Version jump from 0.3->0.7 is to align with other RAPIDS projects.
- PR #188 Rename rave to nvtext and publish in nvstrings package
- PR #180 Added edit-distance to rave module
- PR #176 Added match_strings to nvstrings
- PR #172 Added to/from boolean conversion methods
- PR #171 Added conversion to/from subset of ISO8601 format
- PR #178 Added compute_statistics to C++ interface
- PR #173 Added flake8 checks to for /python files
- PR #167 Added doxygen to NVStrings.h and NVCategory.h
- PR #183 Align version to 0.7
- PR #181 Update python docstrings to numpydoc style
- PR #186 Fixed memory error in booleans to strings method
- PR #148 Added fillna method to nvstrings
- PR #105 Added ip2int/int2ip method for converting IPv4 addresses to and from ints
- PR #99 Added nvstrings.itos (int to string) method to nvstrings
- PR #94 Support backreferences in regexes
- PR #81 Added copy to nvstrings
- PR #79 Added add_strings to nvstrings bindings
- PR #67 Adding merge_and_remap
- PR #65 Implement len() for nvstrings
- PR #46 Added htoi (hex to int) to nvstrings
- PR #42 Strip multiple chars
- PR #41 Added from_offsets method
- PR #23 Add [] operator to nvstrings
- PR #9 category merge python interface
- PR #1 Added nvcategory.merge_category
- PR #154 Default to CXX11_ABI=ON
- PR #163 Follow standard RAPIDS README format
- PR #152 Add
- PR #145 Improve handling of whitespace in split
- PR #144 Allow -1 for gather() position values
- PR #141 Allow for null category values
- PR #137 Update gpuCI scripts
- PR #134 gather/and_remap
- PR #130 Add bind_cpointer to nvcategory, add own parameter
- PR #127 Splitup 6k-line source file
- PR #125 Added nullfirst param to sort/order
- PR #124 Split to return column of nulls if all values null
- PR #121 Added nulls param to itos
- PR #110 Rename split, rsplit, extract methods to match expected behavior
- PR #108 Return None for nulls when returning Python lists
- PR #106 Added set_null_bitmask method
- PR #102 Added gather method
- PR #101 Support both single instance, and lists in from_strings
- PR #100 Support empty string '' for na_rep for
- PR #92 Use global memory for long regexes
- PR #89 Added remove-unused-keys
- PR #88 Added get_value_bounds
- PR #86 Add gather handle for ndarray
- PR #84 Added accessor for c-pointers
- PR #75 return null-bitmask in create_offsets
- PR #71 Added null_count method
- PR #68 Add byte_count to nvstrings interface
- PR #62 add regex quantifier documentation
- PR #61 add quantifier support for regexes
- PR #60 add support for ndarray, buffer in getitem/gather
- PR #49 nvcategory update keys methods: add, remove, set
- PR #54 throw exception if enumerate is used on nvstrings instance
- PR #39 Rename sublist1 to gather
- PR #12, #13, #14, #136 RMM integration
- PR #2 Refactored Reclass
- PR #151 Update conda build script to handle build changes
- PR #150 split-ws var init corrected
- PR #140 Fix null placement in from_strings
- PR #133 Corrected parameter types
- PR #126 Fixed memory leak
- PR #123 Fixed sort predicates for nulls
- PR #116 Consistent split nulls
- PR #91 Caller allocs for to_host
- PR #87 Gather throws exception if args out of range
- PR #85 Fix join with null-string issue
- PR #43 cat values are ints
- PR #38 Catbitmask
- PR #37 use iterator instead of at() in regex eval
- PR #31 Change NVCategory values type from unsigned to signed int32
- PR #11 handle unescaped end-brace edge-case
- PR #157 Fix Python not being found by CMake