Fortunately, almost nothing is required! More or less, all you need to do is to pick a directory where you want to install GoSTRIPES and another directory in which you want to work. We'll assume for this demo that you want to install GoSTRIPES in your home directory and that you will be working in a directory called /scratch/TRYgoSTRIPES:
git clone
cd /scratch/TRYgoSTRIPES
Now run the xsetup_Sc script from the templates directory, and you'll be good to go:
The script will display progress and instructions, so please be sure to read the text. Importantly, the script will ask you to execute something like the following in your shell (just copy/paste what the script shows):
source ~/GoSTRIPES/bin/xworkStripes -b /scratch/TRYgoSTRIPES -i /scratch/TRYgoSTRIPES/STRIPES/gostripes.simg
This command will set up the variable rws. In our example,
echo $rws
should return
singularity exec -B /scratch/TRYgoSTRIPES /scratch/TRYgoSTRIPES/STRIPES/gostripes.simg
Unless something odd happened, you should now be able to review and run the demo as follows:
cd demo_s_mock
$rws make -n
$rws make
$rws <command> will execute any <command> within the GoSTRIPES container. In our workflow, make will invoke the provided Makefile, which takes care of everything else. Because all required programs and scripts are bundled in the container, there is nothing else for you to do in terms of installation.
Note: Typically, you will have multiple samples to analyze. The file samples.tsv is used to record all the samples (for this demo there is only one sample). To run all the samples, you can run the following commands, in the STRIPES directory, following the xsetup_samples step:
This will generate all the alignment files and record the results in file bamfiles.tsv, which can be used for input to TSRchitect (see
Note: If the demo fails in your attempts, a fair possibility is that you did not execute the source '.. xworkStripes ..' command discussed above. Please do that first!