Table of contents
- Introduction
- Integrating sdbus-c++ into your project
- Solving libsystemd dependency
- Header files and namespaces
- Error signalling and propagation
- Design of sdbus-c++
- Multiple layers of sdbus-c++ API
- An example: Number concatenator
- Implementing the Concatenator example using basic sdbus-c++ API layer
- Implementing the Concatenator example using convenience sdbus-c++ API layer
- Implementing the Concatenator example using sdbus-c++-generated stubs
- Asynchronous server-side methods
- Asynchronous client-side methods
- Using D-Bus properties
- Conclusion
sdbus-c++ is a C++ D-Bus library built on top of sd-bus, a lightweight D-Bus client library implemented within systemd project. It provides D-Bus functionality on a higher level of abstraction, trying to employ C++ type system to shift as much work as possible from the developer to the compiler.
sdbus-c++ does not cover the entire sd-bus API, but provides tools for implementing the most common functionality - RPC method calls, signals and properties. There is room for additions and improvements, as needed and when needed.
The library build system is based on CMake. The library provides a config file, so integrating it into your CMake project is rather straight-forward:
find_package(sdbus-c++ REQUIRED)
The library also supports pkg-config
, so it easily be integrated into e.g. an Autotools project:
PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SDBUSCPP, [sdbus-c++ >= 0.6],,
AC_MSG_ERROR([You need the sdbus-c++ library (version 0.6 or newer)]
Note: sdbus-c++ library depends on C++17, since it uses C++17 std::uncaught_exceptions()
feature. When building sdbus-c++ manually, make sure you use a compiler that supports that feature. To use the library, make sure you have a C++ standard library that supports the feature. The feature is supported by e.g. gcc >= 6, and clang >= 3.7.
sdbus-c++ depends on libsystemd, a C library that is part of systemd and that contains underlying sd-bus implementation.
Minimum required libsystemd shared library version is 0.20.0 (which corresponds to minimum systemd version 236).
If your target Linux distribution is already based on systemd ecosystem of version 236 and higher, then there is no additional effort, just make sure you have corresponding systemd header files available (provided by libsystemd-dev
package on Debian/Ubuntu, for example), and you may go on building sdbus-c++ seamlessly.
However, sdbus-c++ can perfectly be used in non-systemd environments as well. There are two ways to approach this:
Fortunately, libsystemd is rather self-contained and can be built and used independently of the rest of systemd ecosystem. To build libsystemd shared library for sdbus-c++:
$ git clone
$ cd systemd
$ git checkout v242 # or any other recent stable version
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ meson --buildtype=release .. # solve systemd dependencies if any pop up, e.g. libmount-dev, libcap, librt...
$ ninja version.h # building version.h target is only necessary in systemd version >= 241
$ ninja # or another version number depending which systemd version you have
# finally, manually install the library, header files and libsystemd.pc pkgconfig file
sdbus-c++ provides BUILD_LIBSYSTEMD
configuration option. When turned on, sdbus-c++ will automatically download, build and integrate libsystemd as a static library into sdbus-c++ for you. This is the most convenient and effective approach to build, distribute and use sdbus-c++ as a self-contained, systemd-independent library in non-systemd enviroments. Just make sure your build machine has all dependencies needed by libsystemd build process. That includes meson
, ninja
, git
programs and mainly libraries and library headers for libmount
, libcap
and librt
(part of glibc). Also when distributing, make sure these dependency libraries are installed on the production machine. (Contributors willing to help with bringing sdbus-c++ to popular package systems are welcome.)
You may additionally set the LIBSYSTEMD_VERSION
configuration flag to fine-tune the version of systemd to be taken in. (The default value is 242).
All sdbus-c++ header files reside in the sdbus-c++
subdirectory within the standard include directory. Users can either include individual header files, like so:
#include <sdbus-c++/IConnection.h>
#include <sdbus-c++/IProxy.h>
or just include the global header file that pulls in everything:
#include <sdbus-c++/sdbus-c++.h>
All public types and functions of sdbus-c++ reside in the sdbus
exception is used to signal errors in sdbus-c++. There are two types of errors:
- D-Bus related errors, like call timeouts, failed socket allocation, etc. These are raised by the D-Bus library or D-Bus daemon itself.
- user-defined errors, i.e. errors signalled and propagated from remote methods back to the caller. So these are issued by sdbus-c++ users.
is a carrier for both types of errors, carrying the error name and error message with it.
The following diagram illustrates the major entities in sdbus-c++.
represents the concept of a D-Bus connection. You can connect to either the system bus or a session bus. Services can assign unique service names to those connections. A processing loop should be run on the connection.
represents the concept of an object that exposes its methods, signals and properties. Its responsibilities are:
- registering (possibly multiple) interfaces and methods, signals, properties on those interfaces,
- emitting signals.
represents the concept of the proxy, which is a view of the Object
from the client side. Its responsibilities are:
- invoking remote methods of the corresponding object, in both synchronous and asynchronous way,
- registering handlers for signals,
class represents a message, which is the fundamental DBus concept. There are three distinctive types of message that derive from the Message
(with serialized parameters),MethodReply
(with serialized return values),- or a
(with serialized parameters).
