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Tim Donohue edited this page Apr 27, 2017 · 29 revisions

Multi-tenant domain model

The Apartment gem segments the application into one or more Apartment tenants.

Account is a global model, i.e., one that isn't scoped to an Apartment tenant. An Account has one or more Apartment tenants.

Site is a singleton that we use to effectively namespace, e.g., application_name values. A Site maps 1-to-1 onto an Apartment tenant. A Site belongs to an Account.

User has one or more Roles. Users are defined within Apartment tenant scope.

Some Roles are scoped to Sites; some aren't. There is a many-to-many relationship between Roles and Users. We currently have two Roles defined: Site admins and superadmins.

Abilities use Roles to make authorization decisions on Resources (terminology from the rolify gem).

Using account-switching in development

  • Flip the multitenancy.enabled setting in config/settings.yml to true (but don't commit this later)
  • To support a multitenant setup locally, you'll need to ensure your localhost can respond to multiple subdomains (as each tenant is a subdomain). There's a few options for doing so:
    • Option 1: Use the registered domain (which just points at as your configured multitenancy.admin_host in config/settings.yml. This will mean that your main application will be available at and a tenant named "test" would be at
    • Option 2: Set up some localhost IPs (one per tenant) in /etc/hosts (or similar), e.g.:       foo       bar
      • On OSX 10.11.6, it was also necessary to disable low level packet filtering to allow connections to the additional local IPs, as documented here:
        sudo pfctl -d
  • When starting Hyku, be sure to bind the rails server to so that all of your tenants respond to HTTP requests:
    rails s -b
  • To manage your tenants, you'll want to have at least one SuperAdmin user. So, grant one of your users "superadmin" rights. (Note: The square brackets around the email address are required)
    rake superadmin:grant[[email protected]]
  • Once your application is started, you can login as a superadmin using the "Administrator Login" option in the footer. Once logged in, you'll be able to create a new repository (tenant) or see currently existing tenants via an "Accounts" menu option in header.