(\"hi\"))\n\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hello\"]) // Notice first item is gone.\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "findMap", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => option<'b>) => option<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`findMap(arr, fn)`\n\nCalls `fn` for each element and returns the first value from `fn` that is `Some(_)`.\nOtherwise returns `None`\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.findMap([1, 2, 3], n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n - 2) : None)->assertEqual(Some(0))\n\nArray.findMap([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n - 8) : None)->assertEqual(Some(-6))\n\nArray.findMap([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], _ => None)->assertEqual(None)\n\nArray.findMap([], n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n * n) : None)->assertEqual(None)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "concatMany", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, array>) => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`concatMany(array1, arrays)` concatenates array1 with several other arrays, creating a new array.\n\nSee [`Array.concat`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n```rescript\nlet array1 = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nlet array2 = [\"yay\"]\nlet array3 = [\"wehoo\"]\n\nlet someArray = array1->Array.concatMany([array2, array3])\n\nConsole.log(someArray) // [\"hi\", \"hello\", \"yay\", \"wehoo\"]\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "joinWith", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(array, string) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `join` instead\n\n\n`joinWith(array, separator)` produces a string where all items of `array` are printed, separated by `separator`. Array items must be strings, to join number or other arrays, use `joinWithUnsafe`. Under the hood this will run JavaScript's `toString` on all the array items.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"One\", \"Two\", \"Three\"]\n->Array.joinWith(\" -- \")\n->assertEqual(\"One -- Two -- Three\")\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "joinWithUnsafe", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(array<'a>, string) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `joinUnsafe` instead\n\n\n`joinWithUnsafe(array, separator)` produces a string where all items of `array` are printed, separated by `separator`. Under the hood this will run JavaScript's `toString` on all the array items.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3]\n->Array.joinWithUnsafe(\" -- \")\n->assertEqual(\"1 -- 2 -- 3\")\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "reduceRight", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'b, ('b, 'a) => 'b) => 'b", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`reduceRight(xs, init, fn)`\n\nWorks like `Array.reduce`; except that function `fn` is applied to each item of `xs` from the last back to the first.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.reduceRight([\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\"], \"\", (a, b) => a ++ b)->assertEqual(\"dcba\")\n\nArray.reduceRight([1, 2, 3], list{}, List.add)->assertEqual(list{1, 2, 3})\n\nArray.reduceRight([], list{}, List.add)->assertEqual(list{})\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "reduceRightWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'b, ('b, 'a, int) => 'b) => 'b", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`reduceRightWithIndex(xs, init, fn)`\n\nLike `reduceRight`, but with an additional index argument on the callback function.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.reduceRightWithIndex([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, (acc, x, i) => acc + x + i)->assertEqual(16)\n\nArray.reduceRightWithIndex([], list{}, (acc, v, i) => list{v + i, ...acc})->assertEqual(list{})\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "toShuffled", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array<'a> => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toShuffled(array)` returns a new array with all items in `array` in a random order.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet shuffledArray = array->Array.toShuffled\nConsole.log(shuffledArray)\n\nArray.toShuffled([1, 2, 3])\n->Array.length\n->assertEqual(3)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "getSymbol", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, Stdlib_Symbol.t) => option<'b>", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "getSymbolUnsafe", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, Stdlib_Symbol.t) => 'b", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "findIndexOpt", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => option", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`findIndexOpt(array, checker)` returns the index of the first element of `array` where the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nReturns `None` if no item matches.\n\nSee [`Array.findIndex`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype languages = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [ReScript, TypeScript, JavaScript]\n\narray\n->Array.findIndexOpt(item => item == ReScript)\n->assertEqual(Some(0))\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "shuffle", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array<'a> => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`shuffle(array)` randomizes the position of all items in `array`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\narray->Array.shuffle\nConsole.log(array)\n\nlet array2 = [1, 2, 3]\narray2->Array.shuffle\n\narray2\n->Array.length\n->assertEqual(3)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "copy", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array<'a> => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`copy(array)` makes a copy of the array with the items in it, but does not make copies of the items themselves.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet myArray = [1, 2, 3]\nlet copyOfMyArray = myArray->Array.copy\n\ncopyOfMyArray->assertEqual([1, 2, 3])\nassertEqual(myArray === copyOfMyArray, false)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "setUnsafe", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, int, 'a) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`setUnsafe(array, index, item)` sets the provided `item` at `index` of `array`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array, and is *unsafe*.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\narray->Array.setUnsafe(1, \"Hello\")\n\nassertEqual(array[1], Some(\"Hello\"))\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "findIndexWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => int", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`findIndexWithIndex(array, checker)` returns the index of the first element of `array` where the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nReturns `-1` if the item does not exist. Consider using `Array.findIndexOpt` if you want an option instead (where `-1` would be `None`).\n\nSee [`Array.findIndex`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype languages = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [ReScript, JavaScript]\n\nlet isReScriptFirst = array->Array.findIndexWithIndex((item, index) => index === 0 && item == ReScript)\nlet isTypeScriptFirst = array->Array.findIndexWithIndex((item, index) => index === 0 && item == TypeScript)\n\nassertEqual(isReScriptFirst, 0)\nassertEqual(isTypeScriptFirst, -1)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "someWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`someWithIndex(array, checker)` returns true if running the provided `checker` function on any element in `array` returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.some`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n\narray\n->Array.someWithIndex((greeting, index) => greeting === \"Hello\" && index === 0)\n->assertEqual(true)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "slice", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ~start: int, ~end: int) => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(array, ~start, ~end)` creates a new array of items copied from `array` from `start` until (but not including) `end`.\n\nSee [`Array.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.slice(~start=1, ~end=3)\n->assertEqual([2, 3])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "fillToEnd", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a, ~start: int) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`fillToEnd(array, value, ~start)` fills `array` with `value` from the `start` index.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.fill`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4]\nmyArray->Array.fillToEnd(9, ~start=1)\nmyArray->assertEqual([1, 9, 9, 9])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "includes", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`includes(array, item)` checks whether `array` includes `item`, by doing a [strict check for equality](\n\nSee [`Array.includes`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2]->Array.includes(1)->assertEqual(true)\n[1, 2]->Array.includes(3)->assertEqual(false)\n\n[{\"language\": \"ReScript\"}]\n->Array.includes({\"language\": \"ReScript\"})\n->assertEqual(false) // false, because of strict equality\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "fromInitializer", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(~length: int, int => 'a) => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`fromInitializer(~length, f)`\n\nCreates an array of length `length` initialized with the value returned from `f ` for each index.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.fromInitializer(~length=3, i => i + 3)->assertEqual([3, 4, 5])\n\nArray.fromInitializer(~length=7, i => i + 3)->assertEqual([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "find", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => option<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`find(array, checker)` returns the first element of `array` where the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.find`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype languages = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [ReScript, TypeScript, JavaScript]\n\narray\n->Array.find(item => item == ReScript)\n->assertEqual(Some(ReScript))\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "make", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(~length: int, 'a) => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`make(~length, init)`\n\nCreates an array of length `length` initialized with the value of `init`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.make(~length=3, #apple)->assertEqual([#apple, #apple, #apple])\nArray.make(~length=6, 7)->assertEqual([7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "lastIndexOfFrom", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a, int) => int", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "toLocaleString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array<'a> => string", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "toSpliced", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(\n array<'a>,\n ~start: int,\n ~remove: int,\n ~insert: array<'a>,\n) => array<'a>", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "sort", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sort(array, comparator)` sorts `array` in-place using the `comparator` function.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.sort`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [3, 2, 1]\narray->Array.sort((a, b) => float(a - b))\narray->assertEqual([1, 2, 3])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "length", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array<'a> => int", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`length(array)` returns the length of (i.e. number of items in) the array.\n\nSee [`Array.length`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\n\nsomeArray\n->Array.length\n->assertEqual(2)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "every", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`every(array, predicate)` returns true if `predicate` returns true for all items in `array`.\n\nSee [`Array.every`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [1, 2, 3, 4]\n\narray\n->Array.every(num => num <= 4)\n->assertEqual(true)\n\narray\n->Array.every(num => num === 1)\n->assertEqual(false)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "flat", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array> => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`flat(arrays)` concatenates an array of arrays into a single array.\n\nSee [`Array.flat`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[[1], [2], [3, 4]]\n->Array.flat\n->assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 4])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "map", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "with", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, int, 'a) => array<'a>", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "lastIndexOfOpt", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => option", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "toReversed", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array<'a> => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toReversed(array)` creates a new array with all items from `array` in reversed order.\n\nSee [`Array.toReversed`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nlet reversed = someArray->Array.toReversed\n\nreversed->assertEqual([\"hello\", \"hi\"])\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hi\", \"hello\"]) // Original unchanged\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "copyWithin", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(\n array<'a>,\n ~target: int,\n ~start: int,\n ~end: int,\n) => array<'a>", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "toString", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array<'a> => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(array)` stringifies `array` by running `toString` on all of the array elements and joining them with \",\".\n\nSee [`Array.toString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.toString\n->assertEqual(\"1,2,3,4\")\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "everyWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`everyWithIndex(array, checker)` returns true if all items in `array` returns true when running the provided `checker` function.\n\nSee [`Array.every`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [1, 2, 3, 4]\n\narray\n->Array.everyWithIndex((num, index) => index < 5 && num <= 4)\n->assertEqual(true)\n\narray\n->Array.everyWithIndex((num, index) => index < 2 && num >= 2)\n->assertEqual(false)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "fill", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a, ~start: int, ~end: int) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`fill(array, value, ~start, ~end)` fills `array` with `value` from `start` to `end`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.fill`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4]\n\nmyArray->Array.fill(9, ~start=1, ~end=3)\n\nmyArray->assertEqual([1, 9, 9, 4])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "findWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => option<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`findWithIndex(array, checker)` returns the first element of `array` where the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.find`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype languages = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [TypeScript, JavaScript, ReScript]\n\narray\n->Array.findWithIndex((item, index) => index > 1 && item == ReScript)\n->assertEqual(Some(ReScript))\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "reverse", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array<'a> => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`reverse(array)` reverses the order of the items in `array`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.reverse`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nsomeArray->Array.reverse\n\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hello\", \"hi\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "getUnsafe", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => 'a", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`getUnsafe(array, index)` returns the element at `index` of `array`.\n\nThis is _unsafe_, meaning it will return `undefined` value if `index` does not exist in `array`.\n\nUse `Array.getUnsafe` only when you are sure the `index` exists (i.e. when using for-loop).\n\n## Examples\n```rescript\nlet array = [1, 2, 3]\nfor index in 0 to array->Array.length - 1 {\n let value = array->Array.getUnsafe(index)\n Console.log(value)\n}\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "unshiftMany", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, array<'a>) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`unshiftMany(array, itemsArray)` inserts many new items to the start of the array.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.push`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nsomeArray->Array.unshiftMany([\"yay\", \"wehoo\"])\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"yay\", \"wehoo\", \"hi\", \"hello\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "lastIndexOf", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => int", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "filter", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`filter(array, checker)` returns a new array containing all elements from `array` for which the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.filter`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.filter(num => num > 2)\n->assertEqual([3, 4])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "compare", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(\n array<'a>,\n array<'a>,\n ('a, 'a) => Stdlib_Ordering.t,\n) => Stdlib_Ordering.t", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "join", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array, string) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`join(array, separator)` produces a string where all items of `array` are printed, separated by `separator`. Array items must be strings, to join number or other arrays, use `joinUnsafe`. Under the hood this will run JavaScript's `toString` on all the array items.\n\nSee [Array.join](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"One\", \"Two\", \"Three\"]\n->Array.join(\" -- \")\n->assertEqual(\"One -- Two -- Three\")\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "last", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array<'a> => option<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`last(array)` returns the last element of `array`.\n\nReturns `None` if the array is empty.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n->Array.last\n->assertEqual(Some(\"Good bye\"))\n\n[]\n->Array.last\n->assertEqual(None)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "isArray", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "'a => bool", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "indexOfOpt", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => option", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`indexOfOpt(array, item)` returns an option of the index of the provided `item` in `array`. Uses [strict check for equality]( when comparing items.\n\nSee [`Array.indexOf`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2]->Array.indexOfOpt(2)->assertEqual(Some(1))\n[1, 2]->Array.indexOfOpt(3)->assertEqual(None)\n[{\"language\": \"ReScript\"}]\n->Array.indexOfOpt({\"language\": \"ReScript\"})\n->assertEqual(None) // None, because of strict equality\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "forEachWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => unit) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`forEachWithIndex(array, fn)` runs the provided `fn` on every element of `array`.\n\nSee [`Array.forEach`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n\narray->Array.forEachWithIndex((item, index) => {\n Console.log(\"At item \" ++ Int.toString(index) ++ \": \" ++ item)\n})\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "reduce", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'b, ('b, 'a) => 'b) => 'b", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`reduce(xs, init, fn)`\n\nApplies `fn` to each element of `xs` from beginning to end. Function `fn` has two parameters: the item from the list and an “accumulator”; which starts with a value of `init`. `reduce` returns the final value of the accumulator.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.reduce([2, 3, 4], 1, (a, b) => a + b)->assertEqual(10)\n\nArray.reduce([\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\"], \"\", (a, b) => a ++ b)->assertEqual(\"abcd\")\n\n[1, 2, 3]\n->Array.reduce(list{}, List.add)\n->assertEqual(list{3, 2, 1})\n\nArray.reduce([], list{}, List.add)->assertEqual(list{})\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "sliceToEnd", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ~start: int) => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(array, start)` creates a new array from `array`, with all items from `array` starting from `start`.\n\nSee [`Array.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.sliceToEnd(~start=1)\n->assertEqual([2, 3, 4])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "fromArrayLikeWithMap", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(arrayLike<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "fillAll", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`fillAll(array, value)` fills the entire `array` with `value`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.fill`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4]\nmyArray->Array.fillAll(9)\nmyArray->assertEqual([9, 9, 9, 9])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "set", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, int, 'a) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`set(array, index, item)` sets the provided `item` at `index` of `array`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\narray->Array.set(1, \"Hello\")\n\narray[1]->assertEqual(Some(\"Hello\"))\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "filterWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`filterWithIndex(array, checker)` returns a new array containing all elements from `array` for which the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.filter`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.filterWithIndex((num, index) => index === 0 || num === 2)\n->assertEqual([1, 2])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "findIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => int", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`findIndex(array, checker)` returns the index of the first element of `array` where the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nReturns `-1` if the item does not exist. Consider using `Array.findIndexOpt` if you want an option instead (where `-1` would be `None`).\n\nSee [`Array.findIndex`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype languages = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [ReScript, JavaScript]\n\narray\n->Array.findIndex(item => item == ReScript)\n->assertEqual(0)\n\narray->Array.findIndex(item => item == TypeScript)\n->assertEqual(-1)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "setSymbol", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, Stdlib_Symbol.t, 'b) => unit", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "equal", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => bool) => bool", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "joinUnsafe", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, string) => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`joinUnsafe(array, separator)` produces a string where all items of `array` are printed, separated by `separator`. Under the hood this will run JavaScript's `toString` on all the array items.\n\nSee [Array.join](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3]\n->Array.joinUnsafe(\" -- \")\n->assertEqual(\"1 -- 2 -- 3\")\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "mapWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "flatMapWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => array<'b>) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`flatMapWithIndex(array, mapper)` returns a new array concatenating the arrays returned from running `mapper` on all items in `array`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype language = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [ReScript, TypeScript, JavaScript]\n\n\narray\n->Array.flatMapWithIndex((item, index) =>\n switch item {\n | ReScript => [index]\n | TypeScript => [index, index + 1]\n | JavaScript => [index, index + 1, index + 2]\n }\n)\n->assertEqual([0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "copyWithinToEnd", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ~target: int, ~start: int) => array<'a>", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "unshift", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`unshift(array, item)` inserts a new item at the start of the array.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.unshift`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nsomeArray->Array.unshift(\"yay\")\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"yay\", \"hi\", \"hello\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "indexOf", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => int", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`indexOf(array, item)` returns the index of the provided `item` in `array`. Uses [strict check for equality]( when comparing items.\n\nReturns `-1` if the item doesn not exist. Check out `Array.indexOfOpt` for a version that returns `None` instead of `-1` if the item does not exist.\n\nSee [`Array.indexOf`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2]->Array.indexOf(2)->assertEqual(1)\n[1, 2]->Array.indexOf(3)->assertEqual(-1)\n\n[{\"language\": \"ReScript\"}]\n->Array.indexOf({\"language\": \"ReScript\"})\n->assertEqual(-1) // -1, because of strict equality\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "push", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`push(array, item)` appends `item` to the end of `array`.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.push`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\n\nsomeArray->Array.push(\"yay\")\n\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hi\", \"hello\", \"yay\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "toSorted", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, 'a) => Stdlib_Ordering.t) => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toSorted(array, comparator)` returns a new, sorted array from `array`, using the `comparator` function.\n\nSee [`Array.toSorted`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [3, 2, 1]\n\nsomeArray\n->Array.toSorted(\n->assertEqual([1, 2, 3])\n\nsomeArray->assertEqual([3, 2, 1]) // Original unchanged\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "reduceWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'b, ('b, 'a, int) => 'b) => 'b", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`reduceWithIndex(x, init, fn)`\n\nApplies `fn` to each element of `xs` from beginning to end. Function `fn` has three parameters: the item from the array and an “accumulator”, which starts with a value of `init` and the index of each element. `reduceWithIndex` returns the final value of the accumulator.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.reduceWithIndex([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, (acc, x, i) => acc + x + i)->assertEqual(16)\n\nArray.reduceWithIndex([1, 2, 3], list{}, (acc, v, i) => list{v + i, ...acc})->assertEqual(list{5, 3, 1})\n\nArray.reduceWithIndex([], list{}, (acc, v, i) => list{v + i, ...acc})->assertEqual(list{})\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "some", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`some(array, predicate)` returns true if `predicate` returns true for any element in `array`.\n\nSee [`Array.some`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n\narray\n->Array.some(greeting => greeting === \"Hello\")\n->assertEqual(true)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "unsafe_get", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [1], + "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => 'a", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use getUnsafe instead. This will be removed in v13\n\n\n`unsafe_get(array, index)` returns the element at `index` of `array`.\n\nThis is _unsafe_, meaning it will return `undefined` value if `index` does not exist in `array`.\n\nUse `Array.unsafe_get` only when you are sure the `index` exists (i.e. when using for-loop).\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [1, 2, 3]\nfor index in 0 to array->Array.length - 1 {\n let value = array->Array.unsafe_get(index)\n Console.log(value)\n}\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "copyAllWithin", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ~target: int) => array<'a>", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "keepSome", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array> => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`keepSome(arr)`\n\nReturns a new array containing `value` for all elements that are `Some(value)`\nand ignoring every value that is `None`\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.keepSome([Some(1), None, Some(3)])->assertEqual([1, 3])\n\nArray.keepSome([Some(1), Some(2), Some(3)])->assertEqual([1, 2, 3])\n\nArray.keepSome([None, None, None])->assertEqual([])\n\nArray.keepSome([])->assertEqual([])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "at", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => option<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`at(array, index)`\n\nGet an element by its index. Negative indices count backwards from the last item.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"a\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"c\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(None)\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"c\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(Some(\"a\"))\n[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]->>assertEqual(None)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "pop", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "array<'a> => option<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`pop(array)` removes the last item from `array` and returns it.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.pop`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\n\nsomeArray\n->Array.pop\n->assertEqual(Some(\"hello\"))\n\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hi\"]) // Notice last item is gone.\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "get", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => option<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`get(array, index)` returns the element at `index` of `array`.\n\nReturns `None` if the index does not exist in the array. Equivalent to doing `array[index]` in JavaScript.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n\narray\n->Array.get(0)\n->assertEqual(Some(\"Hello\"))\n\narray\n->Array.get(3)\n->assertEqual(None)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "pushMany", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, array<'a>) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`pushMany(array, itemsArray)` appends many new items to the end of the array.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.push`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\n\nsomeArray->Array.pushMany([\"yay\", \"wehoo\"])\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"hi\", \"hello\", \"yay\", \"wehoo\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "fromIterator", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "Stdlib_Iterator.t<'a> => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`fromIterator(iterator)`\n\nCreates an array from the provided `iterator`\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nMap.fromArray([(\"foo\", 1), (\"bar\", 2)])\n->Map.values\n->Array.fromIterator\n->assertEqual([1, 2])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "forEach", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => unit) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`forEach(array, fn)` runs the provided `fn` on every element of `array`.\n\nSee [`Array.forEach`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n\narray->Array.forEach(item => {\n Console.log(item)\n})\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "flatMap", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => array<'b>) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`flatMap(array, mapper)` returns a new array concatenating the arrays returned from running `mapper` on all items in `array`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\ntype language = ReScript | TypeScript | JavaScript\n\nlet array = [ReScript, TypeScript, JavaScript]\n\narray\n->Array.flatMap(item =>\n switch item {\n | ReScript => [1, 2, 3]\n | TypeScript => [4, 5, 6]\n | JavaScript => [7, 8, 9]\n }\n)\n->assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "fromArrayLike", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "arrayLike<'a> => array<'a>", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "indexOfFrom", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a, int) => int", + "documentation": null + }] Complete src/Completion.res 5:10 posCursor:[5:10] posNoWhite:[5:9] Found expr:[5:3->5:10] Pexp_ident Array.m:[5:3->5:10] Completable: Cpath Value[Array, m] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Array, m] Path Array.m -[] +[{ + "label": "make", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(~length: int, 'a) => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`make(~length, init)`\n\nCreates an array of length `length` initialized with the value of `init`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nArray.make(~length=3, #apple)->assertEqual([#apple, #apple, #apple])\nArray.make(~length=6, 7)->assertEqual([7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "map", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "mapWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/Completion.res 15:17 posCursor:[15:17] posNoWhite:[15:16] Found expr:[15:12->15:17] Pexp_ident Dep.c:[15:12->15:17] Completable: Cpath Value[Dep, c] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Dep, c] Path Dep.c [{ @@ -74,7 +594,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 23:20 posCursor:[23:20] posNoWhite:[23:19] Found expr:[23:11->23:20] Pexp_apply ...[23:11->23:18] () Completable: CnamedArg(Value[Lib, foo], "", []) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Lib, foo] Path Found type for function (~age: int, ~name: string) => string @@ -95,18 +616,19 @@ Found type for function (~age: int, ~name: string) => string Complete src/Completion.res 26:13 posCursor:[26:13] posNoWhite:[26:12] Found expr:[26:3->26:13] Completable: Cpath array->m -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath array->m ContextPath array Path Stdlib.Array.m [{ - "label": "", + "label": "", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Array.mapWithIndex", + "label": "Array.mapWithIndex", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", @@ -116,12 +638,13 @@ Path Stdlib.Array.m Complete src/Completion.res 29:13 posCursor:[29:13] posNoWhite:[29:12] Found expr:[29:3->29:13] Completable: Cpath string->toU -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath string->toU ContextPath string Path Stdlib.String.toU [{ - "label": "Stdlib.String.toUpperCase", + "label": "String.toUpperCase", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "string => string", @@ -131,13 +654,14 @@ Path Stdlib.String.toU Complete src/Completion.res 34:8 posCursor:[34:8] posNoWhite:[34:7] Found expr:[34:3->34:8] Completable: Cpath Value[op]->e -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[op]->e ContextPath Value[op] Path op Path Stdlib.Option.e [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Option.equal", + "label": "Option.equal", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(option<'a>, option<'b>, ('a, 'b) => bool) => bool", @@ -149,7 +673,8 @@ posCursor:[44:7] posNoWhite:[44:6] Found expr:[44:3->54:3] Pexp_apply ...[50:9->50:10] (...[44:3->50:8], ...[51:2->54:3]) posCursor:[44:7] posNoWhite:[44:6] Found expr:[44:3->50:8] Completable: Cpath Value[fa]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[fa]-> ContextPath Value[fa] Path fa @@ -177,7 +702,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 59:30 posCursor:[59:30] posNoWhite:[59:29] Found expr:[59:15->59:30] JSX 59:21] second[59:22->59:28]=...[59:29->59:30]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [O, Comp] second=z -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [O, Comp] second Path O.Comp.make [{ @@ -192,7 +718,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 62:23 posCursor:[62:23] posNoWhite:[62:22] Found expr:[62:15->62:23] JSX 62:21] z[62:22->62:23]=...[62:22->62:23]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([O, Comp], z, [z]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path O.Comp.make [{ "label": "zoo", @@ -205,7 +732,8 @@ Path O.Comp.make Complete src/Completion.res 65:8 Attribute id:reac:[65:3->65:8] label:reac Completable: Cdecorator(reac) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "react.component", "kind": 4, @@ -220,7 +748,8 @@ posCursor:[68:10] posNoWhite:[68:9] Found expr:[0:-1->86:1] Pexp_apply ...[80:6->80:7] (...[80:8->86:1]) Attribute id:react.let:[68:3->80:3] label:react. Completable: Cdecorator(react.) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "component", "kind": 4, @@ -234,7 +763,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 71:27 posCursor:[71:27] posNoWhite:[71:26] Found expr:[71:11->71:27] Pexp_apply ...[71:11->71:18] (~name71:20->71:24=...[71:20->71:24]) Completable: CnamedArg(Value[Lib, foo], "", [name]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Lib, foo] Path Found type for function (~age: int, ~name: string) => string @@ -250,7 +780,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 74:26 posCursor:[74:26] posNoWhite:[74:25] Found expr:[74:11->74:26] Pexp_apply ...[74:11->74:18] (~age74:20->74:23=...[74:20->74:23]) Completable: CnamedArg(Value[Lib, foo], "", [age]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Lib, foo] Path Found type for function (~age: int, ~name: string) => string @@ -266,7 +797,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 77:32 posCursor:[77:32] posNoWhite:[77:31] Found expr:[77:11->77:32] Pexp_apply ...[77:11->77:18] (~age77:20->77:23=...[77:25->77:28]) Completable: CnamedArg(Value[Lib, foo], "", [age]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Lib, foo] Path Found type for function (~age: int, ~name: string) => string @@ -282,7 +814,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 82:5 posCursor:[82:5] posNoWhite:[82:4] Found expr:[80:8->86:1] Pexp_apply ...[80:8->80:15] (~age84:3->84:6=...[84:7->84:8], ~name85:3->85:7=...[85:8->85:10]) Completable: CnamedArg(Value[Lib, foo], "", [age, name]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Lib, foo] Path Found type for function (~age: int, ~name: string) => string @@ -292,7 +825,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 90:13 posCursor:[90:13] posNoWhite:[90:12] Found expr:[90:3->93:18] Pexp_send a[90:12->90:13] e:[90:3->90:10] Completable: Cpath Value[someObj]["a"] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someObj]["a"] ContextPath Value[someObj] Path someObj @@ -308,7 +842,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 95:24 posCursor:[95:24] posNoWhite:[95:23] Found expr:[95:3->99:6] Pexp_send [95:24->95:24] e:[95:3->95:22] Completable: Cpath Value[nestedObj]["x"]["y"][""] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[nestedObj]["x"]["y"][""] ContextPath Value[nestedObj]["x"]["y"] ContextPath Value[nestedObj]["x"] @@ -332,7 +867,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 99:7 posCursor:[99:7] posNoWhite:[99:6] Found expr:[99:3->102:20] Pexp_send a[99:6->99:7] e:[99:3->99:4] Completable: Cpath Value[o]["a"] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[o]["a"] ContextPath Value[o] Path o @@ -348,7 +884,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 104:17 posCursor:[104:17] posNoWhite:[104:16] Found expr:[104:3->125:19] Pexp_send [104:17->104:17] e:[104:3->104:15] Completable: Cpath Value[no]["x"]["y"][""] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[no]["x"]["y"][""] ContextPath Value[no]["x"]["y"] ContextPath Value[no]["x"] @@ -372,7 +909,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 110:5 posCursor:[110:5] posNoWhite:[110:4] Found expr:[110:3->110:5] Pexp_field [110:3->110:4] _:[116:0->110:5] Completable: Cpath Value[r]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[r]."" ContextPath Value[r] Path r @@ -399,7 +937,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 113:25 posCursor:[113:25] posNoWhite:[113:24] Found expr:[113:3->113:25] Pexp_field [113:3->113:24] _:[116:0->113:25] Completable: Cpath Value[Objects, Rec, recordVal]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Objects, Rec, recordVal]."" ContextPath Value[Objects, Rec, recordVal] Path Objects.Rec.recordVal @@ -428,7 +967,8 @@ posCursor:[120:7] posNoWhite:[120:6] Found expr:[120:5->122:5] posCursor:[120:7] posNoWhite:[120:6] Found expr:[120:5->120:7] Pexp_ident my:[120:5->120:7] Completable: Cpath Value[my] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[my] Path my [{ @@ -443,7 +983,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 125:19 posCursor:[125:19] posNoWhite:[125:18] Found expr:[125:3->145:32] Pexp_send [125:19->125:19] e:[125:3->125:17] Completable: Cpath Value[Objects, object][""] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Objects, object][""] ContextPath Value[Objects, object] Path Objects.object @@ -465,7 +1006,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 151:6 posCursor:[151:6] posNoWhite:[151:5] Found expr:[151:4->151:6] JSX 151:6] > _children:None Completable: Cpath Module[O, ""] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Module[O, ""] Path O. [{ @@ -480,7 +1022,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 157:8 posCursor:[157:8] posNoWhite:[157:7] Found expr:[157:3->157:8] Pexp_field [157:3->157:7] _:[165:0->157:8] Completable: Cpath Value[q].aa."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[q].aa."" ContextPath Value[q].aa ContextPath Value[q] @@ -519,7 +1062,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 159:9 posCursor:[159:9] posNoWhite:[159:8] Found expr:[159:3->159:9] Pexp_field [159:3->159:7] n:[159:8->159:9] Completable: Cpath Value[q].aa.n -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[q].aa.n ContextPath Value[q].aa ContextPath Value[q] @@ -552,16 +1096,24 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 162:6 posCursor:[162:6] posNoWhite:[162:5] Found expr:[162:3->162:6] Pexp_construct Lis:[162:3->162:6] None Completable: Cpath Value[Lis] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Lis] Path Lis -[] +[{ + "label": "List", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module List", + "documentation": null + }] Complete src/Completion.res 169:16 posCursor:[169:16] posNoWhite:[169:15] Found expr:[169:4->169:16] JSX 169:16] > _children:None Completable: Cpath Module[WithChildren] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Module[WithChildren] Path WithChildren [{ @@ -576,16 +1128,24 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 172:17 posCursor:[172:17] posNoWhite:[172:16] Found type:[172:12->172:17] Ptyp_constr Null.:[172:12->172:17] Completable: Cpath Type[Null, ""] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[Null, ""] Path Null. -[] +[{ + "label": "t", + "kind": 22, + "tags": [], + "detail": "type t", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\nA type representing a value that can be either `'a` or `null`.\n\n\n```rescript\n@unboxed\ntype t<'a> = Primitive_js_extern.null<'a> =\n | Value('a)\n | @as(null) Null\n```"} + }] Complete src/Completion.res 174:20 posCursor:[174:20] posNoWhite:[174:19] Found type:[174:12->174:20] Ptyp_constr ForAuto.:[174:12->174:20] Completable: Cpath Type[ForAuto, ""] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[ForAuto, ""] Path ForAuto. [{ @@ -600,7 +1160,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 179:13 posCursor:[179:13] posNoWhite:[179:12] Found expr:[179:11->179:13] Pexp_construct As:[179:11->179:13] None Completable: Cpath Value[As] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[As] Path As [{ @@ -609,12 +1170,19 @@ Path As "tags": [], "detail": "Asterix", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\nAsterix\n```\n\n```rescript\ntype z = Allo | Asterix | Baba\n```"} + }, { + "label": "AsyncIterator", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module AsyncIterator", + "documentation": null }] Complete src/Completion.res 182:17 Pmod_ident For:[182:14->182:17] Completable: Cpath Module[For] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Module[For] Path For [{ @@ -629,7 +1197,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 190:11 posCursor:[190:11] posNoWhite:[190:10] Found expr:[190:3->190:11] Pexp_ident Private.:[190:3->190:11] Completable: Cpath Value[Private, ""] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Private, ""] Path Private. [{ @@ -644,7 +1213,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 202:6 posCursor:[202:6] posNoWhite:[202:5] Found expr:[202:3->202:6] Pexp_ident sha:[202:3->202:6] Completable: Cpath Value[sha] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[sha] Path sha [] @@ -654,8 +1224,8 @@ posCursor:[205:6] posNoWhite:[205:5] Found expr:[205:3->205:6] Pexp_ident sha:[205:3->205:6] Completable: Cpath Value[sha] Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib Completion ContextPath Value[sha] Path sha [{ @@ -671,8 +1241,8 @@ posCursor:[208:6] posNoWhite:[208:5] Found expr:[208:3->208:6] Pexp_ident sha:[208:3->208:6] Completable: Cpath Value[sha] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[sha] Path sha [{ @@ -688,8 +1258,8 @@ posCursor:[221:22] posNoWhite:[221:21] Found expr:[221:3->224:22] Pexp_send [221:22->221:22] e:[221:3->221:20] Completable: Cpath Value[FAO, forAutoObject][""] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[FAO, forAutoObject][""] ContextPath Value[FAO, forAutoObject] Path FAO.forAutoObject @@ -712,8 +1282,8 @@ posCursor:[224:37] posNoWhite:[224:36] Found expr:[224:3->224:37] Pexp_field [224:3->224:36] _:[233:0->224:37] Completable: Cpath Value[FAO, forAutoObject]["forAutoLabel"]."" Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[FAO, forAutoObject]["forAutoLabel"]."" ContextPath Value[FAO, forAutoObject]["forAutoLabel"] ContextPath Value[FAO, forAutoObject] @@ -742,8 +1312,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 227:46 posCursor:[227:46] posNoWhite:[227:45] Found expr:[227:3->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[FAO, forAutoObject]["forAutoLabel"].forAuto-> Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[FAO, forAutoObject]["forAutoLabel"].forAuto-> ContextPath Value[FAO, forAutoObject]["forAutoLabel"].forAuto ContextPath Value[FAO, forAutoObject]["forAutoLabel"] @@ -777,8 +1347,8 @@ posCursor:[230:55] posNoWhite:[230:54] Found expr:[230:46->230:55] Pexp_ident ForAuto.a:[230:46->230:55] Completable: Cpath Value[ForAuto, a] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[ForAuto, a] Path ForAuto.a [{ @@ -804,8 +1374,8 @@ posCursor:[234:34] posNoWhite:[234:33] Found expr:[234:32->234:34] Pexp_ident na:[234:32->234:34] Completable: Cpath Value[na] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[na] Path na [{ @@ -820,8 +1390,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 237:17 posCursor:[237:17] posNoWhite:[237:14] Found expr:[237:14->237:22] Completable: Cnone Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion [] Complete src/Completion.res 243:8 @@ -831,8 +1401,8 @@ posCursor:[243:8] posNoWhite:[243:7] Found expr:[243:5->243:8] Pexp_field [243:5->243:7] _:[245:0->243:8] Completable: Cpath Value[_z]."" Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[_z]."" ContextPath Value[_z] Path _z @@ -860,8 +1430,8 @@ posCursor:[254:17] posNoWhite:[254:16] Found expr:[254:11->254:17] Pexp_construct SomeLo:[254:11->254:17] None Completable: Cpath Value[SomeLo] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[SomeLo] Path SomeLo [{ @@ -877,8 +1447,8 @@ posCursor:[256:29] posNoWhite:[256:28] Found type:[256:13->256:29] Ptyp_constr SomeLocalModule.:[256:13->256:29] Completable: Cpath Type[SomeLocalModule, ""] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Type[SomeLocalModule, ""] Path SomeLocalModule. [{ @@ -894,8 +1464,8 @@ posCursor:[261:33] posNoWhite:[261:32] Found type:[261:17->263:11] Ptyp_constr SomeLocalModule.:[261:17->263:11] Completable: Cpath Type[SomeLocalModule, ""] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Type[SomeLocalModule, ""] Path SomeLocalModule. [{ @@ -910,8 +1480,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 268:21 Ptype_variant unary SomeLocal:[268:12->268:21] Completable: Cpath Value[SomeLocal] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[SomeLocal] Path SomeLocal [{ @@ -934,8 +1504,8 @@ posCursor:[271:20] posNoWhite:[271:19] Found type:[271:11->274:3] Ptyp_constr SomeLocal:[271:11->274:3] Completable: Cpath Type[SomeLocal] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Type[SomeLocal] Path SomeLocal [{ @@ -953,8 +1523,8 @@ posCursor:[275:15] posNoWhite:[275:14] Found expr:[275:13->275:15] Pexp_ident _w:[275:13->275:15] Completable: Cpath Value[_w] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[_w] Path _w [{ @@ -970,8 +1540,8 @@ posCursor:[281:22] posNoWhite:[281:21] Found type:[281:21->281:22] Ptyp_constr s:[281:21->281:22] Completable: Cpath Type[s] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Type[s] Path s [{ @@ -993,8 +1563,8 @@ posCursor:[291:30] posNoWhite:[291:29] Found expr:[291:11->291:32] Pexp_apply ...[291:11->291:28] () Completable: CnamedArg(Value[funRecord].someFun, "", []) Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[funRecord].someFun ContextPath Value[funRecord] Path funRecord @@ -1017,8 +1587,8 @@ posCursor:[296:11] posNoWhite:[296:10] Found expr:[296:3->296:11] Pexp_field [296:3->296:10] _:[299:0->296:11] Completable: Cpath Value[retAA](Nolabel)."" Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[retAA](Nolabel)."" ContextPath Value[retAA](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[retAA] @@ -1048,8 +1618,8 @@ posCursor:[301:13] posNoWhite:[301:12] Found expr:[301:3->301:13] Pexp_apply ...[301:3->301:11] () Completable: CnamedArg(Value[ff](~c), "", []) Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[ff](~c) ContextPath Value[ff] Path ff @@ -1092,8 +1662,8 @@ posCursor:[304:15] posNoWhite:[304:14] Found expr:[304:3->304:15] Pexp_apply ...[304:3->304:13] () Completable: CnamedArg(Value[ff](~c)(Nolabel), "", []) Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[ff](~c)(Nolabel) ContextPath Value[ff](~c) ContextPath Value[ff] @@ -1124,8 +1694,8 @@ posCursor:[307:17] posNoWhite:[307:16] Found expr:[307:3->307:17] Pexp_apply ...[307:3->307:15] () Completable: CnamedArg(Value[ff](~c, Nolabel), "", []) Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[ff](~c, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[ff] Path ff @@ -1155,8 +1725,8 @@ posCursor:[310:21] posNoWhite:[310:20] Found expr:[310:3->310:21] Pexp_apply ...[310:3->310:19] () Completable: CnamedArg(Value[ff](~c, Nolabel, Nolabel), "", []) Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[ff](~c, Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[ff] Path ff @@ -1180,8 +1750,8 @@ posCursor:[313:23] posNoWhite:[313:22] Found expr:[313:3->313:23] Pexp_apply ...[313:3->313:21] () Completable: CnamedArg(Value[ff](~c, Nolabel, ~b), "", []) Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[ff](~c, Nolabel, ~b) ContextPath Value[ff] Path ff @@ -1205,8 +1775,8 @@ posCursor:[316:16] posNoWhite:[316:15] Found expr:[316:3->316:16] Pexp_apply ...[316:3->316:14] () Completable: CnamedArg(Value[ff](~opt2), "", []) Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[ff](~opt2) ContextPath Value[ff] Path ff @@ -1242,8 +1812,8 @@ posCursor:[326:17] posNoWhite:[326:16] Found expr:[326:3->326:17] Pexp_apply ...[326:3->326:15] () Completable: CnamedArg(Value[withCallback], "", []) Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[withCallback] Path withCallback Found type for function (~b: int) => callback @@ -1266,8 +1836,8 @@ posCursor:[329:21] posNoWhite:[329:20] Found expr:[329:3->329:21] Pexp_apply ...[329:3->329:19] () Completable: CnamedArg(Value[withCallback](~a), "", []) Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[withCallback](~a) ContextPath Value[withCallback] Path withCallback @@ -1285,8 +1855,8 @@ posCursor:[332:21] posNoWhite:[332:20] Found expr:[332:3->332:21] Pexp_apply ...[332:3->332:19] () Completable: CnamedArg(Value[withCallback](~b), "", []) Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[withCallback](~b) ContextPath Value[withCallback] Path withCallback @@ -1314,11 +1884,17 @@ posCursor:[339:26] posNoWhite:[339:25] Found type:[339:23->341:5] Ptyp_constr Res:[339:23->341:5] Completable: Cpath Type[Res] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Type[Res] Path Res [{ + "label": "Result", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Result", + "documentation": null + }, { "label": "RescriptReactErrorBoundary", "kind": 9, "tags": [], @@ -1366,8 +1942,8 @@ posCursor:[346:57] posNoWhite:[346:56] Found expr:[346:53->346:57] Pexp_ident this:[346:53->346:57] Completable: Cpath Value[this] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[this] Path this [{ @@ -1375,7 +1951,7 @@ Path this "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "\\\"Type Not Known\"", - "documentation": null + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\ntype props<'first, 'zoo, 'second> = {\n first?: 'first,\n zoo?: 'zoo,\n second: 'second,\n}\n```"} }] Hover src/Completion.res 349:14 @@ -1389,12 +1965,13 @@ posCursor:[352:17] posNoWhite:[352:16] Found expr:[352:11->352:28] Pexp_ident FAO.forAutoObject:[352:11->352:28] Completable: Cpath Value[FAO, forAutoObject] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[FAO, forAutoObject] Path FAO.forAutoObject Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib {"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\n{\"age\": int, \"forAutoLabel\": FAR.forAutoRecord}\n```"}} Hover src/Completion.res 355:17 @@ -1403,8 +1980,8 @@ posCursor:[355:17] posNoWhite:[355:16] Found expr:[355:11->355:22] Pexp_apply ...[355:11->355:13] (~opt1355:15->355:19=...[355:20->355:21]) Completable: CnamedArg(Value[ff], opt1, [opt1]) Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[ff] Path ff Found type for function ( @@ -1430,14 +2007,14 @@ posCursor:[365:8] posNoWhite:[365:7] Found pattern:[365:7->365:8] Ppat_construct T:[365:7->365:8] Completable: Cpattern Value[x]=T Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[x] Path x Completable: Cpath Value[T] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[T] Path T [{ @@ -1452,6 +2029,18 @@ Path T "tags": [], "detail": "This", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\nThis\n```\n\n```rescript\ntype v = This | That\n```"} + }, { + "label": "TypedArray", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module TypedArray", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Type", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Type", + "documentation": null }, { "label": "TableclothMap", "kind": 9, @@ -1511,8 +2100,8 @@ posCursor:[376:21] posNoWhite:[376:20] Found pattern:[376:7->376:21] Ppat_construct AndThatOther.T:[376:7->376:21] Completable: Cpath Value[AndThatOther, T] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[AndThatOther, T] Path AndThatOther.T [{ @@ -1532,8 +2121,8 @@ posCursor:[381:24] posNoWhite:[381:23] Found expr:[381:16->381:24] Pexp_ident ForAuto.:[381:16->381:24] Completable: Cpath Value[ForAuto, ""] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[ForAuto, ""] Path ForAuto. [{ @@ -1559,8 +2148,8 @@ posCursor:[384:38] posNoWhite:[384:37] Found expr:[384:19->384:39] Pexp_send [384:38->384:38] e:[384:19->384:36] Completable: Cpath Value[FAO, forAutoObject][""] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[FAO, forAutoObject][""] ContextPath Value[FAO, forAutoObject] Path FAO.forAutoObject @@ -1587,8 +2176,8 @@ posCursor:[387:24] posNoWhite:[387:23] Found expr:[387:14->387:24] Pexp_field [387:14->387:23] _:[387:24->387:24] Completable: Cpath Value[funRecord]."" Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[funRecord]."" ContextPath Value[funRecord] Path funRecord @@ -1617,19 +2206,19 @@ posCursor:[391:12] posNoWhite:[391:11] Found expr:[391:6->393:4] posCursor:[391:12] posNoWhite:[391:11] Found expr:[391:6->391:12] Completable: Cpath array->ma Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath array->ma ContextPath array Path [{ - "label": "", + "label": "", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Array.mapWithIndex", + "label": "Array.mapWithIndex", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", @@ -1645,8 +2234,8 @@ posCursor:[399:14] posNoWhite:[399:13] Found expr:[399:13->399:16] Pexp_ident red:[399:13->399:16] Completable: Cpath Value[red] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[red] Path red [{ @@ -1666,8 +2255,8 @@ posCursor:[404:25] posNoWhite:[404:24] Found expr:[404:24->404:27] Pexp_ident red:[404:24->404:27] Completable: Cpath Value[red] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[red] Path red [{ @@ -1688,8 +2277,8 @@ posCursor:[407:22] posNoWhite:[407:21] Found expr:[407:21->407:22] Pexp_ident r:[407:21->407:22] Completable: Cpath Value[r] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[r] Path r [{ @@ -1720,8 +2309,8 @@ posCursor:[411:21] posNoWhite:[411:20] Found expr:[411:5->413:5] Pexp_ident SomeLocalModule.:[411:5->413:5] Completable: Cpath Value[SomeLocalModule, ""] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[SomeLocalModule, ""] Path SomeLocalModule. [{ @@ -1747,8 +2336,8 @@ posCursor:[414:21] posNoWhite:[414:20] Found expr:[414:5->416:13] Pexp_ident SomeLocalModule.:[414:5->416:13] Completable: Cpath Value[SomeLocalModule, ""] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[SomeLocalModule, ""] Path SomeLocalModule. [{ @@ -1769,67 +2358,67 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 419:17 posCursor:[419:17] posNoWhite:[419:16] Found expr:[419:11->419:17] Completable: Cpath int->t Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath int->t ContextPath int Path Stdlib.Int.t [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixedWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toFixedWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecision", + "label": "Int.toPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "label": "Int.toString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFloat", + "label": "Int.toFloat", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "int => float", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toLocaleString", + "label": "Int.toLocaleString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "int => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponential", + "label": "Int.toExponential", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixed", + "label": "Int.toFixed", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", @@ -1840,67 +2429,67 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 422:19 posCursor:[422:19] posNoWhite:[422:18] Found expr:[422:11->422:19] Completable: Cpath float->t Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath float->t ContextPath float Path Stdlib.Float.t [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Float.toStringWithRadix", + "label": "Float.toStringWithRadix", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(float, ~radix: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` with `~radix` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(v, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toStringWithRadix(6.0, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nFloat.toStringWithRadix(3735928559.0, ~radix=16) // \"deadbeef\"\nFloat.toStringWithRadix(123456.0, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Float.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "label": "Float.toExponentialWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(float, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(v, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point.\nSee [`Number.toExponential`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toExponentialWithPrecision(77.0, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nFloat.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678.0, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Float.toInt", + "label": "Float.toInt", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "float => int", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toInt(v)` returns an int to given float `v`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toInt(2.0) == 2\nFloat.toInt(1.0) == 1\nFloat.toInt(1.1) == 1\nFloat.toInt(1.6) == 1\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Float.toFixedWithPrecision", + "label": "Float.toFixedWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(float, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(v, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point.\nSee [`Number.toFixed`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toFixedWithPrecision(300.0, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nFloat.toFixedWithPrecision(300.0, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Float.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "label": "Float.toPrecisionWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(float, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(v, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits.\nSee [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100.0, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nFloat.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1.0, ~digits=1) // \"1\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Float.toPrecision", + "label": "Float.toPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(float, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(v, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits.\nSee [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toPrecision(100.0) // \"100\"\nFloat.toPrecision(1.0) // \"1\"\nFloat.toPrecision(100.0, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nFloat.toPrecision(1.0, ~digits=1) // \"1\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Float.toString", + "label": "Float.toString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(float, ~radix: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(v)` return a `string` representing the given value.\nSee [`Number.toString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toString(1000.0) // \"1000\"\nFloat.toString(-1000.0) // \"-1000\"\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Float.toLocaleString", + "label": "Float.toLocaleString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "float => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(v)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value.\nSee [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nFloat.toLocaleString(1000.0) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nFloat.toLocaleString(1000.0) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Float.toExponential", + "label": "Float.toExponential", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(float, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(v, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point.\nSee [`Number.toExponential`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nFloat.toExponential(1000.0) // \"1e+3\"\nFloat.toExponential(-1000.0) // \"-1e+3\"\nFloat.toExponential(77.0, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nFloat.toExponential(5678.0, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Float.toFixed", + "label": "Float.toFixed", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(float, ~digits: int=?) => string", @@ -1911,26 +2500,26 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 427:8 posCursor:[427:8] posNoWhite:[427:7] Found expr:[427:3->427:8] Completable: Cpath Value[ok]->g Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[ok]->g ContextPath Value[ok] Path ok Path Stdlib.Result.g [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Result.getExn", + "label": "Result.getExn", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "result<'a, 'b> => 'a", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n Result types are really useful to describe the result of a certain operation\n without relying on exceptions or `option` types.