Every D-Bus object will automatically get these four standard interfaces:
The implementation of these interfaces is provided by the underlying sd-bus library. So there is no need to implement them manually by users.
sdbus-c++ is thread-aware by design. But, in general, it's not thread-safe. At least not in all places. There are situations where sdbus-c++ provides and guarantees API-level thread safety by design. It is safe to do these operations from multiple threads at the same time:
- Making and destroying
s andProxy
s, even on a shared connection that is already running an event loop. Under making here is meant a complete atomic sequence of construction, registration of method/signal/property callbacks and export of theObject
so it is ready to issue/receive messages. This sequence must be done in one thread. - Creating and sending asynchronous method replies on an
instance. - Creating and emitting signals on an
instance. - Creating and sending method calls (both synchronously and asynchronously) on an
instance. (But it's generally better that our threads use their own exclusive instances of proxy, to minimize shared state and contention.)
sdbus-c++ API comes in two layers:
- the basic layer, which is a simple wrapper layer on top of sd-bus, using mechanisms that are native to C++ (e.g. serialization/deserialization of data from messages),
- the convenience layer, building on top of the basic layer, which aims at alleviating users from unnecessary details and enables them to write shorter, safer, and more expressive code.
sdbus-c++ also ships with a stub generator tool that converts D-Bus IDL in XML format into stub code for the adaptor as well as the proxy part. Hierarchically, these stubs provide yet another layer of convenience (the "stubs layer"), making it possible for D-Bus RPC calls to completely look like native C++ calls on a local object.
Let's have an object /org/sdbuscpp/concatenator
that implements the org.sdbuscpp.concatenator
interface. The interface exposes the following:
- a
method that takes a collection of integers and a separator string and returns a string that is the concatenation of all integers from the collection using given separator, - a
signal that is emitted at the end of each successful concatenation.
In the following sections, we will elaborate on the ways of implementing such an object on both the server and the client side.
In the basic API layer, we already have abstractions for D-Bus connections, objects and object proxies, with which we can interact via their interface classes (IConnection
, IObject
, IProxy
), but, analogously to the underlying sd-bus C library, we still work on the level of D-Bus messages. We need to
- create them,
- serialize/deserialize arguments to/from them (thanks to many overloads of C++ insertion/extraction operators, this is very simple),
- send them over to the other side.
This is how a simple Concatenator service implemented upon the basic sdbus-c++ API could look like:
#include <sdbus-c++/sdbus-c++.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
// Yeah, global variable is ugly, but this is just an example and we want to access
// the concatenator instance from within the concatenate method handler to be able
// to emit signals.
sdbus::IObject* g_concatenator{};
void concatenate(sdbus::MethodCall call)
// Deserialize the collection of numbers from the message
std::vector<int> numbers;
call >> numbers;
// Deserialize separator from the message
std::string separator;
call >> separator;
// Return error if there are no numbers in the collection
if (numbers.empty())
throw sdbus::Error("org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator.Error", "No numbers provided");
std::string result;
for (auto number : numbers)
result += (result.empty() ? std::string() : separator) + std::to_string(number);
// Serialize resulting string to the reply and send the reply to the caller
auto reply = call.createReply();
reply << result;
// Emit 'concatenated' signal
const char* interfaceName = "org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator";
auto signal = g_concatenator->createSignal(interfaceName, "concatenated");
signal << result;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Create D-Bus connection to the system bus and requests name on it.
const char* serviceName = "org.sdbuscpp.concatenator";
auto connection = sdbus::createSystemBusConnection(serviceName);
// Create concatenator D-Bus object.
const char* objectPath = "/org/sdbuscpp/concatenator";
auto concatenator = sdbus::createObject(*connection, objectPath);
g_concatenator = concatenator.get();
// Register D-Bus methods and signals on the concatenator object, and exports the object.
const char* interfaceName = "org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator";
concatenator->registerMethod(interfaceName, "concatenate", "ais", "s", &concatenate);
concatenator->registerSignal(interfaceName, "concatenated", "s");
// Run the loop on the connection.
We establish a D-Bus sytem connection and request org.sdbuscpp.concatenator
D-Bus name on it. This name will be used by D-Bus clients to find the service. We then create an object with path /org/sdbuscpp/concatenator
on this connection. We register interfaces, its methods, signals that the object provides, and, through finishRegistration()
, export the object (i.e., make it visible to clients) on the bus. Then we need to make sure to run the event loop upon the connection, which handles all incoming, outgoing and other requests.
The callback for any D-Bus object method on this level is any callable of signature void(sdbus::MethodCall call)
. The call
parameter is the incoming method call message. We need to deserialize our method input arguments from it. Then we can invoke the logic of the method and get the results. Then for the given call
, we create a reply
message, pack results into it and send it back to the caller through send()
. (If we had a void-returning method, we'd just send an empty reply
back.) We also fire a signal with the results. To do this, we need to create a signal message via object's createSignal()
, serialize the results into it, and then send it out to subscribers by invoking object's emitSignal()
Please note that we can create and destroy D-Bus objects on a connection dynamically, at any time during runtime, even while there is an active event loop upon the connection. So managing D-Bus objects' lifecycle (creating, exporting and destroying D-Bus objects) is completely thread-safe.
