diff --git a/docs/website/docs/troubleshooting.md b/docs/website/docs/troubleshooting.md
index a3aba18a68..c127d4b8b8 100644
--- a/docs/website/docs/troubleshooting.md
+++ b/docs/website/docs/troubleshooting.md
@@ -305,3 +305,259 @@ $ ssh -v -i /path/to/ssh/key -NL 20001: -l $user $podman_backend_
Right after creating the SSH Tunnel in a separate terminal , you will be able to reach the port displayed by `odo` for port forwarding.
More details on [SSH Tunneling](https://www.ssh.com/academy/ssh/tunneling).
+### I have an `image` component in my Devfile and `odo dev` on Podman errors out with `requested access to the resource is denied`
+#### Description
+You are iterating locally with Podman and have a Devfile more or less similar to the one below, in which you are building a local container image and starting a container component based on the image built.
+- image:
+ autoBuild: true
+ dockerfile:
+ buildContext: .
+ rootRequired: false
+ uri: Containerfile-web
+ imageName: web
+ name: webimage
+- container:
+ image: web
+ name: web
+ name: helloworld
+schemaVersion: 2.2.0
+Running `odo dev --platform=podman` would error out with the following error message:
+$ odo dev --platform=podman
+↪ Building & Pushing Image: webimage
+ • Building image locally ...
+ ✓ Building image locally [23s]
+ • Pushing image to container registry ...
+# highlight-start
+Error: writing blob: initiating layer upload to /v2/library/webimage/blobs/uploads/
+ in registry-1.docker.io: requested access to the resource is denied
+# highlight-end
+#### Possible causes
+In the example above, the `webimage` image component has `autoBuild` set to `true`, which means that it will be built automatically at start time.
+And when handling an image component, `odo dev` will try to build it **and** push it.
+In this case, because it is a relative image name (`imageName: web`), by default, the container engine tries to push it to `docker.io`. Therefore, we will need to:
+- either instruct `odo dev` not to push images built,
+- or set an `ImageRegistry` preference indicating where to push the images.
+If you instruct `odo dev` not to push images, `odo` might still fail when trying to create the pod on Podman, with an error similar to the following:
+ ✗ Deploying pod [462ms]
+Error occurred on Push - exit status 125:
+Complete Podman output:
+Trying to pull localhost/web:latest...
+Error: initializing source docker://localhost/web:latest:
+ pinging container registry localhost:
+ Get "https://localhost/v2/":
+ tls: failed to verify certificate:
+ x509: certificate is valid for *.apps-crc.testing, not localhost
+This is because the `imagePullPolicy` is `Always` by default; Podman will try to pull the image, and uses `localhost` as the default search registry for relative image names.
+#### Recommended solution
+1. If the Container component in the Devfile uses the image built from an Image component, you'll need to override the Image Pull Policy, as depicted in [The Image Pull Policy of the dev container is `Always` and I cannot change it](#the-image-pull-policy-of-the-dev-container-is-always-and-i-cannot-change-it). From the example Devfile above, this would mean adding the following `container-overrides` attributes to the Container component:
+- image:
+ autoBuild: true
+ dockerfile:
+ buildContext: .
+ rootRequired: false
+ uri: Containerfile-web
+ imageName: web
+ name: webimage
+- container:
+ image: web
+ name: web
+# highlight-start
+ attributes:
+ container-overrides:
+ imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+# highlight-end
+ name: helloworld
+schemaVersion: 2.2.0
+2. The second step depends on whether you want to push the images built or not.
+##### If you do not want to push images or do not have access to a registry
+You need to instruct `odo dev` not to push image components since you don't have access to a registry. This can be done by setting the `ODO_PUSH_IMAGES` environment variable to `false`. See [Environment variables controlling `odo` behavior](./overview/configure.md#environment-variables-controlling-odo-behavior).
+ODO_PUSH_IMAGES=false odo dev --platform podman
+Example Output
+$ ODO_PUSH_IMAGES=false odo dev --platform podman
+ __
+ / \__ Developing using the "helloworld" Devfile
+ \__/ \ Platform: podman
+ / \__/ odo version: v3.15.0 (b403a1bfb)
+ \__/
+↪ Running on podman in Dev mode
+ ✓ Web console accessible at http://localhost:20000/
+ ✓ API Server started at http://localhost:20000/api/v1
+ ✓ API documentation accessible at http://localhost:20000/swagger-ui/
+↪ Building Image: web
+ • Building image locally ...