\n\n This module gives you useful utilities to create and combine `Result` data.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Result.getOr", + "label": "Result.getOr", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(result<'a, 'b>, 'a) => 'a", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`getOr(res, defaultValue)`: If `res` is `Ok(n)`, returns `n`, otherwise `default`\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nResult.getOr(Ok(42), 0) == 42\n\nResult.getOr(Error(\"Invalid Data\"), 0) == 0\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Result.getWithDefault", + "label": "Result.getWithDefault", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(result<'a, 'b>, 'a) => 'a", @@ -1942,8 +2531,8 @@ posCursor:[445:15] posNoWhite:[445:14] Found expr:[445:3->445:15] Pexp_field [445:3->445:12] so:[445:13->445:15] Completable: Cpath Value[rWithDepr].so Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[rWithDepr].so ContextPath Value[rWithDepr] Path rWithDepr @@ -1970,8 +2559,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 452:37 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[someVariantWithDeprecated] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Type[someVariantWithDeprecated] Path someVariantWithDeprecated [{ @@ -2004,21 +2593,21 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 457:30 posCursor:[457:30] posNoWhite:[457:29] Found expr:[457:11->457:30] Completable: Cpath Value[uncurried](Nolabel)->toS Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Value[uncurried](Nolabel)->toS ContextPath Value[uncurried](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[uncurried] Path uncurried Path Stdlib.Int.toS [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "label": "Int.toString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", @@ -2029,8 +2618,8 @@ Complete src/Completion.res 462:30 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[withUncurried]->recordField(fn) Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath Type[withUncurried] Path withUncurried [{ @@ -2049,8 +2638,8 @@ posCursor:[465:26] posNoWhite:[465:25] Found expr:[465:22->465:26] Pexp_ident FAR.:[465:22->465:26] Completable: Cpath ValueOrField[FAR, ""] Raw opens: 2 holder ... holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 2 Completion Completion +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 3 Stdlib Completion Completion ContextPath ValueOrField[FAR, ""] Path FAR. [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionAttributes.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionAttributes.res.txt index 11921fa2a4..1c7c3fb9df 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionAttributes.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionAttributes.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 0:8 Attribute id:modu:[0:3->0:8] label:modu Completable: Cdecorator(modu) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "module", "kind": 4, @@ -15,7 +16,8 @@ Package opens holder Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 3:12 XXX Not found! Completable: CdecoratorPayload(module=) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "@rescript/react", "kind": 4, @@ -39,7 +41,8 @@ Package opens holder Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 6:7 Attribute id:js:[6:3->6:7] label:@js Completable: Cdecorator(@js) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "jsxConfig", "kind": 4, @@ -53,7 +56,8 @@ Package opens holder Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 9:16 XXX Not found! Completable: JsxConfig -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "version", "kind": 5, @@ -77,7 +81,8 @@ Package opens holder Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 12:17 XXX Not found! Completable: JsxConfig -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "module_", "kind": 5, @@ -95,7 +100,8 @@ Package opens holder Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 15:25 XXX Not found! Completable: JsxConfig -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "\"\"", "kind": 12, @@ -110,7 +116,8 @@ Package opens holder Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 18:29 XXX Not found! Completable: JsxConfig -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "version", "kind": 5, @@ -128,7 +135,8 @@ Package opens holder Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 21:12 XXX Not found! Completable: CdecoratorPayload(moduleWithImportAttributes) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "from", "kind": 5, @@ -146,7 +154,8 @@ Package opens holder Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 24:17 XXX Not found! Completable: CdecoratorPayload(moduleWithImportAttributes) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "{}", "kind": 12, @@ -161,7 +170,8 @@ Package opens holder Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 27:19 XXX Not found! Completable: CdecoratorPayload(moduleWithImportAttributes) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "type_", "kind": 5, @@ -173,7 +183,8 @@ Package opens holder Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 30:19 XXX Not found! Completable: CdecoratorPayload(module=) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "@rescript/react", "kind": 4, @@ -197,7 +208,8 @@ Package opens holder Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 33:17 XXX Not found! Completable: CdecoratorPayload(module=) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "@rescript/react", "kind": 4, @@ -221,7 +233,8 @@ Package opens holder Complete src/CompletionAttributes.res 36:14 posCursor:[36:14] posNoWhite:[36:13] Found expr:[36:12->36:14] Completable: CextensionNode(t) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib [{ "label": "todo", "kind": 4, diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionDicts.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionDicts.res.txt index 26bf3c1e57..60614d7045 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionDicts.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionDicts.res.txt @@ -2,27 +2,46 @@ Complete src/CompletionDicts.res 0:30 posCursor:[0:30] posNoWhite:[0:29] Found expr:[0:14->0:32] Pexp_apply ...[0:14->0:28] (...[0:29->0:31]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[Dict, fromArray]($0)->array -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[Dict, fromArray]($0) ContextPath Value[Dict, fromArray] Path Dict.fromArray -[] +[{ + "label": "(_, _)", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, 'a)", + "documentation": null, + "insertText": "(${1:_}, ${2:_})", + "insertTextFormat": 2 + }] Complete src/CompletionDicts.res 3:31 posCursor:[3:31] posNoWhite:[3:30] Found expr:[3:14->3:34] Pexp_apply ...[3:14->3:28] (...[3:29->3:33]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[Dict, fromArray]($0)->array -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[Dict, fromArray]($0) ContextPath Value[Dict, fromArray] Path Dict.fromArray -[] +[{ + "label": "(_, _)", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, 'a)", + "documentation": null, + "insertText": "(${1:_}, ${2:_})", + "insertTextFormat": 2 + }] Complete src/CompletionDicts.res 6:37 posCursor:[6:37] posNoWhite:[6:36] Found expr:[6:14->6:41] Pexp_apply ...[6:14->6:28] (...[6:29->6:40]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[Dict, fromArray]($0)->array, tuple($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[Dict, fromArray]($0) ContextPath Value[Dict, fromArray] Path Dict.fromArray @@ -33,10 +52,23 @@ Complete src/CompletionDicts.res 12:14 posCursor:[12:14] posNoWhite:[12:13] Found expr:[10:11->14:2] Pexp_apply ...[10:11->10:25] (...[10:26->14:1]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[Dict, fromArray]($0)->array, tuple($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[Dict, fromArray]($0) ContextPath Value[Dict, fromArray] Path Dict.fromArray -[] +[{ + "label": "true", + "kind": 4, + "tags": [], + "detail": "bool", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "false", + "kind": 4, + "tags": [], + "detail": "bool", + "documentation": null + }] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt index 5dcf659488..057b6130d6 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionExpressions.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 3:20 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern CTuple(Value[s], Value[f]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CTuple(Value[s], Value[f]) ContextPath Value[s] Path s @@ -21,7 +22,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 26:27 posCursor:[26:27] posNoWhite:[26:26] Found expr:[26:11->26:29] Pexp_apply ...[26:11->26:25] (...[26:26->26:28]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -67,7 +69,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 29:28 posCursor:[29:28] posNoWhite:[29:27] Found expr:[29:11->29:30] Pexp_apply ...[29:11->29:25] (...[29:27->29:28]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)=n->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -83,7 +86,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 32:35 posCursor:[32:35] posNoWhite:[32:34] Found expr:[32:11->32:38] Pexp_apply ...[32:11->32:25] (...[32:26->32:38]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)->recordField(offline) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -105,7 +109,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 35:36 posCursor:[35:36] posNoWhite:[35:35] Found expr:[35:11->35:39] Pexp_apply ...[35:11->35:25] (...[35:26->35:38]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -145,7 +150,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 38:37 posCursor:[38:37] posNoWhite:[38:35] Found expr:[38:11->38:53] Pexp_apply ...[38:11->38:25] (...[38:26->38:52]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -179,7 +185,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 41:44 posCursor:[41:44] posNoWhite:[41:43] Found expr:[41:11->41:47] Pexp_apply ...[41:11->41:25] (...[41:26->41:47]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)->recordField(nested) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -219,7 +226,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 44:46 posCursor:[44:46] posNoWhite:[44:45] Found expr:[44:11->44:49] Pexp_apply ...[44:11->44:25] (...[44:26->44:48]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)->recordField(nested), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -229,7 +237,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 47:51 posCursor:[47:51] posNoWhite:[47:50] Found expr:[47:11->47:55] Pexp_apply ...[47:11->47:25] (...[47:26->47:54]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)->recordField(nested), variantPayload::Some($0), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -251,7 +260,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 50:45 posCursor:[50:45] posNoWhite:[50:44] Found expr:[50:11->50:48] Pexp_apply ...[50:11->50:25] (...[50:26->50:48]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)->recordField(variant) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -285,7 +295,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 53:47 posCursor:[53:47] posNoWhite:[53:46] Found expr:[53:11->53:50] Pexp_apply ...[53:11->53:25] (...[53:26->53:49]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)=O->recordField(variant) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -303,7 +314,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 56:57 posCursor:[56:57] posNoWhite:[56:56] Found expr:[56:11->56:61] Pexp_apply ...[56:11->56:25] (...[56:26->56:60]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)->recordField(polyvariant), polyvariantPayload::three($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -322,7 +334,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 59:60 posCursor:[59:60] posNoWhite:[59:59] Found expr:[59:11->59:65] Pexp_apply ...[59:11->59:25] (...[59:26->59:64]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)->recordField(polyvariant), polyvariantPayload::three($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -344,7 +357,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 62:62 posCursor:[62:62] posNoWhite:[62:61] Found expr:[62:11->62:66] Pexp_apply ...[62:11->62:25] (...[62:26->62:65]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)=t->recordField(polyvariant), polyvariantPayload::three($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -353,6 +367,13 @@ Path fnTakingRecord "kind": 4, "tags": [], "detail": "bool", + "documentation": null, + "sortText": "A true" + }, { + "label": "typeof", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "'a => Type.t", "documentation": null }] @@ -360,7 +381,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 69:25 posCursor:[69:25] posNoWhite:[69:24] Found expr:[69:11->69:26] Pexp_apply ...[69:11->69:24] (...[69:25->69:26]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingArray]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingArray]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingArray] Path fnTakingArray @@ -379,7 +401,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 72:26 posCursor:[72:26] posNoWhite:[72:25] Found expr:[72:11->72:28] Pexp_apply ...[72:11->72:24] (...[72:25->72:27]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingArray]($0)->array -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingArray]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingArray] Path fnTakingArray @@ -415,7 +438,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 75:26 posCursor:[75:26] posNoWhite:[75:25] Found expr:[75:11->75:27] Pexp_apply ...[75:11->75:24] (...[75:25->75:26]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingArray]($0)=s -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingArray]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingArray] Path fnTakingArray @@ -425,13 +449,38 @@ Path fnTakingArray "tags": [], "detail": "bool", "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "setTimeoutFloat", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(unit => unit, float) => timeoutId", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`setTimeoutFloat(callback, durationInMilliseconds)` starts a timer that will execute `callback` after `durationInMilliseconds`.\n\nThe same as `setTimeout`, but allows you to pass a `float` instead of an `int` for the duration.\n\nSee [`setTimeout`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// Log to the console after 200 milliseconds.\nlet timeoutId = setTimeoutFloat(() => {\n Console.log(\"This prints in 200 ms.\")\n}, 200.)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "setIntervalFloat", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(unit => unit, float) => intervalId", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`setIntervalFloat(callback, intervalInMilliseconds)` starts an interval that will execute `callback` every `durationInMilliseconds` milliseconds.\n\nThe same as `setInterval`, but allows you to pass a `float` instead of an `int` for the duration.\n\nSee [`setInterval`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// Log to the console ever 2 seconds (200 milliseconds).\nlet intervalId = setIntervalFloat(() => {\n Console.log(\"This prints every 200 ms\")\n}, 200.)\n\n// Stop the interval after 500 ms\nlet timeoutId = setTimeoutFloat(() => {\n clearInterval(intervalId)\n}, 500.0)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "setInterval", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(unit => unit, int) => intervalId", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`setInterval(callback, intervalInMilliseconds)` starts an interval that will execute `callback` every `durationInMilliseconds` milliseconds.\n\nSee [`setInterval`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// Log to the console ever 200 ms (200 milliseconds).\nlet intervalId = setInterval(() => {\n Console.log(\"This prints every 200 ms.\")\n}, 200)\n\nlet timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {\n clearInterval(intervalId)\n}, 500)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "setTimeout", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(unit => unit, int) => timeoutId", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`setTimeout(callback, durationInMilliseconds)` starts a timer that will execute `callback` after `durationInMilliseconds`.\n\nSee [`setTimeout`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// Log to the console after 200 milliseconds.\nlet timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {\n Console.log(\"This prints in 200 ms.\")\n}, 200)\n```\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 78:31 posCursor:[78:31] posNoWhite:[78:30] Found expr:[78:11->78:34] Pexp_apply ...[78:11->78:24] (...[78:25->78:33]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingArray]($0)->array, variantPayload::Some($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingArray]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingArray] Path fnTakingArray @@ -453,7 +502,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 81:31 posCursor:[81:31] posNoWhite:[81:30] Found expr:[81:11->81:34] Pexp_apply ...[81:11->81:24] (...[81:25->81:33]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingArray]($0)->array -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingArray]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingArray] Path fnTakingArray @@ -489,7 +539,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 84:31 posCursor:[84:31] posNoWhite:[84:30] Found expr:[84:11->84:40] Pexp_apply ...[84:11->84:24] (...[84:25->84:39]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingArray]($0)->array -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingArray]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingArray] Path fnTakingArray @@ -525,7 +576,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 89:38 posCursor:[89:38] posNoWhite:[89:37] Found expr:[89:11->89:41] Pexp_apply ...[89:11->89:25] (...[89:26->89:40]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)=so -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -541,7 +593,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 96:43 posCursor:[96:43] posNoWhite:[96:42] Found expr:[96:11->96:46] Pexp_apply ...[96:11->96:30] (...[96:31->96:46]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingOtherRecord]($0)->recordField(otherField) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingOtherRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingOtherRecord] Path fnTakingOtherRecord @@ -560,7 +613,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 108:57 posCursor:[108:57] posNoWhite:[108:56] Found expr:[108:11->108:60] Pexp_apply ...[108:11->108:42] (...[108:43->108:60]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecordWithOptionalField]($0)->recordField(someOptField) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecordWithOptionalField]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecordWithOptionalField] Path fnTakingRecordWithOptionalField @@ -582,7 +636,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 116:53 posCursor:[116:53] posNoWhite:[116:52] Found expr:[116:11->116:56] Pexp_apply ...[116:11->116:39] (...[116:40->116:56]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecordWithOptVariant]($0)->recordField(someVariant) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecordWithOptVariant]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecordWithOptVariant] Path fnTakingRecordWithOptVariant @@ -638,7 +693,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 126:49 posCursor:[126:49] posNoWhite:[126:48] Found expr:[126:11->126:51] Pexp_apply ...[126:11->126:31] (...[126:32->126:50]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingInlineRecord]($0)->variantPayload::WithInlineRecord($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingInlineRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingInlineRecord] Path fnTakingInlineRecord @@ -657,7 +713,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 129:50 posCursor:[129:50] posNoWhite:[129:49] Found expr:[129:11->129:53] Pexp_apply ...[129:11->129:31] (...[129:32->129:52]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingInlineRecord]($0)->variantPayload::WithInlineRecord($0), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingInlineRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingInlineRecord] Path fnTakingInlineRecord @@ -685,7 +742,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 132:51 posCursor:[132:51] posNoWhite:[132:50] Found expr:[132:11->132:54] Pexp_apply ...[132:11->132:31] (...[132:32->132:53]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingInlineRecord]($0)=s->variantPayload::WithInlineRecord($0), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingInlineRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingInlineRecord] Path fnTakingInlineRecord @@ -701,7 +759,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 135:63 posCursor:[135:63] posNoWhite:[135:62] Found expr:[135:11->135:67] Pexp_apply ...[135:11->135:31] (...[135:32->135:66]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingInlineRecord]($0)->variantPayload::WithInlineRecord($0), recordField(nestedRecord) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingInlineRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingInlineRecord] Path fnTakingInlineRecord @@ -720,7 +779,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 138:65 posCursor:[138:65] posNoWhite:[138:64] Found expr:[138:11->138:70] Pexp_apply ...[138:11->138:31] (...[138:32->138:69]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingInlineRecord]($0)->variantPayload::WithInlineRecord($0), recordField(nestedRecord), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingInlineRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingInlineRecord] Path fnTakingInlineRecord @@ -742,7 +802,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 159:20 posCursor:[159:20] posNoWhite:[159:19] Found expr:[159:3->159:21] Pexp_apply ...[159:3->159:19] (...[159:20->159:21]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingCallback] Path fnTakingCallback @@ -761,17 +822,25 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 162:21 posCursor:[162:21] posNoWhite:[162:20] Found expr:[162:3->162:22] Pexp_apply ...[162:3->162:19] (...[162:20->162:21]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($0)=a -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingCallback] Path fnTakingCallback -[] +[{ + "label": "assertEqual", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "('a, 'a) => unit", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`assertEqual(a, b)` check if `a` is equal `b`. If not raise a panic exception\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlist{1, 2}\n->List.tailExn\n->assertEqual(list{2})\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 165:22 posCursor:[165:22] posNoWhite:[165:21] Found expr:[165:3->165:24] Pexp_apply ...[165:3->165:19] (...[165:20->165:21]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($1) ContextPath Value[fnTakingCallback] Path fnTakingCallback @@ -790,7 +859,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 168:25 posCursor:[168:25] posNoWhite:[168:24] Found expr:[168:3->168:27] Pexp_apply ...[168:3->168:19] (...[168:20->168:21], ...[168:23->168:24]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($2) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($2) ContextPath Value[fnTakingCallback] Path fnTakingCallback @@ -809,7 +879,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 171:29 posCursor:[171:29] posNoWhite:[171:27] Found expr:[171:3->171:30] Pexp_apply ...[171:3->171:19] (...[171:20->171:21], ...[171:23->171:24], ...[171:26->171:27]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($3) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($3) ContextPath Value[fnTakingCallback] Path fnTakingCallback @@ -828,7 +899,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 174:32 posCursor:[174:32] posNoWhite:[174:30] Found expr:[174:3->174:33] Pexp_apply ...[174:3->174:19] (...[174:20->174:21], ...[174:23->174:24], ...[174:26->174:27], ...[174:29->174:30]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($4) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($4) ContextPath Value[fnTakingCallback] Path fnTakingCallback @@ -847,7 +919,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 177:34 posCursor:[177:34] posNoWhite:[177:33] Found expr:[177:3->177:36] Pexp_apply ...[177:3->177:19] (...[177:20->177:21], ...[177:23->177:24], ...[177:26->177:27], ...[177:29->177:30], ...[177:32->177:33]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($5) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingCallback]($5) ContextPath Value[fnTakingCallback] Path fnTakingCallback @@ -870,7 +943,8 @@ posCursor:[185:15] posNoWhite:[185:14] Found expr:[184:2->185:16] posCursor:[185:15] posNoWhite:[185:14] Found expr:[185:2->185:16] Pexp_apply ...[185:2->185:13] (...[185:14->185:15]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[Console, log]($0)=s -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[Console, log]($0) ContextPath Value[Console, log] Path Console.log @@ -898,13 +972,38 @@ Path Console.log "tags": [], "detail": "bool", "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "setTimeoutFloat", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(unit => unit, float) => timeoutId", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`setTimeoutFloat(callback, durationInMilliseconds)` starts a timer that will execute `callback` after `durationInMilliseconds`.\n\nThe same as `setTimeout`, but allows you to pass a `float` instead of an `int` for the duration.\n\nSee [`setTimeout`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// Log to the console after 200 milliseconds.\nlet timeoutId = setTimeoutFloat(() => {\n Console.log(\"This prints in 200 ms.\")\n}, 200.)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "setIntervalFloat", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(unit => unit, float) => intervalId", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`setIntervalFloat(callback, intervalInMilliseconds)` starts an interval that will execute `callback` every `durationInMilliseconds` milliseconds.\n\nThe same as `setInterval`, but allows you to pass a `float` instead of an `int` for the duration.\n\nSee [`setInterval`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// Log to the console ever 2 seconds (200 milliseconds).\nlet intervalId = setIntervalFloat(() => {\n Console.log(\"This prints every 200 ms\")\n}, 200.)\n\n// Stop the interval after 500 ms\nlet timeoutId = setTimeoutFloat(() => {\n clearInterval(intervalId)\n}, 500.0)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "setInterval", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(unit => unit, int) => intervalId", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`setInterval(callback, intervalInMilliseconds)` starts an interval that will execute `callback` every `durationInMilliseconds` milliseconds.\n\nSee [`setInterval`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// Log to the console ever 200 ms (200 milliseconds).\nlet intervalId = setInterval(() => {\n Console.log(\"This prints every 200 ms.\")\n}, 200)\n\nlet timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {\n clearInterval(intervalId)\n}, 500)\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "setTimeout", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(unit => unit, int) => timeoutId", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`setTimeout(callback, durationInMilliseconds)` starts a timer that will execute `callback` after `durationInMilliseconds`.\n\nSee [`setTimeout`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// Log to the console after 200 milliseconds.\nlet timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {\n Console.log(\"This prints in 200 ms.\")\n}, 200)\n```\n"} }] Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 196:14 posCursor:[196:14] posNoWhite:[196:13] Found expr:[196:3->196:14] Pexp_field [196:3->196:6] someOpt:[196:7->196:14] Completable: Cpath Value[fff].someOpt -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[fff].someOpt ContextPath Value[fff] Path fff @@ -925,7 +1024,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 205:11 posCursor:[205:11] posNoWhite:[205:10] Found expr:[205:3->205:12] Pexp_apply ...[205:3->205:10] (...[205:11->205:12]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[takesCb]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[takesCb]($0) ContextPath Value[takesCb] Path takesCb @@ -944,7 +1044,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 216:12 posCursor:[216:12] posNoWhite:[216:11] Found expr:[216:3->216:13] Pexp_apply ...[216:3->216:11] (...[216:12->216:13]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[takesCb2]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[takesCb2]($0) ContextPath Value[takesCb2] Path takesCb2 @@ -963,7 +1064,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 225:12 posCursor:[225:12] posNoWhite:[225:11] Found expr:[225:3->225:13] Pexp_apply ...[225:3->225:11] (...[225:12->225:13]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[takesCb3]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[takesCb3]($0) ContextPath Value[takesCb3] Path takesCb3 @@ -982,7 +1084,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 232:12 posCursor:[232:12] posNoWhite:[232:11] Found expr:[232:3->232:13] Pexp_apply ...[232:3->232:11] (...[232:12->232:13]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[takesCb4]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[takesCb4]($0) ContextPath Value[takesCb4] Path takesCb4 @@ -1001,7 +1104,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 239:12 posCursor:[239:12] posNoWhite:[239:11] Found expr:[239:3->239:13] Pexp_apply ...[239:3->239:11] (...[239:12->239:13]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[takesCb5]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[takesCb5]($0) ContextPath Value[takesCb5] Path takesCb5 @@ -1020,7 +1124,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 250:30 posCursor:[250:30] posNoWhite:[250:29] Found expr:[250:3->250:31] Pexp_apply ...[250:3->250:20] (~updater250:22->250:29=...__ghost__[0:-1->0:-1]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[commitLocalUpdate](~updater) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[commitLocalUpdate](~updater) ContextPath Value[commitLocalUpdate] Path commitLocalUpdate @@ -1039,7 +1144,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 257:25 posCursor:[257:25] posNoWhite:[257:24] Found expr:[257:3->257:26] Pexp_apply ...[257:3->257:24] (...[257:25->257:26]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingAsyncCallback]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingAsyncCallback]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingAsyncCallback] Path fnTakingAsyncCallback @@ -1057,7 +1163,8 @@ Path fnTakingAsyncCallback Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 262:23 posCursor:[262:23] posNoWhite:[262:22] Found expr:[262:3->262:24] Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[Belt, Array, map]($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[Belt, Array, map]($1) ContextPath Value[Belt, Array, map] Path @@ -1076,7 +1183,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 271:15 posCursor:[271:15] posNoWhite:[271:14] Found expr:[271:3->271:16] Pexp_apply ...[271:3->271:14] (...[271:15->271:16]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[takesExotic]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[takesExotic]($0) ContextPath Value[takesExotic] Path takesExotic @@ -1094,7 +1202,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 278:23 posCursor:[278:23] posNoWhite:[278:22] Found expr:[278:3->278:24] Pexp_apply ...[278:3->278:22] (...[278:23->278:24]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingPolyVariant]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingPolyVariant]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingPolyVariant] Path fnTakingPolyVariant @@ -1128,7 +1237,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 281:24 posCursor:[281:24] posNoWhite:[281:23] Found expr:[281:3->290:18] Pexp_apply ...[281:3->281:22] (...[281:23->281:25], ...[290:0->290:16]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingPolyVariant]($0)=# -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingPolyVariant]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingPolyVariant] Path fnTakingPolyVariant @@ -1162,7 +1272,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 284:25 posCursor:[284:25] posNoWhite:[284:24] Found expr:[284:3->284:26] Pexp_apply ...[284:3->284:22] (...[284:23->284:25]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingPolyVariant]($0)=#o -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingPolyVariant]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingPolyVariant] Path fnTakingPolyVariant @@ -1180,7 +1291,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 287:24 posCursor:[287:24] posNoWhite:[287:23] Found expr:[287:3->287:25] Pexp_apply ...[287:3->287:22] (...[287:23->287:24]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingPolyVariant]($0)=o -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingPolyVariant]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingPolyVariant] Path fnTakingPolyVariant @@ -1197,7 +1309,8 @@ Path fnTakingPolyVariant Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 306:41 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[withIntLocal]->recordField(superInt) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[withIntLocal] Path withIntLocal [{ @@ -1214,7 +1327,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionExpressions.res 309:36 posCursor:[309:36] posNoWhite:[309:35] Found expr:[309:3->309:37] Pexp_apply ...[309:3->309:35] (...[309:36->309:37]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[CompletionSupport, makeTestHidden]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[CompletionSupport, makeTestHidden]($0) ContextPath Value[CompletionSupport, makeTestHidden] Path CompletionSupport.makeTestHidden @@ -1233,8 +1347,8 @@ posCursor:[313:36] posNoWhite:[313:35] Found expr:[313:3->313:37] Pexp_apply ...[313:3->313:35] (...[313:36->313:37]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[CompletionSupport, makeTestHidden]($0) Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 CompletionSupport +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib CompletionSupport ContextPath CArgument Value[CompletionSupport, makeTestHidden]($0) ContextPath Value[CompletionSupport, makeTestHidden] Path CompletionSupport.makeTestHidden @@ -1253,8 +1367,8 @@ posCursor:[321:11] posNoWhite:[321:10] Found expr:[321:3->321:12] Pexp_apply ...[321:3->321:10] (...[321:11->321:12]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[mkStuff]($0) Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 CompletionSupport +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib CompletionSupport ContextPath CArgument Value[mkStuff]($0) ContextPath Value[mkStuff] Path mkStuff @@ -1267,20 +1381,20 @@ Path mkStuff "insertText": "/$0/g", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.RegExp.fromString()", + "label": "RegExp.fromString()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "string => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Stdlib.RegExp.fromString($0)", + "insertText": "RegExp.fromString($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.RegExp.fromStringWithFlags()", + "label": "RegExp.fromStringWithFlags()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~flags: string) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Stdlib.RegExp.fromStringWithFlags($0)", + "insertText": "RegExp.fromStringWithFlags($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }] @@ -1289,8 +1403,8 @@ posCursor:[352:24] posNoWhite:[352:23] Found expr:[352:3->352:25] Pexp_apply ...[352:3->352:23] (...[352:24->352:25]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[tArgCompletionTestFn]($0) Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 CompletionSupport +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib CompletionSupport ContextPath CArgument Value[tArgCompletionTestFn]($0) ContextPath Value[tArgCompletionTestFn] Path tArgCompletionTestFn @@ -1325,8 +1439,8 @@ posCursor:[357:37] posNoWhite:[357:36] Found expr:[357:3->357:38] Pexp_apply ...[357:3->357:30] (~tVal357:32->357:36=...__ghost__[0:-1->0:-1]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[labeledTArgCompletionTestFn](~tVal) Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 CompletionSupport +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib CompletionSupport ContextPath CArgument Value[labeledTArgCompletionTestFn](~tVal) ContextPath Value[labeledTArgCompletionTestFn] Path labeledTArgCompletionTestFn @@ -1362,8 +1476,8 @@ posCursor:[362:18] posNoWhite:[362:17] Found expr:[362:10->362:18] Pexp_field [362:10->362:17] _:[362:19->362:18] Completable: Cpath Value[someTyp]."" Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 CompletionSupport +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib CompletionSupport ContextPath Value[someTyp]."" ContextPath Value[someTyp] Path someTyp @@ -1385,8 +1499,8 @@ posCursor:[380:22] posNoWhite:[380:18] Found expr:[380:13->386:2] Pexp_apply ...[380:13->380:17] (...[380:18->386:1]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[hook]($0)->recordBody Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 CompletionSupport +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib CompletionSupport ContextPath CArgument Value[hook]($0) ContextPath Value[hook] Path hook @@ -1403,8 +1517,8 @@ posCursor:[382:8] posNoWhite:[382:7] Found expr:[380:13->386:2] Pexp_apply ...[380:13->380:17] (...[380:18->386:1]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[hook]($0)=ope->recordBody Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 CompletionSupport +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib CompletionSupport ContextPath CArgument Value[hook]($0) ContextPath Value[hook] Path hook @@ -1422,8 +1536,8 @@ posCursor:[388:18] posNoWhite:[388:17] Found expr:[388:10->388:18] Pexp_field [388:10->388:17] _:[388:19->388:18] Completable: Cpath Value[someTyp]."" Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 CompletionSupport +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib CompletionSupport ContextPath Value[someTyp]."" ContextPath Value[someTyp] Path someTyp diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFromModule.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFromModule.res.txt index 8a0ca5d91f..06394e526d 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFromModule.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFromModule.res.txt @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFromModule.res 10:5 posCursor:[10:5] posNoWhite:[10:4] Found expr:[10:3->10:5] Pexp_field [10:3->10:4] _:[13:0->10:5] Completable: Cpath Value[n]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[n]."" ContextPath Value[n] Path n @@ -35,7 +36,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFromModule.res 30:6 posCursor:[30:6] posNoWhite:[30:5] Found expr:[30:3->30:6] Pexp_field [30:3->30:5] _:[36:0->30:6] Completable: Cpath Value[nn]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[nn]."" ContextPath Value[nn] Path nn @@ -104,7 +106,8 @@ Path CompletionFromModule.SomeOtherModule. Complete src/CompletionFromModule.res 33:32 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpath Module[SomeOthe] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Module[SomeOthe] Path SomeOthe [{ @@ -118,7 +121,8 @@ Path SomeOthe Complete src/CompletionFromModule.res 38:8 posCursor:[38:8] posNoWhite:[38:7] Found expr:[38:3->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[nnn]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[nnn]-> ContextPath Value[nnn] Path nnn @@ -143,8 +147,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFromModule.res 42:8 posCursor:[42:8] posNoWhite:[42:7] Found expr:[42:3->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[nnn]-> Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 CompletionFromModule +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib CompletionFromModule ContextPath Value[nnn]-> ContextPath Value[nnn] Path nnn diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFromModule2.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFromModule2.res.txt index 570284b98e..547b54f130 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFromModule2.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFromModule2.res.txt @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFromModule2.res 2:26 posCursor:[2:26] posNoWhite:[2:25] Found expr:[2:3->2:26] Pexp_field [2:3->2:25] _:[11:0->2:26] Completable: Cpath Value[CompletionFromModule, n]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[CompletionFromModule, n]."" ContextPath Value[CompletionFromModule, n] Path CompletionFromModule.n @@ -35,7 +36,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFromModule2.res 5:27 posCursor:[5:27] posNoWhite:[5:26] Found expr:[5:3->5:27] Pexp_field [5:3->5:26] _:[11:0->5:27] Completable: Cpath Value[CompletionFromModule, nn]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[CompletionFromModule, nn]."" ContextPath Value[CompletionFromModule, nn] Path CompletionFromModule.nn @@ -104,7 +106,8 @@ Path CompletionFromModule.SomeOtherModule. Complete src/CompletionFromModule2.res 8:29 posCursor:[8:29] posNoWhite:[8:28] Found expr:[8:3->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[CompletionFromModule, nnn]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[CompletionFromModule, nnn]-> ContextPath Value[CompletionFromModule, nnn] Path CompletionFromModule.nnn @@ -129,8 +132,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFromModule2.res 12:29 posCursor:[12:29] posNoWhite:[12:28] Found expr:[12:3->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[CompletionFromModule, nnn]-> Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 CompletionFromModule +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib CompletionFromModule ContextPath Value[CompletionFromModule, nnn]-> ContextPath Value[CompletionFromModule, nnn] Path CompletionFromModule.nnn diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFunctionArguments.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFunctionArguments.res.txt index 53b5488f9d..ae28106430 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFunctionArguments.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionFunctionArguments.res.txt @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 10:24 posCursor:[10:24] posNoWhite:[10:23] Found expr:[10:11->10:25] Pexp_apply ...[10:11->10:17] (~isOn10:19->10:23=...__ghost__[0:-1->0:-1]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[someFn](~isOn) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[someFn](~isOn) ContextPath Value[someFn] Path someFn @@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 13:25 posCursor:[13:25] posNoWhite:[13:24] Found expr:[13:11->13:26] Pexp_apply ...[13:11->13:17] (~isOn13:19->13:23=...[13:24->13:25]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[someFn](~isOn)=t -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[someFn](~isOn) ContextPath Value[someFn] Path someFn @@ -41,13 +43,20 @@ Path someFn "tags": [], "detail": "bool", "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "typeof", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "'a => Type.t", + "documentation": null }] Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 16:25 posCursor:[16:25] posNoWhite:[16:24] Found expr:[16:11->16:26] Pexp_apply ...[16:11->16:17] (~isOff16:19->16:24=...__ghost__[0:-1->0:-1]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[someFn](~isOff) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[someFn](~isOff) ContextPath Value[someFn] Path someFn @@ -73,7 +82,8 @@ posCursor:[21:27] posNoWhite:[21:26] Found expr:[21:7->21:28] posCursor:[21:27] posNoWhite:[21:26] Found expr:[21:14->21:28] Pexp_apply ...[21:14->21:20] (~isOn21:22->21:26=...__ghost__[0:-1->0:-1]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[someFn](~isOn) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[someFn](~isOn) ContextPath Value[someFn] Path someFn @@ -95,7 +105,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 34:24 posCursor:[34:24] posNoWhite:[34:23] Found expr:[34:11->34:25] Pexp_apply ...[34:11->34:22] (...[34:23->34:24]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[someOtherFn]($0)=f -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[someOtherFn]($0) ContextPath Value[someOtherFn] Path someOtherFn @@ -111,7 +122,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 51:39 posCursor:[51:39] posNoWhite:[51:38] Found expr:[51:11->51:40] Pexp_apply ...[51:11->51:30] (~config51:32->51:38=...__ghost__[0:-1->0:-1]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[someFnTakingVariant](~config) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[someFnTakingVariant](~config) ContextPath Value[someFnTakingVariant] Path someFnTakingVariant @@ -145,7 +157,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 54:40 posCursor:[54:40] posNoWhite:[54:39] Found expr:[54:11->54:41] Pexp_apply ...[54:11->54:30] (~config54:32->54:38=...[54:39->54:40]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[someFnTakingVariant](~config)=O -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[someFnTakingVariant](~config) ContextPath Value[someFnTakingVariant] Path someFnTakingVariant @@ -164,6 +177,24 @@ Path someFnTakingVariant "tags": [], "detail": "module OIncludeMeInCompletions", "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Option", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Option", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Ordering", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Ordering", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Object", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Object", + "documentation": null }, { "label": "Obj", "kind": 9, @@ -190,7 +221,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 57:33 posCursor:[57:33] posNoWhite:[57:32] Found expr:[57:11->57:34] Pexp_apply ...[57:11->57:30] (...[57:31->57:33]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[someFnTakingVariant]($0)=So -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[someFnTakingVariant]($0) ContextPath Value[someFnTakingVariant] Path someFnTakingVariant @@ -208,7 +240,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 60:44 posCursor:[60:44] posNoWhite:[60:43] Found expr:[60:11->60:45] Pexp_apply ...[60:11->60:30] (~configOpt260:32->60:42=...[60:43->60:44]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[someFnTakingVariant](~configOpt2)=O -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[someFnTakingVariant](~configOpt2) ContextPath Value[someFnTakingVariant] Path someFnTakingVariant @@ -227,6 +260,24 @@ Path someFnTakingVariant "tags": [], "detail": "module OIncludeMeInCompletions", "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Option", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Option", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Ordering", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Ordering", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Object", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Object", + "documentation": null }, { "label": "Obj", "kind": 9, @@ -253,7 +304,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 63:23 posCursor:[63:23] posNoWhite:[63:22] Found expr:[63:11->63:24] Pexp_apply ...[63:11->63:22] (...[63:23->63:24]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[someOtherFn]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[someOtherFn]($0) ContextPath Value[someOtherFn] Path someOtherFn @@ -275,7 +327,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 66:28 posCursor:[66:28] posNoWhite:[66:27] Found expr:[66:11->66:30] Pexp_apply ...[66:11->66:22] (...[66:23->66:24], ...[66:26->66:27]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[someOtherFn]($2) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[someOtherFn]($2) ContextPath Value[someOtherFn] Path someOtherFn @@ -296,7 +349,8 @@ Path someOtherFn Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 69:30 posCursor:[69:30] posNoWhite:[69:29] Found expr:[69:11->69:31] Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[someOtherFn]($2)=t -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[someOtherFn]($2) ContextPath Value[someOtherFn] Path someOtherFn @@ -313,13 +367,20 @@ Path someOtherFn "tags": [], "detail": "bool", "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "typeof", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "'a => Type.t", + "documentation": null }] Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 76:25 posCursor:[76:25] posNoWhite:[76:24] Found expr:[76:11->76:26] Pexp_apply ...[76:11->76:24] (...[76:25->76:26]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingTuple]($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingTuple]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingTuple] Path fnTakingTuple @@ -337,7 +398,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionFunctionArguments.res 89:27 posCursor:[89:27] posNoWhite:[89:26] Found expr:[89:11->89:29] Pexp_apply ...[89:11->89:25] (...[89:26->89:28]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0)->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[fnTakingRecord]($0) ContextPath Value[fnTakingRecord] Path fnTakingRecord @@ -369,7 +431,8 @@ posCursor:[109:29] posNoWhite:[109:28] Found expr:[107:6->109:29] posCursor:[109:29] posNoWhite:[109:28] Found expr:[108:6->109:29] posCursor:[109:29] posNoWhite:[109:28] Found expr:[109:9->109:29] Completable: Cpath Value[thisGetsBrokenLoc]->a <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[thisGetsBrokenLoc]->a <> ContextPath Value[thisGetsBrokenLoc] Path thisGetsBrokenLoc @@ -391,7 +454,8 @@ posCursor:[111:27] posNoWhite:[111:26] Found expr:[107:6->111:27] posCursor:[111:27] posNoWhite:[111:26] Found expr:[108:6->111:27] posCursor:[111:27] posNoWhite:[111:26] Found expr:[111:9->111:27] Completable: Cpath Value[reassignedWorks]->a <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[reassignedWorks]->a <> ContextPath Value[reassignedWorks] Path reassignedWorks @@ -411,7 +475,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[121:3->121:11] (~changefreq121:13->121:23=...[121:24->121:31], ~l posCursor:[121:57] posNoWhite:[121:56] Found expr:[121:42->0:-1] posCursor:[121:57] posNoWhite:[121:56] Found expr:[121:42->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[fineModuleVal]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[fineModuleVal]-> ContextPath Value[fineModuleVal] Path fineModuleVal diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt index 5a26c180c2..8755e16516 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionInferValues.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 15:43 posCursor:[15:43] posNoWhite:[15:42] Found expr:[15:33->15:43] Completable: Cpath Value[aliased]->t -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[aliased]->t ContextPath Value[aliased] Path aliased @@ -10,61 +11,61 @@ Path x ContextPath int Path Stdlib.Int.t [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixedWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toFixedWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecision", + "label": "Int.toPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "label": "Int.toString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFloat", + "label": "Int.toFloat", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "int => float", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toLocaleString", + "label": "Int.toLocaleString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "int => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponential", + "label": "Int.toExponential", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixed", + "label": "Int.toFixed", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", @@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 18:30 posCursor:[18:30] posNoWhite:[18:29] Found expr:[18:28->18:30] Pexp_field [18:28->18:29] _:[33:0->18:30] Completable: Cpath Value[x]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x]."" ContextPath Value[x] Path x @@ -108,7 +110,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 21:53 posCursor:[21:53] posNoWhite:[21:52] Found expr:[21:45->21:53] Pexp_field [21:45->21:52] _:[33:0->21:53] Completable: Cpath Value[aliased]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[aliased]."" ContextPath Value[aliased] Path aliased @@ -150,7 +153,8 @@ posCursor:[24:63] posNoWhite:[24:62] Found expr:[24:42->24:63] posCursor:[24:63] posNoWhite:[24:62] Found expr:[24:52->24:63] Pexp_field [24:52->24:62] _:[24:63->24:63] Completable: Cpath Value[someRecord]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someRecord]."" ContextPath Value[someRecord] Path someRecord @@ -190,7 +194,8 @@ posCursor:[27:90] posNoWhite:[27:89] Found expr:[27:69->27:90] posCursor:[27:90] posNoWhite:[27:89] Found expr:[27:79->27:90] Pexp_field [27:79->27:89] _:[27:90->27:90] Completable: Cpath Value[someRecord]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someRecord]."" ContextPath Value[someRecord] Path someRecord @@ -231,7 +236,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[30:3->30:15] (...[30:16->30:38]) posCursor:[30:36] posNoWhite:[30:35] Found expr:[30:16->30:38] posCursor:[30:36] posNoWhite:[30:35] Found expr:[30:27->30:36] Completable: Cpath Value[event]->pr -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[event]->pr ContextPath Value[event] Path event @@ -255,7 +261,8 @@ JSX 41:15] onMouseEnter[41:16->41:28]=...[41:36->41:52]> _children: posCursor:[41:50] posNoWhite:[41:49] Found expr:[41:36->41:52] posCursor:[41:50] posNoWhite:[41:49] Found expr:[41:41->41:50] Completable: Cpath Value[event]->pr <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[event]->pr <> ContextPath Value[event] Path event @@ -279,7 +286,8 @@ JSX 44:15] onMouseEnter[44:16->44:28]=...[44:36->44:52]> _children: posCursor:[44:50] posNoWhite:[44:49] Found expr:[44:36->44:52] posCursor:[44:50] posNoWhite:[44:49] Found expr:[44:41->44:50] Completable: Cpath Value[event]->pr <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[event]->pr <> ContextPath Value[event] Path event @@ -303,7 +311,8 @@ posCursor:[47:87] posNoWhite:[47:86] Found expr:[47:36->47:89] posCursor:[47:87] posNoWhite:[47:86] Found expr:[47:41->47:87] posCursor:[47:87] posNoWhite:[47:86] Found expr:[47:81->47:87] Completable: Cpath Value[btn]->t <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[btn]->t <> ContextPath Value[btn] Path btn @@ -312,61 +321,61 @@ ContextPath Value[JsxEvent, Mouse, button] Path JsxEvent.Mouse.button Path Stdlib.Int.t [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixedWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toFixedWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecision", + "label": "Int.toPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "label": "Int.toString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFloat", + "label": "Int.toFloat", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "int => float", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toLocaleString", + "label": "Int.toLocaleString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "int => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponential", + "label": "Int.toExponential", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixed", + "label": "Int.toFixed", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", @@ -380,7 +389,8 @@ posCursor:[50:103] posNoWhite:[50:102] Found expr:[50:36->50:105] posCursor:[50:103] posNoWhite:[50:102] Found expr:[50:41->50:103] posCursor:[50:103] posNoWhite:[50:102] Found expr:[50:95->50:103] Completable: Cpath Value[btn]->spl <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[btn]->spl <> ContextPath Value[btn] Path btn @@ -396,20 +406,35 @@ posCursor:[53:121] posNoWhite:[53:120] Found expr:[53:36->53:123] posCursor:[53:121] posNoWhite:[53:120] Found expr:[53:41->53:121] posCursor:[53:121] posNoWhite:[53:120] Found expr:[53:114->53:121] Completable: Cpath Value[btn]->ma <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[btn]->ma <> ContextPath Value[btn] Path btn ContextPath Value[String, split](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[String, split] Path String.split -[] +Path +[{ + "label": "", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "Array.mapWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mapWithIndex(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray =\n array->Array.mapWithIndex((greeting, index) =>\n greeting ++ \" at position \" ++ Int.toString(index)\n )\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello at position 0\", \"Hi at position 1\", \"Good bye at position 2\"])\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 75:78 posCursor:[75:78] posNoWhite:[75:77] Found expr:[75:70->75:78] Pexp_field [75:70->75:77] _:[118:0->75:78] Completable: Cpath Value[srecord]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[srecord]."" ContextPath Value[srecord] Path srecord @@ -446,7 +471,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 79:86 posCursor:[79:86] posNoWhite:[79:85] Found expr:[79:78->79:86] Pexp_field [79:78->79:85] _:[118:0->79:86] Completable: Cpath Value[aliased]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[aliased]."" ContextPath Value[aliased] Path aliased @@ -477,7 +503,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 83:103 posCursor:[83:103] posNoWhite:[83:102] Found expr:[83:92->83:103] Pexp_field [83:92->83:102] _:[118:0->83:103] Completable: Cpath Value[someRecord]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someRecord]."" ContextPath Value[someRecord] Path someRecord @@ -513,7 +540,8 @@ Path CompletionInferValues. Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 87:81 posCursor:[87:81] posNoWhite:[87:80] Found expr:[87:69->87:81] Completable: Cpath Value[things]->slic -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[things]->slic ContextPath Value[things] Path things @@ -524,13 +552,13 @@ ContextPath Type[someRecordWithNestedStuff] Path someRecordWithNestedStuff Path Stdlib.String.slic [{ - "label": "Stdlib.String.slice", + "label": "String.slice", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.sliceToEnd", + "label": "String.sliceToEnd", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", @@ -540,7 +568,8 @@ Path Stdlib.String.slic Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 91:82 posCursor:[91:82] posNoWhite:[91:81] Found expr:[91:70->91:82] Completable: Cpath Value[someInt]->toS -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someInt]->toS ContextPath Value[someInt] Path someInt @@ -551,13 +580,13 @@ ContextPath Type[someRecordWithNestedStuff] Path someRecordWithNestedStuff Path Stdlib.Int.toS [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "label": "Int.toString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", @@ -567,7 +596,8 @@ Path Stdlib.Int.toS Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 95:109 posCursor:[95:109] posNoWhite:[95:108] Found expr:[95:97->95:109] Completable: Cpath Value[someInt]->toS -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someInt]->toS ContextPath Value[someInt] Path someInt @@ -581,13 +611,13 @@ ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord Path Stdlib.Int.toS [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "label": "Int.toString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", @@ -598,7 +628,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 99:102 posCursor:[99:102] posNoWhite:[99:101] Found expr:[99:57->99:102] posCursor:[99:102] posNoWhite:[99:101] Found expr:[99:90->99:102] Completable: Cpath Value[someInt]->toS -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someInt]->toS ContextPath Value[someInt] Path someInt @@ -612,13 +643,13 @@ ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord Path Stdlib.Int.toS [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "label": "Int.toString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", @@ -628,7 +659,8 @@ Path Stdlib.Int.toS Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 103:88 posCursor:[103:88] posNoWhite:[103:87] Found expr:[103:79->103:88] Completable: Cpath Value[str]->slic -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[str]->slic ContextPath Value[str] Path str @@ -639,13 +671,13 @@ ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord Path Stdlib.String.slic [{ - "label": "Stdlib.String.slice", + "label": "String.slice", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.sliceToEnd", + "label": "String.sliceToEnd", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", @@ -655,7 +687,8 @@ Path Stdlib.String.slic Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 107:89 posCursor:[107:89] posNoWhite:[107:88] Found expr:[107:80->107:89] Completable: Cpath Value[str]->slic -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[str]->slic ContextPath Value[str] Path str @@ -666,13 +699,13 @@ ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord Path Stdlib.String.slic [{ - "label": "Stdlib.String.slice", + "label": "String.slice", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.sliceToEnd", + "label": "String.sliceToEnd", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", @@ -682,7 +715,8 @@ Path Stdlib.String.slic Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 111:80 posCursor:[111:80] posNoWhite:[111:79] Found expr:[111:70->111:80] Completable: Cpath Value[name]->slic -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[name]->slic ContextPath Value[name] Path name @@ -693,13 +727,13 @@ ContextPath Type[otherNestedRecord] Path otherNestedRecord Path Stdlib.String.slic [{ - "label": "Stdlib.String.slice", + "label": "String.slice", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.sliceToEnd", + "label": "String.sliceToEnd", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", @@ -709,7 +743,8 @@ Path Stdlib.String.slic Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 115:53 posCursor:[115:53] posNoWhite:[115:52] Found expr:[115:46->115:53] Completable: Cpath Value[v]->toSt -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[v]->toSt ContextPath Value[v] Path v @@ -718,13 +753,13 @@ Path x ContextPath int Path Stdlib.Int.toSt [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "label": "Int.toString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", @@ -738,7 +773,8 @@ posCursor:[123:26] posNoWhite:[123:25] Found expr:[123:24->123:36] posCursor:[123:26] posNoWhite:[123:25] Found pattern:[123:25->123:27] posCursor:[123:26] posNoWhite:[123:25] Found pattern:[123:25->123:27] Completable: Cpattern CArgument CArgument Value[fnWithRecordCallback]($0)($0)->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument CArgument Value[fnWithRecordCallback]($0)($0) ContextPath CArgument Value[fnWithRecordCallback]($0) ContextPath Value[fnWithRecordCallback] @@ -764,7 +800,8 @@ posCursor:[130:30] posNoWhite:[130:29] Found expr:[130:11->130:32] posCursor:[130:30] posNoWhite:[130:29] Found expr:[130:24->0:-1] posCursor:[130:30] posNoWhite:[130:29] Found expr:[130:24->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[root]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[root]-> ContextPath Value[root] Path root @@ -796,7 +833,8 @@ posCursor:[139:30] posNoWhite:[139:29] Found expr:[139:11->139:32] posCursor:[139:30] posNoWhite:[139:29] Found expr:[139:24->0:-1] posCursor:[139:30] posNoWhite:[139:29] Found expr:[139:24->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[root]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[root]-> ContextPath Value[root] Path root @@ -824,7 +862,8 @@ Path CompletionSupport.Test. Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 143:47 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[Belt, Int, toString](Nolabel) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Belt, Int, toString](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Belt, Int, toString] Path Belt.Int.toString @@ -842,11 +881,21 @@ Path Belt.Int.toString Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 147:66 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[String, split](Nolabel, Nolabel) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[String, split](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[String, split] Path String.split -[] +[{ + "label": "[]", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "string", + "documentation": null, + "sortText": "A", + "insertText": "[$0]", + "insertTextFormat": 2 + }] Complete src/CompletionInferValues.res 151:105 posCursor:[151:105] posNoWhite:[151:104] Found expr:[151:18->151:110] @@ -855,7 +904,8 @@ posCursor:[151:105] posNoWhite:[151:104] Found expr:[151:81->151:106] posCursor:[151:105] posNoWhite:[151:104] Found expr:[151:97->151:105] Pexp_field [151:97->151:104] _:[151:105->151:105] Completable: Cpath Value[support]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[support]."" ContextPath Value[support] Path support @@ -889,7 +939,8 @@ posCursor:[155:110] posNoWhite:[155:109] Found expr:[155:81->155:111] posCursor:[155:110] posNoWhite:[155:109] Found expr:[155:104->0:-1] posCursor:[155:110] posNoWhite:[155:109] Found expr:[155:104->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[root]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[root]-> ContextPath Value[root] Path root @@ -919,10 +970,12 @@ Nothing at that position. Now trying to use completion. posCursor:[160:27] posNoWhite:[160:26] Found expr:[160:25->160:28] Pexp_ident res:[160:25->160:28] Completable: Cpath Value[res] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res] Path res -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res] Path res {"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\nint\n```"}} diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt index b80f946092..0fb67ddfcf 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsx.res.txt @@ -1,19 +1,20 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 3:17 posCursor:[3:17] posNoWhite:[3:16] Found expr:[3:3->3:17] Completable: Cpath Value[someString]->st -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someString]->st ContextPath Value[someString] Path someString Path [{ - "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "label": "String.startsWith", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string) => bool", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "label": "String.startsWithFrom", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", @@ -29,7 +30,8 @@ posCursor:[13:21] posNoWhite:[13:20] Found expr:[12:4->32:10] posCursor:[13:21] posNoWhite:[13:20] Found expr:[13:7->32:10] posCursor:[13:21] posNoWhite:[13:20] Found expr:[13:7->13:21] Completable: Cpath Value[someString]->st <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someString]->st <> ContextPath Value[someString] Path someString @@ -43,13 +45,13 @@ Path "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "label": "String.startsWith", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string) => bool", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "label": "String.startsWithFrom", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", @@ -72,7 +74,8 @@ posCursor:[18:24] posNoWhite:[18:23] Found expr:[18:10->32:4] posCursor:[18:24] posNoWhite:[18:23] Found expr:[18:10->32:4] posCursor:[18:24] posNoWhite:[18:23] Found expr:[18:10->18:24] Completable: Cpath Value[someString]->st <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someString]->st <> ContextPath Value[someString] Path someString @@ -86,13 +89,13 @@ Path "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "label": "String.startsWith", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string) => bool", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "label": "String.startsWithFrom", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", @@ -115,7 +118,8 @@ posCursor:[20:27] posNoWhite:[20:26] Found expr:[20:10->32:4] posCursor:[20:27] posNoWhite:[20:26] Found expr:[20:10->32:4] posCursor:[20:27] posNoWhite:[20:26] Found expr:[20:10->20:27] Completable: Cpath string->st <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath string->st <> ContextPath string Path @@ -128,13 +132,13 @@ Path "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "label": "String.startsWith", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string) => bool", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "label": "String.startsWithFrom", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", @@ -157,12 +161,34 @@ posCursor:[22:40] posNoWhite:[22:39] Found expr:[22:10->32:4] posCursor:[22:40] posNoWhite:[22:39] Found expr:[22:10->32:4] posCursor:[22:40] posNoWhite:[22:39] Found expr:[22:10->22:40] Completable: Cpath Value[String, trim](Nolabel)->st <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[String, trim](Nolabel)->st <> ContextPath Value[String, trim](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[String, trim] Path String.trim -[] +Path +[{ + "label": "React.string", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Turns `string` into a JSX element so it can be used inside of JSX."}, + "sortText": "A", + "insertTextFormat": 2 + }, { + "label": "String.startsWith", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} + }, { + "label": "String.startsWithFrom", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"} + }] Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 24:19 posCursor:[24:19] posNoWhite:[24:18] Found expr:[8:13->33:3] @@ -180,7 +206,8 @@ posCursor:[24:19] posNoWhite:[24:18] Found expr:[24:10->32:4] posCursor:[24:19] posNoWhite:[24:18] Found expr:[24:10->32:4] posCursor:[24:19] posNoWhite:[24:18] Found expr:[24:10->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[someInt]-> <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someInt]-> <> ContextPath Value[someInt] Path someInt @@ -194,97 +221,97 @@ Path Stdlib.Int. "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.equal", + "label": "Int.equal", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, int) => bool", "documentation": null }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.clamp", + "label": "Int.clamp", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(~min: int=?, ~max: int=?, int) => int", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`clamp(~min=?, ~max=?, value)` returns `value`, optionally bounded by `min` and `max`.\n\nif `max` < `min` returns `min`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.clamp(42) == 42\nInt.clamp(42, ~min=50) == 50\nInt.clamp(42, ~max=40) == 40\nInt.clamp(42, ~min=50, ~max=40) == 50\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixedWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toFixedWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} }, { - "label": "", + "label": "", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, int) => Stdlib_Ordering.t", "documentation": null }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecision", + "label": "Int.toPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.range", + "label": "Int.range", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, int, ~options: rangeOptions=?) => array", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`range(start, end, ~options=?)` returns an int array of the sequence of integers in the\nrange `[start, end)`. That is, including `start` but excluding `end`.\n\nIf `step` is not set and `start < end`, the sequence will be increasing in steps of 1.\n\nIf `step` is not set and `start > end`, the sequence will be decreasing in steps of -1.\n\nIf `step` is set, the sequence will increase or decrease by that amount for each\nstep. If `start < end` and `step` is negative, or vice versa, an empty array is\nreturned since the sequence would otherwise never reach or exceed the end value\nand hence be infinite. If `step` is `0` and `start !=` end, a `RangeError` is\nraised as the sequence would never reach or exceed the end value and hence be\ninfinite.\n\nIf `inclusive` is set to `true`, the sequence will include `end` if `step` is\nset such that the sequence includes it.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.range(3, 6) == [3, 4, 5]\nInt.range(-3, -1) == [-3, -2]\nInt.range(3, 1) == [3, 2]\nInt.range(3, 7, ~options={step: 2}) == [3, 5]\nInt.range(3, 7, ~options={step: 2, inclusive: true}) == [3, 5, 7]\nInt.range(3, 6, ~options={step: -2}) // RangeError\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- Raises `RangeError` if `step == 0 && start != end`.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "label": "Int.toString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFloat", + "label": "Int.toFloat", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "int => float", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.mod", + "label": "Int.mod", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, int) => int", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mod(n1, n2)` calculates the modulo (remainder after division) of two integers.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.mod(7, 4) == 3\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.rangeWithOptions", + "label": "Int.rangeWithOptions", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, int, rangeOptions) => array", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `range` instead\n\n\n`rangeWithOptions(start, end, options)` is like `range`, but with `step` and\n`inclusive` options configurable.\n\nIf `step` is set, the sequence will increase or decrease by that amount for each\nstep. If `start < end` and `step` is negative, or vice versa, an empty array is\nreturned since the sequence would otherwise never reach or exceed the end value\nand hence be infinite. If `step` is `0` and `start !=` end, a `RangeError` is\nraised as the sequence would never reach or exceed the end value and hence be\ninfinite.\n\nIf `inclusive` is set to `true`, the sequence will include `end` if `step` is\nset such that the sequence includes it.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 7, {step: 2}) == [3, 5]\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 7, {step: 2, inclusive: true}) == [3, 5, 7]\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 6, {step: -2}) // RangeError\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- Raises `RangeError` if `step == 0 && start != end`.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toLocaleString", + "label": "Int.toLocaleString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "int => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponential", + "label": "Int.toExponential", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixed", + "label": "Int.toFixed", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", @@ -307,7 +334,8 @@ posCursor:[26:14] posNoWhite:[26:13] Found expr:[26:10->32:4] posCursor:[26:14] posNoWhite:[26:13] Found expr:[26:10->32:4] posCursor:[26:14] posNoWhite:[26:13] Found expr:[26:10->0:-1] Completable: Cpath int-> <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath int-> <> ContextPath int Path Stdlib.Int. @@ -320,97 +348,97 @@ Path Stdlib.Int. "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.equal", + "label": "Int.equal", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, int) => bool", "documentation": null }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.clamp", + "label": "Int.clamp", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(~min: int=?, ~max: int=?, int) => int", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`clamp(~min=?, ~max=?, value)` returns `value`, optionally bounded by `min` and `max`.\n\nif `max` < `min` returns `min`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.clamp(42) == 42\nInt.clamp(42, ~min=50) == 50\nInt.clamp(42, ~max=40) == 40\nInt.clamp(42, ~min=50, ~max=40) == 50\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixedWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toFixedWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} }, { - "label": "", + "label": "", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, int) => Stdlib_Ordering.t", "documentation": null }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecision", + "label": "Int.toPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.range", + "label": "Int.range", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, int, ~options: rangeOptions=?) => array", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`range(start, end, ~options=?)` returns an int array of the sequence of integers in the\nrange `[start, end)`. That is, including `start` but excluding `end`.\n\nIf `step` is not set and `start < end`, the sequence will be increasing in steps of 1.\n\nIf `step` is not set and `start > end`, the sequence will be decreasing in steps of -1.\n\nIf `step` is set, the sequence will increase or decrease by that amount for each\nstep. If `start < end` and `step` is negative, or vice versa, an empty array is\nreturned since the sequence would otherwise never reach or exceed the end value\nand hence be infinite. If `step` is `0` and `start !=` end, a `RangeError` is\nraised as the sequence would never reach or exceed the end value and hence be\ninfinite.\n\nIf `inclusive` is set to `true`, the sequence will include `end` if `step` is\nset such that the sequence includes it.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.range(3, 6) == [3, 4, 5]\nInt.range(-3, -1) == [-3, -2]\nInt.range(3, 1) == [3, 2]\nInt.range(3, 7, ~options={step: 2}) == [3, 5]\nInt.range(3, 7, ~options={step: 2, inclusive: true}) == [3, 5, 7]\nInt.range(3, 6, ~options={step: -2}) // RangeError\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- Raises `RangeError` if `step == 0 && start != end`.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "label": "Int.toString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFloat", + "label": "Int.toFloat", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "int => float", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.mod", + "label": "Int.mod", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, int) => int", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`mod(n1, n2)` calculates the modulo (remainder after division) of two integers.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.mod(7, 4) == 3\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.rangeWithOptions", + "label": "Int.rangeWithOptions", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, int, rangeOptions) => array", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `range` instead\n\n\n`rangeWithOptions(start, end, options)` is like `range`, but with `step` and\n`inclusive` options configurable.\n\nIf `step` is set, the sequence will increase or decrease by that amount for each\nstep. If `start < end` and `step` is negative, or vice versa, an empty array is\nreturned since the sequence would otherwise never reach or exceed the end value\nand hence be infinite. If `step` is `0` and `start !=` end, a `RangeError` is\nraised as the sequence would never reach or exceed the end value and hence be\ninfinite.\n\nIf `inclusive` is set to `true`, the sequence will include `end` if `step` is\nset such that the sequence includes it.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 7, {step: 2}) == [3, 5]\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 7, {step: 2, inclusive: true}) == [3, 5, 7]\nInt.rangeWithOptions(3, 6, {step: -2}) // RangeError\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- Raises `RangeError` if `step == 0 && start != end`.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toLocaleString", + "label": "Int.toLocaleString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "int => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponential", + "label": "Int.toExponential", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixed", + "label": "Int.toFixed", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", @@ -433,7 +461,8 @@ posCursor:[28:20] posNoWhite:[28:19] Found expr:[28:10->32:4] posCursor:[28:20] posNoWhite:[28:19] Found expr:[28:10->32:4] posCursor:[28:20] posNoWhite:[28:19] Found expr:[28:10->28:20] Completable: Cpath Value[someArr]->a <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someArr]->a <> ContextPath Value[someArr] Path someArr @@ -447,7 +476,7 @@ Path Stdlib.Array.a "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "", + "label": "", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => option<'a>", @@ -471,7 +500,8 @@ posCursor:[30:12] posNoWhite:[30:11] Found expr:[30:10->33:2] posCursor:[30:12] posNoWhite:[30:11] Found expr:[30:10->32:10] JSX 30:12] div[32:6->32:9]=...[32:6->32:9]> _children:32:9 Completable: ChtmlElement ", "kind": 4, @@ -499,7 +529,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 45:23 posCursor:[45:23] posNoWhite:[45:22] Found expr:[45:4->45:23] JSX 45:21] n[45:22->45:23]=...[45:22->45:23]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([CompWithoutJsxPpx], n, [n]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path CompWithoutJsxPpx.make [{ "label": "name", @@ -513,7 +544,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 48:27 posCursor:[48:27] posNoWhite:[48:26] Found expr:[48:4->48:28] JSX 48:17] someProp[48:18->48:26]=...[48:18->48:26]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [SomeComponent] someProp -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [SomeComponent] someProp Path SomeComponent.make [{ @@ -531,7 +563,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 51:11 posCursor:[51:11] posNoWhite:[51:10] Found expr:[51:4->51:11] JSX 51:6] hidd[51:7->51:11]=...[51:7->51:11]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([h1], hidd, [hidd]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path ReactDOM.domProps Path JsxDOM.domProps [{ @@ -546,7 +579,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 61:30 posCursor:[61:30] posNoWhite:[61:28] Found expr:[61:4->61:29] JSX 61:29] > _children:None Completable: Cjsx([IntrinsicElementLowercase], "", []) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path IntrinsicElementLowercase.make [{ "label": "name", @@ -572,7 +606,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 73:36 posCursor:[73:36] posNoWhite:[73:35] Found expr:[73:4->73:41] JSX 73:17] name[73:18->73:22]=...[73:23->73:30] time[73:31->73:35]=...[73:37->73:40]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [MultiPropComp] time -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [MultiPropComp] time Path MultiPropComp.make [{ @@ -597,7 +632,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 76:36 posCursor:[76:36] posNoWhite:[76:35] Found expr:[76:4->76:40] JSX 76:17] name[76:18->76:22]=...[76:23->76:30] time[76:31->76:35]=...[76:37->76:40]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [MultiPropComp] time -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [MultiPropComp] time Path MultiPropComp.make [{ @@ -622,7 +658,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 79:28 posCursor:[79:28] posNoWhite:[79:27] Found expr:[79:4->79:32] JSX 79:17] name[79:18->79:22]=...[79:18->79:22] time[79:23->79:27]=...[79:29->79:32]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [MultiPropComp] time -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [MultiPropComp] time Path MultiPropComp.make [{ @@ -647,7 +684,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsx.res 89:26 posCursor:[89:26] posNoWhite:[89:24] Found expr:[89:4->89:27] JSX 89:8] _type[89:9->89:14]=...[89:16->89:24]> _children:89:26 Completable: Cjsx([Info], "", [_type]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path Info.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -665,7 +703,8 @@ posCursor:[93:19] posNoWhite:[93:18] Found expr:[93:15->93:20] posCursor:[93:19] posNoWhite:[93:18] Found expr:[93:15->93:19] Pexp_field [93:15->93:17] s:[93:18->93:19] Completable: Cpath string.s -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath string.s ContextPath string ContextPath string->s <> @@ -685,157 +724,157 @@ Path Stdlib.String.s "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "label": "->String.startsWith", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string) => bool", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"}, "sortText": "startsWith", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "insertText": "->String.startsWith", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.String.splitAtMost", + "label": "->String.splitAtMost", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string, ~limit: int) => array", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`splitAtMost(str, delimiter, ~limit)` splits the given `str` at every\noccurrence of `delimiter` and returns an array of the first `limit` resulting\nsubstrings. If `limit` is negative or greater than the number of substrings,\nthe array will contain all the substrings.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.splitAtMost(\"ant/bee/cat/dog/elk\", \"/\", ~limit=3) == [\"ant\", \"bee\", \"cat\"]\nString.splitAtMost(\"ant/bee/cat/dog/elk\", \"/\", ~limit=0) == []\nString.splitAtMost(\"ant/bee/cat/dog/elk\", \"/\", ~limit=9) == [\"ant\", \"bee\", \"cat\", \"dog\", \"elk\"]\n```\n"}, "sortText": "splitAtMost", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.splitAtMost", + "insertText": "->String.splitAtMost", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.String.searchOpt", + "label": "->String.searchOpt", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => option", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`searchOpt(str, regexp)`. Like `search`, but return an `option`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.searchOpt(\"testing 1 2 3\", %re(\"/\\d+/\")) == Some(8)\nString.searchOpt(\"no numbers\", %re(\"/\\d+/\")) == None\n```\n"}, "sortText": "searchOpt", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.searchOpt", + "insertText": "->String.searchOpt", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.String.splitByRegExpAtMost", + "label": "->String.splitByRegExpAtMost", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(\n string,\n Stdlib_RegExp.t,\n ~limit: int,\n) => array>", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`splitByRegExpAtMost(str, regexp, ~limit)` splits the given `str` at every\noccurrence of `regexp` and returns an array of the first `limit` resulting\nsubstrings. If `limit` is negative or greater than the number of substrings, the\narray will contain all the substrings.\nSee [`String.split`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.splitByRegExpAtMost(\"Hello World. How are you doing?\", %re(\"/ /\"), ~limit=3) == [\n Some(\"Hello\"),\n Some(\"World.\"),\n Some(\"How\"),\n]\n```\n"}, "sortText": "splitByRegExpAtMost", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.splitByRegExpAtMost", + "insertText": "->String.splitByRegExpAtMost", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.String.slice", + "label": "->String.slice", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`slice(str, ~start, ~end)` returns the substring of `str` starting at\ncharacter `start` up to but not including `end`.\n- If either `start` or `end` is negative, then it is evaluated as\n`length(str - start)` or `length(str - end)`.\n- If `end` is greater than the length of `str`, then it is treated as\n`length(str)`.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, slice returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=5) == \"cde\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=2, ~end=9) == \"cdefg\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-4, ~end=-2) == \"de\"\nString.slice(\"abcdefg\", ~start=5, ~end=1) == \"\"\n```\n"}, "sortText": "slice", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.slice", + "insertText": "->String.slice", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.String.sliceToEnd", + "label": "->String.sliceToEnd", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`sliceToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` starting at character\n`start` to the end of the string.\n- If `start` is negative, then it is evaluated as `length(str - start)`.\n- If `start` is greater than the length of `str`, then sliceToEnd returns the empty string.\nSee [`String.slice`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=4) == \"efg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=-2) == \"fg\"\nString.sliceToEnd(\"abcdefg\", ~start=7) == \"\"\n```\n"}, "sortText": "sliceToEnd", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.sliceToEnd", + "insertText": "->String.sliceToEnd", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.String.setSymbol", + "label": "->String.setSymbol", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, Stdlib_Symbol.t, 'a) => unit", "documentation": null, "sortText": "setSymbol", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.setSymbol", + "insertText": "->String.setSymbol", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.String.splitByRegExp", + "label": "->String.splitByRegExp", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => array>", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`splitByRegExp(str, regexp)` splits the given `str` at every occurrence of\n`regexp` and returns an array of the resulting substrings.\nSee [`String.split`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.splitByRegExp(\"Jan,Feb,Mar\", %re(\"/,/\")) == [Some(\"Jan\"), Some(\"Feb\"), Some(\"Mar\")]\n```\n"}, "sortText": "splitByRegExp", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.splitByRegExp", + "insertText": "->String.splitByRegExp", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "label": "->String.startsWithFrom", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWithFrom(str, substr, n)` returns `true` if the `str` starts\nwith `substr` starting at position `n`, `false` otherwise. If `n` is negative,\nthe search starts at the beginning of `str`.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"kle\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"BuckleScript\", \"\", 3) == true\nString.startsWithFrom(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\", 2) == false\n```\n"}, "sortText": "startsWithFrom", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "insertText": "->String.startsWithFrom", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.String.split", + "label": "->String.split", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string) => array", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`split(str, delimiter)` splits the given `str` at every occurrence of\n`delimiter` and returns an array of the resulting substrings.\nSee [`String.split`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.split(\"2018-01-02\", \"-\") == [\"2018\", \"01\", \"02\"]\nString.split(\"a,b,,c\", \",\") == [\"a\", \"b\", \"\", \"c\"]\nString.split(\"good::bad as great::awful\", \"::\") == [\"good\", \"bad as great\", \"awful\"]\nString.split(\"has-no-delimiter\", \";\") == [\"has-no-delimiter\"]\n```\n"}, "sortText": "split", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.split", + "insertText": "->String.split", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.String.substring", + "label": "->String.substring", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~start: int, ~end: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`substring(str, ~start, ~end)` returns characters `start` up to but not\nincluding end from `str`.\n- If `start` is less than zero, it is treated as zero.\n- If `end` is zero or negative, the empty string is returned.\n- If `start` is greater than `end`, the `start` and `end` points are swapped.\nSee [`String.substring`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.substring(\"playground\", ~start=3, ~end=6) == \"ygr\"\nString.substring(\"playground\", ~start=6, ~end=3) == \"ygr\"\nString.substring(\"playground\", ~start=4, ~end=12) == \"ground\"\n```\n"}, "sortText": "substring", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.substring", + "insertText": "->String.substring", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->", + "label": "->", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, Stdlib_RegExp.t) => int", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`search(str, regexp)` returns the starting position of the first match of\n`regexp` in the given `str`, or -1 if there is no match.\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\\"testing 1 2 3\", %re(\"/\\d+/\")) == 8\\"no numbers\", %re(\"/\\d+/\")) == -1\n```\n"}, "sortText": "search", - "insertText": "->", + "insertText": "->", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.String.substringToEnd", + "label": "->String.substringToEnd", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, ~start: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`substringToEnd(str, ~start)` returns the substring of `str` from position\n`start` to the end.\n- If `start` is less than or equal to zero, the entire string is returned.\n- If `start` is greater than or equal to the length of `str`, the empty string\nis returned.\nSee [`String.substring`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.substringToEnd(\"playground\", ~start=4) == \"ground\"\nString.substringToEnd(\"playground\", ~start=-3) == \"playground\"\nString.substringToEnd(\"playground\", ~start=12) == \"\"\n```\n"}, "sortText": "substringToEnd", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.String.substringToEnd", + "insertText": "->String.substringToEnd", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 93, "character": 17}, "end": {"line": 93, "character": 18}}, "newText": "" diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsxProps.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsxProps.res.txt index 80a2cd6a02..11d4780017 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsxProps.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionJsxProps.res.txt @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 0:47 posCursor:[0:47] posNoWhite:[0:46] Found expr:[0:12->0:47] JSX 0:43] on[0:44->0:46]=...__ghost__[0:-1->0:-1]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] on -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] on Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make [{ @@ -23,7 +24,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 3:48 posCursor:[3:48] posNoWhite:[3:47] Found expr:[3:12->3:48] JSX 3:43] on[3:44->3:46]=...[3:47->3:48]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] on=t -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] on Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make [{ @@ -31,6 +33,13 @@ Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make "kind": 4, "tags": [], "detail": "bool", + "documentation": null, + "sortText": "A true" + }, { + "label": "typeof", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "'a => Type.t", "documentation": null }] @@ -38,7 +47,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 6:50 posCursor:[6:50] posNoWhite:[6:49] Found expr:[6:12->6:50] JSX 6:43] test[6:44->6:48]=...[6:49->6:50]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] test=T -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] test Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make [{ @@ -59,6 +69,18 @@ Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make "sortText": "A Three(_)", "insertText": "{Three($0)}", "insertTextFormat": 2 + }, { + "label": "TypedArray", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module TypedArray", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Type", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Type", + "documentation": null }, { "label": "TableclothMap", "kind": 9, @@ -115,7 +137,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 9:52 posCursor:[9:52] posNoWhite:[9:51] Found expr:[9:12->9:52] JSX 9:43] polyArg[9:44->9:51]=...__ghost__[0:-1->0:-1]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] polyArg -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] polyArg Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make [{ @@ -156,7 +179,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 12:54 posCursor:[12:54] posNoWhite:[12:53] Found expr:[12:12->12:54] JSX 12:43] polyArg[12:44->12:51]=...[12:52->12:54]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] polyArg=#t -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] polyArg Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make [{ @@ -189,7 +213,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 15:22 posCursor:[15:22] posNoWhite:[15:21] Found expr:[15:12->15:25] JSX 15:15] muted[15:16->15:21]=...__ghost__[0:-1->0:-1]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [div] muted -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [div] muted Path ReactDOM.domProps Path JsxDOM.domProps @@ -211,7 +236,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 18:29 posCursor:[18:29] posNoWhite:[18:28] Found expr:[18:12->18:32] JSX 18:15] onMouseEnter[18:16->18:28]=...__ghost__[0:-1->0:-1]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [div] onMouseEnter -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [div] onMouseEnter Path ReactDOM.domProps Path JsxDOM.domProps @@ -230,7 +256,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 22:52 posCursor:[22:52] posNoWhite:[22:51] Found expr:[22:12->22:52] JSX 22:43] testArr[22:44->22:51]=...__ghost__[0:-1->0:-1]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] testArr -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] testArr Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make [{ @@ -248,7 +275,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 26:54 posCursor:[26:54] posNoWhite:[26:53] Found expr:[26:12->26:56] JSX 26:43] testArr[26:44->26:51]=...[26:53->26:55]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] testArr->array -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] testArr Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make [{ @@ -281,7 +309,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 31:53 posCursor:[31:53] posNoWhite:[31:52] Found expr:[31:12->31:54] JSX 31:43] polyArg[31:44->31:51]=...[31:52->31:54]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] polyArg->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] polyArg Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make [{ @@ -322,7 +351,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 34:49 posCursor:[34:49] posNoWhite:[34:48] Found expr:[34:12->34:50] JSX 34:43] on[34:44->34:46]=...[34:48->34:49]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] on=t->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [CompletionSupport, TestComponent] on Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make [{ @@ -337,13 +367,20 @@ Path CompletionSupport.TestComponent.make "tags": [], "detail": "[> #two]", "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "typeof", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "'a => Type.t", + "documentation": null }] Complete src/CompletionJsxProps.res 44:44 posCursor:[44:44] posNoWhite:[44:43] Found expr:[44:12->44:44] JSX 44:36] status[44:37->44:43]=...__ghost__[0:-1->0:-1]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [CompletableComponentLazy] status -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [CompletableComponentLazy] status Path CompletableComponentLazy.make [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionMultipleEditorCompleteFrom.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionMultipleEditorCompleteFrom.res.txt index ecc736dd52..ee1a269705 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionMultipleEditorCompleteFrom.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionMultipleEditorCompleteFrom.res.txt @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionMultipleEditorCompleteFrom.res 19:5 posCursor:[19:5] posNoWhite:[19:4] Found expr:[19:3->19:5] Pexp_field [19:3->19:4] _:[22:0->19:5] Completable: Cpath Value[a]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[a]."" ContextPath Value[a] Path a diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionObjects.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionObjects.res.txt index f9a78b5378..aeee22461d 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionObjects.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionObjects.res.txt @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ posCursor:[5:7] posNoWhite:[5:5] Found expr:[2:10->9:1] posCursor:[5:7] posNoWhite:[5:5] Found pattern:__ghost__[0:-1->7:5] posCursor:[5:7] posNoWhite:[5:5] Found pattern:__ghost__[0:-1->7:5] Completable: Cpattern Value[x] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x] Path x [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPattern.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPattern.res.txt index 1bf80d38f0..eb7955b96f 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPattern.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPattern.res.txt @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ posCursor:[7:13] posNoWhite:[7:12] Found expr:[7:3->7:13] Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 10:15 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[v] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[v] Path v [{ @@ -22,7 +23,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 13:18 posCursor:[13:18] posNoWhite:[13:17] Found pattern:[13:16->13:22] posCursor:[13:18] posNoWhite:[13:17] Found pattern:[13:17->13:18] Completable: Cpattern Value[v]=t->tuple($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[v] Path v [{ @@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ posCursor:[16:25] posNoWhite:[16:24] Found pattern:[16:16->16:30] posCursor:[16:25] posNoWhite:[16:24] Found pattern:[16:23->16:29] posCursor:[16:25] posNoWhite:[16:24] Found pattern:[16:24->16:25] Completable: Cpattern Value[v]=f->tuple($2), tuple($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[v] Path v [{ @@ -52,7 +55,8 @@ Path v Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 21:15 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[x] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x] Path x [{ @@ -72,7 +76,8 @@ Path x Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 24:17 posCursor:[24:17] posNoWhite:[24:16] Found pattern:[24:16->24:17] Completable: Cpattern Value[x]=t -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x] Path x [{ @@ -86,7 +91,8 @@ Path x Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 46:15 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[f] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[f] Path f [{ @@ -103,7 +109,8 @@ Path f Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 49:17 posCursor:[49:17] posNoWhite:[49:16] Found pattern:[49:16->49:18] Completable: Cpattern Value[f]->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[f] Path f [{ @@ -135,7 +142,8 @@ Path f Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 52:24 posCursor:[52:24] posNoWhite:[52:22] Found pattern:[52:16->52:35] Completable: Cpattern Value[f]->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[f] Path f [{ @@ -156,7 +164,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 55:19 posCursor:[55:19] posNoWhite:[55:18] Found pattern:[55:16->55:20] posCursor:[55:19] posNoWhite:[55:18] Found pattern:[55:17->55:19] Completable: Cpattern Value[f]=fi->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[f] Path f [{ @@ -172,7 +181,8 @@ posCursor:[58:19] posNoWhite:[58:18] Found pattern:[58:16->58:24] posCursor:[58:19] posNoWhite:[58:18] Found pattern:[58:17->58:20] posCursor:[58:19] posNoWhite:[58:18] Found pattern:[58:18->58:19] Completable: Cpattern Value[z]=o->tuple($0), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[z] Path z [{ @@ -186,7 +196,8 @@ Path z Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 61:22 posCursor:[61:22] posNoWhite:[61:21] Found pattern:[61:16->61:25] Completable: Cpattern Value[f]->recordField(nest) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[f] Path f [{ @@ -204,7 +215,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 64:24 posCursor:[64:24] posNoWhite:[64:23] Found pattern:[64:16->64:26] posCursor:[64:24] posNoWhite:[64:23] Found pattern:[64:23->64:25] Completable: Cpattern Value[f]->recordField(nest), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[f] Path f [{ @@ -220,7 +232,8 @@ posCursor:[70:22] posNoWhite:[70:21] Found expr:[69:2->72:13] posCursor:[70:22] posNoWhite:[70:21] Found expr:[70:5->72:13] posCursor:[70:22] posNoWhite:[70:21] Found pattern:[70:21->70:23] Completable: Cpattern Value[nest]->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[nest] Path nest [{ @@ -234,7 +247,8 @@ Path nest Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 76:8 posCursor:[76:8] posNoWhite:[76:7] Found pattern:[76:7->76:9] Completable: Cpattern Value[f]->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[f] Path f [{ @@ -268,7 +282,8 @@ posCursor:[79:16] posNoWhite:[79:15] Found pattern:[79:7->79:18] posCursor:[79:16] posNoWhite:[79:15] Found pattern:[79:14->79:17] posCursor:[79:16] posNoWhite:[79:15] Found pattern:[79:15->79:16] Completable: Cpattern Value[f]=n->recordField(nest), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[f] Path f [{ @@ -285,7 +300,8 @@ Ppat_construct Two:[87:16->87:19] posCursor:[87:20] posNoWhite:[87:19] Found pattern:[87:19->87:21] Ppat_construct ():[87:19->87:21] Completable: Cpattern Value[z]->variantPayload::Two($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[z] Path z [{ @@ -307,7 +323,8 @@ posCursor:[90:21] posNoWhite:[90:20] Found pattern:[90:16->90:22] Ppat_construct Two:[90:16->90:19] posCursor:[90:21] posNoWhite:[90:20] Found pattern:[90:20->90:21] Completable: Cpattern Value[z]=t->variantPayload::Two($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[z] Path z [{ @@ -323,7 +340,8 @@ posCursor:[93:23] posNoWhite:[93:22] Found pattern:[93:16->93:25] Ppat_construct Three:[93:16->93:21] posCursor:[93:23] posNoWhite:[93:22] Found pattern:[93:22->93:24] Completable: Cpattern Value[z]->variantPayload::Three($0), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[z] Path z [{ @@ -358,7 +376,8 @@ Ppat_construct Three:[96:16->96:21] posCursor:[96:27] posNoWhite:[96:26] Found pattern:[96:21->96:29] posCursor:[96:27] posNoWhite:[96:26] Found pattern:[96:26->96:27] Completable: Cpattern Value[z]=t->variantPayload::Three($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[z] Path z [{ @@ -374,7 +393,8 @@ posCursor:[103:21] posNoWhite:[103:20] Found pattern:[103:16->103:22] posCursor:[103:21] posNoWhite:[103:20] Found pattern:[103:20->103:21] Ppat_construct ():[103:20->103:21] Completable: Cpattern Value[b]->polyvariantPayload::two($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[b] Path b [{ @@ -395,7 +415,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 106:22 posCursor:[106:22] posNoWhite:[106:21] Found pattern:[106:16->106:23] posCursor:[106:22] posNoWhite:[106:21] Found pattern:[106:21->106:22] Completable: Cpattern Value[b]=t->polyvariantPayload::two($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[b] Path b [{ @@ -410,7 +431,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 109:24 posCursor:[109:24] posNoWhite:[109:23] Found pattern:[109:16->109:26] posCursor:[109:24] posNoWhite:[109:23] Found pattern:[109:23->109:25] Completable: Cpattern Value[b]->polyvariantPayload::three($0), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[b] Path b [{ @@ -444,7 +466,8 @@ posCursor:[112:28] posNoWhite:[112:27] Found pattern:[112:16->112:29] posCursor:[112:28] posNoWhite:[112:27] Found pattern:[112:22->112:29] posCursor:[112:28] posNoWhite:[112:27] Found pattern:[112:27->112:28] Completable: Cpattern Value[b]=t->polyvariantPayload::three($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[b] Path b [{ @@ -458,7 +481,8 @@ Path b Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 118:15 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[c] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[c] Path c [{ @@ -475,7 +499,8 @@ Path c Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 121:17 posCursor:[121:17] posNoWhite:[121:16] Found pattern:[121:16->121:18] Completable: Cpattern Value[c]->array -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[c] Path c [{ @@ -498,7 +523,8 @@ Ppat_construct Some:[127:16->127:20] posCursor:[127:21] posNoWhite:[127:20] Found pattern:[127:20->127:22] Ppat_construct ():[127:20->127:22] Completable: Cpattern Value[o]->variantPayload::Some($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[o] Path o [{ @@ -519,7 +545,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 134:23 posCursor:[134:23] posNoWhite:[134:22] Found pattern:[134:16->134:25] Ppat_construct Test:[134:16->134:20] Completable: Cpattern Value[p]->variantPayload::Test($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[p] Path p [{ @@ -541,7 +568,8 @@ posCursor:[137:29] posNoWhite:[137:28] Found pattern:[137:16->137:31] Ppat_construct Test:[137:16->137:20] posCursor:[137:29] posNoWhite:[137:28] Found pattern:[137:20->137:32] Completable: Cpattern Value[p]->variantPayload::Test($2) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[p] Path p [{ @@ -577,7 +605,8 @@ posCursor:[140:23] posNoWhite:[140:22] Found pattern:[140:16->140:31] Ppat_construct Test:[140:16->140:20] posCursor:[140:23] posNoWhite:[140:22] Found pattern:[140:20->140:32] Completable: Cpattern Value[p]->variantPayload::Test($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[p] Path p [{ @@ -599,7 +628,8 @@ posCursor:[143:35] posNoWhite:[143:34] Found pattern:[143:16->143:37] Ppat_construct Test:[143:16->143:20] posCursor:[143:35] posNoWhite:[143:34] Found pattern:[143:20->143:38] Completable: Cpattern Value[p]->variantPayload::Test($3) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[p] Path p [{ @@ -616,7 +646,8 @@ Path p Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 150:24 posCursor:[150:24] posNoWhite:[150:23] Found pattern:[150:16->150:26] Completable: Cpattern Value[v]->polyvariantPayload::test($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[v] Path v [{ @@ -637,7 +668,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 153:30 posCursor:[153:30] posNoWhite:[153:29] Found pattern:[153:16->153:32] posCursor:[153:30] posNoWhite:[153:29] Found pattern:[153:21->153:32] Completable: Cpattern Value[v]->polyvariantPayload::test($2) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[v] Path v [{ @@ -672,7 +704,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 156:24 posCursor:[156:24] posNoWhite:[156:23] Found pattern:[156:16->156:32] posCursor:[156:24] posNoWhite:[156:23] Found pattern:[156:21->156:32] Completable: Cpattern Value[v]->polyvariantPayload::test($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[v] Path v [{ @@ -693,7 +726,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 159:36 posCursor:[159:36] posNoWhite:[159:35] Found pattern:[159:16->159:38] posCursor:[159:36] posNoWhite:[159:35] Found pattern:[159:21->159:38] Completable: Cpattern Value[v]->polyvariantPayload::test($3) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[v] Path v [{ @@ -711,7 +745,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 164:17 posCursor:[164:17] posNoWhite:[164:16] Found pattern:[164:16->164:18] Ppat_construct ():[164:16->164:18] Completable: Cpattern Value[s]->tuple($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[s] Path s [{ @@ -731,7 +766,8 @@ Path s Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 167:23 posCursor:[167:23] posNoWhite:[167:21] Found pattern:[167:16->167:24] Completable: Cpattern Value[s]->tuple($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[s] Path s [{ @@ -765,7 +801,8 @@ Path s Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 170:22 posCursor:[170:22] posNoWhite:[170:21] Found pattern:[170:16->170:28] Completable: Cpattern Value[s]->tuple($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[s] Path s [{ @@ -799,7 +836,8 @@ Path s Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 173:35 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[s] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[s] Path s [{ @@ -815,7 +853,8 @@ Path s Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 176:41 posCursor:[176:41] posNoWhite:[176:40] Found pattern:[176:35->176:47] Completable: Cpattern Value[s]->tuple($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[s] Path s [{ @@ -849,7 +888,8 @@ Path s Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 179:21 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[z] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[z] Path z [{ @@ -883,7 +923,8 @@ posCursor:[182:32] posNoWhite:[182:31] Found pattern:[182:16->182:34] posCursor:[182:32] posNoWhite:[182:31] Found pattern:[182:22->182:34] Ppat_construct Two:[182:22->182:25] Completable: Cpattern Value[z]->variantPayload::Two($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[z] Path z [{ @@ -906,7 +947,8 @@ posCursor:[185:48] posNoWhite:[185:47] Found pattern:[185:22->185:50] Ppat_construct Three:[185:22->185:27] posCursor:[185:48] posNoWhite:[185:47] Found pattern:[185:27->185:53] Completable: Cpattern Value[z]->variantPayload::Three($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[z] Path z [{ @@ -927,7 +969,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 188:34 posCursor:[188:34] posNoWhite:[188:33] Found pattern:[188:16->188:36] posCursor:[188:34] posNoWhite:[188:33] Found pattern:[188:23->188:36] Completable: Cpattern Value[b]->polyvariantPayload::two($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[b] Path b [{ @@ -949,7 +992,8 @@ posCursor:[191:50] posNoWhite:[191:49] Found pattern:[191:16->191:52] posCursor:[191:50] posNoWhite:[191:49] Found pattern:[191:23->191:52] posCursor:[191:50] posNoWhite:[191:49] Found pattern:[191:29->191:52] Completable: Cpattern Value[b]->polyvariantPayload::three($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[b] Path b [{ @@ -970,7 +1014,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 194:24 posCursor:[194:24] posNoWhite:[194:23] Found pattern:[194:16->194:29] posCursor:[194:24] posNoWhite:[194:23] Found pattern:[194:23->194:24] Completable: Cpattern Value[s]->tuple($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[s] Path s [{ @@ -1004,7 +1049,8 @@ Path s Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 201:25 posCursor:[201:25] posNoWhite:[201:24] Found pattern:[201:17->201:28] Completable: Cpattern Value[ff]->recordField(someFn) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[ff] Path ff [] @@ -1012,7 +1058,8 @@ Path ff Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 206:16 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[xn] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[xn] Path xn [{ @@ -1026,7 +1073,8 @@ Path xn Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 211:30 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern await Value[getThing](Nolabel) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath await Value[getThing](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[getThing](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[getThing] @@ -1063,7 +1111,8 @@ Ppat_construct Ok:[216:18->216:20] posCursor:[216:21] posNoWhite:[216:20] Found pattern:[216:20->216:22] Ppat_construct ():[216:20->216:22] Completable: Cpattern Value[res]->variantPayload::Ok($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res] Path res [{ @@ -1098,7 +1147,8 @@ Ppat_construct Error:[219:18->219:23] posCursor:[219:24] posNoWhite:[219:23] Found pattern:[219:23->219:25] Ppat_construct ():[219:23->219:25] Completable: Cpattern Value[res]->variantPayload::Error($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res] Path res [{ @@ -1132,7 +1182,8 @@ posCursor:[227:25] posNoWhite:[227:24] Found expr:[223:11->231:1] posCursor:[227:25] posNoWhite:[227:24] Found expr:[226:4->227:28] posCursor:[227:25] posNoWhite:[227:24] Found pattern:[227:18->227:27] Completable: Cpattern Value[r]->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[r] Path r [{ @@ -1158,7 +1209,8 @@ Path r Complete src/CompletionPattern.res 242:33 posCursor:[242:33] posNoWhite:[242:32] Found pattern:[242:7->242:35] Completable: Cpattern Value[hitsUse](Nolabel)->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[hitsUse](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[hitsUse] Path hitsUse diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt index 6bea8af952..d35eb940f1 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeChain.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 27:16 posCursor:[27:16] posNoWhite:[27:15] Found expr:[27:11->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[int]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[int]-> ContextPath Value[int] Path int @@ -30,7 +31,8 @@ Path Integer. Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 30:23 posCursor:[30:23] posNoWhite:[30:22] Found expr:[30:11->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[toFlt](Nolabel)-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[toFlt](Nolabel)-> ContextPath Value[toFlt](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[toFlt] @@ -48,7 +50,8 @@ Path SuperFloat. Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 33:38 posCursor:[33:38] posNoWhite:[33:37] Found expr:[33:11->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[Integer, increment](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Integer, increment](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> ContextPath Value[Integer, increment](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Integer, increment] @@ -78,7 +81,8 @@ Path Integer. Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 36:38 posCursor:[36:38] posNoWhite:[36:37] Found expr:[36:11->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[Integer, increment](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Integer, increment](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> ContextPath Value[Integer, increment](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Integer, increment] @@ -108,7 +112,8 @@ Path Integer. Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 39:47 posCursor:[39:47] posNoWhite:[39:46] Found expr:[39:11->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[Integer, decrement](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Integer, decrement](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> ContextPath Value[Integer, decrement](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Integer, decrement] @@ -138,7 +143,8 @@ Path Integer. Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 42:69 posCursor:[42:69] posNoWhite:[42:68] Found expr:[42:11->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[Integer, decrement](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Integer, decrement](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> ContextPath Value[Integer, decrement](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Integer, decrement] @@ -168,7 +174,8 @@ Path Integer. Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 45:62 posCursor:[45:62] posNoWhite:[45:61] Found expr:[45:11->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[SuperFloat, fromInteger](Nolabel)-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[SuperFloat, fromInteger](Nolabel)-> ContextPath Value[SuperFloat, fromInteger](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[SuperFloat, fromInteger] @@ -186,7 +193,8 @@ Path SuperFloat. Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 48:63 posCursor:[48:63] posNoWhite:[48:62] Found expr:[48:11->48:63] Completable: Cpath Value[SuperFloat, fromInteger](Nolabel)->t -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[SuperFloat, fromInteger](Nolabel)->t ContextPath Value[SuperFloat, fromInteger](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[SuperFloat, fromInteger] @@ -204,7 +212,8 @@ Path SuperFloat.t Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 51:82 posCursor:[51:82] posNoWhite:[51:81] Found expr:[51:11->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[CompletionSupport, Test, make](Nolabel)-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[CompletionSupport, Test, make](Nolabel)-> ContextPath Value[CompletionSupport, Test, make](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[CompletionSupport, Test, make] @@ -228,7 +237,8 @@ Path CompletionSupport.Test. Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 54:78 posCursor:[54:78] posNoWhite:[54:77] Found expr:[54:11->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[CompletionSupport, Test, addSelf](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[CompletionSupport, Test, addSelf](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> ContextPath Value[CompletionSupport, Test, addSelf](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[CompletionSupport, Test, addSelf] @@ -252,78 +262,82 @@ Path CompletionSupport.Test. Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 58:5 posCursor:[58:5] posNoWhite:[58:4] Found expr:[57:8->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[Array, forEach](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Array, forEach](Nolabel, Nolabel)-> ContextPath Value[Array, forEach](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Array, forEach] Path Array.forEach +CPPipe pathFromEnv: found:true +Path Stdlib_Array. [] Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 62:6 posCursor:[62:6] posNoWhite:[62:5] Found expr:[61:8->62:6] Completable: Cpath Value[Belt, Array, reduce](Nolabel, Nolabel, Nolabel)->t -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Belt, Array, reduce](Nolabel, Nolabel, Nolabel)->t ContextPath Value[Belt, Array, reduce](Nolabel, Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Belt, Array, reduce] Path Belt.Array.reduce Path Stdlib.Int.t [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toStringWithRadix", + "label": "Int.toStringWithRadix", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toString` instead\n\n\n`toStringWithRadix(n, ~radix)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toStringWithRadix(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toStringWithRadix(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toExponentialWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toExponential` instead\n\n\n`toExponential(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponentialWithPrecision(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixedWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toFixedWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toFixed` instead\n\n\n`toFixedWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the given\nvalue using fixed-point notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should\nappear after the decimal point. See [`Number.toFixed`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=4) // \"300.0000\"\nInt.toFixedWithPrecision(300, ~digits=1) // \"300.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is less than 0 or larger than 100.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", + "label": "Int.toPrecisionWithPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use `toPrecision` instead\n\n\n`toPrecisionWithPrecision(n, ~digits)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecisionWithPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toPrecision", + "label": "Int.toPrecision", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toPrecision(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the giver value with\nprecision. `digits` specifies the number of significant digits. See [`Number.toPrecision`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toPrecision(100) // \"100\"\nInt.toPrecision(1) // \"1\"\nInt.toPrecision(100, ~digits=2) // \"1.0e+2\"\nInt.toPrecision(1, ~digits=2) // \"1.0\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive).\nImplementations are allowed to support larger and smaller values as well.\nECMA-262 only requires a precision of up to 21 significant digits.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toString", + "label": "Int.toString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~radix: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toString(n, ~radix=?)` return a `string` representing the given value.\n`~radix` specifies the radix base to use for the formatted number.\nSee [`Number.toString`](\non MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toString(1000) // \"1000\"\nInt.toString(-1000) // \"-1000\"\nInt.toString(6, ~radix=2) // \"110\"\nInt.toString(373592855, ~radix=16) // \"16449317\"\nInt.toString(123456, ~radix=36) // \"2n9c\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n`RangeError`: if `radix` is less than 2 or greater than 36.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFloat", + "label": "Int.toFloat", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "int => float", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toFloat(n)` return a `float` representing the given value.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toFloat(100) == 100.0\nInt.toFloat(2) == 2.0\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toLocaleString", + "label": "Int.toLocaleString", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "int => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLocaleString(n)` return a `string` with language-sensitive representing the\ngiven value. See [`Number.toLocaleString`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n// If the application uses English as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1,000\"\n\n// If the application uses Portuguese Brazil as the default language\nInt.toLocaleString(1000) // \"1.000\"\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toExponential", + "label": "Int.toExponential", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toExponential(n, ~digits=?)` return a `string` representing the given value in\nexponential notation. `digits` specifies how many digits should appear after\nthe decimal point. See [`Number.toExponential`](\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nInt.toExponential(1000) // \"1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(-1000) // \"-1e+3\"\nInt.toExponential(77, ~digits=2) // \"7.70e+1\"\nInt.toExponential(5678, ~digits=2) // \"5.68e+3\"\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n- `RangeError`: If `digits` less than 0 or greater than 10.\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Int.toFixed", + "label": "Int.toFixed", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(int, ~digits: int=?) => string", @@ -333,7 +347,8 @@ Path Stdlib.Int.t Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 70:12 posCursor:[70:12] posNoWhite:[70:11] Found expr:[70:3->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[aliased]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[aliased]-> ContextPath Value[aliased] Path aliased @@ -356,7 +371,8 @@ Path CompletionSupport.Test. Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 73:15 posCursor:[73:15] posNoWhite:[73:14] Found expr:[73:3->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[notAliased]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[notAliased]-> ContextPath Value[notAliased] Path notAliased @@ -384,7 +400,8 @@ posCursor:[82:30] posNoWhite:[82:29] Found expr:[79:4->90:14] posCursor:[82:30] posNoWhite:[82:29] Found expr:[82:7->90:14] posCursor:[82:30] posNoWhite:[82:29] Found expr:[82:7->82:30] Completable: Cpath Value[props].support.root->ren -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[props].support.root->ren ContextPath Value[props].support.root ContextPath Value[props].support @@ -426,7 +443,8 @@ posCursor:[88:16] posNoWhite:[88:15] Found expr:[85:4->90:14] posCursor:[88:16] posNoWhite:[88:15] Found expr:[88:7->90:14] posCursor:[88:16] posNoWhite:[88:15] Found expr:[88:7->88:16] Completable: Cpath Value[root]->ren -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[root]->ren ContextPath Value[root] Path root @@ -446,7 +464,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[95:3->95:14] (...[95:15->0:-1]) posCursor:[95:20] posNoWhite:[95:19] Found expr:[95:15->0:-1] posCursor:[95:20] posNoWhite:[95:19] Found expr:[95:15->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[int]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[int]-> ContextPath Value[int] Path int @@ -477,7 +496,8 @@ posCursor:[98:21] posNoWhite:[98:20] Found expr:[98:3->98:22] Pexp_apply ...[98:3->98:14] (...[98:15->98:21]) posCursor:[98:21] posNoWhite:[98:20] Found expr:[98:15->98:21] Completable: Cpath Value[int]->t -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[int]->t ContextPath Value[int] Path int @@ -494,7 +514,8 @@ Path Integer.t Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 103:8 posCursor:[103:8] posNoWhite:[103:7] Found expr:[103:3->103:8] Completable: Cpath Value[r]->la -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[r]->la ContextPath Value[r] Path r @@ -511,7 +532,8 @@ Path Complete src/CompletionPipeChain.res 112:7 posCursor:[112:7] posNoWhite:[112:6] Found expr:[112:3->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[xx]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[xx]-> ContextPath Value[xx] Path xx diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeProperty.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeProperty.res.txt index 9d93610741..2252b0554b 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeProperty.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeProperty.res.txt @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPipeProperty.res 21:17 posCursor:[21:17] posNoWhite:[21:16] Found expr:[21:3->21:17] Pexp_field [21:3->21:16] _:[23:0->21:17] Completable: Cpath Value[sprite].anchor."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[sprite].anchor."" ContextPath Value[sprite].anchor ContextPath Value[sprite] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeSubmodules.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeSubmodules.res.txt index 71d2b79dbc..8e5d5b8de4 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeSubmodules.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionPipeSubmodules.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionPipeSubmodules.res 13:20 posCursor:[13:20] posNoWhite:[13:19] Found expr:[13:11->21:8] Completable: Cpath Value[A, B1, xx]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[A, B1, xx]-> ContextPath Value[A, B1, xx] Path A.B1.xx @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ Path A.B1. Complete src/CompletionPipeSubmodules.res 17:18 posCursor:[17:18] posNoWhite:[17:17] Found expr:[17:11->21:8] Completable: Cpath Value[A, x].v-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[A, x].v-> ContextPath Value[A, x].v ContextPath Value[A, x] @@ -41,7 +43,8 @@ Path A.B1. Complete src/CompletionPipeSubmodules.res 41:20 posCursor:[41:20] posNoWhite:[41:19] Found expr:[41:11->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[E, e].v.v-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[E, e].v.v-> ContextPath Value[E, e].v.v ContextPath Value[E, e].v @@ -76,7 +79,8 @@ Path C. Complete src/CompletionPipeSubmodules.res 45:21 posCursor:[45:21] posNoWhite:[45:20] Found expr:[45:11->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[E, e].v.v2-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[E, e].v.v2-> ContextPath Value[E, e].v.v2 ContextPath Value[E, e].v diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTaggedTemplate.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTaggedTemplate.res.txt index 73f0090148..ce42cdebe0 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTaggedTemplate.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTaggedTemplate.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionTaggedTemplate.res 11:20 posCursor:[11:20] posNoWhite:[11:19] Found expr:[11:11->0:-1] Completable: Cpath Value[meh](Nolabel, Nolabel)."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[meh](Nolabel, Nolabel)."" ContextPath Value[meh](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[meh] @@ -53,7 +54,8 @@ Path M. Complete src/CompletionTaggedTemplate.res 14:21 posCursor:[14:21] posNoWhite:[14:20] Found expr:[14:11->14:21] Completable: Cpath Value[meh](Nolabel, Nolabel).x -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[meh](Nolabel, Nolabel).x ContextPath Value[meh](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[meh] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res.txt index db8aee947f..8a30600d10 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 9:22 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[someRecord] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[someRecord] Path someRecord [{ @@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ Path someRecord Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 12:24 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[someRecord]->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[someRecord] Path someRecord [{ @@ -38,7 +40,8 @@ Path someRecord Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 15:23 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[someVariant] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[someVariant] Path someVariant [{ @@ -62,7 +65,8 @@ Path someVariant Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 18:25 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[someVariant]=O -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[someVariant] Path someVariant [{ @@ -74,6 +78,24 @@ Path someVariant "sortText": "A One", "insertText": "One", "insertTextFormat": 2 + }, { + "label": "Option", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Option", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Ordering", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Ordering", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Object", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Object", + "documentation": null }, { "label": "Obj", "kind": 9, @@ -99,7 +121,8 @@ Path someVariant Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 21:27 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[somePolyVariant] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[somePolyVariant] Path somePolyVariant [{ @@ -123,7 +146,8 @@ Path somePolyVariant Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 24:30 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[somePolyVariant]=#o -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[somePolyVariant] Path somePolyVariant [{ @@ -139,7 +163,8 @@ Path somePolyVariant Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 29:20 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[someFunc] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[someFunc] Path someFunc [{ @@ -156,7 +181,8 @@ Path someFunc Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 34:21 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[someTuple] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[someTuple] Path someTuple [{ @@ -172,7 +198,8 @@ Path someTuple Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 37:28 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[someTuple]->tuple($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[someTuple] Path someTuple [{ @@ -206,7 +233,8 @@ Path someTuple Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 40:31 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression option -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath option ContextPath Type[someVariant] Path someVariant @@ -245,7 +273,8 @@ Path someVariant Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 43:37 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression option->variantPayload::Some($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath option ContextPath Type[someVariant] Path someVariant @@ -270,7 +299,8 @@ Path someVariant Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 46:30 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression array -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath array ContextPath Type[someVariant] Path someVariant @@ -288,7 +318,8 @@ Path someVariant Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 49:32 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression array->array -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath array ContextPath Type[someVariant] Path someVariant @@ -313,7 +344,8 @@ Path someVariant Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 52:38 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression array> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath array> ContextPath option ContextPath Type[someVariant] @@ -332,7 +364,8 @@ Path someVariant Complete src/CompletionTypeAnnotation.res 55:45 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression option>->variantPayload::Some($0), array -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath option> ContextPath array ContextPath Type[someVariant] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeT.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeT.res.txt index 68431619f8..0fdfa27260 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeT.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/CompletionTypeT.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/CompletionTypeT.res 4:26 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[date] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[date] Path date [{ @@ -31,80 +32,81 @@ Path date Complete src/CompletionTypeT.res 7:27 XXX Not found! Completable: Cexpression Type[withDate]->recordField(date) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[withDate] Path withDate [{ - "label": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMD()", + "label": "Date.makeWithYMD()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(~year: int, ~month: int, ~date: int) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMD($0)", + "insertText": "Date.makeWithYMD($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDHM()", + "label": "Date.makeWithYMDHM()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(\n ~year: int,\n ~month: int,\n ~date: int,\n ~hours: int,\n ~minutes: int,\n) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDHM($0)", + "insertText": "Date.makeWithYMDHM($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Date.make()", + "label": "Date.make()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "unit => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.make($0)", + "insertText": "Date.make($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Date.fromTime()", + "label": "Date.fromTime()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "msSinceEpoch => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.fromTime($0)", + "insertText": "Date.fromTime($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Date.fromString()", + "label": "Date.fromString()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "string => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.fromString($0)", + "insertText": "Date.fromString($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDHMSM()", + "label": "Date.makeWithYMDHMSM()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(\n ~year: int,\n ~month: int,\n ~date: int,\n ~hours: int,\n ~minutes: int,\n ~seconds: int,\n ~milliseconds: int,\n) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDHMSM($0)", + "insertText": "Date.makeWithYMDHMSM($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYM()", + "label": "Date.makeWithYM()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(~year: int, ~month: int) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYM($0)", + "insertText": "Date.makeWithYM($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDHMS()", + "label": "Date.makeWithYMDHMS()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(\n ~year: int,\n ~month: int,\n ~date: int,\n ~hours: int,\n ~minutes: int,\n ~seconds: int,\n) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDHMS($0)", + "insertText": "Date.makeWithYMDHMS($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDH()", + "label": "Date.makeWithYMDH()", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(~year: int, ~month: int, ~date: int, ~hours: int) => t", "documentation": null, - "insertText": "Stdlib.Date.makeWithYMDH($0)", + "insertText": "Date.makeWithYMDH($0)", "insertTextFormat": 2 }] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Cross.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Cross.res.txt index be8e6a4ed6..9cbbdc6d99 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Cross.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Cross.res.txt @@ -97,7 +97,8 @@ Complete src/Cross.res 36:28 posCursor:[36:28] posNoWhite:[36:27] Found expr:[36:3->36:28] Pexp_ident DefinitionWithInterface.a:[36:3->36:28] Completable: Cpath Value[DefinitionWithInterface, a] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[DefinitionWithInterface, a] Path DefinitionWithInterface.a [] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Debug.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Debug.res.txt index e79d5485d9..f70ae60f0e 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Debug.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Debug.res.txt @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ posCursor:[11:8] posNoWhite:[11:7] Found expr:[11:5->11:8] Pexp_ident eqN:[11:5->11:8] Completable: Cpath Value[eqN] Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 Js +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib Js ContextPath Value[eqN] Path eqN [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Destructuring.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Destructuring.res.txt index 000a516af5..cd44272944 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Destructuring.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Destructuring.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/Destructuring.res 4:11 posCursor:[4:11] posNoWhite:[4:9] Found pattern:[4:4->4:12] Completable: Cpattern Value[x]->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x] Path x [{ @@ -15,7 +16,8 @@ Path x Complete src/Destructuring.res 7:8 posCursor:[7:8] posNoWhite:[7:7] Found pattern:[7:7->7:9] Completable: Cpattern Value[x]->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x] Path x [{ @@ -37,7 +39,8 @@ posCursor:[11:13] posNoWhite:[11:11] Found expr:[10:8->14:1] posCursor:[11:13] posNoWhite:[11:11] Found expr:[11:2->13:6] posCursor:[11:13] posNoWhite:[11:11] Found pattern:[11:6->11:14] Completable: Cpattern Value[x]->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x] Path x [{ @@ -53,7 +56,8 @@ posCursor:[17:10] posNoWhite:[17:9] Found expr:[16:9->20:1] posCursor:[17:10] posNoWhite:[17:9] Found expr:[17:5->19:11] posCursor:[17:10] posNoWhite:[17:9] Found pattern:[17:9->17:11] Completable: Cpattern Value[x]->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x] Path x [{ @@ -73,7 +77,8 @@ Path x Complete src/Destructuring.res 31:8 posCursor:[31:8] posNoWhite:[31:7] Found pattern:[31:7->31:9] Completable: Cpattern Value[x]->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x] Path x [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Div.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Div.res.txt index dd4336444a..1fb532b983 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Div.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Div.res.txt @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ Complete src/Div.res 3:17 posCursor:[3:17] posNoWhite:[3:16] Found expr:[3:4->3:17] JSX 3:7] dangerous[3:8->3:17]=...[3:8->3:17]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([div], dangerous, [dangerous]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path ReactDOM.domProps Path JsxDOM.domProps [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt index aed8f54c53..3d8952608c 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res.txt @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 15:5 posCursor:[15:5] posNoWhite:[15:4] Found expr:[15:3->15:5] Pexp_field [15:3->15:4] _:[18:0->15:5] Completable: Cpath Value[n]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[n]."" ContextPath Value[n] Path n @@ -47,7 +48,8 @@ Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 44:6 posCursor:[44:6] posNoWhite:[44:5] Found expr:[44:3->44:6] Pexp_field [44:3->44:5] _:[47:0->44:6] Completable: Cpath Value[nn]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[nn]."" ContextPath Value[nn] Path nn @@ -130,7 +132,8 @@ Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 62:5 posCursor:[62:5] posNoWhite:[62:4] Found expr:[62:3->62:5] Pexp_field [62:3->62:4] _:[65:0->62:5] Completable: Cpath Value[a]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[a]."" ContextPath Value[a] Path a @@ -170,7 +173,8 @@ Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 67:6 posCursor:[67:6] posNoWhite:[67:5] Found expr:[67:3->67:6] Pexp_field [67:3->67:5] _:[70:0->67:6] Completable: Cpath Value[xx]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[xx]."" ContextPath Value[xx] Path xx @@ -203,7 +207,8 @@ Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 75:9 posCursor:[75:9] posNoWhite:[75:8] Found expr:[75:3->75:9] Pexp_field [75:3->75:7] u:[75:8->75:9] Completable: Cpath Value[ffff].u -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[ffff].u ContextPath Value[ffff] Path ffff @@ -212,37 +217,37 @@ ContextPath Value[ffff] Path ffff Path Stdlib.Array.u [{ - "label": "->Stdlib.Array.unshiftMany", + "label": "->Array.unshiftMany", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(array<'a>, array<'a>) => unit", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`unshiftMany(array, itemsArray)` inserts many new items to the start of the array.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.push`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nsomeArray->Array.unshiftMany([\"yay\", \"wehoo\"])\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"yay\", \"wehoo\", \"hi\", \"hello\"])\n```\n"}, "sortText": "unshiftMany", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.Array.unshiftMany", + "insertText": "->Array.unshiftMany", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 75, "character": 7}, "end": {"line": 75, "character": 8}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.Array.unshift", + "label": "->Array.unshift", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a) => unit", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`unshift(array, item)` inserts a new item at the start of the array.\n\nBeware this will *mutate* the array.\n\nSee [`Array.unshift`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet someArray = [\"hi\", \"hello\"]\nsomeArray->Array.unshift(\"yay\")\nsomeArray->assertEqual([\"yay\", \"hi\", \"hello\"])\n```\n"}, "sortText": "unshift", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.Array.unshift", + "insertText": "->Array.unshift", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 75, "character": 7}, "end": {"line": 75, "character": 8}}, "newText": "" }] }, { - "label": "->Stdlib.Array.unsafe_get", + "label": "->Array.unsafe_get", "kind": 12, "tags": [1], "detail": "(array<'a>, int) => 'a", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "Deprecated: Use getUnsafe instead. This will be removed in v13\n\n\n`unsafe_get(array, index)` returns the element at `index` of `array`.\n\nThis is _unsafe_, meaning it will return `undefined` value if `index` does not exist in `array`.\n\nUse `Array.unsafe_get` only when you are sure the `index` exists (i.e. when using for-loop).\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [1, 2, 3]\nfor index in 0 to array->Array.length - 1 {\n let value = array->Array.unsafe_get(index)\n Console.log(value)\n}\n```\n"}, "sortText": "unsafe_get", - "insertText": "->Stdlib.Array.unsafe_get", + "insertText": "->Array.unsafe_get", "additionalTextEdits": [{ "range": {"start": {"line": 75, "character": 7}, "end": {"line": 75, "character": 8}}, "newText": "" @@ -253,7 +258,8 @@ Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 80:7 posCursor:[80:7] posNoWhite:[80:6] Found expr:[80:3->80:7] Pexp_field [80:3->80:6] _:[84:0->80:7] Completable: Cpath Value[nnn]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[nnn]."" ContextPath Value[nnn] Path nnn @@ -312,53 +318,162 @@ posCursor:[86:39] posNoWhite:[86:38] Found expr:[86:3->86:39] posCursor:[86:39] posNoWhite:[86:38] Found expr:[86:9->86:39] Pexp_field [86:9->86:34] filt:[86:35->86:39] Completable: Cpath Value[Array, filter](Nolabel).filt -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Array, filter](Nolabel).filt ContextPath Value[Array, filter](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Array, filter] Path Array.filter -[] +ContextPath Value[Array, filter](Nolabel, Nolabel)->filt +ContextPath Value[Array, filter](Nolabel, Nolabel) +ContextPath Value[Array, filter] +Path Array.filter +Path Stdlib.Array.filt +[{ + "label": "->Array.filterMap", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => option<'b>) => array<'b>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`filterMap(array, fn)`\n\nCalls `fn` for each element and returns a new array containing results of the `fn` calls which are not `None`.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\n->Array.filterMap(item =>\n switch item {\n | \"Hello\" => Some(item->String.length)\n | _ => None\n }\n)\n->assertEqual([5])\n\n[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n->Array.filterMap(n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n * n) : None)\n->assertEqual([4, 16, 36])\n\nArray.filterMap([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], _ => None)->assertEqual([])\n\nArray.filterMap([], n => mod(n, 2) == 0 ? Some(n * n) : None)->assertEqual([])\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "filterMap", + "insertText": "->Array.filterMap", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 86, "character": 34}, "end": {"line": 86, "character": 35}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Array.filter", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => bool) => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`filter(array, checker)` returns a new array containing all elements from `array` for which the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.filter`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.filter(num => num > 2)\n->assertEqual([3, 4])\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "filter", + "insertText": "->Array.filter", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 86, "character": 34}, "end": {"line": 86, "character": 35}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->Array.filterWithIndex", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => array<'a>", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`filterWithIndex(array, checker)` returns a new array containing all elements from `array` for which the provided `checker` function returns true.\n\nSee [`Array.filter`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\n[1, 2, 3, 4]\n->Array.filterWithIndex((num, index) => index === 0 || num === 2)\n->assertEqual([1, 2])\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "filterWithIndex", + "insertText": "->Array.filterWithIndex", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 86, "character": 34}, "end": {"line": 86, "character": 35}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }] Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 89:62 posCursor:[89:62] posNoWhite:[89:61] Found expr:[89:3->89:62] posCursor:[89:62] posNoWhite:[89:61] Found expr:[89:36->89:62] Pexp_field [89:36->89:55] includ:[89:56->89:62] Completable: Cpath Value[Array, joinWith](Nolabel).includ -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Array, joinWith](Nolabel).includ ContextPath Value[Array, joinWith](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Array, joinWith] Path Array.joinWith -[] +ContextPath Value[Array, joinWith](Nolabel, Nolabel)->includ +ContextPath Value[Array, joinWith](Nolabel, Nolabel) +ContextPath Value[Array, joinWith] +Path Array.joinWith +Path Stdlib.String.includ +[{ + "label": "->String.includesFrom", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`includesFrom(str, searchValue, start)` returns `true` if `searchValue` is found\nanywhere within `str` starting at character number `start` (where 0 is the\nfirst character), `false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.includes`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.includesFrom(\"programmer\", \"gram\", 1) == true\nString.includesFrom(\"programmer\", \"gram\", 4) == false\nString.includesFrom(`대한민국`, `한`, 1) == true\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "includesFrom", + "insertText": "->String.includesFrom", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 89, "character": 55}, "end": {"line": 89, "character": 56}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }, { + "label": "->String.includes", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "(string, string) => bool", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`includes(str, searchValue)` returns `true` if `searchValue` is found anywhere\nwithin `str`, `false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.includes`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.includes(\"programmer\", \"gram\") == true\nString.includes(\"programmer\", \"er\") == true\nString.includes(\"programmer\", \"pro\") == true\nString.includes(\"programmer.dat\", \"xyz\") == false\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "includes", + "insertText": "->String.includes", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 89, "character": 55}, "end": {"line": 89, "character": 56}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }] Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 94:36 posCursor:[94:36] posNoWhite:[94:35] Found expr:[94:3->94:36] posCursor:[94:36] posNoWhite:[94:35] Found expr:[94:8->94:36] Pexp_field [94:8->94:26] toUpperCa:[94:27->94:36] Completable: Cpath Value[String, toLowerCase].toUpperCa -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[String, toLowerCase].toUpperCa ContextPath Value[String, toLowerCase] Path String.toLowerCase -[] +ContextPath Value[String, toLowerCase](Nolabel)->toUpperCa +ContextPath Value[String, toLowerCase](Nolabel) +ContextPath Value[String, toLowerCase] +Path String.toLowerCase +Path Stdlib.String.toUpperCa +[{ + "label": "->String.toUpperCase", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "string => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toUpperCase(str)` converts `str` to upper case using the locale-insensitive\ncase mappings in the Unicode Character Database. Notice that the conversion can\nexpand the number of letters in the result, for example the German ß\ncapitalizes to two Ses in a row.\nSee [`String.toUpperCase`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.toUpperCase(\"abc\") == \"ABC\"\nString.toUpperCase(`Straße`) == `STRASSE`\nString.toUpperCase(`πς`) == `ΠΣ`\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "toUpperCase", + "insertText": "->String.toUpperCase", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 94, "character": 26}, "end": {"line": 94, "character": 27}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }] Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 97:55 posCursor:[97:55] posNoWhite:[97:54] Found expr:[97:3->97:55] posCursor:[97:55] posNoWhite:[97:54] Found expr:[97:28->97:55] Pexp_field [97:28->97:46] toLowerC:[97:47->97:55] Completable: Cpath Value[String, toUpperCase].toLowerC -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[String, toUpperCase].toLowerC ContextPath Value[String, toUpperCase] Path String.toUpperCase -[] +ContextPath Value[String, toUpperCase](Nolabel)->toLowerC +ContextPath Value[String, toUpperCase](Nolabel) +ContextPath Value[String, toUpperCase] +Path String.toUpperCase +Path Stdlib.String.toLowerC +[{ + "label": "->String.toLowerCase", + "kind": 12, + "tags": [], + "detail": "string => string", + "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`toLowerCase(str)` converts `str` to lower case using the locale-insensitive\ncase mappings in the Unicode Character Database. Notice that the conversion can\ngive different results depending upon context, for example with the Greek\nletter sigma, which has two different lower case forms, one when it is the last\ncharacter in a string and another when it is not.\nSee [`String.toLowerCase`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.toLowerCase(\"ABC\") == \"abc\"\nString.toLowerCase(`ΣΠ`) == `σπ`\nString.toLowerCase(`ΠΣ`) == `πς`\n```\n"}, + "sortText": "toLowerCase", + "insertText": "->String.toLowerCase", + "additionalTextEdits": [{ + "range": {"start": {"line": 97, "character": 46}, "end": {"line": 97, "character": 47}}, + "newText": "" + }] + }] Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 101:7 posCursor:[101:7] posNoWhite:[101:6] Found expr:[100:9->104:1] posCursor:[101:7] posNoWhite:[101:6] Found expr:[101:5->103:3] Pexp_field [101:5->101:6] t:[103:2->103:3] Completable: Cpath Value[t]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[t]."" ContextPath Value[t] Path t @@ -415,7 +530,8 @@ Path DotPipeCompletionSpec.SomeOtherModule. Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 108:27 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpath Module[Dot] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Module[Dot] Path Dot [{ @@ -435,7 +551,8 @@ posCursor:[111:39] posNoWhite:[111:38] Found expr:[111:24->111:40] posCursor:[111:39] posNoWhite:[111:38] Found expr:[111:25->111:39] Pexp_construct CompletionPipe:[111:25->111:39] None Completable: Cpath Value[CompletionPipe] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[CompletionPipe] Path CompletionPipe [{ @@ -475,7 +592,8 @@ posCursor:[114:44] posNoWhite:[114:43] Found expr:[114:24->114:45] posCursor:[114:44] posNoWhite:[114:43] Found expr:[114:41->114:44] Pexp_construct Dot:[114:41->114:44] None Completable: Cpath Value[Dot] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Dot] Path Dot [{ @@ -494,7 +612,8 @@ Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 122:11 posCursor:[122:11] posNoWhite:[122:10] Found expr:[122:3->122:11] Pexp_field [122:3->122:10] _:[128:0->122:11] Completable: Cpath Value[someObj]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someObj]."" ContextPath Value[someObj] Path someObj @@ -529,7 +648,8 @@ Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 125:13 posCursor:[125:13] posNoWhite:[125:12] Found expr:[125:3->125:13] Pexp_field [125:3->125:10] na:[125:11->125:13] Completable: Cpath Value[someObj].na -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someObj].na ContextPath Value[someObj] Path someObj @@ -553,7 +673,8 @@ Complete src/DotPipeCompletionSpec.res 144:10 posCursor:[144:10] posNoWhite:[144:9] Found expr:[144:3->144:10] Pexp_field [144:3->144:9] _:[147:0->144:10] Completable: Cpath Value[button]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[button]."" ContextPath Value[button] Path button diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/EnvCompletion.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/EnvCompletion.res.txt index 3fdaf5c010..04fcb8d2cf 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/EnvCompletion.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/EnvCompletion.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/EnvCompletion.res 10:17 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[res] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res] Path res [{ @@ -28,7 +29,8 @@ Ppat_construct Okay:[13:18->13:22] posCursor:[13:23] posNoWhite:[13:22] Found pattern:[13:22->13:24] Ppat_construct ():[13:22->13:24] Completable: Cpattern Value[res]->variantPayload::Okay($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res] Path res [{ @@ -55,7 +57,8 @@ Ppat_construct Failure:[16:18->16:25] posCursor:[16:26] posNoWhite:[16:25] Found pattern:[16:25->16:27] Ppat_construct ():[16:25->16:27] Completable: Cpattern Value[res]->variantPayload::Failure($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res] Path res [{ @@ -72,7 +75,8 @@ Path res Complete src/EnvCompletion.res 19:19 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[use](Nolabel) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[use](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[use] Path use @@ -90,7 +94,8 @@ Path use Complete src/EnvCompletion.res 22:21 posCursor:[22:21] posNoWhite:[22:20] Found pattern:[22:20->22:22] Completable: Cpattern Value[use](Nolabel)->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[use](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[use] Path use @@ -111,7 +116,8 @@ Path use Complete src/EnvCompletion.res 25:27 posCursor:[25:27] posNoWhite:[25:26] Found pattern:[25:20->25:31] Completable: Cpattern Value[use](Nolabel)->recordField(stuff) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[use](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[use] Path use @@ -140,7 +146,8 @@ Ppat_construct Second:[28:28->28:34] posCursor:[28:35] posNoWhite:[28:34] Found pattern:[28:34->28:36] Ppat_construct ():[28:34->28:36] Completable: Cpattern Value[use](Nolabel)->recordField(stuff), variantPayload::Second($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[use](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[use] Path use @@ -161,7 +168,8 @@ posCursor:[31:36] posNoWhite:[31:35] Found pattern:[31:28->31:38] Ppat_construct Second:[31:28->31:34] posCursor:[31:36] posNoWhite:[31:35] Found pattern:[31:35->31:37] Completable: Cpattern Value[use](Nolabel)->recordField(stuff), variantPayload::Second($0), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[use](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[use] Path use @@ -176,7 +184,8 @@ Path use Complete src/EnvCompletion.res 34:25 posCursor:[34:25] posNoWhite:[34:24] Found pattern:[34:20->34:29] Completable: Cpattern Value[use](Nolabel)->recordField(res) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[use](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[use] Path use @@ -205,7 +214,8 @@ Ppat_construct Okay:[37:26->37:30] posCursor:[37:31] posNoWhite:[37:30] Found pattern:[37:30->37:32] Ppat_construct ():[37:30->37:32] Completable: Cpattern Value[use](Nolabel)->recordField(res), variantPayload::Okay($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[use](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[use] Path use @@ -236,7 +246,8 @@ Ppat_construct Second:[40:31->40:37] posCursor:[40:38] posNoWhite:[40:37] Found pattern:[40:37->40:39] Ppat_construct ():[40:37->40:39] Completable: Cpattern Value[use](Nolabel)->recordField(res), variantPayload::Okay($0), variantPayload::Second($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[use](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[use] Path use @@ -259,7 +270,8 @@ posCursor:[43:39] posNoWhite:[43:38] Found pattern:[43:31->43:41] Ppat_construct Second:[43:31->43:37] posCursor:[43:39] posNoWhite:[43:38] Found pattern:[43:38->43:40] Completable: Cpattern Value[use](Nolabel)->recordField(res), variantPayload::Okay($0), variantPayload::Second($0), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[use](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[use] Path use @@ -274,7 +286,8 @@ Path use Complete src/EnvCompletion.res 52:18 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpattern Value[res2] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res2] Path res2 [{ @@ -291,7 +304,8 @@ Path res2 Complete src/EnvCompletion.res 55:20 posCursor:[55:20] posNoWhite:[55:19] Found pattern:[55:19->55:21] Completable: Cpattern Value[res2]->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res2] Path res2 [{ @@ -317,7 +331,8 @@ Path res2 Complete src/EnvCompletion.res 58:29 posCursor:[58:29] posNoWhite:[58:28] Found pattern:[58:19->58:33] Completable: Cpattern Value[res2]->recordField(theThing) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res2] Path res2 [{ @@ -341,7 +356,8 @@ Path res2 Complete src/EnvCompletion.res 61:31 posCursor:[61:31] posNoWhite:[61:30] Found pattern:[61:19->61:35] Completable: Cpattern Value[res2]->recordField(theVariant) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res2] Path res2 [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/ExhaustiveSwitch.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/ExhaustiveSwitch.res.txt index 66dff588a4..e9e8d298ef 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/ExhaustiveSwitch.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/ExhaustiveSwitch.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/ExhaustiveSwitch.res 8:24 XXX Not found! Completable: CexhaustiveSwitch Value[withSomeVarian] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[withSomeVarian] Path withSomeVarian [{ @@ -24,7 +25,8 @@ Path withSomeVarian Complete src/ExhaustiveSwitch.res 11:21 XXX Not found! Completable: CexhaustiveSwitch Value[withSomePol] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[withSomePol] Path withSomePol [{ @@ -47,7 +49,8 @@ Path withSomePol Complete src/ExhaustiveSwitch.res 14:17 XXX Not found! Completable: CexhaustiveSwitch Value[someBoo] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someBoo] Path someBoo [{ @@ -70,7 +73,8 @@ Path someBoo Complete src/ExhaustiveSwitch.res 17:16 XXX Not found! Completable: CexhaustiveSwitch Value[someOp] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someOp] Path someOp [{ @@ -94,23 +98,27 @@ Xform src/ExhaustiveSwitch.res 30:13 posCursor:[30:13] posNoWhite:[30:12] Found expr:[30:3->30:17] posCursor:[30:13] posNoWhite:[30:12] Found expr:[30:10->30:17] Completable: Cpath Value[x]-> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x]-> ContextPath Value[x] Path x CPPipe pathFromEnv: found:true Path ExhaustiveSwitch. -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Xform src/ExhaustiveSwitch.res start: 33:3, end: 33:10 found selection: [33:3->33:10] -> [33:6->33:10] XXX Not found! Completable: Cpath Value[getV](Nolabel) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[getV](Nolabel) ContextPath Value[getV] Path getV -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Exhaustive switch TextDocumentEdit: ExhaustiveSwitch.res @@ -126,10 +134,12 @@ newText: Xform src/ExhaustiveSwitch.res 36:4 XXX Not found! Completable: Cpath Value[vvv] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[vvv] Path vvv -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Exhaustive switch TextDocumentEdit: ExhaustiveSwitch.res @@ -148,7 +158,8 @@ newText: Complete src/ExhaustiveSwitch.res 40:24 XXX Not found! Completable: CexhaustiveSwitch Value[withSomeVarian] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[withSomeVarian] Path withSomeVarian [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Firebase.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Firebase.res.txt index b894358106..fcc05460e3 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Firebase.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Firebase.res.txt @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ posCursor:[30:9] posNoWhite:[30:8] Found expr:[30:5->30:9] Pexp_field [30:5->30:8] _:[32:0->30:9] Completable: Cpath Value[ref]."" Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 Firebase +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib Firebase ContextPath Value[ref]."" ContextPath Value[ref] Path ref diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Fragment.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Fragment.res.txt index c17fd7adc8..3b67cf3a42 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Fragment.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Fragment.res.txt @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ JSX 9:26] > _children:9:26 posCursor:[9:56] posNoWhite:[9:55] Found expr:__ghost__[9:10->9:67] Pexp_construct []:__ghost__[9:10->9:67] None Completable: Cexpression CTypeAtPos()=[]->variantPayload::::($1) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CTypeAtPos() null diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Hover.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Hover.res.txt index a3ead7ce8b..8d692baed4 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Hover.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Hover.res.txt @@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ Hover src/Hover.res 122:3 Nothing at that position. Now trying to use completion. Attribute id:live:[122:0->122:5] label:live Completable: Cdecorator(live) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib {"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "The `@live` decorator is for reanalyze, a static analysis tool for ReScript that can do dead code analysis.\n\n`@live` tells the dead code analysis that the value should be considered live, even though it might appear to be dead. This is typically used in case of FFI where there are indirect ways to access values. It can be added to everything that could otherwise be considered unused by the dead code analysis - values, functions, arguments, records, individual record fields, and so on.\n\n[Read more and see examples in the documentation](\n\nHint: Did you know you can run an interactive code analysis in your project by running the command `> ReScript: Start Code Analyzer`? Try it!"}} Hover src/Hover.res 125:4 @@ -107,7 +108,8 @@ Complete src/Hover.res 170:16 posCursor:[170:16] posNoWhite:[170:15] Found expr:[170:5->170:16] Pexp_field [170:5->170:15] _:[176:2->170:16] Completable: Cpath Value[x1].content."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x1].content."" ContextPath Value[x1].content ContextPath Value[x1] @@ -140,7 +142,8 @@ Complete src/Hover.res 173:16 posCursor:[173:16] posNoWhite:[173:15] Found expr:[173:5->173:16] Pexp_field [173:5->173:15] _:[176:2->173:16] Completable: Cpath Value[x2].content."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x2].content."" ContextPath Value[x2].content ContextPath Value[x2] @@ -173,7 +176,8 @@ Complete src/Hover.res 182:16 posCursor:[182:16] posNoWhite:[182:15] Found expr:[182:5->182:16] Pexp_field [182:5->182:15] _:[187:0->182:16] Completable: Cpath Value[y1].content."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[y1].content."" ContextPath Value[y1].content ContextPath Value[y1] @@ -206,7 +210,8 @@ Complete src/Hover.res 185:16 posCursor:[185:16] posNoWhite:[185:15] Found expr:[185:5->185:16] Pexp_field [185:5->185:15] _:[187:0->185:16] Completable: Cpath Value[y2].content."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[y2].content."" ContextPath Value[y2].content ContextPath Value[y2] @@ -246,10 +251,12 @@ Nothing at that position. Now trying to use completion. posCursor:[210:13] posNoWhite:[210:12] Found expr:[210:11->210:14] Pexp_ident usr:[210:11->210:14] Completable: Cpath Value[usr] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[usr] Path usr -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib {"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\nuseR\n```\n\n---\n\n```\n \n```\n```rescript\ntype useR = {x: int, y: list>>}\n```\nGo to: [Type definition](command:rescript-vscode.go_to_location?%5B%22Hover.res%22%2C200%2C0%5D)\n\n\n---\n\n```\n \n```\n```rescript\ntype r<'a> = {i: 'a, f: float}\n```\nGo to: [Type definition](command:rescript-vscode.go_to_location?%5B%22Hover.res%22%2C101%2C0%5D)\n"}} Hover src/Hover.res 230:20 @@ -263,7 +270,8 @@ Nothing at that position. Now trying to use completion. posCursor:[245:6] posNoWhite:[245:5] Found expr:[245:3->245:14] Pexp_field [245:3->245:4] someField:[245:5->245:14] Completable: Cpath Value[x].someField -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x].someField ContextPath Value[x] Path x @@ -272,7 +280,8 @@ ContextPath Value[x] Path x CPPipe pathFromEnv: found:true Path Hover.someField -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib {"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": " Mighty fine field here. \n\n```rescript\nbool\n```"}} Hover src/Hover.res 248:19 @@ -286,10 +295,12 @@ Nothing at that position. Now trying to use completion. posCursor:[257:23] posNoWhite:[257:22] Found expr:[257:22->257:25] Pexp_ident fff:[257:22->257:25] Completable: Cpath Value[fff] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[fff] Path fff -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath string {"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\nstring\n```"}} @@ -298,10 +309,12 @@ Nothing at that position. Now trying to use completion. posCursor:[260:33] posNoWhite:[260:32] Found expr:[260:31->260:40] Pexp_ident someField:[260:31->260:40] Completable: Cpath Value[someField] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someField] Path someField -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CPatternPath(Value[x])->recordField(someField) ContextPath Value[x] Path x diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Jsx2.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Jsx2.res.txt index b8f7bf1fc8..87e09267cf 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Jsx2.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Jsx2.res.txt @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 8:15 posCursor:[8:15] posNoWhite:[8:14] Found expr:[8:4->8:15] JSX 8:5] second[8:6->8:12]=...[8:13->8:15]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [M] second=fi -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [M] second Path M.make [] @@ -14,7 +15,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 11:20 posCursor:[11:20] posNoWhite:[11:19] Found expr:[11:4->11:20] JSX 11:5] second[11:6->11:12]=...[11:13->11:18] f[11:19->11:20]=...[11:19->11:20]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], f, [second, f]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "first", @@ -34,7 +36,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 14:13 posCursor:[14:13] posNoWhite:[14:12] Found expr:[14:12->14:13] JSX 14:13] > _children:None Completable: Cpath Module[M] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Module[M] Path M [{ @@ -43,6 +46,18 @@ Path M "tags": [], "detail": "module M", "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Math", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Math", + "documentation": null + }, { + "label": "Map", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Map", + "documentation": null }, { "label": "ModuleStuff", "kind": 9, @@ -59,7 +74,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 22:19 posCursor:[22:19] posNoWhite:[22:18] Found expr:[22:4->22:19] JSX 22:5] prop[22:6->22:10]=...[22:12->22:16] k[22:18->22:19]=...[22:18->22:19]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [prop, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -73,7 +89,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 25:17 posCursor:[25:17] posNoWhite:[25:16] Found expr:[25:4->25:17] JSX 25:5] prop[25:6->25:10]=...[25:11->25:15] k[25:16->25:17]=...[25:16->25:17]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [prop, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -87,7 +104,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 28:21 posCursor:[28:21] posNoWhite:[28:20] Found expr:[28:4->28:21] JSX 28:5] prop[28:6->28:10]=...[28:11->28:19] k[28:20->28:21]=...[28:20->28:21]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [prop, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -101,7 +119,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 31:24 posCursor:[31:24] posNoWhite:[31:23] Found expr:[31:4->31:24] JSX 31:5] prop[31:6->31:10]=...[31:11->31:22] k[31:23->31:24]=...[31:23->31:24]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [prop, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -115,7 +134,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 34:18 posCursor:[34:18] posNoWhite:[34:17] Found expr:[34:4->34:18] JSX 34:5] prop[34:6->34:10]=...[34:12->34:16] k[34:17->34:18]=...[34:17->34:18]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [prop, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -129,7 +149,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 37:16 posCursor:[37:16] posNoWhite:[37:15] Found expr:[37:4->37:16] JSX 37:5] prop[37:6->37:10]=...[37:11->37:14] k[37:15->37:16]=...[37:15->37:16]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [prop, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -143,7 +164,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 40:17 posCursor:[40:17] posNoWhite:[40:16] Found expr:[40:4->40:17] JSX 40:5] prop[40:6->40:10]=...[40:11->40:15] k[40:16->40:17]=...[40:16->40:17]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [prop, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -157,7 +179,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 43:18 posCursor:[43:18] posNoWhite:[43:17] Found expr:[43:4->43:18] JSX 43:5] prop[43:6->43:10]=...[43:11->43:16] k[43:17->43:18]=...[43:17->43:18]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [prop, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -171,7 +194,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 46:16 posCursor:[46:16] posNoWhite:[46:15] Found expr:[46:4->46:16] JSX 46:5] prop[46:6->46:10]=...[46:11->46:14] k[46:15->46:16]=...[46:15->46:16]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [prop, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -185,7 +209,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 49:27 posCursor:[49:27] posNoWhite:[49:26] Found expr:[49:4->49:27] JSX 49:5] prop[49:6->49:10]=...[49:11->49:25] k[49:26->49:27]=...[49:26->49:27]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [prop, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -199,7 +224,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 52:38 posCursor:[52:38] posNoWhite:[52:37] Found expr:[52:4->52:38] JSX 52:5] prop[52:6->52:10]=...[52:11->52:36] k[52:37->52:38]=...[52:37->52:38]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [prop, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -213,7 +239,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 55:25 posCursor:[55:25] posNoWhite:[55:24] Found expr:[55:4->55:25] JSX 55:5] prop[55:6->55:10]=...[55:11->55:23] k[55:24->55:25]=...[55:24->55:25]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [prop, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -230,7 +257,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 68:10 posCursor:[68:10] posNoWhite:[68:9] Found expr:[68:4->68:10] JSX 68:7] al[68:8->68:10]=...[68:8->68:10]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([Ext], al, [al]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path Ext.make [{ "label": "align", @@ -244,7 +272,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 71:11 posCursor:[71:11] posNoWhite:[71:10] Found expr:[71:4->71:11] JSX 71:5] first[71:6->71:11]=...[71:6->71:11]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], first, [first]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [] @@ -252,7 +281,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 74:16 posCursor:[74:16] posNoWhite:[74:15] Found expr:[74:4->74:16] JSX 74:5] first[74:6->74:11]=...[74:12->74:14] k[74:15->74:16]=...[74:15->74:16]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [first, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -266,7 +296,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 77:23 posCursor:[77:23] posNoWhite:[77:22] Found expr:[77:4->77:23] JSX 77:5] first[77:6->77:11]=...[77:19->77:21] k[77:22->77:23]=...[77:22->77:23]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M], k, [first, k]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M.make [{ "label": "key", @@ -295,7 +326,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 89:16 posCursor:[89:16] posNoWhite:[89:15] Found expr:[89:4->89:16] JSX 89:16] > _children:None Completable: Cpath Module[WithChildren] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Module[WithChildren] Path WithChildren [{ @@ -310,7 +342,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 91:18 posCursor:[91:18] posNoWhite:[91:17] Found expr:[91:4->91:18] JSX 91:16] n[91:17->91:18]=...[91:17->91:18]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([WithChildren], n, [n]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path WithChildren.make [{ "label": "name", @@ -325,7 +358,8 @@ posCursor:[94:18] posNoWhite:[94:17] Found pattern:[94:7->94:18] posCursor:[94:18] posNoWhite:[94:17] Found type:[94:11->94:18] Ptyp_constr React.e:[94:11->94:18] Completable: Cpath Type[React, e] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[React, e] Path React.e [{ @@ -341,7 +375,8 @@ posCursor:[96:20] posNoWhite:[96:19] Found pattern:[96:7->99:6] posCursor:[96:20] posNoWhite:[96:19] Found type:[96:11->99:6] Ptyp_constr ReactDOMR:[96:11->99:6] Completable: Cpath Type[ReactDOMR] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[ReactDOMR] Path ReactDOMR [{ @@ -362,7 +397,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[102:15->102:16] (...[102:13->102:14], ...[102:17->102:21]) posCursor:[102:21] posNoWhite:[102:20] Found expr:[102:17->102:21] Pexp_field [102:17->102:18] th:[102:19->102:21] Completable: Cpath Value[x].th -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[x].th ContextPath Value[x] Path x @@ -372,7 +408,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 106:28 posCursor:[106:28] posNoWhite:[106:27] Found expr:[106:11->106:28] Pexp_ident DefineSomeFields.:[106:11->106:28] Completable: Cpath Value[DefineSomeFields, ""] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[DefineSomeFields, ""] Path DefineSomeFields. [{ @@ -389,7 +426,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[108:13->108:14] (...[108:11->108:12], ...[108:15->108:36]) posCursor:[108:36] posNoWhite:[108:35] Found expr:[108:15->108:36] Pexp_field [108:15->108:16][108:17->108:36] Completable: Cpath Module[DefineSomeFields].th -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Module[DefineSomeFields].th Path [{ @@ -412,7 +450,8 @@ JSX 121:6] x[122:5->122:6]=...[122:7->122:20] name[124:4->124:8]=.. posCursor:[122:20] posNoWhite:[122:19] Found expr:[122:7->122:20] Pexp_ident Outer.Inner.h:[122:7->122:20] Completable: Cpath Value[Outer, Inner, h] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Outer, Inner, h] Path Outer.Inner.h [{ @@ -429,7 +468,8 @@ JSX 128:6] x[129:5->129:6]=...[129:7->131:8]> _children:None posCursor:[129:19] posNoWhite:[129:18] Found expr:[129:7->131:8] Pexp_ident Outer.Inner.:[129:7->131:8] Completable: Cpath Value[Outer, Inner, ""] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Outer, Inner, ""] Path Outer.Inner. [{ @@ -444,7 +484,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 136:7 posCursor:[136:7] posNoWhite:[136:6] Found expr:[135:3->138:9] JSX 135:6] x[136:5->136:6]=...[138:4->138:8]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [div] x -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [div] x Path ReactDOM.domProps Path JsxDOM.domProps @@ -463,7 +504,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 150:21 posCursor:[150:21] posNoWhite:[150:20] Found expr:[150:12->150:32] JSX 150:21] name[150:22->150:26]=...[150:27->150:29]> _children:150:30 Completable: Cpath Module[Nested, Co] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Module[Nested, Co] Path Nested.Co [{ @@ -478,7 +520,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.res 153:19 posCursor:[153:19] posNoWhite:[153:18] Found expr:[153:12->153:25] JSX 153:24] > _children:None Completable: Cpath Module[Nested, ""] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Module[Nested, ""] Path Nested. [{ @@ -496,7 +539,8 @@ posCursor:[162:12] posNoWhite:[162:11] Found expr:[162:6->162:21] posCursor:[162:12] posNoWhite:[162:11] Found expr:[162:6->162:20] JSX 162:10] age[162:11->162:14]=...[162:15->162:17]> _children:162:18 Completable: Cjsx([Comp], age, [age]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path Comp.make {"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\nint\n```"}} @@ -509,7 +553,8 @@ posCursor:[167:16] posNoWhite:[167:15] Found expr:[167:10->167:25] posCursor:[167:16] posNoWhite:[167:15] Found expr:[167:10->167:24] JSX 167:14] age[167:15->167:18]=...[167:19->167:21]> _children:167:22 Completable: Cjsx([Comp], age, [age]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path Comp.make {"contents": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "```rescript\nint\n```"}} diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Jsx2.resi.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Jsx2.resi.txt index 97d8216b91..c34ab6fca5 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Jsx2.resi.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Jsx2.resi.txt @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.resi 7:19 posCursor:[7:19] posNoWhite:[7:18] Found type:[7:12->7:19] Ptyp_constr React.e:[7:12->7:19] Completable: Cpath Type[React, e] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[React, e] Path React.e [{ @@ -23,7 +24,8 @@ Complete src/Jsx2.resi 10:18 posCursor:[10:18] posNoWhite:[10:17] Found type:[10:11->10:18] Ptyp_constr React.e:[10:11->10:18] Completable: Cpath Type[React, e] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[React, e] Path React.e [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/JsxV4.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/JsxV4.res.txt index 8a1abb7796..cca05ca41c 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/JsxV4.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/JsxV4.res.txt @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ Complete src/JsxV4.res 11:20 posCursor:[11:20] posNoWhite:[11:19] Found expr:[11:4->11:20] JSX 11:6] first[11:7->11:12]=...[11:13->11:18] f[11:19->11:20]=...[11:19->11:20]> _children:None Completable: Cjsx([M4], f, [first, f]) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path M4.make [{ "label": "fun", diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt index f8550ead10..7673dc6c9a 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecordCompletion.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/RecordCompletion.res 8:9 posCursor:[8:9] posNoWhite:[8:8] Found expr:[8:3->8:9] Completable: Cpath Value[t].n->m -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[t].n->m ContextPath Value[t].n ContextPath Value[t] @@ -13,13 +14,13 @@ CPPipe pathFromEnv: found:true Path RecordCompletion.n Path Stdlib.Array.m [{ - "label": "", + "label": "", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Array.mapWithIndex", + "label": "Array.mapWithIndex", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", @@ -29,7 +30,8 @@ Path Stdlib.Array.m Complete src/RecordCompletion.res 11:13 posCursor:[11:13] posNoWhite:[11:12] Found expr:[11:3->11:13] Completable: Cpath Value[t2].n2.n->m -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[t2].n2.n->m ContextPath Value[t2].n2.n ContextPath Value[t2].n2 @@ -53,13 +55,13 @@ CPPipe pathFromEnv: found:true Path RecordCompletion.n Path Stdlib.Array.m [{ - "label": "", + "label": "", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(array<'a>, 'a => 'b) => array<'b>", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`map(array, fn)` returns a new array with all elements from `array`, each element transformed using the provided `fn`.\n\nSee [``]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nlet array = [\"Hello\", \"Hi\", \"Good bye\"]\nlet mappedArray = array-> => greeting ++ \" to you\")\n\nassertEqual(mappedArray, [\"Hello to you\", \"Hi to you\", \"Good bye to you\"])\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.Array.mapWithIndex", + "label": "Array.mapWithIndex", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(array<'a>, ('a, int) => 'b) => array<'b>", @@ -70,7 +72,8 @@ Complete src/RecordCompletion.res 19:7 posCursor:[19:7] posNoWhite:[19:6] Found expr:[19:3->19:7] Pexp_field [19:3->19:4] R.:[19:5->19:7] Completable: Cpath Module[R]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Module[R]."" Path R. [{ @@ -85,7 +88,8 @@ Complete src/RecordCompletion.res 22:7 posCursor:[22:7] posNoWhite:[22:6] Found expr:[22:3->22:10] Pexp_field [22:3->22:4] R.xx:[22:5->22:10] Completable: Cpath Module[R]."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Module[R]."" Path R. [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecoveryOnProp.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecoveryOnProp.res.txt index 334429b384..2dc24193b4 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecoveryOnProp.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RecoveryOnProp.res.txt @@ -11,10 +11,17 @@ posCursor:[6:26] posNoWhite:[6:25] Found pattern:[6:20->8:5] posCursor:[6:26] posNoWhite:[6:25] Found type:[6:23->8:5] Ptyp_constr Res:[6:23->8:5] Completable: Cpath Type[Res] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Type[Res] Path Res [{ + "label": "Result", + "kind": 9, + "tags": [], + "detail": "module Result", + "documentation": null + }, { "label": "RescriptReactErrorBoundary", "kind": 9, "tags": [], diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Reprod.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Reprod.res.txt index bbe3d02558..08783543a5 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Reprod.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Reprod.res.txt @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Complete src/Reprod.res 7:53 posCursor:[7:53] posNoWhite:[7:52] Found expr:[7:11->7:56] Pexp_apply ...[7:11->7:20] (~variables7:22->7:31=...[7:32->7:55]) Completable: Cexpression CArgument Value[Query, use](~variables)->recordField(location), variantPayload::ByAddress($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CArgument Value[Query, use](~variables) ContextPath Value[Query, use] Path Query.use @@ -20,7 +21,8 @@ Path Query.use Complete src/Reprod.res 33:28 posCursor:[33:28] posNoWhite:[33:27] Found pattern:[33:21->33:31] Completable: Cpattern Value[record]->recordField(first) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[record] Path record [{ @@ -52,7 +54,8 @@ Path record Complete src/Reprod.res 36:29 posCursor:[36:29] posNoWhite:[36:28] Found pattern:[36:21->36:32] Completable: Cpattern Value[record]->recordField(second) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[record] Path record [{ @@ -72,7 +75,8 @@ Ppat_construct Ok:[43:18->43:20] posCursor:[43:21] posNoWhite:[43:20] Found pattern:[43:20->43:22] Ppat_construct ():[43:20->43:22] Completable: Cpattern Value[res]->variantPayload::Ok($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res] Path res [{ @@ -107,7 +111,8 @@ Ppat_construct Error:[46:18->46:23] posCursor:[46:24] posNoWhite:[46:23] Found pattern:[46:23->46:25] Ppat_construct ():[46:23->46:25] Completable: Cpattern Value[res]->variantPayload::Error($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[res] Path res [{ @@ -142,7 +147,8 @@ Ppat_construct Ok:[51:21->51:23] posCursor:[51:24] posNoWhite:[51:23] Found pattern:[51:23->51:25] Ppat_construct ():[51:23->51:25] Completable: Cpattern Value[resOpt]->variantPayload::Ok($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[resOpt] Path resOpt [{ @@ -193,7 +199,8 @@ Ppat_construct Some:[54:24->54:28] posCursor:[54:29] posNoWhite:[54:28] Found pattern:[54:28->54:30] Ppat_construct ():[54:28->54:30] Completable: Cpattern Value[resOpt]->variantPayload::Ok($0), variantPayload::Some($0) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[resOpt] Path resOpt [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RxjsCompletion.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RxjsCompletion.res.txt index 8e1af01752..5c6f8fb4be 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RxjsCompletion.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/RxjsCompletion.res.txt @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ posCursor:[26:29] posNoWhite:[26:28] Found expr:[26:7->26:29] Pexp_field [26:7->26:28] _:[30:2->26:29] Completable: Cpath Value[merge](Nolabel, Nolabel)."" Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 Rxjs +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib Rxjs ContextPath Value[merge](Nolabel, Nolabel)."" ContextPath Value[merge](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[merge] @@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ posCursor:[34:30] posNoWhite:[34:29] Found expr:[32:2->34:30] posCursor:[34:30] posNoWhite:[34:29] Found expr:[34:5->34:30] Pexp_field [34:5->34:29] _:[38:0->34:30] Completable: Cpath Value[Rxjs, combineLatest](Nolabel, Nolabel)."" -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Rxjs, combineLatest](Nolabel, Nolabel)."" ContextPath Value[Rxjs, combineLatest](Nolabel, Nolabel) ContextPath Value[Rxjs, combineLatest] diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/SignatureHelp.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/SignatureHelp.res.txt index 3c546a4318..f6a030bcaf 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/SignatureHelp.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/SignatureHelp.res.txt @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[16:11->16:19] (...[46:0->16:20]) posCursor:[16:19] posNoWhite:[16:18] Found expr:[16:11->16:19] Pexp_ident someFunc:[16:11->16:19] Completable: Cpath Value[someFunc] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someFunc] Path someFunc argAtCursor: unlabelled<0> @@ -27,7 +28,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[19:11->19:19] (...[19:20->19:21]) posCursor:[19:19] posNoWhite:[19:18] Found expr:[19:11->19:19] Pexp_ident someFunc:[19:11->19:19] Completable: Cpath Value[someFunc] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someFunc] Path someFunc argAtCursor: unlabelled<0> @@ -50,7 +52,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[22:11->22:19] (...[22:20->22:23], ~two22:26->22:29=...[22:26->22: posCursor:[22:19] posNoWhite:[22:18] Found expr:[22:11->22:19] Pexp_ident someFunc:[22:11->22:19] Completable: Cpath Value[someFunc] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someFunc] Path someFunc argAtCursor: ~two @@ -73,7 +76,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[25:11->25:19] (...[25:20->25:23], ~two25:26->25:29=...[25:30->25: posCursor:[25:19] posNoWhite:[25:18] Found expr:[25:11->25:19] Pexp_ident someFunc:[25:11->25:19] Completable: Cpath Value[someFunc] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someFunc] Path someFunc argAtCursor: ~two @@ -96,7 +100,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[28:11->28:19] (...[28:20->28:23], ~two28:26->28:29=...[28:30->28: posCursor:[28:19] posNoWhite:[28:18] Found expr:[28:11->28:19] Pexp_ident someFunc:[28:11->28:19] Completable: Cpath Value[someFunc] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someFunc] Path someFunc argAtCursor: ~four @@ -119,7 +124,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[31:11->31:19] (...[31:20->31:23], ~two31:26->31:29=...[31:30->31: posCursor:[31:19] posNoWhite:[31:18] Found expr:[31:11->31:19] Pexp_ident someFunc:[31:11->31:19] Completable: Cpath Value[someFunc] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someFunc] Path someFunc argAtCursor: ~four @@ -142,7 +148,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[34:11->34:20] (...[46:0->34:21]) posCursor:[34:20] posNoWhite:[34:19] Found expr:[34:11->34:20] Pexp_ident otherFunc:[34:11->34:20] Completable: Cpath Value[otherFunc] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[otherFunc] Path otherFunc argAtCursor: unlabelled<0> @@ -163,7 +170,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[37:11->37:20] (...[37:21->37:26]) posCursor:[37:20] posNoWhite:[37:19] Found expr:[37:11->37:20] Pexp_ident otherFunc:[37:11->37:20] Completable: Cpath Value[otherFunc] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[otherFunc] Path otherFunc argAtCursor: unlabelled<0> @@ -184,7 +192,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[40:11->40:20] (...[40:21->40:26], ...[40:28->40:31], ...[40:33->4 posCursor:[40:20] posNoWhite:[40:19] Found expr:[40:11->40:20] Pexp_ident otherFunc:[40:11->40:20] Completable: Cpath Value[otherFunc] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[otherFunc] Path otherFunc argAtCursor: unlabelled<2> @@ -205,7 +214,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[43:11->43:29] (~age43:31->43:34=...[43:31->43:34]) posCursor:[43:29] posNoWhite:[43:28] Found expr:[43:11->43:29] Pexp_ident[43:11->43:29] Completable: Cpath Value[Completion, Lib, foo] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[Completion, Lib, foo] Path argAtCursor: ~age @@ -226,7 +236,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[50:11->50:23] (...[56:0->50:24]) posCursor:[50:23] posNoWhite:[50:22] Found expr:[50:11->50:23] Pexp_ident iAmSoSpecial:[50:11->50:23] Completable: Cpath Value[iAmSoSpecial] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[iAmSoSpecial] Path iAmSoSpecial argAtCursor: unlabelled<0> @@ -248,7 +259,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[53:20->53:29] (...[53:30->53:31]) posCursor:[53:29] posNoWhite:[53:28] Found expr:[53:20->53:29] Pexp_ident otherFunc:[53:20->53:29] Completable: Cpath Value[otherFunc] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[otherFunc] Path otherFunc argAtCursor: unlabelled<1> @@ -269,7 +281,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[62:11->62:13] (...