#include <sdbus-c++/sdbus-c++.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
void onConcatenated(sdbus::Signal& signal)
std::string concatenatedString;
signal >> concatenatedString;
std::cout << "Received signal with concatenated string " << concatenatedString << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Create proxy object for the concatenator object on the server side. Since here
// we are creating the proxy instance without passing connection to it, the proxy
// will create its own connection automatically, and it will be system bus connection.
const char* destinationName = "org.sdbuscpp.concatenator";
const char* objectPath = "/org/sdbuscpp/concatenator";
auto concatenatorProxy = sdbus::createProxy(destinationName, objectPath);
// Let's subscribe for the 'concatenated' signals
const char* interfaceName = "org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator";
concatenatorProxy->registerSignalHandler(interfaceName, "concatenated", &onConcatenated);
std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3};
std::string separator = ":";
// Invoke concatenate on given interface of the object
auto method = concatenatorProxy->createMethodCall(interfaceName, "concatenate");
method << numbers << separator;
auto reply = concatenatorProxy->callMethod(method);
std::string result;
reply >> result;
assert(result == "1:2:3");
// Invoke concatenate again, this time with no numbers and we shall get an error
auto method = concatenatorProxy->createMethodCall(interfaceName, "concatenate");
method << std::vector<int>() << separator;
auto reply = concatenatorProxy->callMethod(method);
catch(const sdbus::Error& e)
std::cerr << "Got concatenate error " << e.getName() << " with message " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
// Give sufficient time to receive 'concatenated' signal from the first concatenate invocation
return 0;
In simple cases, we don't need to create D-Bus connection explicitly for our proxies. Unless a connection is provided to a proxy object explicitly via factory parameter, the proxy will create a connection of his own, and it will be a system bus connection. This is the case in the example above. (This approach is not scalable and resource-saving if we have plenty of proxies; see section Working with D-Bus connections for elaboration.) So, in the example, we create a proxy for object /org/sdbuscpp/concatenator
publicly available at bus org.sdbuscpp.concatenator
. We register signal handlers, if any, and finish the registration, making the proxy ready for use.
The callback for a D-Bus signal handler on this level is any callable of signature void(sdbus::Signal& signal)
. The one and only parameter signal
is the incoming signal message. We need to deserialize arguments from it, and then we can do our business logic with it.
Subsequently, we invoke two RPC calls to object's concatenate()
method. We create a method call message by invoking proxy's createMethodCall()
. We serialize method input arguments into it, and make a synchronous call via proxy's callMethod()
. As a return value we get the reply message as soon as it arrives. We deserialize return values from that message, and further use it in our program. The second concatenate()
RPC call is done with invalid arguments, so we get a D-Bus error reply from the service, which as we can see is manifested via sdbus::Error
exception being thrown.
Please note that we can create and destroy D-Bus object proxies dynamically, at any time during runtime, even when they share a common D-Bus connection and there is an active event loop upon the connection. So managing D-Bus object proxies' lifecycle (creating and destroying D-Bus object proxies) is completely thread-safe.
The design of D-Bus connections in sdbus-c++ allows for certain flexibility and enables users to choose simplicity over scalability or scalability (at a finer granularity of user's choice) at the cost of slightly decreased simplicity.
How shall we use connections in relation to D-Bus objects and object proxies?
A D-Bus connection is represented by a IConnection
instance. Each connection needs an event loop being run upon it. So it needs a thread handling the event loop. This thread serves all incoming and outgoing messages and all communication towards D-Bus daemon.
One process can have multiple D-Bus connections, with assigned unique bus names or without, as long as those with assigned bus names do not share a common bus name.
A D-Bus connection can be created for and used exclusively by one D-Bus object (represented by one IObject
instance) or one D-Bus proxy (represented by one IProxy
instance), but can very well be used by and shared across multiple objects, multiple proxies or even both multiple objects and proxies at the same time. When shared, one must bear in mind that the access to the connection is mutually exclusive and is serialized. This means, for example, that if an object's callback is going to be invoked for an incoming remote method call and in another thread we use a proxy to call remote method in another process, the threads are contending and only one can go on while the other must wait and can only proceed after the first one has finished, because both are using a shared resource -- the connection.
The former case (1:1) is one extreme; it's usually simple, has zero resource contention, but hurts scalability (for example, 50 proxies in our program need 50 D-Bus connections and 50 event loop threads upon them). The latter case (1:N) is the other extreme -- all D-Bus objects and proxies share one single connection. This is the most scalable solution (since, for example, 5 or 200 objects/proxies use always one single connection), but may increase contention and hurt concurrency (since only one of all those objects/proxies can work with the connection at a time). And then there are limitless options between the two (for example, we can use one connection for all objects, and another connection for all proxies in our service...). sdbus-c++ gives its users freedom to choose whatever approach is more suitable to them in their application at fine granularity.
