- add LCD screen for serial messages
- make cup weighting bulletproof, stop if wait decreases significantly before pouring finished
- dancing bottles should dance also in reverse direction
- Problem: orig might be measured if there is no cup
- Problem: when cup is away, bottle pours directly to scale and causes weight
- Error handling? (scale?)
- when cup is not there while pouring, abort pouring procedure (check if weight gets less between bottles)
- empty bottle error handling
- MAX_DRINK_SIZE implement!
- rename UPRIGHT_OFFSET --> STOP_EARLY_GRAMS <-- won't fix
- auto calibration for UPRIGHT_OFFSET
- Serial commands for different speed?
- move bottle according to non-linear predefined function
- Serial command: calibrate scale, SET_OFFSET (tare)
- WON’T FIX Serial command: all to pos_up, all down
- abort button
- resume button
- buttons for predefined drinks
- abort command
- pause/command switch
- do we check the number of params?
- move bottles at the same time?
- Protothreads?
- fix Makefile for Arduino One
- serial reconnect --> reset arduino?
- problems with pin 13
- READY: add 0/1 if cup or not
- UPRIGHT_OFFSET / 2.0 (if less, don't do anything if more pour)
- dancing bottles!
- improve dancing bottles by turning more bottles at the same time
- store some stuff in EPROM (eg. scale calibration, etc.)
- Serial command: calibrate scale, not only tare
- dancing bottles should move backwards as well
Testing: - empty bottle - cup away: between pouring, before, after - max drink size - scale timeout - invalid commands
- a better way to use something like threads? service interrupt? http://playground.arduino.cc/Deutsch/HalloWeltMitInterruptUndTimerlibrary http://letsmakerobots.com/node/28278
- Protothreads: https://github.com/daijo/ArduinoLibraries/blob/master/ProtoThreads/examples/pt_led_example/pt_led_example.pde http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:G4uLcJU7Q_QJ:dunkels.com/adam/pt/expansion.html+&cd=4&hl=de&ct=clnk&client=ubuntu https://github.com/benhoyt/protothreads-cpp