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60 lines (45 loc) · 2.18 KB

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Toaster is a rudimentary sql database that implements a subset of the postgres protocol. Toaster will uses dgraph's badger(introduced in this nice blog post: as the storage backend to build on the shoulder of giants. Since it's main purpose is learning it will forgo many of the complex features of modern DBMS.

planned features

I really don't know how this will look in the end but here some of my current goals:

  1. subset of postgres sql(create, insert, select, delete, update statements)
  2. support all major data types(numeric, text, bool,...)
  3. support go's database/sql
  4. more....

current state

  1. a small subset of sql vocabulary.
  2. a simple repl to check which keywords are currently supported.


NOTE: you need to install go for the following to work

  1. run tests: go test ./...
  2. run the repl: go run main.go


➜ go run cmd/main.go
Hello rugwirobaker! welcome to toaster!
Feel free to type in sql queries
To exit this prompt type in: '\q'

>> CREATE TABLE users (id INT, name TEXT, active BOOL);
{Literal:create Kind:CREATE}
{Literal:table Kind:TABLE}
{Literal:users Kind:IDENT}
{Literal:( Kind:(}
{Literal:id Kind:IDENT}
{Literal:int Kind:INT}
{Literal:, Kind:,}
{Literal:name Kind:IDENT}
{Literal:text Kind:TEXT}
{Literal:, Kind:,}
{Literal:active Kind:IDENT}
{Literal:bool Kind:BOOL}
{Literal:) Kind:)}
{Literal:; Kind:;}
>> \q


I like to think that toaser is an sql version of the monkey language described in writing an interpreter in go book