How can we use connections from the server and the client perspective?
On the server side, we generally need to create D-Bus objects and publish their APIs. For that we first need a connection with a unique bus name. We need to create the D-Bus connection manually ourselves, request bus name on it, and manually launch its event loop (in a blocking way, through
, or non-blocking async way, throughenterProcessingLoopAsync()
). At any time before or after running the event loop on the connection, we can create and "hook", as well as remove, objects and proxies upon that connection. -
On the client side, for our D-Bus object proxies, we have more options (corresponding to three overloads of the
We don't bother about any connection when creating a proxy. For each proxy instance sdbus-c++ also creates an internal connection instance to be used just by this proxy, and it will be a system bus connection. Additionally, an event loop thread for that connection is created and run internally.
This hurts scalability (see discussion above), but our code is simpler, and since each proxy has its own connection, there is zero contention.
We create a connection explicitly by ourselves and
it to the proxy object factory. The proxy becomes an owner of this connection, and will run the event loop on that connection. This is the same as in the above bullet point, but with a flexibility that we can choose the bus type (system, session bus). -
We are always full owners of the connection. We create the connection, and a proxy only takes and keeps a reference to it. We take care of the event loop upon that connection (and we must ensure the connection exists as long as all its users exist).
One of the major sdbus-c++ design goals is to make the sdbus-c++ API easy to use correctly, and hard to use incorrectly.
The convenience API layer abstracts the concept of underlying D-Bus messages away completely. It abstracts away D-Bus signatures. The interface uses small, focused functions, with a few parameters only, to form a chained function statement that reads like a human language sentence. To achieve that, sdbus-c++ utilizes the power of the C++ type system, which deduces and resolves a lot of things at compile time, and the run-time performance cost compared to the basic layer is close to zero.
Thus, in the end of the day, the code written using the convenience API is:
- more expressive,
- closer to the abstraction level of the problem being solved,
- shorter,
- almost as fast as one written using the basic API layer.
The code written using this layer expresses what it does, rather then how. Let's look at code samples.
#include <sdbus-c++/sdbus-c++.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
// Yeah, global variable is ugly, but this is just an example and we want to access
// the concatenator instance from within the concatenate method handler to be able
// to emit signals.
sdbus::IObject* g_concatenator{};
std::string concatenate(const std::vector<int> numbers, const std::string& separator)
// Return error if there are no numbers in the collection
if (numbers.empty())
throw sdbus::Error("org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator.Error", "No numbers provided");
std::string result;
for (auto number : numbers)
result += (result.empty() ? std::string() : separator) + std::to_string(number);
// Emit 'concatenated' signal
const char* interfaceName = "org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator";
return result;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Create D-Bus connection to the system bus and requests name on it.
const char* serviceName = "org.sdbuscpp.concatenator";
auto connection = sdbus::createSystemBusConnection(serviceName);
// Create concatenator D-Bus object.
const char* objectPath = "/org/sdbuscpp/concatenator";
auto concatenator = sdbus::createObject(*connection, objectPath);
g_concatenator = concatenator.get();
// Register D-Bus methods and signals on the concatenator object, and exports the object.
const char* interfaceName = "org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator";
// Run the loop on the connection.
#include <sdbus-c++/sdbus-c++.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
void onConcatenated(const std::string& concatenatedString)
std::cout << "Received signal with concatenated string " << concatenatedString << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Create proxy object for the concatenator object on the server side
const char* destinationName = "org.sdbuscpp.concatenator";
const char* objectPath = "/org/sdbuscpp/concatenator";
auto concatenatorProxy = sdbus::createProxy(destinationName, objectPath);
// Let's subscribe for the 'concatenated' signals
const char* interfaceName = "org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator";
concatenatorProxy->uponSignal("concatenated").onInterface(interfaceName).call([](const std::string& str){ onConcatenated(str); });
std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3};
std::string separator = ":";
// Invoke concatenate on given interface of the object
std::string concatenatedString;
concatenatorProxy->callMethod("concatenate").onInterface(interfaceName).withArguments(numbers, separator).storeResultsTo(concatenatedString);
assert(concatenatedString == "1:2:3");
// Invoke concatenate again, this time with no numbers and we shall get an error
concatenatorProxy->callMethod("concatenate").onInterface(interfaceName).withArguments(std::vector<int>(), separator);
catch(const sdbus::Error& e)
std::cerr << "Got concatenate error " << e.getName() << " with message " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
// Give sufficient time to receive 'concatenated' signal from the first concatenate invocation
return 0;
When registering methods, calling methods or emitting signals, multiple lines of code have shrunk into simple one-liners. Signatures of provided callbacks are introspected and types of provided arguments are deduced at compile time, so the D-Bus signatures as well as serialization and deserialization of arguments to and from D-Bus messages are generated for us completely by the compiler.
sdbus-c++ users shall prefer the convenience API to the lower level, basic API. When feasible, using generated adaptor and proxy stubs is even better. These stubs provide yet another, higher API level built on top of the convenience API. They are described in the following section.
sdbus-c++ ships with the native stub generator tool called sdbus-c++-xml2cpp
. The tool is very similar to dbusxx-xml2cpp
tool that comes with the dbus-c++ project.
