In this project, tey to keep relevant files in 5 major directories which are common
, components
, images
, pages
, themes
, translations
Below is a sample file structure of the project.
├── common/
│ ├── websocket/ --- Websocket configuration
│ ├── storage.js --- Includes `localStorage`, `sessionStorage`, and `cookies`
│ ├── country-base.js --- Europe contries list and configuration
│ ├── keycodes.js --- Client input keycodes
│ ├── login.js --- Login url and oneall configuration
│ ├── os-detect.js --- List of devices to check from user agent
│ ├── traffic-source.js --- Marketing items configuration `UTMs`, `Affiliate token`, etc..
│ ├── os-detect.js --- Common validation input
│ └── utility.js --- Helper functions
├── components/
│ ├── containers/ --- Box templates from various displays, and common container boxes
│ ├── elements/ --- Common elements `Accordion`, `Image`, `Carousel`, etc..
│ ├── form/ --- Components inside forms `Input`, `Button`, etc..
│ ├── layout/ --- Components inside layout `Nav`, `Footer`, etc..
│ ├── hooks/ --- Reusable hooks that used throughout the project
│ ├── localization/ --- Components to configure localization
│ ├── svgs/ --- Customizable SVGs
│ ├── graphql/ --- GraphQL queries
│ ├── custom/ --- Custom elements specific to product
├── images/
│ ├── common/ --- `png`, `jpg`, `jpeg`
│ ├── svg/ --- `svg`
├── pages/
│ ├── about/
│ │ ├── index.js
│ │ ├── _component-name.js --- aside from index, other component should have prefix `_`
│ │ ├── ...
│ ├── help-centre/
│ ├── 404.js
│ ├── index.js
│ ├── ...
├── themes/
│ ├── global-style.js --- Contain global styling rules
│ ├── reset.js --- Reset css in js
│ ├── variables.js --- Contain css variables used throughout the project
│ ├── device.js --- Contain media queries and device screensizes
├── translations/
│ ├── ach.json --- Translation texts for crowdin
│ ├── *.json --- Translation texts for languages
├── css/ --- Hold third party css
├── payment-methods/ --- Payment method documents
├── regulatory/ --- Regulatory documents
├── tnc/ --- Terms and conditions document
├── extract-translations.js --- Script to extract translation
gatsby-browser.js --- Lifecycle on client side rendering
gatsby-config.js --- Gatsby extensions and Gatsby configuration
gatsby-node.js --- Lifecycle on compilation
gatsby-ssr.js --- Lifecycle on server side rendering