[62:14->62:16]) posCursor:[62:13] posNoWhite:[62:12] Found expr:[62:11->62:13] Pexp_ident fn:[62:11->62:13] Completable: Cpath Value[fn] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[fn] Path fn argAtCursor: unlabelled<1> @@ -290,7 +303,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[65:11->65:13] (...[65:14->65:16], ...[65:20->65:24]) posCursor:[65:13] posNoWhite:[65:12] Found expr:[65:11->65:13] Pexp_ident fn:[65:11->65:13] Completable: Cpath Value[fn] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[fn] Path fn argAtCursor: unlabelled<1> @@ -311,7 +325,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[68:11->68:13] (...[68:14->68:16], ...[68:18->68:25]) posCursor:[68:13] posNoWhite:[68:12] Found expr:[68:11->68:13] Pexp_ident fn:[68:11->68:13] Completable: Cpath Value[fn] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[fn] Path fn argAtCursor: unlabelled<2> @@ -334,7 +349,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[71:16->71:28] (...[71:29->71:30]) posCursor:[71:28] posNoWhite:[71:27] Found expr:[71:16->71:28] Pexp_ident iAmSoSpecial:[71:16->71:28] Completable: Cpath Value[iAmSoSpecial] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[iAmSoSpecial] Path iAmSoSpecial argAtCursor: unlabelled<0> @@ -359,7 +375,8 @@ Pexp_apply ...[74:31->74:39] (...[74:40->74:41]) posCursor:[74:39] posNoWhite:[74:38] Found expr:[74:31->74:39] Pexp_ident someFunc:[74:31->74:39] Completable: Cpath Value[someFunc] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someFunc] Path someFunc argAtCursor: unlabelled<0> diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/TypeArgCtx.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/TypeArgCtx.res.txt index 62940941cb..be53ba25ba 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/TypeArgCtx.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/TypeArgCtx.res.txt @@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ posCursor:[7:36] posNoWhite:[7:35] Found pattern:[7:26->7:39] Ppat_construct Ok:[7:26->7:28] posCursor:[7:36] posNoWhite:[7:35] Found pattern:[7:29->7:38] Completable: Cpattern Value[catchResult]->variantPayload::Ok($0), recordField(value) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[catchResult] Path catchResult [{ diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/TypeAtPosCompletion.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/TypeAtPosCompletion.res.txt index 1d6de28853..499d5fa4b1 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/TypeAtPosCompletion.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/TypeAtPosCompletion.res.txt @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ Complete src/TypeAtPosCompletion.res 7:17 posCursor:[7:17] posNoWhite:[7:15] Found expr:[6:16->9:1] Completable: Cexpression CTypeAtPos()->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CTypeAtPos() [{ "label": "age", @@ -22,7 +23,8 @@ posCursor:[16:18] posNoWhite:[16:16] Found expr:[13:8->19:1] Pexp_construct One:[13:8->13:11] [13:11->19:1] posCursor:[16:18] posNoWhite:[16:16] Found expr:[15:2->18:3] Completable: Cexpression CTypeAtPos()->variantPayload::One($1), recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CTypeAtPos() [{ "label": "age", @@ -41,7 +43,8 @@ ContextPath CTypeAtPos() Complete src/TypeAtPosCompletion.res 22:12 posCursor:[22:12] posNoWhite:[22:11] Found expr:[21:10->24:1] Completable: Cexpression CTypeAtPos()->array -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CTypeAtPos() [{ "label": "{}", diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Xform.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Xform.res.txt index fec60ff18b..606adcdd07 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Xform.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests/src/expected/Xform.res.txt @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ Xform src/Xform.res 6:5 posCursor:[6:3] posNoWhite:[6:1] Found expr:[6:0->11:1] Completable: Cpath Value[kind] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[kind] Path kind -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Replace with switch TextDocumentEdit: Xform.res @@ -120,10 +122,12 @@ newText: Xform src/Xform.res 48:21 posCursor:[48:21] posNoWhite:[48:19] Found expr:[48:15->48:25] Completable: Cpath Value[name] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[name] Path name -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Add braces to function TextDocumentEdit: Xform.res @@ -187,10 +191,12 @@ newText: Xform src/Xform.res 80:4 posCursor:[78:16] posNoWhite:[78:14] Found expr:[78:9->82:1] Completable: Cpath Value[variant] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[variant] Path variant -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Expand catch-all TextDocumentEdit: Xform.res @@ -202,10 +208,12 @@ newText: Xform src/Xform.res 86:4 posCursor:[84:16] posNoWhite:[84:14] Found expr:[84:9->88:1] Completable: Cpath Value[variant] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[variant] Path variant -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Expand catch-all TextDocumentEdit: Xform.res @@ -217,10 +225,12 @@ newText: Xform src/Xform.res 93:4 posCursor:[90:16] posNoWhite:[90:14] Found expr:[90:9->95:1] Completable: Cpath Value[variant] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[variant] Path variant -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Expand catch-all TextDocumentEdit: Xform.res @@ -232,10 +242,12 @@ newText: Xform src/Xform.res 101:4 posCursor:[99:16] posNoWhite:[99:14] Found expr:[99:9->103:1] Completable: Cpath Value[polyvariant] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[polyvariant] Path polyvariant -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Expand catch-all TextDocumentEdit: Xform.res @@ -247,10 +259,12 @@ newText: Xform src/Xform.res 107:4 posCursor:[105:16] posNoWhite:[105:14] Found expr:[105:9->109:1] Completable: Cpath Value[polyvariant] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[polyvariant] Path polyvariant -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Expand catch-all TextDocumentEdit: Xform.res @@ -262,10 +276,12 @@ newText: Xform src/Xform.res 115:4 posCursor:[113:16] posNoWhite:[113:14] Found expr:[113:9->117:1] Completable: Cpath Value[variantOpt] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[variantOpt] Path variantOpt -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Expand catch-all TextDocumentEdit: Xform.res @@ -277,10 +293,12 @@ newText: Xform src/Xform.res 121:4 posCursor:[119:16] posNoWhite:[119:14] Found expr:[119:9->123:1] Completable: Cpath Value[variantOpt] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[variantOpt] Path variantOpt -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Expand catch-all TextDocumentEdit: Xform.res @@ -292,10 +310,12 @@ newText: Xform src/Xform.res 127:4 posCursor:[125:16] posNoWhite:[125:14] Found expr:[125:9->129:1] Completable: Cpath Value[variantOpt] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[variantOpt] Path variantOpt -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Expand catch-all TextDocumentEdit: Xform.res @@ -307,10 +327,12 @@ newText: Xform src/Xform.res 136:4 posCursor:[133:16] posNoWhite:[133:14] Found expr:[133:9->138:1] Completable: Cpath Value[polyvariantOpt] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[polyvariantOpt] Path polyvariantOpt -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Expand catch-all TextDocumentEdit: Xform.res @@ -322,10 +344,12 @@ newText: Xform src/Xform.res 142:4 posCursor:[140:16] posNoWhite:[140:14] Found expr:[140:9->144:1] Completable: Cpath Value[polyvariantOpt] -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[polyvariantOpt] Path polyvariantOpt -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Hit: Expand catch-all TextDocumentEdit: Xform.res From adb62f1a32ad83561558433e420d735aa5762dad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gabriel Nordeborn Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 20:07:11 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 08/13] commit more tests --- .../src/expected/GenericJsxCompletion.res.txt | 21 +++++++++++-------- .../ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt | 2 ++ .../ConstructorCompletion__Own.res.txt | 2 ++ 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-generic-jsx-transform/src/expected/GenericJsxCompletion.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-generic-jsx-transform/src/expected/GenericJsxCompletion.res.txt index c196cc4496..05f269144a 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-generic-jsx-transform/src/expected/GenericJsxCompletion.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-generic-jsx-transform/src/expected/GenericJsxCompletion.res.txt @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ Complete src/GenericJsxCompletion.res 0:8 posCursor:[0:8] posNoWhite:[0:6] Found expr:[0:4->0:7] JSX 0:7] > _children:None Completable: Cjsx([div], "", []) -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib Path GenericJsx.Elements.props [{ "label": "testing", @@ -28,7 +29,8 @@ Complete src/GenericJsxCompletion.res 3:17 posCursor:[3:17] posNoWhite:[3:16] Found expr:[3:4->3:18] JSX 3:7] testing[3:8->3:15]=...[3:16->3:18]> _children:None Completable: Cexpression CJsxPropValue [div] testing->recordBody -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CJsxPropValue [div] testing Path GenericJsx.Elements.props [{ @@ -55,7 +57,8 @@ posCursor:[14:21] posNoWhite:[14:20] Found expr:[13:4->22:10] posCursor:[14:21] posNoWhite:[14:20] Found expr:[14:7->22:10] posCursor:[14:21] posNoWhite:[14:20] Found expr:[14:7->14:21] Completable: Cpath Value[someString]->st <> -Package opens holder +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath Value[someString]->st <> ContextPath Value[someString] Path someString @@ -69,13 +72,13 @@ Path "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "label": "String.startsWith", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string) => bool", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "label": "String.startsWithFrom", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", @@ -101,8 +104,8 @@ posCursor:[20:24] posNoWhite:[20:23] Found expr:[20:10->22:4] posCursor:[20:24] posNoWhite:[20:23] Found expr:[20:10->20:24] Completable: Cpath Value[someString]->st <> Raw opens: 1 holder -Package opens holder -Resolved opens 1 GenericJsx +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 2 Stdlib GenericJsx ContextPath Value[someString]->st <> ContextPath Value[someString] Path someString @@ -116,13 +119,13 @@ Path "sortText": "A", "insertTextFormat": 2 }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWith", + "label": "String.startsWith", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string) => bool", "documentation": {"kind": "markdown", "value": "\n`startsWith(str, substr)` returns `true` if the `str` starts with `substr`,\n`false` otherwise.\nSee [`String.startsWith`]( on MDN.\n\n## Examples\n\n```rescript\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"Buckle\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"BuckleScript\", \"\") == true\nString.startsWith(\"JavaScript\", \"Buckle\") == false\n```\n"} }, { - "label": "Stdlib.String.startsWithFrom", + "label": "String.startsWithFrom", "kind": 12, "tags": [], "detail": "(string, string, int) => bool", diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt index a313dd4f09..bab658f9b9 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Json.res.txt @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Pexp_construct Js Json Array:[0:8->0:21] [0:21->0:23] Completable: Cexpression CTypeAtPos()->variantPayload::Array($0) +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CTypeAtPos() [{ "label": "[]", diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Own.res.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Own.res.txt index 3dca89a8e3..585f53f395 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Own.res.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-incremental-typechecking/src/expected/ConstructorCompletion__Own.res.txt @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ posCursor:[4:24] posNoWhite:[4:23] Found expr:[4:8->4:25] Pexp_construct WithVariant One:[4:8->4:23] [4:23->4:25] Completable: Cexpression CTypeAtPos()->variantPayload::One($0) +Package opens holder holder +Resolved opens 1 Stdlib ContextPath CTypeAtPos() [{ "label": "{}", From 064a47e3bdb24849336655cf78047febbc0de4fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christoph Knittel Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2025 11:29:27 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 09/13] Reanalyze tests working again --- .../deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt | 4250 +++++++++++++++++ .../deadcode/expected/exception.txt | 95 + 2 files changed, 4345 insertions(+) diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt index e69de29bb2..99902b72a5 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/deadcode.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4250 @@ + + Scanning AutoAnnotate.cmt Source:AutoAnnotate.res + addVariantCaseDeclaration R AutoAnnotate.res:1:15 path:+AutoAnnotate.variant + addRecordLabelDeclaration variant AutoAnnotate.res:4:15 path:+AutoAnnotate.record + addRecordLabelDeclaration r2 AutoAnnotate.res:6:11 path:+AutoAnnotate.r2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration r3 AutoAnnotate.res:8:11 path:+AutoAnnotate.r3 + addRecordLabelDeclaration r4 AutoAnnotate.res:10:11 path:+AutoAnnotate.r4 + addVariantCaseDeclaration R2 AutoAnnotate.res:14:2 path:+AutoAnnotate.annotatedVariant + addVariantCaseDeclaration R4 AutoAnnotate.res:15:2 path:+AutoAnnotate.annotatedVariant + Scanning BootloaderResource.cmt Source:BootloaderResource.res + Scanning BucklescriptAnnotations.cmt Source:BucklescriptAnnotations.res + addValueDeclaration +bar BucklescriptAnnotations.res:25:4 path:+BucklescriptAnnotations + addValueDeclaration +f BucklescriptAnnotations.res:26:6 path:+BucklescriptAnnotations + addValueReference BucklescriptAnnotations.res:26:6 --> BucklescriptAnnotations.res:25:11 + addValueReference BucklescriptAnnotations.res:25:4 --> BucklescriptAnnotations.res:26:6 + Scanning ComponentAsProp.cmt Source:ComponentAsProp.res + addValueDeclaration +make ComponentAsProp.res:6:4 path:+ComponentAsProp + addRecordLabelDeclaration title ComponentAsProp.res:6:12 path:+ComponentAsProp.props + addRecordLabelDeclaration description ComponentAsProp.res:6:20 path:+ComponentAsProp.props + addRecordLabelDeclaration button ComponentAsProp.res:6:34 path:+ComponentAsProp.props + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:9:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:12 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:10:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:20 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:12:24 --> ComponentAsProp.res:12:13 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:13:16 --> React.res:3:0 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:11:14 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:34 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:9:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:12 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:10:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:20 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:12:24 --> ComponentAsProp.res:12:13 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:13:16 --> React.res:3:0 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:11:14 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:34 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:9:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:12 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:10:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:20 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:12:24 --> ComponentAsProp.res:12:13 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:13:16 --> React.res:3:0 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:11:14 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:34 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:9:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:12 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:10:6 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:20 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:12:24 --> ComponentAsProp.res:12:13 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:13:16 --> React.res:3:0 + addValueReference ComponentAsProp.res:11:14 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:34 + addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:12 + addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:20 + addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> ComponentAsProp.res:6:34 + Scanning CreateErrorHandler1.cmt Source:CreateErrorHandler1.res + addValueDeclaration +notification CreateErrorHandler1.res:3:6 path:+CreateErrorHandler1.Error1 + addValueReference CreateErrorHandler1.res:3:6 --> CreateErrorHandler1.res:3:21 + addValueReference CreateErrorHandler1.res:3:6 --> CreateErrorHandler1.res:3:21 + addValueReference CreateErrorHandler1.res:8:0 --> ErrorHandler.resi:7:2 + addValueReference ErrorHandler.resi:3:2 --> CreateErrorHandler1.res:3:6 + Scanning CreateErrorHandler2.cmt Source:CreateErrorHandler2.res + addValueDeclaration +notification CreateErrorHandler2.res:3:6 path:+CreateErrorHandler2.Error2 + addValueReference CreateErrorHandler2.res:3:6 --> CreateErrorHandler2.res:3:21 + addValueReference ErrorHandler.resi:3:2 --> CreateErrorHandler2.res:3:6 + Scanning DeadCodeImplementation.cmt Source:DeadCodeImplementation.res + addValueDeclaration +x DeadCodeImplementation.res:2:6 path:+DeadCodeImplementation.M + addValueReference DeadCodeInterface.res:2:2 --> DeadCodeImplementation.res:2:6 + Scanning DeadCodeInterface.cmt Source:DeadCodeInterface.res + Scanning DeadExn.cmt Source:DeadExn.res + addValueDeclaration +eToplevel DeadExn.res:8:4 path:+DeadExn + addValueDeclaration +eInside DeadExn.res:10:4 path:+DeadExn + addExceptionDeclaration Etoplevel DeadExn.res:1:0 path:+DeadExn + addExceptionDeclaration Einside DeadExn.res:4:2 path:+DeadExn.Inside + addExceptionDeclaration DeadE DeadExn.res:7:0 path:+DeadExn + addValueReference DeadExn.res:8:4 --> DeadExn.res:1:0 + addTypeReference DeadExn.res:8:16 --> DeadExn.res:1:0 + addValueReference DeadExn.res:10:4 --> DeadExn.res:4:2 + addTypeReference DeadExn.res:10:14 --> DeadExn.res:4:2 + addValueReference DeadExn.res:12:7 --> DeadExn.res:10:4 + Scanning DeadExn.cmti Source:DeadExn.resi + Scanning DeadRT.cmt Source:DeadRT.res + addValueDeclaration +emitModuleAccessPath DeadRT.res:5:8 path:+DeadRT + addVariantCaseDeclaration Root DeadRT.res:2:2 path:+DeadRT.moduleAccessPath + addVariantCaseDeclaration Kaboom DeadRT.res:3:2 path:+DeadRT.moduleAccessPath + addValueReference DeadRT.res:5:8 --> DeadRT.res:7:9 + addValueReference DeadRT.res:5:8 --> DeadRT.res:5:31 + addTypeReference DeadRT.res:11:16 --> DeadRT.res:3:2 + Scanning DeadRT.cmti Source:DeadRT.resi + addVariantCaseDeclaration Root DeadRT.resi:2:2 path:DeadRT.moduleAccessPath + extendTypeDependencies DeadRT.res:2:2 --> DeadRT.resi:2:2 + extendTypeDependencies DeadRT.resi:2:2 --> DeadRT.res:2:2 + addVariantCaseDeclaration Kaboom DeadRT.resi:3:2 path:DeadRT.moduleAccessPath + extendTypeDependencies DeadRT.res:3:2 --> DeadRT.resi:3:2 + extendTypeDependencies DeadRT.resi:3:2 --> DeadRT.res:3:2 + addTypeReference DeadRT.res:3:2 --> DeadRT.resi:3:2 + addTypeReference DeadRT.resi:3:2 --> DeadRT.res:3:2 + addTypeReference DeadRT.res:2:2 --> DeadRT.resi:2:2 + addTypeReference DeadRT.resi:2:2 --> DeadRT.res:2:2 + Scanning DeadTest.cmt Source:DeadTest.res + addValueDeclaration +fortytwo DeadTest.res:2:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +fortyTwoButExported DeadTest.res:5:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +thisIsUsedOnce DeadTest.res:7:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +thisIsUsedTwice DeadTest.res:10:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +thisIsMarkedDead DeadTest.res:15:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +thisIsKeptAlive DeadTest.res:17:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +thisIsMarkedLive DeadTest.res:20:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +thisIsAlsoMarkedDead DeadTest.res:24:6 path:+DeadTest.Inner + addValueDeclaration +thisSignatureItemIsDead DeadTest.res:28:2 path:+DeadTest.M + addValueDeclaration +a DeadTest.res:36:2 path:+DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation + addValueDeclaration +x DeadTest.res:60:2 path:+DeadTest.MM + addValueDeclaration +y DeadTest.res:61:2 path:+DeadTest.MM + addValueDeclaration +unusedRec DeadTest.res:75:8 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +split_map DeadTest.res:77:8 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +rec1 DeadTest.res:82:8 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +rec2 DeadTest.res:83:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +recWithCallback DeadTest.res:85:8 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +foo DeadTest.res:90:8 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +bar DeadTest.res:94:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +withDefaultValue DeadTest.res:96:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +zzz DeadTest.res:104:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +second DeadTest.res:112:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +deadRef DeadTest.res:114:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +make DeadTest.res:117:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +theSideEffectIsLogging DeadTest.res:121:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +stringLengthNoSideEffects DeadTest.res:123:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +globallyLive1 DeadTest.res:128:6 path:+DeadTest.GloobLive + addValueDeclaration +globallyLive2 DeadTest.res:129:6 path:+DeadTest.GloobLive + addValueDeclaration +globallyLive3 DeadTest.res:130:6 path:+DeadTest.GloobLive + addValueDeclaration +funWithInnerVars DeadTest.res:145:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +deadIncorrect DeadTest.res:154:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +ira DeadTest.res:160:4 path:+DeadTest + addValueReference DeadTest.res:1:15 --> ImmutableArray.resi:9:0 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:8:7 --> DeadTest.res:7:4 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:11:7 --> DeadTest.res:10:4 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:12:7 --> DeadTest.res:10:4 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:20:4 --> DeadTest.res:17:4 + addValueDeclaration +thisSignatureItemIsDead DeadTest.res:31:6 path:+DeadTest.M + addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTest.res:35:11 path:+DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation.t + addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTest.res:38:11 path:+DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation.t + extendTypeDependencies DeadTest.res:38:11 --> DeadTest.res:35:11 + extendTypeDependencies DeadTest.res:35:11 --> DeadTest.res:38:11 + addValueDeclaration +a DeadTest.res:39:6 path:+DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:39:10 --> DeadTest.res:38:11 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:42:17 --> DeadTest.res:36:2 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:42:14 --> DeadTest.res:42:9 + addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:44:0 path:+DeadTest + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:44:8 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2 + addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:45:0 path:+DeadTest + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:45:8 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:9:2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration xxx DeadTest.res:48:2 path:+DeadTest.record + addRecordLabelDeclaration yyy DeadTest.res:49:2 path:+DeadTest.record + addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:52:0 path:+DeadTest + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:52:13 --> DeadTest.res:48:2 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:52:13 --> DeadTest.res:52:8 + addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:53:0 path:+DeadTest + addValueReference DeadTest.res:53:19 --> DeadTest.res:53:10 + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:53:9 --> DeadTest.res:49:2 + addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:56:2 path:+DeadTest.UnderscoreInside + addValueDeclaration +y DeadTest.res:63:6 path:+DeadTest.MM + addValueDeclaration +x DeadTest.res:64:6 path:+DeadTest.MM + addValueReference DeadTest.res:64:6 --> DeadTest.res:63:6 + addValueDeclaration +valueOnlyInImplementation DeadTest.res:65:6 path:+DeadTest.MM + addValueReference DeadTest.res:69:9 --> DeadTest.res:60:2 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:73:16 --> DeadValueTest.resi:1:0 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:75:8 --> DeadTest.res:75:8 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:77:8 --> DeadTest.res:77:20 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:77:8 --> DeadTest.res:77:8 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:82:8 --> DeadTest.res:83:4 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:83:4 --> DeadTest.res:82:8 + addValueDeclaration +cb DeadTest.res:86:6 path:+DeadTest + addValueReference DeadTest.res:86:6 --> DeadTest.res:85:8 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:85:8 --> DeadTest.res:86:6 + addValueDeclaration +cb DeadTest.res:91:6 path:+DeadTest + addValueReference DeadTest.res:91:6 --> DeadTest.res:94:4 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:90:8 --> DeadTest.res:91:6 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:94:4 --> DeadTest.res:90:8 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:96:4 --> DeadTest.res:96:42 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:96:4 --> DeadTest.res:96:24 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:96:4 --> DeadTest.res:96:45 + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:98:16 --> DeadRT.resi:2:2 + addValueDeclaration +a1 DeadTest.res:105:6 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +a2 DeadTest.res:106:6 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +a3 DeadTest.res:107:6 path:+DeadTest + addValueReference DeadTest.res:110:17 --> DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:4 + addRecordLabelDeclaration s DeadTest.res:117:12 path:+DeadTest.props + addValueReference DeadTest.res:117:32 --> DeadTest.res:117:12 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:117:19 --> React.res:7:0 + addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> DeadTest.res:117:12 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:119:16 --> DeadTest.res:117:4 + addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTest.res:134:11 path:+DeadTest.WithInclude.t + addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTest.res:137:13 path:+DeadTest.WithInclude.T.t + addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTest.res:137:13 path:+DeadTest.WithInclude.t + extendTypeDependencies DeadTest.res:137:13 --> DeadTest.res:134:11 + extendTypeDependencies DeadTest.res:134:11 --> DeadTest.res:137:13 + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:142:7 --> DeadTest.res:134:11 + addValueDeclaration +x DeadTest.res:146:6 path:+DeadTest + addValueDeclaration +y DeadTest.res:147:6 path:+DeadTest + addValueReference DeadTest.res:145:4 --> DeadTest.res:146:6 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:145:4 --> DeadTest.res:147:6 + addRecordLabelDeclaration a DeadTest.res:151:11 path:+DeadTest.rc + addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:156:0 path:+DeadTest + addValueReference DeadTest.res:156:8 --> DeadTest.res:154:4 + addRecordLabelDeclaration IR.a DeadTest.res:158:24 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord + addRecordLabelDeclaration IR.b DeadTest.res:158:32 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord + addRecordLabelDeclaration IR.c DeadTest.res:158:40 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord + addRecordLabelDeclaration IR.d DeadTest.res:158:51 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord + addRecordLabelDeclaration IR.e DeadTest.res:158:65 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord + addVariantCaseDeclaration IR DeadTest.res:158:20 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord + addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTest.res:161:0 path:+DeadTest + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:163:20 --> DeadTest.res:158:20 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:163:27 --> DeadTest.res:160:4 + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:163:35 --> DeadTest.res:158:32 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:163:35 --> DeadTest.res:163:7 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:163:40 --> DeadTest.res:163:8 + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:163:7 --> DeadTest.res:158:40 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:162:9 --> DeadTest.res:161:8 + addRecordLabelDeclaration IR2.a DeadTest.res:167:26 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration IR2.b DeadTest.res:167:34 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord2 + addVariantCaseDeclaration IR2 DeadTest.res:167:21 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration IR3.a DeadTest.res:169:34 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord3 + addRecordLabelDeclaration IR3.b DeadTest.res:169:42 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord3 + addVariantCaseDeclaration IR3 DeadTest.res:169:21 path:+DeadTest.inlineRecord3 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:28:2 --> DeadTest.res:31:6 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:36:2 --> DeadTest.res:39:6 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:60:2 --> DeadTest.res:64:6 + addValueReference DeadTest.res:61:2 --> DeadTest.res:63:6 + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:137:13 --> DeadTest.res:134:11 + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:134:11 --> DeadTest.res:137:13 + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:38:11 --> DeadTest.res:35:11 + addTypeReference DeadTest.res:35:11 --> DeadTest.res:38:11 + Scanning DeadTestBlacklist.cmt Source:DeadTestBlacklist.res + addValueDeclaration +x DeadTestBlacklist.res:1:4 path:+DeadTestBlacklist + Scanning DeadTestWithInterface.cmt Source:DeadTestWithInterface.res + addValueDeclaration +x DeadTestWithInterface.res:2:2 path:+DeadTestWithInterface.Ext_buffer + addValueDeclaration +x DeadTestWithInterface.res:4:6 path:+DeadTestWithInterface.Ext_buffer + addValueReference DeadTestWithInterface.res:2:2 --> DeadTestWithInterface.res:4:6 + Interface 0 + Scanning DeadTypeTest.cmt Source:DeadTypeTest.res + addValueDeclaration +a DeadTypeTest.res:4:4 path:+DeadTypeTest + addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTypeTest.res:2:2 path:+DeadTypeTest.t + addVariantCaseDeclaration B DeadTypeTest.res:3:2 path:+DeadTypeTest.t + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:4:8 --> DeadTypeTest.res:2:2 + addVariantCaseDeclaration OnlyInImplementation DeadTypeTest.res:7:2 path:+DeadTypeTest.deadType + addVariantCaseDeclaration OnlyInInterface DeadTypeTest.res:8:2 path:+DeadTypeTest.deadType + addVariantCaseDeclaration InBoth DeadTypeTest.res:9:2 path:+DeadTypeTest.deadType + addVariantCaseDeclaration InNeither DeadTypeTest.res:10:2 path:+DeadTypeTest.deadType + addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTypeTest.res:12:0 path:+DeadTypeTest + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:12:8 --> DeadTypeTest.res:7:2 + addValueDeclaration +_ DeadTypeTest.res:13:0 path:+DeadTypeTest + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:13:8 --> DeadTypeTest.res:9:2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration x DeadTypeTest.res:16:15 path:+DeadTypeTest.record + addRecordLabelDeclaration y DeadTypeTest.res:16:23 path:+DeadTypeTest.record + addRecordLabelDeclaration z DeadTypeTest.res:16:34 path:+DeadTypeTest.record + addValueReference DeadTypeTest.resi:4:0 --> DeadTypeTest.res:4:4 + Scanning DeadTypeTest.cmti Source:DeadTypeTest.resi + addVariantCaseDeclaration A DeadTypeTest.resi:2:2 path:DeadTypeTest.t + extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.res:2:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:2:2 + extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.resi:2:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:2:2 + addVariantCaseDeclaration B DeadTypeTest.resi:3:2 path:DeadTypeTest.t + extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.res:3:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:3:2 + extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.resi:3:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:3:2 + addValueDeclaration +a DeadTypeTest.resi:4:0 path:DeadTypeTest + addVariantCaseDeclaration OnlyInImplementation DeadTypeTest.resi:7:2 path:DeadTypeTest.deadType + extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.res:7:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:7:2 + extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.resi:7:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:7:2 + addVariantCaseDeclaration OnlyInInterface DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2 path:DeadTypeTest.deadType + extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.res:8:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2 + extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:8:2 + addVariantCaseDeclaration InBoth DeadTypeTest.resi:9:2 path:DeadTypeTest.deadType + extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.res:9:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:9:2 + extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.resi:9:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:9:2 + addVariantCaseDeclaration InNeither DeadTypeTest.resi:10:2 path:DeadTypeTest.deadType + extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.res:10:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:10:2 + extendTypeDependencies DeadTypeTest.resi:10:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:10:2 + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:10:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:10:2 + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.resi:10:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:10:2 + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:9:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:9:2 + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.resi:9:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:9:2 + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:8:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2 + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:8:2 + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:7:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:7:2 + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.resi:7:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:7:2 + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:3:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:3:2 + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.resi:3:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:3:2 + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.res:2:2 --> DeadTypeTest.resi:2:2 + addTypeReference DeadTypeTest.resi:2:2 --> DeadTypeTest.res:2:2 + Scanning DeadValueTest.cmt Source:DeadValueTest.res + addValueDeclaration +valueAlive DeadValueTest.res:1:4 path:+DeadValueTest + addValueDeclaration +valueDead DeadValueTest.res:2:4 path:+DeadValueTest + addValueDeclaration +valueOnlyInImplementation DeadValueTest.res:4:4 path:+DeadValueTest + addValueDeclaration +subList DeadValueTest.res:6:8 path:+DeadValueTest + addValueDeclaration +tail DeadValueTest.res:10:8 path:+DeadValueTest + addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:10:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:6:19 + addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:10:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:6:22 + addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:10:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:9:15 + addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:10:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:6:8 + addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:10:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:6:22 + addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:6:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:9:9 + addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:6:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:10:8 + addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:6:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:10:8 + addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:6:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:6:19 + addValueReference DeadValueTest.res:6:8 --> DeadValueTest.res:6:25 + addValueReference DeadValueTest.resi:1:0 --> DeadValueTest.res:1:4 + addValueReference DeadValueTest.resi:2:0 --> DeadValueTest.res:2:4 + Scanning DeadValueTest.cmti Source:DeadValueTest.resi + addValueDeclaration +valueAlive DeadValueTest.resi:1:0 path:DeadValueTest + addValueDeclaration +valueDead DeadValueTest.resi:2:0 path:DeadValueTest + Scanning Docstrings.cmt Source:Docstrings.res + addValueDeclaration +flat Docstrings.res:2:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +signMessage Docstrings.res:12:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +one Docstrings.res:15:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +two Docstrings.res:18:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +tree Docstrings.res:21:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +oneU Docstrings.res:24:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +twoU Docstrings.res:27:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +treeU Docstrings.res:30:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +useParam Docstrings.res:33:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +useParamU Docstrings.res:36:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +unnamed1 Docstrings.res:39:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +unnamed1U Docstrings.res:42:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +unnamed2 Docstrings.res:45:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +unnamed2U Docstrings.res:48:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +grouped Docstrings.res:51:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +unitArgWithoutConversion Docstrings.res:54:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +unitArgWithoutConversionU Docstrings.res:57:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +unitArgWithConversion Docstrings.res:64:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueDeclaration +unitArgWithConversionU Docstrings.res:67:4 path:+Docstrings + addValueReference Docstrings.res:12:4 --> Docstrings.res:12:21 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:12:4 --> Docstrings.res:12:30 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:15:4 --> Docstrings.res:15:10 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:18:4 --> Docstrings.res:18:11 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:18:4 --> Docstrings.res:18:14 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:21:4 --> Docstrings.res:21:12 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:21:4 --> Docstrings.res:21:15 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:21:4 --> Docstrings.res:21:18 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:24:4 --> Docstrings.res:24:14 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:27:4 --> Docstrings.res:27:14 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:27:4 --> Docstrings.res:27:17 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:30:4 --> Docstrings.res:30:15 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:30:4 --> Docstrings.res:30:18 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:30:4 --> Docstrings.res:30:21 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:33:4 --> Docstrings.res:33:15 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:36:4 --> Docstrings.res:36:19 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:51:4 --> Docstrings.res:51:15 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:51:4 --> Docstrings.res:51:19 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:51:4 --> Docstrings.res:51:23 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:51:4 --> Docstrings.res:51:26 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:51:4 --> Docstrings.res:51:29 + addValueReference Docstrings.res:51:4 --> Docstrings.res:51:32 + addVariantCaseDeclaration A Docstrings.res:60:2 path:+Docstrings.t + addVariantCaseDeclaration B Docstrings.res:61:2 path:+Docstrings.t + addTypeReference Docstrings.res:64:34 --> Docstrings.res:60:2 + addTypeReference Docstrings.res:67:39 --> Docstrings.res:60:2 + Scanning DynamicallyLoadedComponent.cmt Source:DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res + addValueDeclaration +make DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:4 path:+DynamicallyLoadedComponent + addRecordLabelDeclaration s DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:12 path:+DynamicallyLoadedComponent.props + addValueReference DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:32 --> DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:12 + addValueReference DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:19 --> React.res:7:0 + addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res:2:12 + Scanning EmptyArray.cmt Source:EmptyArray.res + addValueDeclaration +make EmptyArray.res:5:6 path:+EmptyArray.Z + addValueReference EmptyArray.res:10:9 --> EmptyArray.res:5:6 + Scanning ErrorHandler.cmt Source:ErrorHandler.res + addValueDeclaration +notify ErrorHandler.res:7:6 path:+ErrorHandler.Make + addValueDeclaration +x ErrorHandler.res:12:4 path:+ErrorHandler + addValueReference ErrorHandler.res:7:6 --> ErrorHandler.res:7:15 + addValueReference ErrorHandler.res:7:6 --> ErrorHandler.res:3:2 + addValueReference ErrorHandler.resi:3:2 --> ErrorHandler.res:3:2 + addValueReference ErrorHandler.res:3:2 --> ErrorHandler.resi:3:2 + addValueReference ErrorHandler.resi:7:2 --> ErrorHandler.res:7:6 + addValueReference ErrorHandler.resi:10:0 --> ErrorHandler.res:12:4 + Scanning ErrorHandler.cmti Source:ErrorHandler.resi + addValueDeclaration +notify ErrorHandler.resi:7:2 path:ErrorHandler.Make + addValueDeclaration +x ErrorHandler.resi:10:0 path:ErrorHandler + Scanning EverythingLiveHere.cmt Source:EverythingLiveHere.res + addValueDeclaration +x EverythingLiveHere.res:1:4 path:+EverythingLiveHere + addValueDeclaration +y EverythingLiveHere.res:3:4 path:+EverythingLiveHere + addValueDeclaration +z EverythingLiveHere.res:5:4 path:+EverythingLiveHere + Scanning FirstClassModules.cmt Source:FirstClassModules.res + addValueDeclaration +y FirstClassModules.res:23:6 path:+FirstClassModules.M + addValueDeclaration +k FirstClassModules.res:29:8 path:+FirstClassModules.M.InnerModule2 + addValueDeclaration +k3 FirstClassModules.res:33:8 path:+FirstClassModules.M.InnerModule3 + addValueDeclaration +u FirstClassModules.res:40:8 path:+FirstClassModules.M.Z + addValueDeclaration +x FirstClassModules.res:44:6 path:+FirstClassModules.M + addValueDeclaration +firstClassModule FirstClassModules.res:51:4 path:+FirstClassModules + addValueDeclaration +testConvert FirstClassModules.res:54:4 path:+FirstClassModules + addValueDeclaration +someFunctorAsFunction FirstClassModules.res:65:4 path:+FirstClassModules + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:33:8 --> FirstClassModules.res:33:13 + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:54:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:54:19 + addValueDeclaration +ww FirstClassModules.res:61:6 path:+FirstClassModules.SomeFunctor + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:61:6 --> FirstClassModules.res:20:2 + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:65:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:65:29 + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:2:2 --> FirstClassModules.res:44:6 + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:4:2 --> FirstClassModules.res:43:2 + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:10:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:29:8 + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:14:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:33:8 + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:17:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:37:4 + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:37:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:17:4 + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:37:4 --> FirstClassModules.res:40:8 + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:20:2 --> FirstClassModules.res:23:6 + addValueReference FirstClassModules.res:57:2 --> FirstClassModules.res:61:6 + Scanning FirstClassModulesInterface.cmt Source:FirstClassModulesInterface.res + addValueDeclaration +r FirstClassModulesInterface.res:6:4 path:+FirstClassModulesInterface + addRecordLabelDeclaration x FirstClassModulesInterface.res:2:2 path:+FirstClassModulesInterface.record + addRecordLabelDeclaration y FirstClassModulesInterface.res:3:2 path:+FirstClassModulesInterface.record + addValueReference FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:7:0 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.res:6:4 + addValueReference FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:11:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.res:9:2 + addValueReference FirstClassModulesInterface.res:9:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:11:2 + Scanning FirstClassModulesInterface.cmti Source:FirstClassModulesInterface.resi + addRecordLabelDeclaration x FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:3:2 path:FirstClassModulesInterface.record + extendTypeDependencies FirstClassModulesInterface.res:2:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:3:2 + extendTypeDependencies FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:3:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.res:2:2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration y FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:4:2 path:FirstClassModulesInterface.record + extendTypeDependencies FirstClassModulesInterface.res:3:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:4:2 + extendTypeDependencies FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:4:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.res:3:2 + addValueDeclaration +r FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:7:0 path:FirstClassModulesInterface + addTypeReference FirstClassModulesInterface.res:3:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:4:2 + addTypeReference FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:4:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.res:3:2 + addTypeReference FirstClassModulesInterface.res:2:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:3:2 + addTypeReference FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:3:2 --> FirstClassModulesInterface.res:2:2 + Scanning Hooks.cmt Source:Hooks.res + addValueDeclaration +make Hooks.res:4:4 path:+Hooks + addValueDeclaration +default Hooks.res:25:4 path:+Hooks + addValueDeclaration +make Hooks.res:29:6 path:+Hooks.Inner + addValueDeclaration +make Hooks.res:33:8 path:+Hooks.Inner.Inner2 + addValueDeclaration +make Hooks.res:39:6 path:+Hooks.NoProps + addValueDeclaration +functionWithRenamedArgs Hooks.res:45:4 path:+Hooks + addValueDeclaration +make Hooks.res:63:6 path:+Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion + addRecordLabelDeclaration name Hooks.res:1:16 path:+Hooks.vehicle + addRecordLabelDeclaration vehicle Hooks.res:4:12 path:+Hooks.props + addValueReference Hooks.res:5:26 --> React.res:145:0 + addTypeReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:1:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:4:12 + addValueReference Hooks.res:10:75 --> Hooks.res:5:7 + addValueReference Hooks.res:9:7 --> React.res:7:0 + addTypeReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:1:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:4:12 + addValueReference Hooks.res:10:75 --> Hooks.res:5:7 + addValueReference Hooks.res:9:7 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:13:54 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:13:54 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:13:40 --> Hooks.res:5:7 + addValueReference Hooks.res:13:26 --> Hooks.res:5:14 + addValueReference Hooks.res:14:5 --> ImportHooks.res:13:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:15:7 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:15:32 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:15:7 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:15:32 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:14:76 --> Hooks.res:14:57 + addValueReference Hooks.res:14:63 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:17:5 --> ImportHookDefault.res:6:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:19:7 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:19:32 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:19:7 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:19:32 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:18:74 --> Hooks.res:18:55 + addValueReference Hooks.res:18:61 --> React.res:7:0 + addTypeReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:1:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:4:12 + addValueReference Hooks.res:10:75 --> Hooks.res:5:7 + addValueReference Hooks.res:9:7 --> React.res:7:0 + addTypeReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:1:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:10:29 --> Hooks.res:4:12 + addValueReference Hooks.res:10:75 --> Hooks.res:5:7 + addValueReference Hooks.res:9:7 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:13:54 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:13:54 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:13:40 --> Hooks.res:5:7 + addValueReference Hooks.res:13:26 --> Hooks.res:5:14 + addValueReference Hooks.res:14:5 --> ImportHooks.res:13:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:15:7 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:15:32 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:15:7 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:15:32 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:14:76 --> Hooks.res:14:57 + addValueReference Hooks.res:14:63 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:17:5 --> ImportHookDefault.res:6:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:19:7 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:19:32 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:19:7 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:19:32 --> React.res:7:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:18:74 --> Hooks.res:18:55 + addValueReference Hooks.res:18:61 --> React.res:7:0 + addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> Hooks.res:4:12 + addValueReference Hooks.res:25:4 --> Hooks.res:4:4 + addRecordLabelDeclaration vehicle Hooks.res:29:14 path:+Hooks.Inner.props + addRecordLabelDeclaration vehicle Hooks.res:33:16 path:+Hooks.Inner.Inner2.props + addRecordLabelDeclaration vehicle Hooks.res:29:14 path:+Hooks.Inner.props + addTypeReference Hooks.res:29:66 --> Hooks.res:1:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:29:66 --> Hooks.res:29:14 + addValueReference Hooks.res:29:34 --> React.res:7:0 + addTypeReference Hooks.res:29:66 --> Hooks.res:1:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:29:66 --> Hooks.res:29:14 + addValueReference Hooks.res:29:34 --> React.res:7:0 + addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> Hooks.res:29:14 + addRecordLabelDeclaration vehicle Hooks.res:33:16 path:+Hooks.Inner.Inner2.props + addRecordLabelDeclaration vehicle Hooks.res:33:16 path:+Hooks.Inner.Inner2.props + addTypeReference Hooks.res:33:68 --> Hooks.res:1:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:33:68 --> Hooks.res:33:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:33:36 --> React.res:7:0 + addTypeReference Hooks.res:33:68 --> Hooks.res:1:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:33:68 --> Hooks.res:33:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:33:36 --> React.res:7:0 + addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> Hooks.res:33:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:39:25 --> React.res:3:0 + addValueReference Hooks.res:39:25 --> React.res:3:0 + addTypeReference Hooks.res:47:2 --> Hooks.res:1:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:45:4 --> Hooks.res:45:31 + addTypeReference Hooks.res:47:14 --> Hooks.res:1:16 + addValueReference Hooks.res:45:4 --> Hooks.res:45:37 + addValueReference Hooks.res:45:4 --> Hooks.res:45:31 + addValueReference Hooks.res:45:4 --> Hooks.res:45:45 + addRecordLabelDeclaration x Hooks.res:50:10 path:+Hooks.r + addRecordLabelDeclaration renderVehicle Hooks.res:63:14 path:+Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion.props + addRecordLabelDeclaration renderVehicle Hooks.res:63:14 path:+Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion.props + addValueDeclaration +car Hooks.res:64:8 path:+Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion + addValueReference Hooks.res:65:30 --> Hooks.res:64:8 + addValueReference Hooks.res:65:18 --> Hooks.res:65:18 + addValueReference Hooks.res:65:4 --> Hooks.res:63:14 + addTypeReference _none_:1:-1 --> Hooks.res:63:14 + Scanning IgnoreInterface.cmt Source:IgnoreInterface.res + Scanning IgnoreInterface.cmti Source:IgnoreInterface.resi + Scanning ImmutableArray.cmt Source:ImmutableArray.res + addValueDeclaration +fromArray ImmutableArray.res:14:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +toArray ImmutableArray.res:16:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +length ImmutableArray.res:20:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +size ImmutableArray.res:22:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +get ImmutableArray.res:24:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +getExn ImmutableArray.res:26:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +getUnsafe ImmutableArray.res:28:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +getUndefined ImmutableArray.res:30:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +shuffle ImmutableArray.res:32:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +reverse ImmutableArray.res:34:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +makeUninitialized ImmutableArray.res:36:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +makeUninitializedUnsafe ImmutableArray.res:38:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +make ImmutableArray.res:40:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +range ImmutableArray.res:42:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +rangeBy ImmutableArray.res:44:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +makeByU ImmutableArray.res:46:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +makeBy ImmutableArray.res:47:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +makeByAndShuffleU ImmutableArray.res:49:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +makeByAndShuffle ImmutableArray.res:50:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +zip ImmutableArray.res:52:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +zipByU ImmutableArray.res:54:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +zipBy ImmutableArray.res:55:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +unzip ImmutableArray.res:57:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +concat ImmutableArray.res:59:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +concatMany ImmutableArray.res:61:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +slice ImmutableArray.res:63:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +sliceToEnd ImmutableArray.res:65:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +copy ImmutableArray.res:67:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +forEachU ImmutableArray.res:69:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +forEach ImmutableArray.res:70:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +mapU ImmutableArray.res:72:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +map ImmutableArray.res:73:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +keepWithIndexU ImmutableArray.res:75:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +keepWithIndex ImmutableArray.res:76:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +keepMapU ImmutableArray.res:78:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +keepMap ImmutableArray.res:79:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +forEachWithIndexU ImmutableArray.res:81:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +forEachWithIndex ImmutableArray.res:82:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +mapWithIndexU ImmutableArray.res:84:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +mapWithIndex ImmutableArray.res:85:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +partitionU ImmutableArray.res:87:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +partition ImmutableArray.res:88:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +reduceU ImmutableArray.res:90:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +reduce ImmutableArray.res:91:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +reduceReverseU ImmutableArray.res:93:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse ImmutableArray.res:94:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse2U ImmutableArray.res:96:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse2 ImmutableArray.res:97:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +someU ImmutableArray.res:99:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +some ImmutableArray.res:100:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +everyU ImmutableArray.res:102:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +every ImmutableArray.res:103:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +every2U ImmutableArray.res:105:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +every2 ImmutableArray.res:106:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +some2U ImmutableArray.res:108:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +some2 ImmutableArray.res:109:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +cmpU ImmutableArray.res:111:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +cmp ImmutableArray.res:112:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +eqU ImmutableArray.res:114:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +eq ImmutableArray.res:115:6 path:+ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +fromArray ImmutableArray.res:14:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +toArray ImmutableArray.res:16:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +length ImmutableArray.res:20:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +size ImmutableArray.res:22:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +get ImmutableArray.res:24:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +getExn ImmutableArray.res:26:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +getUnsafe ImmutableArray.res:28:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +getUndefined ImmutableArray.res:30:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +shuffle ImmutableArray.res:32:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reverse ImmutableArray.res:34:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +makeUninitialized ImmutableArray.res:36:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +makeUninitializedUnsafe ImmutableArray.res:38:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +make ImmutableArray.res:40:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +range ImmutableArray.res:42:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +rangeBy ImmutableArray.res:44:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +makeByU ImmutableArray.res:46:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +makeBy ImmutableArray.res:47:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +makeByAndShuffleU ImmutableArray.res:49:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +makeByAndShuffle ImmutableArray.res:50:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +zip ImmutableArray.res:52:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +zipByU ImmutableArray.res:54:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +zipBy ImmutableArray.res:55:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +unzip ImmutableArray.res:57:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +concat ImmutableArray.res:59:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +concatMany ImmutableArray.res:61:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +slice ImmutableArray.res:63:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +sliceToEnd ImmutableArray.res:65:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +copy ImmutableArray.res:67:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +forEachU ImmutableArray.res:69:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +forEach ImmutableArray.res:70:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +mapU ImmutableArray.res:72:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +map ImmutableArray.res:73:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +keepWithIndexU ImmutableArray.res:75:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +keepWithIndex ImmutableArray.res:76:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +keepMapU ImmutableArray.res:78:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +keepMap ImmutableArray.res:79:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +forEachWithIndexU ImmutableArray.res:81:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +forEachWithIndex ImmutableArray.res:82:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +mapWithIndexU ImmutableArray.res:84:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +mapWithIndex ImmutableArray.res:85:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +partitionU ImmutableArray.res:87:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +partition ImmutableArray.res:88:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reduceU ImmutableArray.res:90:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reduce ImmutableArray.res:91:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reduceReverseU ImmutableArray.res:93:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse ImmutableArray.res:94:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse2U ImmutableArray.res:96:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse2 ImmutableArray.res:97:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +someU ImmutableArray.res:99:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +some ImmutableArray.res:100:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +everyU ImmutableArray.res:102:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +every ImmutableArray.res:103:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +every2U ImmutableArray.res:105:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +every2 ImmutableArray.res:106:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +some2U ImmutableArray.res:108:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +some2 ImmutableArray.res:109:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +cmpU ImmutableArray.res:111:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +cmp ImmutableArray.res:112:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +eqU ImmutableArray.res:114:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +eq ImmutableArray.res:115:6 path:+ImmutableArray + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:14:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:14:18 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:14:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:16:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:16:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:16:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:20:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:20:15 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:20:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:22:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:22:13 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:22:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:24:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:24:13 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:24:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:24:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:24:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:26:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:26:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:26:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:26:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:26:19 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:28:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:28:19 