The generator tool takes D-Bus XML IDL description of D-Bus interfaces on its input, and can be instructed to generate one or both of these: an adaptor header file for use on the server side, and a proxy header file for use on the client side. Like this:
sdbus-c++-xml2cpp database-bindings.xml --adaptor=database-server-glue.h --proxy=database-client-glue.h
The adaptor header file contains classes that can be used to implement interfaces described in the IDL (these classes represent object interfaces). The proxy header file contains classes that can be used to make calls to remote objects (these classes represent remote object interfaces).
As an example, let's look at an XML description of our Concatenator's interfaces.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<node name="/org/sdbuscpp/concatenator">
<interface name="org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator">
<method name="concatenate">
<arg type="ai" name="numbers" direction="in" />
<arg type="s" name="separator" direction="in" />
<arg type="s" name="concatenatedString" direction="out" />
<signal name="concatenated">
<arg type="s" name="concatenatedString" />
After running this through the stubs generator, we get the stub code that is described in the following two subsections.
For each interface in the XML IDL file the generator creates one class that represents it. The class is de facto an interface which shall be implemented by inheriting from it. The class' constructor takes care of registering all methods, signals and properties. For each D-Bus method there is a pure virtual member function. These pure virtual functions must be implemented in the child class. For each signal, there is a public function member that emits this signal.
* This file was automatically generated by sdbus-c++-xml2cpp; DO NOT EDIT!
#ifndef __sdbuscpp__concatenator_server_glue_h__adaptor__H__
#define __sdbuscpp__concatenator_server_glue_h__adaptor__H__
#include <sdbus-c++/sdbus-c++.h>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
namespace org {
namespace sdbuscpp {
class Concatenator_adaptor
static constexpr const char* interfaceName = "org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator";
Concatenator_adaptor(sdbus::IObject& object)
: object_(object)
object_.registerMethod("concatenate").onInterface(interfaceName).implementedAs([this](const std::vector<int32_t>& numbers, const std::string& separator){ return this->concatenate(numbers, separator); });
void concatenated(const std::string& concatenatedString)
virtual std::string concatenate(const std::vector<int32_t>& numbers, const std::string& separator) = 0;
sdbus::IObject& object_;
}} // namespaces
Analogously to the adaptor classes described above, there is one class generated for one interface in the XML IDL file. The class is de facto a proxy to the concrete single interface of a remote object. For each D-Bus signal there is a pure virtual member function whose body must be provided in a child class. For each method, there is a public function member that calls the method remotely.
* This file was automatically generated by sdbus-c++-xml2cpp; DO NOT EDIT!
#ifndef __sdbuscpp__concatenator_client_glue_h__proxy__H__
#define __sdbuscpp__concatenator_client_glue_h__proxy__H__
#include <sdbus-c++/sdbus-c++.h>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
namespace org {
namespace sdbuscpp {
class Concatenator_proxy
static constexpr const char* interfaceName = "org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator";
Concatenator_proxy(sdbus::IProxy& proxy)
: proxy_(proxy)
proxy_.uponSignal("concatenated").onInterface(interfaceName).call([this](const std::string& concatenatedString){ this->onConcatenated(concatenatedString); });
virtual void onConcatenated(const std::string& concatenatedString) = 0;
std::string concatenate(const std::vector<int32_t>& numbers, const std::string& separator)
std::string result;
proxy_.callMethod("concatenate").onInterface(interfaceName).withArguments(numbers, separator).storeResultsTo(result);
return result;
sdbus::IProxy& proxy_;
}} // namespaces
To implement a D-Bus object that implements all its D-Bus interfaces, we now need to create a class representing the D-Bus object. This class must inherit from all corresponding *_adaptor
classes (a-ka object interfaces, because these classes are as-if interfaces) and implement all pure virtual member functions.
How do we do that technically? Simply, our object class just needs to inherit from AdaptorInterfaces
variadic template class. We fill its template arguments with a list of all generated interface classes. The AdaptorInterfaces
is a convenience class that hides a few boiler-plate details. For example, in its constructor, it creates an Object
instance, and it takes care of proper initialization of all adaptor superclasses.
In our object class we need to:
- Give an implementation to the D-Bus object's methods by overriding corresponding virtual functions,
- call
in the constructor, which makes the adaptor (the D-Bus object underneath it) available for remote calls, - call
, which, conversely, unregisters the adaptor from the bus.
Calling registerAdaptor()
and unregisterAdaptor()
was not necessary in previous sdbus-c++ versions, as it was handled by the parent class. This was convenient, but suffered from a potential pure virtual function call issue. Only the class that implements virtual functions can do the registration, hence this slight inconvenience on user's shoulders.
