Contributions to the Fabric code base require a Linux Foundation account. Follow the steps below to create a Linux Foundation account.
Go to the Linux Foundation ID website.
Select the option
I need to create a Linux Foundation ID
. -
Fill out the form that appears:
Open your email account and look for a message with the subject line: "Validate your Linux Foundation ID email".
Open the received URL to validate your email address.
Verify the browser displays the message
You have successfully validated your e-mail address
. -
by selectingSign In
: -
Use your Linux Foundation ID to Sign In:
Gerrit uses SSH to interact with your Git client. A SSH private key needs to be generated on the development machine with a matching public key on the Gerrit server.
If you already have a SSH key-pair, skip this section.
As an example, we provide the steps to generate the SSH key-pair on a Linux environment. Follow the equivalent steps on your OS.
- Create a key-pair, enter:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "John Doe [email protected]"
Note: This will ask you for a password to protect the private key as it generates a unique key. Please keep this password private, and DO NOT enter a blank password.
The generated key-pair is found in: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
and ~/.ssh/
- Add the private key in the
file in your key ring, e.g.:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Once the key-pair has been generated, the public key must be added to Gerrit.
Follow these steps to add your public key
to the Gerrit
Go to Gerrit.
Click on your account name in the upper right corner.
From the pop-up menu, select
. -
On the left side menu, click on
SSH Public Keys
. -
Paste the contents of your public key
and clickAdd key
Note: The
file can be opened with any text editor. Ensure
that all the contents of the file are selected, copied and pasted into the
Add SSH key
window in Gerrit.
Note: The ssh key generation instructions operate on the assumtion that
you are using the default naming. It is possible to generate multiple ssh Keys
and to name the resulting files differently. See the ssh-keygen
documentation for details on how to do that. Once you have generated non-default
keys, you need to configure ssh to use the correct key for Gerrit. In that case,
you need to create a ~/.ssh/config
file modeled after the one below.
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_hyperledger_gerrit
User <LFID>
where is your Linux Foundation ID and the value of IdentityFile is the name of the public key file you generated.
Warning: Potential Security Risk! Do not copy your private key
Use only the public ~/.ssh/
Ensure that SSH has been set up properly. See
Configuring Gerrit to Use SSH
for details. -
Clone the repository with your Linux Foundation ID ():
git clone ssh://<LFID> fabric
You have successfully checked out a copy of the source code to your local machine.