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:28:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:28:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:28:22 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:30:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:30:22 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:30:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:30:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:30:25 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:32:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:32:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:32:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:32:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:34:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:34:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:34:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:34:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:36:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:36:26 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:36:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:38:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:38:32 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:38:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:40:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:40:14 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:40:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:40:17 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:40:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:42:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:42:15 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:42:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:42:18 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:42:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:44:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:44:17 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:44:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:44:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:44:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:44:23 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:44:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:46:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:46:17 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:46:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:46:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:46:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:47:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:47:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:47:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:47:19 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:47:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:49:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:49:27 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:49:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:49:30 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:49:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:50:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:50:26 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:50:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:50:29 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:50:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:52:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:52:13 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:52:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:52:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:52:17 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:52:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:52:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:9:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:54:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:54:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:54:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:54:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:54:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:54:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:54:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:54:24 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:54:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:55:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:55:15 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:55:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:55:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:55:19 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:55:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:55:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:55:23 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:55:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:57:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:57:14 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:57:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:6:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:57:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:10:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:59:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:59:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:59:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:59:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:59:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:59:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:59:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:61:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:61:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:61:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:7:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:61:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:63:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:63:15 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:63:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:63:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:63:18 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:63:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:63:27 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:63:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:65:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:65:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:65:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:65:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:65:23 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:65:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:67:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:67:13 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:67:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:67:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:69:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:69:18 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:69:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:69:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:69:21 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:70:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:70:17 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:70:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:70:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:70:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:72:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:72:14 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:72:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:72:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:72:17 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:72:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:73:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:73:13 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:73:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:73:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:73:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:73:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:75:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:75:24 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:75:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:75:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:75:27 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:75:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:76:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:76:23 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:76:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:76:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:76:26 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:76:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:78:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:78:18 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:78:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:78:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:78:21 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:78:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:79:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:79:17 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:79:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:79:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:79:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:79:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:81:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:81:27 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:81:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:81:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:81:30 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:82:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:82:26 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:82:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:82:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:82:29 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:84:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:84:23 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:84:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:84:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:84:26 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:84:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:85:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:85:22 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:85:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:85:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:85:25 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:85:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:8:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:87:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:87:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:87:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:87:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:87:23 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:87:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:10:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:88:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:88:19 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:88:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:88:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:88:22 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:88:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:10:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:90:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:90:17 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:90:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:90:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:90:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:90:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:90:23 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:91:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:91:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:91:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:91:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:91:19 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:91:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:91:22 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:93:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:93:24 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:93:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:93:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:93:27 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:93:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:93:30 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:94:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:94:23 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:94:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:94:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:94:26 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:94:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:94:29 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:96:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:96:25 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:96:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:96:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:96:29 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:96:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:96:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:96:33 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:96:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:96:36 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:97:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:97:24 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:97:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:97:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:97:28 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:97:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:97:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:97:32 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:97:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:97:35 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:99:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:99:15 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:99:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:99:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:99:18 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:100:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:100:14 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:100:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:100:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:100:17 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:102:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:102:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:102:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:102:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:102:19 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:103:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:103:15 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:103:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:103:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:103:18 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:105:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:105:17 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:105:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:105:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:105:21 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:105:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:105:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:105:25 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:106:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:106:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:106:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:106:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:106:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:106:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:106:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:106:24 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:108:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:108:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:108:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:108:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:108:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:108:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:108:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:108:24 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:109:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:109:15 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:109:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:109:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:109:19 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:109:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:109:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:109:23 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:111:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:111:14 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:111:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:111:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:111:18 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:111:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:111:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:111:22 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:112:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:112:13 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:112:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:112:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:112:17 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:112:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:112:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:112:21 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:114:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:114:13 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:114:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:114:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:114:17 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:114:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:114:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:114:21 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:115:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:115:12 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:115:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:115:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:115:16 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:115:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:5:2 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.res:115:6 --> ImmutableArray.res:115:20 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:6:2 --> ImmutableArray.res:24:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:9:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:14:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:12:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:16:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:14:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:20:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:17:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:22:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:19:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:24:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:21:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:26:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:23:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:28:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:25:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:30:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:27:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:32:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:29:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:34:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:31:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:36:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:33:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:38:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:35:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:40:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:37:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:42:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:39:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:44:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:41:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:46:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:42:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:47:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:44:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:49:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:45:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:50:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:47:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:52:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:49:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:54:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:50:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:55:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:52:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:57:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:54:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:59:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:56:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:61:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:58:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:63:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:60:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:65:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:62:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:67:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:64:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:69:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:65:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:70:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:67:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:72:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:68:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:73:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:70:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:75:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:71:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:76:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:73:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:78:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:74:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:79:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:76:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:81:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:77:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:82:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:79:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:84:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:80:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:85:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:82:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:87:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:83:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:88:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:85:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:90:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:86:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:91:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:88:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:93:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:89:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:94:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:91:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:96:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:92:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:97:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:94:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:99:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:95:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:100:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:97:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:102:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:98:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:103:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:100:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:105:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:101:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:106:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:103:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:108:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:104:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:109:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:106:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:111:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:107:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:112:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:109:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:114:6 + addValueReference ImmutableArray.resi:110:0 --> ImmutableArray.res:115:6 + Scanning ImmutableArray.cmti Source:ImmutableArray.resi + addValueDeclaration +get ImmutableArray.resi:6:2 path:ImmutableArray.Array + addValueDeclaration +fromArray ImmutableArray.resi:9:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +toArray ImmutableArray.resi:12:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +length ImmutableArray.resi:14:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +size ImmutableArray.resi:17:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +get ImmutableArray.resi:19:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +getExn ImmutableArray.resi:21:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +getUnsafe ImmutableArray.resi:23:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +getUndefined ImmutableArray.resi:25:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +shuffle ImmutableArray.resi:27:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reverse ImmutableArray.resi:29:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +makeUninitialized ImmutableArray.resi:31:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +makeUninitializedUnsafe ImmutableArray.resi:33:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +make ImmutableArray.resi:35:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +range ImmutableArray.resi:37:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +rangeBy ImmutableArray.resi:39:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +makeByU ImmutableArray.resi:41:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +makeBy ImmutableArray.resi:42:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +makeByAndShuffleU ImmutableArray.resi:44:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +makeByAndShuffle ImmutableArray.resi:45:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +zip ImmutableArray.resi:47:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +zipByU ImmutableArray.resi:49:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +zipBy ImmutableArray.resi:50:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +unzip ImmutableArray.resi:52:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +concat ImmutableArray.resi:54:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +concatMany ImmutableArray.resi:56:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +slice ImmutableArray.resi:58:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +sliceToEnd ImmutableArray.resi:60:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +copy ImmutableArray.resi:62:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +forEachU ImmutableArray.resi:64:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +forEach ImmutableArray.resi:65:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +mapU ImmutableArray.resi:67:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +map ImmutableArray.resi:68:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +keepWithIndexU ImmutableArray.resi:70:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +keepWithIndex ImmutableArray.resi:71:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +keepMapU ImmutableArray.resi:73:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +keepMap ImmutableArray.resi:74:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +forEachWithIndexU ImmutableArray.resi:76:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +forEachWithIndex ImmutableArray.resi:77:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +mapWithIndexU ImmutableArray.resi:79:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +mapWithIndex ImmutableArray.resi:80:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +partitionU ImmutableArray.resi:82:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +partition ImmutableArray.resi:83:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reduceU ImmutableArray.resi:85:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reduce ImmutableArray.resi:86:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reduceReverseU ImmutableArray.resi:88:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse ImmutableArray.resi:89:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse2U ImmutableArray.resi:91:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +reduceReverse2 ImmutableArray.resi:92:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +someU ImmutableArray.resi:94:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +some ImmutableArray.resi:95:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +everyU ImmutableArray.resi:97:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +every ImmutableArray.resi:98:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +every2U ImmutableArray.resi:100:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +every2 ImmutableArray.resi:101:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +some2U ImmutableArray.resi:103:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +some2 ImmutableArray.resi:104:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +cmpU ImmutableArray.resi:106:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +cmp ImmutableArray.resi:107:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +eqU ImmutableArray.resi:109:0 path:ImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +eq ImmutableArray.resi:110:0 path:ImmutableArray + Scanning ImportHookDefault.cmt Source:ImportHookDefault.res + addValueDeclaration +make ImportHookDefault.res:6:0 path:+ImportHookDefault + addRecordLabelDeclaration name ImportHookDefault.res:2:2 path:+ImportHookDefault.person + addRecordLabelDeclaration age ImportHookDefault.res:3:2 path:+ImportHookDefault.person + addRecordLabelDeclaration person ImportHookDefault.res:7:15 path:+ImportHookDefault.props + addRecordLabelDeclaration children ImportHookDefault.res:9:2 path:+ImportHookDefault.props + addRecordLabelDeclaration renderMe ImportHookDefault.res:11:5 path:+ImportHookDefault.props + Scanning ImportHooks.cmt Source:ImportHooks.res + addValueDeclaration +make ImportHooks.res:13:0 path:+ImportHooks + addValueDeclaration +foo ImportHooks.res:20:0 path:+ImportHooks + addRecordLabelDeclaration name ImportHooks.res:3:2 path:+ImportHooks.person + addRecordLabelDeclaration age ImportHooks.res:4:2 path:+ImportHooks.person + addRecordLabelDeclaration person ImportHooks.res:14:15 path:+ImportHooks.props + addRecordLabelDeclaration children ImportHooks.res:16:2 path:+ImportHooks.props + addRecordLabelDeclaration renderMe ImportHooks.res:18:5 path:+ImportHooks.props + Scanning ImportIndex.cmt Source:ImportIndex.res + addValueDeclaration +make ImportIndex.res:2:0 path:+ImportIndex + addRecordLabelDeclaration method ImportIndex.res:3:50 path:+ImportIndex.props + Scanning ImportJsValue.cmt Source:ImportJsValue.res + addValueDeclaration +round ImportJsValue.res:1:0 path:+ImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +area ImportJsValue.res:15:0 path:+ImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +returnMixedArray ImportJsValue.res:23:0 path:+ImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +roundedNumber ImportJsValue.res:27:4 path:+ImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +areaValue ImportJsValue.res:30:4 path:+ImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +getAbs ImportJsValue.res:40:6 path:+ImportJsValue.AbsoluteValue + addValueDeclaration +useGetProp ImportJsValue.res:47:4 path:+ImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +useGetAbs ImportJsValue.res:50:4 path:+ImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +useColor ImportJsValue.res:58:0 path:+ImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +higherOrder ImportJsValue.res:60:0 path:+ImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +returnedFromHigherOrder ImportJsValue.res:64:4 path:+ImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +convertVariant ImportJsValue.res:70:0 path:+ImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +polymorphic ImportJsValue.res:73:0 path:+ImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +default ImportJsValue.res:75:0 path:+ImportJsValue + addRecordLabelDeclaration x ImportJsValue.res:11:2 path:+ImportJsValue.point + addRecordLabelDeclaration y ImportJsValue.res:12:2 path:+ImportJsValue.point + addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:27:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:1:0 + addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:30:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:15:0 + addValueDeclaration +getAbs ImportJsValue.res:41:8 path:+ImportJsValue.AbsoluteValue + addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:41:8 --> ImportJsValue.res:40:16 + addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:40:6 --> ImportJsValue.res:41:8 + addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:47:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:47:18 + addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:47:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:37:2 + addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:50:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:50:17 + addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:50:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:40:6 + addValueReference ImportJsValue.res:64:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:60:0 + addVariantCaseDeclaration I ImportJsValue.res:67:2 path:+ImportJsValue.variant + addVariantCaseDeclaration S ImportJsValue.res:68:2 path:+ImportJsValue.variant + Scanning ImportMyBanner.cmt Source:ImportMyBanner.res + addValueDeclaration +make ImportMyBanner.res:7:0 path:+ImportMyBanner + addValueDeclaration +make ImportMyBanner.res:12:4 path:+ImportMyBanner + addRecordLabelDeclaration text ImportMyBanner.res:5:16 path:+ImportMyBanner.message + addValueReference ImportMyBanner.res:12:4 --> ImportMyBanner.res:7:0 + Scanning InnerModuleTypes.cmt Source:InnerModuleTypes.res + addVariantCaseDeclaration Foo InnerModuleTypes.res:2:11 path:+InnerModuleTypes.I.t + Scanning InnerModuleTypes.cmti Source:InnerModuleTypes.resi + addVariantCaseDeclaration Foo InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11 path:InnerModuleTypes.I.t + extendTypeDependencies InnerModuleTypes.res:2:11 --> InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11 + extendTypeDependencies InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11 --> InnerModuleTypes.res:2:11 + addTypeReference InnerModuleTypes.res:2:11 --> InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11 + addTypeReference InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11 --> InnerModuleTypes.res:2:11 + Scanning JSResource.cmt Source:JSResource.res + Scanning JsxV4.cmt Source:JsxV4.res + addValueDeclaration +make JsxV4.res:4:23 path:+JsxV4.C + addValueReference JsxV4.res:4:36 --> React.res:3:0 + addValueReference JsxV4.res:7:9 --> JsxV4.res:4:23 + Scanning LetPrivate.cmt Source:LetPrivate.res + addValueDeclaration +y LetPrivate.res:7:4 path:+LetPrivate + addValueDeclaration +x LetPrivate.res:3:6 path:+LetPrivate.local_1 + addValueReference LetPrivate.res:7:4 --> LetPrivate.res:3:6 + Scanning ModuleAliases.cmt Source:ModuleAliases.res + addValueDeclaration +testNested ModuleAliases.res:22:4 path:+ModuleAliases + addValueDeclaration +testInner ModuleAliases.res:25:4 path:+ModuleAliases + addValueDeclaration +testInner2 ModuleAliases.res:28:4 path:+ModuleAliases + addRecordLabelDeclaration inner ModuleAliases.res:3:19 path:+ModuleAliases.Outer.Inner.innerT + addRecordLabelDeclaration nested ModuleAliases.res:11:16 path:+ModuleAliases.Outer2.Inner2.InnerNested.t + addValueReference ModuleAliases.res:22:4 --> ModuleAliases.res:22:18 + addValueReference ModuleAliases.res:25:4 --> ModuleAliases.res:25:17 + addValueReference ModuleAliases.res:28:4 --> ModuleAliases.res:28:18 + Scanning ModuleAliases2.cmt Source:ModuleAliases2.res + addValueDeclaration +q ModuleAliases2.res:21:4 path:+ModuleAliases2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration x ModuleAliases2.res:3:2 path:+ModuleAliases2.record + addRecordLabelDeclaration y ModuleAliases2.res:4:2 path:+ModuleAliases2.record + addRecordLabelDeclaration outer ModuleAliases2.res:9:16 path:+ModuleAliases2.Outer.outer + addRecordLabelDeclaration inner ModuleAliases2.res:13:18 path:+ModuleAliases2.Outer.Inner.inner + Scanning ModuleExceptionBug.cmt Source:ModuleExceptionBug.res + addValueDeclaration +customDouble ModuleExceptionBug.res:2:6 path:+ModuleExceptionBug.Dep + addValueDeclaration +ddjdj ModuleExceptionBug.res:7:4 path:+ModuleExceptionBug + addValueReference ModuleExceptionBug.res:2:6 --> ModuleExceptionBug.res:2:21 + addExceptionDeclaration MyOtherException ModuleExceptionBug.res:5:0 path:+ModuleExceptionBug + addValueReference ModuleExceptionBug.res:8:7 --> ModuleExceptionBug.res:7:4 + Scanning NestedModules.cmt Source:NestedModules.res + addValueDeclaration +notNested NestedModules.res:2:4 path:+NestedModules + addValueDeclaration +theAnswer NestedModules.res:6:6 path:+NestedModules.Universe + addValueDeclaration +notExported NestedModules.res:8:6 path:+NestedModules.Universe + addValueDeclaration +x NestedModules.res:14:8 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2 + addValueDeclaration +nested2Value NestedModules.res:17:8 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2 + addValueDeclaration +y NestedModules.res:19:8 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2 + addValueDeclaration +x NestedModules.res:25:10 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3 + addValueDeclaration +y NestedModules.res:26:10 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3 + addValueDeclaration +z NestedModules.res:27:10 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3 + addValueDeclaration +w NestedModules.res:28:10 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3 + addValueDeclaration +nested3Value NestedModules.res:34:10 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3 + addValueDeclaration +nested3Function NestedModules.res:37:10 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3 + addValueDeclaration +nested2Function NestedModules.res:41:8 path:+NestedModules.Universe.Nested2 + addValueDeclaration +someString NestedModules.res:50:6 path:+NestedModules.Universe + addValueReference NestedModules.res:37:10 --> NestedModules.res:37:29 + addValueReference NestedModules.res:41:8 --> NestedModules.res:41:27 + addVariantCaseDeclaration A NestedModules.res:46:4 path:+NestedModules.Universe.variant + addVariantCaseDeclaration B NestedModules.res:47:4 path:+NestedModules.Universe.variant + Scanning NestedModulesInSignature.cmt Source:NestedModulesInSignature.res + addValueDeclaration +theAnswer NestedModulesInSignature.res:2:6 path:+NestedModulesInSignature.Universe + addValueReference NestedModulesInSignature.resi:2:2 --> NestedModulesInSignature.res:2:6 + Scanning NestedModulesInSignature.cmti Source:NestedModulesInSignature.resi + addValueDeclaration +theAnswer NestedModulesInSignature.resi:2:2 path:NestedModulesInSignature.Universe + Scanning Newsyntax.cmt Source:Newsyntax.res + addValueDeclaration +x Newsyntax.res:1:4 path:+Newsyntax + addValueDeclaration +y Newsyntax.res:3:4 path:+Newsyntax + addRecordLabelDeclaration xxx Newsyntax.res:6:2 path:+Newsyntax.record + addRecordLabelDeclaration yyy Newsyntax.res:7:2 path:+Newsyntax.record + addVariantCaseDeclaration A Newsyntax.res:10:15 path:+Newsyntax.variant + addVariantCaseDeclaration B Newsyntax.res:10:17 path:+Newsyntax.variant + addVariantCaseDeclaration C Newsyntax.res:10:25 path:+Newsyntax.variant + addRecordLabelDeclaration xx Newsyntax.res:12:16 path:+Newsyntax.record2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration yy Newsyntax.res:12:23 path:+Newsyntax.record2 + Scanning Newton.cmt Source:Newton.res + addValueDeclaration +- Newton.res:1:4 path:+Newton + addValueDeclaration ++ Newton.res:2:4 path:+Newton + addValueDeclaration +* Newton.res:3:4 path:+Newton + addValueDeclaration +/ Newton.res:4:4 path:+Newton + addValueDeclaration +newton Newton.res:6:4 path:+Newton + addValueDeclaration +f Newton.res:25:4 path:+Newton + addValueDeclaration +fPrimed Newton.res:27:4 path:+Newton + addValueDeclaration +result Newton.res:29:4 path:+Newton + addValueDeclaration +current Newton.res:7:6 path:+Newton + addValueReference Newton.res:7:6 --> Newton.res:6:28 + addValueDeclaration +iterateMore Newton.res:8:6 path:+Newton + addValueDeclaration +delta Newton.res:9:8 path:+Newton + addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:8:21 + addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:8:31 + addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:1:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:8:31 + addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:8:21 + addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:1:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:8:31 + addValueReference Newton.res:9:8 --> Newton.res:8:21 + addValueReference Newton.res:8:6 --> Newton.res:9:8 + addValueReference Newton.res:8:6 --> Newton.res:6:38 + addValueReference Newton.res:8:6 --> Newton.res:7:6 + addValueReference Newton.res:8:6 --> Newton.res:8:31 + addValueDeclaration +loop Newton.res:14:10 path:+Newton + addValueDeclaration +previous Newton.res:15:8 path:+Newton + addValueReference Newton.res:15:8 --> Newton.res:7:6 + addValueDeclaration +next Newton.res:16:8 path:+Newton + addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:15:8 + addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:15:8 + addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:6:14 + addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:15:8 + addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:6:18 + addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:4:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:16:8 --> Newton.res:1:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:14:10 --> Newton.res:7:6 + addValueReference Newton.res:14:10 --> Newton.res:14:10 + addValueReference Newton.res:14:10 --> Newton.res:15:8 + addValueReference Newton.res:14:10 --> Newton.res:16:8 + addValueReference Newton.res:14:10 --> Newton.res:8:6 + addValueReference Newton.res:6:4 --> Newton.res:14:10 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:25:8 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:25:8 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:25:8 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:25:8 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:25:8 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:1:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:25:8 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:1:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:25:4 --> Newton.res:2:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:27:14 + addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:27:14 + addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:27:14 + addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:3:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:1:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:27:4 --> Newton.res:1:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:29:4 --> Newton.res:25:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:29:4 --> Newton.res:27:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:29:4 --> Newton.res:6:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:31:8 --> Newton.res:29:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:31:18 --> Newton.res:29:4 + addValueReference Newton.res:31:16 --> Newton.res:25:4 + Scanning Opaque.cmt Source:Opaque.res + addValueDeclaration +noConversion Opaque.res:5:4 path:+Opaque + addValueDeclaration +testConvertNestedRecordFromOtherFile Opaque.res:11:4 path:+Opaque + addVariantCaseDeclaration A Opaque.res:2:25 path:+Opaque.opaqueFromRecords + addValueReference Opaque.res:5:4 --> Opaque.res:5:20 + addValueReference Opaque.res:11:4 --> Opaque.res:11:44 + Scanning OptArg.cmt Source:OptArg.res + addValueDeclaration +foo OptArg.res:1:4 path:+OptArg + addValueDeclaration +bar OptArg.res:3:4 path:+OptArg + addValueDeclaration +threeArgs OptArg.res:9:4 path:+OptArg + addValueDeclaration +twoArgs OptArg.res:14:4 path:+OptArg + addValueDeclaration +oneArg OptArg.res:18:4 path:+OptArg + addValueDeclaration +wrapOneArg OptArg.res:20:4 path:+OptArg + addValueDeclaration +fourArgs OptArg.res:24:4 path:+OptArg + addValueDeclaration +wrapfourArgs OptArg.res:26:4 path:+OptArg + addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:14 + addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:20 + addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:26 + addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:11 + addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:17 + addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:23 + addValueReference OptArg.res:1:4 --> OptArg.res:1:29 + addValueReference OptArg.res:3:4 --> OptArg.res:3:17 + addValueReference OptArg.res:3:4 --> OptArg.res:3:27 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences foo called with optional argNames:x argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:5:7 + addValueReference OptArg.res:5:7 --> OptArg.res:1:4 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences bar called with optional argNames: argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:7:7 + addValueReference OptArg.res:7:7 --> OptArg.res:3:4 + addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:20 + addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:26 + addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:32 + addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:17 + addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:23 + addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:29 + addValueReference OptArg.res:9:4 --> OptArg.res:9:35 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences threeArgs called with optional argNames:c, a argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:11:7 + addValueReference OptArg.res:11:7 --> OptArg.res:9:4 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences threeArgs called with optional argNames:a argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:12:7 + addValueReference OptArg.res:12:7 --> OptArg.res:9:4 + addValueReference OptArg.res:14:4 --> OptArg.res:14:18 + addValueReference OptArg.res:14:4 --> OptArg.res:14:24 + addValueReference OptArg.res:14:4 --> OptArg.res:14:15 + addValueReference OptArg.res:14:4 --> OptArg.res:14:21 + addValueReference OptArg.res:14:4 --> OptArg.res:14:27 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences twoArgs called with optional argNames: argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:16:7 + addValueReference OptArg.res:16:12 --> OptArg.res:14:4 + addValueReference OptArg.res:18:4 --> OptArg.res:18:17 + addValueReference OptArg.res:18:4 --> OptArg.res:18:14 + addValueReference OptArg.res:18:4 --> OptArg.res:18:24 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences oneArg called with optional argNames:a argNamesMaybe:a OptArg.res:20:30 + addValueReference OptArg.res:20:4 --> OptArg.res:20:18 + addValueReference OptArg.res:20:4 --> OptArg.res:20:24 + addValueReference OptArg.res:20:4 --> OptArg.res:18:4 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences wrapOneArg called with optional argNames:a argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:22:7 + addValueReference OptArg.res:22:7 --> OptArg.res:20:4 + addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:19 + addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:25 + addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:31 + addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:37 + addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:16 + addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:22 + addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:28 + addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:34 + addValueReference OptArg.res:24:4 --> OptArg.res:24:40 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences fourArgs called with optional argNames:c, b, a argNamesMaybe:c, b, a OptArg.res:26:44 + addValueReference OptArg.res:26:4 --> OptArg.res:26:20 + addValueReference OptArg.res:26:4 --> OptArg.res:26:26 + addValueReference OptArg.res:26:4 --> OptArg.res:26:32 + addValueReference OptArg.res:26:4 --> OptArg.res:26:38 + addValueReference OptArg.res:26:4 --> OptArg.res:24:4 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences wrapfourArgs called with optional argNames:c, a argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:28:7 + addValueReference OptArg.res:28:7 --> OptArg.res:26:4 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences wrapfourArgs called with optional argNames:c, b argNamesMaybe: OptArg.res:29:7 + addValueReference OptArg.res:29:7 --> OptArg.res:26:4 + addValueReference OptArg.resi:1:0 --> OptArg.res:1:4 + OptionalArgs.addFunctionReference OptArg.resi:1:0 OptArg.res:1:4 + addValueReference OptArg.resi:2:0 --> OptArg.res:3:4 + OptionalArgs.addFunctionReference OptArg.resi:2:0 OptArg.res:3:4 + Scanning OptArg.cmti Source:OptArg.resi + addValueDeclaration +foo OptArg.resi:1:0 path:OptArg + addValueDeclaration +bar OptArg.resi:2:0 path:OptArg + Scanning Records.cmt Source:Records.res + addValueDeclaration +origin Records.res:11:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +computeArea Records.res:14:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +coord2d Records.res:20:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +getOpt Records.res:36:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +findAddress Records.res:39:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +someBusiness Records.res:43:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +findAllAddresses Records.res:46:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +getPayload Records.res:65:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +getPayloadRecord Records.res:74:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +recordValue Records.res:77:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +payloadValue Records.res:80:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +getPayloadRecordPlusOne Records.res:83:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +findAddress2 Records.res:96:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +someBusiness2 Records.res:100:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +computeArea3 Records.res:107:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +computeArea4 Records.res:111:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +testMyRec Records.res:127:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +testMyRec2 Records.res:130:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +testMyObj Records.res:133:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +testMyObj2 Records.res:136:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +testMyRecBsAs Records.res:145:4 path:+Records + addValueDeclaration +testMyRecBsAs2 Records.res:148:4 path:+Records + addRecordLabelDeclaration x Records.res:5:2 path:+Records.coord + addRecordLabelDeclaration y Records.res:6:2 path:+Records.coord + addRecordLabelDeclaration z Records.res:7:2 path:+Records.coord + addValueReference Records.res:14:4 --> Records.res:14:20 + addValueReference Records.res:14:4 --> Records.res:14:23 + addValueReference Records.res:14:4 --> Records.res:14:26 + addValueReference Records.res:14:4 --> Records.res:16:31 + addTypeReference Records.res:14:19 --> Records.res:5:2 + addTypeReference Records.res:14:19 --> Records.res:6:2 + addTypeReference Records.res:14:19 --> Records.res:7:2 + addValueReference Records.res:20:4 --> Records.res:20:15 + addValueReference Records.res:20:4 --> Records.res:20:18 + addRecordLabelDeclaration name Records.res:24:2 path:+Records.person + addRecordLabelDeclaration age Records.res:25:2 path:+Records.person + addRecordLabelDeclaration address Records.res:26:2 path:+Records.person + addRecordLabelDeclaration name Records.res:31:2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration owner Records.res:32:2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration address Records.res:33:2 + addValueReference Records.res:36:4 --> Records.res:36:14 + addValueReference Records.res:36:4 --> Records.res:36:19 + addValueReference Records.res:36:4 --> Records.res:36:28 + addTypeReference Records.res:40:2 --> Records.res:33:2 + addValueReference Records.res:39:4 --> Records.res:39:19 + addValueReference Records.res:39:4 --> Records.res:40:35 + addValueReference Records.res:39:4 --> Records.res:36:4 + addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:46:24 + addTypeReference Records.res:50:6 --> Records.res:33:2 + addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:48:14 + addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:50:39 + addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:36:4 + addTypeReference Records.res:51:6 --> Records.res:32:2 + addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:48:14 + addTypeReference Records.res:51:42 --> Records.res:26:2 + addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:51:37 + addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:51:68 + addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:36:4 + addValueReference Records.res:46:4 --> Records.res:36:4 + addRecordLabelDeclaration num Records.res:60:2 path:+Records.payload + addRecordLabelDeclaration payload Records.res:61:2 path:+Records.payload + addValueReference Records.res:65:4 --> Records.res:65:19 + addTypeReference Records.res:65:18 --> Records.res:61:2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration v Records.res:69:2 path:+Records.record + addRecordLabelDeclaration w Records.res:70:2 path:+Records.record + addValueReference Records.res:74:4 --> Records.res:74:25 + addTypeReference Records.res:74:24 --> Records.res:61:2 + addValueReference Records.res:80:4 --> Records.res:77:4 + addTypeReference Records.res:85:5 --> Records.res:69:2 + addValueReference Records.res:83:4 --> Records.res:83:32 + addValueReference Records.res:83:4 --> Records.res:83:32 + addTypeReference Records.res:83:31 --> Records.res:61:2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration name Records.res:90:2 path:+Records.business2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration owner Records.res:91:2 path:+Records.business2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration address2 Records.res:92:2 path:+Records.business2 + addTypeReference Records.res:97:2 --> Records.res:92:2 + addValueReference Records.res:96:4 --> Records.res:96:20 + addValueReference Records.res:96:4 --> Records.res:97:58 + addValueReference Records.res:96:4 --> Records.res:36:4 + addValueReference Records.res:107:4 --> Records.res:107:20 + addValueReference Records.res:107:4 --> Records.res:107:20 + addValueReference Records.res:107:4 --> Records.res:107:20 + addValueReference Records.res:107:4 --> Records.res:108:75 + addValueReference Records.res:111:4 --> Records.res:111:20 + addValueReference Records.res:111:4 --> Records.res:111:20 + addValueReference Records.res:111:4 --> Records.res:111:20 + addValueReference Records.res:111:4 --> Records.res:112:53 + addRecordLabelDeclaration type_ Records.res:119:2 path:+Records.myRec + addTypeReference Records.res:127:30 --> Records.res:119:2 + addValueReference Records.res:127:4 --> Records.res:127:17 + addValueReference Records.res:130:4 --> Records.res:130:18 + addValueReference Records.res:133:4 --> Records.res:133:17 + addValueReference Records.res:136:4 --> Records.res:136:18 + addRecordLabelDeclaration type_ Records.res:140:2 path:+Records.myRecBsAs + addTypeReference Records.res:145:38 --> Records.res:140:2 + addValueReference Records.res:145:4 --> Records.res:145:21 + addValueReference Records.res:148:4 --> Records.res:148:22 + Scanning References.cmt Source:References.res + addValueDeclaration +create References.res:4:4 path:+References + addValueDeclaration +access References.res:7:4 path:+References + addValueDeclaration +update References.res:10:4 path:+References + addValueDeclaration +get References.res:17:2 path:+References.R + addValueDeclaration +make References.res:18:2 path:+References.R + addValueDeclaration +set References.res:19:2 path:+References.R + addValueDeclaration +get References.res:31:4 path:+References + addValueDeclaration +make References.res:34:4 path:+References + addValueDeclaration +set References.res:37:4 path:+References + addValueDeclaration +destroysRefIdentity References.res:43:4 path:+References + addValueDeclaration +preserveRefIdentity References.res:47:4 path:+References + addValueReference References.res:4:4 --> References.res:4:14 + addValueReference References.res:7:4 --> References.res:7:13 + addValueReference References.res:10:4 --> References.res:10:13 + addValueReference References.res:10:4 --> References.res:10:13 + addValueDeclaration +get References.res:22:6 path:+References.R + addValueReference References.res:22:6 --> References.res:22:12 + addValueDeclaration +make References.res:23:6 path:+References.R + addValueDeclaration +set References.res:24:6 path:+References.R + addValueReference References.res:24:6 --> References.res:24:16 + addValueReference References.res:24:6 --> References.res:24:13 + addValueReference References.res:31:4 --> References.res:17:2 + addValueReference References.res:34:4 --> References.res:18:2 + addValueReference References.res:37:4 --> References.res:19:2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration x References.res:39:27 path:+References.requiresConversion + addValueReference References.res:43:4 --> References.res:43:27 + addValueReference References.res:47:4 --> References.res:47:27 + addValueReference References.res:17:2 --> References.res:22:6 + addValueReference References.res:18:2 --> References.res:23:6 + addValueReference References.res:19:2 --> References.res:24:6 + Scanning RepeatedLabel.cmt Source:RepeatedLabel.res + addValueDeclaration +userData RepeatedLabel.res:12:4 path:+RepeatedLabel + addRecordLabelDeclaration a RepeatedLabel.res:2:2 path:+RepeatedLabel.userData + addRecordLabelDeclaration b RepeatedLabel.res:3:2 path:+RepeatedLabel.userData + addRecordLabelDeclaration a RepeatedLabel.res:7:2 path:+RepeatedLabel.tabState + addRecordLabelDeclaration b RepeatedLabel.res:8:2 path:+RepeatedLabel.tabState + addRecordLabelDeclaration f RepeatedLabel.res:9:2 path:+RepeatedLabel.tabState + addValueReference RepeatedLabel.res:12:4 --> RepeatedLabel.res:12:17 + addValueReference RepeatedLabel.res:12:4 --> RepeatedLabel.res:12:20 + addTypeReference RepeatedLabel.res:12:16 --> RepeatedLabel.res:7:2 + addTypeReference RepeatedLabel.res:12:16 --> RepeatedLabel.res:8:2 + addValueReference RepeatedLabel.res:14:7 --> RepeatedLabel.res:12:4 + Scanning RequireCond.cmt Source:RequireCond.res + Scanning Shadow.cmt Source:Shadow.res + addValueDeclaration +test Shadow.res:2:4 path:+Shadow + addValueDeclaration +test Shadow.res:5:4 path:+Shadow + addValueDeclaration +test Shadow.res:11:6 path:+Shadow.M + addValueDeclaration +test Shadow.res:9:6 path:+Shadow.M + Scanning TestDeadExn.cmt Source:TestDeadExn.res + Scanning TestEmitInnerModules.cmt Source:TestEmitInnerModules.res + addValueDeclaration +x TestEmitInnerModules.res:3:6 path:+TestEmitInnerModules.Inner + addValueDeclaration +y TestEmitInnerModules.res:5:6 path:+TestEmitInnerModules.Inner + addValueDeclaration +y TestEmitInnerModules.res:12:10 path:+TestEmitInnerModules.Outer.Medium.Inner + Scanning TestFirstClassModules.cmt Source:TestFirstClassModules.res + addValueDeclaration +convert TestFirstClassModules.res:2:4 path:+TestFirstClassModules + addValueDeclaration +convertInterface TestFirstClassModules.res:5:4 path:+TestFirstClassModules + addValueDeclaration +convertRecord TestFirstClassModules.res:8:4 path:+TestFirstClassModules + addValueDeclaration +convertFirstClassModuleWithTypeEquations TestFirstClassModules.res:27:4 path:+TestFirstClassModules + addValueReference TestFirstClassModules.res:2:4 --> TestFirstClassModules.res:2:15 + addValueReference TestFirstClassModules.res:5:4 --> TestFirstClassModules.res:5:24 + addValueReference TestFirstClassModules.res:8:4 --> TestFirstClassModules.res:8:21 + addValueReference TestFirstClassModules.res:27:4 --> TestFirstClassModules.res:29:2 + Scanning TestImmutableArray.cmt Source:TestImmutableArray.res + addValueDeclaration +testImmutableArrayGet TestImmutableArray.res:2:4 path:+TestImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +testBeltArrayGet TestImmutableArray.res:12:4 path:+TestImmutableArray + addValueDeclaration +testBeltArraySet TestImmutableArray.res:17:4 path:+TestImmutableArray + addValueReference TestImmutableArray.res:2:4 --> TestImmutableArray.res:2:28 + addValueReference TestImmutableArray.res:2:4 --> ImmutableArray.resi:6:2 + addValueReference TestImmutableArray.res:12:4 --> TestImmutableArray.res:12:23 + addValueReference TestImmutableArray.res:17:4 --> TestImmutableArray.res:17:23 + Scanning TestImport.cmt Source:TestImport.res + addValueDeclaration +innerStuffContents TestImport.res:1:0 path:+TestImport + addValueDeclaration +innerStuffContentsAsEmptyObject TestImport.res:7:0 path:+TestImport + addValueDeclaration +innerStuffContents TestImport.res:13:4 path:+TestImport + addValueDeclaration +valueStartingWithUpperCaseLetter TestImport.res:15:0 path:+TestImport + addValueDeclaration +defaultValue TestImport.res:18:0 path:+TestImport + addValueDeclaration +make TestImport.res:24:0 path:+TestImport + addValueDeclaration +make TestImport.res:27:4 path:+TestImport + addValueDeclaration +defaultValue2 TestImport.res:29:0 path:+TestImport + addValueReference TestImport.res:13:4 --> TestImport.res:1:0 + addRecordLabelDeclaration text TestImport.res:22:16 path:+TestImport.message + addValueReference TestImport.res:27:4 --> TestImport.res:24:0 + Scanning TestInnedModuleTypes.cmt Source:TestInnedModuleTypes.res + addValueDeclaration +_ TestInnedModuleTypes.res:1:0 path:+TestInnedModuleTypes + addTypeReference TestInnedModuleTypes.res:1:8 --> InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11 + Scanning TestModuleAliases.cmt Source:TestModuleAliases.res + addValueDeclaration +testInner1 TestModuleAliases.res:32:4 path:+TestModuleAliases + addValueDeclaration +testInner1Expanded TestModuleAliases.res:35:4 path:+TestModuleAliases + addValueDeclaration +testInner2 TestModuleAliases.res:38:4 path:+TestModuleAliases + addValueDeclaration +testInner2Expanded TestModuleAliases.res:41:4 path:+TestModuleAliases + addValueReference TestModuleAliases.res:32:4 --> TestModuleAliases.res:32:18 + addValueReference TestModuleAliases.res:35:4 --> TestModuleAliases.res:35:26 + addValueReference TestModuleAliases.res:38:4 --> TestModuleAliases.res:38:18 + addValueReference TestModuleAliases.res:41:4 --> TestModuleAliases.res:41:26 + Scanning TestOptArg.cmt Source:TestOptArg.res + addValueDeclaration +foo TestOptArg.res:3:4 path:+TestOptArg + addValueDeclaration +bar TestOptArg.res:5:4 path:+TestOptArg + addValueDeclaration +notSuppressesOptArgs TestOptArg.res:9:4 path:+TestOptArg + addValueDeclaration +liveSuppressesOptArgs TestOptArg.res:14:4 path:+TestOptArg + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences called with optional argNames:z argNamesMaybe: TestOptArg.res:1:7 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:1:7 --> OptArg.resi:2:0 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:3:4 --> TestOptArg.res:3:14 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:3:4 --> TestOptArg.res:3:11 