Please carefully read the main, which is stored in the benchmark's root folder, before following this subject-specific guideline.
Please follow the steps below to run and collect experimental results for LightFTP, which is a lightweight File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.
The following commands create a docker image tagged lightftp. The image should have everything available for fuzzing and code coverage calculation.
cd subjects/FTP/LightFTP
docker build . -t lightftp
The following commands run 4 instances of AFLNet and 4 instances of AFLnwe to simultaenously fuzz LightFTP in 60 minutes.
mkdir results-lightftp lightftp 4 results-lightftp aflnet out-lightftp-aflnet "-P FTP -D 10000 -q 3 -s 3 -E -K" 3600 5 & lightftp 4 results-lightftp aflnwe out-lightftp-aflnwe "-D 10000 -K" 3600 5
The following commands collect the code coverage results produced by AFLNet and AFLnwe and save them to results.csv.
cd $PFBENCH/results-lightftp lightftp 4 aflnet results.csv 0 lightftp 4 aflnwe results.csv 1
The results collected in step 3 (i.e., results.csv) can be used for plotting. Use the following command to plot the coverage over time and save it to a file.
cd $PFBENCH/results-lightftp -i results.csv -p lightftp -r 4 -c 60 -s 1 -o cov_over_time.png