Segmentation Models
package is widely used in the image segmentation competitions.
Here you can find competitions, names of the winners and links to their solutions.
Please, follow these rules, when adding a solution to the "Hall of Fame":
- Solution should be high rated (e.g. for Kaggle gold or silver medal)
- There should be a description of the solution (post at the forum / code / blog post / paper / pre-print)
1st place. Wuxi Jiangsu, Hongbo Zhu, Yizhuo Yu
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5th place. Guanshuo Xu
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9th place. Jacek Poplawski
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10th place. Alexey Rozhkov
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12th place. Pavel Yakubovskiy, Ilya Dobrynin, Denis Kolpakov
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31st place. Insaf Ashrapov, Igor Krashenyi, Pavel Pleskov, Anton Zakharenkov, Nikolai Popov
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55th place. Karl Hornlund
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Efficiency round 1st place. Stefan Stefanov
2nd place. Andrey Kiryasov
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4th place. Ching-Loong Seow
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34th place. Karl Hornlund
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55th place. Pavel Yakubovskiy