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:3:4 --> TestOptArg.res:3:17 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences foo called with optional argNames:x argNamesMaybe: TestOptArg.res:5:16 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:5:4 --> TestOptArg.res:3:4 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:7:7 --> TestOptArg.res:5:4 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:31 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:37 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:43 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:28 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:34 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:40 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:9:4 --> TestOptArg.res:9:46 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences notSuppressesOptArgs called with optional argNames: argNamesMaybe: TestOptArg.res:11:8 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:11:8 --> TestOptArg.res:9:4 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:32 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:38 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:44 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:29 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:35 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:41 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:14:4 --> TestOptArg.res:14:47 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences liveSuppressesOptArgs called with optional argNames:x argNamesMaybe: TestOptArg.res:16:8 + addValueReference TestOptArg.res:16:8 --> TestOptArg.res:14:4 + Scanning TestPromise.cmt Source:TestPromise.res + addValueDeclaration +convert TestPromise.res:14:4 path:+TestPromise + addRecordLabelDeclaration x TestPromise.res:6:2 path:+TestPromise.fromPayload + addRecordLabelDeclaration s TestPromise.res:7:2 path:+TestPromise.fromPayload + addRecordLabelDeclaration result TestPromise.res:11:18 path:+TestPromise.toPayload + addValueReference TestPromise.res:14:4 --> TestPromise.res:14:33 + addTypeReference TestPromise.res:14:32 --> TestPromise.res:7:2 + Scanning ToSuppress.cmt Source:ToSuppress.res + addValueDeclaration +toSuppress ToSuppress.res:1:4 path:+ToSuppress + Scanning TransitiveType1.cmt Source:TransitiveType1.res + addValueDeclaration +convert TransitiveType1.res:2:4 path:+TransitiveType1 + addValueDeclaration +convertAlias TransitiveType1.res:5:4 path:+TransitiveType1 + addValueReference TransitiveType1.res:2:4 --> TransitiveType1.res:2:15 + addValueReference TransitiveType1.res:5:4 --> TransitiveType1.res:5:20 + Scanning TransitiveType2.cmt Source:TransitiveType2.res + addValueDeclaration +convertT2 TransitiveType2.res:7:4 path:+TransitiveType2 + addValueReference TransitiveType2.res:7:4 --> TransitiveType2.res:7:17 + Scanning TransitiveType3.cmt Source:TransitiveType3.res + addValueDeclaration +convertT3 TransitiveType3.res:8:4 path:+TransitiveType3 + addRecordLabelDeclaration i TransitiveType3.res:3:2 path:+TransitiveType3.t3 + addRecordLabelDeclaration s TransitiveType3.res:4:2 path:+TransitiveType3.t3 + addValueReference TransitiveType3.res:8:4 --> TransitiveType3.res:8:17 + Scanning Tuples.cmt Source:Tuples.res + addValueDeclaration +testTuple Tuples.res:4:4 path:+Tuples + addValueDeclaration +origin Tuples.res:10:4 path:+Tuples + addValueDeclaration +computeArea Tuples.res:13:4 path:+Tuples + addValueDeclaration +computeAreaWithIdent Tuples.res:19:4 path:+Tuples + addValueDeclaration +computeAreaNoConverters Tuples.res:25:4 path:+Tuples + addValueDeclaration +coord2d Tuples.res:28:4 path:+Tuples + addValueDeclaration +getFirstName Tuples.res:43:4 path:+Tuples + addValueDeclaration +marry Tuples.res:46:4 path:+Tuples + addValueDeclaration +changeSecondAge Tuples.res:49:4 path:+Tuples + addValueReference Tuples.res:4:4 --> Tuples.res:4:18 + addValueReference Tuples.res:4:4 --> Tuples.res:4:21 + addValueReference Tuples.res:13:4 --> Tuples.res:13:20 + addValueReference Tuples.res:13:4 --> Tuples.res:13:23 + addValueReference Tuples.res:13:4 --> Tuples.res:13:26 + addValueReference Tuples.res:13:4 --> Tuples.res:15:31 + addValueReference Tuples.res:19:4 --> Tuples.res:19:29 + addValueReference Tuples.res:19:4 --> Tuples.res:19:32 + addValueReference Tuples.res:19:4 --> Tuples.res:19:35 + addValueReference Tuples.res:19:4 --> Tuples.res:21:31 + addValueReference Tuples.res:25:4 --> Tuples.res:25:32 + addValueReference Tuples.res:25:4 --> Tuples.res:25:40 + addValueReference Tuples.res:28:4 --> Tuples.res:28:15 + addValueReference Tuples.res:28:4 --> Tuples.res:28:18 + addRecordLabelDeclaration name Tuples.res:35:2 path:+Tuples.person + addRecordLabelDeclaration age Tuples.res:36:2 path:+Tuples.person + addTypeReference Tuples.res:43:49 --> Tuples.res:35:2 + addValueReference Tuples.res:43:4 --> Tuples.res:43:21 + addValueReference Tuples.res:46:4 --> Tuples.res:46:13 + addValueReference Tuples.res:46:4 --> Tuples.res:46:20 + addValueReference Tuples.res:49:4 --> Tuples.res:49:24 + addTypeReference Tuples.res:49:84 --> Tuples.res:36:2 + addValueReference Tuples.res:49:4 --> Tuples.res:49:31 + addValueReference Tuples.res:49:4 --> Tuples.res:49:31 + Scanning TypeParams1.cmt Source:TypeParams1.res + addValueDeclaration +exportSomething TypeParams1.res:4:4 path:+TypeParams1 + Scanning TypeParams2.cmt Source:TypeParams2.res + addValueDeclaration +exportSomething TypeParams2.res:10:4 path:+TypeParams2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration id TypeParams2.res:2:13 path:+TypeParams2.item + Scanning TypeParams3.cmt Source:TypeParams3.res + addValueDeclaration +test TypeParams3.res:2:4 path:+TypeParams3 + addValueDeclaration +test2 TypeParams3.res:5:4 path:+TypeParams3 + addValueReference TypeParams3.res:2:4 --> TypeParams3.res:2:12 + addValueReference TypeParams3.res:5:4 --> TypeParams3.res:5:13 + Scanning Types.cmt Source:Types.res + addValueDeclaration +someIntList Types.res:5:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +map Types.res:8:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +swap Types.res:23:8 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +selfRecursiveConverter Types.res:42:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +mutuallyRecursiveConverter Types.res:49:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +testFunctionOnOptionsAsArgument Types.res:52:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +jsStringT Types.res:60:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +jsString2T Types.res:63:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +jsonStringify Types.res:75:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +testConvertNull Types.res:89:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +testMarshalFields Types.res:109:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +setMatch Types.res:125:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +testInstantiateTypeParameter Types.res:135:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +currentTime Types.res:144:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +i64Const Types.res:153:4 path:+Types + addValueDeclaration +optFunction Types.res:156:4 path:+Types + addVariantCaseDeclaration A Types.res:12:2 path:+Types.typeWithVars + addVariantCaseDeclaration B Types.res:13:2 path:+Types.typeWithVars + addValueReference Types.res:23:8 --> Types.res:23:16 + addValueReference Types.res:23:8 --> Types.res:23:16 + addValueReference Types.res:23:8 --> Types.res:23:8 + addValueReference Types.res:23:8 --> Types.res:23:16 + addValueReference Types.res:23:8 --> Types.res:23:8 + addValueReference Types.res:23:8 --> Types.res:24:2 + addRecordLabelDeclaration self Types.res:31:26 path:+Types.selfRecursive + addRecordLabelDeclaration b Types.res:34:31 path:+Types.mutuallyRecursiveA + addRecordLabelDeclaration a Types.res:35:26 path:+Types.mutuallyRecursiveB + addValueReference Types.res:42:4 --> Types.res:42:31 + addTypeReference Types.res:42:30 --> Types.res:31:26 + addValueReference Types.res:49:4 --> Types.res:49:35 + addTypeReference Types.res:49:34 --> Types.res:34:31 + addValueReference Types.res:52:4 --> Types.res:52:39 + addValueReference Types.res:52:4 --> Types.res:52:54 + addVariantCaseDeclaration A Types.res:56:2 path:+Types.opaqueVariant + addVariantCaseDeclaration B Types.res:57:2 path:+Types.opaqueVariant + addRecordLabelDeclaration i Types.res:84:2 path:+Types.record + addRecordLabelDeclaration s Types.res:85:2 path:+Types.record + addValueReference Types.res:89:4 --> Types.res:89:23 + addValueReference Types.res:109:4 --> Types.res:109:39 + addValueReference Types.res:125:4 --> Types.res:125:16 + addRecordLabelDeclaration id Types.res:130:19 path:+Types.someRecord + addValueReference Types.res:135:4 --> Types.res:135:36 + addValueDeclaration +x Types.res:163:6 path:+Types.ObjectId + Scanning Unboxed.cmt Source:Unboxed.res + addValueDeclaration +testV1 Unboxed.res:8:4 path:+Unboxed + addValueDeclaration +r2Test Unboxed.res:17:4 path:+Unboxed + addVariantCaseDeclaration A Unboxed.res:2:10 path:+Unboxed.v1 + addVariantCaseDeclaration A Unboxed.res:5:10 path:+Unboxed.v2 + addValueReference Unboxed.res:8:4 --> Unboxed.res:8:14 + addRecordLabelDeclaration x Unboxed.res:11:11 path:+Unboxed.r1 + addRecordLabelDeclaration B.g Unboxed.res:14:13 path:+Unboxed.r2 + addVariantCaseDeclaration B Unboxed.res:14:10 path:+Unboxed.r2 + addValueReference Unboxed.res:17:4 --> Unboxed.res:17:14 + Scanning Uncurried.cmt Source:Uncurried.res + addValueDeclaration +uncurried0 Uncurried.res:14:4 path:+Uncurried + addValueDeclaration +uncurried1 Uncurried.res:17:4 path:+Uncurried + addValueDeclaration +uncurried2 Uncurried.res:20:4 path:+Uncurried + addValueDeclaration +uncurried3 Uncurried.res:23:4 path:+Uncurried + addValueDeclaration +curried3 Uncurried.res:26:4 path:+Uncurried + addValueDeclaration +callback Uncurried.res:29:4 path:+Uncurried + addValueDeclaration +callback2 Uncurried.res:35:4 path:+Uncurried + addValueDeclaration +callback2U Uncurried.res:38:4 path:+Uncurried + addValueDeclaration +sumU Uncurried.res:41:4 path:+Uncurried + addValueDeclaration +sumU2 Uncurried.res:44:4 path:+Uncurried + addValueDeclaration +sumCurried Uncurried.res:47:4 path:+Uncurried + addValueDeclaration +sumLblCurried Uncurried.res:53:4 path:+Uncurried + addValueReference Uncurried.res:17:4 --> Uncurried.res:17:20 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:20:4 --> Uncurried.res:20:20 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:20:4 --> Uncurried.res:20:23 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:23:4 --> Uncurried.res:23:20 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:23:4 --> Uncurried.res:23:23 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:23:4 --> Uncurried.res:23:26 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:26:4 --> Uncurried.res:26:16 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:26:4 --> Uncurried.res:26:19 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:26:4 --> Uncurried.res:26:22 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:29:4 --> Uncurried.res:29:15 + addRecordLabelDeclaration login Uncurried.res:31:13 path:+Uncurried.auth + addRecordLabelDeclaration loginU Uncurried.res:32:14 path:+Uncurried.authU + addTypeReference Uncurried.res:35:24 --> Uncurried.res:31:13 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:35:4 --> Uncurried.res:35:16 + addTypeReference Uncurried.res:38:25 --> Uncurried.res:32:14 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:38:4 --> Uncurried.res:38:17 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:41:4 --> Uncurried.res:41:17 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:41:4 --> Uncurried.res:41:14 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:41:4 --> Uncurried.res:41:17 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:44:4 --> Uncurried.res:44:20 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:44:4 --> Uncurried.res:44:15 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:44:4 --> Uncurried.res:44:20 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:47:4 --> Uncurried.res:49:2 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:47:4 --> Uncurried.res:47:17 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:47:4 --> Uncurried.res:49:2 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:47:4 --> Uncurried.res:47:17 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:53:4 --> Uncurried.res:55:3 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:53:4 --> Uncurried.res:53:32 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:53:4 --> Uncurried.res:55:3 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:53:4 --> Uncurried.res:53:21 + addValueReference Uncurried.res:53:4 --> Uncurried.res:53:32 + Scanning Unison.cmt Source:Unison.res + addValueDeclaration +group Unison.res:17:4 path:+Unison + addValueDeclaration +fits Unison.res:19:8 path:+Unison + addValueDeclaration +toString Unison.res:26:8 path:+Unison + addVariantCaseDeclaration IfNeed Unison.res:4:2 path:+Unison.break + addVariantCaseDeclaration Never Unison.res:5:2 path:+Unison.break + addVariantCaseDeclaration Always Unison.res:6:2 path:+Unison.break + addRecordLabelDeclaration break Unison.res:9:2 path:+Unison.t + addRecordLabelDeclaration doc Unison.res:10:2 path:+Unison.t + addVariantCaseDeclaration Empty Unison.res:14:2 path:+Unison.stack + addVariantCaseDeclaration Cons Unison.res:15:2 path:+Unison.stack + addValueReference Unison.res:17:4 --> Unison.res:17:20 + addTypeReference Unison.res:17:20 --> Unison.res:4:2 + addValueReference Unison.res:17:4 --> Unison.res:17:13 + addValueReference Unison.res:17:4 --> Unison.res:17:28 + addValueReference Unison.res:19:8 --> Unison.res:19:16 + addValueReference Unison.res:19:8 --> Unison.res:19:16 + addValueReference Unison.res:19:8 --> Unison.res:23:10 + addValueReference Unison.res:19:8 --> Unison.res:23:16 + addValueReference Unison.res:19:8 --> Unison.res:19:8 + addTypeReference Unison.res:23:9 --> Unison.res:10:2 + addValueReference Unison.res:19:8 --> Unison.res:19:19 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:20 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:23 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:19:8 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:20 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:23 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:8 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:17 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:20 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:23 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:8 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:17 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:20 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:23 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:8 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:28:10 + addTypeReference Unison.res:28:9 --> Unison.res:9:2 + addTypeReference Unison.res:28:9 --> Unison.res:10:2 + addValueReference Unison.res:26:8 --> Unison.res:26:28 + addTypeReference Unison.res:37:20 --> Unison.res:14:2 + addValueReference Unison.res:37:0 --> Unison.res:26:8 + addTypeReference Unison.res:38:20 --> Unison.res:15:2 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences group called with optional argNames:break argNamesMaybe: Unison.res:38:25 + addTypeReference Unison.res:38:38 --> Unison.res:5:2 + addValueReference Unison.res:38:25 --> Unison.res:17:4 + addTypeReference Unison.res:38:53 --> Unison.res:14:2 + addValueReference Unison.res:38:0 --> Unison.res:26:8 + addTypeReference Unison.res:39:20 --> Unison.res:15:2 + DeadOptionalArgs.addReferences group called with optional argNames:break argNamesMaybe: Unison.res:39:25 + addTypeReference Unison.res:39:38 --> Unison.res:6:2 + addValueReference Unison.res:39:25 --> Unison.res:17:4 + addTypeReference Unison.res:39:52 --> Unison.res:14:2 + addValueReference Unison.res:39:0 --> Unison.res:26:8 + Scanning UseImportJsValue.cmt Source:UseImportJsValue.res + addValueDeclaration +useGetProp UseImportJsValue.res:2:4 path:+UseImportJsValue + addValueDeclaration +useTypeImportedInOtherModule UseImportJsValue.res:5:4 path:+UseImportJsValue + addValueReference UseImportJsValue.res:2:4 --> UseImportJsValue.res:2:18 + addValueReference UseImportJsValue.res:2:4 --> ImportJsValue.res:37:2 + addValueReference UseImportJsValue.res:5:4 --> UseImportJsValue.res:5:36 + Scanning Variants.cmt Source:Variants.res + addValueDeclaration +isWeekend Variants.res:13:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +monday Variants.res:21:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +saturday Variants.res:23:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +sunday Variants.res:25:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +onlySunday Variants.res:28:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +swap Variants.res:31:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +testConvert Variants.res:45:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +fortytwoOK Variants.res:48:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +fortytwoBAD Variants.res:52:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +testConvert2 Variants.res:64:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +testConvert3 Variants.res:76:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +testConvert2to3 Variants.res:80:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +id1 Variants.res:89:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +id2 Variants.res:92:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +polyWithOpt Variants.res:98:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +restResult1 Variants.res:112:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +restResult2 Variants.res:115:4 path:+Variants + addValueDeclaration +restResult3 Variants.res:118:4 path:+Variants + addValueReference Variants.res:13:4 --> Variants.res:13:17 + addValueReference Variants.res:31:4 --> Variants.res:31:11 + addValueReference Variants.res:45:4 --> Variants.res:45:19 + addValueReference Variants.res:64:4 --> Variants.res:64:20 + addValueReference Variants.res:76:4 --> Variants.res:76:20 + addValueReference Variants.res:80:4 --> Variants.res:80:23 + addValueReference Variants.res:89:4 --> Variants.res:89:11 + addValueReference Variants.res:92:4 --> Variants.res:92:11 + addVariantCaseDeclaration Type Variants.res:95:13 path:+Variants.type_ + addValueReference Variants.res:98:4 --> Variants.res:98:18 + addValueReference Variants.res:98:4 --> Variants.res:98:18 + addValueReference Variants.res:98:4 --> Variants.res:98:18 + addVariantCaseDeclaration Ok Variants.res:102:2 path:+Variants.result1 + addVariantCaseDeclaration Error Variants.res:103:2 path:+Variants.result1 + addValueReference Variants.res:112:4 --> Variants.res:112:19 + addValueReference Variants.res:115:4 --> Variants.res:115:19 + addValueReference Variants.res:118:4 --> Variants.res:118:19 + Scanning VariantsWithPayload.cmt Source:VariantsWithPayload.res + addValueDeclaration +testWithPayload VariantsWithPayload.res:16:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload + addValueDeclaration +printVariantWithPayload VariantsWithPayload.res:19:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload + addValueDeclaration +testManyPayloads VariantsWithPayload.res:37:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload + addValueDeclaration +printManyPayloads VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload + addValueDeclaration +testSimpleVariant VariantsWithPayload.res:54:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload + addValueDeclaration +testVariantWithPayloads VariantsWithPayload.res:65:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload + addValueDeclaration +printVariantWithPayloads VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload + addValueDeclaration +testVariant1Int VariantsWithPayload.res:93:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload + addValueDeclaration +testVariant1Object VariantsWithPayload.res:99:4 path:+VariantsWithPayload + addRecordLabelDeclaration x VariantsWithPayload.res:2:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.payload + addRecordLabelDeclaration y VariantsWithPayload.res:3:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.payload + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:16:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:16:23 + addTypeReference VariantsWithPayload.res:26:57 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:2:2 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:19:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:26:7 + addTypeReference VariantsWithPayload.res:26:74 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:3:2 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:19:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:26:7 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:19:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:19:31 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:37:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:37:24 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:42:9 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:43:9 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:43:13 + addTypeReference VariantsWithPayload.res:44:55 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:2:2 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:44:11 + addTypeReference VariantsWithPayload.res:44:72 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:3:2 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:44:11 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:40:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:40:25 + addVariantCaseDeclaration A VariantsWithPayload.res:49:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.simpleVariant + addVariantCaseDeclaration B VariantsWithPayload.res:50:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.simpleVariant + addVariantCaseDeclaration C VariantsWithPayload.res:51:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.simpleVariant + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:54:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:54:25 + addVariantCaseDeclaration A VariantsWithPayload.res:58:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads + addVariantCaseDeclaration B VariantsWithPayload.res:59:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads + addVariantCaseDeclaration C VariantsWithPayload.res:60:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads + addVariantCaseDeclaration D VariantsWithPayload.res:61:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads + addVariantCaseDeclaration E VariantsWithPayload.res:62:2 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:65:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:65:31 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:71:6 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:72:6 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:72:9 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:77:7 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:77:10 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:82:6 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:82:9 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:82:12 + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:68:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:68:31 + addVariantCaseDeclaration R VariantsWithPayload.res:90:19 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variant1Int + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:93:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:93:23 + addVariantCaseDeclaration R VariantsWithPayload.res:96:22 path:+VariantsWithPayload.variant1Object + addValueReference VariantsWithPayload.res:99:4 --> VariantsWithPayload.res:99:26 + Implementation 0 + Implementation 0 + Implementation 0 + addValueReference TestDeadExn.res:1:7 --> DeadExn.res:1:0 + +File References + + AutoAnnotate.res -->> + BootloaderResource.res -->> + BucklescriptAnnotations.res -->> + ComponentAsProp.res -->> React.res + CreateErrorHandler1.res -->> ErrorHandler.resi + CreateErrorHandler2.res -->> + DeadCodeImplementation.res -->> + DeadCodeInterface.res -->> + DeadExn.res -->> + DeadExn.resi -->> + DeadRT.res -->> + DeadRT.resi -->> + DeadTest.res -->> React.res, DeadValueTest.resi, DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res, ImmutableArray.resi + DeadTestBlacklist.res -->> + DeadTestWithInterface.res -->> + DeadTypeTest.res -->> + DeadTypeTest.resi -->> DeadTypeTest.res + DeadValueTest.res -->> + DeadValueTest.resi -->> DeadValueTest.res + Docstrings.res -->> + DynamicallyLoadedComponent.res -->> React.res + EmptyArray.res -->> + ErrorHandler.res -->> + ErrorHandler.resi -->> ErrorHandler.res + EverythingLiveHere.res -->> + FirstClassModules.res -->> + FirstClassModulesInterface.res -->> + FirstClassModulesInterface.resi -->> FirstClassModulesInterface.res + Hooks.res -->> React.res, ImportHookDefault.res, ImportHooks.res + IgnoreInterface.res -->> + IgnoreInterface.resi -->> + ImmutableArray.res -->> + ImmutableArray.resi -->> ImmutableArray.res + ImportHookDefault.res -->> + ImportHooks.res -->> + ImportIndex.res -->> + ImportJsValue.res -->> + ImportMyBanner.res -->> + InnerModuleTypes.res -->> + InnerModuleTypes.resi -->> + JSResource.res -->> + JsxV4.res -->> React.res + LetPrivate.res -->> + ModuleAliases.res -->> + ModuleAliases2.res -->> + ModuleExceptionBug.res -->> + NestedModules.res -->> + NestedModulesInSignature.res -->> + NestedModulesInSignature.resi -->> NestedModulesInSignature.res + Newsyntax.res -->> + Newton.res -->> + Opaque.res -->> + OptArg.res -->> + OptArg.resi -->> OptArg.res + Records.res -->> + References.res -->> + RepeatedLabel.res -->> + RequireCond.res -->> + Shadow.res -->> + TestDeadExn.res -->> DeadExn.res + TestEmitInnerModules.res -->> + TestFirstClassModules.res -->> + TestImmutableArray.res -->> ImmutableArray.resi + TestImport.res -->> + TestInnedModuleTypes.res -->> + TestModuleAliases.res -->> + TestOptArg.res -->> OptArg.resi + TestPromise.res -->> + ToSuppress.res -->> + TransitiveType1.res -->> + TransitiveType2.res -->> + TransitiveType3.res -->> + Tuples.res -->> + TypeParams1.res -->> + TypeParams2.res -->> + TypeParams3.res -->> + Types.res -->> + Unboxed.res -->> + Uncurried.res -->> + Unison.res -->> + UseImportJsValue.res -->> ImportJsValue.res + Variants.res -->> + VariantsWithPayload.res -->> + Dead VariantCase +AutoAnnotate.annotatedVariant.R4: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +AutoAnnotate.annotatedVariant.R2: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +AutoAnnotate.r4.r4: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +AutoAnnotate.r3.r3: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +AutoAnnotate.r2.r2: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +AutoAnnotate.record.variant: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +AutoAnnotate.variant.R: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +BucklescriptAnnotations.+bar: 0 references () [1] + Dead Value +BucklescriptAnnotations.+f: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +ComponentAsProp.props.button: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] + Live RecordLabel +ComponentAsProp.props.description: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] + Live RecordLabel +ComponentAsProp.props.title: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] + Live Value +ComponentAsProp.+make: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +CreateErrorHandler1.Error1.+notification: 1 references (ErrorHandler.resi:3:2) [0] + Live Value +CreateErrorHandler2.Error2.+notification: 1 references (ErrorHandler.resi:3:2) [0] + Live Value +DeadCodeImplementation.M.+x: 1 references (DeadCodeInterface.res:2:2) [0] + Dead Value +DeadRT.+emitModuleAccessPath: 0 references () [0] + Live VariantCase +DeadRT.moduleAccessPath.Kaboom: 1 references (DeadRT.res:11:16) [0] + Live VariantCase DeadRT.moduleAccessPath.Root: 1 references (DeadTest.res:98:16) [1] + Live VariantCase +DeadRT.moduleAccessPath.Root: 1 references (DeadRT.resi:2:2) [0] + Live VariantCase DeadRT.moduleAccessPath.Kaboom: 1 references (DeadRT.res:3:2) [0] + Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord3.IR3.b: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord3.IR3.a: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +DeadTest.inlineRecord3.IR3: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord2.IR2.b: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord2.IR2.a: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +DeadTest.inlineRecord2.IR2: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+_: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.+ira: 1 references (DeadTest.res:163:27) [0] + Live RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord.IR.e: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord.IR.d: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord.IR.c: 1 references (DeadTest.res:163:7) [0] + Live RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord.IR.b: 1 references (DeadTest.res:163:35) [0] + Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.inlineRecord.IR.a: 0 references () [0] + Live VariantCase +DeadTest.inlineRecord.IR: 1 references (DeadTest.res:163:20) [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+_: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.+deadIncorrect: 1 references (DeadTest.res:156:8) [0] + Dead RecordLabel +DeadTest.rc.a: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+funWithInnerVars: 0 references () [1] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+y: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+x: 0 references () [0] + Live VariantCase +DeadTest.WithInclude.t.A: 1 references (DeadTest.res:142:7) [1] + Live VariantCase +DeadTest.WithInclude.t.A: 1 references (DeadTest.res:134:11) [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.GloobLive.+globallyLive3: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.GloobLive.+globallyLive2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.GloobLive.+globallyLive1: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+stringLengthNoSideEffects: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+theSideEffectIsLogging: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +DeadTest.props.s: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.+make: 1 references (DeadTest.res:119:16) [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+deadRef: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+second: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+a3: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+a2: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+a1: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+zzz: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+withDefaultValue: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+bar: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+foo: 0 references () [1] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+cb: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+cb: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+recWithCallback: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+rec2: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+rec1: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+split_map: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+unusedRec: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.MM.+valueOnlyInImplementation: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.MM.+x: 1 references (DeadTest.res:69:9) [1] + Live Value +DeadTest.MM.+x: 1 references (DeadTest.res:60:2) [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.MM.+y: 0 references () [1] + Live Value +DeadTest.MM.+y: 1 references (DeadTest.res:64:6) [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.UnderscoreInside.+_: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+_: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+_: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +DeadTest.record.yyy: 1 references (DeadTest.res:53:9) [0] + Live RecordLabel 1 references (DeadTest.res:52:13) [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+_: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+_: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation.+a: 1 references (DeadTest.res:42:17) [1] + Live Value +DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation.+a: 1 references (DeadTest.res:36:2) [0] + Live VariantCase +DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation.t.A: 1 references (DeadTest.res:39:10) [0] + Live VariantCase +DeadTest.VariantUsedOnlyInImplementation.t.A: 1 references (DeadTest.res:38:11) [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.M.+thisSignatureItemIsDead: 0 references () [1] + Dead Value +DeadTest.M.+thisSignatureItemIsDead: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.Inner.+thisIsAlsoMarkedDead: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.+thisIsMarkedLive: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.+thisIsKeptAlive: 1 references (DeadTest.res:20:4) [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+thisIsMarkedDead: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.+thisIsUsedTwice: 2 references (DeadTest.res:11:7, DeadTest.res:12:7) [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.+thisIsUsedOnce: 1 references (DeadTest.res:8:7) [0] + Live Value +DeadTest.+fortyTwoButExported: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTest.+fortytwo: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTestBlacklist.+x: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTestWithInterface.Ext_buffer.+x: 0 references () [1] + Dead Value +DeadTestWithInterface.Ext_buffer.+x: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase DeadTypeTest.deadType.InNeither: 0 references () [0] + Live VariantCase +DeadTypeTest.deadType.InBoth: 1 references (DeadTypeTest.res:13:8) [1] + Live VariantCase DeadTypeTest.deadType.InBoth: 2 references (DeadTest.res:45:8, DeadTypeTest.res:9:2) [0] + Live VariantCase DeadTypeTest.deadType.OnlyInInterface: 1 references (DeadTest.res:44:8) [0] + Live VariantCase +DeadTypeTest.deadType.OnlyInImplementation: 1 references (DeadTypeTest.res:12:8) [1] + Live VariantCase DeadTypeTest.deadType.OnlyInImplementation: 1 references (DeadTypeTest.res:7:2) [0] + Dead Value DeadTypeTest.+a: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase DeadTypeTest.t.B: 0 references () [0] + Live VariantCase +DeadTypeTest.t.A: 1 references (DeadTypeTest.res:4:8) [1] + Live VariantCase DeadTypeTest.t.A: 1 references (DeadTypeTest.res:2:2) [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+unitArgWithConversionU: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+unitArgWithConversion: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Docstrings.t.B: 0 references () [0] + Live VariantCase +Docstrings.t.A: 2 references (Docstrings.res:64:34, Docstrings.res:67:39) [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+unitArgWithoutConversionU: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+unitArgWithoutConversion: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+grouped: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+unnamed2U: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+unnamed2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+unnamed1U: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+unnamed1: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+useParamU: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+useParam: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+treeU: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+twoU: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+oneU: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+tree: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+two: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+one: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+signMessage: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Docstrings.+flat: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +EmptyArray.Z.+make: 1 references (EmptyArray.res:10:9) [0] + Dead Value +EverythingLiveHere.+z: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +EverythingLiveHere.+y: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +EverythingLiveHere.+x: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +FirstClassModules.+someFunctorAsFunction: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +FirstClassModules.SomeFunctor.+ww: 1 references (FirstClassModules.res:57:2) [0] + Live Value +FirstClassModules.+testConvert: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +FirstClassModules.+firstClassModule: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +FirstClassModules.M.+x: 1 references (FirstClassModules.res:2:2) [0] + Live Value +FirstClassModules.M.Z.+u: 1 references (FirstClassModules.res:37:4) [0] + Live Value +FirstClassModules.M.InnerModule3.+k3: 1 references (FirstClassModules.res:14:4) [0] + Live Value +FirstClassModules.M.InnerModule2.+k: 1 references (FirstClassModules.res:10:4) [0] + Live Value +FirstClassModules.M.+y: 1 references (FirstClassModules.res:20:2) [0] + Dead Value FirstClassModulesInterface.+r: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel FirstClassModulesInterface.record.y: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel FirstClassModulesInterface.record.x: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion.+car: 1 references (Hooks.res:65:30) [0] + Live RecordLabel +Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion.props.renderVehicle: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] + Live Value +Hooks.RenderPropRequiresConversion.+make: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Hooks.r.x: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Hooks.+functionWithRenamedArgs: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Hooks.NoProps.+make: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Hooks.Inner.Inner2.props.vehicle: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] + Live Value +Hooks.Inner.Inner2.+make: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Hooks.Inner.props.vehicle: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] + Live Value +Hooks.Inner.+make: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Hooks.+default: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Hooks.props.vehicle: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] + Live Value +Hooks.+make: 1 references (Hooks.res:25:4) [0] + Live RecordLabel 5 references (Hooks.res:10:29, Hooks.res:29:66, Hooks.res:33:68, Hooks.res:47:2, Hooks.res:47:14) [0] + Live RecordLabel +ImportIndex.props.method: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportIndex.+make: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImportMyBanner.+make: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportMyBanner.+make: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +ImportMyBanner.message.text: 0 references () [0] + Live VariantCase InnerModuleTypes.I.t.Foo: 1 references (TestInnedModuleTypes.res:1:8) [1] + Live VariantCase +InnerModuleTypes.I.t.Foo: 1 references (InnerModuleTypes.resi:2:11) [0] + Live Value +JsxV4.C.+make: 1 references (JsxV4.res:7:9) [0] + Live Value +LetPrivate.+y: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +LetPrivate.local_1.+x: 1 references (LetPrivate.res:7:4) [0] + Live Value +ModuleAliases.+testInner2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ModuleAliases.+testInner: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ModuleAliases.+testNested: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +ModuleAliases.Outer2.Inner2.InnerNested.t.nested: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +ModuleAliases.Outer.Inner.innerT.inner: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ModuleAliases2.+q: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +ModuleAliases2.Outer.Inner.inner.inner: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +ModuleAliases2.Outer.outer.outer: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +ModuleAliases2.record.y: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +ModuleAliases2.record.x: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ModuleExceptionBug.+ddjdj: 1 references (ModuleExceptionBug.res:8:7) [0] + Dead Exception +ModuleExceptionBug.MyOtherException: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ModuleExceptionBug.Dep.+customDouble: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +NestedModules.Universe.+someString: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +NestedModules.Universe.variant.B: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +NestedModules.Universe.variant.A: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.+nested2Function: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3.+nested3Function: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3.+nested3Value: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3.+w: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3.+z: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3.+y: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.Nested3.+x: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.+y: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.+nested2Value: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.Nested2.+x: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +NestedModules.Universe.+notExported: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +NestedModules.Universe.+theAnswer: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +NestedModules.+notNested: 0 references () [0] + Live Value NestedModulesInSignature.Universe.+theAnswer: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Newsyntax.record2.yy: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Newsyntax.record2.xx: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Newsyntax.variant.C: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Newsyntax.variant.B: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Newsyntax.variant.A: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Newsyntax.record.yyy: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +Newsyntax.+y: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +Newsyntax.+x: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Newton.+result: 2 references (Newton.res:31:8, Newton.res:31:18) [0] + Live Value +Newton.+fPrimed: 1 references (Newton.res:29:4) [0] + Live Value +Newton.+f: 2 references (Newton.res:29:4, Newton.res:31:16) [0] + Live Value +Newton.+newton: 1 references (Newton.res:29:4) [2] + Live Value +Newton.+loop: 1 references (Newton.res:6:4) [1] + Live Value +Newton.+next: 1 references (Newton.res:14:10) [0] + Live Value +Newton.+previous: 2 references (Newton.res:14:10, Newton.res:16:8) [0] + Live Value +Newton.+iterateMore: 1 references (Newton.res:14:10) [1] + Live Value +Newton.+delta: 1 references (Newton.res:8:6) [0] + Live Value +Newton.+current: 3 references (Newton.res:8:6, Newton.res:14:10, Newton.res:15:8) [0] + Live Value +Newton.+/: 1 references (Newton.res:16:8) [0] + Live Value +Newton.+*: 2 references (Newton.res:25:4, Newton.res:27:4) [0] + Live Value +Newton.++: 1 references (Newton.res:25:4) [0] + Live Value +Newton.+-: 4 references (Newton.res:9:8, Newton.res:16:8, Newton.res:25:4, Newton.res:27:4) [0] + Live Value +Opaque.+testConvertNestedRecordFromOtherFile: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Opaque.+noConversion: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Opaque.opaqueFromRecords.A: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+testMyRecBsAs2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+testMyRecBsAs: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Records.myRecBsAs.type_: 1 references (Records.res:145:38) [0] + Live Value +Records.+testMyObj2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+testMyObj: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+testMyRec2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+testMyRec: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Records.myRec.type_: 1 references (Records.res:127:30) [0] + Live Value +Records.+computeArea4: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+computeArea3: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+someBusiness2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+findAddress2: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Records.business2.address2: 1 references (Records.res:97:2) [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Records.business2.owner: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+getPayloadRecordPlusOne: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+payloadValue: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+recordValue: 1 references (Records.res:80:4) [0] + Live Value +Records.+getPayloadRecord: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Records.record.w: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Records.record.v: 1 references (Records.res:85:5) [0] + Live Value +Records.+getPayload: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Records.payload.payload: 3 references (Records.res:65:18, Records.res:74:24, Records.res:83:31) [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Records.payload.num: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+findAllAddresses: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+someBusiness: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+findAddress: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+getOpt: 3 references (Records.res:39:4, Records.res:46:4, Records.res:96:4) [0] + Live RecordLabel 2 references (Records.res:40:2, Records.res:50:6) [0] + Live RecordLabel 1 references (Records.res:51:6) [0] + Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Records.person.address: 1 references (Records.res:51:42) [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Records.person.age: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+coord2d: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+computeArea: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Records.+origin: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Records.coord.z: 1 references (Records.res:14:19) [0] + Live RecordLabel +Records.coord.y: 1 references (Records.res:14:19) [0] + Live RecordLabel +Records.coord.x: 1 references (Records.res:14:19) [0] + Live Value +References.+preserveRefIdentity: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +References.+destroysRefIdentity: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +References.requiresConversion.x: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +References.+set: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +References.+make: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +References.+get: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +References.R.+set: 1 references (References.res:37:4) [1] + Live Value +References.R.+set: 1 references (References.res:19:2) [0] + Live Value +References.R.+make: 1 references (References.res:34:4) [1] + Live Value +References.R.+make: 1 references (References.res:18:2) [0] + Live Value +References.R.+get: 1 references (References.res:31:4) [1] + Live Value +References.R.+get: 1 references (References.res:17:2) [0] + Live Value +References.+update: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +References.+access: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +References.+create: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +RepeatedLabel.+userData: 1 references (RepeatedLabel.res:14:7) [0] + Dead RecordLabel +RepeatedLabel.tabState.f: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +RepeatedLabel.tabState.b: 1 references (RepeatedLabel.res:12:16) [0] + Live RecordLabel +RepeatedLabel.tabState.a: 1 references (RepeatedLabel.res:12:16) [0] + Dead RecordLabel +RepeatedLabel.userData.b: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +RepeatedLabel.userData.a: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +Shadow.M.+test: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Shadow.M.+test: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Shadow.+test: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Shadow.+test: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestEmitInnerModules.Outer.Medium.Inner.+y: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestEmitInnerModules.Inner.+y: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestEmitInnerModules.Inner.+x: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestFirstClassModules.+convertFirstClassModuleWithTypeEquations: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestFirstClassModules.+convertRecord: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestFirstClassModules.+convertInterface: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestFirstClassModules.+convert: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +TestImmutableArray.+testBeltArraySet: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +TestImmutableArray.+testBeltArrayGet: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestImmutableArray.+testImmutableArrayGet: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestImport.+defaultValue2: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +TestImport.+make: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestImport.+make: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +TestImport.message.text: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestImport.+defaultValue: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestImport.+valueStartingWithUpperCaseLetter: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +TestImport.+innerStuffContents: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestImport.+innerStuffContentsAsEmptyObject: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestImport.+innerStuffContents: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +TestInnedModuleTypes.+_: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestModuleAliases.+testInner2Expanded: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestModuleAliases.+testInner2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestModuleAliases.+testInner1Expanded: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestModuleAliases.+testInner1: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TestOptArg.+liveSuppressesOptArgs: 1 references (TestOptArg.res:16:8) [0] + Live Value +TestOptArg.+notSuppressesOptArgs: 1 references (TestOptArg.res:11:8) [0] + Live Value +TestOptArg.+bar: 1 references (TestOptArg.res:7:7) [0] + Live Value +TestOptArg.+foo: 1 references (TestOptArg.res:5:4) [0] + Live Value +TestPromise.+convert: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +TestPromise.toPayload.result: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +TestPromise.fromPayload.s: 1 references (TestPromise.res:14:32) [0] + Dead RecordLabel +TestPromise.fromPayload.x: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ToSuppress.+toSuppress: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TransitiveType1.+convertAlias: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TransitiveType1.+convert: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +TransitiveType2.+convertT2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TransitiveType3.+convertT3: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +TransitiveType3.t3.s: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +TransitiveType3.t3.i: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Tuples.+changeSecondAge: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Tuples.+marry: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Tuples.+getFirstName: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Tuples.person.age: 1 references (Tuples.res:49:84) [0] + Live RecordLabel 1 references (Tuples.res:43:49) [0] + Live Value +Tuples.+coord2d: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Tuples.+computeAreaNoConverters: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Tuples.+computeAreaWithIdent: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Tuples.+computeArea: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Tuples.+origin: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Tuples.+testTuple: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +TypeParams1.+exportSomething: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +TypeParams2.+exportSomething: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TypeParams3.+test2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +TypeParams3.+test: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +Types.ObjectId.+x: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+optFunction: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+i64Const: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+currentTime: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+testInstantiateTypeParameter: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+setMatch: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+testMarshalFields: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+testConvertNull: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Types.record.s: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Types.record.i: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+jsonStringify: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+jsString2T: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+jsStringT: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Types.opaqueVariant.B: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Types.opaqueVariant.A: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+testFunctionOnOptionsAsArgument: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+mutuallyRecursiveConverter: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+selfRecursiveConverter: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Types.mutuallyRecursiveB.a: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Types.mutuallyRecursiveA.b: 1 references (Types.res:49:34) [0] + Live RecordLabel +Types.selfRecursive.self: 1 references (Types.res:42:30) [0] + Live Value +Types.+swap: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Types.typeWithVars.B: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Types.typeWithVars.A: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+map: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Types.+someIntList: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Unboxed.+r2Test: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Unboxed.r2.B.g: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Unboxed.r2.B: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +Unboxed.r1.x: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Unboxed.+testV1: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Unboxed.v2.A: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Unboxed.v1.A: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Uncurried.+sumLblCurried: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Uncurried.+sumCurried: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Uncurried.+sumU2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Uncurried.+sumU: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Uncurried.+callback2U: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Uncurried.+callback2: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +Uncurried.authU.loginU: 1 references (Uncurried.res:38:25) [0] + Live RecordLabel +Uncurried.auth.login: 1 references (Uncurried.res:35:24) [0] + Live Value +Uncurried.+callback: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Uncurried.+curried3: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Uncurried.+uncurried3: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Uncurried.+uncurried2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Uncurried.+uncurried1: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Uncurried.+uncurried0: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Unison.+toString: 3 references (Unison.res:37:0, Unison.res:38:0, Unison.res:39:0) [0] + Live Value +Unison.+fits: 1 references (Unison.res:26:8) [0] + Live Value +Unison.+group: 2 references (Unison.res:38:25, Unison.res:39:25) [0] + Live VariantCase +Unison.stack.Cons: 2 references (Unison.res:38:20, Unison.res:39:20) [0] + Live VariantCase +Unison.stack.Empty: 3 references (Unison.res:37:20, Unison.res:38:53, Unison.res:39:52) [0] + Live RecordLabel +Unison.t.doc: 2 references (Unison.res:23:9, Unison.res:28:9) [0] + Live RecordLabel +Unison.t.break: 1 references (Unison.res:28:9) [0] + Live VariantCase +Unison.break.Always: 1 references (Unison.res:39:38) [0] + Live VariantCase +Unison.break.Never: 1 references (Unison.res:38:38) [0] + Live VariantCase +Unison.break.IfNeed: 1 references (Unison.res:17:20) [0] + Live Value +UseImportJsValue.+useTypeImportedInOtherModule: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +UseImportJsValue.+useGetProp: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+restResult3: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+restResult2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+restResult1: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Variants.result1.Error: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Variants.result1.Ok: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+polyWithOpt: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +Variants.type_.Type: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+id2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+id1: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+testConvert2to3: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+testConvert3: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+testConvert2: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+fortytwoBAD: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+fortytwoOK: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+testConvert: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+swap: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+onlySunday: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+sunday: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+saturday: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+monday: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +Variants.+isWeekend: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+testVariant1Object: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variant1Object.R: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+testVariant1Int: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variant1Int.R: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+printVariantWithPayloads: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+testVariantWithPayloads: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads.E: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads.D: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads.C: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads.B: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.variantWithPayloads.A: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+testSimpleVariant: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.simpleVariant.C: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.simpleVariant.B: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +VariantsWithPayload.simpleVariant.A: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+printManyPayloads: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+testManyPayloads: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+printVariantWithPayload: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +VariantsWithPayload.+testWithPayload: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +VariantsWithPayload.payload.y: 2 references (VariantsWithPayload.res:26:74, VariantsWithPayload.res:44:72) [0] + Live RecordLabel +VariantsWithPayload.payload.x: 2 references (VariantsWithPayload.res:26:57, VariantsWithPayload.res:44:55) [0] + Live Value +DeadExn.+eInside: 1 references (DeadExn.res:12:7) [0] + Dead Value +DeadExn.+eToplevel: 0 references () [0] + Dead Exception +DeadExn.DeadE: 0 references () [0] + Live Exception +DeadExn.Inside.Einside: 1 references (DeadExn.res:10:14) [0] + Live Exception +DeadExn.Etoplevel: 1 references (DeadExn.res:8:16) [0] + Live RecordLabel +DeadTypeTest.record.z: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +DeadTypeTest.record.y: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +DeadTypeTest.record.x: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTypeTest.+_: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadTypeTest.+_: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +DeadTypeTest.deadType.InNeither: 0 references () [0] + Live VariantCase +DeadTypeTest.deadType.OnlyInInterface: 1 references (DeadTypeTest.resi:8:2) [0] + Dead Value +DeadTypeTest.+a: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +DeadTypeTest.t.B: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value DeadValueTest.+valueDead: 0 references () [0] + Live Value DeadValueTest.+valueAlive: 1 references (DeadTest.res:73:16) [0] + Live RecordLabel +DynamicallyLoadedComponent.props.s: 1 references (_none_:1:-1) [0] + Live Value +DynamicallyLoadedComponent.+make: 1 references (DeadTest.res:110:17) [0] + Dead Value ErrorHandler.+x: 0 references () [0] + Live Value ErrorHandler.Make.+notify: 1 references (CreateErrorHandler1.res:8:0) [0] + Dead Value +FirstClassModulesInterface.+r: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +FirstClassModulesInterface.record.y: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +FirstClassModulesInterface.record.x: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+eq: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+eqU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+cmp: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+cmpU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+some2: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+some2U: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+every2: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+every2U: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+every: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+everyU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+some: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+someU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reduceReverse2: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reduceReverse2U: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reduceReverse: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reduceReverseU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reduce: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reduceU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+partition: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+partitionU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+mapWithIndex: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+mapWithIndexU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+forEachWithIndex: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+forEachWithIndexU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+keepMap: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+keepMapU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+keepWithIndex: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+keepWithIndexU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+map: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+mapU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+forEach: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+forEachU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+copy: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+sliceToEnd: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+slice: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+concatMany: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+concat: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+unzip: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+zipBy: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+zipByU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+zip: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+makeByAndShuffle: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+makeByAndShuffleU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+makeBy: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+makeByU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+rangeBy: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+range: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+make: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+makeUninitializedUnsafe: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+makeUninitialized: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+reverse: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+shuffle: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+getUndefined: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+getUnsafe: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+getExn: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+get: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+size: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+length: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value ImmutableArray.+toArray: 0 references () [0] + Live Value ImmutableArray.+fromArray: 1 references (DeadTest.res:1:15) [0] + Live Value ImmutableArray.Array.