#include <sdbus-c++/sdbus-c++.h>
#include "concatenator-server-glue.h"
class Concatenator : public sdbus::AdaptorInterfaces<org::sdbuscpp::Concatenator_adaptor /*, more adaptor classes if there are more interfaces*/>
Concatenator(sdbus::IConnection& connection, std::string objectPath)
: sdbus::AdaptorInterfaces(connection, std::move(objectPath))
std::string concatenate(const std::vector<int32_t>& numbers, const std::string& separator) override
// Return error if there are no numbers in the collection
if (numbers.empty())
throw sdbus::Error("org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator.Error", "No numbers provided");
// Concatenate the numbers
std::string result;
for (auto number : numbers)
result += (result.empty() ? std::string() : separator) + std::to_string(number);
// Emit the 'concatenated' signal with the resulting string
// Return the resulting string
return result;
That's it. We now have an implementation of a D-Bus object implementing org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator
interface. Let's now create a service publishing the object.
#include "Concatenator.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Create D-Bus connection to the system bus and requests name on it.
const char* serviceName = "org.sdbuscpp.concatenator";
auto connection = sdbus::createSystemBusConnection(serviceName);
// Create concatenator D-Bus object.
const char* objectPath = "/org/sdbuscpp/concatenator";
Concatenator concatenator(*connection, objectPath);
// Run the loop on the connection.
Now we have a service with a unique bus name and a D-Bus object available on it. Let's write a client.
To implement a proxy for a remote D-Bus object, we shall create a class representing the proxy object. This class must inherit from all corresponding *_proxy
classes (a-ka remote object interfaces, because these classes are as-if interfaces) and -- if applicable -- implement all pure virtual member functions.
How do we do that technically? Simply, our proxy class just needs to inherit from ProxyInterfaces
variadic template class. We fill its template arguments with a list of all generated interface classes. The ProxyInterfaces
is a convenience class that hides a few boiler-plate details. For example, in its constructor, it can create a Proxy
instance for us, and it takes care of proper initialization of all generated interface superclasses.
In our proxy class we need to:
- Give an implementation to signal handlers and asynchronous method reply handlers (if any) by overriding corresponding virtual functions,
- call
in the constructor, which makes the proxy (the D-Bus proxy object underneath it) ready to receive signals and async call replies, - call
, which, conversely, unregisters the proxy from the bus.
Calling registerProxy()
and unregisterProxy()
was not necessary in previous versions of sdbus-c++, as it was handled by the parent class. This was convenient, but suffered from a potential pure virtual function call issue. Only the class that implements virtual functions can do the registration, hence this slight inconvenience on user's shoulders.
#include <sdbus-c++/sdbus-c++.h>
#include "concatenator-client-glue.h"
class ConcatenatorProxy : public sdbus::ProxyInterfaces<org::sdbuscpp::Concatenator_proxy /*, more proxy classes if there are more interfaces*/>
ConcatenatorProxy(std::string destination, std::string objectPath)
: sdbus::ProxyInterfaces(std::move(destination), std::move(objectPath))
void onConcatenated(const std::string& concatenatedString) override
std::cout << "Received signal with concatenated string " << concatenatedString << std::endl;
In the above example, a proxy is created that creates and maintains its own system bus connection. However, there are ProxyInterfaces
class template constructor overloads that also take the connection from the user as the first parameter, and pass that connection over to the underlying proxy. The connection instance is used by all interfaces listed in the ProxyInterfaces
template parameter list.
Note however that there are multiple ProxyInterfaces
constructor overloads, and they differ in how the proxy behaves towards the D-Bus connection. These overloads precisely map the sdbus::createProxy
overloads, as they are actually implemented on top of them. See Proxy and D-Bus connection for more info. We can even create a IProxy
instance on our own, and inject it into our proxy class -- there is a constructor overload for it in ProxyInterfaces
. This can help if we need to provide mocked implementations in our unit tests.
Now let's use this proxy to make remote calls and listen to signals in a real application.
#include "ConcatenatorProxy.h"
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Create proxy object for the concatenator object on the server side
const char* destinationName = "org.sdbuscpp.concatenator";
const char* objectPath = "/org/sdbuscpp/concatenator";
ConcatenatorProxy concatenatorProxy(destinationName, objectPath);
std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3};
std::string separator = ":";
// Invoke concatenate with some numbers
auto concatenatedString = concatenatorProxy.concatenate(numbers, separator);
assert(concatenatedString == "1:2:3");
// Invoke concatenate again, this time with no numbers and we shall get an error
auto concatenatedString = concatenatorProxy.concatenate(std::vector<int>(), separator);
catch(const sdbus::Error& e)
std::cerr << "Got concatenate error " << e.getName() << " with message " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
// Give sufficient time to receive 'concatenated' signal from the first concatenate invocation
return 0;
So far in our tutorial, we have only considered simple server methods that are executed in a synchronous way. Sometimes the method call may take longer, however, and we don't want to block (potentially starve) other clients (whose requests may take relative short time). The solution is to execute the D-Bus methods asynchronously, and return the control quickly back to the D-Bus dispatching thread. sdbus-c++ provides API supporting async methods, and gives users the freedom to come up with their own concrete implementation mechanics (one worker thread? thread pool? ...).
