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Release Notes

Christopher Park edited this page Jun 22, 2016 · 45 revisions

Critical Changes

These are modifications since the previous release that require changes in your calls to the binding.

1.1.3 (Develop)

  • Binding reflects unification of /entities and /entities/linked endpoints; /entities returns a new response model which includes QIDs by default
  • resolve_entities parameter is not available anymore (entities function returns QIDs by default)
  • linkEntities option is available to turn off QIDs through $api->setOption("linkEntities", FALSE);


  • Added api.setOption, api.getOption and api.clearOptions methods to allow users to specify options as needed
  • Removed RelationshipParameters. Use DocumentParameters instead and provide an option for accuracyMode: PRECISION|RECALL. Relationships defaults to PRECISION if no option is specified.


  • No impact on user operations


  • Response data is returned as an associative array. The headers are included in the array, key name 'headers'.


  • Enable cURL in php. This can be achieved by using the command sudo apt-get install php5-curl or by uncommenting the line extension=php_curl.dll in php.ini.
  • Functions and classes removed: The /matched-name and /translated-name endpoints have been renamed to /name-similarity and /name-translation in the Rosette API, so the PHP binding reflects those changes by adding the new functions nameSimilarity and nameTranslation and new corresponding Parameters classes. Functions matchedName and translatedName and their corresponding Parameters classes are no longer supported.
  • All responses now include the response headers in the returned JSON -- make sure to access or filter the desired JSON response object in your code. Related to Rosette API's new headers mentioned here.

Internal Changes

These changes should not require modifications to your bindings calls, but represent major internal changes, often correlating to Rosette API functional changes indicated here.

1.1.3 (Develop)

  • Changed DocumentProperties.fileName from public to private and added a getter for it to prevent it from being included in the serialization of class parameters


  • Updated unit tests per Options and removal of Relationships
  • Updated relationships example
  • Cleanup of RosetteParamsSetBase


  • Removed active check of binding version against server version


  • Retooled unit testing to use phpSpec
  • Internal code changes per unit test and functional test discoveries
  • Fixed some possible conflicts with PHP 7. Tests pass with PHP 7.
  • Added a retry feature when encountering 429 (too many requests) errors. The user may specify the number of retries, default 5, and the number of milliseconds between retries, default 500000, to reduce the number of 429s.


  • The unit, contentType, and contentBytes input parameters have been removed. Base64-encoded input should be sent as an input file.
  • The X-RosetteAPI-Request-Id and X-RosetteAPI-ProcessedLanguage values have been added as response headers.
  • The 'retrying requests' mechanism has been removed and the function name has been changed to makeRequest().
  • GET and POST requests are now composed and made using cURL instead of with file_get_contents().
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