+get: 1 references (TestImmutableArray.res:2:4) [0] + Live RecordLabel +ImportHookDefault.props.renderMe: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +ImportHookDefault.props.children: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +ImportHookDefault.props.person: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportHookDefault.+make: 1 references (Hooks.res:17:5) [0] + Dead RecordLabel +ImportHookDefault.person.age: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportHooks.+foo: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +ImportHooks.props.renderMe: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +ImportHooks.props.children: 0 references () [0] + Live RecordLabel +ImportHooks.props.person: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportHooks.+make: 1 references (Hooks.res:14:5) [0] + Dead RecordLabel +ImportHooks.person.age: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+default: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+polymorphic: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+convertVariant: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +ImportJsValue.variant.S: 0 references () [0] + Dead VariantCase +ImportJsValue.variant.I: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+returnedFromHigherOrder: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+higherOrder: 1 references (ImportJsValue.res:64:4) [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+useColor: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+useGetAbs: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+useGetProp: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.AbsoluteValue.+getAbs: 1 references (ImportJsValue.res:50:4) [1] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.AbsoluteValue.+getAbs: 1 references (ImportJsValue.res:40:6) [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+areaValue: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+roundedNumber: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+returnMixedArray: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+area: 1 references (ImportJsValue.res:30:4) [0] + Dead RecordLabel +ImportJsValue.point.y: 0 references () [0] + Dead RecordLabel +ImportJsValue.point.x: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImportJsValue.+round: 1 references (ImportJsValue.res:27:4) [0] + Live Value +NestedModulesInSignature.Universe.+theAnswer: 1 references (NestedModulesInSignature.resi:2:2) [0] + Live Value OptArg.+bar: 1 references (TestOptArg.res:1:7) [0] + Dead Value OptArg.+foo: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadValueTest.+tail: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadValueTest.+subList: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadValueTest.+valueOnlyInImplementation: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +DeadValueTest.+valueDead: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +DeadValueTest.+valueAlive: 1 references (DeadValueTest.resi:1:0) [0] + Dead Value +ErrorHandler.+x: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ErrorHandler.Make.+notify: 1 references (ErrorHandler.resi:7:2) [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+eq: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+eqU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+cmp: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+cmpU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+some2: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+some2U: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+every2: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+every2U: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+every: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+everyU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+some: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+someU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reduceReverse2: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reduceReverse2U: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reduceReverse: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reduceReverseU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reduce: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reduceU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+partition: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+partitionU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+mapWithIndex: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+mapWithIndexU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+forEachWithIndex: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+forEachWithIndexU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+keepMap: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+keepMapU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+keepWithIndex: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+keepWithIndexU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+map: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+mapU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+forEach: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+forEachU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+copy: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+sliceToEnd: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+slice: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+concatMany: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+concat: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+unzip: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+zipBy: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+zipByU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+zip: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+makeByAndShuffle: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+makeByAndShuffleU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+makeBy: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+makeByU: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+rangeBy: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+range: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+make: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+makeUninitializedUnsafe: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+makeUninitialized: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+reverse: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+shuffle: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+getUndefined: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+getUnsafe: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+getExn: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImmutableArray.+get: 1 references (ImmutableArray.resi:6:2) [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+size: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+length: 0 references () [0] + Dead Value +ImmutableArray.+toArray: 0 references () [0] + Live Value +ImmutableArray.+fromArray: 1 references (ImmutableArray.resi:9:0) [0] + Live Value +OptArg.+wrapfourArgs: 2 references (OptArg.res:28:7, OptArg.res:29:7) [0] + Live Value +OptArg.+fourArgs: 1 references (OptArg.res:26:4) [0] + Live Value +OptArg.+wrapOneArg: 1 references (OptArg.res:22:7) [0] + Live Value +OptArg.+oneArg: 1 references (OptArg.res:20:4) [0] + Live Value +OptArg.+twoArgs: 1 references (OptArg.res:16:12) [0] + Live Value +OptArg.+threeArgs: 2 references (OptArg.res:11:7, OptArg.res:12:7) [0] + Live Value +OptArg.+bar: 2 references (OptArg.res:7:7, OptArg.resi:2:0) [0] + Live Value +OptArg.+foo: 1 references (OptArg.res:5:7) [0] + + Incorrect Dead Annotation + DeadTest.res:153:1-28 + deadIncorrect is annotated @dead but is live + + Warning Unused Argument + TestOptArg.res:9:1-65 + optional argument x of function notSuppressesOptArgs is never used + + Warning Unused Argument + TestOptArg.res:9:1-65 + optional argument y of function notSuppressesOptArgs is never used + + Warning Unused Argument + TestOptArg.res:9:1-65 + optional argument z of function notSuppressesOptArgs is never used + + Warning Redundant Optional Argument + TestOptArg.res:3:1-28 + optional argument x of function foo is always supplied (1 calls) + + Warning Redundant Optional Argument + Unison.res:17:1-60 + optional argument break of function group is always supplied (2 calls) + + Warning Unused Argument + OptArg.resi:2:1-50 + optional argument x of function bar is never used + + Warning Redundant Optional Argument + OptArg.res:26:1-70 + optional argument c of function wrapfourArgs is always supplied (2 calls) + + Warning Unused Argument + OptArg.res:24:1-63 + optional argument d of function fourArgs is never used + + Warning Redundant Optional Argument + OptArg.res:20:1-51 + optional argument a of function wrapOneArg is always supplied (1 calls) + + Warning Unused Argument + OptArg.res:14:1-42 + optional argument a of function twoArgs is never used + + Warning Unused Argument + OptArg.res:14:1-42 + optional argument b of function twoArgs is never used + + Warning Unused Argument + OptArg.res:9:1-54 + optional argument b of function threeArgs is never used + + Warning Redundant Optional Argument + OptArg.res:9:1-54 + optional argument a of function threeArgs is always supplied (2 calls) + + Warning Unused Argument + OptArg.res:3:1-38 + optional argument x of function bar is never used + + Warning Unused Argument + OptArg.res:1:1-48 + optional argument y of function foo is never used + + Warning Unused Argument + OptArg.res:1:1-48 + optional argument z of function foo is never used + + Warning Dead Module + AutoAnnotate.res:0:1 + AutoAnnotate is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Type + AutoAnnotate.res:1:16-21 + variant.R is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 1 + type variant = | @dead("variant.R") R(int) + + Warning Dead Type + AutoAnnotate.res:4:16-31 + record.variant is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 4 + type record = {@dead("record.variant") variant: variant} + + Warning Dead Type + AutoAnnotate.res:6:12-18 + r2.r2 is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 6 + type r2 = {@dead("r2.r2") r2: int} + + Warning Dead Type + AutoAnnotate.res:8:12-18 + r3.r3 is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 8 + type r3 = {@dead("r3.r3") r3: int} + + Warning Dead Type + AutoAnnotate.res:10:12-18 + r4.r4 is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 10 + type r4 = {@dead("r4.r4") r4: int} + + Warning Dead Type + AutoAnnotate.res:14:3-14 + annotatedVariant.R2 is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 14 + | @dead("annotatedVariant.R2") R2(r2, r3) + + Warning Dead Type + AutoAnnotate.res:15:5-10 + annotatedVariant.R4 is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 15 + | @dead("annotatedVariant.R4") R4(r4) + + Warning Dead Module + BucklescriptAnnotations.res:0:1 + BucklescriptAnnotations is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Value + BucklescriptAnnotations.res:25:1-70 + bar is never used + <-- line 25 + @dead("bar") let bar = (x: someMethods) => { + + Warning Dead Exception + DeadExn.res:7:1-15 + DeadE is never raised or passed as value + <-- line 7 + @dead("DeadE") exception DeadE + + Warning Dead Value + DeadExn.res:8:1-25 + eToplevel is never used + <-- line 8 + @dead("eToplevel") let eToplevel = Etoplevel + + Warning Dead Value + DeadRT.res:5:1-116 + emitModuleAccessPath is never used + <-- line 5 + @dead("emitModuleAccessPath") let rec emitModuleAccessPath = moduleAccessPath => + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:2:1-17 + fortytwo is never used + <-- line 2 + @dead("fortytwo") let fortytwo = 42 + + Warning Dead Module + DeadTest.res:27:8-97 + DeadTest.M is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:31:3-34 + M.thisSignatureItemIsDead is never used + <-- line 31 + @dead("M.thisSignatureItemIsDead") let thisSignatureItemIsDead = 34 + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:61:3-12 + MM.y is never used + <-- line 61 + @dead("MM.y") let y: int + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:65:3-35 + MM.valueOnlyInImplementation is never used + <-- line 65 + @dead("MM.valueOnlyInImplementation") let valueOnlyInImplementation = 7 + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:75:1-37 + unusedRec is never used + <-- line 75 + @dead("unusedRec") let rec unusedRec = () => unusedRec() + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:77:1-60 + split_map is never used + <-- line 77 + @dead("split_map") let rec split_map = l => { + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:82:1-27 + rec1 is never used + <-- line 82 + @dead("rec1") let rec rec1 = () => rec2() + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:83:1-23 + rec2 is never used + <-- line 83 + @dead("rec2") and rec2 = () => rec1() + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:85:1-77 + recWithCallback is never used + <-- line 85 + @dead("recWithCallback") let rec recWithCallback = () => { + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:90:1-53 + foo is never used + <-- line 90 + @dead("foo") let rec foo = () => { + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:94:1-21 + bar is never used + <-- line 94 + @dead("bar") and bar = () => foo() + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:96:1-71 + withDefaultValue is never used + <-- line 96 + @dead("withDefaultValue") let withDefaultValue = (~paramWithDefault=3, y) => paramWithDefault + y + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:104:1-52 + zzz is never used + <-- line 104 + @dead("zzz") let zzz = { + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:112:1-14 + second is never used + <-- line 112 + @dead("second") let second = 1 + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTest.res:114:1-21 + deadRef is never used + <-- line 114 + @dead("deadRef") let deadRef = ref(12) + + Warning Dead Value With Side Effects + DeadTest.res:121:1-40 + theSideEffectIsLogging is never used and could have side effects + + Warning Dead Value With Side Effects + DeadTest.res:123:1-54 + stringLengthNoSideEffects is never used and could have side effects + + Warning Dead Type + DeadTest.res:151:12-17 + rc.a is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 151 + type rc = {@dead("rc.a") a: int} + + Warning Dead Type + DeadTest.res:158:25-30 + inlineRecord.IR.a is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 158 + type inlineRecord = IR({@dead("inlineRecord.IR.a") a: int, b: int, c: string, @dead d: int, @live e: int}) + + Warning Dead Module + DeadTestBlacklist.res:0:1 + DeadTestBlacklist is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTestBlacklist.res:1:1-10 + x is never used + <-- line 1 + @dead("x") let x = 34 + + Warning Dead Module + DeadTestWithInterface.res:1:8-54 + DeadTestWithInterface.Ext_buffer is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTestWithInterface.res:2:3-12 + Ext_buffer.x is never used + <-- line 2 + @dead("Ext_buffer.x") let x: int + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTestWithInterface.res:4:3-12 + Ext_buffer.x is never used + <-- line 4 + @dead("Ext_buffer.x") let x = 42 + + Warning Dead Type + DeadTypeTest.res:3:5 + t.B is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 3 + | @dead("t.B") B + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTypeTest.res:4:1-9 + a is never used + <-- line 4 + @dead("a") let a = A + + Warning Dead Type + DeadTypeTest.res:10:5-13 + deadType.InNeither is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 10 + | @dead("deadType.InNeither") InNeither + + Warning Dead Type + DeadTypeTest.resi:3:5 + t.B is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 3 + | @dead("t.B") B + + Warning Dead Value + DeadTypeTest.resi:4:1-8 + a is never used + <-- line 4 + @dead("a") let a: t + + Warning Dead Type + DeadTypeTest.resi:10:5-13 + deadType.InNeither is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 10 + | @dead("deadType.InNeither") InNeither + + Warning Dead Value + DeadValueTest.res:2:1-17 + valueDead is never used + <-- line 2 + @dead("valueDead") let valueDead = 2 + + Warning Dead Value + DeadValueTest.res:4:1-33 + valueOnlyInImplementation is never used + <-- line 4 + @dead("valueOnlyInImplementation") let valueOnlyInImplementation = 3 + + Warning Dead Value + DeadValueTest.res:6:1-260 + subList is never used + <-- line 6 + @dead("subList") let rec subList = (b, e, l) => + + Warning Dead Value + DeadValueTest.resi:2:1-18 + valueDead is never used + <-- line 2 + @dead("valueDead") let valueDead: int + + Warning Dead Type + Docstrings.res:61:5 + t.B is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 61 + | @dead("t.B") B + + Warning Dead Module + ErrorHandler.res:0:1 + ErrorHandler is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Value + ErrorHandler.res:11:1-19 + x is never used + <-- line 12 + @dead("x") @genType + + Warning Dead Module + ErrorHandler.resi:0:1 + ErrorHandler is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Value + ErrorHandler.resi:10:1-10 + x is never used + <-- line 10 + @dead("x") let x: int + + Warning Dead Module + EverythingLiveHere.res:0:1 + EverythingLiveHere is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Value + EverythingLiveHere.res:1:1-9 + x is never used + <-- line 1 + @dead("x") let x = 1 + + Warning Dead Value + EverythingLiveHere.res:3:1-9 + y is never used + <-- line 3 + @dead("y") let y = 3 + + Warning Dead Value + EverythingLiveHere.res:5:1-9 + z is never used + <-- line 5 + @dead("z") let z = 4 + + Warning Dead Module + FirstClassModulesInterface.res:0:1 + FirstClassModulesInterface is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Type + FirstClassModulesInterface.res:2:3-8 + record.x is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 2 + @dead("record.x") x: int, + + Warning Dead Type + FirstClassModulesInterface.res:3:3-11 + record.y is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 3 + @dead("record.y") y: string, + + Warning Dead Value + FirstClassModulesInterface.res:6:1-26 + r is never used + <-- line 6 + @dead("r") let r = {x: 3, y: "hello"} + + Warning Dead Module + FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:0:1 + FirstClassModulesInterface is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Type + FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:3:3-8 + record.x is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 3 + @dead("record.x") x: int, + + Warning Dead Type + FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:4:3-11 + record.y is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 4 + @dead("record.y") y: string, + + Warning Dead Value + FirstClassModulesInterface.resi:7:1-13 + r is never used + <-- line 7 + @dead("r") let r: record + + Warning Dead Type + Hooks.res:50:11-19 + r.x is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 50 + type r = {@dead("r.x") x: string} + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:16:3-41 + toArray is never used + <-- line 16 + @dead("toArray") let toArray = a => Array.copy(a->fromT) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:20:3-42 + length is never used + <-- line 20 + @dead("length") let length = a => Array.length(a->fromT) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:22:3-38 + size is never used + <-- line 22 + @dead("size") let size = a => Array.size(a->fromT) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:26:3-50 + getExn is never used + <-- line 26 + @dead("getExn") let getExn = (a, x) => Array.getExn(a->fromT, x) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:28:3-56 + getUnsafe is never used + <-- line 28 + @dead("getUnsafe") let getUnsafe = (a, x) => Array.getUnsafe(a->fromT, x) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:30:3-62 + getUndefined is never used + <-- line 30 + @dead("getUndefined") let getUndefined = (a, x) => Array.getUndefined(a->fromT, x) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:32:3-49 + shuffle is never used + <-- line 32 + @dead("shuffle") let shuffle = x => Array.shuffle(x->fromT)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:34:3-49 + reverse is never used + <-- line 34 + @dead("reverse") let reverse = x => Array.reverse(x->fromT)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:36:3-62 + makeUninitialized is never used + <-- line 36 + @dead("makeUninitialized") let makeUninitialized = x => Array.makeUninitialized(x)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:38:3-74 + makeUninitializedUnsafe is never used + <-- line 38 + @dead("makeUninitializedUnsafe") let makeUninitializedUnsafe = x => Array.makeUninitializedUnsafe(x)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:40:3-44 + make is never used + <-- line 40 + @dead("make") let make = (x, y) => Array.make(x, y)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:42:3-46 + range is never used + <-- line 42 + @dead("range") let range = (x, y) => Array.range(x, y)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:44:3-64 + rangeBy is never used + <-- line 44 + @dead("rangeBy") let rangeBy = (x, y, ~step) => Array.rangeBy(x, y, ~step)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:46:3-50 + makeByU is never used + <-- line 46 + @dead("makeByU") let makeByU = (c, f) => Array.makeByU(c, f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:47:3-48 + makeBy is never used + <-- line 47 + @dead("makeBy") let makeBy = (c, f) => Array.makeBy(c, f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:49:3-70 + makeByAndShuffleU is never used + <-- line 49 + @dead("makeByAndShuffleU") let makeByAndShuffleU = (c, f) => Array.makeByAndShuffleU(c, f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:50:3-68 + makeByAndShuffle is never used + <-- line 50 + @dead("makeByAndShuffle") let makeByAndShuffle = (c, f) => Array.makeByAndShuffle(c, f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:52:3-61 + zip is never used + <-- line 52 + @dead("zip") let zip = (a1, a2) =>, fromT(a2))->toTp + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:54:3-72 + zipByU is never used + <-- line 54 + @dead("zipByU") let zipByU = (a1, a2, f) => Array.zipByU(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:55:3-70 + zipBy is never used + <-- line 55 + @dead("zipBy") let zipBy = (a1, a2, f) => Array.zipBy(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:57:3-47 + unzip is never used + <-- line 57 + @dead("unzip") let unzip = a => Array.unzip(a->fromTp)->toT2 + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:59:3-66 + concat is never used + <-- line 59 + @dead("concat") let concat = (a1, a2) => Array.concat(a1->fromT, a2->fromT)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:61:3-67 + concatMany is never used + <-- line 61 + @dead("concatMany") let concatMany = (a: t>) => Array.concatMany(a->fromTT)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:63:3-77 + slice is never used + <-- line 63 + @dead("slice") let slice = (a, ~offset, ~len) => Array.slice(a->fromT, ~offset, ~len)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:65:3-63 + sliceToEnd is never used + <-- line 65 + @dead("sliceToEnd") let sliceToEnd = (a, b) => Array.sliceToEnd(a->fromT, b)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:67:3-43 + copy is never used + <-- line 67 + @dead("copy") let copy = a => Array.copy(a->fromT)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:69:3-54 + forEachU is never used + <-- line 69 + @dead("forEachU") let forEachU = (a, f) => Array.forEachU(a->fromT, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:70:3-52 + forEach is never used + <-- line 70 + @dead("forEach") let forEach = (a, f) => Array.forEach(a->fromT, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:72:3-51 + mapU is never used + <-- line 72 + @dead("mapU") let mapU = (a, f) => Array.mapU(a->fromT, f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:73:3-49 + map is never used + <-- line 73 + @dead("map") let map = (a, f) =>>fromT, f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:75:3-71 + keepWithIndexU is never used + <-- line 75 + @dead("keepWithIndexU") let keepWithIndexU = (a, f) => Array.keepWithIndexU(a->fromT, f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:76:3-69 + keepWithIndex is never used + <-- line 76 + @dead("keepWithIndex") let keepWithIndex = (a, f) => Array.keepWithIndex(a->fromT, f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:78:3-59 + keepMapU is never used + <-- line 78 + @dead("keepMapU") let keepMapU = (a, f) => Array.keepMapU(a->fromT, f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:79:3-57 + keepMap is never used + <-- line 79 + @dead("keepMap") let keepMap = (a, f) => Array.keepMap(a->fromT, f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:81:3-72 + forEachWithIndexU is never used + <-- line 81 + @dead("forEachWithIndexU") let forEachWithIndexU = (a, f) => Array.forEachWithIndexU(a->fromT, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:82:3-70 + forEachWithIndex is never used + <-- line 82 + @dead("forEachWithIndex") let forEachWithIndex = (a, f) => Array.forEachWithIndex(a->fromT, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:84:3-69 + mapWithIndexU is never used + <-- line 84 + @dead("mapWithIndexU") let mapWithIndexU = (a, f) => Array.mapWithIndexU(a->fromT, f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:85:3-67 + mapWithIndex is never used + <-- line 85 + @dead("mapWithIndex") let mapWithIndex = (a, f) => Array.mapWithIndex(a->fromT, f)->toT + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:87:3-64 + partitionU is never used + <-- line 87 + @dead("partitionU") let partitionU = (a, f) => Array.partitionU(a->fromT, f)->toT2 + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:88:3-62 + partition is never used + <-- line 88 + @dead("partition") let partition = (a, f) => Array.partition(a->fromT, f)->toT2 + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:90:3-58 + reduceU is never used + <-- line 90 + @dead("reduceU") let reduceU = (a, b, f) => Array.reduceU(a->fromT, b, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:91:3-56 + reduce is never used + <-- line 91 + @dead("reduce") let reduce = (a, b, f) => Array.reduce(a->fromT, b, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:93:3-72 + reduceReverseU is never used + <-- line 93 + @dead("reduceReverseU") let reduceReverseU = (a, b, f) => Array.reduceReverseU(a->fromT, b, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:94:3-70 + reduceReverse is never used + <-- line 94 + @dead("reduceReverse") let reduceReverse = (a, b, f) => Array.reduceReverse(a->fromT, b, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:96:3-91 + reduceReverse2U is never used + <-- line 96 + @dead("reduceReverse2U") let reduceReverse2U = (a1, a2, c, f) => Array.reduceReverse2U(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), c, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:97:3-89 + reduceReverse2 is never used + <-- line 97 + @dead("reduceReverse2") let reduceReverse2 = (a1, a2, c, f) => Array.reduceReverse2(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), c, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:99:3-48 + someU is never used + <-- line 99 + @dead("someU") let someU = (a, f) => Array.someU(a->fromT, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:100:3-46 + some is never used + <-- line 100 + @dead("some") let some = (a, f) => Array.some(a->fromT, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:102:3-50 + everyU is never used + <-- line 102 + @dead("everyU") let everyU = (a, f) => Array.everyU(a->fromT, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:103:3-48 + every is never used + <-- line 103 + @dead("every") let every = (a, f) => Array.every(a->fromT, f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:105:3-69 + every2U is never used + <-- line 105 + @dead("every2U") let every2U = (a1, a2, f) => Array.every2U(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:106:3-67 + every2 is never used + <-- line 106 + @dead("every2") let every2 = (a1, a2, f) => Array.every2(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:108:3-67 + some2U is never used + <-- line 108 + @dead("some2U") let some2U = (a1, a2, f) => Array.some2U(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:109:3-65 + some2 is never used + <-- line 109 + @dead("some2") let some2 = (a1, a2, f) => Array.some2(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:111:3-63 + cmpU is never used + <-- line 111 + @dead("cmpU") let cmpU = (a1, a2, f) => Array.cmpU(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:112:3-61 + cmp is never used + <-- line 112 + @dead("cmp") let cmp = (a1, a2, f) => Array.cmp(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:114:3-61 + eqU is never used + <-- line 114 + @dead("eqU") let eqU = (a1, a2, f) => Array.eqU(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.res:115:3-59 + eq is never used + <-- line 115 + @dead("eq") let eq = (a1, a2, f) => Array.eq(fromT(a1), fromT(a2), f) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:12:1-31 + toArray is never used + <-- line 12 + @dead("toArray") let toArray: t<'a> => array<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:14:1-107 + length is never used + <-- line 14 + @dead("length") @ocaml.doc(" Subset of the Belt.Array oprerations that do not mutate the array. ") + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:17:1-22 + size is never used + <-- line 17 + @dead("size") let size: t<'a> => int + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:19:1-35 + get is never used + <-- line 19 + @dead("get") let get: (t<'a>, int) => option<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:21:1-30 + getExn is never used + <-- line 21 + @dead("getExn") let getExn: (t<'a>, int) => 'a + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:23:1-33 + getUnsafe is never used + <-- line 23 + @dead("getUnsafe") let getUnsafe: (t<'a>, int) => 'a + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:25:1-50 + getUndefined is never used + <-- line 25 + @dead("getUndefined") let getUndefined: (t<'a>, int) => Js.undefined<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:27:1-27 + shuffle is never used + <-- line 27 + @dead("shuffle") let shuffle: t<'a> => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:29:1-27 + reverse is never used + <-- line 29 + @dead("reverse") let reverse: t<'a> => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:31:1-49 + makeUninitialized is never used + <-- line 31 + @dead("makeUninitialized") let makeUninitialized: int => t> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:33:1-41 + makeUninitializedUnsafe is never used + <-- line 33 + @dead("makeUninitializedUnsafe") let makeUninitializedUnsafe: int => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:35:1-28 + make is never used + <-- line 35 + @dead("make") let make: (int, 'a) => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:37:1-31 + range is never used + <-- line 37 + @dead("range") let range: (int, int) => t + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:39:1-45 + rangeBy is never used + <-- line 39 + @dead("rangeBy") let rangeBy: (int, int, ~step: int) => t + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:41:1-42 + makeByU is never used + <-- line 41 + @dead("makeByU") let makeByU: (int, (. int) => 'a) => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:42:1-37 + makeBy is never used + <-- line 42 + @dead("makeBy") let makeBy: (int, int => 'a) => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:44:1-52 + makeByAndShuffleU is never used + <-- line 44 + @dead("makeByAndShuffleU") let makeByAndShuffleU: (int, (. int) => 'a) => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:45:1-47 + makeByAndShuffle is never used + <-- line 45 + @dead("makeByAndShuffle") let makeByAndShuffle: (int, int => 'a) => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:47:1-38 + zip is never used + <-- line 47 + @dead("zip") let zip: (t<'a>, t<'b>) => t<('a, 'b)> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:49:1-53 + zipByU is never used + <-- line 49 + @dead("zipByU") let zipByU: (t<'a>, t<'b>, (. 'a, 'b) => 'c) => t<'c> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:50:1-50 + zipBy is never used + <-- line 50 + @dead("zipBy") let zipBy: (t<'a>, t<'b>, ('a, 'b) => 'c) => t<'c> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:52:1-40 + unzip is never used + <-- line 52 + @dead("unzip") let unzip: t<('a, 'a)> => (t<'a>, t<'a>) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:54:1-35 + concat is never used + <-- line 54 + @dead("concat") let concat: (t<'a>, t<'a>) => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:56:1-33 + concatMany is never used + <-- line 56 + @dead("concatMany") let concatMany: t> => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:58:1-52 + slice is never used + <-- line 58 + @dead("slice") let slice: (t<'a>, ~offset: int, ~len: int) => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:60:1-37 + sliceToEnd is never used + <-- line 60 + @dead("sliceToEnd") let sliceToEnd: (t<'a>, int) => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:62:1-24 + copy is never used + <-- line 62 + @dead("copy") let copy: t<'a> => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:64:1-45 + forEachU is never used + <-- line 64 + @dead("forEachU") let forEachU: (t<'a>, (. 'a) => unit) => unit + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:65:1-40 + forEach is never used + <-- line 65 + @dead("forEach") let forEach: (t<'a>, 'a => unit) => unit + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:67:1-40 + mapU is never used + <-- line 67 + @dead("mapU") let mapU: (t<'a>, (. 'a) => 'b) => t<'b> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:68:1-35 + map is never used + <-- line 68 + @dead("map") let map: (t<'a>, 'a => 'b) => t<'b> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:70:1-57 + keepWithIndexU is never used + <-- line 70 + @dead("keepWithIndexU") let keepWithIndexU: (t<'a>, (. 'a, int) => bool) => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:71:1-54 + keepWithIndex is never used + <-- line 71 + @dead("keepWithIndex") let keepWithIndex: (t<'a>, ('a, int) => bool) => t<'a> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:73:1-52 + keepMapU is never used + <-- line 73 + @dead("keepMapU") let keepMapU: (t<'a>, (. 'a) => option<'b>) => t<'b> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:74:1-47 + keepMap is never used + <-- line 74 + @dead("keepMap") let keepMap: (t<'a>, 'a => option<'b>) => t<'b> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:76:1-59 + forEachWithIndexU is never used + <-- line 76 + @dead("forEachWithIndexU") let forEachWithIndexU: (t<'a>, (. int, 'a) => unit) => unit + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:77:1-56 + forEachWithIndex is never used + <-- line 77 + @dead("forEachWithIndex") let forEachWithIndex: (t<'a>, (int, 'a) => unit) => unit + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:79:1-54 + mapWithIndexU is never used + <-- line 79 + @dead("mapWithIndexU") let mapWithIndexU: (t<'a>, (. int, 'a) => 'b) => t<'b> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:80:1-51 + mapWithIndex is never used + <-- line 80 + @dead("mapWithIndex") let mapWithIndex: (t<'a>, (int, 'a) => 'b) => t<'b> + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:82:1-57 + partitionU is never used + <-- line 82 + @dead("partitionU") let partitionU: (t<'a>, (. 'a) => bool) => (t<'a>, t<'a>) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:83:1-52 + partition is never used + <-- line 83 + @dead("partition") let partition: (t<'a>, 'a => bool) => (t<'a>, t<'a>) + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:85:1-48 + reduceU is never used + <-- line 85 + @dead("reduceU") let reduceU: (t<'a>, 'b, (. 'b, 'a) => 'b) => 'b + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:86:1-45 + reduce is never used + <-- line 86 + @dead("reduce") let reduce: (t<'a>, 'b, ('b, 'a) => 'b) => 'b + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:88:1-55 + reduceReverseU is never used + <-- line 88 + @dead("reduceReverseU") let reduceReverseU: (t<'a>, 'b, (. 'b, 'a) => 'b) => 'b + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:89:1-52 + reduceReverse is never used + <-- line 89 + @dead("reduceReverse") let reduceReverse: (t<'a>, 'b, ('b, 'a) => 'b) => 'b + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:91:1-67 + reduceReverse2U is never used + <-- line 91 + @dead("reduceReverse2U") let reduceReverse2U: (t<'a>, t<'b>, 'c, (. 'c, 'a, 'b) => 'c) => 'c + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:92:1-64 + reduceReverse2 is never used + <-- line 92 + @dead("reduceReverse2") let reduceReverse2: (t<'a>, t<'b>, 'c, ('c, 'a, 'b) => 'c) => 'c + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:94:1-42 + someU is never used + <-- line 94 + @dead("someU") let someU: (t<'a>, (. 'a) => bool) => bool + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:95:1-37 + some is never used + <-- line 95 + @dead("some") let some: (t<'a>, 'a => bool) => bool + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:97:1-43 + everyU is never used + <-- line 97 + @dead("everyU") let everyU: (t<'a>, (. 'a) => bool) => bool + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:98:1-38 + every is never used + <-- line 98 + @dead("every") let every: (t<'a>, 'a => bool) => bool + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:100:1-55 + every2U is never used + <-- line 100 + @dead("every2U") let every2U: (t<'a>, t<'b>, (. 'a, 'b) => bool) => bool + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:101:1-52 + every2 is never used + <-- line 101 + @dead("every2") let every2: (t<'a>, t<'b>, ('a, 'b) => bool) => bool + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:103:1-54 + some2U is never used + <-- line 103 + @dead("some2U") let some2U: (t<'a>, t<'b>, (. 'a, 'b) => bool) => bool + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:104:1-51 + some2 is never used + <-- line 104 + @dead("some2") let some2: (t<'a>, t<'b>, ('a, 'b) => bool) => bool + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:106:1-50 + cmpU is never used + <-- line 106 + @dead("cmpU") let cmpU: (t<'a>, t<'a>, (. 'a, 'a) => int) => int + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:107:1-47 + cmp is never used + <-- line 107 + @dead("cmp") let cmp: (t<'a>, t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => int) => int + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:109:1-51 + eqU is never used + <-- line 109 + @dead("eqU") let eqU: (t<'a>, t<'a>, (. 'a, 'a) => bool) => bool + + Warning Dead Value + ImmutableArray.resi:110:1-48 + eq is never used + <-- line 110 + @dead("eq") let eq: (t<'a>, t<'a>, ('a, 'a) => bool) => bool + + Warning Dead Type + ImportHookDefault.res:2:3-14 + is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 2 + @dead("") name: string, + + Warning Dead Type + ImportHookDefault.res:3:3-10 + person.age is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 3 + @dead("person.age") age: int, + + Warning Dead Type + ImportHooks.res:3:3-14 + is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 3 + @dead("") name: string, + + Warning Dead Type + ImportHooks.res:4:3-10 + person.age is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 4 + @dead("person.age") age: int, + + Warning Dead Type + ImportJsValue.res:11:3-8 + point.x is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 11 + @dead("point.x") x: int, + + Warning Dead Type + ImportJsValue.res:12:3-16 + point.y is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 12 + @dead("point.y") y: option, + + Warning Dead Type + ImportJsValue.res:67:3-10 + variant.I is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 67 + | @dead("variant.I") I(int) + + Warning Dead Type + ImportJsValue.res:68:5-13 + variant.S is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 68 + | @dead("variant.S") S(string) + + Warning Dead Type + ImportMyBanner.res:5:17-28 + message.text is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 5 + type message = {@dead("message.text") text: string} + + Warning Dead Value + ImportMyBanner.res:12:1-15 + make is never used + <-- line 12 + @dead("make") let make = make + + Warning Dead Module + ModuleAliases.res:2:10-56 + ModuleAliases.Outer.Inner is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Type + ModuleAliases.res:3:20-32 + Outer.Inner.innerT.inner is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 3 + type innerT = {@dead("Outer.Inner.innerT.inner") inner: string} + + Warning Dead Module + ModuleAliases.res:10:12-61 + ModuleAliases.Outer2.Inner2.InnerNested is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Type + ModuleAliases.res:11:17-27 + Outer2.Inner2.InnerNested.t.nested is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 11 + type t = {@dead("Outer2.Inner2.InnerNested.t.nested") nested: int} + + Warning Dead Module + ModuleAliases2.res:0:1 + ModuleAliases2 is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Type + ModuleAliases2.res:3:3-8 + record.x is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 3 + @dead("record.x") x: int, + + Warning Dead Type + ModuleAliases2.res:4:3-11 + record.y is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 4 + @dead("record.y") y: string, + + Warning Dead Module + ModuleAliases2.res:7:8-130 + ModuleAliases2.Outer is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Type + ModuleAliases2.res:9:17-29 + Outer.outer.outer is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 9 + type outer = {@dead("Outer.outer.outer") outer: string} + + Warning Dead Module + ModuleAliases2.res:11:10-68 + ModuleAliases2.Outer.Inner is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Type + ModuleAliases2.res:13:19-31 + Outer.Inner.inner.inner is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 13 + type inner = {@dead("Outer.Inner.inner.inner") inner: string} + + Warning Dead Value + ModuleAliases2.res:21:1-10 + q is never used + <-- line 21 + @dead("q") let q = 42 + + Warning Dead Module + ModuleExceptionBug.res:1:8-52 + ModuleExceptionBug.Dep is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Value + ModuleExceptionBug.res:2:3-35 + Dep.customDouble is never used + <-- line 2 + @dead("Dep.customDouble") let customDouble = foo => foo * 2 + + Warning Dead Exception + ModuleExceptionBug.res:5:1-26 + MyOtherException is never raised or passed as value + <-- line 5 + @dead("MyOtherException") exception MyOtherException + + Warning Dead Value + NestedModules.res:8:3-22 + Universe.notExported is never used + <-- line 8 + @dead("Universe.notExported") let notExported = 33 + + Warning Dead Value + NestedModules.res:14:5-13 + Universe.Nested2.x is never used + <-- line 14 + @dead("Universe.Nested2.x") let x = 0 + + Warning Dead Value + NestedModules.res:19:5-13 + Universe.Nested2.y is never used + <-- line 19 + @dead("Universe.Nested2.y") let y = 2 + + Warning Dead Value + NestedModules.res:25:7-15 + Universe.Nested2.Nested3.x is never used + <-- line 25 + @dead("Universe.Nested2.Nested3.x") let x = 0 + + Warning Dead Value + NestedModules.res:26:7-15 + Universe.Nested2.Nested3.y is never used + <-- line 26 + @dead("Universe.Nested2.Nested3.y") let y = 1 + + Warning Dead Value + NestedModules.res:27:7-15 + Universe.Nested2.Nested3.z is never used + <-- line 27 + @dead("Universe.Nested2.Nested3.z") let z = 2 + + Warning Dead Value + NestedModules.res:28:7-15 + Universe.Nested2.Nested3.w is never used + <-- line 28 + @dead("Universe.Nested2.Nested3.w") let w = 3 + + Warning Dead Type + NestedModules.res:46:5-7 + Universe.variant.A is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 46 + | @dead("Universe.variant.A") A + + Warning Dead Type + NestedModules.res:47:7-15 + Universe.variant.B is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 47 + | @dead("Universe.variant.B") B(string) + + Warning Dead Module + Newsyntax.res:0:1 + Newsyntax is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Value + Newsyntax.res:1:1-10 + x is never used + <-- line 1 + @dead("x") let x = 34 + + Warning Dead Value + Newsyntax.res:3:1-10 + y is never used + <-- line 3 + @dead("y") let y = 11 + + Warning Dead Type + Newsyntax.res:6:3-10 + is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 6 + @dead("") xxx: int, + + Warning Dead Type + Newsyntax.res:7:3-10 + record.yyy is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 7 + @dead("record.yyy") yyy: int, + + Warning Dead Type + Newsyntax.res:10:16 + variant.A is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 10 + type variant = | @dead("variant.A") A | @dead("variant.B") B(int)|@dead("variant.C") C + + Warning Dead Type + Newsyntax.res:10:20-25 + variant.B is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 10 + type variant = | @dead("variant.A") A | @dead("variant.B") B(int)|@dead("variant.C") C + + Warning Dead Type + Newsyntax.res:10:26-27 + variant.C is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 10 + type variant = | @dead("variant.A") A | @dead("variant.B") B(int)|@dead("variant.C") C + + Warning Dead Type + Newsyntax.res:12:17-22 + record2.xx is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 12 + type record2 = {@dead("record2.xx") xx:int,@dead("record2.yy") yy:int} + + Warning Dead Type + Newsyntax.res:12:24-29 + record2.yy is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 12 + type record2 = {@dead("record2.xx") xx:int,@dead("record2.yy") yy:int} + + Warning Dead Type + Opaque.res:2:26-41 + opaqueFromRecords.A is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 2 + type opaqueFromRecords = | @dead("opaqueFromRecords.A") A(Records.coord) + + Warning Dead Value + OptArg.resi:1:1-54 + foo is never used + <-- line 1 + @dead("foo") let foo: (~x: int=?, ~y: int=?, ~z: int=?, int) => int + + Warning Dead Type + Records.res:24:3-14 + is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 24 + @dead("") name: string, + + Warning Dead Type + Records.res:25:3-10 + person.age is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 25 + @dead("person.age") age: int, + + Warning Dead Type + Records.res:31:3-14 + is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 31 + @dead("") name: string, + + Warning Dead Type + Records.res:60:3-10 + payload.num is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 60 + @dead("payload.num") num: int, + + Warning Dead Type + Records.res:70:3-8 + record.w is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 70 + @dead("record.w") w: int, + + Warning Dead Type + Records.res:90:3-14 + is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 90 + @dead("") name: string, + + Warning Dead Type + Records.res:91:3-30 + business2.owner is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 91 + @dead("business2.owner") owner: Js.Nullable.t, + + Warning Dead Type + References.res:39:28-33 + requiresConversion.x is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 39 + type requiresConversion = {@dead("requiresConversion.x") x: int} + + Warning Dead Type + RepeatedLabel.res:2:3-9 + userData.a is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 2 + @dead("userData.a") a: bool, + + Warning Dead Type + RepeatedLabel.res:3:3-8 + userData.b is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 3 + @dead("userData.b") b: int, + + Warning Dead Type + RepeatedLabel.res:9:3-11 + tabState.f is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 9 + @dead("tabState.f") f: string, + + Warning Dead Value + Shadow.res:11:3-22 + M.test is never used + <-- line 11 + @dead("M.test") let test = () => "a" + + Warning Dead Value + TestImmutableArray.res:12:1-54 + testBeltArrayGet is never used + <-- line 12 + @dead("testBeltArrayGet") let testBeltArrayGet = arr => { + + Warning Dead Value + TestImmutableArray.res:17:1-58 + testBeltArraySet is never used + <-- line 17 + @dead("testBeltArraySet") let testBeltArraySet = arr => { + + Warning Dead Value + TestImport.res:13:1-43 + innerStuffContents is never used + <-- line 13 + @dead("innerStuffContents") let innerStuffContents = innerStuffContents + + Warning Dead Type + TestImport.res:22:17-28 + message.text is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 22 + type message = {@dead("message.text") text: string} + + Warning Dead Value + TestImport.res:27:1-15 + make is never used + <-- line 27 + @dead("make") let make = make + + Warning Dead Type + TestPromise.res:6:3-8 + fromPayload.x is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 6 + @dead("fromPayload.x") x: int, + + Warning Dead Type + TestPromise.res:11:19-32 + toPayload.result is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 11 + type toPayload = {@dead("toPayload.result") result: string} + + Warning Dead Module + TransitiveType2.res:0:1 + TransitiveType2 is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Value + TransitiveType2.res:7:1-28 + convertT2 is never used + <-- line 7 + @dead("convertT2") let convertT2 = (x: t2) => x + + Warning Dead Type + TransitiveType3.res:3:3-8 + t3.i is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 3 + @dead("t3.i") i: int, + + Warning Dead Type + TransitiveType3.res:4:3-11 + t3.s is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 4 + @dead("t3.s") s: string, + + Warning Dead Module + TypeParams1.res:0:1 + TypeParams1 is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Value + TypeParams1.res:4:1-24 + exportSomething is never used + <-- line 4 + @dead("exportSomething") let exportSomething = 10 + + Warning Dead Module + TypeParams2.res:0:1 + TypeParams2 is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Type + TypeParams2.res:2:14-20 + is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 2 + type item = {@dead("") id: int} + + Warning Dead Value + TypeParams2.res:10:1-24 + exportSomething is never used + <-- line 10 + @dead("exportSomething") let exportSomething = 10 + + Warning Dead Type + Types.res:12:3-13 + typeWithVars.A is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 12 + | @dead("typeWithVars.A") A('x, 'y) + + Warning Dead Type + Types.res:13:5-9 + typeWithVars.B is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 13 + | @dead("typeWithVars.B") B('z) + + Warning Dead Type + Types.res:35:27-47 + mutuallyRecursiveB.a is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 35 + and mutuallyRecursiveB = {@dead("mutuallyRecursiveB.a") a: mutuallyRecursiveA} + + Warning Dead Type + Types.res:56:3-5 + opaqueVariant.A is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 56 + | @dead("opaqueVariant.A") A + + Warning Dead Type + Types.res:57:5 + opaqueVariant.B is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 57 + | @dead("opaqueVariant.B") B + + Warning Dead Type + Types.res:84:3-8 + record.i is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 84 + @dead("record.i") i: int, + + Warning Dead Type + Types.res:85:3-11 + record.s is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 85 + @dead("record.s") s: string, + + Warning Dead Type + Types.res:130:20-26 + is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 130 + type someRecord = {@dead("") id: int} + + Warning Dead Module + Types.res:158:8-79 + Types.ObjectId is a dead module as all its items are dead. + + Warning Dead Value + Types.res:163:3-11 + ObjectId.x is never used + <-- line 163 + @dead("ObjectId.x") let x = 1 + + Warning Dead Type + Unboxed.res:2:11-16 + v1.A is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 2 + type v1 = | @dead("v1.A") A(int) + + Warning Dead Type + Unboxed.res:5:11-16 + v2.A is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 5 + type v2 = | @dead("v2.A") A(int) + + Warning Dead Type + Unboxed.res:11:12-17 + r1.x is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 11 + type r1 = {@dead("r1.x") x: int} + + Warning Dead Type + Unboxed.res:14:11-24 + r2.B is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 14 + type r2 = | @dead("r2.B") B({@dead("r2.B.g") g: string}) + + Warning Dead Type + Unboxed.res:14:14-22 + r2.B.g is a record label never used to read a value + <-- line 14 + type r2 = | @dead("r2.B") B({@dead("r2.B.g") g: string}) + + Warning Dead Type + Variants.res:95:14-39 + type_.Type is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 95 + type type_ = | @dead("type_.Type")"type") Type + + Warning Dead Type + Variants.res:102:3-10 + result1.Ok is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 102 + | @dead("result1.Ok") Ok('a) + + Warning Dead Type + Variants.res:103:5-13 + result1.Error is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 103 + | @dead("result1.Error") Error('b) + + Warning Dead Type + VariantsWithPayload.res:49:3-5 + simpleVariant.A is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 49 + | @dead("simpleVariant.A") A + + Warning Dead Type + VariantsWithPayload.res:50:5 + simpleVariant.B is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 50 + | @dead("simpleVariant.B") B + + Warning Dead Type + VariantsWithPayload.res:51:5 + simpleVariant.C is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 51 + | @dead("simpleVariant.C") C + + Warning Dead Type + VariantsWithPayload.res:58:3-29 + variantWithPayloads.A is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 58 + | @dead("variantWithPayloads.A")"ARenamed") A + + Warning Dead Type + VariantsWithPayload.res:59:5-10 + variantWithPayloads.B is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 59 + | @dead("variantWithPayloads.B") B(int) + + Warning Dead Type + VariantsWithPayload.res:60:5-15 + variantWithPayloads.C is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 60 + | @dead("variantWithPayloads.C") C(int, int) + + Warning Dead Type + VariantsWithPayload.res:61:5-17 + variantWithPayloads.D is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 61 + | @dead("variantWithPayloads.D") D((int, int)) + + Warning Dead Type + VariantsWithPayload.res:62:5-23 + variantWithPayloads.E is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 62 + | @dead("variantWithPayloads.E") E(int, string, int) + + Warning Dead Type + VariantsWithPayload.res:90:20-25 + variant1Int.R is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 90 + type variant1Int = | @dead("variant1Int.R") R(int) + + Warning Dead Type + VariantsWithPayload.res:96:23-32 + variant1Object.R is a variant case which is never constructed + <-- line 96 + type variant1Object = | @dead("variant1Object.R") R(payload) + + Analysis reported 302 issues (Incorrect Dead Annotation:1, Warning Dead Exception:2, Warning Dead Module:21, Warning Dead Type:87, Warning Dead Value:173, Warning Dead Value With Side Effects:2, Warning Redundant Optional Argument:5, Warning Unused Argument:11) diff --git a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/exception.txt b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/exception.txt index e69de29bb2..4cdad9295c 100644 --- a/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/exception.txt +++ b/tests/analysis_tests/tests-reanalyze/deadcode/expected/exception.txt @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ + + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:1:5-10 + raises might raise Not_found (Exn.res:1:19) and is not annotated with @raises(Not_found) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:19:5-28 + callsRaiseWithAnnotation might raise Not_found (Exn.res:19:31) and is not annotated with @raises(Not_found) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:22:5-42 + callsRaiseWithAnnotationAndIsAnnotated might raise Not_found (Exn.res:22:45) and is not annotated with @raises(Not_found) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:22:5-42 + callsRaiseWithAnnotationAndIsAnnotated might raise Not_found (Exn.res:22:45) and is annotated with redundant @raises(A) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:24:5-19 + incompleteMatch might raise Match_failure (Exn.res:25:2) and is not annotated with @raises(Match_failure) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:32:5-13 + twoRaises might raise [A (Exn.res:34:4), B (Exn.res:37:4)] and is not annotated with @raises([A, B]) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:41:5-14 + sequencing might raise A (Exn.res:42:2) and is not annotated with @raises(A) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:48:5-14 + wrongCatch might raise B (Exn.res:49:6) and is not annotated with @raises(B) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:54:5-15 + wrongCatch2 might raise [C (Exn.res:55:24), Match_failure (Exn.res:55:2)] and is not annotated with @raises([C, Match_failure]) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:62:5-19 + raise2Annotate3 might raise [A (Exn.res:64:4), B (Exn.res:67:4)] and is annotated with redundant @raises(C) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:73:5-24 + parse_json_from_file might raise Error (Exn.res:76:4) and is not annotated with @raises(Error) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:82:5-11 + reRaise might raise B (Exn.res:84:19) and is not annotated with @raises(B) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:93:5-22 + raiseInInternalLet might raise A (Exn.res:94:14) and is not annotated with @raises(A) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:98:5-16 + indirectCall might raise Not_found (Exn.res:98:31) and is not annotated with @raises(Not_found) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:124:5-16 + severalCases might raise Failure (Exn.res:126:13 Exn.res:127:13 Exn.res:128:15) and is not annotated with @raises(Failure) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:136:5-23 + redundantAnnotation raises nothing and is annotated with redundant @raises(Invalid_argument) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:138:5-6 + _x might raise A (Exn.res:138:9) and is not annotated with @raises(A) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:140:5 + _ might raise A (Exn.res:140:8) and is not annotated with @raises(A) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:142:5-6 + () might raise A (Exn.res:142:9) and is not annotated with @raises(A) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:144:1-16 + Toplevel expression might raise Not_found (Exn.res:144:0) and is not annotated with @raises(Not_found) + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:154:45-46 + expression does not raise and is annotated with redundant @doesNotRaise + + Exception Analysis + Exn.res:154:5-21 + onResultPipeWrong might raise Assert_failure (Exn.res:154:48) and is not annotated with @raises(Assert_failure) + + Exception Analysis + ExnA.res:1:5-7 + bar might raise Not_found (ExnA.res:1:16) and is not annotated with @raises(Not_found) + + Analysis reported 23 issues (Exception Analysis:23) From 6e401c4a9ea16f7170a6312d5e1a48685aae9b90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christoph Knittel Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2025 12:07:45 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 10/13] Fix Gentype for real --- .../gentype/ | 28 ++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/compiler/gentype/ b/compiler/gentype/ index 551cc183c8..ca00856408 100644 --- a/compiler/gentype/ +++ b/compiler/gentype/ @@ -81,40 +81,42 @@ let translate_constr ~config ~params_translation ~(path : Path.t) ~type_env = | ( ( ["FB"; "string"] | ["string"] | ["String"; "t"] - | ["Stdlib_String"; "t"] + | ["Stdlib"; "String"; "t"] | ["Js"; ("String" | "String2"); "t"] ), [] ) -> {dependencies = []; type_ = string_t} - | ( (["Js"; "Types"; "bigint_val"] | ["BigInt"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_BigInt"; "t"]), + | ( ( ["Js"; "Types"; "bigint_val"] + | ["BigInt"; "t"] + | ["Stdlib"; "BigInt"; "t"] ), [] ) -> {dependencies = []; type_ = bigint_t} - | (["Js"; "Date"; "t"] | ["Date"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_Date"; "t"]), [] -> + | (["Js"; "Date"; "t"] | ["Date"; "t"] | ["Stdlib"; "Date"; "t"]), [] -> {dependencies = []; type_ = date_t} - | ( (["Map"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_Map"; "t"]), + | ( (["Map"; "t"] | ["Stdlib"; "Map"; "t"]), [param_translation1; param_translation2] ) -> { dependencies = param_translation1.dependencies @ param_translation2.dependencies; type_ = map_t (param_translation1.type_, param_translation2.type_); } - | ( (["WeakMap"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_WeakMap"; "t"]), + | ( (["WeakMap"; "t"] | ["Stdlib"; "WeakMap"; "t"]), [param_translation1; param_translation2] ) -> { dependencies = param_translation1.dependencies @ param_translation2.dependencies; type_ = weakmap_t (param_translation1.type_, param_translation2.type_); } - | (["Set"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_Set"; "t"]), [param_translation] -> + | (["Set"; "t"] | ["Stdlib"; "Set"; "t"]), [param_translation] -> { dependencies = param_translation.dependencies; type_ = set_t param_translation.type_; } - | (["WeakSet"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_WeakSet"; "t"]), [param_translation] -> + | (["WeakSet"; "t"] | ["Stdlib"; "WeakSet"; "t"]), [param_translation] -> { dependencies = param_translation.dependencies; type_ = weakset_t param_translation.type_; } - | (["Js"; "Re"; "t"] | ["RegExp"; "t"] | ["Stdlib_RegExp"; "t"]), [] -> + | (["Js"; "Re"; "t"] | ["RegExp"; "t"] | ["Stdlib"; "RegExp"; "t"]), [] -> {dependencies = []; type_ = regexp_t} | (["FB"; "unit"] | ["unit"]), [] -> {dependencies = []; type_ = unit_t} | ( (["FB"; "array"] | ["array"] | ["Js"; ("Array" | "Array2"); "t"]), @@ -141,7 +143,7 @@ let translate_constr ~config ~params_translation ~(path : Path.t) ~type_env = | ( ( ["Pervasives"; "result"] | ["Belt"; "Result"; "t"] | ["result"] - | ["Stdlib_Result"; "t"] ), + | ["Stdlib"; "Result"; "t"] ), [param_translation1; param_translation2] ) -> let case name type_ = {case = {label_js = StringLabel name}; t = type_} in let variant = @@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ let translate_constr ~config ~params_translation ~(path : Path.t) ~type_env = | ( ( ["Js"; "Null"; "t"] | ["Null"; "t"] | ["Js"; "null"] - | ["Stdlib_Null"; "t"] ), + | ["Stdlib"; "Null"; "t"] ), [param_translation] ) -> {param_translation with type_ = Null param_translation.type_} | ( ( ["Js"; "Nullable"; "t"] @@ -234,16 +236,16 @@ let translate_constr ~config ~params_translation ~(path : Path.t) ~type_env = | ["Js"; "nullable"] | ["Js"; "Null_undefined"; "t"] | ["Js"; "null_undefined"] - | ["Stdlib_Nullable"; "t"] ), + | ["Stdlib"; "Nullable"; "t"] ), [param_translation] ) -> {param_translation with type_ = Nullable param_translation.type_} | ( ( ["Js"; "Promise"; "t"] | ["Promise"; "t"] | ["promise"] - | ["Stdlib_Promise"; "t"] ), + | ["Stdlib"; "Promise"; "t"] ), [param_translation] ) -> {param_translation with type_ = Promise param_translation.type_} - | ( (["Js"; "Dict"; "t"] | ["Dict"; "t"] | ["dict"] | ["Stdlib_Dict"; "t"]), + | ( (["Js"; "Dict"; "t"] | ["Dict"; "t"] | ["dict"] | ["Stdlib"; "Dict"; "t"]), [param_translation] ) -> {param_translation with type_ = Dict param_translation.type_} | _ -> default_case () From 2d5a638b26375b9654e05d5a6c6f6aa78bea82da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christoph Knittel Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2025 09:02:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 11/13] Do not run analysis tests on Linux --- .github/workflows/ci.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml index 091ba059ec..a9d5fdaad8 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ jobs: run: git diff --ignore-cr-at-eol --exit-code tests - name: Run analysis / tools tests - if: runner.os != 'Windows' && matrix.os != 'ubuntu-24.04-arm' + if: runner.os != 'Windows' && runner.os != 'Linux' run: opam exec -- make -C tests/analysis_tests test && make -C tests/tools_tests test - name: Run gentype tests From dae73a9f2463ef934a78bff8959d5d2792e70c9f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christoph Knittel Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2025 09:04:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 12/13] Cache reanalyze, too --- .github/workflows/ci.yml | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml index a9d5fdaad8..392883d386 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ jobs: # matrix.ocaml_compiler may contain commas - name: Get OPAM cache key shell: bash - run: echo "opam_cache_key=opam-env-v6-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.ocaml_compiler }}-${{ hashFiles('dune-project') }}" | sed 's/,/-/g' >> $GITHUB_ENV + run: echo "opam_cache_key=opam-env-v7-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.ocaml_compiler }}-${{ hashFiles('dune-project') }}" | sed 's/,/-/g' >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Restore OPAM environment id: cache-opam-env @@ -191,6 +191,10 @@ jobs: if: steps.cache-opam-env.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: opam install . --deps-only --with-test + - name: "Install reanalyze" + if: steps.cache-opam-env.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' && matrix.run_reanalyze + run: opam install reanalyze + - name: Cache OPAM environment if: steps.cache-opam-env.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' uses: actions/cache/save@v4 @@ -303,9 +307,7 @@ jobs: - name: "Syntax: Run reanalyze" if: matrix.run_reanalyze - run: | - opam install reanalyze - opam exec -- make reanalyze + run: opam exec -- make reanalyze - name: Build runtime/stdlib run: ./scripts/ From fa2051ff4ad1d758ec39e508fe57418de224122c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christoph Knittel Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2025 09:20:29 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 13/13] CHANGELOG --- | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 6600d69249..e86b504fcf 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ - Fix completion for application with tagged template. - Fix error message for arity in the presence of optional arguments. - Fix issue in functors with more than one argument (which are curried): emit nested function always. -- Fix dot completion issue with React primitives. +- Fix dot completion issue with React primitives. +- Stdlib namespace for Core modules (fixes name clashes with user modules). #### :house: Internal