+STEP 1/8: FROM python:3.12
+--> Using cache 380bc9cde8e1ea3af6511d1555288e5771e11eab7cafc508e62eb65a0c283a4c
+--> 380bc9cde8e1
+STEP 3/8: WORKDIR /app
+--> Using cache 3b9fdb6786929f522c70bc75af33ef97cd53e56fbfadd7df70ffb283249a9180
+--> 3b9fdb678692
+STEP 4/8: COPY requirements.txt /app/
+--> Using cache b35333848f81df494194f23be0540f308033d2a002db004e06fa7b349650af11
+--> b35333848f81
+STEP 5/8: RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
+--> Using cache a55bb417c97be3072d923b59001f918554ffe5d4e46982a524f246c3d951c8fc
+--> a55bb417c97b
+STEP 6/8: COPY ./helloworld /app/
+--> Using cache be5ec312ad362a4932c32b12db084c9b90450cd95ad58ccd8b92f6c8f48e625b
+--> be5ec312ad36
+STEP 7/8: RUN python3 manage.py makemigrations polls
+--> Using cache 15cc24d28d245e4ef3e1055b7cfe8bae1ac6c784fcbb66c8d04063e45b2a8ed4
+--> 15cc24d28d24
+STEP 8/8: CMD ["sh", "-c", "python manage.py migrate && python manage.py runserver"]
+--> Using cache 1af836519aea46df4787526fc2a8aed578ae48dca0f2f5cf8d83641923ce098e
+--> 1af836519aea
+Successfully tagged localhost/web:latest
+ ✓ Building image locally [572ms]
+ ✓ Deploying pod [629ms]
+ ✓ Syncing files into the container [416ms]
+⚠ Missing default run command
+↪ Dev mode
+ Status:
+ Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/odo-test/podman-django-template
+Web console accessible at http://localhost:20000/
+Keyboard Commands:
+[Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from podman
+ [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on podman
+##### If you want to push images to a registry
+You can set the `ImageRegistry` preference to a registry where you have access. See [How `odo` handles image names](./development/devfile.md#how-odo-handles-image-names) for further details.
+Note that Podman will need to be able to pull images from that location.
+odo preference set ImageRegistry quay.io/$USER
+Now running `odo dev --platform=podman` should work by pushing and pulling the images built from that location.
+Example Output
+$ odo dev --platform podman
+ __
+ / \__ Developing using the "helloworld" Devfile
+ \__/ \ Platform: podman
+ / \__/ odo version: v3.15.0 (b403a1bfb)
+ \__/
+↪ Running on podman in Dev mode
+ ✓ Web console accessible at http://localhost:20000/
+ ✓ API Server started at http://localhost:20000/api/v1
+ ✓ API documentation accessible at http://localhost:20000/swagger-ui/
+↪ Building & Pushing Image: quay.io/user/helloworld-web:1624742
+ • Building image locally ...
+STEP 1/8: FROM python:3.12
+--> Using cache d14586395ed0e0dc42f172ed1ca62b37a210f0e668221c9343d9b63afc819e80
+--> d14586395ed0
+STEP 3/8: WORKDIR /app
+--> Using cache 3185ec931b843857a9cfe8aa367fb77d1cfe39ef6c96fde6e0acd9a5c0975673
+--> 3185ec931b84
+STEP 4/8: COPY requirements.txt /app/
+--> Using cache d5f0e542165e77a59fac49dc0fa418dc759e56e17153c2c9ccbc2d8043872046
+--> d5f0e542165e
+STEP 5/8: RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
+--> Using cache b8e2815a4ef279cfd40f180c8c94e24b60adf934e17ba94bb398c556979054b7
+--> b8e2815a4ef2
+STEP 6/8: COPY ./helloworld /app/
+--> Using cache df77575d7573f24812772e5e99172735c0536ea0109e3050a3c2923875f14dac
+--> df77575d7573
+STEP 7/8: RUN python3 manage.py makemigrations polls
+--> Using cache d347f04dc1b05561c0816d2c649bd0d5fabbf87c3074d4d403ba7e98c83cbdaa
+--> d347f04dc1b0
+STEP 8/8: CMD ["sh", "-c", "python manage.py migrate && python manage.py runserver"]
+--> Using cache 7a942a913e712f51370d50470bef4b6445b68fbc72d5fae1cfe0934dc0487f02
+COMMIT quay.io/user/helloworld-web:1624742
+--> 7a942a913e71
+Successfully tagged quay.io/user/helloworld-web:1624742
+Successfully tagged localhost/web:latest
+ ✓ Building image locally [596ms]
+ • Pushing image to container registry ...
+Getting image source signatures
+Copying blob 84f540ade319 done |
+Copying blob a07a24a37470 done |
+Copying blob 9fe4e8a1862c done |
+Copying blob f3f47b3309ca done |
+Copying blob 909275a3eaaa done |
+Copying blob 1a5fc1184c48 done |
+Copying blob 349b0b22a493 done |
+Copying blob 3dd1a7b3caf3 done |
+Copying blob c5873de99713 done |
+Copying blob 4769db4ebaab done |
+Copying blob 08b88032f3bc done |
+Copying blob 614964f5ff0f done |
+Copying config 7a942a913e done |
+Writing manifest to image destination
+ ✓ Pushing image to container registry [2m]
+ ✓ Deploying pod [745ms]
+ ✓ Syncing files into the container [335ms]
+⚠ Missing default run command
+↪ Dev mode
+ Status:
+ Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/odo-test/podman-django-template
+Web console accessible at http://localhost:20000/
+Keyboard Commands:
+[Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from podman
+ [p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on podman
\ No newline at end of file