- Pumped version to v0.6.0
- Allow defining custom transport methods [ec5b48ce]
- Return messageId with responseObject for all built in transport methods [74445cec]
- Bumped dependency versions for mailcomposer and readable-stream [9a034c34]
- Changed pickup argument name to 'directory' [01c3ea53]
- Added support for IIS pickup directory with PICKUP transport (philipproplesch) [36940b59..360a2878]
- Applied common styles [9e93a409]
- Updated readme [c78075e7]
- bumped version to v0.5.15
- Updated README, added global options info for setting uo transports [554bb0e5]
- Resolve public hostname, if resolveHostname property for a transport object is set to
- bumped version to v0.5.14
- Expose status for direct messages [f0312df6]
- Allow to skip the X-Mailer header if xMailer value is set to 'false' [f2c20a68]
- bumped version to v0.5.13
- Use the name property from the transport object to use for the domain part of message-id values (1598eee9)
- bumped version to v0.5.12
- Expose transport method and transport module version if available [a495106e]
- Added 'he' module instead of using custom html entity decoding [c197d102]
- Added xMailer property for transport configuration object to override X-Mailer value [e8733a61]
- Updated README, added description for 'mail' method [e1f5f3a6]
- bumped version to v0.5.11
- Updated mailcomposer version. Replaces ent with he [6a45b790e]
- bumped version to v0.5.10
- added shorthand function mail() for direct transport type [88129bd7]
- minor tweaks and typo fixes [f797409e..ceac0ca4]
- bumped version to v0.5.9
- Update for 'direct' handling [77b84e2f]
- do not require callback to be provided for 'direct' type [ec51c79f]
- bumped version to v0.5.8
- Added support for 'direct' transport [826f226d..0dbbcbbc]
- bumped version to v0.5.7
- Replace \r\n by \n in Sendmail transport (rolftimmermans) [fed2089e..616ec90c] A lot of sendmail implementations choke on \r\n newlines and require \n This commit addresses this by transforming all \r\n sequences passed to the sendmail command with \n
- bumped version to v0.5.6
- Upgraded mailcomposer dependency to 0.2.4 [e5ff9c40]
- Removed noCR option [e810d1b8]
- Update wellknown.js, added FastMail (k-j-kleist) [cf930f6d]
- bumped version to v0.5.5
- Updated mailcomposer dependnecy version to 0.2.3
- Remove legacy code - node v0.4 is not supported anymore anyway
- Use hostname (autodetected or from the options.name property) for Message-Id instead of "Nodemailer" (helps a bit when messages are identified as spam)
- Added maxMessages info to README
- bumped version to v0.5.4
- added "use strict" statements
- Added DSN info to README
- add support for QQ enterprise email (coderhaoxin)
- Add a Bitdeli Badge to README
- DSN options Passthrought into simplesmtp. (irvinzz)
- bumped version v0.5.3
- Using a stub transport to prevent sendmail from being called during a test. (jsdevel)
- closes #78: sendmail transport does not work correctly on Unix machines. (jsdevel)
- Updated PaaS Support list to include Modulus. (fiveisprime)
- Translate self closing break tags to newline (kosmasgiannis)
- fix typos (aeosynth)
- bumped version v0.5.2
- Merge pull request #177 from MrSwitch/master Fixing Amazon SES, fatal error caused by bad connection