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This repo is meant to work as a basic guide for the Verilog that you'll use in Project Lab 1. You can use the example code files to see how it's implemented. Do not use the example code directly for your project. Use it to see syntax of structures and understand how it works. The example code contains basic structures you'll need to understand, but you'll have to put the structures together to complete your project. If you use the structures in the code examples for your project or heavily rely on them, you'll need to cite it in your presentations. This code is publicly available for everyone to see. It will be blatantly obvious if you try to plagiarize it.

Verilog Basics

The number one thing to know is that Verilog is absolutely not a programming language. It's a hardware description language (HDL). You'll be using this HDL to make digital logic circuits on an Artix-7 FPGA. The FPGA is essentially just a buttload of NAND gates, and you're using Verilog to hook those NAND gates up in order to create the digital logic circuit you wrote. This means your Verilog will describe a digital logic circuit. This does not mean you have to write each individual gate connection. You're writing the structures of the digital logic circuit and Vivado will figure out the individual connections for you. You can write the individual connections if you want to, but you really don't want to, because that would take forever. So save the K-maps for another day, you won't need them.

Variable Data Types and Assignments

There are two main variable types you'll be using: wire and reg. The two are not interchangeable in most circumstances, although you can use them interchangeably on the right-hand side of assignments. In other words, if you are setting the value of a wire or reg, you can set it to the value of either a wire or reg data type.

The wire Type and Continuous Assignments

The wire data type is used in continuous assignments, where the wire continuously has a value driven into it. They work the same way wires work in real-world physical connections of digital logic circuits. If you have an AND gate and you connect it to two inputs and wire up your output somewhere, do you have to tell your wire to update the value every time you change your inputs? No, of course not. The wire type works the same way.

Example 0.1: Continuous Assignments

reg A, B;
// You cannot initialize the wire type because wires need to
// be driven by something and cannot store values without
// being driven by something.
wire out;
// out is being driven by A + B
assign out = A + B;

The out wire will always be the value of A + B because it's being driven by A + B.

The reg Type and Procedural Assignments

The reg data type is used in procedural assignments, where the value of reg is updated. Procedural assignments look and somewhat behave closer to variable assignments in programming languages like C/C++. The difference is that because these assignments are procedural, these assignments have to be done inside of procedural blocks, e.g. always @ blocks, begin...end blocks, etc.

Example 0.11: Procedural Assignments

// You may initialize reg when declaring it, otherwise
// updating their values must be inside a procedural block
reg A = 0;
reg B = 0;
     // Blocking assignment
     A = 0;
     // Non-blocking assignment
     B <= 0;
     // Note: You usually don't want to mix blocking and
     // non-blocking assignments in the same procedural
     // block. This is just to show the syntax for both.
Blocking and Non-Blocking Assignments

Procedural assignments can be either blocking or non-blocking assignments. Blocking assignments are evaluated and executed (in a single step) at the time the blocking assignment occurs and non-blocking assignments are evaluated immediately, but they're executed at the end of the time-step specified. In begin...end blocks, the effective difference is that a blocking assignment prevents (or blocks) the next line from executing until after the blocking assignment has finished executing. Non-blocking assignments don't do this, and the line after the a non-blocking assignment may execute before the non-blocking assignment has finished executing.

Example 0.2: Blocking Assignments (with Delays)

reg A = 0;
reg B = 0;
     // Delays are denoted with #
     #10 A = 1;
     #10 A = 2;
     #10 B = 1;
     #10 B = 2;

The assignment after each assignment is not evaluated until after the one before it has finished executing, so the 10 ns delay for each assignment is 10 ns after the assignment before it has finished executing.
At 10 ns, A = 1.
At 20 ns, A = 2.
At 30 ns, B = 1.
At 40 ns, B = 2.

Example 0.21: Non-Blocking Assignments (with Delays)

reg A = 0;
reg B = 0;
     #5  A <= 1;
     #10 A <= 2;
     #15 B <= 1;
     #20 B <= 2;

These assignments are all evaluated at roughly the same time.
At 5 ns, A = 1.
At 10 ns, A = 2.
At 15 ns, B = 1.
At 20 ns, B = 2.