This is how the concatenate method would look like if wrote it as an asynchronous D-Bus method using the basic, lower-level API of sdbus-c++:
void concatenate(sdbus::MethodCall call)
// Deserialize the collection of numbers from the message
std::vector<int> numbers;
call >> numbers;
// Deserialize separator from the message
std::string separator;
call >> separator;
// Launch a thread for async execution...
std::thread([numbers = std::move(numbers), separator = std::move(separator), call = std::move(call)]()
// Return error if there are no numbers in the collection
if (numbers.empty())
// Let's send the error reply message back to the client
auto reply = call.createErrorReply({"org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator.Error", "No numbers provided"});
std::string result;
for (auto number : numbers)
result += (result.empty() ? std::string() : separator) + std::to_string(number);
// Let's send the reply message back to the client
auto reply = call.createReply();
reply << result;
// Emit 'concatenated' signal (creating and emitting signals is thread-safe)
const char* interfaceName = "org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator";
auto signal = g_concatenator->createSignal(interfaceName, "concatenated");
signal << result;
There are a few slight differences compared to the synchronous version. Notice that we std::move
the call
message to the worker thread (btw we might also do input arguments deserialization in the worker thread, we don't have to do it in the current thread and then move input arguments to the worker thread...). We need the call
message there to create the reply message once we have the (normal or error) result. Creating and sending replies, as well as creating and emitting signals is thread-safe by design. Also notice that, unlike in sync methods, sending back errors cannot be done by throwing Error
, since we are now in the context of the worker thread, not that of the D-Bus dispatcher thread. Instead, we pass the Error
object to the createErrorReply()
method of the call message (this way of sending back errors, in addition to throwing, we can actually use also in classic synchronous D-Bus methods).
Method callback signature is the same in sync and async version. That means sdbus-c++ doesn't care how we execute our D-Bus method. We might very well in run-time decide whether we execute it synchronously, or whether (perhaps in case of longer, more complex calculations) we move the execution to a worker thread.
Callbacks of async methods based on convenience sdbus-c++ API have slightly different signature. They take a result object parameter in addition to other input parameters. The requirements are:
- The result holder is of type
, whereTypes...
is a list of method output argument types. - The result object must be the first physical parameter of the callback taken by r-value ref.
class template is move-only. - The callback itself is physically a void-returning function.
- Method input arguments are taken by value rathern than by const ref, because we usually want to
them to the worker thread. Moving is usually a lot cheaper than copying, and it's idiomatic. For non-movable types, this falls back to copying.
So the concatenate callback signature would change from std::string concatenate(const std::vector<int32_t>& numbers, const std::string& separator)
to void concatenate(sdbus::Result<std::string>&& result, std::vector<int32_t> numbers, std::string separator)
void concatenate(sdbus::Result<std::string>&& result, std::vector<int32_t> numbers, std::string separator) override
// Launch a thread for async execution...
std::thread([this, methodResult = std::move(result), numbers = std::move(numbers), separator = std::move(separator)]()
// Return error if there are no numbers in the collection
if (numbers.empty())
// Let's send the error reply message back to the client
methodResult.returnError({"org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator.Error", "No numbers provided"});
std::string result;
for (auto number : numbers)
result += (result.empty() ? std::string() : separator) + std::to_string(number);
// Let's send the reply message back to the client
// Emit the 'concatenated' signal with the resulting string
The Result
is a convenience class that represents a future method result, and it is where we write the results (returnReply()
) or an error (returnError()
) which we want to send back to the client.
Registraion (implementedAs()
) doesn't change. Nothing else needs to change.
sdbus-c++ stub generator can generate stub code for server-side async methods. We just need to annotate the method with the annotate
element having the "org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.Async" name. The element value must be either "server" (async method on server-side only) or "clientserver" (async method on both client- and server-side):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<node name="/org/sdbuscpp/concatenator">
<interface name="org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator">
<method name="concatenate">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.Async" value="server" />
<arg type="ai" name="numbers" direction="in" />
<arg type="s" name="separator" direction="in" />
<arg type="s" name="concatenatedString" direction="out" />
<signal name="concatenated">
<arg type="s" name="concatenatedString" />
For a real example of a server-side asynchronous D-Bus method, please look at sdbus-c++ stress tests.
sdbus-c++ also supports asynchronous approach at the client (the proxy) side. With this approach, we can issue a D-Bus method call without blocking current thread's execution while waiting for the reply. We go on doing other things, and when the reply comes, a given callback is invoked within the context of the D-Bus dispatcher thread.
