This is the Adobe I/O Core SDK. This contains:
The module can be added to your project with:
npm install @adobe/aio-sdk-core --save
Here is a snippet:
const CoreSdk = require('@adobe/aio-sdk-core')
// OR ...
const { Config, Errors, TVMClient, Logger } = require('@adobe/aio-sdk-core')
// set a Config key value
CoreSdk.Config.set('my.token', 1234)
// get all stored config values
// create your own Error wrapper here, see @adobe/aio-lib-core-error docs
const { AioCoreSDKError, AioCoreSDKErrorWrapper } = CoreSdk.Errors
// init the TVM client for further use
const tvm = await CoreSdk.TVMClient.init({ ow: { auth: '<myauth>', namespace: '<mynamespace>' } })
// create a Logger
const myAppLogger = CoreSdk.Logger('MyApp')'Hello, Dave.')
Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.