Also note that the order of these lines doesn't matter. If the lines were instead ordered like this:

#10 A <= 2;
#15 B <= 1;
#20 B <= 2;
#5  A <= 1;

The results are the same. At 5 ns, A = 1, etc. Blocking and non-blocking assignments can still affect the end result without delays. If your assignment would have a different value if the assignment after it happened first, then blocking assignments will prevent it from messing up your values. If you need the two assignments to happen at the same time (e.g. swapping the values of two variables), you'll want to use non-blocking assignments.

Example 0.22: Non-Blocking Assignments (without Delays)

reg A = 1;
reg B = 0;
     A <= B; // A = 0
     B <= A; // B = 1

This will swap the two values of the variables, so A = 0 and B = 1. If you used blocking assignments for this...

reg A = 1;
reg B = 0;
     A = B; // A = 0
     B = A; // B = 0

always @ Blocks

always @ blocks execute the lines of code inside them every time the condition in the sensitivity list is satisfied, meaning that there is a change in the variables listed in the sensitivity list. Here's an example.

Example 0.3: Always @ Block Template

always @ (sensitivity)
// Code here. Note that if it's just one line of code,
// begin and end are unnecessary

You will usually be using this for the clock like this:

Example 0.31: Using the Clock in an Always @ Block

always @ (posedge clk)
// Code here

This means that at each positive edge of the clock, the code will execute. This is useful for timing and counters, which you'll be using a lot of. You can put other variables inside the sensitivity list too, however, you should be careful about using other variables than the clock in the sensitivity list. Using other variables in the sensitivity list isn't bad practice and sometimes is even necessary, but you should realize that it will make your code asynchronous. Doing this without carefully understanding your code can lead to hard-to-detect issues. Check the link in resources for more info about how to use this.

case, casex, and casez Statements

You'll be making a ton of state machines, and unless you want to write an if-else statement for every single scenario, you're going to want to use case statements. case statements work similarly to switch statements in C++, except without the annoying bits. You don't need a break at the end of every case, it will just skip all the other cases like an if-else statement.

Example 0.4: Case Statements

     1:  // Code
     2:  // Code
default: // Code

When A is 1, that code will execute. When A is 2, that code will execute. If A is neither, then the default code will execute. You'll usually set this up for state machines like this:

Example 0.41 State Machine Template

parameter S0 = 3'd0, S1 = 3'd1, S2 = 3'd2;
reg [2:0] state = S0;
always @ (posedge clk)
     S0: // Do something here
     S1: // Do something here
     S2: // Do something here
     default: // Do something here

Don't forget to have a way for the next state to get calculated. You might also use casex statements. This is the same thing as a case statement, except you can use don't care bits.

Example 0.42 Casex

reg [3:0] thing = 4'b0000;
always @ (posedge clk)
     4'bxxx1: // Do something here
     default: // Do something here

In this case, regardless of what the first three bits of the register are, if the LSB is 1, that code executes. The rest of the bits are don't-care bits. For example, if thing was a 4-bit binary containing 0011 it would execute that same line of code as if it were 1101 because the LSB is 1 in both cases and that's all that matters. In a casex statement, you can put x's in place of don't care bits.

You are very unlikely to use casez statements in Project Lab 1. But just in case, casez works similarly to casex. You can put x's in place of don't care bits. You can also put z's in place of high-impedance bits. High impedance means it was disconnected. It works like a tri-state buffer (you can crack open your ECE 2372 book or Google it if you want). In Verilog, each bit of variables has four possible variables: 0, 1, X, or Z. 0 and 1 are self-explanatory. X means the value is unknown. Z means the bit is disconnected entirely. You don't need to really know this, but it should help to know what Z means because the only time you're likely to see it is in your test bench. If your values shows up as Z in your test bench, it probably means you either forgot to instantiate the module (it shows as Z because it's disconnected) or you tried to pass a value through it that's too big and Vivado just disconnected the whole thing entirely. An example of the latter is if in your module you have reg [1:0] A and you tried to pass a 3-bit value to it or you connected it to a 3-bit wire. Always make sure your variable sizes match each other.

Resources:[email protected]