Considering the Concatenator example based on lower-level API, if we wanted to call concatenate
in an async way, we'd have to pass a callback to the proxy when issuing the call, and that callback gets invoked when the reply arrives:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* ... */
auto callback = [](MethodReply& reply, const sdbus::Error* error)
if (error == nullptr) // No error
std::string result;
reply >> result;
std::cout << "Got concatenate result: " << result << std::endl;
else // We got a D-Bus error...
std::cerr << "Got concatenate error " << error->getName() << " with message " << error->getMessage() << std::endl;
// Invoke concatenate on given interface of the object
auto method = concatenatorProxy->createMethodCall(interfaceName, "concatenate");
method << numbers << separator;
concatenatorProxy->callMethod(method, callback);
// When the reply comes, we shall get "Got concatenate result 1:2:3" on the standard output
// Invoke concatenate again, this time with no numbers and we shall get an error
auto method = concatenatorProxy->createMethodCall(interfaceName, "concatenate");
method << std::vector<int>() << separator;
concatenatorProxy->callMethod(method, callback);
// When the reply comes, we shall get concatenation error message on the standard error output
/* ... */
return 0;
The callback is a void-returning function taking two arguments: a reference to the reply message, and a pointer to the prospective sdbus::Error
instance. Zero Error
pointer means that no D-Bus error occurred while making the call, and the reply message contains valid reply. Non-zero Error
pointer, however, points to the valid Error
instance, meaning that an error occurred. Error name and message can then be read out by the client from that instance.
On the convenience API level, the call statement starts with callMethodAsync()
, and ends with uponReplyInvoke()
that takes a callback handler. The callback is a void-returning function that takes at least one argument: pointer to the sdbus::Error
instance. All subsequent arguments shall exactly reflect the D-Bus method output arguments. A concatenator example:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* ... */
auto callback = [](const sdbus::Error* error, const std::string& concatenatedString)
if (error == nullptr) // No error
std::cout << "Got concatenate result: " << concatenatedString << std::endl;
else // We got a D-Bus error...
std::cerr << "Got concatenate error " << error->getName() << " with message " << error->getMessage() << std::endl;
// Invoke concatenate on given interface of the object
concatenatorProxy->callMethodAsync("concatenate").onInterface(interfaceName).withArguments(numbers, separator).uponReplyInvoke(callback);
// When the reply comes, we shall get "Got concatenate result 1:2:3" on the standard output
// Invoke concatenate again, this time with no numbers and we shall get an error
concatenatorProxy->callMethodAsync("concatenate").onInterface(interfaceName).withArguments(std::vector<int>{}, separator).uponReplyInvoke(callback);
// When the reply comes, we shall get concatenation error message on the standard error output
/* ... */
return 0;
When the Error
pointer is zero, it means that no D-Bus error occurred while making the call, and subsequent arguments are valid D-Bus method return values. Non-zero Error
pointer, however, points to the valid Error
instance, meaning that an error occurred during the call (and subsequent arguments are simply default-constructed). Error name and message can then be read out by the client from Error
sdbus-c++ stub generator can generate stub code for client-side async methods. We just need to annotate the method with the annotate
element having the "org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.Async" name. The element value must be either "client" (async on the client-side only) or "clientserver" (async method on both client- and server-side):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<node name="/org/sdbuscpp/concatenator">
<interface name="org.sdbuscpp.Concatenator">
<method name="concatenate">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.Async" value="client" />
<arg type="ai" name="numbers" direction="in" />
<arg type="s" name="separator" direction="in" />
<arg type="s" name="concatenatedString" direction="out" />
<signal name="concatenated">
<arg type="s" name="concatenatedString" />
For each client-side async method, a corresponding on<MethodName>Reply
pure virtual function, where is capitalized D-Bus method name, is generated in the generated proxy class. This function is the callback invoked when the D-Bus method reply arrives, and must be provided a body by overriding it in the implementation class.
So in the specific example above, the stub generator will generate a Concatenator_proxy
class similar to one shown in a dedicated section above, with the difference that it will also generate an additional virtual void onConcatenateReply(const sdbus::Error* error, const std::string& concatenatedString);
method, which we shall override in derived ConcatenatorProxy
For a real example of a client-side asynchronous D-Bus method, please look at sdbus-c++ stress tests.
Defining and working with D-Bus properties using XML description is quite easy.
A property element has no arg child element. It just has the attributes name, type and access, which are all mandatory. The access attribute allows the values ‘readwrite’, ‘read’, and ‘write’.
An example of a read-write property status
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<node name="/org/sdbuscpp/propertyprovider">
<interface name="org.sdbuscpp.PropertyProvider">
<property name="status" type="u" access="readwrite"/>
This is how generated adaptor and proxy classes would look like with the read-write status
property. The adaptor:
class PropertyProvider_adaptor
PropertyProvider_adaptor(sdbus::IObject& object)
: object_(object)
object_.registerProperty("status").onInterface(INTERFACE_NAME).withGetter([this](){ return this->status(); }).withSetter([this](const uint32_t& value){ this->status(value); });
// property getter
virtual uint32_t status() = 0;
// property setter
virtual void status(const uint32_t& value) = 0;
The proxy:
class PropertyProvider_proxy
// getting the property value
uint32_t status()
return object_.getProperty("status").onInterface(INTERFACE_NAME);
// setting the property value
void status(const uint32_t& value)
When implementing the adaptor, we simply need to provide the body for status
getter and setter method by overriding them. Then in the proxy, we just call them.
There is no conclusion. Happy journeys by D-Bus with sdbus-c++!